Friday, February 8, 2019

Bronson Vitamin D3 10,000 IU Certified Organic Vitamin D Supplement, Non-GMO Gluten Free USDA Certified Formula, 360 Tablets

Calcium and calcium supplements: achieve the right balance

Calcium is important for bone health. Look how much calcium you need and how to get it.

Calcium is important for optimal bone health throughout your life. Although feeding is the best way to get calcium, calcium supplements may be an option if feeding is not enough.

Before you consider taking calcium supplements, make sure you know how much calcium you need, the advantages and disadvantages of calcium supplements, and what type of supplement to choose.

Bronson Vitamin D3 10,000 IU Certified Organic Vitamin D Supplement, Non-GMO Gluten Free USDA Certified Formula, 360 Tablets
Bronson Vitamin D3 10,000 IU Certified Organic Vitamin D Supplement, Non-GMO Gluten Free USDA Certified Formula, 360 Tablets

The benefits of calcium

The body needs calcium to develop and maintain strong bones. The heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium to function properly.

Some studies suggest that calcium, along with vitamin D, may offer benefits beyond bone health: it may protect against cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. However, the evidence on these health benefits is not categorical.

The risks of an insufficient amount of calcium

If you do not get enough calcium, you could have health problems related to weak bones:

  •     Children may not reach full potential height as adults.
  •     Adults may have low bone mass, which is a risk factor for osteoporosis.

Many Americans do not consume enough calcium in their diets. Children and adolescents are at risk, but so are adults 50 and older.

Calcium needs

The amount of calcium you need depends on your age and sex. Keep in mind that the upper limit indicated in the table represents a maximum safe amount, and not the amount you should try to consume. If you exceed the upper limit, you could increase your risk of having health problems related to excess calcium.

Calcium: recommended daily amount for adults mens    
Recommended daily allowance     Maximum daily limit

  • 19-50 years     1000 mg     2500 mg
  • 51-70 years     1000 mg     2000 mg
  • 71 years or older     1200 mg     2000 mg
  • Women     Recommended daily allowance     Maximum daily limit
  • 19-50 years     1000 mg     2500 mg
  • 51 years old or older     1200 mg     2000 mg

Calcium and diet

The body does not produce calcium, so we must obtain it from other sources. Calcium is present in several foods, including:

  •     Dairy products, such as cheese, milk and yogurt
  •     Dark green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli and kale
  •     Fish with edible soft bones, such as sardines and canned salmon
  •     Calcium-fortified foods and beverages, such as soy-based products, cereals and fruit juices, and milk substitutes

To absorb calcium, the body also needs vitamin D. Some foods naturally contain small amounts of vitamin D, such as salmon with canned bones and egg yolks. You can also get vitamin D by eating fortified foods and exposing yourself to the sun. The recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 600 international units (15 micrograms) per day for most adults.

Who should consider taking calcium supplements?

Even if you follow a healthy and balanced diet, you may find it difficult to get enough calcium if:

  •     You follow a vegan diet
  •     You are lactose intolerant and you reduce the consumption of dairy products
  •     You consume large amounts of protein or sodium, which can cause your body to eliminate more calcium
  •     You have osteoporosis
  •     You receive long-term treatment with corticosteroids
  •     You have certain digestive or intestinal diseases that decrease your ability to absorb calcium, such as inflammatory bowel disease or celiac disease

In these situations, calcium supplements can help you meet your calcium needs. Talk to your doctor or dietitian to determine if calcium supplements are right for you.

Do calcium supplements pose risks?

Calcium supplements are not for anyone. For example, if you have a disease that causes excess calcium in the bloodstream (hypercalcemia), you should avoid calcium supplements.

It is not definitive, but there may be a relationship between calcium supplements and heart disease. The tests are disparate, so more research should be done so that doctors know the effect that calcium supplements may have on the risk of having a heart attack.

A similar controversy exists about the relationship between calcium and prostate cancer. Some studies have shown that a high intake of calcium due to the intake of dairy products and supplements may increase the risk of developing this type of cancer, while other more recent studies did not find an increased risk of prostate cancer due to the total calcium, dietary calcium or the consumption of calcium supplements.

Until more is known about these possible risks, it is important to be careful with the consumption of excessive amounts of calcium. As with any other health disorder, it is important to talk with your doctor to determine the best option for you.

Types of calcium supplements

In calcium supplements, different types of calcium compounds are used. Each compound contains varying amounts of calcium mineral (known as "elemental calcium"). Frequent calcium supplements can be classified as follows:

  •     Calcium carbonate (40 percent elemental calcium)
  •     Calcium citrate (21 percent elemental calcium)
  •     Calcium gluconate (9 percent elemental calcium)
  •     Calcium lactate (13 percent elemental calcium)

The two main forms of calcium supplements are carbonate and citrate. Calcium carbonate is less expensive and, therefore, is often a good first choice. Other forms of calcium in supplements include gluconate and lactate.

In addition, some calcium supplements are combined with vitamins and other minerals. For example, some calcium supplements may also contain vitamin D or magnesium. Examine the list of ingredients to see what form of calcium is in your supplement and what other nutrients it may contain. This information is important if you have a dietary or health problem.

How to choose calcium supplements

When you analyze calcium supplements, consider these factors:

Amount of calcium

Elemental calcium is essential because it is the amount of real calcium that the supplement contains. It is what the body absorbs for the growth of bones and other health benefits. The product information label that calcium supplements have is useful in determining how much calcium a portion contains. As an example, calcium carbonate is 40 percent elemental calcium; therefore, 1250 milligrams (mg) of calcium carbonate contains 500 mg of elemental calcium. Be sure to consider the serving size (number of tablets) when determining how much calcium is in a serving.


Calcium supplements cause very little or no side effects. But sometimes they can cause side effects, including flatulence, constipation and bloating. In general, calcium carbonate is the one that causes more constipation. It is recommended that you try different brands or types of calcium supplements to find the one you tolerate the most.

What prescription medications do you take?

Calcium supplements can interact with many different prescription medications, including blood pressure medications, synthetic thyroid hormones, bisphosphonates, antibiotics, and calcium channel blockers. Depending on the medications you take, it is recommended that you take the supplement with or between meals. Ask the doctor or pharmacist about possible interactions and what type of calcium supplement would be right for you.

Quality and cost

Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that supplements are safe and that what they claim is true. The United States Pharmacopeia Convention (USP), (CL) or the Organization for Health and Public Safety (NSF) autonomously test the products of some companies. Supplements containing the abbreviation USP, CL or NSF voluntarily comply with the industrial standards of quality, purity, concentration and disintegration or dissolution of the tablets. The different types of calcium supplements have different prices. If the price is a factor in your decision, compare them between stores.

Supplement presentations

Calcium supplements come in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules, liquids or powders. If you have difficulty swallowing pills, it is recommended that you buy a chewable or liquid presentation.


The body must be able to absorb calcium to be effective. All varieties of calcium supplements are better absorbed if taken in small doses (500 mg or less) with meals. Calcium citrate is well absorbed if taken with or without food, and is a recommended form for people who have lower stomach acid (more common in people over 50 or who take acid blockers), intestinal disease inflammatory or absorption disorders.

More is not always the best: Excess calcium has risks

Calcium in the diet is usually safe, but consuming more is not necessarily better, and excess calcium does not provide protection for the bones.

