Wednesday, January 30, 2019

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4 excellent benefits that antioxidants provide

The red color of the tomato indicates that it is rich in lycopene, a natural antioxidant that helps us prevent heart disease as well as prostate cancer.

Certain nutrients naturally present in foods, such as vitamin C, E, beta carotene and selenium, along with other phytochemicals, are antioxidants that can delay or prevent damage to body cells, caused by free radicals, which can lead to to our body to suffer from heart disease, or even cancer.

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CoQ-10 q10- co-enzyme, anti-aging 600mg - 300 Capsules

Antioxidants are capable of stimulating the immune system to help fight infections and protect the skin from premature aging. They are found in fresh fruits of intense colors, vegetables and other foods such as nuts, cereals, and green tea.

1- Antioxidants strengthen the immune system

Vitamin C has the ability to prevent and reduce the severity of colds, given its effect on the immune system; Most fruits and vegetables provide a bit of vitamin C, but especially currants, guava, kiwi and red peppers are good sources.

Vitamin A is necessary for a healthy immune system; vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes and carrots are good sources of these beta-carotene; Among the fruits with more vitamin A are melon, apricot and mango. On the other hand, foods of animal origin are also a good source of vitamin A.

2- Antioxidants protect against heart disease
It is advisable to take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and other foods that contain antioxidants, as they help fight cardiovascular disease.

Also antioxidants present in red wine and grapes, can help reduce the risk of death from heart disease.

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmia, decrease triglyceride levels and the growth of plaque in the arteries; in addition to slightly reducing blood pressure. The best sources of omega-3 are fish such as salmon, olive oil, seeds, some nuts such as walnuts and avocados, among others.

Anthocyanins, which are found in red and blue fruits and vegetables, have good results in protecting the body against coronary heart disease, reducing the possibility of plaque forming on the arterial walls.

3- Antioxidants protect against cancer

Beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A found in vegetables and some orange or dark green fruits, which have a protective effect against different types of cancer. The tomato in the diet can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer, thanks to lycopene, which is also present in some fruits such as watermelon, grapefruit and apricot.
Lutein, present in green leafy vegetables, as well as vitamin C in high doses, help reduce the risk of suffering from different types of cancer.
Selenium is a strong antioxidant against cell damage and immune system problems. It also helps to inhibit the cellular invasion of tumors. You can find good sources of selenium in nuts, oats, pumpkin seeds, brewer's yeast, mushrooms and nettle, among others.

4- Antioxidants fight against aging
Antioxidants protect against some of the degenerative effects produced by age-related diseases, which can lead to early death. Cranberries, strawberries and spinach, among others, can help combat the loss of brain function associated with aging, and help maintain the skin.

Antioxidant vitamins, where do we find them?

They are one of the most important ingredients to keep our organism in perfect condition, protected from any external aggression. In addition they help us to keep the aging of the skin at bay. Start incorporating these vitamins in your day to day and soon you will observe the results.

Based on the fact that antioxidants are essential for looking good and healthy, we must take into account the foods that support us in this race to the ideal state. In the diet there are different vitamins that fulfill this function, that is to say, to prevent free radicals from getting away with it, being important its frequent consumption, so that the organism has sufficient resources with which to win the battle to the oxidation. We show you which are the main antioxidant vitamins and in what foods we can find them.

The anti-oxidation A

Vitamin A is involved in a lot of essential functions in the body, including moisturizing the skin and repairing it . It is also known as retinol , whose benefits can be found specifically through creams and cosmetics, but also in the consumption of natural products.
Beta carotene is the safest way to consume this vitamin and we find it in carrots, broccoli, peppers, chard, spinach, oranges, mandarins, mango, among other fruits and vegetables. Its antioxidant action prevents cellular aging and the onset of certain diseases and protects the DNA.

Collagen C

The C is the star vitamin , source of energy and luminosity and one of our favorite antioxidants , which regenerates, hydrates and illuminates the skin.

Its action participates in the synthesis of carnitine , fundamental to prevent obesity , and in the synthesis of collagen , which contributes elasticity to the skin, avoiding flaccidity. We find it in foods like oranges, pineapples, apples, tomatoes, spinach, among others. Its topical use through cosmetics is recommended in dull, stress-affected skins that need to revitalize and combat the signs of aging, as well as tired skins that need to recover their energy immediately. Energizing Nivea Q10 is a good ally for this purpose, as it manages to recharge the piles of your skin immediately, correcting lines of expression and with an extra dose of softness.

The embellishing E

Vitamin E is the antioxidant in charge of fighting lipid-soluble free radicals, that is, it helps protect fatty acids and take care of the body's formation of toxic molecules. Protects the body against the effects of aging by eliminating free radicals that cause degeneration of tissues such as skin and their presence is important in the formation of elastic and collagen fibers of the connective tissue promoting healing of lesions. We enjoy its benefits in foods such as vegetable oils, eggs, nuts, green leafy vegetables and whole grains.

We included in this bag the famous Goji berries, whose antioxidant effects have caused the birth of cosmetic products with this fruit as a main ingredient in their formulas. In fact, these berries contain vitamins A, C and E and their powers on the skin are so many, it is said to be the fruit of immortality as it is able to stop time in our body and prolong beauty and youth.

Life cocktail

Sometimes starting from scratch is the best option, why not detoxify our body and eliminate what we have left over? Normally this task sounds monotonous and stressful, but what if we create a different plan with which it is desirable to get organized organically? Many celebrities have targeted the detox plan based on super natural shakes that, in addition to being great, contain all the basic nutrients for health. These fruit and vegetable smoothies can be prepared as breakfast or lunch , with all-natural ingredients.

Their task is simple: eliminate toxins and promote energy . Depending on the result you want to get the smoothie will be one or another color, for example the mixture of carrots and green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, has a lot of fiber that is vital for digestion.

A smart combination of antioxidants to hit vitamins and minerals can become the most healthy and natural recipe.

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Antioxidants, what they are and health properties

Studies have not confirmed that the consumption of antioxidants has the supernatural effects that were presupposed on cancer or aging, but that does not mean that they are not recommended.

What are antioxidants

The advance of scientific studies is showing more and more clearly the relationship between the health and food binomial. Until recently, the main studies focused on the effects of nutrients, that is, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. However, foods are characterized as complex mixtures, not only of nutrients, but also of other components that are included in a heterogeneous group called 'no nutrients' that are being studied today, like many phytochemicals with supposed antioxidant action.

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Natural CoQ10 (High Absorption 60 mg) Supplement - 400 capsules

The term antioxidant refers to the activity that numerous vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals have on substances considered harmful, called free radicals. Free radicals can chemically react with other components of cells (oxidizing them) altering their stability and functionality.

What are the properties of antioxidants

There is a considerable amount of scientific studies at the chemical level, cell cultures and animals that indicate that antioxidants can slow or possibly prevent the development of some diseases , such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases , and other degenerative diseases , such as Alzheimer's or own aging. However, the information from recent clinical trials conducted on people is much less clear. For example, studies on antioxidants and cancer , made in populations in the 1990s, reached divergent conclusions depending on the type of population studied. Many studies were made with antioxidant supplements, at doses much higher than those present in a varied and balanced diet, showing inconsistent results that were not extrapolated to a varied and balanced diet.

A few months ago, the EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) published its opinion on the current scientific evidence that links antioxidant action with health benefits and its conclusion is that there is not enough evidence to make such a relationship. Evidently this has caused a stir in the international scientific community. However, that the cause-effect relationship between the consumption of antioxidants and the benefit related to antioxidant activity or its properties is not fully clarified, does not mean that a diet rich in antioxidants is not recommended. On the contrary, it is.

Top 10 Antioxidant Rich Foods

Nowadays, who has not heard of antioxidants? Or free radicals? In molecular terms, they are substances that produce a series of reactions within our body, producing various effects, being one of the most relevant, influencing the physical aspect, namely, the skin.

