Monday, December 17, 2018

Biotin for multiple sclerosis: a new clinical trial and hopes that this year will be authorized in Europe.

Biotin for multiple sclerosis: a new clinical trial and hopes that this year will be authorized in Europe.

Previous trials have found that biotin for progressive multiple sclerosis may slow, even modestly reverse the progress of disability. The drug is already approved in France and can reach the entire European market by the end of this year.

MD1003 is a drug developed by the French company MedDay that contains biotin in very high doses, as much as 10,000 times more than the recommended daily intake dose.

Biotin is an essential vitamin for carrying out many biochemical processes that lead to the production of fatty acids and the use of energy by the cell. The two properties above are those that are supposed to be based on the benefits of biotin for multiple sclerosis.

On the one hand, it helps repair myelin-the substance that is lost in people with MS- and on the other hand it contributes to the survival of neurons by increasing energy production.

You may also be interested in reading: Neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis.
Biotin as a treatment for multiple sclerosis. Against neurodegeneration, not inflammation.

MedDay's biotin formulation has something special: it is geared toward the treatment of progressive forms of MS, something that is rare until the recent release of Ocrevus into the US market for the treatment of progressive primary multiple sclerosis.

And it is that MD1003 has no effect on inflammation, that is, it will not help prevent new outbreaks, but rather it seeks to reverse and slow down the progress of neurodegeneration , one of the primary causes of disability in people with MS.

Superior Labs – Best Natural Biotin NonGMO Supplement – For Luscious Longer Hair and Lashes – Stronger...
Superior Labs – Best Natural Biotin NonGMO Supplement – For Luscious Longer Hair and Lashes – Stronger...

What has been found so far?

Biotin for multiple sclerosis

In 2016 the Multiple Sclerosis magazine published the results of a clinical trial that evaluated the efficacy of the 100 mg dose of biotin administered 3 times a day in 154 patients, some of them received MD1003 and others a placebo compound.

The analysis of results showed that 12.6% of those treated with biotin experienced improvements in two tests that measure disability in people with MS. This did not happen in any of those who received the placebo.

Although 12.6% may seem like a low figure, we must bear in mind that the simple fact of not experiencing deterioration, or doing it at a slower pace, is already good news. Improve qualifies as excellent.

In the rest of those who took biotin, although the results were not as marked, benefits were also reported.

According to the CEO of MedDay, Dr. Frédéric Sedel, to the magazine Multiple Sclerosis News Today, the effect of biotin is not seen immediately , but it becomes evident as the months go by, 9 to where they have suggested clinical trials

You may also be interested in reading: Lassitude: extreme fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Manifestations, causes and treatments.
The new clinical trial with biotin for multiple sclerosis.

This new trial responds to a requirement of the US FDA. It will be developed in 70 locations in cities in the US and Europe. We are recruiting at this time interested in participating ; They intend to reach the figure of 600 people with progressive multiple sclerosis.

There is an important criterion when choosing the participants: they should not have experienced any outbreak in the last 2 years , that is, have not active Em.

It is a logical criterion, since MedDay seeks to evaluate the effect of biotin on disability mediated by neurodegeneration. People with active MS could possibly deteriorate more acutely, preventing the true extent of the drug from being seen.

The trial will last 15 months, but in Europe we may not have to wait so long to see authorized MD1003.

Biotin for MS in Europe.

As we already mentioned, in France the drug has been authorized in a special way and about 5000 people with progressive MS have been treated .

The pharmaceutical company is already in talks with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to obtain the authorization of the drug throughout the European territory and await the verdict by the end of this year.

It must be borne in mind that the over-the-counter biotin that is marketed contains quantities much lower than those of MD1003, which will be subject to medical prescription.

You may also be interested in reading: Primary progressive multiple sclerosis: symptoms, differentiation and treatment.

Use of biotin in patients with hair loss.

Use of biotin in patients with hair loss.

The user's original question was "What scientific evidence is there for the use of biotin (vitamin H) in hair loss?"

The search in the usual databases has not identified clinical studies in which the role of isolated use of biotin (also called vitamin H, vitamin B7 and vitamin B8) in the treatment of hair loss in healthy adults is evaluated.

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Hair Growth Vitamins Supplement - All Natural Support for Longer & Stronger Hair - Fight Hair Loss with...


Three randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of small sample size and short follow-up period have been located, among other methodological limitations, which, although they show satisfactory results associated with the use of oral supplements whose components include biotin, do not allow conclusions to be drawn regarding to the clinical effectiveness of this specific substance .

In a clinical practice guide (1) on the management of androgenetic alopecia (AAG) in men and women, published in 2011, it is only commented that certain vitamins, especially biotin and niacin, are attributed to hair growth promoting properties. and a positive influence on hair nutrition. At this point the guideline refers to a small RCT (2) that reported a significant improvement, compared to placebo treatment, of capillary loss in included males (with mild to moderate SAA) after 18-24 weeks of treatment with an oral supplement (twice a day) containing biotin and niacin, and also β-sitosterol and saw palmetto (improvement of 60%, in 6 of 10 patients, in the active treatment group, compared with improvement of 11%, in 1 of 9 patients, in the placebo treatment group).

In the summary of evidence of Uptodate on the AAG in women (3) it is indicated that the effectiveness of treatments such as mesotherapy, estrogens, and supplements, such as iron, biotin, ginseng, saw palmetto, tea green and caffeine, is not clear and refers to the aforementioned guide (1) .

In a systematic Cochrane review of interventions for female pattern baldness (4) , updated in its English version in 2016, two RCTs (5.6) were included in which the effectiveness of two nutritional supplements in which one of the compounds was biotin. However, the data from these studies were not used for the subsequent analysis of the results nor were conclusions drawn as to the effectiveness of these dietary supplements.

In the two RCTs (5,6) we proceeded in a similar way: a sample of subjects (55 subjects and 60 subjects, respectively) with hair loss of different etiologies were randomized to receive active treatment with the respective supplement or placebo during a first blinded phase of the study, which lasted 6 months. Then, during a second open phase, participants who had been taking the supplement in the blind phase continued with this treatment for a further 6 months, and participants who had been in the placebo group during the blinded phase went on to take the supplement during 12 more months All participants received, therefore, active treatment for 12 months. The objective evaluations at the capillary level that were carried out at the end of the blind phase of the study showed, in both studies, a significant positive effect of active treatment on hair growth. Subsequently, after the open phase of the study, the intake of the active preparation for 6 months, reported a further subjective improvement in hair growth. Exposure of patients previously treated with placebo to the active preparation for 12 months yielded similar results. The tolerability was good and no side effects were reported. In both cases it is concluded that the evaluated dietary preparations can provide an alternative to pharmacotherapy for the treatment of hair loss problems in people with AAG.

Finally, comment that there is also a lack of research in this respect in two relatively recient narrative reviews: in a 2014 narrative review of the treatments with supplements for the AAG (7) biotin is included and it is highlighted that to date there have been clinical trials that evaluate the efficacy of biotin in AAG, or in any other type of alopecia; and in another 2013 narrative review (8) we found that it has not been sufficiently demonstrated that additional biotin supplementation in patients with normal blood levels can improve hair loss, although there may be an effect on the structure of hair and nails.

Side effects of biotin for dogs

Side effects of biotin for dogs

Biotin is a B vitamin, although it is also known as vitamin H. According to, there are several studies that show that this vitamin is a great complement for dogs. Just like any substance to administer to your pet, it is important to be educated about the use and potential side effects before starting the treatment.

The use of biotin

Biotin is often used (along with fatty acids) to treat a dog that has problems with allergies. states that it is also an important part of the growth, digestion and muscle building in dogs. Some signs of a deficiency of this vitamin in your pet can be skin lesions, dry fur, anemia and lethargy.

Regenotin with Biotin 5000mcg, ch-OSA Boosting Collagen and Keratin by YEOUTH. Proven to Reduce Wrinkles...
Regenotin with Biotin 5000mcg, ch-OSA Boosting Collagen and Keratin by YEOUTH. Proven to Reduce Wrinkles...