If you take calcium supplements and eat calcium fortified foods, you may receive more calcium than you think. Check the labels of the food and supplements to check how much total calcium you receive daily and if you meet the recommended daily requirements, but without exceeding the recommended maximum limits. And be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking calcium supplements.

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Calcium to prevent osteoporosis is it enough?

Osteoporosis is a disease that produces a progressive decrease in bone mass. It does not hurt, nor does it present any symptoms, but it progresses silently, weakening the bones until one day a fracture occurs and the problem comes to light.

Women over 45 are at higher risk of suffering from it, due to the hormonal changes characteristic of menopause, but other circumstances can also be causal factors: genetics, taking some medications, smoking, drinking excessively, not doing Exercise and carry a diet low in calcium, vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin D3 Gummy Vitamins, Assorted Flavors, 150 Count (3 Bottles)
Vitamin D3 Gummy Vitamins, Assorted Flavors, 150 Count (3 Bottles)

In Spain about 2 million women suffer from osteoporosis (1 in 4) and according to the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER), a high percentage will suffer at least one osteoporotic fracture in their remaining life: 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 mens.

To prevent bone problems, exercise and diet are key players. Exercise because it helps keep bones strong and well nourished, and diet, because it is responsible for providing the body with the substances it needs to be in shape.

It is known that calcium is the mineral par excellence for bones, now, it must be clear that it is not enough and that not everyone has the same requirements. So important is that there is no lack of calcium (about 800 mg / day) as well as absorbing well . And do not forget that to promote the absorption and fixation of calcium in the bones, the contribution of magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K is essential.

If your diet is complete, varied and balanced and you do not have your needs increased, it will probably be enough. If not, consult a health professional about the possibility of supplementing your diet with an adequate complement.

Do it for the future of your bones!

Take enough calcium

General information: Introduction
The body needs calcium to build strong bones when you're young and to keep them strong as you get older. We all need calcium, but calcium is especially important for women and girls. Many people, including most women, do not take enough calcium.

How much calcium do I need every day?


  • If you are between 19 and 50 years old, take 1000 mg (milligrams) of calcium every day.
  • If you are 51 years old or older, take 1200 mg of calcium every day.


  • If you are between 19 and 70 years old, take 1000 mg of calcium every day.
  • If you are 71 years old or older, take 1200 mg of calcium every day.


  • Children between 1 and 3 years old need 700 mg of calcium every day.
  • Children between 4 and 8 years old need 1000 mg of calcium every day.
  • Children between 9 and 18 years need 1300 mg of calcium every day.
  • Calcium can prevent osteoporosis (weakening of the bones).
  • Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become brittle and fracture more easily. Some people do not know they have osteoporosis until a bone is broken.

  • One in four women and one in 20 men over 65 in the United States have osteoporosis. Calcium helps keep bones strong and less likely to break.

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Osteoporosis: Diet rich in calcium and vitamin D

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by the loss of bone mass and its resistance, which makes the bones more fragile and have a higher risk of fracture.

Dr. Luis Pérez Edo, specialist in rheumatology at the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona and director of the book "Manual of bone diseases", explains why it is so important to prevent osteoporosis, a disease that affects 35% of older Spanish women of 50 years and whose incidence could be reduced through healthy habits such as a diet rich in calcium, the practice of moderate physical activity and avoid toxic habits such as alcohol and tobacco.

MedCareMD Doctors’ Clinical Vitamin D3 10,000 IU, 100 Softgel Capsules
MedCareMD Doctors’ Clinical Vitamin D3 10,000 IU, 100 Softgel Capsules

What is osteoporosis and why is its prevention so important?

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by the loss of bone mass and its resistance, which makes the bones more fragile and have a higher risk of fracture. It is a chronic disease, so prevention is essential. It is the only and most effective way to combat it and thus avoid its high incidence: 35% of Spanish women over 50 suffer from it. It can be prevented by daily habits that are very easy to perform and that contribute to maintaining strong bones: a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D foods, moderate exercise and bone-damaging habits, such as alcohol and tobacco.

What symptoms does osteoporosis have?

Osteoporosis has no symptoms; In fact, it is known as the "silent disease". It does not hurt and is not usually detected until the patient comes to the doctor for a fracture. Therefore, it is important that women who start menopause and have risk factors such as fractures due to trauma of little magnitude, both in the patient and in the direct family, underweight or consumption of alcohol and tobacco, among others, follow the prevention advice: a diet rich in calcium and adequate physical activity and that go to the specialist to assess the need to perform tests for diagnosis.

Why women who have gone through menopause are at higher risk of having less strong bones?

Menopause is a risk factor, since it generates a more rapid loss of bone mass in women. After the first years, the speed of bone loss increases, thus causing a greater fragility of the bones.

Why is it advisable to consume foods rich in calcium to maintain strong bones?

Calcium is an essential mineral for our bone health, as it helps keep our skeleton strong. The main dietary source of calcium are dairy products, which, in addition to having a rich calcium component, are a good source of protein and other micronutrients important for overall health. It is recommended that the diet include a minimum of 1,200 milligrams daily of calcium, which can be found mainly in dairy products: yogurts enriched in calcium, milk and cheese, and to a lesser extent in vegetables such as spinach, cabbage or broccoli. , as well as in fish such as sardines, nuts and legumes.

In addition to calcium, specialists advise vitamin D. Why is it important?

Vitamin D is a necessary compound for the development of the human skeleton and essential to fix and absorb calcium in bones. Just as when building a house cement is needed to join bricks and create a structure, calcium needs vitamin D to build bone mass.

Which ones with the main sources of vitamin D?

The sun and food are the main sources. Specialists advise walking and exercising adapted to each person, as well as sunbathing moderately: approximately twenty minutes a day, although in summer and when there are high temperatures you have to monitor the hours of highest solar radiation.

However, in addition to the sun, other sources of vitamin D, which can be found in food, are necessary. For example, there are dairy products such as yoghurts that include an extra supply of calcium and vitamin D, so they are a highly recommended option.

To what extent is exercise beneficial for our bones?

Exercise strengthens the bones, activating their formation, and thereby helps prevent osteoporosis. In addition, it accelerates the blood supply and, therefore, helps calcium to reach the bones earlier. A sedentary lifestyle, which increases the loss of bone mass, should be avoided.

From what age is it important to take care of our bone health?

We have to take care of it at all times, since up to the age of thirty we build our bone capital, and from then on our bone mass will begin to lose its density. Therefore, in the first decades of life we ​​must ensure that we acquire the maximum, and then we must contribute to losing the minimum. It is around the age of fifty when we have to reinforce more than ever the daily amount of calcium and vitamin D that we ingest.

Dairy products enriched with calcium and vitamin D and moderate exercise are daily habits that help maintain strong bones.

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Vitamin D and calcium supplements to prevent fractures

The role of vitamin D and calcium in bone health

Calcium is an essential mineral for many body functions,
including the formation and maintenance of healthy bones. The
human body does not produce calcium; he gets it from food
or supplements. Because the bones break down and you
constantly rebuild, calcium is necessary during
lifetime. Vitamin D is also essential for bone health,
mainly because it helps the calcium ingested to be absorbed
from the intestine. Most vitamin D of the body
produces the skin in response to sunlight, but it also
It can absorb food and supplements.

