Monday, January 7, 2019



The choice of a contraceptive method will depend on the one that best suits the needs or preferences of the couple at each moment. Each method has some advantages and limitations that must be known. There is none that is perfect. But without a doubt, the worst and most risky is the one that is not used (WHO).

L. Ribbed Lubricated Latex Condoms, Vegan-Friendly, Glycerin & Paraben-Free, 12 Count
L. Ribbed Lubricated Latex Condoms, Vegan-Friendly, Glycerin & Paraben-Free, 12 Count

What is it?

The condom or male condom is a barrier method of contraception. Avoid contact of semen with the vagina. In this way it prevents the union of the ovule with the spermatozoon. And it decreases the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

In addition, it protects against sexually transmitted diseases (AIDS, syphilis, chlamydia infections, gonorrhea ... ..) through vaginal, anal or oral sexual contact. Therefore, it should also be used if other contraceptive methods are used (such as hormonal methods).

How is it?

It is a thin and elastic latex or polyurethane cover (for latex allergic). It has a small deposit in the closed end where the ejaculated semen remains. There are different colors, textures, aromas and flavors. And they can be covered with lubricant.

Are condoms 100% effective?

No. But there is nothing that protects better from sexually transmitted diseases or at the same time from an unwanted pregnancy, than a condom. Provided it is used correctly.

How is it used?

  • - Open the condom container with your hands, not your teeth. Lay it out carefully so as not to damage the latex.
  • - The condom must be placed before penetration, with the penis in erection and always with the outside part facing out.
  • - Gently press the tip of the condom to leave that space free and without air before unrolling it on the penis. This removes the air inside the condom that could cause it to break. Unroll it carefully to the base. If the inner side is facing out, discard it and place a new one.
  • - After ejaculation remove the condom before losing the erection, holding it by the base to prevent part of the semen from coming out.
  • - Check the condition of the condom. Give it away and throw it away in the trash (never the toilet).
  • ... .. And do not forget to take into account ...
  • - They are for single use. In each coital relationship you must use a new one.
  • - Use only one condom at a time. The myth of using double condoms for greater security is false. The friction is increased and therefore the probability of it breaking.
  • - Do not use oil-based lubricants (Vaseline, oil, fats or body creams ...) because they deteriorate the latex. Yes, water based ones can be used.
  • - Always use approved condoms (pharmacies, supermarkets, family planning consultations ...).
  • - Check the expiration date (if they are expired they can break more easily)
  • - Keep them in a suitable place, away from heat and light. Do not use if they are damaged.

What to do if the condom breaks or part of the semen is spilled?

The effectiveness of the condom is high, approximately 88-96%. In most cases the decrease of this or its breakage is due to improper use (poor placement, use of expired condoms, damaged or improper preservation ...).

In case of rupture or retention of the condom in the vagina, the use of emergency contraception (postcoital pill or the day after) should be assessed. This drug has a high dose of Levonorgestrel hormone. It inhibits ovulation, hinders fertilization and / or prevents implantation in the uterus. It must be taken in the first 72 hours after a risky relationship.

As its name suggests, it should be used in specific situations, not as a habitual contraceptive method. And remember: the postcoital pill does NOT protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

When was the condom invented?

When was the condom invented?

The first condoms are from the sixteenth century and were made of cattle intestine
The latex ones were popularized with the invention of vulcanization

The condom is today an essential element in sexual relations to avoid the spread of venereal diseases. Humanity has been using them for millennia to avoid pregnancy, contagion of diseases or as a decorative accessory.

ONE? Condoms Premium Pleasures? Variety Pack (24 Count)
ONE? Condoms Premium Pleasures? Variety Pack (24 Count)

The oldest known condom appeared on the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. It was manufactured 3,500 years ago and is exhibited at the Cairo Museum. However, it is not clear if its function was to prevent pregnancies. There is no evidence that the Egyptians tried to contain the birth rate, but on the contrary. This civilization adored among others the god of reproduction. In fact, there are inscriptions explaining that women were applied in the vagina suppositories of crocodile , honey and natron dung , a mineral known as 'divine salt' composed mainly of sodium carbonate. This practice has often been interpreted as a method of contraception, but in reality its usefulness was the opposite. The excrements of the animal and the natron are alkaline, which favors the movement of sperm, honey is bactericidal. So condoms would probably be decorative.

The first condom for contraceptive purposes is usually attributed to a certain Lord Condom, supposed doctor of Charles II of England, who in the mid-seventeenth century invented the thing to stop the number of bastard children that the monarch was breeding in the capital. However, the expert in sexual health and contraception Norman E. Himes concluded in the forties of the last century after much research that Dr. Condom was a legend.

Greased lamb casings topped with string

The first medical document known about condoms was written in 1564. The Italian anatomist Gabriel Falopio, in full epidemic of syphilis in Europe, described a piece of linen that fitted like a cap to the glans of men before sex and avoided the disease. The doctor tried it with more than 1000 men and none contracted syphilis.

