Wednesday, December 19, 2018

What are the side effects of biotin?

What are the side effects of biotin?

What is biotin?

Biotin is also known as vitamin B-7. Like other essential nutrients, it is produced by the bacteria that occurs naturally in the intestine.

Biotin forms fatty acids and glucose. It also helps metabolize carbohydrates and amino acids, and helps break down fat in your body. These functions make biotin an important part of creating the energy your body needs.

Pure Encapsulations - Biotin 8 mg - Hypoallergenic B Vitamin Supplement - 60 Capsules
Pure Encapsulations - Biotin 8 mg - Hypoallergenic B Vitamin Supplement - 60 Capsules

Biotin is found naturally in the body. It is also found in many foods, including milk. carrots, salmon and walnuts.It can also be taken as a supplement if necessary.The recommended daily amount is 30 micrograms.However, it is not recommended to take biotin supplements, unless directed by your doctor.
Positive Side Effects Positives Side Effects> Biotin provides an important source for energy creation, as well as to maintain the function of your body as a whole. Like all vitamins, your body needs biotin to stay healthy. There are several systems that biotin helps keep you healthy. Some of these include your liver, nervous system, hair, eyes and more.

Biotin may be effective in the treatment of certain medical conditions. Some of these conditions include:

  •     hypoglycemia
  •     hyperlipidemia
  •     glucose control in obese patients with diabetes (when combined with chromium picolinate)
  •     Some people believe that taking biotin supplements will improve their hair and nails. However, there is currently little medical evidence that this is true. More research is needed on this possible benefit of biotin.

Negative side effects Negative side effects
Although it is available as a supplement, biotin is something that you should only take if your doctor recommends it. Most people get enough biotin through their regular diet.

Talk to your doctor about other medications you are taking, as well as any medical conditions you have before taking biotin. Vitamins and supplements can have a negative effect on some medications and medical conditions.

Currently, there are no known adverse side effects of biotin when taken as prescribed by a doctor or by normal dietary intake.

There are some cases in which certain eating habits or other habits have caused a biotin deficiency. Studies have found that women who smoke can increase the metabolism of biotin in their bodies and cause a deficiency.

Another case showed that eating raw eggs, especially white eggs, can also create a biotin deficiency. In this case, the deficiency caused a condition called weakness of the limbs sensitive to biotin. This condition mimics quadriplegia.

Regular consumption of raw egg whites was used in another research study that showed that this also caused a biotin deficiency.

Common symptoms of a biotin deficiency include:

hair loss or thinning

  •     high cholesterol
  •     skin rash
  •     Heart problems
  •     Taking too much biotin What happens if you take too much biotin?

Too much biotin is more than the recommended dose. This recommended amount includes what you naturally get from food.

There are cases that show negative effects on the health of some people who consume large amounts of biotin supplements and get too much biotin. Most people get enough biotin through a normal diet. You should not need to take biotin supplements unless directed by a doctor.

High amounts of biotin can create false positives in laboratory tests for thyroid disease.

Your body produces enough biotin on its own through your daily dietary intake. Therefore, you should not take biotin supplements unless directed by your doctor. There are some rare health conditions that can cause some people to need biotin supplements on a regular basis. This can be determined by a doctor.

The US Food and Drug Administration UU It does not control supplements for purity or safety, so it's important that you buy them from a manufacturer you trust.

There is still not enough research to determine all the side effects of taking too much biotin. However, there are case studies that show that some of the possible effects can be serious. If you feel that you need to take biotin supplements, you should always consult a doctor first.

Vitamins and cancer: Questions and answers about supplements and vitamins

Vitamins and cancer: Questions and answers about supplements and vitamins

Should I consider taking vitamins and nutritional supplements before, during or after chemotherapy?

Consult your doctor, nurse or dietitian about the use of nutritional supplements such as Boost, Ensure and Carnation Instant Breakfast as an aid to meet your nutritional needs and maintain or increase your weight. There are many products available that can not be purchased at a grocery store. Call 1-877-4WebMed to order products for your home, including those you find at the grocery store. A dietitian can help you incorporate commercial supplements into your current diet or, if necessary, design your entire diet with these products in a way that meets your estimated nutritional needs.

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UNADULTERATED 500Grams (1.1 LB) Wild Mountain POLYRACHIS ANT/ polyrhachis vicina EXTRACT Powder, ?1.5%...

Will taking vitamins during chemotherapy help?

Diet versus supplements : The preferred option to meet nutritional needs is to follow a diet. Vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals (a variety of compounds produced by plants) needed to help the body fight cancer are found in a balanced diet that emphasizes plant-based foods. According to the available literature based on nutrition, a proportionally inverse relationship has been observed between the consumption of fruits and vegetables and the risk of cancer. In other words, eating more fruits and vegetables can decrease the risk of cancer.

It is difficult to determine if a specific nutrient is protective, or if it is a specific combination and proportion of phytochemicals. The main objective is to maintain a well-balanced diet based on vegetables, low in fat and sugars, to help reduce the risk of cancer. Recommendations include eating at least 5 servings of varied fruits and vegetables a day, along with a starch meal that includes 2 to 3 servings of whole grains.

Cancer research has not shown that taking vitamin supplements individually provides greater protection than the consumption of fruits and vegetables. In fact, three clinical studies were carried out on the protective effects of beta-carotene and lung cancer, and in two of these studies a greater association of this cancer was observed in cigarette smokers when they were given beta-carotene supplements. The third study showed no benefit or harm as a result of beta-carotene.

