Sunday, February 17, 2019

Integrative Therapeutics - Probiotic Pearls - Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotic - Non-Refrigerated with Patented True Delivery Technology - 30 Capsules

Probiotic Benefits for Health Types Bacteria Dosage

It has long been known that taking probiotics to make these bacteria proliferate helps prevent various ailments. Now there is evidence that these microorganisms are more important to our health than we ever imagined.

The intake of probiotic products increases the body's immune response to the entry of pathogens. One of the beneficial effects attributed to probiotics is that their bacteria ( lactobacilli ) compete with pathogenic bacteria, preventing or hindering their installation in the intestine.

The colon is one of the metabolically active organs of the human body, and plays a very important role in nutrition and health. Among the different components of the colonic microflora are some bacteria ( bifidobacteria and lactobacilli ) that prevent the growth of those harmful to human health and, therefore, there is currently a great interest in improving the development of those that are beneficial, thus decreasing the growth of potentially pathogenic.

Integrative Therapeutics - Probiotic Pearls - Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotic - Non-Refrigerated with Patented True Delivery Technology - 30 Capsules
Integrative Therapeutics - Probiotic Pearls - Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotic - Non-Refrigerated with Patented True Delivery Technology - 30 Capsules

Probiotics: They are resident bacteria that form colonies in the gastrointestinal tract, vaginal and in the mouth. These " friendly " bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium infantis are our body's first line of defense against potentially harmful microorganisms that are inhaled or ingested. (Source Consulted:

Probiotic bacteria

In the digestive tract they host about 400 different types of microorganisms. Some of them, like the bacterium Lactobacillus acidophillus, for example, are good because they help digest food and thus benefit from its nutrients. Others, such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella are pathogenic because they cause toxicity and diarrhea.

In a healthy person, benign bacteria act like a police squad and prevent colonies of pathogenic bacteria from thriving and invading the area. Eating probiotic foods is a safe and simple way to introduce benign bacteria into your system.

These bacteria multiply in the gastrointestinal tract and compete with the pathogens by forcing them out of your system. Yogurt with active cultures (live) and fermented foods like sauerkraut are probiotics, say Australian researchers who studied the role of prebiotics in food. These are also found in the form of supplements in capsules, pills or powders.

Origin of Probiotics: More than a century ago, Russian scientist Elie Metchnikoff , winner of the Nobel Prize, observed that Belgian farmers consumed a lot of yogurt and had a long and healthy life. When analyzing the yogurt, he discovered that it contains microorganisms that live naturally in our intestines. Today we call them probiotics, and they are commercialized in the form of capsules, powders and fermented milk products.

We all have a unique intestinal flora, as individual as a fingerprint, and we preserve it for life. Its amount can decrease due to stress and the ingestion of drugs, alcohol and, above all, antibiotics. Over time it recovers, but taking a complementary dose can speed up the process and prevent infections and diarrhea.

Properties of probiotics

How They Work: Taking extra probiotics helps us in many ways. In addition to increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, they have a direct effect on the membrane cells that coat it and inhibit the inflammatory process. Some strengthen the immune system by modifying the function of white blood cells and antibodies.

According to alternative medicine, although there is no scientific evidence, an imbalance in the intestinal flora can cause a disorder called " leaky bowel syndrome ," in which large molecules pass through the walls of the intestine and cause an immune response that In turn, it triggers an allergic reaction. Avoiding this imbalance is the main recommendation of naturopathic medicine.

What evidence is there that they are effective?
A recent article published in the Medical Journal of Australia confirmed that probiotics help prevent or mitigate various types of diarrhea, including infectious ones, especially those caused by rotavirus or by the use of antibiotics.

It is also believed that probiotics are useful against disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. And its possible beneficial effects are being investigated in other conditions, including Crohn's disease and necrotizing enterocolitis, says Dr. Andrew Day, a professor at the School of Women's and Children's Health at the University of New South Wales.

It is also proven that probiotics strengthen the immune system and help in conditions such as eczema and, perhaps, asthma. A recent European study revealed that babies whose mothers took a probiotic during pregnancy had fewer diarrhea, allergies and infections.

Finally, some doctors now believe that the scarce presence of beneficial bacteria in the intestines
(for the abuse of antibiotics or for living in a sterile environment) may be the cause, in part, of the increase in obesity, allergies and other diseases.

How can I consume probiotics?
The main natural source of probiotics is yogurt, particularly the varieties that contain active lactobacilli. Fermented milk drinks are also a good source. In some countries probiotics are added to other foods, such as bread, sausages and ice cream. If you need a high dose (for being under treatment with antibiotics, for example), you should take a supplement. In dietetics, probiotics are sold in the form of capsules and powders.

How often should I take them?
If you are going to take a probiotic supplement, follow the instructions on the product label.

How can I know if it is the correct dose?
There are many types of probiotics, and to prevent or alleviate certain conditions or meet certain needs, you have to take a specific variety . The problem is that many of them die before reaching the part of the intestine where they are useful. In addition to acquiring the specific type of probiotics you need, you must make sure you take the correct dose.

We need between 100 million and 1,000 million live probiotics every day. Although the standards of food quality control vary from country to country, experts point out that yogurts and beverages with probiotics should contain at least one million live bacteria per gram, and companies that manufacture products with biologically active ingredients they must indicate the amount they contain on the nutrition information label. However, there is no standard method for counting bacteria.

Recent studies reveal that not all brands of yogurt and milk drinks with probiotics sold in those countries contain the minimum required amount of live bacteria per gram (more than one million) and, in addition, present quality differences. The best advice is to choose the products that comply with the regulations (for any doubt you can consult the consumer defense office), buy them in shops that often sell these foods, and put them in the refrigerator when you get home to be preserved fresh

Irrigations of its Consumption: From a theoretical point of view, being microorganisms that are normally part of our own flora, they could hardly cause infectious problems, so the probability of presenting adverse effects due to the consumption of probiotics is very low.

Of the few people who have had them, some suffered diarrhea, and only a few who were very sick or who had weakened the immune system contracted septicemia (widespread infectious process by the presence of pathogens in the blood).

On the other hand, these rare side effects do not seem to be related to the amount of ingested probiotics. Some probiotic capsules that are available in dietetics contain up to 10,000 million microorganisms each, and studies have been conducted with doses of up to 360,000 million bacteria without people having problems.

Utility: Currently, probiotics have proven to be useful and beneficial in:
  • * Treatment of acute infectious diarrhea in children and adults
  • * Prevention of diarrhea associated with antibiotics in children and adults
  • * Some intestinal inflammatory diseases (ulcerative colitis, pouchitis)
  • * Improvement of symptoms due to poor digestion of lactose
  • * Improvement of some symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
  • * Prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants

  • Each variety has specific uses and diverse benefits. These are the most common:
  • For general health: Lactobadllus addophilus, Bifidobacterium animalis.
  • For babies: Lactobadllus addophilus, Lactobadllus reuteri.
  • When taking antibiotics: S accharomyces boulardii, Lactobadllus rhamnosus GG, Lactobadllus case /, Lactobadllus addophilus, Lactobadllus GG.
  • Infectious diarrhea: Lactobadllus rhamnosus GG, Saccharomyces boulardii.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome: Bifidobacterium infantis. Inflammatory enteritis: Saccharomyces boulardii (according to preliminary studies).
  • Ulcerative colitis: VSLN ° 3, Escherichia coli.
  • Allergies and eczema: Lactobadllus addophilus, Lactobadllus reuteri, Lactobadllus fermentum, Lactobadllus GG.
  • Prevention of urinary infections: Lactoba-c / 7 / us rhamnosus GR-i, Lactobadllus reuteri.