These first condoms were made of greased lamb or pork casings, an elastic and soft material, and a string to purse the penis. One of the best preserved condoms is from 1813. It was found in Lund (Switzerland). It is pork intestine and appeared accompanied by a manual instruction in Latin that advises to dip it in warm milk before using it to avoid diseases when having sex with prostitutes.

The writer Giacomo Casanova, known for his amorous conquests in the eighteenth century, often mentioned condoms in his memoirs. In 1717 the British physician Daniel Turner mentions it in his book Syphilis and the poet John Gay a year earlier in his poem The Petticoat . In Spain, condoms have been found hidden among the pages of a sixteenth-century medical book in the General Historical Library of the University of Salamanca, during the process of revising and re-cataloging part of the historical funds. It is made of pork and the ribbon to adjust it is blue. Condoms are from the nineteenth century, so it is presumed that they were introduced in the book, wrapped in a sheet of newspaper of 1857, by a student of the time who was consulting the medical manual.

Reinventing the condom, next challenge

The condom is, therefore, an article well known for centuries to avoid unwanted pregnancies, but above all it was used to avoid illnesses when sleeping with prostitutes. Despite this, it was not popularized until the mid-nineteenth century when rubber vulcanization was invented . Then they were able to manufacture latex mass and lower its price.

The first color condom arrived in 1949. Spermicide sprays and lubricant were soon invented. With the appearance of AIDS in 1981, the condom was again recognized as the best method to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and to contain the spread of the epidemic.

Nowadays, one of the great challenges of the future is according to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation reinventing the condom. He has invested millions of euros in the development of eleven prototypes. Among the improvements of these condoms of the future include new materials that increase sensitivity, such as hydrogel , female condoms quick to place by an inflation system, or male with an easy and at the same time applicator that are placed in a jiffy.

Five tips so that the "condom moment" does not cut the roll

Five tips so that the "condom moment" does not cut the roll

In the psychology consultation of Psychology in Positive it is very frequent to listen to comments in therapy like "when I have to put the condom my erection gets lowered", "I do not like anything to feel the condom, I prefer not to use it" or "it cuts us a lot" the roll the moment I have to put on the condom. "

Trojan Condom Sensitivity Ultra Thin Spermicidal, 12 Count
Trojan Condom Sensitivity Ultra Thin Spermicidal, 12 Count

And the fact is, living the moment of placing the condom as something negative or a fun obligation can be a risk to sexual health. On the one hand, the condom is the only method to avoid the feared Sexually Transmitted Infections, in addition to avoiding unwanted pregnancies.

On the other hand, if we use it with that attitude nothing positive, our desire and enjoyment will be harmed and sometimes, can lead to sexual difficulties such as lack of desire or erectile dysfunction. Here we share 5 tips so that the " condom moment "do not break the erotic climate and also become one of the couple's favorite games, some inspired by the book" Tu sexo es tuyo ":


It is very common to feel rushed when buying condoms. It is understandable since sexuality is something very intimate. However, the act of buying condoms is a shameful act of responsibility as well as it can be a moment of the most erotic, why not share it? This task has always been reserved for men when a condom is something to use as a couple.

It can be very exciting to choose between the wide variety of condoms that exist today in the market. We can find them in the pharmacy, parapharmacy, erotic shops or through the internet.

The action of choosing the condom together, will make the couple know more about the tastes and needs of each one. In addition, talking about it will help to eroticize the condom and include it as usual in their relationships of pleasure.

put on the condom


In the market there is a growing variety of condoms. These vary in sizes, colors, textures, materials ... and even flavors!

There are strawberry, banana, chocolate, with striae, without stretch marks, latex, latex, fluorescent, thin, with spermicide ... find the one that best suits your needs and try new possibilities.


Very important not to break the climax, is that the condoms are in a place of easy accessibility and that there is no need to do a "gymkana" to reach them. Or if? An erotic gymkhana to find the condom can be a fun game, in which the participants have to go through exciting tests before one of them reveals the other where the desired key, the condom, is found.

Another good idea is to have an exclusive place to store condoms and other erotic accessories (a nice box, for example).


The legendary motto of the campaign against AIDS has a lot to do with the erotic game of condoms, because is putting on a condom just one thing? There are several games that we can decide could be useful for that moment to be a pleasure.

When he puts it on, the other member of the couple can nibble on his ears, kiss his testicles or caress his back.

Another modality is to put both together. Thus, while one grasps the base of the penis firmly, the other places the condom on the glans of the penis (the tip) and unrolls both with one hand on top of the other, for example.

It can also be very erotic for the other member of the couple to put the condom with their mouths. But how to put a condom with your mouth? It is not so difficult: Unroll the condom by hand until you feel it is fixed (more or less under the glans), then enter the penis in the mouth and unwind the condom as far as you can. If there is still a part of the penis that remains uncovered, stroke the trunk of the penis with your lips while you lower the rest of the condom with your hand to its base.


A very fun game, is to take a banana or a cucumber and simulate with your partner how would you put the condom.