The term phytochemicals refers to a wide variety of compounds produced by plants. These compounds are found in fruits, vegetables, beans (grains), cereals and other plants. There are thousands of phytochemicals and they are classified into groups, such as polyphenols (of which flavonoids are a subgroup), antioxidants (which include carotenoids) and sulfides . Phytochemicals have an antioxidant action or an action similar to that of hormones.

Flavonoids are found in soybeans, soy products, chickpeas, licorice and tea. They are substances similar to estrogen, called phytoestrogens, which are produced by plants.

Antioxidants are usually found in vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage or cabbage and cauliflower. There are many types of phytochemicals that fall into this category, including the carotenoids found in carrots, yams, cantaloup melons, zucchini and apricots. The term antioxidant is often associated with vitamins and protection against cancer. Among the antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and carotenoids. These nutrients are associated with a lower risk of cancer due to their ability to counteract free radicals in the body. Free radicals are reactive compounds that can damage normal cells.

Sulfides are found in garlic and onions and may play a role in reducing the risk of stomach cancer. These nutrients are found naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Because of their protective association in foods, researchers are trying to determine if this benefit exists with complementary phytochemicals.

Herbs have been used for centuries to treat diseases. Many are safe and others can have serious and harmful side effects, and may possibly interfere with cancer therapies such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy and recovery from surgery. A recent example of this is the discovery that levels of chemotherapy in the body were reduced in people taking St. John's wort or St. John's wort.

As a precautionary measure, inform your health care team about the herbal products you use or plan to use before, during or after chemotherapy . Ask your doctor, nurse or dietitian for reliable information about dietary supplements. If you experience side effects such as difficulty breathing, itching, numbness or tingling in the extremities, stop using these products immediately and contact your doctor.

The benefits of supplementing the diet with various phytochemicals and herbs to help prevent or fight cancer are not yet known with certainty. Many studies are being carried out in relation to the administration of supplements or megadoses of different phytochemicals or herbs. Apparently, much of the encouraging data regarding herbs, vitamins and cancer   they have been observed in animal studies, which does not necessarily mean that the same results would be obtained in studies with humans. At this time, there are not enough consistent and significant data to draw solid conclusions or associations to recommend the use of supplements.

The use of vitamins, minerals, herbs and chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer

Research is being done to determine the safety and possible benefits of the use of herbs, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals during treatments.

Megadoses : the available literature has not shown that taking vitamins in small or large doses helps prevent or reverse cancer. It has been shown that, in some cases, megadoses of vitamins can be toxic or harmful.

Water-soluble vitamins are usually harmless thanks to the body's ability to eliminate excess vitamins in the form of waste. In some cases, they can have negative effects; For example, high doses of vitamin C may increase the risk of forming oxalate kidney stones, which translates into a higher risk for people with kidney failure. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), even in moderate doses, could cause nerve damage.

On the other hand, fat- soluble vitamins in large doses, the opposite of fighting diseases such as cancer, can become toxic, because they accumulate in the body. The toxicity of vitamin A can produce changes in bone development, enlargement of the liver, anemia and hair loss. Vitamin D in high doses can generate high levels of calcium and, consequently, calcifications in the kidneys and blood vessels, and possibly cause osteoporosis.

Note: We insist on recommending you talk with your health care professional about your illness and your specific treatments. The information included in this website is intended to be useful and instructive, and in no case should it be considered a substitute for medical advice.

Biotin for the beard Do biotin pills work?

Biotin for the beard Do biotin pills work?

Many hair care products use biotin to better care for hair and roots, but you knew that many men have started using biotin to apply it to their nascent beard and accelerate growth.

And that is what we are focusing on in this article on biotin for the beard, answering the simple question ..

Do biotin pills make my beard grow faster?

Let's find out. Our bodies produce sufficient amounts of biotin naturally, but there is some evidence that higher doses of biotin in supplemental forms may benefit us, and this is also the reason why you can find many hair and nail supplements that contain it ( and of course the biotin pills that you can apply to your beard)

Buy biotin for the beard at the best market price (online)

If you want to buy biotin already, to see the effects it produces on your beard, here we offer a few products that can serve you, with the best price in the current market.

Renewglow - Anti Aging Supplement Fights Against Biotin Deficiency, Free Radicals And Prevents...
Renewglow - Anti Aging Supplement Fights Against Biotin Deficiency, Free Radicals And Prevents...

What is biotin?

Biotin is an essential vitamin of the water soluble vitamin B complex , technically known as vitamin B7 and often called vitamin H or coenzyme R.
It is essential for human survival and necessary for the maintenance of the production of fatty acids, the metabolism of carbohydrates, the production of energy, hair, skin and the health of nails.

Foods naturally high in biotin (vitamin B7) are:

  •         Eggs
  •         Almonds and nuts
  •         Whole grains
  •         Dairy products
  •         Meat and poultry
  •         Growth of biotin and facial hair

One of the main benefits of biotin supplement for men's beard is that it can increase the growth and thickness of this over time.
Biotin for the beard and the rest of hair

Biotin pills are not going to magically turn your beard into a lumberjack, I can guarantee, but it can help your body naturally produce stronger and healthier hair all over your body, including your beard, mustache and even your hair. body hair.

