Friday, February 8, 2019

New Formula: Paleo Life Vitamin D3 5000iu Premium High Potency with Coconut Oil, 60 Capsules

Consumption of vitamin D3 and calcium prevents Osteoporosis

Good bone health is guaranteed by the consumption of vitamin D3 and calcium. Experts claim that vitamin D3 helps in the prevention of Osteoporosis, because it improves the absorption of calcium at the intestinal level, stimulates the formation of bones and improves muscle function. In this way the body is more strengthened and is more prepared to prevent falls and prevent fractures.

New Formula: Paleo Life Vitamin D3 5000iu Premium High Potency with Coconut Oil, 60 Capsules
New Formula: Paleo Life Vitamin D3 5000iu Premium High Potency with Coconut Oil, 60 Capsules

Recent research has determined that vitamin D3 significantly reduces the mortality of women prone to osteoporosis or bone fractures.

On the other hand, numerous studies have shown that among the various functions of Vitamin D3 can also be mentioned its effect in the prevention of some types of cancer, in the strengthening of the immune system, in the proper functioning of the neuromuscular system, in addition to its effect anti-aging, among others.

Recommended dose

Specialists recommend consuming between 400 and 800 IU per day to adults, higher doses may be required (1,000-2,000 IU / day) in people with liver, kidney or intestinal malabsorption disorders, or in older adults with poor sun exposure.

Although Vitamin D3 has a wide range of dosage, which makes it a safe drug, it is suggested to consult the doctor if you are a carrier of any cardiac condition, because some medications used in these patients, such as digoxin, diltiazem, verapamil or atorvastatin, may be altered its effects with the simultaneous use of vitamin D3.

A myth

Sunlight can transform cholesterol into precursors of vitamin D at the level of the skin, so it is believed that sun exposure is sufficient to have adequate values ​​of this vitamin and that its intake would not be necessary in the tropical countries, like Venezuela. However, clinical studies show that even living in the tropics, due to different reasons such as old age, female sex, pregnancy, little sun exposure, among others, it is common to observe vitamin D deficiency in the population.

Little exposure to the sun

The majority of the population living in the cities exposes themselves very little to the sun daily, for various reasons: tall buildings, closed windows, closed or underground means of transport, intolerance to the heat of the sun, fear of the risk of skin cancer. The impact of such conditions is even greater in elderly people, who live confined in their homes or care homes for different reasons and even for limitations, bringing with it an increased risk of bone fragility (osteopenia or osteoporosis).

For all the above mentioned, we recommend the supplementary use of vitamin D3 as a natural way to prevent fractures due to bone fragility in our population.

This is a campaign of Laboratorios Letifem, belonging to the Laboratorios Leti group, to guarantee the quality of life and health of Venezuelan women.