It can be done with your hands while you look at the eyes, it can be done with the mouth and you can even use it later for your erotic games (a double penetration, suck it while making love ...).

If you want to go deeper into sexual techniques , here is a good collection of oriental techniques, highly recommended.

Let's talk about condoms with spermicide: more insurance or total thymus?

Let's talk about condoms with spermicide: more insurance or total thymus?

Unless you are ahead of your time and are already saving for a graphene condom , the most normal thing is that your method to avoid messes with your weekend rollers and / or follamig @ s is the latex condom of all life. In addition to preventing you from forming a family earlier than expected, its use greatly reduces the risk of diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, hepatitis B, HIV / AIDS, genital herpes, human papilloma virus (HPV) and syphilis. You just got rid of the desire to fuck bareback for a while, right?

Paradise Products Lifestyles Skyn Large Non-Latex Condoms Bowl, 40 Count
Paradise Products Lifestyles Skyn Large Non-Latex Condoms Bowl, 40 Count

The issue is that beyond the STD , it turns out that the condom is not an entirely safe method since it has a pregnancy rate for typical use that ranges between 10 and 18% (although only 2% with perfect use). ). That is, if you put it right you have a 98% chance of avoiding pregnancy and, if you put it wrong, the thing is around 82%. Maybe that's why condoms with spermicide enjoyed a certain popularity for some time and there were people who even recommended them as 'extra protection' in case of breakage or that it came out in full swing. In fact, there are those who still prefer them.

But are they really more effective? Is it good to use these chemicals in the penis, anus or vagina? Well the answer is that every time there is more evidence that they are not a good idea. "We must remember that the condom is a barrier method with a percentage of effectiveness that does not reach 100%. If it goes out or breaks, the spermicide provides an extra method to avoid possible pregnancies ", explains the andrologist of the Puigvert Foundation , Maria Fernanda Peraza.

In his opinion, the use of these condoms with spermicides is recommended as long as you know what you are exposing yourself to. "It's fine but you have to take some precautions when using it. The first thing is to know that one is not allergic to the compound, " says Pereza, recalling that" condoms with spermicide are very old, the most used compound is Nonoxynol-9 (N-9) and what it does is reduce immediately the mobility of the sperm ". The fact is that, he recognizes, some people may be very sensitive to this compound.

"You have to be careful because it can be irritating. Therefore, you should not have oral sex after using a condom with this type of substances as it could irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth, "says the expert. Also, people who already suffer irritation of the mucous membranes of the glans due to a bacterial or fungal infection, as it could aggravate the symptoms, are usually discouraged. To make matters worse, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has pointed out that it could even increase the chances of contracting HIV because of the micro-wounds it would produce in the vaginal canal or the anus.

That is why the World Health Organization (WHO) has stopped prioritizing its use and important organizations dedicated to reproductive health care, such as Planned Parenthood in the United States, have stopped distributing them for free. For this reason, there are fewer and fewer brands that manufacture this type of prophylactic (since 2005 nine brands stopped producing them in the US) which, moreover, is more expensive and with a more limited period of use than conventional condoms. A series of arguments to which the doctor adds: "in case of rupture, do not avoid STD", like any other condom.

At this point, and after consulting a well-known brand of condoms that still offers a whopping 10.29 euros for a box of 12 units , we conclude that there is no sense in spending more for a product that has no more odds of avoiding an unwanted pregnancy, that can irritate you and that is quite more expensive (at the same level as ultrathin, with heat effect, with stretch marks, etc. that are much more fun). Of course, as the WHO and Dr. Peraza say, between using a condom with spermicide or anything, the answer will always be that you put it on and leave stories.

Recommendations for the first time

In sexuality there are many first times, the first kiss, the first love, the first caresses, the first disappointment, among many others. However when we refer to "the first time" is usually thought of the first penetration and is what this article.

In previous generations, the first intercourse with penetration more clearly marked a starting point of active sexual life being frequently in the context of marriage for women and in that of prostitution for men. However nowadays the entrance to the active sexual life is usually a more gradual process that begins with kisses and then intimate caresses before reaching the penetration.

Although now the advance in sexual life tends to be more progressive "the first time" can be very full of expectations, doubts, fears and anxieties. To go more calm, to spend it better and with less risk it is good to consider certain aspects.


Is there an "ideal" age? Is there a "proper" relationship time? Before this question the answer is personal and is related to when the person feels that it is the right moment. Not because the friends have already done it or because the couple wants it means that it is necessary to experience it. It is better to wait for the moment when it is a personal interest and without pressure.


In relation to the place the preferences can be varied. While it is true that some people are very likely to be discovered risk, for the first time it is better to be a quiet place where there is no possibility of being interrupted. In addition to that it is a clean space and in which both are comfortable. Having enough time is also a point to consider.

With whom?

Again this is a question that has an individual response, for some people it is important to be in love, but for others it is not essential. However, thinking about a first time, it may be better to do it with someone you trust than with a stranger. This with the aim of knowing that you will be with someone who will respect your own times and can talk in case of having any concern or difficulty.


