Saturday, March 16, 2019

Garrett ACE 200 Metal Detector with Waterproof Search Coil and Treasure Sound Headphone

Metal Detectors and Search Depth

The most recurrent issue of all that I am asked is about the depth that a certain team can reach ... or about the equipment necessary to reach a certain depth.

The current metal detectors do not reach very high depths ... nor is it foreseeable that they will be able to reach them in the future. This is not an obstacle for what, in specific circumstances and for specific targets, can reach much greater depths than normal.

Garrett ACE 200 Metal Detector with Waterproof Search Coil and Treasure Sound Headphone
Garrett ACE 200 Metal Detector with Waterproof Search Coil and Treasure Sound Headphone

Now ... What do we mean by normal?

Well, for a low-end detector, the normal is located in the range of 10 to 15 centimeters, for an average dexxRÒa, between 15 and 25 centimeters and for a high-end one we can be talking about between 25 and 35 centimeters. Always talking about land of medium and white mineralization the size of a coin.

This does not rule out that a certain team in very specific conditions can go deeper for a target of equal size.

As is evident, there are teams capable of going deeper ... but only for much larger targets. This type of equipment, either the so-called "two boxes" or the so-called "Impulses with large coils", can reach depths ranging from 2 to 10 meters (Some even more) , for targets able to offer a detection surface of one square meter or more.

Perhaps the fundamental difference between one and the other, besides the size of the detectable targets, lies in the level of identification that the target can make:

The equipment destined to the search of coins and lost objects usually provide a good volume of information to the user, while those destined to the search of large objects are limited to indicate the presence of one of these.

Why is this like this?

Well, there are several reasons and physical principles that explain this, as well as explain the tremendous difficulty of going further and increase the depth to which they are able to detect, but perhaps the most important are the penetration of different frequencies in the field and the principle of dissipation of energy.


Electromagnetic waves can travel through any medium, even through vacuum, but can move that does not mean that this displacement is equally optimal in any medium. In fact and speaking specifically in the displacement through solid bodies, how the ground we tread, its displacement is conditioned by the permeability of the ground at certain frequencies. This permeability is much higher, the lower the frequency that you have to travel through it. Low frequencies combine greater permeability at their lower "resolution", so extracting information from them is much more difficult than extracting it from high frequencies:
That is why in equipment designed to extract information, the highest possible frequencies are usually preferred, as is the case with aviation radars, which work in the megahertz range (Millions of cycles per second) , while detectors of metals are forced, to get a good penetration, to work in the range of kilohertz (Thousands of cycles per second) because of the better permeability of these frequencies in the field.

Currently there are on the market detectors that work with more than one frequency, even a few that work with a multitude of frequencies simultaneously. How each type of soil is more permeable to a given frequency than to all others, teams that use more than one frequency have the inestimable advantage of being able to reach deeper than others, based on, simply, the greater probability of that some of the frequencies they work with are more adequate to penetrate a concrete floor than the rest of them. On the other hand, equipment that uses only one frequency is subject to the penetration capacity that frequency has on a given floor.


The radiated energy decreases with the square of the distance.

This means that the detection field emitted by your detector is reduced exponentially as it moves away from the emitting plate or antenna or, said much more simply, that the field strength at ten centimeters from the emitter plate is not from the double that to twenty centimeters, if not much greater.

To put a simile that makes this much more understandable, let's imagine a field with a power of 10,000 in origin. When decreasing the power with the square of the distance, that field at 10 cm will have a power of:
10,000 / (10 * 10) = 10,000 / 100 = 100

That same field, twenty centimeters away will have a power of:

10,000 / (20 * 20) = 10,000 / 400 = 25

Or, what is the same, a quarter of its value ten centimeters away. If we go ahead and see its value at thirty centimeters we realize what:

10,000 / (30 * 30) = 10,000 / 900 = 11.11

That is, scarcely more than a tenth of the power he had ten centimeters away.

What happens ALSO, and what is not usually taken into account when thinking about it, is that the distances, when making the detection are DUPLICAN, in such a way that the signal that the equipment emits 10,000 power, runs ten centimeters to reach the target and get there how 100 power. It is induced in the target and generates a signal that must travel again the ten centimeters to return to the detector ... so:

100 (10 * 10) = 100/100 = 1

That is to say:

It has been reduced to one ten thousandth part of the signal that our team issued !!!

... What is not (unfortunately: it is even worse) true at all, for several reasons:

    •       Not all the radiated energy reaches the target: Part is lost in other directions.
    •       Not all the energy that reaches the target creates a field in it: Part is consumed in the creation of that field.
    •       Not all the energy that the field has created is emitted when this is collapsed: Part is consumed in generating the emission.
    •       Not all the energy emitted by the target reaches the detector: Part is lost in other directions.

Consequently, the response is even more minimized.

We must also bear in mind that the signal suffers another series of wear when it is received and manipulated by the circuits of the equipment to extract information from it, in addition to that it can become so tenuous that it is lost with the background of radioelectric interference that is always present.