Babies receive their first dose of beneficial bacteria at birth, as they pass through the birth canal. During the first two years of life they gradually acquire the profile of intestinal flora that they will conserve until death. The administration of antibiotics during delivery or shortly thereafter - for example, in a cesarean section or when consuming certain milk formulas - can alter this process. European studies reveal that babies who receive probiotics are less likely to suffer diarrhea, fevers and infections in the kindergarten, and also are less at risk of eczema. Professor Seppo Salminen, director of the Functional Foods Forum at the University of Turku in Finland, says that breast milk contains millions of beneficial bacteria, so it is a natural probiotic. "If a pregnant woman has a family history of atopic eczema or allergies, it's a good idea to take a probiotic during the last third of pregnancy and during breastfeeding," she says. "And if you do not breastfeed the baby, 'you must choose a milk formula that contains probiotics." (Source: Selecciones Magazine October 2009)

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Phillips’ Colon Health Probiotic Capsules

Probiotics and Prebiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms (good bacteria) that promote the health of the entire digestive system, in addition to synthesizing vitamins, enzymes and essential amino acids for the health of the digestive and immune system. These "good bacteria" fight against those bacteria that cause diseases; they adhere to the intestinal mucosa from where they stabilize the composition of the bacterial flora and produce substances such as vitamins and enzymes that improve and activate the defenses.

Its importance in health

Probiotics are essential for health. They are implanted in the colon or in the small intestine and from there they balance the organism:

Phillips’ Colon Health Probiotic Capsules
Phillips’ Colon Health Probiotic Capsules

  • -They maintain the acidification of the digestive tract (stomach, small and large intestine), allowing the bacterial flora to be balanced and functioning correctly.
  • -They help to have a more efficient digestion, as well as the production of essential vitamins for the body.
  • -Improve and activate our immune system.
  • -Favor the absorption of nutrients.

The best known

Lactobacillus acidophilus: It is a bacterium that lives in the large intestine and allows the body to produce natural antibiotics , keeping the digestive system toxins at low levels and adequate for health.

Bifidobacterium bifidum: This probiotic bacteria lodges in the colon and relieves digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea and constipation . In turn strengthens the immune system.

75% of the immune system is in the intestine, so a healthy intestine is synonymous with an organism with more defenses.

Where to find them

Probiotics can be found naturally in the following foods:

Natural or 'birdie' yogurt:   It is one of the best probiotic foods, as long as it is made by hand. 1 or 2 cups are recommended daily.

Kefir :   This dairy food comes from the fermentation of goat's milk. It has a large content of lactobacillus and bifidus bacteria, in addition to having a high percentage of antioxidants. The ideal portion is 1 or 2 cups a day.

Sauerkraut :   This food that has fermented cabbage, has large amounts of probiotics and vitamin A, B, C and E. It is healthy to add it to salads, 1 or 2 cups, especially if you have a weak digestive system.

Spirulina and chlorella:   These microalgae interfere beneficially in the digestive system, since they increase the amounts of lactobacillus and bifido-bacteria. 350 g daily is recommended.

Green pickles :   Those that are made by hand and in vinegar are usually an invaluable source of probiotic bacteria. It is important to integrate them into the daily diet together with the other probiotics mentioned.

Kombucha tea :   It has a high amount of amino acids and enzymes, in addition to probiotics. Once fermented, it has large quantities of microorganisms beneficial for the health of the intestinal tract. 300 cc per day is recommended.


  •     They create a protective barrier
  •     Help fight irritable bowel
  •     Decrease meteorism and flatulence
  •     Regulate intestinal transit
  •     Detoxify the body


  •     Immunosuppressed patients: HIV, chemotherapy

Natural sources

Fermented foods (not cooking them, because temperatures kill microorganisms)

  •     Sauerkraut
  •     Pickles
  •     Miso, fermented soybean paste à Shiro Miso organic
  •     Birdie Yogurt (1 day at least)
  •     Kefir
  •     Commercial yogurts (should not lose the cold chain, since microorganisms die)
  •     Cocoa

Supplements (daily use reconstitutes microorganisms daily)

  •     Spirulina
  •     Chrorella


Food (substrate) for probiotics, within the family of fibers, which do not undergo digestion.


  •     They develop and improve the flora of probiotics
  •     They stimulate the immune system
  •     They facilitate the absorption of calcium, magnesium and iron
  •     They reduce the meteorismo and improve the digestion
  •     Reduce the appearance of colon cancer (SCFA)
  •     Help in obesity and cholesterol profile

Natural sources

  •     Banana
  •     Onion
  •     Garlic
  •     Artichoke
  •     Asparagus
  •     Coconut water

Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement for Men and Women – Saccharomyces Boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 (250 mg; 100 Capsules)

Probiotics: What they are and what is their importance

Supplementing the diet with probiotics is becoming increasingly popular among people seeking a healthy life . Of course, runners are not the exception.

Maybe you have heard the term "probiotic" but still do not know exactly what it is and what it helps us , that is why in today's article we will answer these questions and we will tell you some of the benefits and the simple way to include them in your diet.

Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement for Men and Women – Saccharomyces Boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 (250 mg; 100 Capsules)
Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement for Men and Women – Saccharomyces Boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 (250 mg; 100 Capsules)



Probiotics are microscopic living organisms , they are "good" bacteria that are present in food, medicine or supplements.

According to the official definition, probiotics are "live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a benefit to the health of the host ."

That is, they can be found naturally in some foods or in the form of a capsule . These microorganisms have the characteristic of staying alive and active in the intestine helping your well-being.

Probiotics should not be confused with prebiotics , which are dietary fibers that help feed the friendly bacteria that are already in your gut.

Although probiotics are often referred to generically, in fact there are dozens of different probiotic bacteria that have been shown to have health benefits. The most common groups include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium .


Some benefits of probiotics and hence its importance for your health is:

  • .- Promote a better immune system .
  • .- They hinder the growth of harmful bacteria and favor beneficial intestinal flora.
  • .-Reduces the negative effects of taking antibiotics .
  • .- It facilitates the absorption of calcium, magnesium and some vitamins.
  • .- Improves digestion, avoiding irritability, gas and inflammation.
  • .- Reduces diarrhea or constipation.
  • .- It can reduce lactose intolerance.

As we can see, the greatest benefits of consuming them lie in the digestive system but also defends us from infections such as the common cold, improves energy by facilitating digestion and avoiding annoying stomach discomfort.

The use of probiotics is not new, in fact since 1950 they are used as a supplement to the daily diet, but for many years, the advertising of medicines became more profitable.

However, more and more society has become aware of the importance of recurring to the natural and the prevention of diseases. That is why probiotics have once again had the interest of industry and research.


Where can we find them? These are the main sources of probiotics :

  • .-Yogurt: Natural unpasteurized with bifid bacteria or lactobacilli.
  • .-Gherkins: Packed in vinegar and sea salt. Miso: fermented soy food very common in Japanese cuisine.
  • .- Bitter chocolate of high quality.
  • .- Sauerkraut: Fermented cabbage, is used as a complement to meals in Germany.
  • .- Seaweed.
  • .- Kombucha tea.
  • .- As supplements in capsules or powders.

It is important to read the label to make sure that the product contains these microorganisms, you must specify "live active cultures" or even mention the name of the bacteria. The most common in the market are Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus .

As athletes, we know the need to prioritize our health to be able to perform in all aspects of our lives. Fulfilling the trainings in addition to work and family make staying healthy and with a good level of energy the pillar of every day. Adding probiotics to our daily habits is a very simple way to do it.