Studies conducted on the subject have shown that when there is a deficiency of biotin, the body has difficulty growing hair, either on the top of the scalp or on the beard. These effects have been proven and it has been shown that the use of biotin supplements normalizes hair growth.

A study of this substance proved if biotin supplementation could increase hair growth and turn more hairiness (small and light) into something blunt, the results showed that supplementation resulted in a significant regrowth and thickening of the hair during 90 to 180 days.

NOTE: Although this study was conducted on the scalp and on women, it is likely that the same degree of results will be applied to men who use biotin for the growth of the beard.

How much biotin is needed to help beard growth?

In the study in which more proportion of hair became a thick and strong volume was not even with a very high amount of biotin.

In several forums I have seen men using much higher doses and reporting slight improvements in the growth rate and density of the beard after using biotin. These doses often range from 500 mg onwards.

My recommendation is not to waste money on biotin supplements alone, when you buy a high quality multivitamin supplement will have amounts of biotin and other vitamins stimulating the growth of the beard, all in one and for the same price. Although if you need to strengthen the thickness of the beard, you can use biotin pills or ampoules for a while.

They are usually meant to be applied to the scalp, but the ingredients should work just as well for men who use it for their beards.


Will biotin help you grow thicker beard and mustache? Yes, in a way, as it helps your body produce thicker, healthier hair all over your body, including facial hair.

Is biotin an essential supplement for the beard? Not if you buy only biotin, because it is just one of the many beard vitamins necessary for the growth of facial hair. A much better option is to buy something that has a high dose of biotin with other vitamins and minerals that help the growth of the beard by stimulating phytonutrients.

So the final conclusion is that biotin can promote the growth of facial hair naturally , but you should not continue to buy only biotin supplements unless you have growth problems, it is always better to buy vitamins that contain biotin and other qualities.

Benefits of Biotin and its uses in our body

Benefits of Biotin and its uses in our body

Biotin (with the formula C10H16N2O3S), or vitamin H, is a vitamin B complex soluble in water (vitamin B7) Some benefits of Biotin are playing an important role in the overall function of the body and in the use of energy the metabolic processes of carbohydrates and fats. They are white crystalline needles necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and amino acids in the body.

Biotin is found mainly in certain foods, such as meats and vegetables. Some other sources of Biotin are found in nuts and legumes. There are foods that contain a high biotin content because they contain a substance called avidin, a type of protein that allows biotin to adhere strongly to it. These foods rich in biotin are the liver and the yolk .

HAIRESSENCE - All-Natural Hair Growth Biotin Multivitamin Formula - Stronger Healthier Hair. Scientifically...
HAIRESSENCE - All-Natural Hair Growth Biotin Multivitamin Formula - Stronger Healthier Hair. Scientifically...

Functioning of Biotin in our body

This vitamin plays an important role in normal human functioning. It is involved in the process of activated transfer of carbon dioxide to certain substances in the body that contribute to the metabolism of fats, amino acids and carbohydrates. It also functions as a coenzyme to support the task of carboxylase that is involved in the metabolic processes of the body such as fatty acid synthesis and amino acid metabolism.

Since biotin also functions as a component in glucose metabolism, it is also administered to diabetic patients in order to reduce blood sugar levels. Similarly, people nowadays are also usually concerned about their hair, and taking biotin supplements could also improve hair health.

Daily dose of Biotin

Daily biotin requirements are relatively small, and biotin taken in the body is recycled immediately when it has been used. However, biotin deficiency can be fatal if ignored. It should be borne in mind that regular consumption of raw egg whites can trigger a biotin deficiency due to the strong protein avidin that prevents the absorption of biotin in the body. However, high doses of biotin may be given to infants with a condition known as childhood seborrhea or adults with genetic diseases in the metabolism of biotin.

Side effects of Biotin

So far, no side effects have been observed due to excessive intake of biotin. It is a vitamin B complex soluble in water, so that excess biotin is excreted through the urine. Recent studies that are being carried out on the possible additional contribution of biotin to our bodily processes reveal that biotin is also necessary for processes in cells at the generic level. Knowing what biotin can do to our body should make us realize that there are substances beneficial to humanity, however, when not taken properly, it would contribute to the development and inadequate functioning of the body.

The fat-soluble vitamins, choline, folic acid and vitamin B12 are found exclusively in the egg yolk, where most of the biotin is concentrated.

Food Sources of Biotin

Benefits of biotin

Biotin may be available in many foods, although generally in smaller amounts than other nutritional vitamins soluble in water. Fortunately, the biotin that your body requires can be obtained through a healthy diet that includes ingredients such as eggs, nuts, vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh fish, various meats and certain dairy products. It is also important to keep in mind that fresh foods will offer you a higher level of vitamins and more benefits of biotin compared to processed foods.

Eggs and Dairy

The foods that have the highest amounts of biotin are eggs, particularly egg yolks. The eggs can contain between 13 and 25 micrograms of biotin according to their size and the way they are cooked. Cooking generally depletes your total nutrients, but this does not mean that they lose all their benefits. Eating raw egg whites is actually detrimental to raising biotin levels simply because they hinder the body's ability to absorb the nutrient. The yolk is actually where you are sure to get the best benefits of biotin. In addition to eggs, milk, a number of cheeses, yogurt and other dairy products include reasonable levels of biotin.
Fruits and vegetables

Fruits such as bananas, avocados and raspberries are good sources of vitamins loaded with nutrients, such as biotin. Vegetables that are high in biotin range from broccoli and cabbage to green leaves like chard. Organic mushrooms, sweet potatoes, carrots and cauliflower offer higher levels of biotin.