Natural Living High Potency Vitamin D3 8000 IU 60 Capsules 5 Bottles
Natural Living High Potency Vitamin D3 8000 IU 60 Capsules 5 Bottles

Bone density and risk of fractures

With age, the rate of bone breakdown begins at
overcome the reconstitution index. In women, a reason
important is a decrease in estrogen levels
during menopause. Over time, this can cause a
low bone density (fragile bones). Finally, this can
cause osteoporosis (porous bones). People with
osteoporosis are more likely to have bone fractures,
especially after a trauma, like a fall.
Get enough vitamin D and calcium through
food at a young age can decrease the risk of
develop osteoporosis later. However, the function of
Taking vitamin D and calcium supplements is less clear.

What is the population that is considered to take
Vitamin D and calcium supplements to prevent fractures?

This recommendation is valid for adults who do not have
osteoporosis or known vitamin D deficiency, nor
history of osteoporotic bone fractures or an increase
in the risk of falls and living in the community (not in a
asylum or in another institutional care environment).

What are the possible benefits and harms of taking
Vitamin D and calcium supplements to prevent fractures?

The possible benefit of taking vitamin D supplements and
calcium is that it helps prevent osteoporosis, and therefore,
decreases bone fractures. However, currently not
there is sufficient evidence to say that this is the case for
majority of older adults. What the evidence does show
is that you take lower doses of vitamin D and calcium (400 IU
of vitamin D and 1000 mg of calcium daily) does not prevent
fractures in postmenopausal women. The possible damages
of taking a combination of vitamin D and calcium includes a
Small increase in the risk of having kidney stones. The
possible relationship between vitamin D supplements and calcium
and cardiovascular disease is controversial, but no
Study has shown a direct relationship between them.

How emphatic is the recommendation to take supplements
of vitamin D and calcium to prevent fractures?

In the case of men and women who did not go through the
menopause, there is not enough evidence to weigh the
benefits and harms of taking vitamin D and calcium supplements
to prevent fractures. In the case of postmenopausal women,
there is not enough evidence to weigh the benefits and damages
to take> 400 IU of vitamin D and> 1000 mg of calcium daily,
but there is evidence that taking 400 IU of vitamin D
and 1000 mg of calcium daily does not have a net benefit in
the prevention of fractures.

Conclusion: current recommendation to take supplements
of vitamin D and calcium to prevent fractures

The USPSTF concludes that, for men and women
premenopausal women who live in the community, does not exist
sufficient evidence to evaluate the comparison of damages and
benefits of vitamin D and calcium supplements, alone or
combined, for the prevention of fractures (enunciated "I"). At
In the case of postmenopausal women, the USPSTF does not recommend
take 400 IU of vitamin D and 1000 mg of calcium daily
to prevent fractures (statement "D"). In the case of
postmenopausal women, there is not enough evidence to
take> 400 IU of vitamin D and> 1000 mg of calcium daily
to prevent fractures (statement "I").

New Formula: Paleo Life Vitamin D3 5000iu Premium High Potency with Coconut Oil, 60 Capsules

Consumption of vitamin D3 and calcium prevents Osteoporosis

Good bone health is guaranteed by the consumption of vitamin D3 and calcium. Experts claim that vitamin D3 helps in the prevention of Osteoporosis, because it improves the absorption of calcium at the intestinal level, stimulates the formation of bones and improves muscle function. In this way the body is more strengthened and is more prepared to prevent falls and prevent fractures.

New Formula: Paleo Life Vitamin D3 5000iu Premium High Potency with Coconut Oil, 60 Capsules
New Formula: Paleo Life Vitamin D3 5000iu Premium High Potency with Coconut Oil, 60 Capsules

Recent research has determined that vitamin D3 significantly reduces the mortality of women prone to osteoporosis or bone fractures.

On the other hand, numerous studies have shown that among the various functions of Vitamin D3 can also be mentioned its effect in the prevention of some types of cancer, in the strengthening of the immune system, in the proper functioning of the neuromuscular system, in addition to its effect anti-aging, among others.

Recommended dose

Specialists recommend consuming between 400 and 800 IU per day to adults, higher doses may be required (1,000-2,000 IU / day) in people with liver, kidney or intestinal malabsorption disorders, or in older adults with poor sun exposure.

Although Vitamin D3 has a wide range of dosage, which makes it a safe drug, it is suggested to consult the doctor if you are a carrier of any cardiac condition, because some medications used in these patients, such as digoxin, diltiazem, verapamil or atorvastatin, may be altered its effects with the simultaneous use of vitamin D3.

A myth

Sunlight can transform cholesterol into precursors of vitamin D at the level of the skin, so it is believed that sun exposure is sufficient to have adequate values ​​of this vitamin and that its intake would not be necessary in the tropical countries, like Venezuela. However, clinical studies show that even living in the tropics, due to different reasons such as old age, female sex, pregnancy, little sun exposure, among others, it is common to observe vitamin D deficiency in the population.

Little exposure to the sun

The majority of the population living in the cities exposes themselves very little to the sun daily, for various reasons: tall buildings, closed windows, closed or underground means of transport, intolerance to the heat of the sun, fear of the risk of skin cancer. The impact of such conditions is even greater in elderly people, who live confined in their homes or care homes for different reasons and even for limitations, bringing with it an increased risk of bone fragility (osteopenia or osteoporosis).

For all the above mentioned, we recommend the supplementary use of vitamin D3 as a natural way to prevent fractures due to bone fragility in our population.

This is a campaign of Laboratorios Letifem, belonging to the Laboratorios Leti group, to guarantee the quality of life and health of Venezuelan women.

Vitamin D3-1000 360 Capsules

Calcium, vitamin D and your bones

Getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet can help keep your bones strong and lower your risk of developing osteoporosis.

Bone strength and calcium
Your body needs calcium to keep bones dense and strong. Low bone density can cause your bones to become brittle and brittle. These weak bones can fracture more easily, even without obvious injury.

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Eat foods that provide the right amounts of calcium, vitamin D, and protein. This type of diet will give your body the fundamental pillars it needs to produce and maintain strong bones.

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Vitamin D3-1000 360 Capsules

In addition to getting enough calcium and vitamin D, you can lower your risk of developing osteoporosis by exercising regularly, and by avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol intake.

How much calcium and vitamin D do I need?
The amounts of calcium are expressed in milligrams (mg) and those of vitamin D are expressed in international units (IU).

All children between 9 and 18 years old should get:

  • 1300 mg of calcium daily
  • 600 IU of vitamin D daily

All adults under 50 must obtain:

  • 1000 mg of calcium daily
  • 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D daily

Adults 51 and older should get:

  • Women: 1200 mg of calcium daily
  • Men: 1000 mg of calcium daily

  • Men and women: 800 to 1000 IU of vitamin D daily

Too much calcium or vitamin D can cause problems such as increasing the risk of kidney stones.

  • The total calcium should not exceed 2000 mg daily
  • The total vitamin D must not exceed 4000 IU daily

Milk and milk products are the best sources of calcium. These products contain a form of calcium that your body can easily absorb. Choose yoghurts, cheeses and buttermilk.

Adults should choose low-fat or fat-free milk (2% or 1%) and other low-fat dairy products. The fact of extracting part of the fat does not decrease the amount of calcium in a dairy product.

Yogurt, most cheeses and whey come in low-fat or fat-free versions.
Vitamin D helps the body use calcium, so it is often added to milk.
If you consume very few or no dairy products, you can find calcium in other foods. This is often added to some orange juices, to soy milk, to tofu, to ready-to-eat cereals and to breads. Check the labels of these foods for added calcium.