The sources of biotin

Biotin is often used alone, as a supplementary powder. It can also be found in supplements, such as brewer's yeast. However, there are also natural sources of vitamin H. Some of these include liver, seed oils and yeast.

Side effects and both report that biotin is safe. There are no side effects reported by the use of this supplement. It is important to remember that while this vitamin appears to be benign, each dog is unique. Monitor your pet to make sure there are no abrupt changes in behavior or health that are related to the initial use of biotin.

Water soluble

Biotin is soluble in water, reports This means that it does not accumulate and store in the fatty tissue. It is eliminated from the body during urination. Therefore, not only is it safe from side effects, it is almost impossible to over-administer this vitamin for your dog. You do not need to worry about a toxic buildup of this supplement. It is still not necessary to use larger than the suggested doses, as this will not make it more effective. In addition, biotin is expensive. Therefore, follow the instructions for use and administration of product information or your veterinarian.

Is it wrong to take biotin supplements for hair loss and nails?

Is it wrong to take biotin supplements for hair loss and nails?

Biotin , also known as vitamin H or B7 , according to the nomenclature, is a vitamin stable heat-stable, soluble in alcohol and water and highly oxidizable that participates decisively in the metabolism of sugars, fats, amino acids and vitamins. purines. Hence, it is considered vital, and more if we take into account that we can not synthesize it.

If it is found in low plasma levels, it can cause dermatitis and alopecia , as well as brittle nails among other problems. However, it seems difficult to have a deficit of biotin, unlike other vitamins, because it is very present in many foods and also the amounts required are low: over 200 micrograms in children and over 300 micrograms in adults.

Hair, Skin & Nails Supplement - 5000mcg Biotin, Silica, Vitamin C, E, B, Natural Essential Vitamins, and...
Hair, Skin & Nails Supplement - 5000mcg Biotin, Silica, Vitamin C, E, B, Natural Essential Vitamins, and...

Egg yolk, nuts, fish, organ meats , etc., contain abundant biotin. On the other hand, some studies suggest that a significant amount of our biotin requirements come from the microbiota or intestinal flora , where various bacteria synthesize it to be absorbed by our intestine. From this it can be deduced that the biotin deficit could only occur in case we had a significant alteration of the microbiota, perhaps derived from an irritable bowel syndrome or some other autoimmune disorder, and that our diet was very deficient.

Do biotin supplements work?

For these cases biotin supplements are prescribed, which in fact in the common people can strengthen the production of keratin and hair. It is normal that while these supplements are taken the hair grows faster and even in places where until now it was weak, and so do the nails. However, according to the prestigious American magazine Consumer Reports , a reference in the sector, it has not been proven to date that biotin supplements are effective in preventing or reversing alopecia .

That is to say that although they reinforce the hair, they can not stop its fall, due to the death of the follicle, not to its vigor in the production of hair protein. In this way, Jordi should clarify, with the data that you have in hand, that his "pelazo" is probably due to his genetics more than to the supplements and that is not ruled out that the stress of hair loss gives feedback to the alopecia, surely the drug had in its day a positive placebo effect by eliminating tension.

Do they have side effects?

On the other hand, Consumer Reports also warns that these supplements provide 5,000 micrograms per dose, which is 15 times the dose needed for metabolism , which creates an excess of plasma biotin with unknown consequences. At the moment it has only been possible to certify that the excess of biotin can mask serious problems in certain blood tests, according to the aforementioned publication, which recommends informing the doctor about the intake of this supplement before undergoing an analysis.

For its part, the Ministry of Health, through the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products, says in the technical file of Medebiotin Fuerte that our body is perfectly capable of eliminating half the dose in unaltered form of the compound and the other half in by-products, without having described any type of intoxication due to excess intake. It also does not report adverse effects.

A health website points to problems of overfeeding the fetus or the baby in the case of pregnant or lactating women, but the technical data sheet discards them completely, inferring that it is a perfectly metabolizable substance. There is also no reference to studies that indicate that in the long term it may cause infertility problems in women .

So we could tell Jordi that he should not worry about the effects of the Biotin supplement, although in case of a blood test, he should warn the doctor or doctor who orders it or directly stop taking it during the previous days. Overall, it seems that it does not do anything, neither for good nor for bad. And applying common sense, advise him to stop taking it, at least facing his pocket, because as Consumer Reports says, we do not need biotin supplements .

Benefits and side effects of biotin

Benefits and side effects of biotin

Biotin, also known as vitamin H, is a water-soluble member of the vitamin B group. Biotin is beneficial for the human body in breaking down food to create energy. Most individuals receive the recommended amount of biotin (between 30 to 100 mcg) in their daily diet from foods such as eggs, bananas, nuts, oatmeal, liver and salmon. Biotin can be taken orally as a dietary supplement and is included in most multivitamins.

stk-hair,skin & nails gummies with Biotin (80)
stk-hair,skin & nails gummies with Biotin (80)


Biotin is an important coenzyme in the human body's metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Biotin supplements are recommended in some weight loss programs because of their ability to break down fat and produce energy.

Hair and Nails

The role of biotin in the synthesis of fat has many benefits for hair and nails. Biotin supplements are commonly used to strengthen weak, thin and fragile nails and to promote hair growth. Biotin is also beneficial for people who experience premature hair loss.

The lack of biotin can cause skin problems, including the baby milk crust. White or yellow spots with scabs from the dried skin of the milk crust can be relieved with biotin supplements.

Side effects

According to the Mayo Clinic, "No side effects have been reported by biotin in amounts of up to 10 milligrams a day." Any excess of biotin in the system is usually excreted in the urine because it is a water soluble vitamin.

Drugs and Other Interactions

Any prescription or over-the-counter drug taking person should consult with their healthcare provider to discuss the dose of biotin and precautions to detect possible interactions of dangerous drugs with biotin. Currently, there is no interaction with other known biotin medications, but some antibiotics and medications for seizures can cause a deficiency of biotin in the body.

Does biotin cause acne? Guide to use it without risks

Does biotin cause acne? Guide to use it without risks

They recommended it to you as a solution that is the cane! to improve the health of the skin and hair, but you have doubts. biotin-cause-acne Does biotin cause acne? Maybe you have heard some comments about this and the question sure round your heads.

Then Consume or not biotin? Buy or not a supplement that contains it? It would be good to solve this mystery to be able to use it with tranquility, especially considering that many people trust their properties.

Knowing what the benefits are and if it has some side effects, it would be reasonable.

But do not worry more about the matter because here we will solve all your questions.
What is biotin?

Mason Natural Mega Biotin Liquid Soft Gels, 10,000 Mcg, 50 Count
Mason Natural Mega Biotin Liquid Soft Gels, 10,000 Mcg, 50 Count

First of all, you have to know what it is! A biotin or biotin, is also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H. Actually, comes from the vitamin complex called B complex and is involved in many biochemical processes of the body, for example:

  •     It favors the reproduction of cells and fatty acids.
  •     It helps convert food into energy, improving the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and amino acids.
  •     It is thought to regulate blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for those who suffer from diabetes.
  •     Its consumption is recommended in controlled doses during pregnancy, because there is usually a deficiency of this vitamin in future mothers.

The point is that the lack of biotin in the body can bring problems that you do not want to see. Among them you can count hair loss (alopecia), skin sensitivity and frequent rashes and itching, as well as fragile nails that will break very easily. It is also associated with problems of mild depression, apathy, tingling in the arms and legs and even hallucinations.

The good thing is that this vitamin is present in many healthy foods that we consume daily. Legumes are rich in vitamin B7, as are chicken, eggs and seafood. That makes it easy to obtain. The problem is when your deficiency appears and manifests as we said before.

It is there when supplements are necessary, to improve the health of the hair, nails and skin and to help the body to properly absorb nutrients from meals. Thus greater evils are avoided.

Does biotin really cause acne?