Most reach the age when they start sexual activity knowing the most basic anatomical aspects, however not enough is known about the physiology of the sexual response. It is important to know that women in arousal are not passive at the level of genital changes but that they are less noticeable because they are less external than in men. With excitement the vagina increases in size and lubricates what is necessary for the penetration to be pleasant and not painful. For this it is essential to take the time necessary to achieve a good excitement before trying to penetrate. Another important point of the female anatomy, which is good to consider, is that in women it is much more sensitive in the clitoris than the vagina. This is going to generate that many women do not manage to reach orgasm only because of the penetration and they will need the stimulation of the clitoris to achieve it. When this happens it is not necessary to consider it a sexual dysfunction but rather a possibility and see how to adapt the stimulus so that both enjoy.

If it is your first time trying anal penetration there are also several important things to consider. Unlike the vagina, the anal area is not lubricated naturally, so using lubricant is something that is usually necessary. It is good to go slowly stimulating the area to achieve dilatation, never force and if there is pain it is better to stop than insist. As for vaginal penetration, a good excitement of who will be penetrated is fundamental.

How do I take care of myself?

A relevant point to take into account is to protect yourself so you do not have to regret a sexually transmitted disease or an unwanted pregnancy. If you are going to have heterosexual activity to avoid pregnancies there are different options and among the most effective are the hormonal methods. To see if you can use some such as pills, vaginal ring or injections, among others, it is good to consult with a midwife or gynecologist. However, these do not protect against sexually transmitted infections and if you are a heterosexual man it leaves all the responsibility of avoiding unwanted pregnancies in your partner. As a way to prevent the spread of diseases and to have a contraceptive method that does not need a medical indication, the condom is an excellent option. If you want maximum contraceptive security and diseases, a good option is to combine the use of a condom with a hormonal method.

If you are going to practice anal sex it is even more important to use a condom since it is a practice with more risk of transmitting infections. The use of lubricant not only makes the experience more pleasant but also reduces the risk of condom breakage, so the ideal is to use it since the anal area is not lubricated naturally. In relation to which lubricant to use it is necessary that it be compatible with condoms such as those based on water or silicone.

For women who have sex with women it is important to know that contact between genitals can also spread sexually transmitted infections. Although the risk of HIV infection among women is lower, it is not zero, and the risk of other infections is considerable. To protect yourself, it is recommended to use a barrier against contact between genitals (which can be a latex sheet or an open condom), use condoms or carefully wash sex toys in case of sharing them and be especially careful in menstruation since the blood increases the risk of infections.

Using the condom for the first time

For many people, using a condom is considered an "interruption" in the flow of sexual encounters. Although it is to incorporate an alien element, for the advantages in terms of protection it is convenient to use it and to avoid "cutting the inspiration" there are some things that can be done: keep it close so that it is not necessary to get up and look for it, know how to use it previously and do it together or that the partner incorporates it as part of the game.

Using a condom the first time can be a challenge. In the condom boxes come the instructions for use and they are not complex, however, would you read them when you first use them? How not to complicate if besides being the first sexual relation we add the one that is the first time to use condom? A good way to solve this is to test the use of a condom before the first penetrative relationship, that is, to practice previously putting it on. And this is not only for men, it is also good for women to know how to do it, so they can help their partner or put her to make it more fun. For men, an option to get acquainted with the condom is to put it on and use it in self-stimulation. In the case of women, they can practice with a dildo or with a similar element, such as a cucumber.

It is important to use the condom from the beginning of the penetration since before ejaculation there is also risk of transmission of diseases and even pregnancy by the sperm that can go into the secretions. You have to open the container in which it comes with your hands never with scissors or your teeth as it can break. It is important when unrolling to tighten the tip to avoid air and break with the pressure of ejaculation. Another point to consider is that after ejaculation you have to hold it with your hand when removing the penis and do it when you are still erect to avoid it coming out and spilling the semen.

While condoms last a long time they have an expiration date and it is good to review that ideally beforehand to avoid inconvenience at the time.

And to transport it you do not have to do it in your wallet because it can be broken, it is better to do it in the backpack, the banana or the wallet. To carry it in your pocket, it is best done in a conch holder that is a small rigid box that prevents it from getting damaged.

And if things do not turn out "right" the first time?

The first thing is to try to get the idea that in sexuality you have to do "good" or go after a goal especially the first time. Trying to enjoy the moment is perhaps a good strategy rather than seeking your own orgasm and / or that of the couple as the only objective. It is frequent that the first time there may be some difficulties such as that it is difficult for the man to manage the time of ejaculation due to anxiety or for the woman to find it difficult to reach orgasm. There may also be pain in the penetration, in that case it is better to go slowly and stop if necessary. In some cases it is good to try more stimuli to increase the level of arousal before trying again. Do not enter by forcing the couple or allowing pressure to do something that bothers you.