Caring for food and maintaining an adequate supply of foods that are rich in antioxidants is a way to reduce the symptoms of aging

In case there are still doubts, we will quickly explain a number of important concepts to understand why it is necessary in our day to day nutritional support from sources with high concentration in such antioxidants.

What are Free Radicals?

To understand these substances, we have to go back to our time in school, the kind of chemistry ... and specifically what the cells that make up our body are formed.

There are different types of cells, constituted by different types of molecules, and which are formed by one or several atoms, linked together by chemical bonds. Within the atomic structure is: the nucleus, the protons (positive charge) and electrons (negative charge) among others. These last two establish the electric balance of the atom (same amount of protons and electrons). Electrons are responsible for interacting or bonding with other atoms.

Electrons are located around the nucleus, in different orbits or energy levels. Each of these orbits are filled by a number of electrons (the first energy level is occupied by two electrons) successively. The last orbit determines the electrical behavior of the atom . If it is found complete of electrons it is said that the substance or atom does not present electrical behavior or "reacciona". However, the atom seeks to obtain stability and will attempt to complete the quota of electrons that fit in the last orbit. This process is carried out by "gaining" or "losing" electrons, or by sharing with other atoms (in this case they will be "united" and will allow maximum stability of the molecule).

    If the bonds are weak and eventually break, they cause the molecule to remain with an unpaired electron, and that molecule becomes a new substance, called a free radical .

Free radicals are very unstable , trying to obtain from other components the electron they lack to gain stability. In this way, they "attack" the nearest molecules, "stealing" their electron. Thus, this molecule that has just been attacked, loses atomic stability, becomes a new free radical. This process causes a whole chain reaction , which tends to alter the functioning of the cell, and even produce "cell death".
Our body, in certain situations, produces free radicals , such as the immune system, to neutralize viruses and bacteria. But it is a cushioned process

Types of Free Radicals and Factors that generate them

  •     Endogenous oxidants are the result of physiological and biochemical processes that take place inside the body, such as digestion, breathing ... The immune system is also responsible for producing cells of this type, to eliminate infectious agents.
  •     Exogenous free radicals , are due to external factors, such as: pollution, radiation, tobacco smoke, toxic (alcohol ...), etc.

Most of the occasions where free radicals are produced are as a result of factors such as:

  •     Environmental exposure,
  •     Toxic and Bacterial,
  •     Cigar smoke, alcohol, drugs and / or drugs,
  •     Herbicides and pesticides,
  •     Process of breathing and of the digestive system,
  •     Too much exercise, or high intensity,
  •     Stress.

However, the body is prepared to counteract the action of free radicals. Although it is true, that in the face of a high production of these harmful substances and their accumulation, the body may not be able to solve the situation, especially in cases of older or nutritionally deprived.

Maintaining a correct supply of antioxidants in the diet could be linked to longevity , enjoy good health and reflect a rejuvenated appearance

Effects of Oxidation

The damage caused by free radicals is called oxidation , and affects the tissues that make up the body: cellular proteins, DNA, membranes ... On the skin, the most notable symptoms are the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes.
Cellular oxidative damage is also related to other more severe pathologies, such as:

  •     Cognitive decline
  •     Heart problems
  •     Cancer

What are Antioxidants?

Basically, antioxidants neutralize the harmful effect of free radicals

The antioxidant "donates" an electron to the free radical molecule to produce the atomic balance

To achieve this, antioxidants donate one of their electrons to the molecule categorized as radical, and it is back in equilibrium. Despite this, antioxidants do not become free radicals, despite losing the electron, since they have the peculiarity of being stable in any form.
Benefits of Antioxidants

  •     Reduce inflammation
  •     Strengthen the immune system
  •     Fight signs of aging (antiaging effect)
  •     Rejuvenates the appearance of the skin
  •     Decrease cancer risk
  •     Cardiovascular protection
  •     Prevent cognitive problems
  •     System support and ocular tissues

Types of Antioxidants

Naturally we can find mainly 3 types of Antioxidants:

  •     Vitamins
  •     Enzymes
  •     Phytochemicals

The best sources of antioxidants are plants because of prolonged daily exposure to ultraviolet rays: thus, as they will generate a high amount of free radicals as a result of this action, they have been able to establish a mechanism of self-defense, which will protect them from this cell damage.

You can buy antioxidant supplements at the HSN store

Vitamins Antioxidants

As the body is not able to synthesize vitamins it is essential that they be included through the corresponding foods in the diet. Among these elements are the most common and their main functions:

  •     Vitamin A : immune system support, eye health, tissue regeneration, cholesterol regulation
  •     Vitamin C : protection of the skin against UV rays, promote iron absorption, defense against infections, regular blood triglycerides
  •     Vitamin E : health of blood vessels, maintenance of the appearance of the skin, protection of the cell membrane
  •     Coenzyme Q10 : it is a pseudo-vitamin, and although it is synthesized by the body, it decreases with the passage of time. Among its most important functions are contributing to cellular energy production and the reduction of symptoms that appear over time (Antiaging Effect)

Antioxidants Enzymes

These types of molecules come from the food we eat in the diet, especially from animal proteins. To provide the antioxidant effect, these enzymes require cofactors, such as iron, copper, selenium, magnesium, or zinc. The quality of the protein will influence the quality of the antioxidant enzymes. In some cases, as with glutathione, the precursors must be present in sufficient amounts: cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid. Among these enzymes are:

  •     Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
  •     Glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase
  •     Catalasas


This type of antioxidants, are naturally found in plants (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, legumes ...), and defend them from the damage of free radicals. They are divided into:

  •     Carotenoids
  •     Anthocyanins
  •     Flavonoids
  •     Polyphenols
  •     Catechins
  •     Lignanos
  •     Allyl sulphides

An entire "antioxidant cocktail"

How is the antioxidant capacity of food measured?

To help neutralize the damage caused by free radicals we can start by including in our diet a greater quantity of foods that contain high concentrations of antioxidants.

National Institute on Aging is an entity dedicated to research on health issues, which has developed a table in which a score is awarded to each food based on its antioxidant power . This compilation is called ORAC ("Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity"). In this way the best foods rich in antioxidants are demonstrated by in vitro experimentation. In this sense, the results may not be entirely extrapolated to the human body, but nonetheless, it is a method for cataloging these foods.

Foods with a high concentration of antioxidants. Incredible health benefits

The following list is a compilation of the best Rich Foods in Antioxidants, and as we have seen, concentrate most of the above with their properties and protective characteristics:


Within this group we can include the subgenera such as: cranberry, currant, acai berry, blackberry, raspberry, strawberry ... These fruits contain important phytochemicals that directly inhibit the DNA binding of certain carcinogens. They are excellent sources of vitamin C, carotenoids, and minerals like zinc, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium .

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Antioxidants are a heterogeneous set of substances made up of vitamins, minerals, natural pigments and other plant compounds, and enzymes that block the damaging effect of free radicals. The term antioxidant means that it prevents the oxidation of other chemicals, which occur in metabolic reactions or by exogenous factors such as ionizing radiation.

What are antioxidants

As the name says, antioxidants are substances capable of acting against the normal damage caused by the effects of the physiological process of oxidation on animal tissue. Nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and enzymes (proteins in your body that help chemical reactions) are antioxidants. It is believed that antioxidants help in preventing the development of chronic diseases such as cancer , heart disease , stroke , Alzheimer's disease , rheumatoid arthritis and cataracts .

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SEDDS? CoQ10 Ubiquinol Cardiovascular Health Supplement, Daily Vitamin for Heart Health and Energy (60 Count), Liquid Water-Soluble Softgels for High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Oxidative stress occurs when the production of harmful molecules, called free radicals, is beyond the protective capacity of antioxidant defenses. Free radicals are chemically active atoms or molecules that have an odd number of electrons in their outer orbit.