Meat, Poultry and Fish

Almost all varieties of meat, poultry and fish are large and abundant sources of biotin. Chicken, turkey, beef and also pork include vitamin B7 levels from modest to high. Livers of meat can include a full day of vitamin B7 in a single serving. Fish like tuna, haddock and salmon also have good nutrient levels and are generally among the best sources of biotin shellfish.

Nuts and whole grains

Almonds and peanuts are wonderful sources of vitamin B7 and contain a full day of adequate intake for every 1/2 cup. Hazelnuts, commonly known by their slightly funnier name "Filbert Nut", offer you an excellent way to ingest thirty micrograms per 1/2 cup serving. Peanut butter can also provide up to 30 micrograms per serving. Whole grain breads, definitely not white breads, often have a good percentage of their daily requirement acceptable.

If you need more information about Biotin you can visit the site specialized in this important vitamin.

Biotin 10,000 provides 10,000 mcg of vitamin H (Biotin).

Biotin 10,000 provides 10,000 mcg of vitamin H (Biotin).
The vitamin supplements with biotin 10,000 mcg are ideal for all those who have biotin deficiencies and wish to have healthier hair and more energy.

It is safe, has many benefits and has no reported side effects, even in high doses such as 10.0000 mcg.

Biotin 10 000 mcg is the second most recommended vitamin supplement after the version of 5000 mcg.

The biotin 10 000 mcg is a great option for those who observe a weakening of the hair, lack of energy, brittle nails, among others.

MD Nutri Hair Growth Supplement Capsules With Biotin | Prevents Hair Loss | Promotes Longer, Thicker Hair |...
MD Nutri Hair Growth Supplement Capsules With Biotin | Prevents Hair Loss | Promotes Longer, Thicker Hair |...

In this publication we will see the following:

  • What is the biotin of 10000 mcg for?
  • recommendations
  • Benefits of taking Biotin 10000 mcg
  • Side effects
  • Precautions and contraindications

It is possible to buy biotin 10000 mcg in supplement stores, pharmacies or some online stores.

As we mentioned the biotin 10000 has as main objective to prevent hair loss, improve hair health and repair brittle nails.

But what makes this vitamin complex special? The answer is in your good evaluations.
The Biotin of 10000 mcg of maximum power manufactured by different companies has received excellent ratings by those who have ingested it. Qualifying this product as "wonderful" for nails, hair and eyelashes.

This presentation enjoys a lot of benefits for your body. If you complement it with a healthy diet and exercises you will see favorable results in the general health of your body.

What are the benefits of taking Biotin 10000 mcg?
Among the main advantages or benefits that you will have when taking biotin are the following:

  • Prevent and repair brittle nails.
  • Improve the health of your hair.
  • Prevents hair loss
  • It prevents the premature appearance of gray hair.
  • Prevents depression, stress and irritability.
  • Decrease the lack of appetite
  • Increase Energy
  • Prevents seborrheic dermatitis
  • Moisturizes the skin and prevents dryness.
  • Prevents conjunctivitis
  • Contributes to regulate sugar levels in the blood
  • Biotin is quite safe when ingested orally and appropriately. It is very well tolerated in high doses.

Although very few side effects have been reported, the University of Washington Medical Center has noted that in some individuals the intake of biotin may have some side effects such as moderate nausea, diarrhea or stomach looses.

Pregnant or nursing women can use biotin in the recommended dosages; however, it is important to consult with your GP before doing so. Diabetics should consult with their GP before taking biotin.

Biotin 10000 mcg is a supplement of biotin acts as a coenzyme in the body that is needed for the metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. This means that when we eat foods that are sources of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, Vitamin B7 biotin must be present to convert and utilize these macronutrients for energy corporaly for proper psychological functioning.

The compound is also a nutrient that helps us maintain a young and attractive appearance as it plays an important role in maintaining the health of our hair, nails and skin. The biotin of Vitamin B7 is commonly added to hair and skin beauty products. It is also manufactured in biotin 5000 mcg format and biotin 1000 mcg.

Symptoms, such as hair loss, skin irritation, fungus or eczema, are frequent confirmation of a biotin deficiency. That's why supplements like biotin 10000 mcg help in the growth of nails and hair. Studies show that at least 100 milligrams of biotin may be able to prevent hair loss in men and women.

Biotin deficiency is rare in adults, since it is available in many foods however, the consumption of a typically packaged food can result in the loss of this vitamin along with many other nutrients. It is characterized by dry and scaly scalp, brittle nails, even with depression, difficulty sleeping, muscle pain and loss of appetite.

Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids, and the metabolism of fats and amino acids and aids in various metabolic reactions involving the transfer of carbon dioxide and maintaining a stable blood sugar level.

Biotin 10000 mcg is often recommended as a dietary supplement to improve hair and nails and is found in many cosmetics and hair products.

Biotin for nail growth Does it work?

Biotin for nail growth Does it work?

What is biotin?

Biotin is a B vitamin that is often touted as a natural remedy for brittle nails. Biotin is available as a supplement, however, it is found naturally in a number of foods. Advocates claim that biotin supplements can also help promote weight loss and treat conditions ranging from acne , eczema, diabetes and depression. Although research on biotin and nail health is somewhat limited, some studies suggest that biotin supplements can help treat brittle nails.