Other sources of calcium
Green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, common cabbage, green mustard, Swiss chard and bok choy (Chinese cabbage) are good sources of calcium.

Other good food sources of calcium are:

Salmon and sardines that come canned with their bones (you can eat these soft bones)
Almonds, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, tahini (sesame or sesame paste) and dried pulses
Cooked molasses
Other tips to verify that your body can use calcium in your diet:

Cook the calcium-rich vegetables in a small amount of water for the shortest possible time. In this way, they will retain more calcium.
Be careful what you eat along with foods rich in calcium. Certain fibers, such as wheat bran and foods with oxalic acid (spinach and rhubarb), can prevent your body from absorbing calcium.
Your doctor may recommend a calcium or vitamin D supplement to cover your calcium and vitamin D needs. However, the balance between the benefits and risks of these supplements is unclear.

Alternative names
Osteoporosis - calcium; Osteoporosis - low bone density

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Dr. Cannell's Advanced Vitamin D Women's Formula | Purity Products | Fortified with Lutein & Biotin for Healthy Skin & Hair* | 60 Vegetarian Capsules

How to know if you are taking all the calcium you need every day

Eight out of ten Spaniards do not ingest the recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D, despite being essential for our bone health.

It is evident that eating a good diet is essential to feel good. However, sometimes, we do not know with precision what products and especially in what quantities they contribute some nutrients and which others. It is well known that milk is an unbeatable source of calcium, as well as proteins, phosphorus and vitamins. Even so, we Spaniards do not take all the calcium we need to be healthy.

Dr. Cannell's Advanced Vitamin D Women's Formula | Purity Products | Fortified with Lutein & Biotin for Healthy Skin & Hair* | 60 Vegetarian Capsules
Dr. Cannell's Advanced Vitamin D Women's Formula | Purity Products | Fortified with Lutein & Biotin for Healthy Skin & Hair* | 60 Vegetarian Capsules

According to experts, the ideal is that on average we consume between 800 and 1,300 mg. a day, although we are not all the same. For example, adolescents, pregnant women, menopausal women and the elderly must overcome these levels. Now, the bad news is that eight out of ten Spaniards do not get to consume the adequate levels of calcium, which can lead to health problems in the medium term.

To avoid all this and never have more doubts about the amount of calcium you should consume, the Puleva Nutrition Institute has developed an online calculator , which allows you to know if daily calcium recommendations are reached based on eating habits. And it is that the requirements change according to sex and age. Thus, for example, a woman between 19 and 30 years old should consume 1,000 mg, while for pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers the recommended amount is 1,200 mg. up to date. Adolescents between 14 and 18 years old will have to take about 1,300 mg. and women older than 70 years, 1,500 mg. newspapers.

Calculate the calcium you need each day depending on your sex and age.

The worrying thing is that, according to the clinical report 'Milk as a health vehicle: calcium and its determinants in the health of the Spanish population' , prepared by the Spanish and Ibero-American Nutrition Foundations and the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Nutrition Societies Dietetics (FESNAD) and published in 2017, the intake is not only below recommended levels among adults, but also harms children and adolescents.

What is the best way to consume calcium?

Our body is not able to naturally generate calcium, so it is necessary that we acquire it through food. And among them milk and its derivatives become one of the best sources to achieve the necessary levels of calcium. Only one glass of cow's milk contains approximately 300 mg.

Experts recommend consuming one liter of milk per day.

In addition, milk not only stands out for the amount of calcium it provides, but also for its quality. Although we have heard that there are other foods that contain calcium, what is not known is that the rest of its components make the absorption of this mineral is limited. This is the case, for example, of oxalates and phytates in green leafy vegetables or fiber in legumes that interfere with the absorption of calcium.

Meanwhile, in milk, thanks to its composition in vitamins, proteins and phosphorus, the absorption is much higher than the average with other foods. Thus, an adequate consumption of this dairy that has been with us since the Neolithic period guarantees us good bone health and prevents us from related diseases.

What problems can a low calcium intake bring?

Calcium is an essential mineral in our bones and muscles, so their lack weakens them considerably, producing fractures and sprains. In addition, one of the most common bone diseases is osteoporosis that, according to the Spanish Association with Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis , affects about 3 million people in our country.

For example, something very common among the elderly, caused by this disease, are hip breaks, which in most cases, and contrary to what is usually believed, occur before they fall to the ground. This does not mean that all these people suffer from calcium deficit; However, guaranteeing our organism optimum levels throughout our lives will influence in avoiding those incidents.

An adequate supply of calcium keeps bones strong.

In addition, calcium prevents hypertension, since this mineral is one of those responsible for having blood pressure under control, especially during pregnancy. Epidemiological studies have suggested that pregnant women who take too little calcium, that is, below 400 mg. daily, are more likely to suffer high blood pressure.

This lack of calcium can also lead to dental problems, as well as dry skin, weak nails and even hair disorders. While having optimum levels of this mineral keeps safe from cardiovascular disorders, chronic degenerative diseases and diabetes mellitus.

The plus of enriched milk

Although milk and its derivatives already provide a good part of the calcium we need, the greater the benefit if we consume milks enriched with this mineral. These make an extra contribution and make it much easier to reach daily calcium recommendations.

During pregnancy and lactation the consumption of calcium should be higher.

In addition, there are modified or adapted milk that incorporate more vitamins D and K. These nutrients are naturally present in milk; However, increasing its intake not only facilitates the absorption of calcium, but also favors an adequate development and maintenance of bone mass.

Calculate here the calcium you need each day depending on your sex and age.

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Calcium tablets: Properties, benefits and side effects

Associated mainly with the formation of diets and the good condition of bones in general, calcium is considered one of the components that is most present in your body and one of the most important for your development. This can be achieved in foods such as milk, one of the main ones, cabbages and hazelnuts; although it can equally be consumed in calcium pills in the form of supplements. In this post we will talk about the properties, benefits and side effects of calcium pills .

Bariatric Advantage - Liquid Vitamin D-3, 30 Count
Bariatric Advantage - Liquid Vitamin D-3, 30 Count

Types of calcium

Sometimes the food we eat is not enough to cover the calcium needs your body needs to function properly. That's why doctors prescribe calcium pills to help get everything back in order, especially in particular cases.

Calcium lactate

Although it can be achieved in foods such as cheese or baking powder, it is also used in medicine because it has a lot of value as an antioxidant and is also a calcium supplement that is very easily digested by the intestines.

Calcium citrate

This calcium supplement, also considered dietary, has innumerable benefits for the organism. It is one of the most recommended in terms of calcium pills , especially for pregnant women; This is because it is digested very easily by its water-soluble properties and with which the body can distribute it better where it is needed.

Calcium gluconate

It is a calcium supplement used for more extreme cases. It can come in several presentations, but the most used are injections for cases such as severe lack of calcification in the blood flow or pitting of dangerous animals such as the black widow. When it is used for this type of situation, its use is not suitable for any person, therefore it must be implemented under medical prescription.

Calcium carbonate

It is the most commonly used calcium supplement since it can be applied in different branches. Among them is in the food industry, to regulate the pH; In medicine, as a nutritional supplement; and even in the cosmetic part, in the making of soaps. Although the fields of development are many others such as painting or textile branches.