It is good to take off the pressure and if the first time was not very good in some way be patient to yourself and the other. If it's the first time we do something, why demand to do it right? Talking with the couple about what is happening and seeing how to adapt in a better way is a strategy that can help. Many of the problems that can occur in the first relationship can improve over time, however if they persist it is good to go to a specialist

I broke my condom, what do I do?

I broke my condom, what do I do?

Preventive measures after this situation

This is a common situation. The male condom can break or slip during sex. But do not panic, there are certain actions you can take to avoid a pregnancy or prepare to face a possible sexually transmitted disease / infection, from early detection and treatment.

These are the two precautionary measures that you should consider to avoid subsequent consequences.

Female Contraceptive Condom for Pregnancy and Disease Prevention, 3 Count Bulk
Female Contraceptive Condom for Pregnancy and Disease Prevention, 3 Count Bulk

To avoid an unwanted pregnancy

  • When a couple slips (the condom is removed from the penis) or it breaks, it is highly recommended that the woman take the pill the day after. This is an emergency contraceptive that must be taken during the first 72 hours (3 days) after having unprotected sex, or in this case, that the condom has been broken.
  • It is important to insist that these pills (Plan B, Ella, Plan B One-Step, or Next Choice) are not abortive. It works by obstructing, by means of hormones, ovulation when possible. If the woman has already ovulated what she does is thinning the uterus layer and thickening the cervical mucus to prevent the sperm from encountering the ovule and thus evade fertilization.
  • To make sure I get an STD / STI

What both should do is go to a doctor as soon as possible and explain the situation.

The doctor will take the measures that he considers most appropriate. Generally this involves having tests done to diagnose possible contagion. Some tests such as HIV may require several tests in a period of up to six months, because HIV may not appear in the results and at the beginning of the infection is asymptomatic.

Early identification and timely treatment is the best option you have in case you have been infected.
Why does the condom break or slide?

It is usually due to the inappropriate application of the condom:

  •     When it is not placed with the erect penis
  •     When the air that remains on the tip of the condom is removed before applying it
  •     When you open the package that contains the condom is broken by using scissors, teeth or nails that can tear

Recommendations so that it does not break

  •     If you use a latex condom, use a lot of water-based lubricant, not oil
  •     During the sexual act check from time to time that it is in place (which is placed from the base of the penis)
  •     Make sure the condom you will use is within its expiration date
  •     Try using the female condom . It is more comfortable for the man, the woman does not feel it and covers the external area of ​​the genitals providing more protection against contagion of more infections (not only HIV)
  •     Follow these instructions on how to place the male condom

The fact that only the man can realize that he broke or slipped the prophylactic leaves the woman unprotected if he does not find out. We recommend that you speak with your partner so that both can take the preventive measures recommended here.

How to use the male condom

How to use the male condom

The male condom is the only non-permanent method of contraception with an efficiency of 95 to 98 percent if used correctly.

Not only does it help prevent pregnancy , too; By avoiding the exchange of secretions and direct contact with your partner's skin, it protects you from sexually transmitted diseases / infections (STDs / STIs).
Using a condom is the practice of safe sex par excellence. Not only is it affordable and sometimes free, since many health centers distribute them, but it also involves planning sexual encounters.

Durex Condom Extra Sensitive & Extra Lubricated, 48 Count, Ultra Fine, Natural Latex Condoms,male condoms
Durex Condom Extra Sensitive & Extra Lubricated, 48 Count,  Ultra Fine, Natural Latex Condoms,male condoms

Said planning implies a reduction in the risk of acquiring an STD / STI and an increase in safety to avoid a planned pregnancy.

It is very advisable that in case of any doubt about contraception and STD / STI prevention, consult your doctor. Nothing compares to the face-to-face explanation and the recommendation of a doctor.
It is recommended that it be used to practice oral, vaginal, anal and sex toys. Use it whenever you have a sexual relationship so that you do not have an unwanted pregnancy or get an STD / STI.

  •     Always have at your disposal a condom in good condition, whose expiration date has not expired. This is very important, since a condom that has already expired does not offer the same protection nor does it have the expected effectiveness.
  •     At the appropriate moment (with the erect penis) open the package with your hands, very carefully. You will not have it with your teeth, scissors or nails. If it is torn or broken, it can allow the passage of sperm or allow the exchange of fluids with your partner and thus increase the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease / infection .
  •     Take the condom from the tip and with your forefingers and thumb take out the excess air that this part of the condom has. Place the condom on the head of the penis. The correct side is the one that allows you to slide it. If you put lubricant (which is water based) inside the condom, just put a little on the tip to prevent the condom from coming out at an unexpected moment.
  •     Unroll the condom carefully until it reaches the base of the penis. If the penis does not have circumcision, lower the skin before placing the condom. If you are going to use lubricant this is the time to put it on.
  •     After ejaculation and with the penis still erect, remove the condom by holding it from the base to avoid spreading the semen. Finally, tie the condom and put it in a trash can. Use a new condom for each sexual act.