Let's go to the heart of the matter. There is no medical evidence that blames vitamin B7 directly for causing the frightful pimples. So, no matter how much they tell you that biotin is the one that produces them, that has not been proven.

What can happen is that we are not all equal and chemically each one lives different processes. Some may take biotin and develop the dreaded acne. Others, on the other hand, could take it and walk calmly through life, with a clean face.
Why does biotin cause acne in some people?

Some people say that taking biotin , instead of causing pimples, pimples or pimples, rather removes them from their faces. That is, it produces benefits for the skin. Quite a phenomenon, right?

But what is happening? Why some yes and no others? Maybe it's because of the following:

It can be a shock between vitamin B5 and vitamin B7, inside our body. To explain you better, vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid fulfills the action contrary to biotin. The B5 is responsible for regulating the fat in the superficial layers of the skin.

Meanwhile, vitamin B7 rather distributes the necessary fat and keratin in the skin, hair and nails (among other functions, of course). She is the one who gives us that beautiful shine both in the complexion and in our hair.

Although they are antagonistic, both substances are absorbed in the same area and receptors of the body, in the intestines. If there is an excess of one, that will hinder the absorption of the other and that is where the problem arises.

Altered levels in the body always cause problems. Biotin deficiency does not cause acne, but high doses of it will prevent vitamin B5 from doing its job (because it will be deficient). For that reason you will see the pimples.

How to prevent acne when biotin is used?

To obtain biotin at normal levels, it is best to do so by consuming foods that contain it.


Enjoying a balanced diet, with all the necessary nutrients, is better than anything. So include fish, seafood, eggs and green leafy vegetables in your meals.

However, there are people who do need to consume vitamin B7 supplements, either by medical indication or because they want to give a nutritious dose to the hair and nails.

If the latter is your case, you do not have to be scared by the likelihood of acne. It is not necessary to ask for guidance from a specialist because you could do the following:

    Avoid pure Biotin supplements and try to consume multivitamins that also cover the requirements of vitamin B5 so that both substances do not compete. The correct dose of Biotin should be below 2,500 mg. A small amount to avoid problems.
    Ingest foods that include vitamins A, E and C and proteins, since their deficiency is also associated with the appearance of acne.
    Maintain a good hygiene of the skin. Oily skin should be washed once or twice a day to be healthy.
    Contrary to the first recommendation, you could look for pure biotin to avoid consuming other vitamins that could stimulate acne outbreaks. For example, the vitamins of complex B, B6 and B12 that contain iodine. This chemical can produce pimples or make worse those you already had.

Multivitamin Supplements or Pure Biotin: Which is better?

The truth is that both have their advantages and disadvantages. As we mentioned before, multivitamins can contain a large group of vitamins and minerals that will nourish the body better. Additionally, by including biotin and also vitamin B5, the balance between dryness and fat is maintained, for a healthier organism and cleaner skin.

But there is a small problem, vitamins B6 and B12 and iodine present in these supplements. All are associated with acne outbreaks. Even iodine, being present in cow foods, passes into milk and when taken, people prone to pimples develop them more easily.

On the other hand, the advantage of trying pure biotin supplements is that if you break out you can suspend them to see if the acne goes down. In any case, if you get pimples, even taking the right doses, you will know that vitamin B7 supplements are not for you. This way you can cut the problem at the root.
Other people are also reading: The 6 Best biotin supplements .
Can you maintain healthy skin and hair without Biotin?

If you have already tried the supplements and you have not gone well, you can not stay without biotin. Remember that it is essential in the body and also give you hair, nails and skin healthier and stronger. There is a way to solve it without going through the bad time of the cobbled face: through the meals.

You need to consume proteins, vitamins and essential fatty acids and include vitamin B7. Where to obtain them?

They are easy to get if you eat:

  •     Low fat meats
  •     Chicken
  •     Seafood
  •     Eggs
  •     Vegetables
  •     Soy


A, C and E are important, in addition to B5 and B7. They are present in fruits and vegetables as:

  •     Strawberries
  •     Bananas
  •     Broccoli
  •     Carrot
  •     Oats
  •     Spinach
  •     Kale

Essential fatty acids:

It is necessary to look for all those foods that contain Linoleic Acid and Linolenic Acid. These also help to better absorb other important fats such as Omega 3 and Omega 6. You can find them in:

  •     Fish
  •     Seafood
  •     Nuts
  •     Linseed

Is there any food or substance that prevents the absorption of biotin or that produces adverse effects with it?

With the exception of what we have already explained about vitamin B5, there is no certainty of other medications that prevent the body from obtaining the benefits of consuming biotin.

Of course, if you want to have your contributions for beautiful hair, strong nails and soft and healthy skins, avoid eating raw egg whites. These involve the vitamin inside the intestines and prevent the body from absorbing it.

Of course, after all this information, we do not forget to recommend you talk with your trusted doctor and ask if you can take any supplement with Biotin.

Faced with a deficiency of this vitamin could be beneficial, but you need to value the risks involved. Not all people are the same and it will depend on each particular case whether or not biotin capsules can be taken.

Biotin / Finasteride in Spanish

Biotin / Finasteride in Spanish

All the information related to the uses, side effects, opinions, questions, interactions and precautions of Biotin / Finasteride is as follows:


Biotin / Finasteride is used in the treatment, control, prevention, and improvement of the following diseases, conditions, and symptoms:

  •     Male pattern hair loss
  •     Biotin deficiency
  •     Hair loss
  •     Weak nails
  •     Seborrheic dermatitis in babies
  •     Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Terry Naturally/Europharma Hair Renew Formula -60 Softgels -2 Pack
Terry Naturally/Europharma Hair Renew Formula -60 Softgels -2 Pack

More information: Uses
Biotin / Finasteride in Spanish Side Effects
The following is a list of possible side effects that may occur in medicines that contain Biotin / Finasteride . This is not an exhaustive list. These side effects are possible, but they do not always occur. Some of the side effects may be rare but serious, check with your doctor if you notice any of the following side effects, especially if they do not go away.

  •     Itching of the skin
  •     Erection problems
  •     The inability to achieve an erection
  •     Allergic reactions
  •     Sterility
  •     Alterations of mood with depressive symptoms
  •     Decreased sexual desire
  •     Eruptions
  •     Skin itch
  •     Swelling of the lips or face

If you notice other side effects not listed above, contact your doctor for medical advice. You can also report side effects to your local food and drug administration authority.
More information: Side effects
Before using this medication, tell your doctor about your current list of medications, over-the-counter products (for example, vitamins, herbal supplements, etc.), allergies, pre-existing diseases, and current conditions (for example , pregnancy, next surgery, etc.). Some health disorders can make you more susceptible to the side effects of the drug. Take it as directed by your doctor or follow the address printed on the product label. The dose will depend on your condition. Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens. The important points are listed below.

