Thursday, February 7, 2019

Dr. Cannell's Advanced Vitamin D Women's Formula | Purity Products | Fortified with Lutein & Biotin for Healthy Skin & Hair* | 60 Vegetarian Capsules

How to know if you are taking all the calcium you need every day

Eight out of ten Spaniards do not ingest the recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D, despite being essential for our bone health.

It is evident that eating a good diet is essential to feel good. However, sometimes, we do not know with precision what products and especially in what quantities they contribute some nutrients and which others. It is well known that milk is an unbeatable source of calcium, as well as proteins, phosphorus and vitamins. Even so, we Spaniards do not take all the calcium we need to be healthy.

Dr. Cannell's Advanced Vitamin D Women's Formula | Purity Products | Fortified with Lutein & Biotin for Healthy Skin & Hair* | 60 Vegetarian Capsules
Dr. Cannell's Advanced Vitamin D Women's Formula | Purity Products | Fortified with Lutein & Biotin for Healthy Skin & Hair* | 60 Vegetarian Capsules

According to experts, the ideal is that on average we consume between 800 and 1,300 mg. a day, although we are not all the same. For example, adolescents, pregnant women, menopausal women and the elderly must overcome these levels. Now, the bad news is that eight out of ten Spaniards do not get to consume the adequate levels of calcium, which can lead to health problems in the medium term.

To avoid all this and never have more doubts about the amount of calcium you should consume, the Puleva Nutrition Institute has developed an online calculator , which allows you to know if daily calcium recommendations are reached based on eating habits. And it is that the requirements change according to sex and age. Thus, for example, a woman between 19 and 30 years old should consume 1,000 mg, while for pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers the recommended amount is 1,200 mg. up to date. Adolescents between 14 and 18 years old will have to take about 1,300 mg. and women older than 70 years, 1,500 mg. newspapers.

Calculate the calcium you need each day depending on your sex and age.

The worrying thing is that, according to the clinical report 'Milk as a health vehicle: calcium and its determinants in the health of the Spanish population' , prepared by the Spanish and Ibero-American Nutrition Foundations and the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Nutrition Societies Dietetics (FESNAD) and published in 2017, the intake is not only below recommended levels among adults, but also harms children and adolescents.

What is the best way to consume calcium?

Our body is not able to naturally generate calcium, so it is necessary that we acquire it through food. And among them milk and its derivatives become one of the best sources to achieve the necessary levels of calcium. Only one glass of cow's milk contains approximately 300 mg.

Experts recommend consuming one liter of milk per day.

In addition, milk not only stands out for the amount of calcium it provides, but also for its quality. Although we have heard that there are other foods that contain calcium, what is not known is that the rest of its components make the absorption of this mineral is limited. This is the case, for example, of oxalates and phytates in green leafy vegetables or fiber in legumes that interfere with the absorption of calcium.

Meanwhile, in milk, thanks to its composition in vitamins, proteins and phosphorus, the absorption is much higher than the average with other foods. Thus, an adequate consumption of this dairy that has been with us since the Neolithic period guarantees us good bone health and prevents us from related diseases.

What problems can a low calcium intake bring?

Calcium is an essential mineral in our bones and muscles, so their lack weakens them considerably, producing fractures and sprains. In addition, one of the most common bone diseases is osteoporosis that, according to the Spanish Association with Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis , affects about 3 million people in our country.

For example, something very common among the elderly, caused by this disease, are hip breaks, which in most cases, and contrary to what is usually believed, occur before they fall to the ground. This does not mean that all these people suffer from calcium deficit; However, guaranteeing our organism optimum levels throughout our lives will influence in avoiding those incidents.

An adequate supply of calcium keeps bones strong.

In addition, calcium prevents hypertension, since this mineral is one of those responsible for having blood pressure under control, especially during pregnancy. Epidemiological studies have suggested that pregnant women who take too little calcium, that is, below 400 mg. daily, are more likely to suffer high blood pressure.

This lack of calcium can also lead to dental problems, as well as dry skin, weak nails and even hair disorders. While having optimum levels of this mineral keeps safe from cardiovascular disorders, chronic degenerative diseases and diabetes mellitus.

The plus of enriched milk

Although milk and its derivatives already provide a good part of the calcium we need, the greater the benefit if we consume milks enriched with this mineral. These make an extra contribution and make it much easier to reach daily calcium recommendations.

During pregnancy and lactation the consumption of calcium should be higher.

In addition, there are modified or adapted milk that incorporate more vitamins D and K. These nutrients are naturally present in milk; However, increasing its intake not only facilitates the absorption of calcium, but also favors an adequate development and maintenance of bone mass.

Calculate here the calcium you need each day depending on your sex and age.