What is the best way to take calcium

Calcium is an essential mineral for the body, as it helps to perform numerous functions, for example to contribute to the formation and maintenance of bones.

Dairy foods

The best way to obtain the calcium that our body needs is through food , since the organism of the human being is not capable of producing it by itself. In this sense, it is important to know what kind of foods are those that have the most presence of calcium.

In food, calcium is associated with the presence of phosphorus. Among the products that have more presence of calcium we can find soft-spined fish, the case of sardines . On the other hand, all products derived from dairy products , such as milk, butter or cheese, also have a high calcium content.

Nuts and legumes

Other foods with a high calcium intake are nuts or legumes . Within this last group, soybeans must be cited, as it is one of the legumes with the highest calcium intake.


In addition, there are also several vegetables that also contribute to maintaining balanced levels of calcium in the body. Among them, we can highlight some such as broccoli or spinach .

Calcium supplements

On the other hand, there may be people who, because of some birth pathology, or because they are suffering from some type of illness (or even poor diet) suffer from low levels of calcium in the bones. In these cases, the intake of calcium supplements may be recommended, in order to supplement the nutritional intake. This should always be done under the recommendations of a doctor or nutritionist, and always adhering to the recommended doses in the treatment.

But let's dig a little deeper into what we've pointed out in the last paragraph and let's take a closer look at who should take these calcium supplements.

Who should take calcium supplements?

Throughout life through people, doctors and even advertisements on television we are constantly reminded of the importance of consuming calcium for all human beings, hence there are so many supplements or calcium pills. Therefore, we tell you beforehand that it is important to consume them, without exaggeration, in every facet of your life, besides that for each age there is a recommended dose.

There are people who need these calcium supplements more than other human beings. This is due to some disease or stage of life where the body can not so easily absorb calcium from food, lowering its levels, needing help to recover them and that's what the pills are for.

The most well-known cases of lack of calcium and taking calcium supplements are in women of advanced ages, especially those who are going through menopause or have left it behind. As for women, they are also prescribed for pregnancy (under facultative supervision) or also if they have an eating disorder.

For people who are intolerant to dairy products are really necessary calcium supplements or pills , as a way to compensate for the lack of it in the body. This also applies to vegetarians or vegans , since not eating meat (or animal products in general) could really feel the lack in their body.

Others who should be warned about taking calcium supplements are those who suffer from intestinal , liver or kidney diseases ; as well as those who ingest a drug associated with osteoporosis .

How to take calcium pills?

The first thing you have to take into account if you want to include calcium supplements in the form of pills in your body is that you should consult it previously with your trusted doctor , remember it is important that he do the respective analysis and tell you if in You really need it or not.

Everything must be with time, you can not include the calcium tablets in one shot and from one day to the next, you must do so long with well-established doses that allow your body to adapt to a greater amount of this element.

So that your body absorbs calcium even better and you can avoid side effects, we recommend that you take your doses throughout the day , two or three times, and not all in a single intake.

What is the best calcium supplement for bones

There are several products on the market that work as calcium supplements. Most of them also incorporate some other type of nutrients, such as potassium or Vitamin D. If you are looking for calcium supplements in Google you will find many products , but we tell you some of the most recommendable ones.

First, we mention Solgar Calcium Magnesium with Vitamin D3 . As we can see is a product with a clearly descriptive name, and is characterized by high doses of calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D3. In addition, it has the support of Solgar, a company that has 70 years of experience in the sector of products related to nutrition.

Another of the effective products and that we can find easily and at a good price is Citrate of Calcium, Magnesium and vitamin D3 of Blue Bonnet. It is a product similar to the previous one in terms of its characteristics. It is produced by the company Blue Bonnet Nutrition, a company that has been in the nutrition sector for more than 25 years.

In any case, we recommend, as always, that if we are going to take a supplement of this type, we do it under the supervision of a nutritionist.

Properties of calcium

You have to remember that calcium is one of the minerals that is mostly related to the part of our body's growth . For this specific property are recommended during the growth of children or during pregnancy. On the other hand, among the properties of calcium we have.
Properties for the body

Calcium is a precious mineral for the well-being of bones and teeth : it is, in fact, essential for its health and growth, since it guarantees its elasticity and density. Calcium is indicated in the prevention of contractures and cramps, as it contributes to adequate muscle development. This mineral stimulates, therefore, the cellular metabolism, the production of energy and the assimilation of nutrients: for this reason, it is indicated for pregnant and lactating women .

Avoid diseases

Also among the beneficial properties of calcium, there is undoubtedly that of reducing the risk of contracting certain types of cancer , stroke and type 2 diabetes , as well as being useful in the prevention of fluoride poisoning in children.

Also the calcium tablets have properties that guarantee the health of our bones, as well as that our cardiovascular system is not exposed to so many diseases. They are also highly recommended for the treatment of cramps or to help improve the healing of the skin .

Therapeutic properties

Calcium can be useful in the treatment of caries , osteoporosis and Lyme disease. This precious element is capable of reducing cholesterol , as well as regulating the blood pH and its coagulation, it also stabilizes the heart rate and provides significant benefits to the heart . In addition to this, calcium is used in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as rickets and osteomalacia, but not only that: calcium is useful to combat the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome : pain, mood swings and swelling - hypertension - high blood pressure - and leg cramps.

Soothing properties

Calcium is useful in the treatment of depression , anxiety, insomnia , apathy and nervousness, since it balances the nervous system. : this mineral is, in fact, important for the psyche, as it acts as a natural tranquilizer. Football instills confidence in itself, stabilizes emotions, helps overcome fear, anguish and aggression. In addition, this mineral strengthens memory and learning skills.

Along with the properties of calcium, we can also see some of the benefits it has, through the intake of calcium pills or supplements.

Benefits of supplementing with calcium

Taking calcium supplements or pills is a benefit to be able to supplement the amount of this mineral that your body needs. Its benefits are directly linked to its properties that is why we get it working in the prevention of diseases such as osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Let's see in detail, what are the benefits of taking calcium supplements.

Help to lose weight

According to some studies, it seems that calcium also has slimming properties: it seems, in fact, that it helps to lose weight and body fat, combat overweight and obesity .

It benefits the skin

Calcium is also important for the health and well-being of the skin : associated with vitamin A, it helps maintain a healthy skin and prevents the formation of eczema .

Recover calcium shortage

The calcium supplement can obviously face a deficiency of calcium as you get older or if you are following a poor diet : the presence of this mineral in the body tends, in fact, to decrease with advancing age. The necessary intake of calcium can be taken through proper nutrition or, in case of deficiencies, with the intake of the aforementioned supplements .

Speaking of daily needs, this varies according to age and sex. An adult needs approximately 900 mg of calcium per day ; as it increases in pregnant women, nursing mothers and menopause, in men over 65 and in children. In any case, the recommended daily dose should not exceed 1000 to 1300 mg per day in adults.

Control of blood pressure

As a protector of the cardiovascular system , calcium tablets are recommended for the control of high blood pressure and for diseases related to the heart. In addition to that their benefits also vary for premenstrual syndrome and even treatments against depression.

Side effects of calcium supplements

We have repeated throughout this section that you should take calcium supplements under the prior control of your doctor. Let's see what side effects we can have by taking pills or calcium supplements.