HOMUS 14 Inches Steel Slat Platform Bed Frame/Heavy Duty and Easy Assembly Mattress Foundation/Noise-Free Box Spring Replacement (Full, 5000H Bed Frame)


(parts, measurements, and steps)

PARTS OF A BED: A bed consists of the following parts:
  • 1 header,
  • 1 foot,
  • 2 stringers or nurseries,
  • 2 bedside tables

The footboard and the headboard are formed by 2 legs, 1 upper partition and 1 or 2 lower. If the bed is turned the headboard and footboard carry the back of 8 to 12 bolillos.Segun style beds are made of different pieces, but The aforementioned are those that generally make up this piece of furniture.

HOMUS 14 Inches Steel Slat Platform Bed Frame/Heavy Duty and Easy Assembly Mattress Foundation/Noise-Free Box Spring Replacement (Full, 5000H Bed Frame)
HOMUS 14 Inches Steel Slat Platform Bed Frame/Heavy Duty and Easy Assembly Mattress Foundation/Noise-Free Box Spring Replacement (Full, 5000H Bed Frame)


STANDARD MEASURES OF THE BEDS: The standard measurements of the beds are as follows:

Beds cribs, single beds must measure width 1 ironwork to ironwork, outside 1.07 mt. Wide.

  • The double bed measures from hardware to hardware 1.37 and 1.40 mt. From the outside it measures 1.44 mt.
  • The height varies according to the style, but if it can give oscillation patterns like this: 2 turned legs of 90 cm. to 1.50 cm., surrounded by 90 cm. at 1.25 mt.
  • the previous mornings shelter the headboards of the single and double beds.
  • The height of the floor bed to the largeros is 38 cm. to 40 cm. The length is 1.90 mt.
  • The beds must have the standard width since the mattresses are made to that extent. The foot has a height of 40cm. at 75 cm.

MEASUREMENTS OF THE PIECES OF A BED: In the graph we have a popular type bed which we will analyze below:

- The legs measure 1.05mt. long X 6cm.X 6cm thick

- Foot of the foot: 75cm. long X 6cm. X 6cm. thick

- Upper partition (neck) as it is a double bed should have the following measures: 1.37mt X 15cm. of width X 2.5cm. thick

- The lower partition 1.37mt.X 8cm. of width X 2,5cm. thick

- 3.5cm.X 3.5cm.X 36cm bobbins. long

- Foot screws 3.5cm. X 3.5cm. X 20cm. long

- 1.90mt stringers. long X 12cm. of width X 2.5cm. thick

From the previous graph you can analyze the following: The partitions are surrounded or back, so you have to develop a template, the legs are turned the same as the bolillos so they will have to go through the turner. Then knowing the measurements and the characteristics of the pieces, we proceed to select the wood.

SELECTION OF WOOD: Cedar, oak, paddle, mahogany, pine are recommended woods for the manufacture of beds.

According to the measures of the legs, we have to, a slat of 6.5 cm.X 6.5cm.X 3mt. long, gives us 2 large legs of 1.05 mt.y 1pata small of 75 cm., the other small leg the draw from another liston, with the same measures leaving a residue of 2 mt.

For the bobbins choose 2 slats of 3.5cm.X 3.5cm.X long. For the partitions a table of 30cm wide X long X 2.5cm thick.The stringers come out with a table of 30cm wide X long X thickness.


a) trace wood: Select 2 slats of 6.5cm.X 6.5cm.X long for the legs of the bed.

b) draw a line square on one end of the strip, from that line measure 1.05 mt. and draw a line.

c) In the previous list I left a 90 cm residue where a 75 cm leg comes out.

Take another ribbon of 6.5cm.X 6.5cm.X 3mt long and draw another foot of 75 cm.s following the instructions of the second step.

d) Select a table of 30cm in width X 2.5cm in thickness X 3m in length, for the walls of the room.

e) Draw a straight line with a square on one end of the board. From that line measure 1.38 meters twice, drawing a parallel of 1/2 cm. of each stroke

f) Select another table equal to the previous one, draw a straight line with a square on one end and from there measure 1.92 meters and draw a straight line, from there the 2 stringers come out.

g) Select 2 strips of 3.5cm.X 3.5cm.X 3m long. Draw 10 strings of 36 cm long and 10 strips of 20 cm long.

h) Order all the wood at the foot of the circular saw.


  • a) Cut all wood through the traces made
  • b) Plan a song of the cut boards. The pieces for legs and bobbins pass on 4 sides.
  • c) Regulate the wood for the partitions
  • d) Cut to the width the upper partitions (12 cm.) and the lower partitions (8 cm.)
  • e) On the upper and lower partitions of the headboard and footboard, trace 3 cm spikes. long in both extemos.Luego measure sections of 12 cm.para the holes where they entered the bobbins.
  • f) Take the legs, both the head and the foot and draw an external 2 cm. Then from that stroke measure 10 cm. and draw a straight line.
  • g) Now on the legs of the head measure 32 cm. the previous stroke and trace an 8 cm chisel.
  • h) Measure on the leg of the foot from the top 16 cm.trace a straight line then measure 8 cm. and draw another line
  • i) Plant the partitions of the footboard and headboard and pass them through the endless saw.
  • j) Make the shanks of the legs at a depth of 3 cm. and at a width of 1/2 "
  • k) Make the holes to the partitions 1/2 "wide 2 cm deep
  • l) Brush and polish all parts with brush, espaucel, scraper and sandpaper



You should always leave 5 to 8 mm. of tolerance in the measurements of the pieces for cuts and slabs.


  • - Rebate the edges of the spikes of the partitions and try these in the chisels.
  • - Try the bobbins on the partitions of the headboard and footboard
  • - Partially assemble partitions and bolillos
  • - Partially assemble the headboard and footboard
  • - Disassemble the armed parts and apply glue to the spikes and chisels
  • - Make the assembly and press the union, with a sergeant
  • - Nail the joint with 1 1/2 "nails
  • - Place the fittings

Ecos Living 14 Inch Deluxe Solid Wood Platform Bed Frame with Headboard (Brown, King)

Do Yourself - How to build a double bed?

A piece of furniture that, without a doubt, improves the quality of life is a good bed. Although we already have one, if it is not in optimal conditions, it is worthwhile to encourage ourselves to change it, that is why we will teach how to build a 2-seater bed.

Ecos Living 14 Inch Deluxe Solid Wood Platform Bed Frame with Headboard (Brown, King)
Ecos Living 14 Inch Deluxe Solid Wood Platform Bed Frame with Headboard (Brown, King)

Tools and materials

Tools to use:

  •     · Squad
  •     · Orbital sander
  •     · Flat
  •     · Screwdriver
  •     · Measurement scale
  •     · Mask
  •     · Gloves
  •     · Jigsaw
  •     · Drill bit
  •     · Angular emery
  •     · Milling machine
  •     · Orbital sander
  •     · Long rule
  •     · Emery mask
  •     · Metal cutting disc
  •     · Roughing disc

The materials to use:

  •     · Mineral spirits 1 liter
  •     · Screws for wood 2 ''
  •     · 15mm MDF plate 152x244cm
  •     · Waterproof Wetproof Varnish
  •     · Pack 28 Felts for dining room 3M
  •     · Finger Pine Plate 105x244x18mm, 3
  •     · Profile Angle Steel 50x50x3mm, 2
  •     · Bolt 5/16 x 1 1/4, 23
  •     · Nut 5/16, 23
  •     · 1 1/2 square zinc-plated chair square
  •     · Huaipe Simuniza 500 gr
  •     · Wooden shoe n ° 60, 10
  •     · Duo Classic black metal converter enamel
  •     · Wood ink 1/4 gl Mahogany Sipalac

It is a structure built in wood and steel angles, measuring 1.90 x 1.50 m, with a base height of 30 cm, and which has a backrest and 2 integrated night tables. And thanks to its fixation with bolts and nut, it can be easily assembled and moved.