Renewglow - Anti Aging Supplement Fights Against Biotin Deficiency, Free Radicals and Prevents...
Renewglow - Anti Aging Supplement Fights Against Biotin Deficiency, Free Radicals and Prevents...

The science behind biotin and nails

To date, there is not enough scientific evidence to evaluate the effectiveness of biotin in the treatment of brittle nails , according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Even so, some research shows that biotin can help improve brittle nails. For example, in a 2007 report published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, scientists claim that brittle nail syndrome can disappear when taking biotin 2.5 mg daily as a supplement.

Also, several small and ancient studies indicate that biotin is promising in the treatment of brittle nails. For example, in a 1993 study by Cutis magazine, researchers assigned 44 patients with brittle nails to six months of treatment with biotin supplements. Of the 35 people who completed the study, 63% showed a significant improvement, while 37% reported no changes in their condition.


Although biotin appears to be well tolerated, the long-term side effects of high doses of biotin are unknown.

The supplements have not been tested for safety and due to the fact that dietary supplements are largely unregulated, the content of some products may differ from what is specified on the product label.

Also keep in mind that the safety of supplements has not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and people with medical problems or who are taking medications.

If you are considering the use of biotin, first talk with your primary care provider.

Biotin for nail growth

While some research suggests that biotin can help treat brittle nails, there is still not enough evidence to draw firm conclusions about the benefits of using biotin supplements to have healthier nails. To get your dose of biotin without using supplements, you can include biotin-rich foods in your diet such as:

  •     Beer yeast
  •     Nutritional yeast
  •     Cauliflower
  •     Salmon
  •     Bananas
  •     Carrots
  •     Egg yolks
  •     Sardines
  •     Vegetables
  •     Mushrooms

Although biotin deficiency is rare, it can occur in people who drink alcohol excessively or consume a large amount of raw egg white (which contains a protein that blocks the absorption of biotin). The genetic disorder of biotin deficiency, childhood seborrheic dermatitis, and surgical removal of the stomach may also increase your need for biotin. Symptoms of biotin deficiency include:

  •     Thinning hair
  •     A red scaly rash (especially around the eyes, nose, and mouth)
  •     Depression
  •     Exhaustion
  •     Hallucinations
  •     Tingling in the arms and legs

Brittle nails are often the normal result of the aging process. However, the fragility of the nails can sometimes indicate an underlying health problem (such as thyroid disease).

Symptoms of brittle nails include frequent and / or easy scratching, cracking, breaking or breaking of the nails. If you have brittle nails, it is important to consult your doctor instead of self-treating your nails with biotin supplements . Self-treatment of a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care can have serious consequences.

Biotin the group of water-soluble vitamins

Biotin the group of water-soluble vitamins

Biotin is a member of the group of water-soluble vitamins of the B complex. Water-soluble vitamins are stored in the body in very limited quantities and are excreted through the urine. Therefore, it is a good idea to have them in your daily diet. Biotin can be found in two natural forms: the free vitamin and biocytin, which is composed of biotin attached to the amino acid lysine. Biocytin is an inactive form of the vitamin; Lysine must be removed before the body uses it.

Biotin occurs naturally in a wide variety of foods. It is also created by the bacteria that normally live in our intestines.

The main function of biotin is to help the cells of your body to produce energy. This is done by working with four essential enzymes that metabolize fat, carbohydrates and proteins to produce energy. Biotin also plays an important role in the synthesis and function of DNA.

Hair Growth Pro Formula Supplement for Fast Growth, Longer, Stronger, Healthier Hair Vitamin For Both...
Hair Growth Pro Formula Supplement for Fast Growth, Longer, Stronger, Healthier Hair Vitamin For Both...

Age group                   (micrograms / day)
From 0 to 6 months      5
From 7 to 12 months     6
From 1 to 3 years          8
From 4 to 8 years           12
From 9 to 13 years old     20
From 14 to 18 years old    25
Over 19 years old             30
Pregnancy                         30
Lactation                            35

A biotin deficiency is rare in healthy people who eat a healthy diet, because we usually get enough of the bacteria that live in our digestive system.

However, certain conditions and stages of life can increase the risk of suffering a deficiency. For example, an enzyme called biotinidase is essential for converting biocytin into biotin. Although both biocytin and biotin are easily absorbed in the small intestine, the body can only use the biotin form. If it lacks biotinidase or does not work properly, it can cause a biotin deficiency.

Some people who may be at risk for a biotin deficiency include the following:

    Babies with low levels of biotinidase: Babies born with low levels of this enzyme may develop a deficiency. There is some debate among doctors about whether babies should be examined at birth to detect a biotinidase deficiency.
    People who require prolonged intravenous feeding: Generally these patients do not receive biotin supplement.
    Smokers: Smoking accelerates the metabolism of biotin, therefore this leads to a state of deficiency.
    People taking anticonvulsant medications: These medications can inhibit the absorption of biotin or block the action of biotinidase.
    People who eat a lot of raw eggs: A protein called avidin found in raw egg whites can adhere to biotin and inhibit its absorption. Cooked eggs do not present this problem. (Note: Eating raw eggs increases the risk of foodborne infections.)
    People who lose a portion of the function of their small intestine: These decreases the absorption of biotin.
    People who take long-term antibiotics: Antibiotics eliminate both good and bad bacteria; therefore, they could eliminate the bacteria that normally live in the intestine and produce biotin.
    People who consume alcohol excessively : Because people who consume alcohol excessively tend to consume insufficient diets, they are at risk of developing a deficiency of many nutrients, including biotin.
    Pregnant women: There is some preliminary evidence that indicates that biotin deficiency can occur during a normal pregnancy, so women may consider taking a multivitamin that contains biotin.

