Monday, December 17, 2018

Does biotin cause acne? Guide to use it without risks

Does biotin cause acne? Guide to use it without risks

They recommended it to you as a solution that is the cane! to improve the health of the skin and hair, but you have doubts. biotin-cause-acne Does biotin cause acne? Maybe you have heard some comments about this and the question sure round your heads.

Then Consume or not biotin? Buy or not a supplement that contains it? It would be good to solve this mystery to be able to use it with tranquility, especially considering that many people trust their properties.

Knowing what the benefits are and if it has some side effects, it would be reasonable.

But do not worry more about the matter because here we will solve all your questions.
What is biotin?

Mason Natural Mega Biotin Liquid Soft Gels, 10,000 Mcg, 50 Count
Mason Natural Mega Biotin Liquid Soft Gels, 10,000 Mcg, 50 Count

First of all, you have to know what it is! A biotin or biotin, is also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H. Actually, comes from the vitamin complex called B complex and is involved in many biochemical processes of the body, for example:

  •     It favors the reproduction of cells and fatty acids.
  •     It helps convert food into energy, improving the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and amino acids.
  •     It is thought to regulate blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for those who suffer from diabetes.
  •     Its consumption is recommended in controlled doses during pregnancy, because there is usually a deficiency of this vitamin in future mothers.

The point is that the lack of biotin in the body can bring problems that you do not want to see. Among them you can count hair loss (alopecia), skin sensitivity and frequent rashes and itching, as well as fragile nails that will break very easily. It is also associated with problems of mild depression, apathy, tingling in the arms and legs and even hallucinations.

The good thing is that this vitamin is present in many healthy foods that we consume daily. Legumes are rich in vitamin B7, as are chicken, eggs and seafood. That makes it easy to obtain. The problem is when your deficiency appears and manifests as we said before.

It is there when supplements are necessary, to improve the health of the hair, nails and skin and to help the body to properly absorb nutrients from meals. Thus greater evils are avoided.

Does biotin really cause acne?

Let's go to the heart of the matter. There is no medical evidence that blames vitamin B7 directly for causing the frightful pimples. So, no matter how much they tell you that biotin is the one that produces them, that has not been proven.

What can happen is that we are not all equal and chemically each one lives different processes. Some may take biotin and develop the dreaded acne. Others, on the other hand, could take it and walk calmly through life, with a clean face.
Why does biotin cause acne in some people?

Some people say that taking biotin , instead of causing pimples, pimples or pimples, rather removes them from their faces. That is, it produces benefits for the skin. Quite a phenomenon, right?

But what is happening? Why some yes and no others? Maybe it's because of the following:

It can be a shock between vitamin B5 and vitamin B7, inside our body. To explain you better, vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid fulfills the action contrary to biotin. The B5 is responsible for regulating the fat in the superficial layers of the skin.

Meanwhile, vitamin B7 rather distributes the necessary fat and keratin in the skin, hair and nails (among other functions, of course). She is the one who gives us that beautiful shine both in the complexion and in our hair.

Although they are antagonistic, both substances are absorbed in the same area and receptors of the body, in the intestines. If there is an excess of one, that will hinder the absorption of the other and that is where the problem arises.

Altered levels in the body always cause problems. Biotin deficiency does not cause acne, but high doses of it will prevent vitamin B5 from doing its job (because it will be deficient). For that reason you will see the pimples.

How to prevent acne when biotin is used?

To obtain biotin at normal levels, it is best to do so by consuming foods that contain it.


Enjoying a balanced diet, with all the necessary nutrients, is better than anything. So include fish, seafood, eggs and green leafy vegetables in your meals.

However, there are people who do need to consume vitamin B7 supplements, either by medical indication or because they want to give a nutritious dose to the hair and nails.

If the latter is your case, you do not have to be scared by the likelihood of acne. It is not necessary to ask for guidance from a specialist because you could do the following:

    Avoid pure Biotin supplements and try to consume multivitamins that also cover the requirements of vitamin B5 so that both substances do not compete. The correct dose of Biotin should be below 2,500 mg. A small amount to avoid problems.
    Ingest foods that include vitamins A, E and C and proteins, since their deficiency is also associated with the appearance of acne.
    Maintain a good hygiene of the skin. Oily skin should be washed once or twice a day to be healthy.
    Contrary to the first recommendation, you could look for pure biotin to avoid consuming other vitamins that could stimulate acne outbreaks. For example, the vitamins of complex B, B6 and B12 that contain iodine. This chemical can produce pimples or make worse those you already had.

Multivitamin Supplements or Pure Biotin: Which is better?

The truth is that both have their advantages and disadvantages. As we mentioned before, multivitamins can contain a large group of vitamins and minerals that will nourish the body better. Additionally, by including biotin and also vitamin B5, the balance between dryness and fat is maintained, for a healthier organism and cleaner skin.

But there is a small problem, vitamins B6 and B12 and iodine present in these supplements. All are associated with acne outbreaks. Even iodine, being present in cow foods, passes into milk and when taken, people prone to pimples develop them more easily.

On the other hand, the advantage of trying pure biotin supplements is that if you break out you can suspend them to see if the acne goes down. In any case, if you get pimples, even taking the right doses, you will know that vitamin B7 supplements are not for you. This way you can cut the problem at the root.
Other people are also reading: The 6 Best biotin supplements .
Can you maintain healthy skin and hair without Biotin?

If you have already tried the supplements and you have not gone well, you can not stay without biotin. Remember that it is essential in the body and also give you hair, nails and skin healthier and stronger. There is a way to solve it without going through the bad time of the cobbled face: through the meals.

You need to consume proteins, vitamins and essential fatty acids and include vitamin B7. Where to obtain them?

They are easy to get if you eat:

  •     Low fat meats
  •     Chicken
  •     Seafood
  •     Eggs
  •     Vegetables
  •     Soy


A, C and E are important, in addition to B5 and B7. They are present in fruits and vegetables as:

  •     Strawberries
  •     Bananas
  •     Broccoli
  •     Carrot
  •     Oats
  •     Spinach
  •     Kale

Essential fatty acids:

It is necessary to look for all those foods that contain Linoleic Acid and Linolenic Acid. These also help to better absorb other important fats such as Omega 3 and Omega 6. You can find them in:

  •     Fish
  •     Seafood
  •     Nuts
  •     Linseed

Is there any food or substance that prevents the absorption of biotin or that produces adverse effects with it?

With the exception of what we have already explained about vitamin B5, there is no certainty of other medications that prevent the body from obtaining the benefits of consuming biotin.

Of course, if you want to have your contributions for beautiful hair, strong nails and soft and healthy skins, avoid eating raw egg whites. These involve the vitamin inside the intestines and prevent the body from absorbing it.

Of course, after all this information, we do not forget to recommend you talk with your trusted doctor and ask if you can take any supplement with Biotin.

Faced with a deficiency of this vitamin could be beneficial, but you need to value the risks involved. Not all people are the same and it will depend on each particular case whether or not biotin capsules can be taken.