Friday, December 7, 2018

The importance of biotin, collagen and iron

The importance of biotin, collagen and iron

Among the good supplements for health we find three that are key: biotin, collagen and iron. What are they for:

Biotin: This is a vital vita-mine that we must contribute to our body to metabolize fats, carbohydrates and amino acids. In turn, biotin, also known as Vitamin B8, B7 or Vitamin H, is responsible for transforming glucose into energy, maintaining healthy tissue cells such as skin, hair or nails, as well as the creation of hemoglobin .

Although it is difficult to have a lack of biotin, in the cases that occur, it can cause health problems that affect the skin, hair or nervous system. These problems of lack of biotin can occur in vomiting, muscle aches, lack of muscle mass or sores on the tongue.

Biotin is well known due to the properties it has to improve our hair. This vitamin provides a greater shine and strength to hair, so in recent years have come all kinds of hair treatments with biotin.

Biotin Supplements


Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, representing between 20% and 30% of the total proteins of an adult. Among the benefits is decreasing pain, inflammation, edema and stiffness of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, juvenile arthritis and gout.

It intervenes in the repair of cartilaginous tissue, strengthens bones, joints and nails, improves the firmness of the skin and helps to heal wounds, strengthens hair, favors the recovery of the body after exercise and helps to lose weight.


Iron (Fe) is an essential element for the human organism within the group of minerals. Without the necessary iron, our body becomes slow because one of its most important functions is to oxidize glucose to convert it into energy.

Iron intervenes in the proper functioning of the breath. It combines with proteins to form hemoglobin (red pigment in the blood) and thus be able to transport oxygen to tissues. The liver, spleen and bones accumulate most of the rest. It also serves to activate the group of vitamins B, stimulates immunity and physical resistance.