Clinical symptoms of a biotin deficiency include:

  •     Dry skin
  •     Hair loss
  •     Loss of appetite
  •     Fatigue
  •     Depression
  •     Cardiac abnormalities
  •     Lethargy
  •     Hallucinations
  •     Neurological disorders
  •     Alteration in growth
  •     Numbness of the extremities
  •     Scaly red rash on the face and genital area

There have been no reports of adverse effects due to excessive consumption of biotin.

Biotin can be found in a wide variety of foods including eggs, liver, yeast breads, sardines, legumes, mushrooms and cereals. Also cauliflower, peanuts and cheese can be sources of dense nutrients of this vitamin. Generally, fruits are not good sources.

This table lists the common foods and their biotin contents.

Food              Portion size     Biotin content  (micrograms)
Egg                    1 large       10
Wheat germ        ¼ cup         6
Cooked oatmeal   ½ cup         5
Shredded Wheat Cereal     1½ ounce 4
Pancake            3 or 4 inches     3

There is some highly preliminary evidence that suggests that biotin supplementation may help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Biotin may also reduce the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy , however there is much stronger evidence with other supplements. Even weaker evidence suggests that biotin supplements can promote healthy nails and eliminate milky crust (a scaly rash on the head that often in the head in babies).

To increase your biotin intake, try the following:

  •     Prepare a bowl of Shredded Wheat cereal with whole grains or oatmeal for breakfast.
  •     Make an omelette with two eggs, mushrooms, cheese and various vegetables (peppers, cauliflower, broccoli). You can also add a boiled hard boiled egg and some American cheese in strips for a leafy green salad.
  •     Try this recipe to prepare the black bean salad with crab:
  •     Mix 1 pint of frozen corn (melted), 1 can (8 ounces of black beans (drained and rinsed), ¼ cup of red peppers (chopped), 1 can (4 ounces) of green chilies (drained), ¼ cup of chopped cilantro, 4 green onions (chopped) and 12 ounces of minced crabmeat.
  •     For the dressing, add 1 teaspoon cumin and ¼ teaspoon of black pepper to 2 cloves garlic crushed / chopped. Mix to a paste and then add 2 teaspoons of white wine vinegar, fresh lime juice and water. Mix well and then beat with 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  •     Pour the dressing over the corn and the mixture of beans and stir well. Top with 2 finely sliced ​​jalapeño peppers. Makes 10 servings

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Biotin for curly hair

Biotin for curly hair

Explanatory note: this post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any type of illness or disease. Check with your doctor for diagnosis or treatment of place.

The dreams of all the transitionalists and those that have already gone through the great cut include abundant hair. "What can I do to make my hair grow faster?" Is one of the questions we most often receive, and yet, as they still do not sell patience in 'pot' today I bring you an option that will not make your hair grows faster, it may make it grow healthier: biotin. Also known as vitamin H, vitamin B8 and vitamin B7 is present in our body in small quantities, is responsible for the synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins (has a slight slimming effect because it accelerates metabolism). But among its many functions that we are interested in today is that this vitamin is necessary for the growth of hair, nails and for the health of the skin.

Its deficiency in the human being is rare but some of the symptoms of it are: eczema, dry dermatitis, pallor, depression, loss of hair (accompanied by loss of hair color). In short, it is multi-symptomatic but it is not as common as one would think since the body can produce up to 50% of the daily requirement of it.

Now, where can we find biotin to make sure our hair and skin stay in good condition? You can find it in egg yolks, fish, liver, almonds, avocados, mushrooms, milk among other foods.

Better Beauty, Hair, Skin and Nails Supplement, 3,500 mcg Biotin, 70 mcg Selenium, 250 mg Hydrolyzed...
Better Beauty, Hair, Skin and Nails Supplement, 3,500 mcg Biotin, 70 mcg Selenium, 250 mg Hydrolyzed...

There is another way to acquire biotin in our body and it is the one that I have been using since December 2012. There are biotin supplements that you can take daily. They come in doses from 1000mcg (micrograms) to 10,000mcg. They are usually sold at vitamin stores and pharmacies, and like many other vitamin supplements it is not endorsed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a cure for hair loss.

Among the side effects that could appear are the pimples, so it is recommended that you increase your water intake, constipation (as I told you, you have to drink water!) And a slight acceleration of the metabolism that could result in weight loss in some cases.

My experience after 5 months using biotin is that I am not sure if it makes my hair grow or if it is simply my healthy diet, but while I was taking it I had forgotten that we have hair on the whole body. I have always been half 'hairless', that is, I can spend a month without shaving my legs, but since I started taking biotin I've realized that I have to shave my legs and take my eyebrows more often than usual. I have not had cases of pimples or anything like that, but I have heard from other people that it has happened to them.

What I have noticed is that my hair looks thicker and thicker than before. And this is one of the effects of this vitamin: the thickening of the strand. Remember, it is not to grow hair but helps the good health of the hair and scalp.

