Monday, December 17, 2018

Side effects of biotin 10000

Side effects of biotin 10000

As I said in the previous article, Biotin for what it is and side effects , although biotin is a safe vitamin it is better to stick to the recommended dose, either on the label or following the instructions of your doctor.

During pregnancy and lactation biotin is safe, but if used in the recommended doses.

Diabetics should be careful, because biotin increases the production of glucose and fatty acids. It is necessary to consult with your doctor so that it does not exceed the recommended dose for your case.

People on dialysis may take additional doses, so you should talk with your health care provider.

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Side effects of biotin:


Diarrhea could be a side effect of biotin, as well as stomach pain. If you have any of these symptoms, visit your doctor.


Some people may have an allergic reaction due to the intake of biotin supplements . These reactions are not very common, but there are probabilities. The person may feel nausea, swelling of the face or throat, rashes, chest pain. If this happens, you should go to emergencies immediately. But as I said earlier, the side effects of biotin are not frequent. In addition, there are people who are allergic, for example, to lemon and orange sawdust. Completely natural elements.

Cystic acne:

An excess of biotin can cause cystic acne on the chin and jaw. The reason why this type of acne is produced is not known, but it disappears within a few weeks of the suspension of the vitamin.


Again, care should be taken with the high doses of biotin, as it could cause a pregnant woman to have a miscarriage. Although you do not have proof that confirms it, it is always good to consult with your doctor.

WARNING: Biotin is not recommended if you are ingesting anticonvulsants or medications indicated to reduce cholesterol levels. Biotin may reduce the effectiveness of these medications.

Biotin can be an ally to get healthy hair, skin and nails. However, you must take into account the recommendations set out in this article.