  •     For a lot of attention to the expiration dates of your condoms.
  •     Choose the correct size
  •     Store them in a cool, dry place that does not get the sun. Never use one that when touched is cold or hot, should be at room temperature.
  •     If you suspect that the condom broke, moved or any other contingency, stop and use a new one.
  •     If you use latex condoms, use only water-based lubricants, so as not to damage the condom. Lubricants based on oil or petroleum jelly can damage them. Apply the lubricant generously once you have placed the condom: this will avoid any possible friction.
  •     You never reuse a condom. Just use one condom at a time and do not use a male condom and a female condom at the same time.

Latex-free condoms

Latex-free condoms
Know what latex-free condom options you have

If you suspect or know that you have an allergy to condom latex, you should seriously consider the options that condoms manufactured without latex offer you. Remember that the best protection against pregnancy and the spread of any sexually transmitted disease / infection (STI) is still the condom.

Trojan Sensitivity Thintensity
Trojan Sensitivity Thintensity

In the nineties some manufacturers began to make latex-free male condoms for people with this type of allergy.

Currently there are options available for sale in the United States of condoms manufactured without latex. We present you:
Polyurethane condoms

In the US market there are two brands of male polyurethane condoms (Durex Avanti condoms and Trojan Supra condoms) and a female polyurethane condom brand (Reality).

Polyurethane condoms both male and female condom have advantages over latex condoms :

  •     They heat better than latex (which allows the sensations during sexual intercourse to be greater)
  •     They are thinner than most latex condoms
  •     They have no aroma or are not perceptible
  •     They are not damaged when used with lubricants containing oil.

Among the disadvantages we have:

  •     Polyurethane does not stretch as much as latex or polyisoprene, so the percentage of slippage and rupture of condoms is greater
  •     The effectiveness of polyurethane condoms in preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases / infections (STIs) continues to be studied, that is, it does not guarantee the same efficacy as latex condoms.

On this last point it is necessary to clarify that the condoms manufactured with this material are still very new to have enough studies to prove their effectiveness. Even in the United States, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) requires manufacturers to label their condoms with the following warning:

    "The risk of pregnancy or transmission of sexually transmitted diseases / infections (STDs), including AIDS (HIV infection), are unknown for this type of condom." A study is underway. latex-free material, these tests show that organisms as small as sperm and viruses like HIV can not pass through it. "

The American Latex Allergy Association states that while latex-free condoms do not have the same proven efficacy as latex condoms, they are a suitable substitute for people with latex allergies.
Polyisoprene or Nitrile Condoms

Condoms made with polyisoprene (The brand known as SKYN) entered the market in 2008 and those manufactured with Nitrile (FC2 female condoms) have more time on the market.

Advantages :

  •     Polyisoprene is a synthetic version of a material derived from the sap of the hevea tree and does not contain the proteins that the latex has
  •     It is as strong and safe as latex
  •     Polyisoprene condoms are not as thin as polyurethane, but they are elastic and have a lower percentage of breakage and slippage
  •     It has lower cost than those that are made of latex
  •     Unlike polyurethane, condoms made of polyisoprene and nitrile are approved by the FDA and are considered an effective method to prevent pregnancy and reduce the spread of E / ITS

Lamb skin condoms

The oldest material in the production of condoms is the natural membrane of animals. Let's see the advantages :

  •     People who use it say they do not perceive the presence of the condom
  •     They are effective in preventing pregnancies


  •     They do not provide protection against E / ITS
  •     They are extremely expensive (the most expensive in the market starting at $ 3 per condom).
  •     It has a smell that resembles a stable or pen

The use of condoms for adolescents

The use of condoms for adolescents

Contraceptive method and barrier against sexually transmitted diseases

Adolescence is the time of life when most people start having sex . That is why it is so important that young people have correct and complete sexual information . Ensuring that they access it, we protect them from the risks that sex entails, mainly from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases .

Lifestyles Snugger Fit, Caution Wear Iron Grip and Atlas True Fit Condoms: 4 of Each
Lifestyles Snugger Fit, Caution Wear Iron Grip and Atlas True Fit Condoms: 4 of Each

An effective method to avoid both problems are condoms or condoms.

And not only that, for its characteristics are one of the best methods for teenagers who have sex. It is also the method most used by adolescents but for their use to be safe it is necessary to know them well.

Some parents of teens feel embarrassed when talking with their children about sexuality or believe that they will not be able to explain to their children what a condom is, what it is for and how it is used. Others believe that if they explain all this, they are throwing their children to have precocious sex. But the truth is that none of this is like that. The possible embarrassment can be overcome and having a good sex education does not make boys or girls start having sex before. Generally, on the contrary, if they have the right information, they are more likely not to have sex until they are ready for it, and that education also guarantees that when they do, they will be safer.

What is a condom?

A condom, condom, prophylactic or rubber, as they are also known in colloquial language, is a contraceptive method called barrier. That means that they prevent the semen that contains the sperm capable of fertilizing the egg from reaching the vagina.