If you want to start taking it, we recommend you to inform yourself about it, consult your doctor and / or specialist to rule out any possible reaction and remember that before going off to buy vitamins, you can buy it from the foods we have mentioned here. Everything with balance, moderation and variety.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Side effects of biotin

Side effects of biotin

Biotin, also known as vitamin H or B7 from the vitamin B complex, is soluble in water and essential for the function of certain enzymes in the body. Biotin has been derived from the Greek word bios (the meaning of this word is "life"). It can easily come from a variety of foods such as nuts, oats, eggs, cucumber, onion, cabbage, cauliflower, goat and cow's milk, raspberries, strawberries, royal jelly and brewer's yeast. Because the recommended daily amount (RDA) of biotin is very small, (for children between 5μg to 12μg, and for adults between 20 micrograms to 30μg), deficiency is a rarity. However, there are certain cases where biotin deficiency can occur. In these cases, biotin supplements are recommended. Before an intake of these dietary vitamin supplements, it is imperative to know and understand the deficiency, the side effects, and the benefits of biotin.

10,000 mcg Gummy Bear Biotin by Hair Thickness Maximizer | Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Chewy Natural...
10,000 mcg Gummy Bear Biotin by Hair Thickness Maximizer | Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Chewy Natural...

Benefits of biotin
One of the important vitamins contained in the B complex, is biotin, plays an important role in maintaining good health and promotes growth. Biotin acts as a carrier of carbon dioxide in the process known as the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle). It helps the conversion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy (glucose), increasing the metabolism of the body. It helps keep hair shiny and in good healthy condition. Brittle nails and milk crust can also be kept at bay with the proper dose of biotin in the body. It has proven to be extremely useful for diabetics and people suffering from high cholesterol and depression, as it helps reduce blood sugar levels and metabolize carbohydrates for energy conversion.

Biotin deficiency
Biotin deficiency is a rare nutritional disorder caused by biotin deficiency, either due to inadequate diet or as a result of related health conditions. When the enzymes responsible for the extraction of biotin from the diet are below their capacity, a deficiency can occur. Some medical studies indicate that a high consumption of egg white binds biotin with its proteins, leading to biotin deficiency. Prolonged intravenous feeding or an intake of antibiotics can also trigger this deficiency. Symptoms of biotin deficiency include skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, etc., loss of appetite, low metabolism and chronic fatigue, hair loss, dandruff and loss of color of the skin. hair, insomnia, depression, drowsiness, hallucinations, muscle pain, etc.

Side effects of biotin
Very few side effects have been attributed to biotin. One of the main factors that lead to side effects is overdose or prolonged use. There is very little evidence available to show the results of the side effects. A study in pregnant rats, where they were subjected to extremely high doses of biotin, there was increased chance of miscarriage, since the size of the placenta decreased. However, this test is not used as a reference point for women.

The prolonged use in some cases has given rise to the appearance of cases of aggravation of skin infections and rashes. Biotin in high doses or its very prolonged use also causes an inverse effect on blood sugar and insulin levels. The levels of insulin in the body are reduced or decreased, while blood sugar levels increase. Pregnant women or sick people should pay special attention to this aspect of the effect of biotin.

High doses of biotin, along with vitamin B5 can cause a life-threatening condition called eosinophilic pleuropericardial effusion . This was found in a documented case, which was resolved when the patient stopped taking both biotin and vitamin B5. What could not be understood that was what triggered this deadly condition, whether it was only biotin or vitamin B5, or its combination, or another reaction in the body.

The side effects of biotin are very rare, however, as a precautionary measure, it is best to consult a doctor to determine the deficiency and the correct dosage to ensure that you do not suffer any type of complications in the future.

Biotin for multiple sclerosis: a new clinical trial and hopes that this year will be authorized in Europe.

Biotin for multiple sclerosis: a new clinical trial and hopes that this year will be authorized in Europe.

Previous trials have found that biotin for progressive multiple sclerosis may slow, even modestly reverse the progress of disability. The drug is already approved in France and can reach the entire European market by the end of this year.

MD1003 is a drug developed by the French company MedDay that contains biotin in very high doses, as much as 10,000 times more than the recommended daily intake dose.

Biotin is an essential vitamin for carrying out many biochemical processes that lead to the production of fatty acids and the use of energy by the cell. The two properties above are those that are supposed to be based on the benefits of biotin for multiple sclerosis.

On the one hand, it helps repair myelin-the substance that is lost in people with MS- and on the other hand it contributes to the survival of neurons by increasing energy production.

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Biotin as a treatment for multiple sclerosis. Against neurodegeneration, not inflammation.

MedDay's biotin formulation has something special: it is geared toward the treatment of progressive forms of MS, something that is rare until the recent release of Ocrevus into the US market for the treatment of progressive primary multiple sclerosis.

And it is that MD1003 has no effect on inflammation, that is, it will not help prevent new outbreaks, but rather it seeks to reverse and slow down the progress of neurodegeneration , one of the primary causes of disability in people with MS.

Superior Labs – Best Natural Biotin NonGMO Supplement – For Luscious Longer Hair and Lashes – Stronger...
Superior Labs – Best Natural Biotin NonGMO Supplement – For Luscious Longer Hair and Lashes – Stronger...

What has been found so far?

Biotin for multiple sclerosis

In 2016 the Multiple Sclerosis magazine published the results of a clinical trial that evaluated the efficacy of the 100 mg dose of biotin administered 3 times a day in 154 patients, some of them received MD1003 and others a placebo compound.