Step by Step

Before starting

Buying recommendations    
  • Finger plate 18 mm    
  • Profile angle 50x50x3 mm

Before starting

Order dimensioned pine finger cuts in the store. You need 2 pieces of 1.90 mt x30 cm for the sides, 1 of 1.50x30 for the footboard, 1 of 2.10x1.05 mt as backrest, one of 1.90x10 for the central beam, and another 2 of 42x27 for the watchmen. In addition, as a mattress support 1 piece of MDF 1.89 x 1.49 mt.

The angles profiles come in strips of 6 mt, and in the same Patio where the profiles are, you can ask them to make 2 cuts per strip, in this case you have to cut 1 strip in 2 pieces of 190 cm and the other in 2 of 140 mt. But the remains have to be taken to the house, because smaller cuts will be needed.

A. Angle profiles

Steps to follow

Clean the angles

    Pass a huaipe with turpentine on all sides of the corner profiles, which are already cut from the store, and the remains that must be cut later. This is to remove glue and dust stuck.

Cut small pieces

    Cut the pieces that are not dimensioned, and that will help to structure the faces of the bed. It is made with the angle grinder, 4 pieces of 20 cm and 4 more than 10 cm are needed.

When working with emery, it is necessary to use a mask, bib and gloves, since many sparks are leaking that must be avoided to reach the clothing and face.

Grinding the edges

    Eliminate the rebarbas of the recently cut pieces and the longer ones that come dimensionados of the shop, with the disk of roughing and the emery angular.

Emery accessory:

It is important to unplug the grinder to change the disc. You must use a special key that comes with the angle grinder, and that has the proper shape to turn the lock and that is tight.
Holes in the small pieces

    The angles also have to have perforations that match those that were made in the wood. In the pieces of 20 and 10 cm go 4 perforations, each one to 3 cm from the ends.
    We make these holes with an 8 mm drill bit.


All the power tools used in this project can be rented in any store: the drill, the orbital sander, the jigsaw and the angle grinder. They are rented according to the need of use, for example they can be taken by hour, days, weeks or even months.    

Holes in the medium pieces

    In the 2 pieces of 1.40 mt go 5 holes only in 1 of their faces, 5 cm from the ends and the rest to 32.5 cm distance between yes.
    We make these holes with an 8 mm drill bit.

Holes in the long pieces

    In the 2 pieces of 1.90 mt go 5 holes only on 1 of their faces, 5 cm from the ends and the rest at 45 cm distance between yes.
    We make these holes with an 8 mm drill bit.

Protect the angles

    Although the profiles are inside the house, they must be protected with anticorrosive, in case water is spilled or a lot of humidity is generated in the bedroom. Apply with a drill on all sides and edges.


It is an oxide converting enamel that is made with modified waterproof alkyd resins. It provides a high gloss finish, very durable, excellent cover, which does not leave brush marks for being self-leveling.
Its polymeric oxide inhibitor does not affect the brightness or purity of the colors.    

B. Make the legs and shapes of the bed

Steps to follow

Mark the stringers and footboard

    Put these 3 pieces horizontally (2 cuts of 1,90x30 and 1 of 1,50x30) and mark along 20 cm and 40 cm from each end. At this point, and with the help of a square, measure 12 cm up and draw a diagonal to the 20 cm that were marked at the beginning. Then the 2 diagonals are joined with a straight line.

Mark the back

    Put this piece (1 piece of 2.10x1.05) and mark along 50 and 70 cm from each end. At this point, and with the help of a square, measure 12 cm up and draw a diagonal to 50 cm that were marked at the beginning. Then the 2 diagonals are joined with a straight line.


The squares are a type of rule that, in addition to measuring the length, serves to measure angles, draw perpendicular lines and check the square at the corners. There are different types of brackets, some longer than others, even some have level to help in the measurement of angles.
Mark the tables

    Put these pieces (2 cuts of 42x27 cm) horizontally and make a mark at 18 mm from the upper right corner down. Then at the bottom left edge measure 20 cm along, draw a diagonal joining the 2 marked points.

Rebaje for the watchers

    Mark on the sides (2 pieces of 1,90x30) a recess of 18 mm in thickness and 42 cm in length, this recess goes in one of the upper corners of each side.

Cut all the pieces

    Press the pieces of wood in the inn one by one, to cut the shape of the legs with the jigsaw, and the diagonal of the lamps, following the figure marked in the previous points.

Sand all parts

    Polish the stringers, footboard, backrest and sideboards, all edges and edges cut with the jigsaw, to eliminate splinters and improve the finish.

C. Drilling wooden pieces

To all the pieces of the bed it is necessary to make some perforations, to later put on the inside the angles and to unite the parts. Perforations have to be made in the area of ​​the legs of the bed and others to support the mattress.

Steps to follow

Holes in stringers

    The perforations for the legs go to 2.5 cm from each end, counting 6 and 20 cm from below.
    The perforations for the mattress go to 25 cm from the lower edge, and to 5 cm the holes at the ends and the other 3 to 45 cm from each other.
    Make the holes with the drill and 8 mm wood drill.

Holes in the foot

    The perforations for the legs go to 2.5 cm from each end, counting 6 and 20 cm from below.
    The perforations for the mattress go to 25 cm from the bottom edge, and to 5 cm the holes at the ends and the other 3 to 32.5 cm from each other.
    Make the holes with the drill and 8 mm wood drill.

Holes in the backrest

    The perforations for the legs go to 32.5 cm from each end, counting 6 and 20 cm from below.
    The perforations for the mattress go to 25 cm from the bottom edge, but with a distance of 40 cm at the ends, and the other 3 to 32.5 cm from each other.
    Make the holes with the drill and 8 mm wood drill.

Holes in the central beam

    The perforations for the central beam (piece of 1.90x10 cm) go to 2.5 cm from each end, with a separation of 3 and 7 cm.
    Make the holes with the drill and 8 mm wood drill.

Holes to join central beam to the structure

    The perforations to join the central beam to the back and footboard are 4 more to the center of each piece. From the axis of these pieces you have to draw 2 lines parallel to the 3.9 cm, and make 2 holes in each of these lines, these holes go to 4 and 8 cm from the edge.
    Make the holes with the drill and 8 mm wood drill.

Wood drill bits:

The wood can be drilled with different types of drill, depending on the use that will be given to that drill, the diameter that must have and the type of wood. For the larger holes that must pass through the thickness of the wood a cup drill is used, for holes of smaller diameters a wood drill is needed, for those larger than 10 mm a palette drill is used, and when you want to make a guide in the wood for the screws a countersink drill bit is used.
Holes in the box spring

    The perforations for the central beam (piece of 1.90x10 cm) go to 2.5 cm from each end, with a separation of 3 and 7 cm.
    The perforations for the mattress go to 25 cm from the bottom edge, but with a distance of 40 cm at the ends, and the other 3 to 32.5 cm from each other.
    Make the holes with the drill and 8 mm wood drill.

Dye the wood

    Apply the chosen color on all the pieces of wood, on both sides and all its edges. The technique that is used is the crankpin that is to apply the dye with huaipe, to leave it more even and to penetrate well on the surface. Let dry.


The woods can be dyed to change their tone, it is a natural dye that is applied in the direction of the grain of the wood, and that you can throw 1 or more hands according to the intensity of the color you want. In this project, a Walnut color dye was used.    

Protect the wood

    Apply a waterproof varnish to the pieces of wood already dyed, which is spread with a brush on all sides and edges.