  •     In the event that you do not, you can generate indigestion effects or gases due to the lack of processing of your organism, in the mildest cases.
  •     Similarly, the indiscriminate use of calcium supplements can have consequences such as kidney stones , lack of absorption of other minerals that are equally important or abdominal pain or problems with heart rhythm.
  •     On the other hand, an excessive dose can, in fact, cause constipation, hypercalcemia, hypertension, nausea and heart attack . However, it is good to seek the advice of your own doctor if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, and if you are taking certain medications such as those taken for hypothyroidism with which calcium might conflict.

Taking calcium by means of supplements is not a practice that is prohibited or, on the contrary, must be done. To take calcium supplements you must take into account if you really need it and the way you are managing it over certain periods, the idea of ​​taking calcium in this way is to help your body and not make it worse.

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Calcium and Vitamin D

The foods we eat contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients that help keep our bodies healthy. In particular two nutrients - calcium and vitamin D - are needed to have strong bones.

Vitamin D

The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. Without enough vitamin D, we can not produce the hormone calcitrol (known as "active vitamin D") in sufficient amounts, which causes insufficient absorption of calcium from the diet.

In this situation, the body must take the calcium it needs from its supplies in the skeleton, which weakens the existing bone material and prevents the formation of new and strong bone material.

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Isotonix® Vitamin D3 with K2 (3.5 oz)

You can get vitamin D in two safe ways: by skin and diet. Vitamin D occurs naturally in the body after exposure to sunlight.

Exposing yourself to the sun for fifteen minutes is more than enough to produce and store all the vitamin D you need.

Experts recommend a daily consumption of between 400 and 800 International Units (IU) of vitamin D, which can also be obtained from supplements or foods rich in vitamin D such as egg yolks, saltwater fish and liver .

Do not take more than 800 IU a day unless prescribed by your doctor as massive doses of up to 5,000 IU or more of vitamin D may harm you.

The role of calcium

Calcium is necessary for the heart, muscles and nerves to function properly and to coagulate the blood. Insufficient calcium contributes significantly to the development of osteoporosis.

Many published studies show that a low calcium intake during life is related to low bone density and high fracture rates. National nutrition surveys have shown that many women and girls consume less than half the recommended amount of calcium to grow and maintain healthy bones.

To see how much calcium you need, see the attached table titled Recommended Calcium Consumption . See the list of select foods rich in calcium to see what can easily include more calcium in your diet without adding fat.

However, calcium alone can not prevent osteoporosis and does not replace drugs that may be necessary to stop the excessive loss of bone material.

What prevents getting enough calcium

Although a balanced diet helps with the absorption of calcium, it is thought that high levels of protein and sodium (salt) in the diet also increase the elimination of calcium by the kidneys. Excessive amounts of these substances should be avoided, especially in those that have a low calcium intake.

Lactose intolerance can also lead to inadequate calcium intake. People who can not tolerate lactose have insufficient amounts of the lactase enzyme that is needed to break down the lactose found in dairy products.

To include dairy products in the diet, these foods can be consumed in small amounts or they can be added lactase drops, or the lactase can be taken as a pill. There are also some dairy products on the market that already contain lactase treatment.




  • birth at 6 months 210 mg
  • 6 months to 1 year 270 mg
  • Children / young adults
  • 1 to 3 years 500 mg
  • 4 to 8 years 800 mg
  • 9 to 18 years 1,300 mg
  • Adult women and men
  • 19 to 50 years 1,000 mg
  • More than 50 1,200 mg
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • 18 years or younger 1,300 mg
  • 19 to 50 years 1,000 mg

Calcium supplements

If you have difficulty consuming enough calcium in your diet, you may have to take a calcium supplement. The amount of calcium you will need from a supplement depends on how much calcium you get from food sources. There are several different calcium compounds to choose from, such as, among others, calcium carbonate and calcium citrate.

It is necessary that the calcium tablet disintegrates so that the body absorbs it.

If you are not sure if a tablet will dissolve, you can test how it disintegrates by placing it in six ounces of vinegar or warm water and shaking it occasionally for 30 minutes. If the tablet has not dissolved almost completely in that period, it probably will not in your stomach.

All calcium supplements are best absorbed when taken in small doses (500mg or less) several times during the day. Many people absorb calcium supplements better if they take them with food.

A complete program to combat osteoporosis

Remember, a diet rich in calcium is only part of a program for the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis. As with the exercises, consuming enough calcium is a strategy that helps strengthen bones at any age.

But it is possible that these methods are not enough to stop the loss of bone material caused by lifestyles, medications or menopause.

It is important to talk with your doctor to determine if you need a medication for osteoporosis in addition to diet and exercise.

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Calcium: Something to keep in mind

Calcium is one of the metals that are fundamental for the development of our life and is one of the easiest elements to find on the planet.

In humans many cells use calcium ion for different purposes, it is important to remember its function in nerve conduction, in cardiac or skeletal musculature and, obviously, as raw material of bone mass.

As we know it is one of the basic pillars in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Much has already been said about it and much is the controversy about possible side effects that calcium salts could produce in extraosseous tissues such as the vascular endothelium and the excretory urinary tract.

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Cooper Complete - Vitamin D3 1000 IU - Easy to Digest, Increased Absorption - 120 Day Supply

Without pretending to enter into Byzantine polemics, we are going to provide data on why we believe it is not harmful to health, and for us, calcium is a nutrient rather than a drug, as stated by Prof. Dr. Jorge Talbot [1, 25] .

We will answer questions that arise in our daily practice:

What are the primary food sources of calcium?

The main food sources of calcium, in developed countries, are products of massive and daily use, particularly milk, yogurt and other dairy products. Convinced of the contribution of calcium beneficial to the individual; and in the intention to reach all age groups and the different physiological conditions and in light of the results of the 1999 osteoporosis risk factor survey, which clearly demonstrates the poor intake of dairy products in our population; is that the GEOSUR group decided, as a first step, to support and promote the consumption of milk and milk products [3, 4, 26].

There are other food products in the diet that provide calcium in different proportions, here we attach a table.

Calcium content in foods
(milligrams of calcium per 100 grams of food)

  • White wheat bread 38
  • Whole wheat bread 65
  • Toasted wheat bread 13
  • Rice in paella 3
  • Wheat flour 25 - 187

  • Cooked chickpeas 35
  • Cooked beans 18
  • Cooked white beans 87
  • Cooked beans 103

Vegetables and tubers
  • Cooked artichokes 44
  • Raw cress 192
  • Raw lettuce 29
  • Fried potato 16
  • Raw tomato 11
  • Fried tomato 36

  • Boiled 54
  • Fried 81
  • Tortilla 190

  • Cherry 267
  • Fresón 31
  • Lemon 58
  • Orange 36
  • Pear 12

  • Almond and hazelnut 240
  • Dried chestnut 98
  • Figs 212
  • Raisins and peanuts 61

Dairy products
  • Cow's milk 120
  • Condensed milk 290-380
  • Soft cheese 350-550
  • Hard cheese 800-1200
  • Yogurt 145

  • Cattle, pigs and cattle 10
  • Birds and game 20

Fish and seafood
  • Fried squid 240
  • Cooked hake 16
  • Cooked Mussel 197
  • Sardine preserves 410
  • Fried flounder 93
  • Fried hake 20
  • Fried sardine 409
  • Seafood 30 -300

Now, if we look at the calcium content of these products; and taking into account that the absorption of them is not total since the calcium coming from the dairy products is absorbed by 30% and by the fish by 20% [31]; We would have to consume large quantities, which in practice is not real. For what would be a good complement a pharmacological contribution of calcium.