  •     Consult a doctor if you have enlarged breasts and tenderness
  •     Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery until you know how this medicine affects you
  •     Pregnant women should not handle crushed tablets
  •     Do not donate blood for 1 month after stopping the medication
  •     It can reduce the number of sperm in men
  •     Undergo prostate-specific antigen testing
  •     Climbing slowly after sitting or lying down to avoid dizziness
  •     Be careful in women, children and adolescents
  •     Use a condom during sex
  •     abnormal liver function

More information: Precautions and How to use
If you take other medicines or over the counter products at the same time, the effects of Biotin / Finasteride may change. This can increase the risk of side effects or cause the medication to not work properly. Tell your doctor about all the drugs, vitamins and herbal supplements you are using, so that the doctor can help you prevent or manage drug interactions. Biotin / Finasteride can interact with the following drugs and products:

  •     Acetaminophen
  •     Ascorbic acid
  •     Aspirin
  •     Atorvastatin
  •     Carbamazepine
  •     Cholecalciferol
  •     Clopidogrel
  •     Clozapine
  •     Duloxetine
  •     Esomeprazole

More information: Interactions
Hypersensitivity to Biotin / Finasteride is a contraindication. In addition, Biotin / Finasteride should not be taken if you have the following conditions:

  •     The pregnancy
  •     hypersensitivity

More information: Contraindications
Biotin / Finasteride in Spanish - Frequently asked questions

  1.     Can Biotin / Finasteride be used for male pattern hair loss and biotin deficiency?
  2.     Yes, male pattern hair loss and biotin deficiency are among the most common uses reported for Biotin / Finasteride. Please, do not use Biotin / Finasteride for male pattern hair loss and biotin deficiency without first checking with your doctor Click here and see the results of the survey to read what other patients report as common uses for Biotin / Finasteride.
  3.     Is it safe to operate or operate heavy machinery when using this product?
  4.     If you experience drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension or a headache as side-effects when using Biotin / Finasteride medicine then it may not be safe to drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery. You should not drive a vehicle if the drug consumption causes drowsiness, dizziness or lowers blood pressure widely. Pharmacists also recommend that patients not drink alcohol with medications because alcohol can increase the side effects of drowsiness. Please check these effects on your body when using Biotin / Finasteride. Always check with your doctor to get specific recommendations about your body's conditions and your health.
  5.     Is this medication or addictive product or habit-forming
  6.     Most medications do not come with a potential for addiction or abuse. In general, the government categorizes drugs that can be addictive as controlled substances. Examples include Annex H or X in India and calendar II-V in the US. Please refer to the product package to make sure that the medication does not belong to this type of special categorizations of the drugs. Finally, do not self-medicate and do not increase your body's dependence on medications without the advice of a doctor.
  7.     Can I stop using this product immediately or do I have to discard the use slowly?
  8.     Some medications must be decreased or can not be stopped immediately due to rebound effects. Please consult your doctor for specific recommendations to your body, health and other medications you may be using.

Other important information on the Biotin / Finasteride in Spanish
Missing a dose
In case you miss a dose, take it as soon as you notice. If you are near the time of your next dose, do not take the missed dose and go back to your dosing schedule. Do not take additional dose to replace the forgotten dose. If you are losing doses regularly, it is recommended to set an alarm or ask a family member to remind you. Please consult your doctor to discuss changes in the dosing schedule or a new schedule to compensate for the missed dose, if you have missed many doses recently.
Overdosage of Biotin / Finasteride

  •     Do not take more than the prescribed dose. Taking more of the medication will not improve your symptoms, but may cause poisoning or serious side effects. If you suspect that you or anyone else has taken an overdose of Biotin / Finasteride , please go to the hospital emergency room or the nearest nursing home. Bring a medicine box, container or label with you to help the doctors with the necessary information.
  •     Do not give your medications to other people, even if they know they have the same disease or they seem to have similar diseases. This can lead to an overdose
  •     Please consult your doctor, your pharmacist, or the product packaging for more information

Storage of Biotin / Finasteride

  •     Store medications at room temperature, away from heat and direct light. Do not freeze medications unless required by the medication label. Keep medications away from children and pets.
  •     Do not flush medications down the toilet or pour into the drain unless instructed to do so. medication discarded in this way can contaminate the environment. Please consult your pharmacist or doctor for more details on how to safely dispose of Biotin / Finasteride .

Expired Biotin / Finasteride

    Taking a single dose of Biotin / Finasteride is unlikely to produce an adverse event. However, please talk to your appropriate primary care provider or pharmacist or if you are ill or ill. An expired drug can become ineffective in the treatment of your prescribed illnesses. To be safe, it is important not to take expired medications. If you have a chronic disease that requires taking medicine constantly such as heart disease, seizures and deadly allergies, it is much safer to stay in touch with your primary care provider so you can have a new supply of unexpired medications.

Beware: Biotin Supplements Could Alter Your Thyroid Function Test

Beware: Biotin Supplements Could Alter Your Thyroid Function Test

Biotin (vitamin B7) - an essential water-soluble micronutrient - is a member of the B-complex vitamins.1 Other names that are sometimes used for biotin are vitamin H, coenzyme R and d-biotin.2

Biotin represents a role in the production of energy and, since the body does not synthesize biotin, it is necessary to obtain it from food. It is commonly used to remedy neurological problems, hair loss (alopecia) and skin problems (such as acne and eczema) related to the lack of certain enzymes.

The level of adequate consumption established is 5 micrograms (mcg) per day for children and 30 mcg for adults, 3 and since this amount is easily obtained from food, it is believed that the deficiency is not very common.

For example, 50 grams (gr) of butter (about 3.5 tablespoons) or 50 grams of sunflower seeds contain 47 mcg and 33 mcg of biotin respectively. Even so, some people take high-dose biotin supplements to improve their hair, skin or nails, and it is important to keep in mind that this can distort the results of thyroid hormone tests.

MAX ABSORPTION Biotin Liquid Drops, 5000mcg of Biotin Per Serving, 60 serving, No Artificial Preservatives,...
MAX ABSORPTION Biotin Liquid Drops, 5000mcg of Biotin Per Serving, 60 serving, No Artificial Preservatives,...

Common Signs and Symptoms of Biotin Lack

While it is rarer than other nutrient deficiencies, the lack or deficiency of biotin can certainly occur. Since biotin is soluble in water, the body does not store it. Therefore, its consumption must be constant.

Pregnant women are also at increased risk of lack or deficiency, which could have adverse effects on developing fetuses.

Hair loss and red and scaly rash (especially on the face) are common signs that you may need more biotin. Other signs and symptoms of biotin deficiency are:

  • Depression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sickness
  • Muscle pain
  • Paresthesia

In the body, biotin plays an important role in:

Biotin May Benefit Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Interestingly, recent research suggests that biotin may be useful in conjunction with treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) .7 Authority Nutrition reported: 8

"In MS, the protective coating of nerve fibers in the brain, spinal cord and eyes is damaged. This protective coating is called myelin and it is believed that biotin is an important factor in producing it. A pilot study9 conducted with 23 people with progressive MS analyzed the use of high doses of biotin.

More than 90% of the participants had some degree of clinical improvement ... [T] he randomized controlled trials were carried out with people with progressive MS.10,11,12 The final results have not been published, but the preliminary results are promising. "

As Multiple Sclerosis News Today explained: 13

"[Biotin] acts in MS by increasing a cell energy production pathway, which protects against the breakdown of the axons of nerve cells. It also activates enzymes that set the pace of myelin repair by getting involved in the production of myelin components. "

In one of these tests, about 13% of patients diagnosed with progressive MS reported improvement after taking high doses of pharmaceutical grade biotin (known as MD1003) for 9 months.

None of the patients who took a placebo reported improvement. After two years, 15.% of the group under treatment showed less disability.

According to Professor Ayman Tourbah: 14

"The full results of the MS-SPI study are especially remarkable. This is the first time that a drug reversed the progress of a disease in a statistically significant proportion of patients.

In addition, if we look at the Disability Status Expanded Scale (EDSS), the information compares very favorably with previous tests that observed the same endpoint. There was almost no progress in patients treated with MD1003 for 24 months and this had never been observed ...

The results ... show that focusing on the metabolism of neurons and oligodendrocytes represents a novel and promising strategy in disease-modifying therapy for progressive MS, particularly in patients with progressive non-active disease. "

In addition to all the benefits, biotin supplements have some disadvantages that you should really take into account. As shown, taking a biotin supplement could destabilize your thyroid function test results by producing erroneous high or low values. As reported by Endocrine News: 15

"For some time, the doctor had successfully treated his patient's hypothyroidism with levothyroxine when, suddenly, his free T4 levels peaked despite his normal level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). English).

The doctor referred the patient to Dr. Cary N. Mariash, professor of clinical medicine at Indiana University in Indianapolis, where additional laboratory tests had inconsistent results: his free T4 and total T3 were elevated, but his total T4, index of T4 and TSH were normal.

Fortunately, Mariash managed to clear up the confusion by asking the patient a simple question: 'Are you taking biotin?' Yes, she answered, she had recently started taking 10 mg a day in hopes of improving her hair and nails.

