Monday, January 7, 2019

US warns about the danger of reusing condoms: "People do it"

US warns about the danger of reusing condoms: "People do it"

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that no matter how much they are washed and although it seems that there are no breaks, their effectiveness is clearly diminished.

To this day, the condom is the only contraceptive method that, in addition, also prevents the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. However, whether due to ignorance or reluctance, there are still many people who use it incorrectly or do not even use it.

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Lifestyles Skyn Extra Lubricated Non-Latex Condom 36-Pack

In fact, although it seems crazy, there are still cases of reuse of condoms, with all that that entails. This has been confirmed in the Twitter account of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC for its acronym in English). The health agency recently warned its followers of the dangers of carrying out this practice, assuring that, if they say it, it is because it happens frequently.

Condoms are subjected to a large number of tests to check their effectiveness, giving them 98% safety in preventing the spread of STDs or unwanted pregnancies.

However, this percentage can only be related to unused condoms, just removed from their packaging. If not, the effectiveness decreases drastically, no matter how good they seem to be.

To begin with, even washing and disinfecting them, there is still a risk that they may carry some type of pathogenic microorganism, which could lead to all kinds of infections.

In addition, the possibility of breakage increases dramatically, since the latex has already stretched and has lost its lubrication, no longer in its optimal conditions.

All this applies to any condom that has already been outside the package, even if it has not been done with him.

Other incorrect actions

Using used condoms is not the only way in which this device can be misused.

According to a global meta-analysis on condom use published in 2011 in the journal Sexual Health, there are at least 14 common forms in which they are used incorrectly. Among them stands out its late placement, once intercourse has begun, or the withdrawal too hasty, before finalizing it. Other errors would be forgetting to remove air from the end of the condom to leave a space for the semen deposit, use sharp objects to open the package, use lubricants incompatible with the latex or remove it incorrectly.

All these and other habits too frequent can ruin the effectiveness of the condom, both as a contraceptive and to prevent the spread of disease.

Why are they reused?

According to one of the studies analyzed in the meta-analysis, between 1'3% and 4'4% of those surveyed said they had reused a condom at some point in their life; but why?

The causes could be two. On the one hand, in many cases it is about simple instinct. The couple discovers that they have no condoms left and can not wait to buy more, so they decide to reuse the last one.

In other cases, it is more of an economic problem, caused by the high costs of the product, especially in the less developed countries.

For example, according to a study published in 1991, supplying condoms for one year in Burundi, Burma, Togo, Ethiopia, Mali and Madagascar would account for around 25% of per capita income.

These figures have changed over the years, but they are still making the access of many people to this anti-concept method practically a luxury.

In those countries, therefore, finding solutions to make them as accessible as possible would be a major step, but in the rest of the world it would be even more important to make clear in sexual education classes how bad this habit can be. apparently innocent The condom must be an insurmountable barrier, both for sperm and pathogenic organisms, but any improper practice can open very dangerous doors. To avoid this, every precaution is small.

How to put the condom, without "dying" the attempt.

It is relatively frequent that during the placement of the condom the degree of arousal and / or erection can decrease in a variable way, which otherwise is absolutely normal. What to do to avoid it?

  • - The first thing is to be familiar with how to put a condom and for this the best way is to practice, practice and practice outside the context of a sexual relationship: men can do it during self-stimulation and both can do so using some object that forms of the penis
  • - Have the condom nearby: it's that simple ... if you have to interrupt what you're doing to go get the condom to the bathroom, the drawer of the night table or the pocket of the pants that was lying somewhere; It is quite likely that you lose your erection. Leave it at your fingertips.
  • - Keep the stimulation: if all the stimulation is stopped, it is expected that the excitation will decrease. For this you or your partner, can maintain the type of stimulation they prefer while one or the other puts the condom.
  • - Use condoms of good quality: there are condoms that reduce sensitivity and pleasure. Durex condoms are designed for sexual / reproductive protection and also to enhance pleasure! There is a variety of colors, textures, flavors, aromas, sizes, and other benefits. You will surely find one that perfectly matches your tastes and those of your partner. Remember that Durex is the No.1 brand in the world.