Another resource is the use of foods to which calcium salts are added, which are compatible with good bioavailability for the organism. In this land are: breads, pastas, cereals, fruit juices etc.

What is the best way to get calcium?

The contribution of calcium in the diet to prevent and treat osteoporosis averages between 1000 and 1500 mg / day, hence it is necessary to interrogate dietary habits before facing a supplemental treatment of calcium [2].

In the survey conducted by GEOSUR, analyzing 256 Uruguayan women, it was shown that women with osteoporosis consumed less white meat, scarce vegetables rich in carotene (tomato and carrot) and onions. Instead they consumed more salt and products of animal origin with higher fat content. This survey shows that we must insist not only on a high intake of calcium but also other nutrients.

Surveys conducted by ANEP in children and the School of Nutrition and Dietetics of the University of the Republic showed that the majority of children and adolescents do not get to consume the daily requirements of calcium with the diet [19, 20].

After making it clear to the patient that life habits favor him in the development and maintenance of bone mass, we indicate pharmacological supplements of calcium salts [3, 4].

The majority of patients can not reach daily requirements through diet, in these cases it is recommended to supplement with pharmaceutical preparations.

What calcium salt is preferable to use?

When using a calcium supplement, it is important to know the mineral content of calcium in the salt to be used, which varies between 40% of calcium carbonate, 30% of calcium citrate and 9% of calcium biolate or gluconate .

In fact, the most commonly used salts are: carbonate and citrate, which must be administered during main meals to achieve greater absorption. It is advisable not to give doses higher than 500 mg at a time and this is because calcium is absorbed at the level of the duodenum by an active and saturable dependent vitamin D mechanism, and the rest of the absorption is carried out passively in small intestine.

The carbonate often has little adhesion by the patient to produce gastrointestinal disorders.

Citrate is the salt most used by the authors. It has, in our opinion, the advantage of being able to be administered at any time of the day, since these salts are better absorbed than carbonate, even in conditions of gastric achlorhydria.

The possibility of greater passive absorption makes it much more usable. The intestinal absorption of calcium varies from one person to another and decreases linearly after 50 years in women and 60 in men, making it the salt of choice for older adults [1, 5, 6, 9 , 13, 14].

It must be taken into account that the absorption of calcium depends on the amount that is ingested, if we take 1 g, 20% is absorbed, instead of the 500 mg intake, absorption increases to 30%.

It is not recommended to take calcium before going to sleep, because night rest increases bone resorption [31].

In a comparative study between calcium citrate and calcium carbonate, after supplying these salts to two groups of women with osteopenia or osteoporosis for 12 weeks, an improvement in markers of bone resorption was found in the group treated with citrate. it did not happen in the group treated with carbonate [32, 33, 34].

Vitamin D in the absorption of calcium?

Vitamin D plays an important role in the intestinal absorption of calcium and the dose / day required varies, either in prevention or treatment, age and time of year.

Although 400 ui / day is commonly recommended at 800 ui / day, there is a lot of literature that shows that in higher doses of osteoporosis, higher doses could be used weekly, monthly or quarterly (macrodoses of vitamin D) [5, 6]. , 7, 15].

The best calcium absorption depends on the gene of vitamin D receptors (VDR) [31].

In addition to experimental confirmation; in numerous clinical investigations of the beneficial effect of calcium and vitamin D on the skeleton (which we will not discuss here); the remarkable consequences of vitamin K on the carboxylation of osteocalcin are already known: this bone protein, in its carboxylated form, favors the deposit of the mineral phase in the osteoid; Vitamin K prevents hypercalciuria and post-castration osteopenia in rodents and humans. In Japan, this vitamin has been marketed since 1995 for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Other vitamins with osteoprotective potential, attributed to their antioxidant properties, are E and C [24].

What can act on the absorption of calcium supplements?

Some foods such as spinach, cocoa, tea, potatoes, cereals etc. they diminish the intestinal absorption of calcium. The anti-nutrient effects are overcome with a balanced diet and sometimes calcium should be removed from these nutrients.

In turn, caffeine interferes with the absorption of calcium, an effect probably mediated by Calcitriol, (this does not contraindicate the addition of a part of coffee to the milk, since the coffee portion neutralizes only a small part of the milk) [ 28, 27].

There are works that mention that the tea would act as an antinutrient of calcium, however other studies show that the high consumption of tea is associated with higher bone mineral density and lower risk of fractures in elderly women. Tea is rich in fluoride and antioxidants [24].

Moderate alcohol consumption tends to conserve and even increase bone mass in both sexes [24], while abusive consumption produces significant bone loss, alcohol induces poor food intake, alters liver metabolism and increases excretion renal calcium and phosphorus [26, 27].

Another of the public health issues that concern us is the increase in alcohol consumption in adolescents, the time of their lives in which their greater bone mass is forming with the deleterious effect on it that this noxa causes.

Cocoa also acts by inhibiting the absorption of calcium. Its use is important because chocolate milk is much more accepted by children and adolescents than milk alone (which in general they do not like), and although less is absorbed, "it is better little than nothing".

It is recommended not to ingest fibers along with dairy products, since the phytates and oxalates they contain interfere with absorption.

The phosphoric acid contained in cola soft drinks has a demineralizing effect since phosphorus precipitates with calcium and prevents its absorption. It is for this reason that the abusive use of these beverages is not recommended [21, 22]. In a paper presented by Dr. Katherine L. Tucker. (25th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research) reports that high consumption of cola beverages is correlated with low mineral density in the hip of female patients [22].

In our talks to the community, regarding the prevention of osteoporosis, we made it clear that the dairy snack should not be substituted for soft drinks and that the intake of these beverages should be less than 3 glasses per day [22].

The consumption of broccoli (1-3 servings per week) seems to protect against fragility fractures. Supplementation with plum, fruit rich in polyphenols and antioxidant compounds, prevents and reverses osteoporosis in the castrated rat model. In another murine model, 1 g / day of onion (but also of fennel, parsley, garlic, lettuce and other common vegetables in the human diet) increased bone mass significantly [25].

What medications alter absorption?

Calcium interferes with the absorption of iron, so it is advisable to separate iron from calcium supplements.

In turn, calcium interferes with the absorption of certain antibiotics such as tetracycline, isoniazid, aluminum-containing antacids and corticosteroids.

Another of the interferences is with the thyroid hormones that decrease calcium absorption in the order of 20%.

What happens with calcium after being absorbed?

It is important to remember that 48% of the total serum calcium is composed of free calcium (Ca ++) ion which is biologically active, 12% bound to citrate, phosphate and sulfate that is diffusible and ultrafiltrable as well as ionic calcium (Ca ++) and the remaining 40% is bound to proteins, especially to albumin.

Recall that about 1% of skeletal calcium (500-700 mg) is interchangeable, the rest is more stable and is removed slowly.

In turn, the three hormones that fundamentally handle calcium homeostasis are: calcitriol, which is the active metabolite of vitamin D that promotes the absorption of calcium from the intestine, has an important effect on the mineralization of bone and inhibits the PTH. Paradoxically, in very high doses, it can divert small amounts of calcium from the bone to the extracellular space.