His analysis returned to normal when he stopped taking biotin. The problem had nothing to do with the patient's thyroid - biotin was interfering with the exams.

Mariash presented this case at the recent International Thyroid Congress, because lately she had found several patients whose abnormal thyroid test results were due to biotin and 'most endocrinologists do not know about this problem' ".

If the Results of the Thyroid Function Analysis do not coincide with the Clinical Observations, consider the Biotin Interference

The repercussions of this type of interference on the result could be serious. As Dr. Carol Greenlee, a Colorado-based endocrinologist, says, people could be treated for hyperthyroidism, Graves' disease, or even cancer, even though they do not really have a problem with the thyroid - they just take high doses of biotin, which unbalances the results of the analysis.

The reason for this discrepancy in the results is related to the fact that most immunoassays depend on the attraction between biotin and streptavidin and, when the blood sample contains enormous doses of biotin, it interferes with this process, and produces erroneously results high or low. According to Endocrine News:

"In the case of competitive immunoassays - generally used for substances of low molecular weight (such as T4, T3 and cortisol) - the interference of biotin causes a false high result. In immunometric analysis (sandwich), it gives a false low result.

Other characteristics of the analysis can also make a difference. For example, a longer incubation time increases the opportunity for interference. The different analyzes for different analytes, even from the same manufacturer, can, therefore, vary in the susceptibility to biotin interference ...

[The co-director of the endocrine laboratory at the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Stefan] Grebe states that the doctor requesting the analysis should have the responsibility to be on top of it:

'When the laboratory results do not make sense in relation to the clinical picture, or as regards the constellation of laboratory results that have been received, one must always think of an interference in the analysis - one of which is biotin - before to think about really exotic reasons why this result could have been obtained, like tumors in the pituitary that release the thyroid-stimulating hormone. '"

The remedy is simple. Since biotin is soluble in water, it leaves the body fairly quickly. Simply avoid taking any biotin supplement at least one or two days before your thyroid function analysis to ensure that your results are accurate. Biotin does not alter the thyroid hormone, it only affects the results, so, in general, it is not contraindicated for thyroid health.

Food Sources of Biotin

In addition, the concern that biotin alters the test results only takes into account high-dose supplements of biotin, not food, and, since biotin is easily found in many foods, these are your best option if think you need a greater amount. That said, biotin supplements are, by themselves, quite safe, even in the huge doses used in MS studies, which used more than 300 mg per day.

There are two types of biotin present in food: free biotin (found in plants) and biotin bound to protein (found in protein-based animal foods).

Your body can use any of these forms, although the free version is absorbed more easily and it is not necessary to convert it to its bioavailable form. Foods high in free biotin are: 16.17

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Peas and lentils
  • Nuts and pecan
  • Carrot, cauliflower and mushrooms
  • Avocados

The biotin bound to the protein is found in:

Organic egg yolk, from free-range hens and fed with pasture
Organ meat, such as liver and kidneys
Dairy products, such as milk, butter and cheese (ideally organic raw milk from cows fed pasture)
Seafood (just make sure they are low in mercury and other contaminants and that they are wild, not farmed)
The egg yolk of free-range hens is one of the best sources of biotin, although many people warn against the egg, because the egg white contains avidin, a glycoprotein that binds to biotin. The idea is that consuming egg whites could cause biotin deficiency.

However, cooking egg white deactivates avidin, so this is not a problem. (Biotin, on the other hand, is not affected by the cooking process).

In addition, if you consume the whole egg (both yolk and white), there is more than enough biotin in the yolk to compensate for binding to avidin, which makes biotin deficiency a very unlikely result of egg consumption.

On the other hand, if you usually consume only egg whites (perhaps by eliminating the yolk for fear of cholesterol or fat), you are putting yourself at risk for biotin deficiency, unless you consume many other foods rich in biotin or take a supplement.

So, to be clear, I recommend consuming the whole egg. Not only will it give you enough biotin, but the yolk also contains fats, cholesterol and valuable proteins, which are necessary for optimal health.

Side effects of biotin 10000

Side effects of biotin 10000

As I said in the previous article, Biotin for what it is and side effects , although biotin is a safe vitamin it is better to stick to the recommended dose, either on the label or following the instructions of your doctor.

During pregnancy and lactation biotin is safe, but if used in the recommended doses.

Diabetics should be careful, because biotin increases the production of glucose and fatty acids. It is necessary to consult with your doctor so that it does not exceed the recommended dose for your case.

People on dialysis may take additional doses, so you should talk with your health care provider.

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Sano Nutrition Hair Dietary Supplement: Natural Veggie Hair Growth Capsules for Long Luscious Healthy...

Side effects of biotin:


Diarrhea could be a side effect of biotin, as well as stomach pain. If you have any of these symptoms, visit your doctor.


Some people may have an allergic reaction due to the intake of biotin supplements . These reactions are not very common, but there are probabilities. The person may feel nausea, swelling of the face or throat, rashes, chest pain. If this happens, you should go to emergencies immediately. But as I said earlier, the side effects of biotin are not frequent. In addition, there are people who are allergic, for example, to lemon and orange sawdust. Completely natural elements.

Cystic acne:

An excess of biotin can cause cystic acne on the chin and jaw. The reason why this type of acne is produced is not known, but it disappears within a few weeks of the suspension of the vitamin.


Again, care should be taken with the high doses of biotin, as it could cause a pregnant woman to have a miscarriage. Although you do not have proof that confirms it, it is always good to consult with your doctor.

WARNING: Biotin is not recommended if you are ingesting anticonvulsants or medications indicated to reduce cholesterol levels. Biotin may reduce the effectiveness of these medications.

Biotin can be an ally to get healthy hair, skin and nails. However, you must take into account the recommendations set out in this article.



Water-soluble biotin is an essential cofactor for enzymes in intermediary metabolism and a key regulator of gene expression. (More information)
Both parenteral nutrition devoid of biotin and prolonged consumption of raw egg white have been associated with symptoms of frank biotin deficiency, including hair loss, dermatitis, and rash, ataxia, seizures, and other neurological dysfunctions.

Biotinidase deficiency is a hereditary disorder that impairs the absorption and recycling of biotin, resulting in a secondary biotin deficiency. (More information)
The recommended adequate intake (AI) of biotin is established at 30 micrograms (μg) / day in adults. The biotin requirements are more likely to increase during pregnancy and lactation period.

Studies in animals have shown that biotin sufficiency is essential for normal fetal development. If the marginal biotin deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of congenital anomalies in humans, it is an area of ​​current concern and research.

Biotin is used in the treatment of a hereditary disorder of thiamine transport, called basal ganglia disease sensitive to biotin, and is currently being tested in trials to limit or reverse functional disabilities in people with multiple sclerosis. (More information)
The definitive evidence that establishes whether biotin supplementation improves the homeostasis of glucose and lipids in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus is currently scarce, but suggestive observations have been published.

Biotin can not be synthesized by mammalian cells and must be obtained from exogenous sources. Biotin is widely found in foods, and good dietary sources including egg yolks, liver, whole grain cereals, and some vegetables.

Long-term anticonvulsant (anti-seizure) therapy may increase the biotin dietary requirement because anticonvulsants may interfere with intestinal absorption and renal reabsorption of biotin and probably also increase the degradation of biotin to inactive metabolites.

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Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that is generally classified as a B-complex vitamin. After its initial discovery in 1927, it took nearly 40 years of research to unequivocally establish biotin as a vitamin (1). Biotin is required by all organisms but can be synthesized by some strains of bacteria, yeast, fungi, algae, and some plant species (2).