Examples of free radicals are superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical, transition metals such as iron and copper, nitric acid and ozone. Free radicals contain oxygen known as reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are the most biologically important free radicals. ROS includes superoxide radicals and hydroxyl radical plus oxygen derivatives that do not contain odd electrons, such as hydrogen peroxide and singlet oxygen.

Because they have one or more odd electrons, free radicals are highly unstable. They scour your body to appropriate or donate electrons and, for this reason, damage cells , proteins and DNA (genetic material). The same oxidative process also causes rancidness in the oil, brown color on peeled apples and rust on the iron.

It is impossible to avoid the damage caused by free radicals. They are the result of various organic processes and are precipitated by various exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal sources) factors of our body.

The oxidants that develop from the internal processes of our body are formed by the natural result of aerobic respiration , metabolism and inflammation. Exogenous free radicals are formed through environmental factors such as ozone pollution , sunlight, exercise , x-rays , nicotine, and alcohol . Our antioxidant system is not perfect, so with age, the cells are damaged by the buildup of oxidation.

The antioxidant process

Antioxidants block the oxidation process by neutralizing free radicals. By doing this, they themselves become oxidized. This is the reason why there is a constant need to recharge our antioxidant resources.

How Antioxidants Work

  • - Chain break - When a free radical releases or steals an electron, a second electron is formed. This molecule circulates through the body and does the same thing with a third molecule, thus generating more unstable products. How does this happen? Or the radical is stabilized by an antioxidant that breaks the chain such as beta-carotene and vitamins C and E or simply breaks down into a harmless product.
  • - Preventive - antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase prevent oxidation by reducing the rate of initiation of the chain. This means that by looking for radicals in the starter stage, such antioxidants can prevent the oxidation process from starting. These enzymes can also prevent oxidation by stabilizing transition metals such as copper and iron.

The effectiveness of any antioxidant in the body depends on the free radical that is involved, how and where it is generated and where the injury lies. Consequently, while in an particular body an antioxidant protects against free radicals, in another it may not have this same effect. In some circumstances they may even act as a pro-oxidant, which generates toxic species of oxygen.

Types of antioxidants

Antioxidant nutrients

The antioxidants in our diet seem to be of great importance in controlling the damage caused by free radicals. Each nutrient is unique in terms of structure and antioxidant function.

  • Vitamin E is a generic name for all elements (to date, eight have been identified) that exhibit biological activity of the alpha tocopherol isomer. An isomer has two or more molecules with the same chemical formula and different atomic arrangements.
  • Alpha tocopherol, the best known and available isomer on the market, has greater biopotency (greater effect on the body). Because it is soluble in fats , alpha tocopherol is in a unique position to protect the membranes of cells, which are mostly composed of fatty acids, from the damage caused by free radicals. It also protects fats in low-density lipoproteins (LDLs or "bad" cholesterol) from oxidation.
  • Vitamin C , also known as ascorbic acid, is water soluble. Therefore, it looks for free radicals that are in an aqueous (liquid) environment, like what is inside our cells. Vitamin C works synergistically with vitamin E to eliminate free radicals. Vitamin C also regenerates the reduced (stable) form of vitamin E.
  • Beta carotene is also a water-soluble vitamin and is widely studied among the 600 carotenoids identified so far. It is regarded as the best eliminator of singlet oxygen, which is an energized but oxygen-free form that is toxic to cells. Beta-carotene is excellent for looking for free radicals in a low oxygen concentration.
  • Selenium is an essential element. It is a mineral that we need to consume in small quantities and without which we could not survive. It forms the active center of several antioxidant enzymes including glutathione peroxidase.
  • Similar to selenium, the minerals manganese and zinc are microelements that form an essential part of the various antioxidant enzymes.

Antioxidant enzymes

The antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) serve as the primary defense line in the destruction of free radicals.

SOD first reduces (adds an electron) the superoxide radical (O 2 - ) to form hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) and oxygen (O 2 ).

2O 2 - + 2H --SOD -> H 2 O 2 + O 2

Catalysis and GPx then work simultaneously with the protein glutathione to reduce hydrogen peroxide and ultimately produce water (H 2 O).

2H 2 O 2 -CAT -> H 2 O + O 2

H 2 O 2 + 2glutathione --GPx -> oxidized glutathione + 2H 2 O

2H 2 O 2 -CAT -> H 2 O + O 2

The oxidized glutathione is then reduced by another oxidizing enzyme - glutathione reductase.

Together, they repair oxidized DNA, reduce oxidized protein, and destroy oxidized lipids, fat-like substances that are components of cell membranes. Several other enzymes act as a secondary antioxidant defense mechanism to protect you from future damage.

Other antioxidants

In addition to enzymes, vitamins and minerals, there are other nutrients and compounds that have antioxidant properties. Among them is coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10 or ubiquinone), which is essential for the production of energy and protection of the body against destructive free radicals. Uric acid, a product of DNA metabolism, is recognized as an important antioxidant. In addition, substances in plants called phytochemicals are being studied for their antioxidant activities and the potential for health promotion.

Antioxidants improve health

Since antioxidants act against the damaging effects of free radicals, we could think of consuming as much of them as possible. However, even being components necessary for good health, it is still unclear whether supplements should be taken.

And if so, what is the amount to be consumed. Supplements have long been thought to be harmless, but it is now known that the consumption of high doses of antioxidants can be harmful because of the high potential for toxicity and drug interaction. Remember: antioxidants alone can act as pro-oxidants at high levels.

So, is there any scientific basis for all this hype about antioxidants? The experimental studies performed so far have different results, listed below.

  • - The Cancer Prevention Study with Beta-Carotene and Alpha Tocopherol (ATBC) involved Finnish smokers and alcohol users. The volunteers received doses of 20 mg of synthetic beta-carotene or 50 mg of vitamin E or a combination of the two or a placebo.

After eight years, volunteers who took vitamin E had 32 percent fewer diagnoses of prostate cancer and 41 percent fewer deaths from prostate cancer compared to men who did not take vitamin E. However, after only four years, there were 16 percent more cases of lung cancer and 14% more deaths from lung cancer in the group that took only beta-carotene.

  • - In the Retinol and Carotenoid efficacy experiment (CARET), volunteers were smokers or workers exposed to asbestos. They received a combination of 30 mg of synthetic beta-carotene and 25,000 IU (international units) of retinol (preformed vitamin A) or placebo. This study was stopped early because preliminary results showed a 28% increase in lung cancer rate in the group taking beta-carotene compared to the placebo group.
  • - A health study (PHS) of 22,000 physicians, of whom 11% were smokers and 40% ex-smokers, showed no protective effect or toxic effect after 12 years of follow-up. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either 50 mg of beta-carotene on interspersed days or placebo. A second PHS study is underway to test beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C and multivitamin with folic acid in healthy men aged 65 years or older to decrease cognitive decline.
  • - A 1997 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 60 mg of vitamin E per day boosted the immune system in a group of 65-year-old healthy patients and 200 mg generated a greater improvement after four months. However, 800 mg of vitamin E resulted in a worse immunity than they would have if they had not received any doses.
  • - In 2001, the National Institute of Health promoted a medical research on eye diseases in relation to age (AREDS). A randomized controlled trial showed that high-dose supplements such as 500 mg of vitamin C, 400 IU of vitamin E, 15 mg of beta-carotene, 80 mg of zinc and 2 mg of copper significantly reduced the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) compared to placebo. In addition, the group that took antioxidant and zinc had a significant reduction in visual acuity loss rates.

There are several possible explanations for these results:

  • - the amount of antioxidants in supplements may be as high as compared to that in the diet leading to a toxic effect;
  • - other nutrients may be present in fruits and vegetables that function in sync with antioxidants and are needed to provide a protective effect;
  • - study participants were too old to start taking antioxidants or had life-threatening lifestyles that antioxidants could not reverse the picture.

