Monday, January 7, 2019



The choice of a contraceptive method will depend on the one that best suits the needs or preferences of the couple at each moment. Each method has some advantages and limitations that must be known. There is none that is perfect. But without a doubt, the worst and most risky is the one that is not used (WHO).

L. Ribbed Lubricated Latex Condoms, Vegan-Friendly, Glycerin & Paraben-Free, 12 Count
L. Ribbed Lubricated Latex Condoms, Vegan-Friendly, Glycerin & Paraben-Free, 12 Count

What is it?

The condom or male condom is a barrier method of contraception. Avoid contact of semen with the vagina. In this way it prevents the union of the ovule with the spermatozoon. And it decreases the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

In addition, it protects against sexually transmitted diseases (AIDS, syphilis, chlamydia infections, gonorrhea ... ..) through vaginal, anal or oral sexual contact. Therefore, it should also be used if other contraceptive methods are used (such as hormonal methods).

How is it?

It is a thin and elastic latex or polyurethane cover (for latex allergic). It has a small deposit in the closed end where the ejaculated semen remains. There are different colors, textures, aromas and flavors. And they can be covered with lubricant.

Are condoms 100% effective?

No. But there is nothing that protects better from sexually transmitted diseases or at the same time from an unwanted pregnancy, than a condom. Provided it is used correctly.

How is it used?

  • - Open the condom container with your hands, not your teeth. Lay it out carefully so as not to damage the latex.
  • - The condom must be placed before penetration, with the penis in erection and always with the outside part facing out.
  • - Gently press the tip of the condom to leave that space free and without air before unrolling it on the penis. This removes the air inside the condom that could cause it to break. Unroll it carefully to the base. If the inner side is facing out, discard it and place a new one.
  • - After ejaculation remove the condom before losing the erection, holding it by the base to prevent part of the semen from coming out.
  • - Check the condition of the condom. Give it away and throw it away in the trash (never the toilet).
  • ... .. And do not forget to take into account ...
  • - They are for single use. In each coital relationship you must use a new one.
  • - Use only one condom at a time. The myth of using double condoms for greater security is false. The friction is increased and therefore the probability of it breaking.
  • - Do not use oil-based lubricants (Vaseline, oil, fats or body creams ...) because they deteriorate the latex. Yes, water based ones can be used.
  • - Always use approved condoms (pharmacies, supermarkets, family planning consultations ...).
  • - Check the expiration date (if they are expired they can break more easily)
  • - Keep them in a suitable place, away from heat and light. Do not use if they are damaged.

What to do if the condom breaks or part of the semen is spilled?

The effectiveness of the condom is high, approximately 88-96%. In most cases the decrease of this or its breakage is due to improper use (poor placement, use of expired condoms, damaged or improper preservation ...).

In case of rupture or retention of the condom in the vagina, the use of emergency contraception (postcoital pill or the day after) should be assessed. This drug has a high dose of Levonorgestrel hormone. It inhibits ovulation, hinders fertilization and / or prevents implantation in the uterus. It must be taken in the first 72 hours after a risky relationship.

As its name suggests, it should be used in specific situations, not as a habitual contraceptive method. And remember: the postcoital pill does NOT protect against sexually transmitted diseases.