The depth to which a team is able to detect, as you can see, is not something simple to increase, since even large increases in the origin of the emission do not translate into appreciable increases in the received signal, and this is given in reason to the ability of a given target to generate a signal perceptible by the detector, rather than the ability of the detector to generate a signal capable of reaching the target.

A loose target, like a coin, has a limit on the amount of energy it can "manage" and on the "volume" of the signal it can then issue. That limit can not be transferred and, therefore, to "go beyond" it is necessary to improve more than the issuers, the receivers of the equipment.

That is why nowadays the microprocessed equipment is gaining advantage over the "conventional" electronics, since they allow a more complete analysis of the received signals.

Finally, I would advise you to distrust the ads that speak of impressive depths:

Remember that for a target located one meter deep from a signal of 1 the equipment would have to emit a signal 40,000 times greater ... and how "the energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only transforms" (and dissipate, I add) , the batteries that should equip such equipment would be more than big, and the antenna would have to be, to dissipate and emit that energy, of a size according to it.

Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with Waterproof Coil Pro-Pointer II and Carry Bag

How to find precious stones and valuable metals between rocks

They say that happy people look at the sky and sad people look at the ground. But we dare to say that many people became happier precisely because they looked carefully at their feet and did not contemplate the clouds. Not only do we encourage you to follow their example, we also explain to you exactly what you should pay attention to and in what places. Walking among ordinary stones, you can find a real treasure: diamonds, amber, gold and meteorites, for example.

Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with Waterproof Coil Pro-Pointer II and Carry Bag
Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with Waterproof Coil Pro-Pointer II and Carry Bag wants to put special emphasis on the fact that the legislation of each country variously restricts the activity of prospectors of minerals and precious metals. Therefore, before you go to a mission, discover if appropriating what you found may or may not be a violation of the regulations in force in your area.


Where to find it: the cheapest option is to go to the Vistula cord. Amber is extracted along the entire Baltic coast of Poland and the Kaliningrad region (Russia). There are deposits in other places, for example, in the region of Ukraine (in Rivne), in the Dominican Republic and in Burma, but only in the Baltic Sea will you offer an excursion that includes the collection of amber on the coast and in the desert of the quarry.

It is best to go in the late fall, in winter or early spring. After the storms, the appearance of amber begins. The strong waves erode the rock that contains amber and throw a lot of pieces of trees and algae to the shore, where you will have to search to find amber. Experienced "hunters" do not wait until amber is deposited on the ground. They enter the icy water, collect the accumulations of trees and algae with large butterfly net, take them to the shore and classify them carefully in search of pieces of amber. It is believed that the most productive storm is of short duration, since a prolonged one will simply take all the amber washed to the sea and it will only be possible to obtain it if it has a diving suit and a good tolerance to the cold.

The most expensive and rare types of amber are pieces with insects, small animals, fry, herbs and the like that fell into the resin trap millions of years ago; These are called inclusions. And the value of such findings often exceeds that of diamonds.


Where to find them: the people who have made the search for meteorites their main hobby, advise newcomers, who have not yet acquired a metal detector, to start looking for the flat roofs.

Yes, it may sound strange. But the reality is that on the roof you will not be distracted by objects of terrestrial origin and that is where you can find many micrometeorites. Do not ignore the wells under the gutters, where the meteorites could enter during heavy rains along the streams. Check your findings. All meteorites have a "melting crust", a thin layer of molten substances with which this "visitor from outer space" is composed, as well as regmagliptos, small holes located throughout the surface of the meteorite body. These are the main ones, but not the only signs . To definitively determine the origin of your findings, go to true specialists of laboratories that work with meteorites.


If you think you're lucky, try searching for the hardest mineral on our planet: a diamond. Although it's not just a matter of chance, of course. Washing the diamond-bearing rock in a special sieve is not an easy task and may not work. So, prepare yourself, not for the discovery of the century, but to live an unusual adventure, which you will tell your friends for a long time.

Where to find them: The only diamond quarry open in the world to visitors is the "Diamond Crater", which is located in the USA, in Arkansas . Any stone you find will be yours. So open your eyes and do not lose your precious stone: it can easily deceive you by its modest appearance. Rough diamonds do not look at all like glittering diamonds, which often flood jewelries.


Now that you have learned how to handle the scraping tray during diamond washing, it is time to go and look for gold.

Where to find it: At first, finding a nugget of gold is possible in any country, but you should know that in Australia the laws are more condescending with free miners.

The license of a gold digger can be purchased on the website of the Department of Economic Development of the State of Victoria. The permit is granted for 10 years and costs only 24 dollars and 20 cents. They demand not to destroy nature, not to violate local laws, nor to use explosives. What you find will be all yours. You can use the services of guides that will take you to the places where gold was found before, or you can search on your own, counting only on your luck and intuition. Do not forget to bring a metal detector, because, with it, the search will be much more successful.

If you are too far from Australia, you can also go to Lapland . There you can not only enjoy the views of the harsh nature of the north, but also participate in the extraction of gold. And if you are lucky not only to wash enough gold, but also to find a beautiful stone, local artisans will create an exclusive gem for you.