More than that, numerous observational studies, in which researchers look for associations without providing participants with supplements, have associated rich diets of fruit and vegetable antioxidants with a lower risk of diseases such as cancer, coronary disease, stroke, cataracts, malaria of Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and arthritis. So, despite the disappointing findings of the experiments, scientists are convinced of the many potential benefits of antioxidant diets rich in fruits and vegetables (but remember that antioxidants should be ingested in natura as part of the diet). They simply have not yet been able to calculate exactly how different antioxidant systems work together in our body to protect us from free radical damage.

How much is needed

The American Heart Association , for example, does not recommend the use of antioxidant supplements "until more information is compiled," but instead suggests that people "eat a variety of foods on a daily basis of all basic groups ".

More than that, in April 2000, the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, a board that is part of the National Academy of Sciences, reported that vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and carotenoids like beta-carotene should come from foods, not from supplements.

After examining available data on the beneficial and detrimental effects of antioxidants on health, the board concluded that there is no evidence to support the use of high doses of these nutrients to combat chronic diseases. In fact, the council warned that high doses of antioxidants can lead to health problems, including diarrhea, bleeding and the risk of toxic reactions.

Since 1941, the Food and Nutrition Board has determined the types and quantities of nutrients that are needed for a healthy diet by analyzing the scientific literature, considering how nutrients protect against disease and interpreting nutrient intake data.

For each type of nutrient, the Board establishes a Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) which is a daily intake goal for nearly all (98%) healthy individuals and a "maximum tolerable intake level" (UL) which is the maximum amount of a nutrient that a healthy individual can ingest every day without the risk of adverse health effects.

In some cases, the Board decides that there is insufficient evidence to determine how much of a particular nutrient is essential or harmful to health.

Over the past few years, the Board has updated and expanded the system to determine the RDA and UL values ​​that are now collectively referred to as Dietary Reference Intakes or DRIs.

Where Antioxidants Are Found

While the research looks promising, particularly with regard to vitamin E, food is the smartest choice for antioxidants. Studies show that for good health you need to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day as part of a balanced diet. Below is a list of where to find the specific antioxidants. If you are interested in taking antioxidant supplements, talk to your doctor about what is best for you.

Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, nuts, peanuts, almonds, seeds, olives, avocados, wheat germ, liver and green leaves.

  • - For good sources of vitamin C , look for citrus fruits like orange, broccoli, green leaves, tomatoes, peppers, peppers, potatoes, cantaloupe and strawberries.

Common sources of beta carotene include melon, mango, papaya papaya, pumpkin, bell pepper, pepper, spinach, cabbage, zucchini, sweet potato and apricot.

  • - You can find selenium in seafood, beef, pork, chicken, Brazil nut, brown rice and whole wheat bread .

Phytochemicals are found in a variety of sources. Some phytochemicals are currently under study to discover the antioxidant properties and abilities of reducing the risk of diseases that are listed below.

  • Phytochemical and its source of food:
  • Allylic sulphide (Onion, garlic, leeks, chives)
  • Carotenoids (eg lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin) (Tomato, carrot, watermelon, cabbage, spinach)
  • Curcumin (Earth Safflower)
  • Flavonoids (eg anthocyanin, resveratrol, quercetin and catechin) (Grape, blackcurrant, strawberry, cherry, apple, blackberry, raspberry and wildberry)
  • Glutathione (green leaves)
  • Indol (Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and chicory)
  • Isoflavonoids (eg genistein, daidzein) (Vegetables (peas and soybeans)
  • Isothiocyanate (eg sulforafane) (Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and chicory)
  • Lignins Seeds (flax seeds and sunflower seeds)
  • Monoterpeno (peels of citrus fruits, cherry and nuts)
  • Phytic acid (whole grains and vegetables)
  • Phenol, polyphenol and phenolic compounds (eg ellagic acid, ferulic acid and tannin) (Grape, blueberry, strawberry, cherry, grapefruit, blackberry, raspberry, blackberry and tea)
  • Saponino (Beans and legumes)

Of course, in addition to eating lots of fruits and vegetables, regular exercise and abstaining from smoking are essential for a healthy lifestyle.

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Antioxidants help you lose weight

 Antioxidants are substances that have the ability to protect your cells from the effects of free radicals ( molecules produced when the body degrades food or from environmental exposure to tobacco smoke and radiation) and inhibit other oxidation reactions, oxidizing them themselves.

Free radicals can damage cells and can play an important role in the aging process and in some heart disease , cancer and other diseases.

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CoEnzyme Q-10 100 mg 60 Capsules

By facilitating digestion and working as a detoxifier, antioxidants help you lose weight and, therefore, to see you and feel good.

Antioxidant substances include:

  •     Betacarotenes
  •     Lutein
  •     Lycopene
  •     Selenium
  •     Vitamin A
  •     Vitamin C
  •     Vitamin E

You can find antioxidants in various foods like fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains and some meats, poultry and fish.

Among the fruits that contain antioxidant properties are kiwi, pineapple, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, pear, cherry, blueberry and citrus, among others.

Here's a drink that, besides being rich and refreshing , will help you lose weight :

Juice of red fruits and tangerine

Ingredients :

  • 100 grams of strawberry
  • 100 grams of raspberry
  • 100 grams of blackberry
  • The juice of 8 mandarins


Use the juice extractor and process the red fruits and mix with the mandarin juice. Serve in a glass and decorate to your liking.

Take advantage of the antioxidant and diuretic effects of these delicious fruits in a healthy and balanced diet , but do not forget that medical advice is very important if you want to lose weight .

If you are interested in receiving more information on this subject, do not hesitate to register with us.

Melatonin is an excellent antioxidant

Melatonin is an important antioxidant that purifies both ROS and RNS. The antioxidant properties of melatonin depend on its ability to purify HO¯, H2O2, NO, ONOO¯, and possibly O2 ● ~. Melatonin regulates the expression and activity of most antioxidant enzymes such as GPx, GRd, SOD, G6PDH and iNOS. Unlike vitamins C and E, melatonin does not deplete the cell of its main reducing agent, GSH, but even increases its levels by stimulating γ-glutamylcysteine ​​synthase. Melatonin prevents LPO and maintains the permeability of the cell membrane by increasing its fluidity.

The importance of melatonin as an antioxidant depends on several characteristics: it is lipophilic and hydrophilic, crossing the biological compartments, being therefore available for all cells and tissues. It is distributed throughout all intracellular compartments, being especially high in the nucleus and mitochondria. Many organs can produce melatonin, which makes them independent of their circulating levels and, therefore, gives them an important advantage by not depending on the circulating levels of the hormone. All these properties make melatonin itself increase the effectiveness of other drugs.

Melatonin also protects against oxidative damage induced by a wide variety of free radical producing agents such as safrole carcinogen, Fenton reaction inducers, carbon tetrachloride, ionizing radiations and environmental toxics such as paraquat and rotenone herbicides. Melatonin protects nuclear DNA, membrane lipids and cytosolic proteins from oxidative damage, and increases membrane fluidity. The neuroprotective properties of melatonin have also been studied in various aging models, including the partial deficit of melatonin and in diseases related to aging such as cancer and cataracts. The decrease in melatonin levels with age seems to contribute significantly to aging.

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Antioxidants and cancer prevention

  •     What are free radicals and do they have any role in the formation of cancer?
  •     What are antioxidants?
  •     Can antioxidant supplements help prevent cancer?
  •     Should people who have already been diagnosed with cancer take antioxidant supplements?

Qunol Ubiquinol CoQ10 200mg, Powerful Antioxidant for Heart and Vascular Health, Essential for energy production, Natural Supplement Active Form of Coenzyme Q10, 60 Count
Qunol Ubiquinol CoQ10 200mg, Powerful Antioxidant for Heart and Vascular Health, Essential for energy production, Natural Supplement Active Form of Coenzyme Q10, 60 Count

What are free radicals and do they have any role in the formation of cancer?