Biotin functions as a covalently linked cofactor required for the biological activity of the five biotin-dependent carboxylase enzymes of mammals (see below). Such a non-protein cofactor is known as a "prosthetic group." The covalent attachment of biotin to apocarboxylase (ie, a catalytically inactive carboxylase) is catalyzed by the enzyme, holocarboxylase synthetase (HCS). The term "biotinylation" refers to the covalent addition of biotin to any molecule, including apocarboxylases and histones. HCS catalyzes the posttranslational biotinylation of the epsilon amino group of a lysine residue at the active site of each apocarboxylase, converting the inactive apocarboxylase into a fully active holocarboxylase (Figure 1a). Particularly the lysine residues within the N-terminus of specific histones, which help to package the DNA in the eukaryotic nucleus, can also be biotinylated (3). Biotinidase is the enzyme that catalyzes the release of biotin from biotinylated histones and the peptide products of holocarboxylase degradation (Figure 1b).

Enzyme cofactor
Five mammalian carboxylases that catalyze essential metabolic reactions:

Both acetyl-Coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase 1 (ACC1) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 (ACC2) catalyze the conversion of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA using bicarbonate and ATP; malonyl CoA generated via ACC1 is a limiting substrate for the synthesis of fatty acids in the cytosol, and malonyl CoA generated via ACC2 inhibits CPT1, an enzyme of the outer mitochondrial membrane important in the oxidation of fatty acids (Figure 2). ACC1 is found in all tissues and is particularly active in lipogenic tissues (ie, liver, white adipose tissue, and mammary glands), the heart, and pancreatic islets. ACC2 is especially abundant in the skeletal muscle and heart (4).

Pyruvate carboxylase is a critical enzyme in gluconeogenesis - the formation of glucose from sources other than carbohydrates, such as pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and glucogenic amino acids. Pyruvate carboxylase catalyzes the ATP-dependent incorporation of bicarbonate into pyruvate, producing oxaloacetate; hence, pyruvate carboxylase is anaplerotic for the citric acid cycle (Figure 3). The oxaloacetate can then be converted to phosphoenolpyruvate and eventually to glucose.

Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase catalyses an essential step in the catabolism of leucine, an essential branched-chain amino acid. This enzyme containing biotin catalyses the production of 3-methylglutaconyl-CoA from methylcrotonyl-CoA (Figure 4a).
Propionyl-CoA carboxylase produces D-malonylmalonyl-CoA from propionyl-CoA, a product derived from the β-oxidation of fatty acids with an odd number of carbon atoms (Figure 4a). The conversion of propionyl-CoA to D-malonylmalonyl-CoA is also required in the catabolic pathways of two branched-chain amino acids (isoleucine and valine), methionine, threonine, and cholesterol side chain (Figure 4a and 4b) .

Regulation of chromatin structure and gene expression
In eukaryotic nuclei, DNA is packaged into compact structures to form nucleosomes - fundamental units of chromatin. Each nucleosome is composed of 147 DNA base pairs wrapped around eight histones (histone pairing: H2A, H2B, H3, and H4). Another histone, called H1 linker, is located on the outside surface of each nucleosome and serves as an anchor to fix the DNA around the nucleus of the histone. The compact packaging of the chromatin should be relaxed from time to time to allow biological processes, such as DNA replication and transcription. Chemical modifications of DNA and histones affect the folding of chromatin, increasing or reducing the accessibility of DNA to factors involved in the previously mentioned processes. Together with DNA methylation, a number of chemical modifications within the N-terminal end of the nucleus histones modify their electrical charges and structures, thereby changing the conformation of the chromatin and the transcriptional activity of the genes.

The various modifications of histone tails, including acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, ubiquitination, SUMOylation, ADP-ribosylation, carbonylation, deimination, hydroxylation, and biotinylation, have different regulatory functions. Several biotinylation sites have been identified in the histones H2A, H3, and H4 (5). Among them, the biotinylation of histone H4 in lysine (K) 12 (designated H4K12bio) appears to be enriched in heterochromatin, a tightly condensed chromatin associated with repeat regions in the (peri) centromeres and telomeres, and with known transposable elements as long terminal repeats (3). In addition, biotinylation tags are co-localized with well-known repression marks of genes such as lysine 9 methylated on histone H3 (H3K9me) on transcriptionally competent chromatin (6). For example, H4K12bio can be found in the promoter of the SLC5A6 gene that codes for the transporter of the biotin assimilation mediation in cells, the human sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter (hSMVT). When biotin is abundant, HCS can biotinylate the histone H4 in the promoter of SLC5A6, which stops the synthesis of hSMVT and reduces the assimilation of biotin. Conversely, in the biotin-deficient cells, the biotinylation marks in the LC5A6 promoter are removed in such a way that gene expression can occur, allowing the synthesis of hSMVT and subsequently increasing the assimilation of biotin (7).

Although evident biotin deficiency is quite rare, the human biotin dietary requirement has been demonstrated in three different situations: prolonged intravenous (parenteral) feeding without biotin supplementation, infants fed an elemental formula lacking in biotin, and consumption of clear of raw egg for a prolonged period (from several weeks to several years) (8). Raw egg white contains an antimicrobial protein known as avidin that can bind to biotin and prevent its absorption. Cooking egg white denatures avidin, making it susceptible to digestion and therefore unable to prevent the absorption of biotin dietary (5).

Signs and symptoms of biotin deficiency
Signs of obvious biotin deficiency include hair loss (alopecia) and a reddish scaly rash around the eyes, nose, mouth, and genital area. Neurological symptoms in adults have included depression, lethargy, hallucinations, and numbness and tingling of the limbs, ataxia, and seizures. Characteristic facial eruptions, along with the unusual distribution of facial fat, have been called "biotin-lacking traits" by some researchers (1). Individuals with inherited disorders of biotin metabolism (see Congenital Metabolic Disorders) that result in functional biotin deficiency often have similar physical findings, as well as seizures and evidence of impaired function of the immune system and increased susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections (9, 10).

Risk factors of biotin deficiency
Apart from prolonged consumption of raw egg white or total intravenous nutritional support lacking in biotin, other conditions may increase the risk of biotin depletion. Smoking has been associated with an increase in the catabolism of biotin (11). Rapidly dividing cells of the developing fetus require biotin for the synthesis of essential carboxylases and for the biotinylation of histones; therefore, the biotin requirement is prone to increase during pregnancy. Research suggests that a substantial number of women develop a marginal or subclinical deficiency during normal pregnancy (see also Disease Prevention) (8, 12, 13). In addition, certain types of liver diseases can decrease the activity of biotinidase and theoretically increase the biotin requirement. A study of 62 children with chronic liver disease and 27 healthy controls found that the activity of serum biotinidase was abnormally low in those with a severely impaired function due to cirrhosis (14). However, this study did not provide evidence of biotin deficiency. In addition, anticonvulsant medications, used to prevent seizures in individuals with epilepsy, increased the risk of a biotin depletion (for more information about biotin and anticonvulsants, see Drug / Drug Interaction).

Congenital metabolic disorders
Biotinidase deficiency
There are several ways in which hereditary disorder, biotinidase deficiency, leads to a secondary deficiency of biotin. Intestinal absorption is diminished because a shortage of biotinidase prevents the release of biotin from dietary proteins (15). The recycling of our own biotin bound to the carboxylase and histone is also altered, and the urinary loss of biocytin (N-biotinyl-lysine) and biotin is increased (see Figure 1 above) (5). The biotinidase deficiency uniformly responds to the supplemental biotin. Oral supplementation with up to 5 to 10 milligrams (mg) of biotin daily is sometimes required, although smaller doses are often sufficient (reviewed in 16).

Holocarboxylase synthetase (HCS) deficiency
Some forms of HCS deficiency respond to supplementation with pharmacological doses of biotin. HCS deficiency results in decreased formation of all holocarboxylases at physiological blood concentrations of biotin; thus, high-dose biotin supplementation (10-80 mg biotin daily is required (10).

The prognosis of these two disorders is usually good if biotin therapy is introduced early (childhood or childhood) and continues for life (10).

Deficiency of biotin transport
There has been a case report of a child with biotin transport deficiency who responded to a high-dose biotin supplementation (17). It should be noted that the presence of a defective human sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter (hSMVT) was discarded as the cause of biotin transport deficiency.