D. Arm the bed

Steps to follow

Set the angles of 20 cm

    Put the 20 cm angles on each end of the footboard and on only one end of the sides (the one going towards the backrest). These profiles must be made to fit with the holes made in the legs of each piece.
    Use a 1 1/2 "bolt and nut, which are tightened with a crown wrench and a screwdriver.

Join the structure

    Join the sides, footboard and backrest, making the angles of 20 cm fit the perforations of the legs.
    Use a 1 1/2 "bolt and nut, which are tightened with a crown wrench and a screwdriver.

Put central beam

    Fix the 4 angles of 10 cm to the center of the backrest and footboard, making them fit with the 4 perforations that were made in the center of these two pieces. Use a 1 1/2 "bolt and nut, which are tightened with a crown wrench and a screwdriver.
    Fit the central beam to the center of these 2 pairs of profiles of 10 cm and fix it with bolts and nuts.

Set long and medium angles

    Place horizontally all over the interior perimeter of the structure the 2 profiles of 1.90 and 2 1.40 mt, making them fit with the holes made for the base of the mattress.

Fix the candle

    Countersink the pedestals in the location of the wood screws, and fix them in the recess on the side.
    Below the table, attach a chair bracket to the backrest to give this piece more support.

Assemble the bed frame

    Place the base of the mattress on the angles of the inside of the bed.


As the bed is heavy, if your floor is made of wood or ceramic we recommend putting these carpet stops on the legs, as this avoids scratching the covering.    


This bed uses a standard 2-seater mattress, but it is important to consider that the height that protrudes from the base is more or less than 25 cm so as not to stick on the stringers.

45MinST 16 Inch Tall SmartBase Mattress Foundation/Platform Bed Frame/3000LBS Heavy Duty/Extremely Easy Assembly/Box Spring Replacement/Quiet Noise-Free, TXL/Queen/King (Full)

Learn step by step how to make a child bed out of fairy tales

The recycling will turn into something magical for your daughters!

For a long time we have shared millions of ideas to make wonders with wooden pallets, but today it was time to make happy the little ones that make our days happy.

The children's DIY is a perfect option for our children can assemble countless furniture made with our wooden pallets, such as a child's bed fairytale .

45MinST 16 Inch Tall SmartBase Mattress Foundation/Platform Bed Frame/3000LBS Heavy Duty/Extremely Easy Assembly/Box Spring Replacement/Quiet Noise-Free, TXL/Queen/King (Full)
45MinST 16 Inch Tall SmartBase Mattress Foundation/Platform Bed Frame/3000LBS Heavy Duty/Extremely Easy Assembly/Box Spring Replacement/Quiet Noise-Free, TXL/Queen/King (Full)

We are sure that this design will be imitated by many dads! Just follow these steps:

  •     The bed will be 80 x 190 cm, that is, adult size . To do this, we will buy a mattress box spring with intentions that it will be the bed for the whole life of the princess.
  •     Then we will make the base by coupling two pallets. "In this way, it will be the simplest work since we only disassemble the pallets, sand them in order to smooth any roughness that could break the mattress, and we will put them together again, this time with screws instead of nails.
  •     To secure the two pallets of the base, we will join with three bolts of generous size.
  •     Then, from other pallets we will take out the taurgos where the containment rails are fixed.
  •     The imperfections and holes of the wood are filled with the same sawdust that the wood gave off when sanded, mixed with glue.
  •     With respect to the rails and headboards, we will sand them until they round each point.
  •     We can see in the photo that each wood is well rounded at the ends.
  •     In this way, we will see the second bricolage of the project carrying out a meticulous assembly test.
  •     Before giving this beautiful white color with synthetic enamel to the water of quick drying, we will apply an anticarcoma product to the wood.
  •     We will put wheels on the bed, since it has enough weight and it will be very comfortable to move it to clean.


And colorin colorado, this beautiful work is over


eLuxurySupply Wood Bed Frame - Made in The USA w/100% North American Pine - Solid Mattress Platform Foundation w/Pressed Pine Slats - Tool-Free Assembly - California King

How to make a child's bed in wood

In this article, we will explain how to make a children's bed in wood. It is not difficult to do, although it does require some specialized tools for wood such as the milling machine, the sander, ... as for wood cuts, in case of not having tools for this purpose, there is no problem: in our center of wood distribution or DIY center we cut it for a little more money.

This bed is adapted for a mattress of 1.60 x 70 cm, which is a mattress that we can get without problems in the market with what the total dimensions of the bed are 1.75 x 86 cms.

As for the bedding, it does not exist with these dimensions. For this problem we have two simple solutions: either we make the bedding to measure (with a sewing kit, ourselves, ...) or buy the standard bedding for bed 90 and the remainder we fold it well and we hide it how can we?

eLuxurySupply Wood Bed Frame - Made in The USA w/100% North American Pine - Solid Mattress Platform Foundation w/Pressed Pine Slats - Tool-Free Assembly - California King
eLuxurySupply Wood Bed Frame - Made in The USA w/100% North American Pine - Solid Mattress Platform Foundation w/Pressed Pine Slats - Tool-Free Assembly - California King


  • 1 radiata pine wood board
  • 8 spikes or wooden dowels
  • 6 screws 8 mm in diameter by 8 cm in length
  • 6 wood mortise nuts 8 mm in diameter
  • aluminum angle
  • 4.5 x 60 screws
  • carpenter's tail
  • varnish

  • drill cord screwdriver
  • wood drill bits
  • Electric sander
  • Hammer
  • squaring machine, circular saw, jigsaw ...
  • planer
  • mortising machine
  • sergeants
  • milling machine
  • pencil
  • subway
  • squad
  • brush or compressed air gun to paint

How to make a bed for children

1. Having clear design and measurements of the bed, we begin with the work. We cut the different pieces that will form the headboard and footboard. For this work we have decided to use a radiata pine wood. This type of wood is easy to work with, relatively cheap and with a very nice grain.

  •  radiata pine wood board
  • The measurements of the finished bed will be the following:
  •  measures for children's bed

2. To cut the pieces I used a square saw, in case of not having one, we can ask in our distribution center to cut it to the measures that interest us. We must cut the horizontal pieces inside the footboard and headboard about 5 cm larger to subsequently make the system of spike and box for a perfect union between the pieces.

 cutting the different pieces that will form the bed for children
 the different pieces that will form the footboard and the headboard
 the stringers of the bed

3. Next, we brush the wood to level the wood in addition to smoothing it.

 brushing the different pieces of wood that will form the bed for children

4. Now we continue tracing the place where with the gleaner we will realize the cash system. In case of not having a gleaner, we can do without the box and spike system and use dowels.

 tracing the place where to make the box
 boxes made in the pieces that will form the bed for children

5. Subsequently, we perform the spike of the different pieces by means of the squaring machine. The spike will have measures of 2.5 cms.

 realizing the tenon with the squaring machine
 spike made

6. The next step will be to reduce the edges of all the pieces that will form the bed with the milling machine.

 milling the edges of the pieces that will form the bed for children

7. Next we sanded all the pieces of wood.

 sanding the pieces that will form the bed for children

8. Proceed to glue and join the pieces that will form the footboard and the headboard. For a perfect union, we will use some sergeants and let dry the time indicated by the manufacturer of the tail.

 pieces ready to assemble
 foot jointed and prepared for sanding and embossing

9. We continue with the procedure of gluing and joining pieces, now it is the turn to what will later be the bar rails of the bed.

 gluing the different pieces to make the bed for children

10. To finish the bed, we give two hands of wood background, and then we give several hands of varnish; Always waiting for the drying times indicated by the manufacturer. Between hand and hand of varnish, we sand with a sandpaper of fine grain for a smooth finish to the touch of the wood.