Free radicals are highly reactive chemical compounds that can damage cells. They are created when an atom or molecule (a chemical compound that has two or more atoms) gains or loses an electron (a small, negatively charged particle found in atoms). Free radicals are naturally formed in the body and play an important role in many normal cell processes ( 1 , 2 ). However, in high concentrations, free radicals can be dangerous to the body and can damage all the major components of cells, including DNA, proteins and cell membranes. Damage to cells caused by free radicals, especially DNA damage, may play a role in the formation of cancer and other health conditions ( 1 , 2 ).

Abnormally high concentrations of free radicals in the body can be caused by exposure to ionizing radiation and other toxins from the environment. When ionizing radiation hits an atom or a molecule in a cell, an electron can be lost, resulting in the formation of a free radical. The production of abnormally high concentrations of free radicals is the mechanism by which ionizing radiation destroys cells. In addition, some environmental toxins, such as cigarette smoke, some metals and atmospheres with high oxygen concentration, may contain large amounts of free radicals or may stimulate body cells to produce more free radicals.

Free radicals that contain the oxygen element are the most common type of free radicals produced in living tissues. They are also called " reactive oxygen species ", or "ROS" ( 1 , 2 ).

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are chemical compounds that interact with free radicals and neutralize them, preventing them from causing harm. Antioxidants are also known as "free radical scavengers".

The body produces some of the antioxidants it uses to neutralize free radicals. These antioxidants are called endogenous antioxidants. However, the body depends on external (exogenous) sources, the diet mainly, to obtain the rest of the antioxidants it needs. These exogenous antioxidants are commonly called food antioxidants. Fruits, vegetables and cereals are rich sources of food antioxidants. Some food antioxidants are also available as a dietary supplement ( 1 , 3 ).

Examples of food antioxidants are beta-carotene , lycopene and vitamins A, C and E ( alpha-tocopherol ). It is often thought that the mineral element selenium is a food antioxidant, but the antioxidant effects of selenium are most likely due to the antioxidant activity of proteins in which selenium is an essential compound (ie, proteins containing selenium) and not of the selenium itself ( 4 ).

Can antioxidant supplements help prevent cancer?

In animal studies and laboratory studies, it has been indicated that the presence of higher concentrations of exogenous antioxidants prevents the type of free radical damage that has been associated with the presence of cancer. For this reason, researchers have studied whether the use of food antioxidant supplements can help lower the risk of suffering or dying from cancer in humans.

Many observational studies , including case-control studies and cohort studies have been carried out to investigate whether the use of dietary antioxidant supplements is associated with lower risks of cancer in humans. In general, these studies have offered mixed results ( 5 ). Since observational studies can not adequately control for biases that may influence the results of the studies, it is necessary to look with caution at the results of any individual observational study.

Randomized controlled trials, however, do not have most of the biases that limit the reliability of observational studies. For this reason, randomized studies are considered to provide the strongest and most reliable verification of the benefit and harms of a health-related intervention. To date, nine randomized controlled studies of dietary antioxidant supplements for cancer prevention have been carried out in the world. Many of the studies were sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. The results of these nine studies are summarized below.

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What do we know about antioxidants?

We find the label 'contains natural antioxidants' in many of the products we consume in our day to day. The first thing that comes to mind are benefits, we think that they help us to take care of our body or make us healthier, however, do you really know how they act?

Today in Medciencia we bring you the properties and functioning of these foods to your knowledge; Do not miss the potential of these products!

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Nature's Bounty Co Q-10 100mg Plus (with L carnitine), 60 Softgels

How do they work?

Antioxidants play a very important role in the fight against diseases such as cancer, diabetes or heart disease, because it manages to stabilize a series of compounds known as free radicals.

What are these free radicals? They are chemical species, resulting mainly from the oxidation produced by oxygen in the cells of our organism. Having an orbital with an unpaired electron are highly reactive, so they react with nearby cellular structures altering their structure and function.

How does the organism defend itself against the radicals? The main defense mechanism is in the hands of enzymatic compounds, such as superoxide dismutase, which 'sequesters' the reactive oxygen species. When these antioxidant systems fail to stop the action of free radicals, it is the turn of another type of compounds, among which are vitamins, selenium and glutathione (which probably sound more).

What happens if free radicals overcome defenses? Our body still has an ace in the sleeve, because it has various mechanisms for the repair of cell damage caused by radicals, among which we find ligases, polymerases, nucleases, proteinases and phospholipases . If it is not possible to repair all the damage, it could lead to the diseases described above.

How do we incorporate antioxidants?

We will ask ourselves if we are taking enough antioxidants in our diet, or if we need to incorporate them through supplements, and without the help of a nutritionist the decision we make will not be the right one.

An excess of these vitamin complexes can have toxicity in the body , limiting our metabolism or causing severe damage. Some examples are:

  •     Vitamin B3 : in excess produces vasodilatation, massive use of muscle glycogen or decrease in serum lipids.
  •     Vitamin B9 : also known as folic acid, in excess it produces a precipitation of it in the kidney, producing the hypertrophy of the organ.
  •     Vitamin D : probably the one that most sounds to you. It can produce hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, which leads to the formation of calcium deposits in the soft tissues and irreversible renal and cadiovascular damage.

Being already aware of the problem that can lead to ignorance of the amount that we must take these supplements, everything suggests that the best way to introduce antioxidants in our diet is in fruits and vegetables. Recommending the Mediterranean diet , as well as having a large amount of vitamins (especially in fruits) has a large number of chemical compounds with excellent properties for your health.

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How do antioxidants work in the skin?

We always say that an optimal skin care is never due to a single miraculous ingredient. Instead, it involves using a large number of beneficial ingredients that give the skin what it needs, to maintain a younger and healthier appearance. One of the wonderful categories of ingredients for the skin we want to talk about are antioxidants.

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Nutricost CoQ10 100mg, 120 Veggie Capsules, 120 Servings - High Absorption Coenzyme Q10

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are ingredients that intercept the problems that cause environmental damage and through a complex process, minimize their impact on the skin. Antioxidants are not scarce: most of them occur in fruits and vegetables, and others are created in the laboratory. Both types offer many benefits for all skin types and all ages, it's never too early to start using them!

To delve into the subject, one should know that skin care products often contain plant extracts rich in antioxidants. These can be extracted or obtained from the leaves, stem or root of the plant and added to the product, making it more powerful. The list of exceptionally beneficial antioxidants that we use in ICG is very long, but we can name some such as vitamins A, C and E; Green Tea or Soybean extract; Extract of Pomegranate, Turmeric or Grape; etc. We also use concentrated antioxidants with names that are not so easy to understand (but are excellent for skin care): some examples are superoxide dismutase, resveratrol, epigallocatecin-3-gallate and astaxanthin.

Antioxidants: anti-aging heroes!

To understand how antioxidants work and help your skin, it is important to know that one of the biggest problems that photo-aging causes is sun exposure in an urban environment. This uncontrollable daily assault for us damages the skin deeply, especially if we expose ourselves to them without sun protection. It is important to note that these negative consequences can also occur due to the use of products that contain abrasive or sensitizing ingredients.

In the short and long term, this impact leads to different signs of aging such as: flaccid skin, wrinkles, uneven skin tone or opaque, dryness, sensitivity, redness, and a multitude of difficult problems to treat. But if you do not do anything about it, the natural defenses of the skin will continue to be attacked. Antioxidants help your skin defend itself better from the relentless daily attack. In addition, stabilize fight against all environmental damage, so they do not cause havoc on your skin. They also have soothing and soothing qualities. They work in so many aspects in the care of your skin, which is really impressive what they can provide, just include them in your routine. Thousands of studies have clearly shown how antioxidants help to renew, restore, revitalize and rejuvenate the skin significantly.