But in addition, condoms are also a method to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis or AIDS, among others.

What types of condoms exist

There are male condoms and female condoms. Although the use of the latter is much less widespread. The most frequent and known are the masculine ones. The latter are a thin sheath usually made of a product called latex that lines the penis. The female condom is also a thin sheath but usually made of polyurethane, it also has a closed end, like the male ones, and a ring on the open end.

How are they used

Both the female and male should always be placed before penetration . In the case of the female, the closed end is placed inside the vagina and the ring of the open end is outside.

Male condoms should be placed on the erect penis. To place it, the condom is placed on the glans and unrolls until it reaches the base of the penis. With two fingers the closed end is held to leave a small cavity in the tip of the condom that will be where the semen is when the boy ejaculates.

To make it safer it is convenient that after ejaculating, the base of the condom is held while the man takes his penis out of the vagina. And it is also important that this operation is done with the penis still erect to prevent the condom from escaping into the vagina and the semen or part of it reaching it.

It is important to know that male and female condoms can not be used at the same time as they can adhere to each other inside the vagina and cause one of them to come out.

When lubricants are used next to condoms, they should be based on water and glycerin or medical silicone but not oils. It is also important that they be stored in appropriate places. For example, if a prophylactic is worn for a long time in your pocket or in the glove compartment of your car, it may deteriorate. And it is essential to make sure that you are not stripped. For this we must look at its expiration date .

In addition, do not forget that condoms are for single use, you should never re-use a condom already used.

Who can use them

Almost anyone can use a condom because they have neither incompatibilities nor side effects, except in people allergic to latex, in the case of men, or polyurethane, in the case of women.

But even these people can find condoms of special materials for latex allergic.

How to get them

Condoms are medical devices subject to strict regulations and controls in most countries. In the United States, they can be purchased without a prescription in pharmacies and supermarkets. Also in some schools, in vending machines or in family planning associations.

Its effectiveness

Although the effectiveness of condoms is sufficiently proven, this is not 100%. Different causes such as misuse, condom breakage or others cause that, according to statistics, each year about 15 out of 100 couples who use condoms as the only contraceptive method have a pregnancy.

Teach teens to use condoms religiously

Teach teens to use condoms religiously

The latex condom is the only form of birth control that provides protection against both pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Although it is not infallible, using a prophylactic correctly is much safer than not using it. The optimal safety strategy, if one does not opt ​​for abstinence, requires that the man use a condom and that his female partner uses any of the three hormonal methods: the pill, Depo-Provera or Norplant.

Trojan Condom Pure Ecstasy Ultrasmooth Lubricated
Trojan Condom Pure Ecstasy Ultrasmooth Lubricated

One of the most sensitive changes in the sexual habits of young people, says Dr. Claire Brindis, is that men have begun to share the responsibility of birth control. "The pendulum has changed," she says. "Avoiding pregnancies no longer only falls on young women."

Even so, many men try to cope with evading the use of a prophylactic before sexual activity. You are probably familiar with some of the reasons (excuses) that are normally given:

"It ruins spontaneity."

"It spoils the feeling."

It is possible that girls may feel an aversion to condoms, although the reasons usually have less to do with physical pleasure than with the stigma that is often associated with this largely criticized form of contraception. Some young women, for example, indicate that the use of condoms makes them feel "cheap", when in fact they should be congratulated for being sexually responsible. Others worry that keeping a few condoms in their bag or backpack, just in case, could be misinterpreted as a sign that they are easily convinced to go to bed or that seduction was part of their agenda all the time. It has been determined that adolescents who carry condoms are almost three times more likely to use them for protection during sexual activity.

When the issue of birth control with adolescents is addressed, the message is the same for the children as for the daughters: having sexual activity without a prophylactic, even once, could potentially disrupt their future and possibly even cost them their lives . They must inform everyone and any of their sexual partners that if there is no condom, that means there will be no sex: no excuses, no exceptions.

"Even so, teenagers think they can 'say' who has HIV and who does not," says Dr. Donna Futterman. "The comment I hear from boys and girls is 'I can see a person's eyes and know that.'" The fact is that we can not confirm anyone's monogamy more than ours. We trust that our partner is both faithful and sincere, but a study that surveyed about two hundred HIV positive patients in a couple of New England hospitals revealed that four out of ten of the infected men and women admitted that they never informed their partners about of your condition. In addition, almost two-thirds of them did not always use a condom.

Arming our children with this information can help them face the pressure of having sex without condoms or not having it at all.

Do two condoms guarantee greater protection?

Do two condoms guarantee greater protection?

A fundamental element when it comes to having sex is the use of condoms. Regardless of the fact that there are several planning methods that avoid unwanted pregnancy, you can not leave aside the use of condoms to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

Mayer Laboratories Kimono MicroThin Condoms-100 Bulk Condoms
Mayer Laboratories Kimono MicroThin Condoms-100 Bulk Condoms

There is a myth about its use. Is using two condoms really effective? Many people have come to testify that the double use of this latex can be both good and bad. But why?