The analysis of results showed that 12.6% of those treated with biotin experienced improvements in two tests that measure disability in people with MS. This did not happen in any of those who received the placebo.

Although 12.6% may seem like a low figure, we must bear in mind that the simple fact of not experiencing deterioration, or doing it at a slower pace, is already good news. Improve qualifies as excellent.

In the rest of those who took biotin, although the results were not as marked, benefits were also reported.

According to the CEO of MedDay, Dr. Frédéric Sedel, to the magazine Multiple Sclerosis News Today, the effect of biotin is not seen immediately , but it becomes evident as the months go by, 9 to where they have suggested clinical trials

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The new clinical trial with biotin for multiple sclerosis.

This new trial responds to a requirement of the US FDA. It will be developed in 70 locations in cities in the US and Europe. We are recruiting at this time interested in participating ; They intend to reach the figure of 600 people with progressive multiple sclerosis.

There is an important criterion when choosing the participants: they should not have experienced any outbreak in the last 2 years , that is, have not active Em.

It is a logical criterion, since MedDay seeks to evaluate the effect of biotin on disability mediated by neurodegeneration. People with active MS could possibly deteriorate more acutely, preventing the true extent of the drug from being seen.

The trial will last 15 months, but in Europe we may not have to wait so long to see authorized MD1003.

Biotin for MS in Europe.

As we already mentioned, in France the drug has been authorized in a special way and about 5000 people with progressive MS have been treated .

The pharmaceutical company is already in talks with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to obtain the authorization of the drug throughout the European territory and await the verdict by the end of this year.

It must be borne in mind that the over-the-counter biotin that is marketed contains quantities much lower than those of MD1003, which will be subject to medical prescription.

You may also be interested in reading: Primary progressive multiple sclerosis: symptoms, differentiation and treatment.

Use of biotin in patients with hair loss.

Use of biotin in patients with hair loss.

The user's original question was "What scientific evidence is there for the use of biotin (vitamin H) in hair loss?"

The search in the usual databases has not identified clinical studies in which the role of isolated use of biotin (also called vitamin H, vitamin B7 and vitamin B8) in the treatment of hair loss in healthy adults is evaluated.

Hair Growth Vitamins Supplement - All Natural Support for Longer & Stronger Hair - Fight Hair Loss with...
Hair Growth Vitamins Supplement - All Natural Support for Longer & Stronger Hair - Fight Hair Loss with...


Three randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of small sample size and short follow-up period have been located, among other methodological limitations, which, although they show satisfactory results associated with the use of oral supplements whose components include biotin, do not allow conclusions to be drawn regarding to the clinical effectiveness of this specific substance .

In a clinical practice guide (1) on the management of androgenetic alopecia (AAG) in men and women, published in 2011, it is only commented that certain vitamins, especially biotin and niacin, are attributed to hair growth promoting properties. and a positive influence on hair nutrition. At this point the guideline refers to a small RCT (2) that reported a significant improvement, compared to placebo treatment, of capillary loss in included males (with mild to moderate SAA) after 18-24 weeks of treatment with an oral supplement (twice a day) containing biotin and niacin, and also β-sitosterol and saw palmetto (improvement of 60%, in 6 of 10 patients, in the active treatment group, compared with improvement of 11%, in 1 of 9 patients, in the placebo treatment group).

In the summary of evidence of Uptodate on the AAG in women (3) it is indicated that the effectiveness of treatments such as mesotherapy, estrogens, and supplements, such as iron, biotin, ginseng, saw palmetto, tea green and caffeine, is not clear and refers to the aforementioned guide (1) .

In a systematic Cochrane review of interventions for female pattern baldness (4) , updated in its English version in 2016, two RCTs (5.6) were included in which the effectiveness of two nutritional supplements in which one of the compounds was biotin. However, the data from these studies were not used for the subsequent analysis of the results nor were conclusions drawn as to the effectiveness of these dietary supplements.

In the two RCTs (5,6) we proceeded in a similar way: a sample of subjects (55 subjects and 60 subjects, respectively) with hair loss of different etiologies were randomized to receive active treatment with the respective supplement or placebo during a first blinded phase of the study, which lasted 6 months. Then, during a second open phase, participants who had been taking the supplement in the blind phase continued with this treatment for a further 6 months, and participants who had been in the placebo group during the blinded phase went on to take the supplement during 12 more months All participants received, therefore, active treatment for 12 months. The objective evaluations at the capillary level that were carried out at the end of the blind phase of the study showed, in both studies, a significant positive effect of active treatment on hair growth. Subsequently, after the open phase of the study, the intake of the active preparation for 6 months, reported a further subjective improvement in hair growth. Exposure of patients previously treated with placebo to the active preparation for 12 months yielded similar results. The tolerability was good and no side effects were reported. In both cases it is concluded that the evaluated dietary preparations can provide an alternative to pharmacotherapy for the treatment of hair loss problems in people with AAG.

Finally, comment that there is also a lack of research in this respect in two relatively recient narrative reviews: in a 2014 narrative review of the treatments with supplements for the AAG (7) biotin is included and it is highlighted that to date there have been clinical trials that evaluate the efficacy of biotin in AAG, or in any other type of alopecia; and in another 2013 narrative review (8) we found that it has not been sufficiently demonstrated that additional biotin supplementation in patients with normal blood levels can improve hair loss, although there may be an effect on the structure of hair and nails.