PTH, in turn, stimulates the renal activation of vitamin D and increases bone resorption in hypocalcemic states.

Calcitonin is a hormone synthesized by thyroid C cells and decreases calcemia because it inhibits the mobilization of calcium from the bone.

At the same time, the diffusible calcium calculates that about 9,000 mg per day are filtered through the glomeruli and that the tubules reabsorb 98% of the ultrafiltered calcium.

It is known that after an intake of 1000 mg of calcium, the kidney excretes 250 mg in women and 300 mg in men. Major urinary excretions pose a hypercalciuria that is often corrected with small doses of thiazides or indapamide. Remember that diets rich in protein and salt and the use of diuretics, except those mentioned, are associated with elevated calciurias [1, 7].

What is the role of calcium in patients with renal lithiasis?

Currently there are works that clearly show that patients with kidney stones that have a decreased calcium intake increase the chances of having an increase in their kidney stones. So the best way to prevent lithiasis would be with high calcium doses. There is evidence that calcium citrate salts, as well as carbonate salts, inhibit the precipitation of calcium in the urine (protective factor) [8].

Urinary stones are, in general, carbonate or oxalate and not citrate (where Coke is).

Why calcium is deposited in soft tissues?

Calcium is deposited in damaged or dead tissues, by changes in Ph at the tissue level.

It is the example of a calcification of the shoulder ligaments in calcified periarthritis or enthesopathies.

At breast level in calcified tissues in mammograms that can often correspond to neoplasms, only because there is tissue damage caused by the neoplasm.

In turn, many times the role of calcium in vascular atheromatosis arises, what calcium does in fact is seal the atheroma plaque, something like healing what is a primary endothelial lesion. We must reaffirm that, under normal conditions, calcium is not deposited [2].

Calcium and obesity

There are several published studies where there is no direct relationship between calcium and obesity, however it has been shown in experimental models of obese mice that low calcium diets lead to an increase in intracellular calcium concentrations, which acts to promote deposit of body fat, reducing lipolysis and thermogenesis.

Diets high in calcium reverse this trend . Calcium in the form of dairy products would be more effective than elemental [16,17].

The calciotrophic hormones, the parathyroid hormone (PTH) and the 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D promote the influx of calcium to the adipose cell, mediating lipogenesis.

A low intake of calcium increases these hormones and, therefore, the deposit of lipids. There are repeated observations of a high BMI in subjects with elevated parathyroid hormone [16, 17, 18, 23].

The impact of calcium intake on weight loss, or the prevention of weight gain, is controversial. Riggs et al. have shown; in a wide range of ages, from Caucasians to African-Americans of both sexes; the relationship between calcium and obesity .

Calcium, taking these results into account, could play a role in reducing the incidence of obesity and the predominance of insulin resistance syndrome [16, 17, 18, 23].

What are the adverse effects of calcium?

Digestive intolerance, especially constipation and meteorism.

Hypercalciuria can be observed in patients with a previous history of renal lithiasis, or in the concomitant use of Calcitriol.

Paradoxically, hypercalciuria caused by increased bone resorption gives way with calcium replacement therapy [25].

With this work we have tried, as a summary, to highlight our experience with the use of calcium salts, both in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. We have tried to show that treatment with calcium, except digestive intolerances such as flatulence or constipation, does not cause major problems even in the case of nephrolithiasis.

We also remember that calcium, despite the contribution of calcium, is a very stable value, that if it is altered we must look for a secondary cause (hyperparathyroidism, renal failure, myeloma, etc.).

Finally, the positive effect in a calcium treatment depends on the proper salt, the appropriate time and the appropriate dose for each particular circumstance.

Remember that prevention measures should be applied in all stages of life, and that according to the data provided by GEOSUR studies it is convenient to reduce dietary proteins, especially meats with higher fat content, decrease coffee consumption , salt, tobacco and increase the consumption of certain vegetables, especially onions, tomatoes and carrots; with this we will have changed the dietary pattern of calcium utilization, increasing its absorption and decreasing its elimination. This translates into greater health in general and bone in particular. If in addition we do muscle strengthening exercises appropriate for the age and situation, it can even improve and in some cases even revert bone fragility [2, 3, 4].

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Take calcium, exercise and be in the sun protect against osteoporosis

"The remarkable drop in estrogen during menopause makes women more prone to this disease"

"Osteoporosis: diagnosis and prevention of morbidity and mortality" is the title of the talk that yesterday offered the doctor Salamanca Arias Patience in the auditorium of the University College, within the forum of the newspaper. A conference where the keys were given to prevent this disease that affects women in most cases.

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LOGIC REMEDY The 5 Elements (1500 mg) Hemp Oil-Pain, Anxiety Relief, Healthy Mood, Sleep, Skincare Support (Daily dose of Coconut, Turmeric, Vitamin D3&K2)

-What people are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis?

-The most prone patients are established universally that are women over 40 years, those who have already reached menopause.

- Does this disease affect men less?

-It is also a disease of men, but just as in women it appears in that period of life, in men it happens later. The deterioration is slower because one of the important factors is the loss of estrogen. Women are markedly diminished during menopause, but loss in men, who also have estrogen, does not occur so quickly. That is why osteoporosis appears after 65 years of age.

-What are the alarm symptoms?

-There are no symptoms, but risk factors that must be taken into account. One of the most important is the genetic, for example if the parents of the person we are evaluating have had a hip fracture. You also have to know if this person has had some toxic habits, especially tobacco. Another factor is that you have had a fracture before, a disease that favors the loss of bone mass or a treatment that is favoring the fragility of the bone.

- Is there any form of prevention?

There is an English research group that has determined a program called FRAX, where twelve risk factors are introduced. Through a mathematical calculation two data are obtained to know if you will have hip fracture or osteoporotic fracture of another bone. What is usually done to avoid these risks is to make an assessment according to this calculation and the risk factors, along with bone densitometry, to obtain a high, medium and low risk. And this is the way to know who to treat: always when it is maximum risk or has had a fracture, if it is medium risk too and when it is low risk only will have to take preventive measures.

- What are those measures?

-That they exercise, that they take an adequate amount of calcium and the sun a little a day. They are very easy measures to comply with and, if done well, during the adolescence stage and the first part of adulthood they get a high peak of bone mass that will later have less chance of having loss and osteoporosis. To keep it, you have to keep doing the same so that the loss is less. We must also know that certain minerals and vitamins such as D not only get this type of action on the bone, but also has other effects on biological processes that until now were not very clear and that get some protection against cancer and autoimmune diseases or infectious. This type of actions are very important for health, not only bone, but general.

- What do you think of the products that provide extra calcium, like some milks?

- They provide more calcium, although perhaps not as much as explained in the packaging. But neither is it necessary to resort to these products because there are many foods that have calcium other than dairy, such as almonds and hazelnuts, chickpeas, sardines in oil, some cheeses? The amount of calcium is easy to get, what is not so much is the adequate level of vitamin D. Although in Spain we think we have a wonderful sun, more than 50% of the population have it low, even in the south of the country . This vitamin is very important, because it helps calcium to be absorbed and deposited in the bone so that it can then be distributed to all other organs when necessary.

- Is it true that playing certain sports, such as football or handball, during puberty, prevents the disease, as a recent study has confirmed?

-It is a protective factor, along with taking a calcium intake of about a gram a day and sunbathing for twenty or thirty minutes. These are the three actions that help the bone stay healthy.