Monday, January 7, 2019

Let's talk about condoms with spermicide: more insurance or total thymus?

Let's talk about condoms with spermicide: more insurance or total thymus?

Unless you are ahead of your time and are already saving for a graphene condom , the most normal thing is that your method to avoid messes with your weekend rollers and / or follamig @ s is the latex condom of all life. In addition to preventing you from forming a family earlier than expected, its use greatly reduces the risk of diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, hepatitis B, HIV / AIDS, genital herpes, human papilloma virus (HPV) and syphilis. You just got rid of the desire to fuck bareback for a while, right?

Paradise Products Lifestyles Skyn Large Non-Latex Condoms Bowl, 40 Count
Paradise Products Lifestyles Skyn Large Non-Latex Condoms Bowl, 40 Count

The issue is that beyond the STD , it turns out that the condom is not an entirely safe method since it has a pregnancy rate for typical use that ranges between 10 and 18% (although only 2% with perfect use). ). That is, if you put it right you have a 98% chance of avoiding pregnancy and, if you put it wrong, the thing is around 82%. Maybe that's why condoms with spermicide enjoyed a certain popularity for some time and there were people who even recommended them as 'extra protection' in case of breakage or that it came out in full swing. In fact, there are those who still prefer them.

But are they really more effective? Is it good to use these chemicals in the penis, anus or vagina? Well the answer is that every time there is more evidence that they are not a good idea. "We must remember that the condom is a barrier method with a percentage of effectiveness that does not reach 100%. If it goes out or breaks, the spermicide provides an extra method to avoid possible pregnancies ", explains the andrologist of the Puigvert Foundation , Maria Fernanda Peraza.

In his opinion, the use of these condoms with spermicides is recommended as long as you know what you are exposing yourself to. "It's fine but you have to take some precautions when using it. The first thing is to know that one is not allergic to the compound, " says Pereza, recalling that" condoms with spermicide are very old, the most used compound is Nonoxynol-9 (N-9) and what it does is reduce immediately the mobility of the sperm ". The fact is that, he recognizes, some people may be very sensitive to this compound.

"You have to be careful because it can be irritating. Therefore, you should not have oral sex after using a condom with this type of substances as it could irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth, "says the expert. Also, people who already suffer irritation of the mucous membranes of the glans due to a bacterial or fungal infection, as it could aggravate the symptoms, are usually discouraged. To make matters worse, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has pointed out that it could even increase the chances of contracting HIV because of the micro-wounds it would produce in the vaginal canal or the anus.

That is why the World Health Organization (WHO) has stopped prioritizing its use and important organizations dedicated to reproductive health care, such as Planned Parenthood in the United States, have stopped distributing them for free. For this reason, there are fewer and fewer brands that manufacture this type of prophylactic (since 2005 nine brands stopped producing them in the US) which, moreover, is more expensive and with a more limited period of use than conventional condoms. A series of arguments to which the doctor adds: "in case of rupture, do not avoid STD", like any other condom.

At this point, and after consulting a well-known brand of condoms that still offers a whopping 10.29 euros for a box of 12 units , we conclude that there is no sense in spending more for a product that has no more odds of avoiding an unwanted pregnancy, that can irritate you and that is quite more expensive (at the same level as ultrathin, with heat effect, with stretch marks, etc. that are much more fun). Of course, as the WHO and Dr. Peraza say, between using a condom with spermicide or anything, the answer will always be that you put it on and leave stories.

Recommendations for the first time

In sexuality there are many first times, the first kiss, the first love, the first caresses, the first disappointment, among many others. However when we refer to "the first time" is usually thought of the first penetration and is what this article.

In previous generations, the first intercourse with penetration more clearly marked a starting point of active sexual life being frequently in the context of marriage for women and in that of prostitution for men. However nowadays the entrance to the active sexual life is usually a more gradual process that begins with kisses and then intimate caresses before reaching the penetration.

Although now the advance in sexual life tends to be more progressive "the first time" can be very full of expectations, doubts, fears and anxieties. To go more calm, to spend it better and with less risk it is good to consider certain aspects.


Is there an "ideal" age? Is there a "proper" relationship time? Before this question the answer is personal and is related to when the person feels that it is the right moment. Not because the friends have already done it or because the couple wants it means that it is necessary to experience it. It is better to wait for the moment when it is a personal interest and without pressure.


In relation to the place the preferences can be varied. While it is true that some people are very likely to be discovered risk, for the first time it is better to be a quiet place where there is no possibility of being interrupted. In addition to that it is a clean space and in which both are comfortable. Having enough time is also a point to consider.

With whom?

Again this is a question that has an individual response, for some people it is important to be in love, but for others it is not essential. However, thinking about a first time, it may be better to do it with someone you trust than with a stranger. This with the aim of knowing that you will be with someone who will respect your own times and can talk in case of having any concern or difficulty.