Phenylketonuria (FCU)
Abnormally high concentrations of the amino acid, phenylalanine, in the blood of individuals affected with FCU can inhibit the activity of biotinidase. Schulpis et al. he speculated that seborrheic dermatitis associated with low biotinidase activity in these patients would be resolved by compliance with a special diet low in protein but not with biotin supplementation (18).

Markers of biotin status
Four measures of marginal biotin deficiency have been validated as indicators of the status of biotin: (1) reduced urinary excretion of biotin and some of its catabolites; (2) the high urinary excretion of an organic acid, 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid, and its derivative, carnityl-3-hydroxyisovaleric acid, both of which reflect the decreased activity of the biotin-dependent methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase; (3) the reduced activity of propionyl-CoA carboxylase in peripheral blood lymphocytes (5); and (4) reduced levels of holo-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase and holo-propionyl-CoA carboxylase in lymphocytes - the most reliable indicators of biotin status (19). These markers have only been validated in non-pregnant men and women, and may not accurately reflect the status of biotin in pregnant women and lactating women (12).

Adequate Intake (AI)
Sufficient scientific evidence is scarce to estimate the dietary requirement for biotin; therefore, a Recommended Daily Intake (IDR) for biotin has not been established. Instead, the Board of Nutrition and Food (JNA) of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) established recommendations for Adequate Intake (IA, Table 1). The AI ​​for adults (30 micrograms [μg] / day) was extrapolated from the AI ​​for infants exclusively fed with human milk and is expected to overestimate the dietary requirement for biotin in adults. Dietary intakes of generally healthy adults have been estimated to be between 40-60 μg / day of biotin (1). The requirement for biotin in pregnancy can be increased (20).

Disease Prevention
Congenital anomalies
Current research indicates that at least one third of women develop marginal biotin deficiency during pregnancy (8), but it is not known if this could increase the risk of congenital anomalies. Studies based on small observation in pregnant women have reported an abnormally high urinary excretion of 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid both early and late in pregnancy, suggesting a decreased activity of methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase dependent on biotin (21,22). In a randomized, single-blind intervention study in 26 pregnant women, supplementation with 300 μg / day of biotin for two weeks limited the excretion of 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid compared to placebo, confirming that the increased excretion of 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid in effect it reflected marginal biotin deficiency in pregnancy (23). A small cross-sectional study in 22 pregnant women reported an incidence of low activity of lymphocyte propionyl-CoA carboxylase (another marker of biotin deficiency) greater than 80% (13). Although the level of biotin deficiency is not associated with overt signs of deficiency in pregnant women, such observations are sources of concern because subclinical biotin deficiency has been shown to cause cleft palate and hypoplasia of limbs in several animal species (reviewed in 13). In addition, biotin depletion has been found to suppress the expression of biotin-dependent carboxylases, remove biotin tags from histones, and decrease proliferation in cultured human embryonic mesenchymal stem cells (24). The altered activity of carboxylases may result in alterations in lipid metabolism, which has been linked to cleft palate and skeletal abnormalities in animals. In addition, the biotin deficiency leading to the reduction of histone biotinylation at specific loci in the genome could possibly increase genomic instability and result in chromosomal abnormalities and fetal malformations (13).

While pregnant women are advised to consume supplemental folic acid before and during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects (see Folate), it would also be prudent to ensure adequate intake of biotin during pregnancy. The current AI for pregnant women is 30 μg / day of biotin, and no toxicity has been reported at this level of intake (see Safety).

Treatment of Diseases
Biotin-sensitive basal ganglia disease
Biotin-sensitive basal ganglia disease, also called thiamin metabolism dysfunction syndrome-2, is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the thiamin type 2 transporter (THTR-2). Clinical features appear around three to four years of age and include subacute encephalopathy (confusion, drowsiness and altered level of consciousness), ataxia, and seizures. A retrospective study of 18 affected individuals from the same family or the same tribe in Saudi Arabia was recently conducted. The data showed that monotherapy with biotin (5-10 mg / kg / day) efficiently suppressed the clinical manifestations of the disease, although one third of patients suffered from recurrent acute crises. Often associated with poor outcomes, acute seizures were not observed after thiamin supplementation started (300-400 mg / day) and during a five-year follow-up period. An early diagnosis and immediate treatment with biotin and thiamin led to positive results (25). The mechanism for the beneficial effect of biotin supplementation has not yet been elucidated.

Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease characterized by progressive damage to the myelin sheath surrounding the nerve fibers (axons) and neuronal loss in the brain and spinal cord of affected individuals. The progression of neurological disabilities in patients with MS is often assessed by the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) with scores from 1 to 10, starting with minimal signs of motor dysfunction (score of 1) to death by EM (score of 10). ATP deficiency due to mitochondrial dysfunction and increased oxidative stress may be partially responsible for the progressive degeneration of neurons in MS (26). Given its role in the intermediary metabolism and in the synthesis of fatty acids (required for the formation of myelin) (see Function), it has been postulated that biotin could exert beneficial effects that would limit or reverse functional alterations associated with MS (26) .

A non-randomized, uncontrolled pilot study in 23 patients with progressive MS found that high doses of biotin (100-600 mg / day) were associated with sustained clinical improvements in 5 (out of 5) patients with progressive visual loss and in 16 (from 18) patients with partial paralysis of the extremities after a mean follow-up period of three months after the start of treatment (27). In addition, preliminary results from the multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in 154 subjects with progressive MS indicated that 13 of 103 patients who randomly received daily oral biotin (300 mg) for 48 weeks achieved a composite functional endpoint that included a decrease in the scores of the EDSS. In comparison, none of the 51 patients randomly assigned to the placebo group showed significant clinical improvements (28). Two ongoing trials are evaluating the effect of high-dose biotin supplementation in the treatment of MS (see trials NCT02220933 and NCT02220244 at

Mellitus diabetes
It has been shown that biotin deficiency manifests affects glucose utilization in mice (29) and causes fatal hypoglycemia in chickens. The biotin deficiency manifested probably also causes abnormalities in the regulation of glucose in humans (see Function). An early study in humans reported lower concentrations of serum biotin in 43 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus compared to 64 non-diabetic control subjects, as well as an inverse relationship between fasting glucose and blood biotin concentrations (30). In a randomized, placebo-controlled intervention study in 28 patients with type 2 diabetes, daily supplementation with 9 milligrams (mg) of biotin for one month resulted in an average 45% decrease in fasting blood glucose levels (30 ). Nevertheless, another small study in 10 patients with type 2 diabetes and 7 non-diabetic controls found no effect of biotin supplementation (15 mg / day) for 28 days on fasting blood glucose concentrations in both groups ( 31). A more recent double-blind, placebo-controlled study by the same research group showed that the same biotin regimen decreased plasma triglyceride concentrations in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients with hypertriglyceridemia (32). In this study, the administration of biotin did not affect blood glucose concentrations in both groups of patients. Additionally, a few studies have shown that co-supplementation with biotin and chromium picolinate may be a beneficial adjunctive therapy for patients with type 2 diabetes (33-36). However, it has been shown that the administration of chromium picolinate alone improves glycemic control in diabetic subjects (see article in Chromium) (37).

As a cofactor of carboxylases required for the synthesis of fatty acids, biotin can increase the utilization of glucose for fat synthesis. It has been found that biotin stimulates glucokinase, a liver enzyme that increases the synthesis of glycogen, the stored form of glucose. Biotin also appears to trigger insulin secretion in the rat pancreas and improve glucose homeostasis (38). However, the reduced activity of ACC1 and ACC2 would be expected to reduce the synthesis of fatty acids and increase the oxidation of fatty acids, respectively. Not surprisingly, it is currently unclear whether biotin pharmacological doses could benefit the management of hyperglycemia in patients with impaired glucose tolerance. On the other hand, it remains to be proven whether supplemental biotin decreases the risk of cardiovascular complications in diabetic patients by reducing triglycerides and serum LDL cholesterol (32-34).

