Monday, January 7, 2019

Using condoms

Using condoms

You must use a condom during every sexual encounter to help protect against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Using more than one condom at a time does not double or triple the protection. In fact, it has the opposite effect because rubbers / plastics rub against each other and can break. There are different types of male condoms - lubricated, colored, flavored, textured, extra large, tight, etc. Also, male latex or polyurethane condoms are highly recommended for safer sex. Male polyurethane condoms are a good option for those who are allergic to latex. Animal skin condoms (like sheep condoms). They are NOT recommended because they do not protect against HIV and other STDs.

Trojan ENZ Non-Lubricated Condoms
Trojan ENZ Non-Lubricated Condoms

Use of the male condom

  • Put on the condom as soon as the penis is rigid.
  • Before opening the condom package, check the expiration date.
  • Check the condom to see if there are air bubbles touching the package with your fingers. If it is flat, throw it away and get another one. If it feels like a pillow, then you can use it.
  • Open the package carefully using the tips of your fingers. Do not use scissors, your teeth, your nails or any other sharp object. Make sure you do not tear the condom.
  • Make sure the "ring" of the condom is on the outside.
  • Pinch the tip to get the air out. This leaves a space where the semen is deposited. If you are not circumcised, lower the foreskin.
  • Keep holding the tip. Unroll the condom down to the base of the penis.
  • After sexual intercourse, pull the condom slowly while the penis is still rigid. Hold the base of the condom while pulling it.
  • Slide the condom to remove it. Be careful not to spill the semen.
  • Pull the condom. Never use the same condom more than once.
  • Note: The FC2 female condom can be used by men for anal sex

Information about the female condom

  • What's great about FC2? More options, more benefits!
  • The FC2 can increase the sense of confidence in a woman because it is she who uses it and offers double effective protection.
  • You can wear the FC2 until two hours before having sex.
  • The man does not have to have an erection to use FC2, which can improve the intimacy of the couple.
  • You do not have to take it off immediately, so you can enjoy the moment.
  • The FC2 is not latex, so it is not necessary to worry about allergy problems.
  • More lubricant can give you more pleasure, but ONLY should be put inside the FC2.
  • The FC2 is for ALL. It is COMFORTABLE, NOT LATEX, great for vaginal and anal sex and increases SEXUAL PLEASURE. We invite you to USE IT.

Instructions on the use of the female condom FC2

  • Do not use "double bag". Do not use FC2 and the male condom at the same time.
  • Open the package and locate the two rings
  • The smallest of these rings will be inserted into the vagina *.
  • To insert the female condom FC2 tighten the small ring so that it can be inserted into the vagina.
  • Insert the small ring into the vagina.
  • Use your index finger to make sure the condom has been inserted, pushing the ring and condom into the vagina until it stops in place. Inserting a FC2 condom is similar to inserting a tampon - you'll know when it's in place. Once inserted, the outer ring (the largest ring) stays outside and will receive the penis.
  • The FC2 female condom can be inserted up to two hours before having sex.
  • When you are ready to have sex, it is important to guide the penis INTO the ring.
  • After the sexual act and after your partner has retired, turn the outer ring to store the semen inside the condom (and to prevent it from spilling) and then pull the condom to remove it.
  • Use only one FC2 female condom for each encounter and throw it away when you are finished. Do not use the same condom more than once.

* Note: The FC2 female condom can also be used for anal sex. To use the female condom FC2 for anal sex follow all the steps above; however, be sure to remove the small ring first before inserting the condom into the anus.

  • Start from the beginning with a new FC2 if:
  • Start over with a new FC2 if:
  • The outer ring slides inside the vagina
  • The penis penetrates outside the condom and not inside it
  • The FC2 breaks

Brief information about FC2

  • The FC2 is a thin, flexible 17 cm thin nitrile pouch or bag. (6.5 inches, like a male condom) in length.
  • The woman is the one who uses FC2 during the sexual act.
  • The FC2 has a flexible polyurethane ring on the closed end of the bag (the end that is inserted into the vagina) and a soft nitrile ring on the open end of the bag (the end that stays outside the vagina)
  • There is a silicone-based lubricant inside the condom, you can use additional lubricant.
  • FC2 works to prevent pregnancy and STDs, including HIV, by covering the vagina.

  • Use a new FC2 every time you have sex.
  • Start from the beginning with a new FC2 if:
  • The outer ring slides inside the vagina
  • The penis penetrates outside the condom and not inside it
  • The FC2 breaks
  • Studies show that the clinical effectiveness of FC2 is equivalent to or comparable to that of FC1.
  • More than 16 years of studies have shown that FC1 is an effective barrier against unwanted pregnancy and STDs, including HIV.
  • FC2 is a method that the woman initiates and that prevents pregnancy and STDs, including HIV.