Thursday, February 7, 2019

Bariatric Advantage - Liquid Vitamin D-3, 30 Count

Calcium tablets: Properties, benefits and side effects

Associated mainly with the formation of diets and the good condition of bones in general, calcium is considered one of the components that is most present in your body and one of the most important for your development. This can be achieved in foods such as milk, one of the main ones, cabbages and hazelnuts; although it can equally be consumed in calcium pills in the form of supplements. In this post we will talk about the properties, benefits and side effects of calcium pills .

Bariatric Advantage - Liquid Vitamin D-3, 30 Count
Bariatric Advantage - Liquid Vitamin D-3, 30 Count

Types of calcium

Sometimes the food we eat is not enough to cover the calcium needs your body needs to function properly. That's why doctors prescribe calcium pills to help get everything back in order, especially in particular cases.

Calcium lactate

Although it can be achieved in foods such as cheese or baking powder, it is also used in medicine because it has a lot of value as an antioxidant and is also a calcium supplement that is very easily digested by the intestines.

Calcium citrate

This calcium supplement, also considered dietary, has innumerable benefits for the organism. It is one of the most recommended in terms of calcium pills , especially for pregnant women; This is because it is digested very easily by its water-soluble properties and with which the body can distribute it better where it is needed.

Calcium gluconate

It is a calcium supplement used for more extreme cases. It can come in several presentations, but the most used are injections for cases such as severe lack of calcification in the blood flow or pitting of dangerous animals such as the black widow. When it is used for this type of situation, its use is not suitable for any person, therefore it must be implemented under medical prescription.

Calcium carbonate

It is the most commonly used calcium supplement since it can be applied in different branches. Among them is in the food industry, to regulate the pH; In medicine, as a nutritional supplement; and even in the cosmetic part, in the making of soaps. Although the fields of development are many others such as painting or textile branches.

What is the best way to take calcium

Calcium is an essential mineral for the body, as it helps to perform numerous functions, for example to contribute to the formation and maintenance of bones.

Dairy foods

The best way to obtain the calcium that our body needs is through food , since the organism of the human being is not capable of producing it by itself. In this sense, it is important to know what kind of foods are those that have the most presence of calcium.

In food, calcium is associated with the presence of phosphorus. Among the products that have more presence of calcium we can find soft-spined fish, the case of sardines . On the other hand, all products derived from dairy products , such as milk, butter or cheese, also have a high calcium content.

Nuts and legumes

Other foods with a high calcium intake are nuts or legumes . Within this last group, soybeans must be cited, as it is one of the legumes with the highest calcium intake.


In addition, there are also several vegetables that also contribute to maintaining balanced levels of calcium in the body. Among them, we can highlight some such as broccoli or spinach .

Calcium supplements

On the other hand, there may be people who, because of some birth pathology, or because they are suffering from some type of illness (or even poor diet) suffer from low levels of calcium in the bones. In these cases, the intake of calcium supplements may be recommended, in order to supplement the nutritional intake. This should always be done under the recommendations of a doctor or nutritionist, and always adhering to the recommended doses in the treatment.

But let's dig a little deeper into what we've pointed out in the last paragraph and let's take a closer look at who should take these calcium supplements.

Who should take calcium supplements?

Throughout life through people, doctors and even advertisements on television we are constantly reminded of the importance of consuming calcium for all human beings, hence there are so many supplements or calcium pills. Therefore, we tell you beforehand that it is important to consume them, without exaggeration, in every facet of your life, besides that for each age there is a recommended dose.

There are people who need these calcium supplements more than other human beings. This is due to some disease or stage of life where the body can not so easily absorb calcium from food, lowering its levels, needing help to recover them and that's what the pills are for.

The most well-known cases of lack of calcium and taking calcium supplements are in women of advanced ages, especially those who are going through menopause or have left it behind. As for women, they are also prescribed for pregnancy (under facultative supervision) or also if they have an eating disorder.

For people who are intolerant to dairy products are really necessary calcium supplements or pills , as a way to compensate for the lack of it in the body. This also applies to vegetarians or vegans , since not eating meat (or animal products in general) could really feel the lack in their body.

Others who should be warned about taking calcium supplements are those who suffer from intestinal , liver or kidney diseases ; as well as those who ingest a drug associated with osteoporosis .

How to take calcium pills?

The first thing you have to take into account if you want to include calcium supplements in the form of pills in your body is that you should consult it previously with your trusted doctor , remember it is important that he do the respective analysis and tell you if in You really need it or not.

Everything must be with time, you can not include the calcium tablets in one shot and from one day to the next, you must do so long with well-established doses that allow your body to adapt to a greater amount of this element.

So that your body absorbs calcium even better and you can avoid side effects, we recommend that you take your doses throughout the day , two or three times, and not all in a single intake.

What is the best calcium supplement for bones

There are several products on the market that work as calcium supplements. Most of them also incorporate some other type of nutrients, such as potassium or Vitamin D. If you are looking for calcium supplements in Google you will find many products , but we tell you some of the most recommendable ones.