It is never too late to start using antioxidants in your daily care routine. Not only will you begin to see visible improvements in your skin from its first use: in the long term the results will continue to impress you. Antioxidants will not only benefit you now, but they will do so for the rest of your life. Either a tonic, a serum, a specific treatment or a moisturizer; your products must be full of antioxidants.

When you go to buy a good product, you should look at its list of ingredients. Although it is as important to look for antioxidant ingredients in the list of ingredients as the container itself. Bad packaging means you will not get the most out of antioxidants!

Why is packaging important?

Despite their powerful abilities, antioxidants are delicate and should be packaged in containers that ensure they continue to be effective, or else your skin will not get the most benefit from them. Because of their way of working, antioxidants degrade when exposed to light and air. Thus, if a moisturizer, a serum or any other product rich in antioxidants is packaged in an open jar or in a transparent container, it will most likely lose its antioxidant benefit in a few weeks (or even days). How long it takes to degrade, depends on its formulation, but it will end up happening. Any skin care product with antioxidants should be in airtight containers or that prevent air from entering as much as possible, always avoiding contact with the fingers (putting your fingers inside the open jars, little by little contaminating the contents and eventually destroys the beneficial ingredients).

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Antioxidants, the elixir of eternal youth?

The products that contain them are praised: wine, green tea, olive oil, tomato, apple, peppers, coffee. They are sold in capsules, extracts, juices, creams. They are added in a multitude of foods. What are the antioxidants that cause so much? What do they do? Do they slow aging?

If the tomato is said to prevent prostate cancer, it is thanks to its lycopene content. If spinach is considered a protector at a neurodegenerative level it is because it is rich in lutein. If the moderate consumption of red wine is related to better cardiovascular health , it is due to resveratrol and other polyphenols. If the onion and the apple have a reputation for health, it is because of its quercetin content.

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CoQ-10 Q-10 coq10 CO Q10 co-enzyme 600mg - various sizes. Made in USA (CoQ-10 Q-10 coq10 CO Q10 co-enzyme 600mg - 60 Capsules. Made in USA)

Lycopene, lutein, resveratrol, quercetin ... are antioxidants. And there are many more, some as popular as vitamin C or isoflavones and others less known as thymol, methionine or p-hydroxybenzoic acid, to name but a few of the thousands that researchers have detected. Only in thyme have at least 35 different antioxidant compounds been identified. From different areas, there are people who have been researching antioxidants in food for 15 or 20 years. Why?

What makes them so interesting?

Well, they are capable of counteracting free radicals and oxidation processes of the body, those that damage cells and organs, which deteriorate the body over the years. Hence, it has been speculated with antioxidants as the possible elixir of eternal youth, associating its ability to counteract free radicals with the possibility of slowing aging. But who, like Francisco Tomás-Barberán, researcher of the CSIC and coordinator of the Fun-c-food project on functional foods, have been working with antioxidants for some time and have international prestige in the matter because, among other issues, they have managed to concentrate in resveratrol capsules , one of the antioxidants that has aroused most interest in the scientific community, say no, that these compounds "can improve some health patterns, especially in regard to vascular and intestinal functions, but not prevent aging " . Alfonso Carrascosa, a researcher at the Research Institute for Food Sciences CIAL-CSIC, also makes it clear: "Antioxidants are not a panacea against aging or against Alzheimer's; it is not easy to verify its beneficial effect on human beings ". Tomás-Barberán explains that not all the compounds that have antioxidant activity in the test tube have it in the human body, because its effectiveness depends on many factors. "Now it has been discovered that in the absorption of these compounds the microflora plays a fundamental role, the microorganisms that we have in the digestive system and that transform the antioxidants of the plants into molecules that are absorbed and have beneficial effects in our body; and recently it has been published that there are at least three different types of people because of their enterotypes, because of the type of intestinal bacteria they have, so it may be that some metabolize some antioxidants and others do not, and that the food that benefits a lot does not serve for others, "he says.

Rosa M. Lamuela, director of the research team of natural antioxidants of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), agrees that it is difficult to attribute which food or what compound of the many that each food has to obey the beneficial effect observed among those who carry a diet rich in antioxidants, but says that consuming foods rich in antioxidants is more protected against biomarkers that indicate oxidation processes, and oxidation has to do with cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, cancer or neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's or macular degeneration. "With antioxidants you can not stop those processes but you can decrease them; It has been proven that those who consume foods rich in them improve their biomarkers, "he explains.

According to Lamuela, although there is a lack of research to verify the real benefits in the body of compounds that show antioxidant properties in the laboratory, comparative studies have been done that have allowed to verify that the parameters linked to oxidation and inflammation -like cholesterol bad or indicators of molecular inflammation, which then affect many diseases-, improve after a week in people who are provided with wine (rich in antioxidants) and not among those who are supplied with gin (which has alcohol but no antioxidants). A greater effect on these indicators has also been proven when virgin olive oil is taken in polyphenols instead of refined olive oil; or that consumption of dark chocolate improves those parameters more than white chocolate. He adds that there are also works with experimental animals that demonstrate the effect of spinach as a protector at a neurodegenerative level; and others that prove that people who consume polyphenols have better blood pressure, and that those who consume more are those who have lower blood pressure. Recognizes, however, that many studies are missing to see if there is any concrete effect on aging and to analyze its cumulative effects, if it is the same to bet on antioxidants when they reach maturity than to take them as children, for example.

But how do antioxidants work? They are all the same? "They are compounds that block oxygen, which is one of the most aggressive chemical components on our planet; in fact, they were not discovered in relation to degenerative diseases , but by the attack of oxygen on metals and the observation that there were certain anticorrosive substances that protected them; then we saw that these substances are in food, and that plants are the organisms that have more antioxidants because they develop them to protect themselves from oxygen ", explains Carrascosa. Jesús Román, expert in nutrition and member of the Spanish Society of Dietetics, stresses that our metabolism is a combustion machine that needs oxygen to, among other things, breathe. "But these processes produce free radicals, atoms that have an excess of an electron and that seek to react with any other substance - cholesterol, DNA, arteries ... - to discharge; if they find an antioxidant along the way, it captures them, neutralizes them, and thus does not damage other tissues, "he summarizes. On the other hand, if the oxygen reacts with the DNA, it alters its composition and, with it, the mechanisms that have to do with genetics, causing cellular damage, changes in the original composition of the organs and alterations in their function. "It has been proven, for example, that in carcinogenic processes there is an oxidation of substances that induces mutations that attack DNA, and that is why it is thought that antioxidants can help prevent certain types of cancer," says Carrascosa.

José Viña, professor of Physiology at the Universitat de València and researcher of oxidative processes and aging, explains that, apart from those we ingest, our body possesses endogenous antioxidants that are produced as a reaction to free radicals, which in some way they act as a stimulator of the defenses themselves. That is why he cautions that berthing with antioxidants - for example, taking vitamin concentrates or other compounds - can be counterproductive, because all oxidants are neutralized and the body is not allowed to generate its own antioxidants and defenses. Jesús Román assures that in children and healthy people, the oxidation processes of the organism are counteracted by the antioxidants produced by the body itself or obtained from what one eats. "The imbalance occurs if there is a bad diet, the metabolism fails or we force the body a lot - like elite athletes - because then oxidation increases, and the way to avoid it is a diet rich in antioxidants," he says. At the last congress of the European Federation of Nutrition Societies, it became clear that oxidants, like free radicals, also have valuable functions, such as enhancing defenses, and that's why we should not try to finish them off, but achieve a balance between oxidants and antioxidants. In this framework, José Viña emphasized how exercise, physical activity, generates free radicals and, however, is healthy except in high competition.