Microfalosomy: when the member is tiny

Both sexologists and experts in the field say that the simultaneous use of condoms is a bad idea for the simple reason that the friction caused by pelvic movement can break and wear out the condom in its entirety. It is enough that a single condom is placed in an adequate way to guarantee protection.

They also recommend that condom use should be carried out only when the male member is erect. This must be removed immediately after having ejaculated.

Can the male and female condom be used at the same time?

It is not recommended that both use protection because the same thing would happen with the double use of the male condom, both the female condom and the one that the man wears could generate friction by opening the micropores of this and thus allow the passage of bacteria and possible conductors of diseases of sexual transmission (STI).

Sexuality does not stop with pregnancy

It is enough for the man to use the male condom and the woman to plan with the method that is most effective and comfortable for her.

Safe sex beyond the condom

Safe sex beyond the condom

On numerous occasions we have been able to observe the negative consequences that derive from the scant study on the situation of women in the world or the female anatomy. This also affects the area of sexual relations . The lack of education about how to maintain safe and healthy sex or how to know our body has led to toxic attitudes , unwanted pregnancies , deaths during abortion , which continue to spread sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). ), etc.

OKAMOTO Beyond Seven Condoms - 50 count
OKAMOTO Beyond Seven Condoms - 50 count

Many people will remember how at some point in their teenage years, in high school or on the street, someone talked to them about the importance of using condoms . And, surely, we will have in our imaginary the mythical scene of trying to correctly place a condom on a banana or plastic penis. But what happens when in a couple, none of the members have a penis? Or simply, when one of the people has a vagina, should not this be protected?

Beyond the use of the condom or the contraceptive pill , it seems that there are no more methods of protection or that there are no risks if we talk about oral sex, masturbation, or contact with the vulva , even if it is with another vulva. We must be aware that practicing safe sex does not only consist of preventing pregnancies, but any STD , such as: syphilis, cold sores or genital, or human papilloma virus that has a dangerous relationship with cervical cancer.

However, when there is no penis present in the sexual act, many people tend to think that then "real" sex is not being maintained, or that there are no dangers. Both ideas are completely wrong, since any fungus, bacteria or virus can be transmitted by all types of fluids and not only through semen . So while we can see public institutions distribute male condoms, in rare cases someone will explain how to use a female condom, a latex barrier, condoms for the fingers or the importance of cleaning any sex toys that are being used before moving on. one vagina to another, or from the anus to the vagina.

By contacting the mouth, fingers, or other parts of the body with the vaginal secretions that occur naturally during sexual intercourse or menstrual blood, any harmful microorganism can pass from one body to another, even to through the same skin if there is any wound in it. Therefore, below we leave you information and some advice on the different methods of protection that you can use if you, you, you or your partners have a vagina .

Latex barrier

They are latex films, that is, rectangular or square pieces that can vary in size, color or smell (vanilla, strawberry, banana, etc.) and have a touch similar to that of typical male condoms, especially if they carry lubricant. These are designed to be placed on the area where you are going to perform oral sex or there will be contact between vulvas. Some cover the entire area from one thigh to the other, and from the clitoris to the anus.

In case one does not cover the entire desired area, it is recommended to use two . And while the same can be used to move from the vaginal to the anal area , do not do the reverse, as the bacteria in this area can cause problems or infections in the vagina.

If a latex barrier is not available for certain reasons, a condom can be used if it is cut in the following way. But this option is only recommended for few situations because when cutting it there is a danger of drilling, tearing or breaking the whole condom in such a way that it is unusable .

Although we wanted to improve this method by creating barriers of flavors, colors, or even decorated lace, many associations , both feminist and LGBT, have claimed that they are not comfortable to use during sex, as it is necessary hold them even with both hands, which can be rolled, slid , etc. So recently have emerged initiatives to create barriers similar to masks, which are subject, or can be tied, even to have textures to make their use more stimulating.

Condoms for fingers

Since latex barriers are designed for oral sex or any type of contact that does not involve penetration, here we bring you finger condoms , or finger condoms. These are very similar to male condoms, but they are smaller, so they can be placed on the fingers, and do not carry any kind of lubricant. There are also colors, with textures or even shine in the dark . These allow that if there are wounds in the fingers no STDs are transmitted and avoid to introduce dirt in delicate areas.

Female condom

It is the homologous of the male condom, with the difference that it is placed and introduced into the vagina.

Finally, to say that when using sex toys, it is advisable to use male condoms to cover them, and to use different condoms if it is going to be shared among several people, to go from one vagina to another, from an anus to a vagina, etc.

So the most important thing of all is that from schools, families and public institutions information is provided on the wide variety of contraceptive methods, protection against STDs, and to ensure safe sex that exist, as well as provide them , since many of these end up being available only in sexshops . If they are not known, they are not used, they are not demanded and improvements are not required to make their use more efficient and pleasant.