Most reach the age when they start sexual activity knowing the most basic anatomical aspects, however not enough is known about the physiology of the sexual response. It is important to know that women in arousal are not passive at the level of genital changes but that they are less noticeable because they are less external than in men. With excitement the vagina increases in size and lubricates what is necessary for the penetration to be pleasant and not painful. For this it is essential to take the time necessary to achieve a good excitement before trying to penetrate. Another important point of the female anatomy, which is good to consider, is that in women it is much more sensitive in the clitoris than the vagina. This is going to generate that many women do not manage to reach orgasm only because of the penetration and they will need the stimulation of the clitoris to achieve it. When this happens it is not necessary to consider it a sexual dysfunction but rather a possibility and see how to adapt the stimulus so that both enjoy.

If it is your first time trying anal penetration there are also several important things to consider. Unlike the vagina, the anal area is not lubricated naturally, so using lubricant is something that is usually necessary. It is good to go slowly stimulating the area to achieve dilatation, never force and if there is pain it is better to stop than insist. As for vaginal penetration, a good excitement of who will be penetrated is fundamental.

How do I take care of myself?

A relevant point to take into account is to protect yourself so you do not have to regret a sexually transmitted disease or an unwanted pregnancy. If you are going to have heterosexual activity to avoid pregnancies there are different options and among the most effective are the hormonal methods. To see if you can use some such as pills, vaginal ring or injections, among others, it is good to consult with a midwife or gynecologist. However, these do not protect against sexually transmitted infections and if you are a heterosexual man it leaves all the responsibility of avoiding unwanted pregnancies in your partner. As a way to prevent the spread of diseases and to have a contraceptive method that does not need a medical indication, the condom is an excellent option. If you want maximum contraceptive security and diseases, a good option is to combine the use of a condom with a hormonal method.

If you are going to practice anal sex it is even more important to use a condom since it is a practice with more risk of transmitting infections. The use of lubricant not only makes the experience more pleasant but also reduces the risk of condom breakage, so the ideal is to use it since the anal area is not lubricated naturally. In relation to which lubricant to use it is necessary that it be compatible with condoms such as those based on water or silicone.

For women who have sex with women it is important to know that contact between genitals can also spread sexually transmitted infections. Although the risk of HIV infection among women is lower, it is not zero, and the risk of other infections is considerable. To protect yourself, it is recommended to use a barrier against contact between genitals (which can be a latex sheet or an open condom), use condoms or carefully wash sex toys in case of sharing them and be especially careful in menstruation since the blood increases the risk of infections.

Using the condom for the first time

For many people, using a condom is considered an "interruption" in the flow of sexual encounters. Although it is to incorporate an alien element, for the advantages in terms of protection it is convenient to use it and to avoid "cutting the inspiration" there are some things that can be done: keep it close so that it is not necessary to get up and look for it, know how to use it previously and do it together or that the partner incorporates it as part of the game.

Using a condom the first time can be a challenge. In the condom boxes come the instructions for use and they are not complex, however, would you read them when you first use them? How not to complicate if besides being the first sexual relation we add the one that is the first time to use condom? A good way to solve this is to test the use of a condom before the first penetrative relationship, that is, to practice previously putting it on. And this is not only for men, it is also good for women to know how to do it, so they can help their partner or put her to make it more fun. For men, an option to get acquainted with the condom is to put it on and use it in self-stimulation. In the case of women, they can practice with a dildo or with a similar element, such as a cucumber.

It is important to use the condom from the beginning of the penetration since before ejaculation there is also risk of transmission of diseases and even pregnancy by the sperm that can go into the secretions. You have to open the container in which it comes with your hands never with scissors or your teeth as it can break. It is important when unrolling to tighten the tip to avoid air and break with the pressure of ejaculation. Another point to consider is that after ejaculation you have to hold it with your hand when removing the penis and do it when you are still erect to avoid it coming out and spilling the semen.

While condoms last a long time they have an expiration date and it is good to review that ideally beforehand to avoid inconvenience at the time.

And to transport it you do not have to do it in your wallet because it can be broken, it is better to do it in the backpack, the banana or the wallet. To carry it in your pocket, it is best done in a conch holder that is a small rigid box that prevents it from getting damaged.

And if things do not turn out "right" the first time?

The first thing is to try to get the idea that in sexuality you have to do "good" or go after a goal especially the first time. Trying to enjoy the moment is perhaps a good strategy rather than seeking your own orgasm and / or that of the couple as the only objective. It is frequent that the first time there may be some difficulties such as that it is difficult for the man to manage the time of ejaculation due to anxiety or for the woman to find it difficult to reach orgasm. There may also be pain in the penetration, in that case it is better to go slowly and stop if necessary. In some cases it is good to try more stimuli to increase the level of arousal before trying again. Do not enter by forcing the couple or allowing pressure to do something that bothers you.

It is good to take off the pressure and if the first time was not very good in some way be patient to yourself and the other. If it's the first time we do something, why demand to do it right? Talking with the couple about what is happening and seeing how to adapt in a better way is a strategy that can help. Many of the problems that can occur in the first relationship can improve over time, however if they persist it is good to go to a specialist