There is enough unanimity in that, in general, antioxidants work well in low and maintained doses, which is how they are ingested in the diet, without being able to demonstrate the concrete functionality of each of them, since food, in addition to Antioxidants contain hundreds of ingredients that also prevent diseases. Anyway, it has been proven that not all antioxidants are the same or produce the same effects. "Depending on their characteristics, they affect one process or another of the organism; with a gastrointestinal simulator that reproduces the functioning and juices of the intestine we have verified, for example, that the polyphenols in the grape have an antimicrobial effect, that they act against the bacterium that causes the gastroduodenal ulcer and against the one that produces most diarrheal diseases " explains Carrascosa. Viña, on the other hand, assures that polyphenols do not have as much relevance as antioxidants in themselves as for their ability to stimulate their own antioxidants. He explains that there are studies done in convents that show that nuns who drank two glasses of wine a day increased their levels of antioxidant defenses. And he relates these polyphenols with the so-called French paradox: the fact that in France there is no more population with high cholesterol rates despite their diet rich in animal fats, which is attributed to the habit of eating with wine.

There are other antioxidants, such as vitamin C or E, that directly attack free radicals. But they do not act the same either. Vitamin C, water-soluble, prevents damage to aqueous compartments, while fat-soluble E protects fatty tissues. "That's why the important thing is to combine, to take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables varied to ingest all kinds of antioxidants: those that prevent oxidants from forming and those that avoid the damage of oxidation," remarks Viña. Tomás-Barberán adds that antioxidants also play an important role in protecting other nutrients and facilitating their absorption. "Vitamin A, C and E are degraded during food handling and digestion, so if the product contains polyphenols these substances are more protected and the levels of vitamin absorbed by the body are higher, and when we eat blue fish, whose Unsaturated fatty acids are easily oxidized, we will absorb them better if we take them with vegetables that contain antioxidants, "he explains.

Beyond the food we eat, every day more are sold in pills, juices, extracts added to other products ... And it is in this field where antioxidants provoke more controversy . There are experts who distrust this extra intake covered by the fact that the isolated functionality of each one has not been demonstrated; there are those who warn that taken in high doses become prooxidants, and there are those who think, like Tomás-Barberán, that it can not be generalized. "The main antioxidant of virgin olive oil is better absorbed into the oil than isolated, but in other cases the active ingredient is small and if it is increased with a dietary supplement it improves its absorption, or if it is protected in a capsule it is prevented from Degrade in the stomach, "he justifies.

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Antioxidants are natural or man-made substances that can prevent or delay some types of damage to cells. Antioxidants are found in many foods, including fruits and vegetables. They are also available as dietary supplements. Examples of antioxidants include:

  • Beta carotene
  • Lutein
  • Lycopene
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
Vegetables and fruits are rich sources of antioxidants. There is ample evidence that the consumption of a diet with many vegetables and fruits is healthy and reduces the risk of suffering certain diseases. But it is not clear if this is due to antioxidants, to something more present in food or other factors.

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Madina Vitamins CoQ-10 100 mg (3 PACK), Supports Cardiac Health and Anti Aging (60 Veggie Capsules Per Bottle) Made in USA - Halal Vitamins

Supplements with high doses of antioxidants in some cases may be related to health risks. For example, high doses of beta-carotene may increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers. High doses of vitamin E may increase the risk of prostate cancer and a type of stroke. Antioxidant supplements may also interact with some medicines. To reduce the risk, tell your healthcare provider about any antioxidant you take.

11 antioxidant nutrients

Discover the different types of antioxidant nutrients and what foods to find them to slow the oxidation of other molecules. They are healthy foods!

An antioxidant is a molecule capable of slowing the oxidation of other molecules . Oxidation can produce free radicals that start chain reactions that damage cell s. Antioxidants end these reactions, while preventing oxidation, oxidizing themselves.

Although oxidation reactions are crucial for life, they can also be harmful , so that plants and animals maintain complex systems of multiple types of antioxidants , such as vitamin C, and vitamin E, as well as enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and several peroxidases. Low levels of antioxidants or the inhibition of antioxidant enzymes cause oxidative stress and can damage cells.

Today we are going to talk about different types of antioxidant nutrients and what foods to find them.


Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin also known as alpha-tocopherol. One of its functions is to protect the membranes of the cells, preventing free radicals from oxidizing them. Vitamin E is found mainly in wheat germ and its oil, sunflower seeds and its oil, hazelnuts, almonds , soy lecithin and olive oil .


Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin also known as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C exerts its antioxidant role in the blood plasma. In addition, it has the ability to regenerate tocopherol (vitamin E) that has not been consumed.

Vitamin C is found mainly in citrus fruits , kiwi , papaya , red pepper or strawberries.


Beta-carotenes are yellow or orange vegetable pigments that belong to the group of carotenoids, a type of flavonoids. They are precursors of vitamin A, that is, once ingested, they are transformed into vitamin A. Beta-carotene are antioxidant components, which contribute to alleviating oxidative stress .

Beta-carotene is found mainly in fruits or vegetables with a bright yellow or orange color, such as carrots, apricots, pumpkins or mangoes.


Lycopene is a natural red pigment. It is classified within the flavonoids. Plants develop lycopene to protect themselves from the effects of light and the oxidation of air.

The main source of lycopene is the cooked tomato , since cooking helps to release this element and facilitate its absorption by the body. It is also found in fresh tomatoes , watermelons, carrots, goji berries and grapefruit.


Lutein is a liposoluble yellowish pigment that appears in algae and higher plants. It belongs to the group of carotenoids, which are a type of flavonoids. The function of lutein in plants is to protect them against solar action . This same property is helpful in protecting the human retina from the sun's ultraviolet radiation . In fact, lutein is a pigment that already appears naturally in the retina.

The main sources of lutein are spinach, lettuce, Brussels sprouts and peas.


Indoles are a type of bioflavonoids present mainly in green leafy crucifers, such as Brussels sprouts or broccoli .


Quercetin is a very interesting flavonoid for its active ingredients and for its antioxidant action .

Quercetin is found especially in onions , but is also present in apples , cherries and red cabbage .


Apiglocatechin gallate is one of the most potent polyphenols as an antioxidant . It is found in green tea .


Curcumin is a polyphenol present in turmeric responsible for a yellow color and its antioxidant activity .


Ellagic acid is a potent antimutagenic and antioxidant compound . It is present mainly in strawberries, raspberries and other berries, as well as in pomegranates.


Anthocyanins are bluish, dark red or purple pigments that the plants contain. They are classified within the flavonoids, as such, they have an antioxidant value .

Anthocyanins are found in blueberries , black currants, blackberries or plums.

The information contained on this website has an informative, informative and / or commercial nature. Always consult your specialist. It is important to follow a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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Antioxidants, what are they and how do they influence our health?

A lot is talked about antioxidants, free radicals, etc. But what are they really?
Antioxidants, free radicals, and other cellular phenomena are elements related to degeneration or cell death, being the cause of all the phenomenon associated with aging not only aesthetic, but also organic, giving rise to pathological phenomena of various kinds and consideration.

Therefore, antioxidants are important to alleviate as much as possible this molecular and cellular oxidation by preventing the action of free radicals.

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CoQ-10 q10 co-enzyme, anti-aging 400mg - 300 Capsules

Free radicals according to the experts are very reactive and unstable molecules, which are originated among other reasons by the consumption of tobacco, pollution, poor diet, etc ..., the most normal thing is that the body produces itself through the metabolism of various substances that we consume, inhale or ingest.

Increase the dose of Vitamins E, A and C is another factor to take into account when defending the body from oxidation. Vitamin E can be found mainly in seeds, nuts and vegetable oils; Vitamin C is present in strawberries, oranges, lemons, kiwis, tomatoes or peppers; while vitamin A is found in fish, chicken or turkey.

"These tips will help to diminish the oxidative processes of the cells, which will favor the conservation of physical youth and will increase, in this way, the life expectancy", explained Martín Guinea.

Another way to deal with cellular oxidation is the regular practice of moderate physical exercise; as well as generate healthy habits and avoid tobacco and harmful substances that contribute to the formation of free radicals. It is also important to reduce the consumption of fats and avoid copious meals that force the body to strive in their metabolic processes.