11. We will use as support for the mattress, a 16 mm unmolded dm wood that will make the sumier function. With a few pieces of aluminum angles we will hold everything. Previously we made two holes, where later attach it to the wooden slats with screws.

 marking the place where to place the support to place the sumier for the mattress
 drilling the place where to place the support for the mattress
 placing the support for the mattress support

12. And ready, work finished.

ZIYOO 14 Inch Wooden Slats Platform Bed Frame, 3500lbs Heavy Duty, Strengthen Support Mattress Foundation, Quiet Noise Free, Full

How to make a double bed?

A piece of furniture that, without a doubt, improves the quality of life is a good bed. Although we already have one, if it is not in optimal conditions, it is worthwhile to encourage ourselves to change it, that is why we will teach how to build a 2-seater bed.

Order dimensioned pine finger cuts in the store. You need 2 pieces of 1.90 mt x30 cm for the sides, 1 of 1.50x30 for the footboard, 1 of 2.10x1.05 mt as backrest, one of 1.90x10 for the central beam, and another 2 of 42x27 for the watchmen. In addition, as a mattress support 1 piece of MDF 1.89 x 1.49 mt. The angles profiles come in strips of 6 mt, and in the same Patio where the profiles are, you can ask them to make 2 cuts per strip, in this case you have to cut 1 strip in 2 pieces of 190 cm and the other in 2 of 140 mt. But the remains have to be taken to the house, because smaller cuts will be needed.

ZIYOO 14 Inch Wooden Slats Platform Bed Frame, 3500lbs Heavy Duty, Strengthen Support Mattress Foundation, Quiet Noise Free, Full
ZIYOO 14 Inch Wooden Slats Platform Bed Frame, 3500lbs Heavy Duty, Strengthen Support Mattress Foundation, Quiet Noise Free, Full

A. Make the legs and shapes of the bed
Step 1 - Mark the stringers and footboard

Put these 3 pieces horizontally (2 cuts of 1,90x30 and 1 of 1,50x30) and mark along 20 cm and 40 cm from each end. At this point, and with the help of a square, measure 12 cm up and draw a diagonal to the 20 cm that were marked at the beginning. Then the 2 diagonals are joined with a straight line.

Step 2 - Mark the backrest
Put this piece (1 piece of 2.10x1.05) and mark along 50 and 70 cm from each end. At this point, and with the help of a square, measure 12 cm up and draw a diagonal to 50 cm that were marked at the beginning. Then the 2 diagonals are joined with a straight line.

The squares are a type of rule that, in addition to measuring the length, serves to measure angles, draw perpendicular lines and check the square at the corners. There are different types of brackets, some longer than others, even some have level to help in the measurement of angles.

Step 3 - Mark the table
Put these pieces (2 cuts of 42x27 cm) horizontally and make a mark at 18 mm from the upper right corner down. Then at the bottom left edge measure 20 cm along, draw a diagonal joining the 2 marked points.

Step 4 - Rebaje for the watchers
Mark on the sides (2 pieces of 1,90x30) a recess of 18 mm in thickness and 42 cm in length, this recess goes in one of the upper corners of each side.

Step 5 - Cut all the pieces
Press the pieces of wood in the inn one by one, to cut the shape of the legs with the jigsaw, and the diagonal of the lamps, following the figure marked in the previous points.

Step 6 - Sand all the pieces
Polish the stringers, footboard, backrest and sideboards, all edges and edges cut with the jigsaw, to eliminate splinters and improve the finish.

B. Drilling wooden pieces

Step 1 - Holes in stringers
The perforations for the legs go to 2.5 cm from each end, counting 6 and 20 cm from below

The perforations for the mattress go to 25 cm from the lower edge, and to 5 cm the holes at the ends and the other 3 to 45 cm from each other. Drill the holes with the drill and 8 mm wood drill

Step 2 - Holes in footboard
The perforations for the mattress go to 25 cm from the bottom edge, and to 5 cm the holes from the ends and the other 3 to 32.5 cm from each other.

Step 3 - Holes in the backrest
The perforations for the legs go to 32.5 cm from each end, counting 6 and 20 cm from below. The perforations for the mattress go to 25 cm from the bottom edge, but with a distance of 40 cm at the ends, and the other 3 to 32.5 cm from each other. Make the holes with the drill and 8 mm wood drill.

Step 4 - Holes in the central beam
The perforations for the central beam (piece of 1.90x10 cm) go to 2.5 cm from each end, with a separation of 3 and 7 cm. Drill the holes with the drill and 8 mm wood drill

Step 5 - Holes to join central beam to the structure
The perforations to join the central beam to the back and footboard are 4 more to the center of each piece. From the axis of these pieces you have to draw 2 lines parallel to the 3.9 cm, and make 2 holes in each of these lines, these holes go to 4 and 8 cm from the edge.

Make the holes with the drill and 8 mm wood drill.

Wood drill
The wood can be drilled with different types of drill, depending on the use that will be given to that drill, the diameter that must have and the type of wood. For the larger holes that must pass through the thickness of the wood a cup drill is used, for holes of smaller diameters a wood drill is needed, for those larger than 10 mm a palette drill is used, and when you want to make a guide in the wood for the screws a countersink drill bit is used.

Step 6 - Holes in the box spring
The perforations for the central beam (piece of 1.90x10 cm) go to 2.5 cm from each end, with a separation of 3 and 7 cm.

The perforations for the mattress go to 25 cm from the bottom edge, but with a distance of 40 cm at the ends, and the other 3 to 32.5 cm from each other. Make the holes with the drill and 8 mm wood drill.

Step 7 - Dye the wood
Apply the chosen color on all the pieces of wood, on both sides and all its edges. The technique that is used is the crankpin that is to apply the dye with huaipe, to leave it more even and to penetrate well on the surface. Let dry

The woods can be dyed to change their tone, it is a natural dye that is applied in the direction of the grain of the wood, and that you can throw 1 or more hands according to the intensity of the color you want. In this project, a Walnut color dye was used.

Step 8 - Protect the wood
Apply a waterproof varnish to the pieces of wood already dyed, which is spread with a brush on all sides and edges.

C. Angled profiles

Step 1 - Clean the angles
Pass a huaipe with turpentine on all sides of the corner profiles, which are already cut from the store, and the remains that must be cut later. This is to remove glue and dust stuck.

Step 2 - Cut small pieces
Cut the pieces that are not dimensioned, and that will help to structure the faces of the bed. It is made with the angle grinder, 4 pieces of 20 cm and 4 more than 10 cm are needed.

When working with emery, it is necessary to use a mask, bib and gloves, since many sparks are leaking that must be avoided to reach the clothing and face.

Step 3 - Rough the edges
Eliminate the rebarbas of the recently cut pieces and the longer ones that come dimensionados of the shop, with the disk of roughing and the emery angular.

Emery accessory
It is important to unplug the grinder to change the disc. You must use a special key that comes with the angle grinder, and that has the proper shape to turn the lock and that is tight.

Step 4 - Holes in the small pieces
The angles also have to have perforations that match those that were made in the wood. In the pieces of 20 and 10 cm go 4 perforations, each one to 3 cm from the ends. We make these holes with an 8 mm drill bit.

All the power tools used in this project can be rented in any store: the drill, the orbital sander, the jigsaw and the angle grinder. They are rented according to the need of use, for example they can be taken by hour, days, weeks or even months.

Step 5 - Holes in the medium pieces
In the 2 pieces of 1.40 mt, 5 holes are only in 1 of their faces, 5 cm from the ends and the rest at 32.5 cm distance from each other. We make these holes with an 8 mm drill bit.