Brittle nails (onychorhexis)
The discovery that biotin supplements were effective in the treatment of hoof abnormalities in ungulate animals suggested that biotin might also be beneficial in strengthening brittle nails in humans (39-41). Three uncontrolled trials that examined the effects of biotin supplementation (2.5 mg / day for several months) in women with brittle nails have been published (42-44). In two of the trials, subjective evidence of clinical improvement was reported in 67% -91% of the participants available for follow-up at the end of the treatment period (42, 43). One trial that used scanning electron microscopy to evaluate the fragility of the nails reported less cracking of the nails and an increase in the thickness of 25% of the nail plate in patients supplemented with biotin for 6 to 15 months (44). It was also found that biotin supplementation (5 mg / day) was effective in controlling unruly hair and nail cracking in two young children with inheritable hereditary hair syndrome (45). Although preliminary evidence suggests that biotin supplementation may help strengthen fragile nails, larger placebo-controlled trials are needed to evaluate the efficacy of high-dose biotin supplementation for the treatment of brittle nails.

Hair loss (alopecia)
It was found that the administration of biotin reverses alopecia in children treated with the anticonvulsant, valproic acid (see Interaction with drugs / drugs). However, although hair loss is a symptom of severe biotin deficiency (see Deficiency), there are no published scientific studies supporting the claim that high-dose biotin supplements are effective in preventing or treating loss. of hair in men and women (46).

Food sources
Biotin is found in many foods, either as the free form that is directly taken by the enterocytes or as biotin bound to the dietary proteins. The yolk, liver, and yeast are rich sources of biotin. Estimates of the average daily biotin intakes from small studies ranged from 40 to 60 micrograms (μg) per day in adults (1). However, US national nutritional questionnaires have not yet been able to estimate the intake of biotin due to the scarcity and unreliability of the data with respect to the biotin content of the food. Food composition tables for biotin are incomplete so that daily intake can not be estimated reliably in humans. A study by Staggs et al. (47) used a high resolution liquid chromatography method instead of bioassays (48) and reported a relatively different biotin content for some of the selected foods. Table 2 lists some food sources of biotin, along with their content in μg.

Bacterial synthesis
Most bacteria that normally colonize the small intestine and the large intestine (colon) synthesize biotin (49). It remains unknown if biotin is released and absorbed by humans in significant quantities. Assimilation of free biotin in intestinal cells through the human sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter (hSMVT) has been identified in cultured cells derived from the lining of the small intestine and colon (50), suggesting that humans may be able to absorb biotin produced by enteric bacteria - a phenomenon documented in porcine.

It is not known that biotin is toxic. In people without biotin metabolism disorders, doses of up to 5 mg / day for two years were not associated with adverse effects (52). Oral supplementation with biotin has been well tolerated in doses of up to 200 mg / day (almost 7,000 times the AI) in people with hereditary disorders of biotin metabolism (1). It was also found that daily supplementation with a highly concentrated formulation of biotin (100-600 mg) was well tolerated in individuals with progressive multiple sclerosis (27, 28). However, there is a case report of eosinophilic pleuropericardial effusion that endangers life in an elderly woman who took a combination of 10 mg / day of biotin and 300 mg / day of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) for two months (53). Because reports of adverse events were scarce when the Dietary Reference Intakes (RDI) for biotin were established in 1998, the Institute of Medicine did not establish a maximum tolerable intake level (ML) for biotin (1).

Interaction with nutrients
Large doses of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) have the potential to compete with biotin for intestinal and cellular uptake by the human sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter (hSMVT) (54, 55). Biotin also shares hSMVT with α-lipoic acid (56). It has been found that pharmacological (very high) doses of α-lipoic acid decrease the activity of biotin-dependent carboxylases in rats, but such an effect has not been demonstrated in humans (57).

Interaction with drugs
Individuals on long-term anticonvulsant (anti-seizure) therapy have reportedly reduced blood levels of biotin as well as increased urinary excretion of organic acids (eg 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid) indicating a decrease in the carboxylase activity (see Markers of biotin status) (5). The potential mechanisms of biotin depletion by anticonvulsants, primidone (Mysoline), phenytoin (Dilantin), and carbamazepine (Carbatrol, Tegretol), include inhibition of intestinal absorption and renal reabsorption of biotin, as well as catabolism increased biotin (51). The use of anticonvulsant valproic acid in children has resulted in hair loss reversed by biotin supplementation (58-61). Long-term treatment with antibacterial sulfonamide drugs (sulfa) or other antibiotics may decrease the bacterial synthesis of biotin. However, given that the extent to which bacterial synthesis contributes to the intake of biotin in humans is not known, the effects of antimicrobial drugs on the status of nutritional biotin remain uncertain (51).

Recommendation of the Linus Pauling Institute
Little is known about the amount of biotin dietary required to promote optimal health or prevent chronic diseases. The Linus Pauling Institute supports the recommendation made by the Institute of Medicine, which is 30 micrograms (μg) of biotin per day for adults. A varied diet should provide enough biotin for most people. However, following the recommendation of the Linus Pauling Institute to take a multivitamin-mineral supplement daily will generally provide an intake of at least 30 μg / day of biotin.

Older adults (> 50 years old)
Currently, there is no indication that older adults have an increased biotin requirement. If biotin dietary intake is not enough, a multivitamin-mineral supplement daily will generally provide an intake of at least 30 μg of biotin per day.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Can I take prenatal vitamins and biotin?

Lumberman Premier Beard & Hair Growth Vitamin Formula - Stronger Healthier Hair. Hair Growth Supplement...

Can I take prenatal vitamins and biotin?

Having a healthy diet and good nutrition is a major concern for many pregnant women. A maternal diet that is rich in vitamins and nutrients will help in the prevention of congenital defects and will provide the developing young with the resources they need to grow. In addition, vitamins such as biotin can protect the mother from some of the adverse side effects of pregnancy, including hair loss. Always consult your health care provider before taking any new supplement or medication, or combine more than one of these.

Lumberman Premier Beard & Hair Growth Vitamin Formula - Stronger Healthier Hair. Hair Growth Supplement...
Lumberman Premier Beard & Hair Growth Vitamin Formula - Stronger Healthier Hair. Hair Growth Supplement...

About prenatal vitamins
Prenatal vitamins are often prescribed by doctors for a pregnant woman to meet the nutritional demands of their developing child. Vitamins and minerals such as iron, folic acid and B vitamins are important for fetal growth and maternal health and may not be available in a sufficient number of dietary sources. Prenatal vitamins are available with and without a prescription. Keep in mind that not all prenatal vitamins are the same, some contain a higher dose of one vitamin and a lower dose of another. Ask your doctor to help you choose a supplement that meets your unique needs.

About biotin
Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is available in some dietary sources and participates in the functioning of various enzymes in the body. Symptoms of biotin deficiency include hair loss and a red, scaly rash on the face. Other symptoms include tiredness, hallucinations, depression and tingling sensation in your extremities.

Biotin and pregnancy
The change in hair growth and distribution is a common symptom of pregnancy. Most women notice a head more completely covered with hair during pregnancy since circulating hormones prevent normal hair loss. Three months after the birth of your child, all the hair accumulated during pregnancy will fall all at once, or for several weeks. Although it is alarming, hair loss is normal and your hair will return to its pre-pregnancy state within six to twelve months. The American Pregnancy Association suggests that using shampoos containing biotin or taking biotin supplements orally can reduce hair loss after your pregnancy.

While the use of biotin is considered safe during pregnancy and is available without a prescription, you should consult your doctor before taking any new supplements. Your prenatal vitamin can already contain biotin and the vitamin should not be taken in excess. The best source of vitamin B7 and other nutrients is a healthy diet. Biotin is found in cauliflower, yeast, egg yolk, liver, avocado, raspberries, salmon, pork, wholemeal bread and cheddar cheese.