Monday, January 7, 2019

5 errors that make the condom unsafe

5 errors that make the condom unsafe

Although the use of condoms is one of the sure means to prevent the spread of a sexually transmitted infection, as well as an unwanted pregnancy, there are errors that make the use of condoms unsafe.

 The condom can fail for three reasons: That it is not used in all sexual relationships; that is not placed from the beginning until the end of the sexual relationship or take care of the steps that avoid failures, as well as rupture during intercourse or by withdrawing the penis before time, "says the National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV AIDS.

Trojan Sensitivity Pack,10-count
Trojan Sensitivity Pack,10-count

Do not reduce your security

In an interview for Salud180, Deny Welsh, member of the Latin American and International Society of Sexual Medicine, explains that the proper use of condoms implies always using it; since you start the sexual encounter and in any practice, whether anal, vaginal or oral.

The specialist adds that to maintain security at all times, it is important to use it correctly. This involves avoiding the next series of errors.

1. Do not check the expiration date. Welsh stresses that it is very important to check the expiration date when buying a condom. This should be used two years before it expires, or three years after the production date. For example, if you mark its expiration in 2017, the maximum time of use would be in 2017. If the production date was in 2014, then you have until 2017 to use it.

2. Incorrect lubrication. One mistake is to use some lubricant, cream or Vaseline, these damage the condom. For example, oil-based lubricants degrade condom latex, while water-based lubricants reduce the possibility of rupture.

3. Tighten it. When you put it on, make sure not to stretch it too much, to the degree that it is tight. Leave a "reservoir" at the top, that is, a small space at the tip. This you can do by pressing the peak to get the air while you are placing on the erect penis.

4. Remove it incorrectly. It is very important to "remove" the penis from the vagina before the erection has been lost. You must grab the condom while you remove the member from the vaginal cavity so that the condom does not stay inside and there is a risk that the sperm spreads.

5. Make sure it did not break. The visual inspection is enough to check that it has not been broken. You can make a knot to hold the air (like when you inflate a balloon) and verify that the seminal fluid does not escape. After checking it, throw it away.

Other well-known measures that should not be mentioned, is to be careful when opening it and avoid using teeth, scissors, cutters, nails or other objects that could pierce it. Also, do not bring it in places where it can be drilled as in the wallet, purse, backpack, car glove compartment or in the trouser bag

Remember the need to always have a condom on hand; Do not wait until the last moment to look for it or acquire it. If you use it you will be saving future problems, such as the spread of a sexually transmitted infection, as well as an unwanted pregnancy.

Welsh says that the brand does not matter, because they are all "good", the important thing is not to overlook these aspects that could reduce the effectiveness of the condom. What other security measures do you apply?