To increase the dose of antioxidants there are also supplements such as lipoic acid, polyphenols or coenzyme Q10 (coQ10) or ubiquinol, one of the most effective in the process of cell energy production. Ubiquinol favors the fight against aging, improves cardiovascular health, increases the daily energetic contribution and sports performance. These antioxidant supplements can be presented in several pharmaceutical forms , among them, in soft gelatin capsule, a modality that increases the effectiveness of them and is easy to ingest, since it has no taste or smell.

As antioxidants, not organism

Oxygenium is an indispensable element for life, in certain situations, leading to negative effects on human body. The two most harmful effects of oxygenation are due to the formation of several chemical compounds, known as the repective oxygen species (ROS) that include oxygen and several non-radical oxidizing agents, such as HClO (hypochlorous acid), hydrogen peroxide, ozone, etc. . Oxidative damage is caused by reactive species, which can be accelerated, carcinogenic, neurodegeneration and atherosclerosis in other pathologies (KUMAR, 2011).

Antioxidants are substitutes that can prevent or repair oxidative damage caused by retinal specimens of oxygens in lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, or antioxidants, with the ability to reactivate as well as to prevent harmful semen from the body (COUTO, CANNIATTI-BRAZACA, 2010 , VASCONCELOS et al., 2014). Among the antioxidants, there are vitamins C and E, carotenoids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, essential oils, glutathione, coenzyme Q, lipoic acid, organosulfur compounds and antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, thioredoxin and glutathione peroxidase.

Antioxidants may exert their effects also indirectly to or influence the regulation of genes involved in mechanisms of DNA defense or repair. This demonstrates greater influence of two antioxidants in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis or cell integrities (BERGER et al, 2012).

The food of vegetable origin present bioactive compounds (phytochemicals) biological health promoters activities, such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and hypocholesterolemic activities. Among these we can mention catechins of green chili and wine, anthocyanins of red fruits, flavonoids of leaves, chlorogenic acids of coffee and Isoflavones (BARBOSA et al., 2006).

Antioxidants are considered to be the main responsive hairs of beneficial effects of daily and diversified consumption of vegetables. A variety of phytochemicals present in fruits, vegetables and vegetables provide health protective effects, mainly for antioxidant additive or synergistic effects (LIU, 2006, JOSEPH et al, 2009).

Among the physiological processes, motor and cognitive have their capacities diminished with or aging, thus the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection, demanding greater care emmos of antioxidants for the elderly population (JOSEPH et al, 2009).

An example gives relevancy of adequate antioxidant consumption by oxidants or study by GALÁN et al. Comparing the practice of physical activity to foods that would make a juice-based drink of antioxidant-rich fruits and foods, they work as individuals who do not drink this beverage, Galán et al noted that most benefits are due to consumption of antioxidant-rich beverages. .

There was an improvement in the lipid profile due to the practice of physical exercises, the increase of HDL-C and decreases in the ratios of total cholesterol / HDL-C and LDL-C / HDL-C. A practical physical activity or consumption of antioxidants, was responsible for increased oxidative stress, measured through oxidative damage to proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and DNA. In this paper, we present the results of the present study. In this paper, we present the results of a study of the biodegradability of oxidative stress and its effect on physical activity.

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Are antioxidants really a miracle cure?

Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals and other chemicals that help protect cells from harmful substances that occur during the normal metabolism process.

It has been observed that diets rich in some antioxidants protect against the development of coronary heart diseases, strokes, some cancers and ailments associated with old age.

So we should consume as many antioxidants as possible, right? Even supplements?

CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) Pure Powder, Ubiquinone - Help Support Heart Health and Cellular Energy Production (50 Grams)
CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) Pure Powder, Ubiquinone - Help Support Heart Health and Cellular Energy Production (50 Grams)

Probably not.

Although some antioxidants can protect healthy cells from DNA damage, we still do not fully understand all their health effects.

So, while it's a good idea to eat a wide variety of antioxidant-rich foods, the opinion of experts is that most people do not benefit from supplements.

How do antioxidants work?
Image caption To the piece of meat on the left, a few minutes ago they threw a chemical that destroys vitamin E, which prevented oxidation.

Oxidation is a normal chemical process in our body that produces unstable molecules known as free radicals.

In small quantities, these radicals are useful because they play an important role in the normal processes of cells.

But in large quantities, they can cause cell damage and impair the functioning of cells, a process known as "oxidative stress."

We use antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene to prevent oxidative stress and protect the cells of the body.

Antioxidants do that by picking up electrons from free radicals, which effectively neutralizes them.

What foods do we get antioxidants from?

Click on the words to find out


    Selenium is a mineral present in the soil. It is important for the normal functioning of the reproductive and immune systems, as well as the use of iodine by the thyroid. Good sources: fish, seafood, red meats, eggs, wheat germ and Brazil nuts.

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is an antioxidant found in many foods, especially citrus fruits and berries, and in green leafy vegetables. It is particularly important for the normal structure, functioning and healing of body tissues, in processes such as the formation of collagen. In some countries, smokers are advised to consume vitamin C. It also helps to absorb iron.

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble antioxidant and is particularly suitable to protect the body against oxidative reactions involving fat. All body cells have a thin layer of fat vulnerable to attack by free radicals. Vitamin E intercepts radicals to prevent damage and maintain the integrity of the cell. Sources rich in this vitamin include nuts, seeds and vegetable oils.


    Carotenoids are plant compounds such as beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene, which give fruits, vegetables and yellow, red and orange color. They help strengthen the immune system. The deeper the color, the greater the concentration. Good sources: apricots, mangoes, passion fruit, carrot, red paprika, sweet potato and tomatoes. Bright orange beta-carotenes like those in carrots may have additional benefits as they become vitamin A.

    Phenolic compounds

    Phenolic compounds are a large group of plant chemicals with antioxidant properties. They include flavonoids such as quercetin, which is found in onions, tea, red wine and chocolate; curcumin, found in turmeric and mustard; tannins, found in green and red tea; Isoflavones, which is found in soy milk, tofu and miso; and lignans, in the flax seed and other grains.

Research in the last decade has shown that consuming foods rich in antioxidants - such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains - has a beneficial effect on our overall health. But it is important to note that the antioxidant content in foods and beverages varies a lot and does not equal their potential impact on the body.

The supplements, a waste of time?

Most clinical trials to date have not found any evidence that taking individual antioxidants or combinations of them can offer healthy people protection against the disease.

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According to Tom Sanders, director of the division of diabetes and nutritional sciences at King's College London, taking antioxidant supplements can be even harmful to health, particularly for smokers.

And the Cochrane Collaboration, an international group that reviews evidence of health interventions, also supports the view that antioxidant supplements can be more harmful than beneficial.

In 2012, he conducted a review of 78 clinical trials of antioxidant supplements and found no evidence that it could be used as primary or secondary prevention against the disease.

A study carried out in the 1990s with Finnish men smokers found that those taking high doses of beta-carotene had a higher risk of developing lung cancer. Research on the effects of vitamin E antioxidant supplements has been linked to a type of stroke and possibly prostate cancer.

Luckily, nature provides a balanced package of antioxidants and there is certainly no evidence that eating too many fruits and vegetables can be bad.

  • Get a rainbow
  • Copyright of the BBC World Service image
  • A balanced diet

Specialists recommend eating more food from plants, such as vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes, which are not only rich in antioxidants but also a good source of fiber.

But, how much is enough?

According to the British Dietetic Association, eating 400g of fruits and vegetables a day can help reduce the risk of health problems such as high blood pressure, obesity and some cancers.

Dietitian Felicity Lyons, spokeswoman for that agency, says that each antioxidant plays its particular role in the body, so consuming too much of one type in general does not help.

In addition, he advises to try to consume less processed foods and cook more at home.