First, we mention Solgar Calcium Magnesium with Vitamin D3 . As we can see is a product with a clearly descriptive name, and is characterized by high doses of calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D3. In addition, it has the support of Solgar, a company that has 70 years of experience in the sector of products related to nutrition.

Another of the effective products and that we can find easily and at a good price is Citrate of Calcium, Magnesium and vitamin D3 of Blue Bonnet. It is a product similar to the previous one in terms of its characteristics. It is produced by the company Blue Bonnet Nutrition, a company that has been in the nutrition sector for more than 25 years.

In any case, we recommend, as always, that if we are going to take a supplement of this type, we do it under the supervision of a nutritionist.

Properties of calcium

You have to remember that calcium is one of the minerals that is mostly related to the part of our body's growth . For this specific property are recommended during the growth of children or during pregnancy. On the other hand, among the properties of calcium we have.
Properties for the body

Calcium is a precious mineral for the well-being of bones and teeth : it is, in fact, essential for its health and growth, since it guarantees its elasticity and density. Calcium is indicated in the prevention of contractures and cramps, as it contributes to adequate muscle development. This mineral stimulates, therefore, the cellular metabolism, the production of energy and the assimilation of nutrients: for this reason, it is indicated for pregnant and lactating women .

Avoid diseases

Also among the beneficial properties of calcium, there is undoubtedly that of reducing the risk of contracting certain types of cancer , stroke and type 2 diabetes , as well as being useful in the prevention of fluoride poisoning in children.

Also the calcium tablets have properties that guarantee the health of our bones, as well as that our cardiovascular system is not exposed to so many diseases. They are also highly recommended for the treatment of cramps or to help improve the healing of the skin .

Therapeutic properties

Calcium can be useful in the treatment of caries , osteoporosis and Lyme disease. This precious element is capable of reducing cholesterol , as well as regulating the blood pH and its coagulation, it also stabilizes the heart rate and provides significant benefits to the heart . In addition to this, calcium is used in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as rickets and osteomalacia, but not only that: calcium is useful to combat the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome : pain, mood swings and swelling - hypertension - high blood pressure - and leg cramps.

Soothing properties

Calcium is useful in the treatment of depression , anxiety, insomnia , apathy and nervousness, since it balances the nervous system. : this mineral is, in fact, important for the psyche, as it acts as a natural tranquilizer. Football instills confidence in itself, stabilizes emotions, helps overcome fear, anguish and aggression. In addition, this mineral strengthens memory and learning skills.

Along with the properties of calcium, we can also see some of the benefits it has, through the intake of calcium pills or supplements.

Benefits of supplementing with calcium

Taking calcium supplements or pills is a benefit to be able to supplement the amount of this mineral that your body needs. Its benefits are directly linked to its properties that is why we get it working in the prevention of diseases such as osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Let's see in detail, what are the benefits of taking calcium supplements.

Help to lose weight

According to some studies, it seems that calcium also has slimming properties: it seems, in fact, that it helps to lose weight and body fat, combat overweight and obesity .

It benefits the skin

Calcium is also important for the health and well-being of the skin : associated with vitamin A, it helps maintain a healthy skin and prevents the formation of eczema .

Recover calcium shortage

The calcium supplement can obviously face a deficiency of calcium as you get older or if you are following a poor diet : the presence of this mineral in the body tends, in fact, to decrease with advancing age. The necessary intake of calcium can be taken through proper nutrition or, in case of deficiencies, with the intake of the aforementioned supplements .

Speaking of daily needs, this varies according to age and sex. An adult needs approximately 900 mg of calcium per day ; as it increases in pregnant women, nursing mothers and menopause, in men over 65 and in children. In any case, the recommended daily dose should not exceed 1000 to 1300 mg per day in adults.

Control of blood pressure

As a protector of the cardiovascular system , calcium tablets are recommended for the control of high blood pressure and for diseases related to the heart. In addition to that their benefits also vary for premenstrual syndrome and even treatments against depression.

Side effects of calcium supplements

We have repeated throughout this section that you should take calcium supplements under the prior control of your doctor. Let's see what side effects we can have by taking pills or calcium supplements.

  •     In the event that you do not, you can generate indigestion effects or gases due to the lack of processing of your organism, in the mildest cases.
  •     Similarly, the indiscriminate use of calcium supplements can have consequences such as kidney stones , lack of absorption of other minerals that are equally important or abdominal pain or problems with heart rhythm.
  •     On the other hand, an excessive dose can, in fact, cause constipation, hypercalcemia, hypertension, nausea and heart attack . However, it is good to seek the advice of your own doctor if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, and if you are taking certain medications such as those taken for hypothyroidism with which calcium might conflict.

Taking calcium by means of supplements is not a practice that is prohibited or, on the contrary, must be done. To take calcium supplements you must take into account if you really need it and the way you are managing it over certain periods, the idea of ​​taking calcium in this way is to help your body and not make it worse.