Step 6 - Holes in the long pieces
In the 2 pieces of 1.90 mt 5 holes are only on 1 of their faces, 5 cm from the ends and the rest at 45 cm distance from each other. We make these holes with an 8 mm drill bit.

Step 7 - Protect the angles

Although the profiles are inside the house, they must be protected with anticorrosive, in case water is spilled or a lot of humidity is generated in the bedroom. Apply with a drill on all sides and edges.

It is an oxide converting enamel that is made with modified waterproof alkyd resins. It provides a high gloss finish, very durable, excellent cover, which does not leave brush marks for being self-leveling. Its polymeric oxide inhibitor does not affect the brightness or purity of the colors.

D. Arm the bed
Step 1 - Set the angles of 20 cm
Put the 20 cm angles on each end of the footboard and on only one end of the sides (the one going towards the backrest). These profiles must be made to fit with the holes made in the legs of each piece. It is used 1 1/4 "bolt and nut, which are tightened with crown wrench and screwdriver

Step 2 - Join the structure
Join the sides, footboard and backrest, making the angles of 20 cm fit the perforations of the legs. It is used 1 1/4 "bolt and nut, which are tightened with crown wrench and screwdriver.

Step 3 - Put central beam
Fix the 4 angles of 10 cm to the center of the backrest and footboard, making them fit with the 4 perforations that were made in the center of these two pieces. It is used 1 1/4 "bolt and nut, which are tightened with crown wrench and screwdriver. Fit the central beam to the center of these 2 pairs of profiles of 10 cm and fix it with bolts and nuts.

Step 4 - Set long and medium angles
Place horizontally all over the interior perimeter of the structure the 2 profiles of 1.90 and 2 1.40 mt, making them fit with the holes made for the base of the mattress.

Step 5 - Fix the table
Countersink the pedestals in the location of the wood screws, and fix them in the recess on the side. Below the table, attach a chair bracket to the backrest to give this piece more support.

Step 6 - Assemble the box spring
Place the base of the mattress on the angles of the inside of the bed.

As the bed is heavy, if your floor is made of wood or ceramic we recommend putting these carpet stops on the legs, as this avoids scratching the covering.

This bed uses a standard 2-seater mattress, but it is important to consider that the height that protrudes from the base is more or less than 25 cm so as not to stick on the stringers.

Zinus 14 Inch SmartBase Mattress Foundation/Platform Bed Frame/Box Spring Replacement/Quiet Noise-Free/Maximum Under-bed Storage in Warm Grey, Full

How to make a removable wooden bed for children?

The age at which parents decide to move their children from their crib to a bed varies between one and a half years after three years, although the ideal is to ensure that the safety bars of the crib will no longer be necessary.

In this project we will teach how to build a 1-place bed designed for a child up to 10 years old, and removable so that it can be moved and stored without problems.

Zinus 14 Inch SmartBase Mattress Foundation/Platform Bed Frame/Box Spring Replacement/Quiet Noise-Free/Maximum Under-bed Storage in Warm Grey, Full
Zinus 14 Inch SmartBase Mattress Foundation/Platform Bed Frame/Box Spring Replacement/Quiet Noise-Free/Maximum Under-bed Storage in Warm Grey, Full


• Corner presses
• jig saw
• Electric drill
• Milling machine
• Circular saw
• Paddle wick 10 mm
• Saw cup 60mm
• Manual screwdriver
• Orbital sander
• Sponge roller
• Paint tray
• Metallic ruler
• Gloves
• Safety glasses
• Mask


• 2 Premium premium 18mm
• 1 Melamine 18 mm
• 2 Strips of 1 x 2 "
• 1 Flex Mattress 1 seat
• 1 Cold Cola Normal with Doser 500 gr
• 5 Wood sandpaper nº 180
• 1 round cutter 1/4 "
• 4 marquise bolt 2 pcs
• 1 Water-based enamel
• 1 pin Flat head 1/4 x 2 1/2 4 pcs

The bed is 1 square, so the mattress to be used measures 90 × 190 cm, and 24 cm high; this gives a total bed size of 193.6 x 93.6 x 60 cm. Its structure will have 5 pieces of removable wood, and two wheels, also made of wood. A very important aspect is the bed will not have points or edges, its angles will be curved and the edges of its edges will be rounded, reducing the possibility of accidents.

The minimum size to cut is: 10 x 30 cm

The 30 cm should always be positioned horizontally.

Plate 1

Plate 2


1- Wood cuts

• The 18 mm plywood should be cut with the circular saw in 4 pieces. The sides are 2 pieces one measuring 193.6 × 60 cm and the other 193.6 × 45 cm, the head 90x40cm and the footboard 90 × 38 cm. These pieces are cut with the circular saw.
• From the same 18 mm plywood board, cut 2 wheels with a diameter of 25 cm, this circle must be done with compass and cut with the jigsaw.
• The 18 mm melanin that will be the bedspring of the bed must be cut into a piece of 89.5 × 189.5 cm.

The Terciado Premium differs from other boards as it is eucalyptus, and comes with better finishes, no knots in sight and with a base sanding that saves a lot of time at work. The main characteristic of the plywood is to be plywood, which gives resistance to the wood. The 15mm common ply has 5 ply layers while the 15mm ply has 9 layers which gives it more strength and less chance of it becoming deformed.

2- Mark the pieces

• To make the legs, mark the footing 5 cm at each end towards the length of the piece, and 13 cm high. Each side has a leg that is 20 cm wide and 20 long, and that should be marked leaving 10 cm from the edge. And the other leg of each side is stuck to the edge, also measures 20 × 20 cm, but it should be deducted 7 cm high because that will be the space that will occupy the wheel.
• The highest side that is attached to the wall has a first recess that goes on the side of the shortest leg. This recess is 15 cm high and 103.6 cm long. And on the other side are 2 drafts, one larger 7.5 x 35 cm, and 7.5 cm from the top edge. And a second smaller draft that is attached to the right edge, also 7.5 cm high but only 10 cm long.
• And the header has 2 drafts, one attached to the left edge of 7.5 x 10 cm that goes to 7.5 cm from the top edge. And the other that is attached to the right edge that is 15 cm high and 10 cm long.

3- Cut the shapes

• Before cutting you have to mark the curves to all the drafts and terminations, this can be done with a compass or with the mold of a glass or round pot.
• Cut the drafts with jigsaw and straight lines with circular saw

4- Make the sommier

• To the piece of melamine it is necessary to make openings with wick 60 mm cup, 8 holes are made evenly distributed. These openings serve to make the mattress breathe and make the bed easier.

5- Fix the slats

• The bed base will be supported with strips that will be fixed to the bed all over the interior, flush with the lower edge, sticking them and screwing them by its widest face.
• The height at which the slats are fixed is calculated based on the 24 cm height of the mattress. The idea is that the mattress protrudes from the bed at least 4 cm, for comfort and especially to avoid contact with the edges.

Wick cup

The wick cup or saw cup is an accessory of the drill that serves to make circular cuts in wood or metal. There are different diameters that are measured in millimeters, in the center there is a pointed drill that marks the center of the hole.

6- Make the perforations

• The recommended and appropriate when building a bed, is that it is removable. For that reason, for joints you have to use bolts with marquise system, which have a bolt that is caught by a car that enters through a second hole. To install them, it is necessary to calculate that both perforations coincide.
• They go 2 bolts in each corner, 5 and 20 cm from the top edge, without bumping the slat that will hold the mattress. The bolt holes are made with a 7 mm wood drill bit and a 10 mm drill bit or carriage.

7- Round and sand

• With the router, round all edges and corners.
• Pass a soft sandpaper to remove the chips and improve the finish.

