Friday, February 8, 2019

MedCareMD Doctors’ Clinical Vitamin D3 10,000 IU, 100 Softgel Capsules

Osteoporosis: Diet rich in calcium and vitamin D

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by the loss of bone mass and its resistance, which makes the bones more fragile and have a higher risk of fracture.

Dr. Luis Pérez Edo, specialist in rheumatology at the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona and director of the book "Manual of bone diseases", explains why it is so important to prevent osteoporosis, a disease that affects 35% of older Spanish women of 50 years and whose incidence could be reduced through healthy habits such as a diet rich in calcium, the practice of moderate physical activity and avoid toxic habits such as alcohol and tobacco.

MedCareMD Doctors’ Clinical Vitamin D3 10,000 IU, 100 Softgel Capsules
MedCareMD Doctors’ Clinical Vitamin D3 10,000 IU, 100 Softgel Capsules

What is osteoporosis and why is its prevention so important?

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by the loss of bone mass and its resistance, which makes the bones more fragile and have a higher risk of fracture. It is a chronic disease, so prevention is essential. It is the only and most effective way to combat it and thus avoid its high incidence: 35% of Spanish women over 50 suffer from it. It can be prevented by daily habits that are very easy to perform and that contribute to maintaining strong bones: a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D foods, moderate exercise and bone-damaging habits, such as alcohol and tobacco.

What symptoms does osteoporosis have?

Osteoporosis has no symptoms; In fact, it is known as the "silent disease". It does not hurt and is not usually detected until the patient comes to the doctor for a fracture. Therefore, it is important that women who start menopause and have risk factors such as fractures due to trauma of little magnitude, both in the patient and in the direct family, underweight or consumption of alcohol and tobacco, among others, follow the prevention advice: a diet rich in calcium and adequate physical activity and that go to the specialist to assess the need to perform tests for diagnosis.

Why women who have gone through menopause are at higher risk of having less strong bones?

Menopause is a risk factor, since it generates a more rapid loss of bone mass in women. After the first years, the speed of bone loss increases, thus causing a greater fragility of the bones.

Why is it advisable to consume foods rich in calcium to maintain strong bones?

Calcium is an essential mineral for our bone health, as it helps keep our skeleton strong. The main dietary source of calcium are dairy products, which, in addition to having a rich calcium component, are a good source of protein and other micronutrients important for overall health. It is recommended that the diet include a minimum of 1,200 milligrams daily of calcium, which can be found mainly in dairy products: yogurts enriched in calcium, milk and cheese, and to a lesser extent in vegetables such as spinach, cabbage or broccoli. , as well as in fish such as sardines, nuts and legumes.

In addition to calcium, specialists advise vitamin D. Why is it important?

Vitamin D is a necessary compound for the development of the human skeleton and essential to fix and absorb calcium in bones. Just as when building a house cement is needed to join bricks and create a structure, calcium needs vitamin D to build bone mass.

Which ones with the main sources of vitamin D?

The sun and food are the main sources. Specialists advise walking and exercising adapted to each person, as well as sunbathing moderately: approximately twenty minutes a day, although in summer and when there are high temperatures you have to monitor the hours of highest solar radiation.

However, in addition to the sun, other sources of vitamin D, which can be found in food, are necessary. For example, there are dairy products such as yoghurts that include an extra supply of calcium and vitamin D, so they are a highly recommended option.

To what extent is exercise beneficial for our bones?

Exercise strengthens the bones, activating their formation, and thereby helps prevent osteoporosis. In addition, it accelerates the blood supply and, therefore, helps calcium to reach the bones earlier. A sedentary lifestyle, which increases the loss of bone mass, should be avoided.

From what age is it important to take care of our bone health?

We have to take care of it at all times, since up to the age of thirty we build our bone capital, and from then on our bone mass will begin to lose its density. Therefore, in the first decades of life we ​​must ensure that we acquire the maximum, and then we must contribute to losing the minimum. It is around the age of fifty when we have to reinforce more than ever the daily amount of calcium and vitamin D that we ingest.

Dairy products enriched with calcium and vitamin D and moderate exercise are daily habits that help maintain strong bones.