Milling machine

This machine is also known as a router or tupi, the good thing is that it can be leased, and it is a super good ally in carpentry work, because it makes recesses, cuts and cuts the wood, everything depends on the strawberry that is put on it.

8- Painting

• With a sponge roller, apply the polish to the glossy water on all the pieces and on all sides. The color chosen for the termination is a primary blue, close to the marine motifs. The paint is totally free of volatile organic compounds; ideal when it comes to children's furniture.

9- Arm the bed

• Affix the pieces with corner presses to join with the marquise bolts one of the sides with the headboard and then with the footboard, to finally fix the second side.
• To allow the wheels to turn, we attach them to the legs with flat head bolts, nylon socket and nylon lock. The location of the axis of the wheel is the measurement, from the ground, of its radius; including the shorter 7 cm of the leg.

• Place the mattress on the slats and then the mattress, which should be protruding approximately 4 cm.
• It is suggested to fix the bed base to the 1 × 2 slats, only in the center.

Zinus Arnav Modern Studio 10 Inch Platform 2000 Metal Bed Frame / Mattress Foundation / No Box Spring Needed / Wooden Slat Support / Good Design Award Winner, King

Twin bed plans

Material's list
The list of materials below assumes that all wood is good. You should buy extra wood to get rid of the defective parts. It is generally best to buy wider boards and cut them lengthwise into narrower pieces, such as buying 2x6 lumber and cutting the 2x3 pieces from them. You get much better wood that way. It may be better to buy five pieces of 2x10x8 'instead of the parts marked with an asterisk and cut everything from them.

Zinus Arnav Modern Studio 10 Inch Platform 2000 Metal Bed Frame / Mattress Foundation / No Box Spring Needed / Wooden Slat Support / Good Design Award Winner, King
Zinus Arnav Modern Studio 10 Inch Platform 2000 Metal Bed Frame / Mattress Foundation / No Box Spring Needed / Wooden Slat Support / Good Design Award Winner, King

            Part    Quantity    Used for
  • 2x8 x 8 '    3 *    Side stringers, also lower horizontal part of the headboard and feet.
  • 2x3 x 8 '    3 *    To make poles
  • 2x10 x 8 '    one *    For the horizontal top part of the headboard and the feet.
  • 2x2 x 8 '    two    Supports for the slats on the side rails.
  • 1x4 x 8 '    6    For the lamas.
  • 3/4 "tarugo    6 '    To cut off the plugs. Buy enough length to get 6 '(feet)
  • 2.5 "# 10 wood screw    24    To mount the side rails
  • 2.5 "# 10 wood screw    10    To screw the brackets for the slats on the side rails.
  • Wood glue    100ml    At least 100ml of wood glue.

Cut in section
  • Notice how the slats rest on the shelf inside the side rails.
  • Mattress 7 "thick.
  • Lamas 3.5 "x0.75" x38.5 ", 12 pieces.
  • The slats rest on the shelf of the side rails.
  • Dimensions of the headboard
  • All outer edges have a 1/4 "x1 / 4" bezel. This is best done with a few passes of a carpenter's brush (not the electric one).
  • Headboard assembly
  • The holes for the plugs are best drilled by fastening the header board and post together with sergeants and drilling the hole completely from the outside, as indicated in the diagram below.

  • This part is glued after the rest of the headboard is glued.
  • Tarugo 3 / 4x3.5 "
  • Hold the post and the board together in position. Then drill through both.
  • Do not drill the holes for the screws until you assemble the bed.

Dimensions of the feet
The feet are practically identical to the headboard. If you are one of those people who prefer to hang their feet outside the end of the bed, leave without putting the top horizontal board and make the legs only 18 "high.
Rails of the bed
The side rail has a series of blocks in the inner corner. The purpose of these is to space the slats and prevent them from slipping out of position.
It is better to glue and screw the 1.5 "x1.5" brackets for the slats to the main part of the spar, to make sure it is solidly attached.

  • Stringer cut from a 2x8.
  • Bevel the edges making several passes with a carpenter's brush.
  • Stick wooden blocks with glue, 0.75 "x0.75" x2.5 "
  • 2x2 stuck to the side of the crossbar. The 2x2 measures 74 "long

Bed structures in general are designed to be dismantled when they move. In this bed structure, unscrewing the side rails allows us this trick.
The slats are placed between the side rails and held in place only by gravity. The blocks on the side stringers prevent them from slipping out of place.
The first and last slats need to cut notches in the corners to fit the posts.
Cut the 1x4 wood slats.
Pre-assemble the structure, then drill the holes for the screws through both parts. That way your holes for the screws will be aligned.
Use 3 "# 10 wood screws.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Best Price Mattress Twin XL Bed Frame - 14 Inch Metal Platform Beds [Model E] w/ Steel Slat Support (No Box Spring Needed), White

How to make a removable bed

We teach you step by step to make a removable wooden bed. We will make the whole structure that we can see without problems to take the bed to another site.

We will make the complete structure of a bed starting from several tables and wooden blocks and with a carpentry technique that will allow us to assemble all the pieces together without using any fixing element. This will make disassembling and transporting it almost, almost child's play.

Making several cuts to half wood we will get that the crossbars and the legs of the bed are mounted easily without any element of union, as if it were a puzzle, fitting some pieces in others with the hand, without tools .

Best Price Mattress Twin XL Bed Frame - 14 Inch Metal Platform Beds [Model E] w/ Steel Slat Support (No Box Spring Needed), White
Best Price Mattress Twin XL Bed Frame - 14 Inch Metal Platform Beds [Model E] w/ Steel Slat Support (No Box Spring Needed), White

The bed base will also be very basic so that when it comes to dismantling and transporting the bed, we only have to roll up all the beds of the bed base and disengage the legs and the crossbars with our hands.

  • Electric brush
  • Vaccum cleaner
  • keyhole saw
  • Jaws
  • Squad
  • Cutting blade for wood
  • circular saw
  • Chisel
  • Mace
  • Column drill
  • Ø 30mm blade shovel
  • Rasp
  • Orbital sander
  • Sandpaper grain medium and fine
  • Driver drill
  • Drill bit for wood diameter 5
  • Electric stapler.

  • Planks of oak of 17x30mm and 90x90mm
  • 4x50mm lag screws
  • 10mm thick poplar plywood
  • Blind tape
  • 10mm staples

Step by step to make a removable bed

Step 1
We commission the tables with which we will build the structure of the bed to the extent of our mattress . The first thing we have to do is cut with the circular saw strips that will serve as support for the mattress.

Step 2
We already have all the pieces that we need, so we started working on the crossbars of the bed, using the jigsaw to cut half the wood.

Step 3
The chisel and the mallet will help us complete the job.

Step 4
We reduce and smooth with the electric brush the surface of the studs in which we will work next to turn them into the legs of our bed.

Step 5
Being a hardwood block before making the cuts to half wood we will have to make some holes with the drill and spindle drill bit .

Step 6
Now, yes, we go through the holes with the jigsaw until we get the notches we need so that these pieces fit perfectly with the crossbars.

Step 7
We finish the cuts with the rasp and then we sand all the pieces of the bed.

Step 8
We make holes in the slats that will support the mattress.

Step 9
With lag screws we fix the slats to the crossbars.

Step 10
We assemble piece by piece , as if it were a puzzle, our new bed.

Step 11
As we want it to be completely removable and easy to transport, we are also going to make the slatted base in the manner of slats that we join together with blinds.

Step 12
We support the bed frame on the bed and we can only place the mattress and enjoy a piece that from now on will accompany us without problems wherever we go.

Step 13
Completed work! In this simple way we have created the structure of a removable bed . A different and practical carpentry work.