Australia attracts not only for its gold. It is also famous for its opals: most of these magnificent stones are extracted in this area. As in the case of gold, anyone can carry out their search, although with the opals it will be more difficult, because if you do not have a special equipment, you will have to wander through the abandoned tunnels, looking at the loose stone with hope that those who were before have overlooked some of their valuable stones. For you to hope, this happens quite often. Opals shine with ultraviolet light, so if you carry an ultraviolet LED flashlight, you will definitely not miss a find.

Where to find it: to maximize your chances of success, go to the world capital of opals, the city of Coober Pedy .


If you can not go out in search of gold and precious stones, do not despair, because even a normal stone with the naked eye can enclose an unimaginable beauty.

Geodes are cavities in the rocks within which "crystals" of minerals such as emerald, amethyst, agate, chalcedony, crystal, topaz or opal grow. This is not a complete list, but the most attractive geodes in the world contain precisely these minerals. To find a geode, you should pay attention to the rounded edges, with small bulges and excrescences that remind, by their shape, a cauliflower. They can be of any size, from small pebbles to huge rocks. The most "promising" stones, upon being hit, emit a serious sound. It is necessary to break or cut this type of stones with a saw and then polish one side to further emphasize the inner beauty of the find.

Meterk Underground Metal Detector, High Sensitivity Handheld Metal Detector for Yard, Gold Digger Treasure Hunter Metal Finder Treasures Seeking Tool with Headphone

I turned your cell phone into a metal detector

The manufacturer tells you that your new cell phone has a compass inside. What's more, it comes with an application that simulates the old magnetic companion of navigators. But the truth is that inside your smartphone there is no compass. What is used is a sensor of magnetic fields that, naturally, can behave with certain precision like compass .

Meterk Underground Metal Detector, High Sensitivity Handheld Metal Detector for Yard, Gold Digger Treasure Hunter Metal Finder Treasures Seeking Tool with Headphone
Meterk Underground Metal Detector, High Sensitivity Handheld Metal Detector for Yard, Gold Digger Treasure Hunter Metal Finder Treasures Seeking Tool with Headphone

But it can also be useful for something much more useful at home: a metal detector.

That is to say: I do not think you use the compass much in your house, but a metal detector never hurts.

There are a number of apps for Android and iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) that use the magnetic sensor to detect metals. The one that I mention here is Metal Detector for Android. The name chosen by Smart Tools for this application is unimaginative, but the app is excellent. It shows the intensity of the magnetic field in micro Teslas (μT) and sounds an alarm, in addition to changing the color, if the value exceeds a pre-established limit in the configuration. The maximum is 200. That's a lot; the terrestrial magnetic field in the north pole is 31 μT. The screen shows the equivalence between Teslas, which is the unit used in the International System , and Gauss , which is the unit used in the CGS system.
But where is the metal detector?

Bringing up the sensor of the smartphone (its position inside the phone can vary, so you have to try it) to a magnetizable metal also increases this value, and that is where it becomes a very useful tool.

What can a metal detector do at home? No, not to find hidden gold, but to know where the wires go inside the walls before turning on the drill. Yes, I tested it in real conditions and detected more than well where metal pipes and copper cables run. Also, depending on the distance, where the beams are. Etc.

But be careful, because not only metals can activate the sensor. Electronic devices too. By the way, if you discover some kind of electronic device inside the walls of your house, it gives you to start worrying : P

The program is in Spanish and is supported by advertising notices that appear above in the interface.

I leave a capture of Metal Detector when I approach the metal frame of a window, here, in the Editor: 83 μT. With an LCD monitor like the one on my desk that number climbs above 100.

This entry was posted in Freeware , Uncategorized by Ariel Torres , and tagged as Android , Metal Detector , Metal Detector , Utilities .

Very interesting! I'm going to try everything.
And for the Blackberry? Does the App work?
Ariel Torres
Sergio: as far as I remember the BBs do not have a magnetometer. Someone?

then change the title of the blog. Cell phones no, it would be in any case Apple Devices.
It seems to me that the sensor of my Galaxy S2 is not very sensitive, it only served to detect heaters, kitchens, gutters and speakers.
Anyway, I'm going to try to calibrate it in the open field - I did it in the yard, but as soon as I got into the house the field increased a lot, and it remains practically constant everywhere, even in the places under which it runs. the gas pipes (galvanized iron).

Ariel Torres
My GSII detected wires and pipes inside the walls. The sensor is on the top left (holding it with the screen towards you).

Hi Ariel:
  •     Comment opposed to the entry issue but let's say you had to find a place to do it.
  •     The fact is that just over a week ago the latest version of the OpenOffice came out, now under the tutelage of the Apache Foundation.
  •     The questions that come up are those that I think are obvious, right? That is, OpenOffice vs. LibreOffice, what's up? What will happen from here on? Which one wins the arm wrestling? Are they the same project disguised as "fork" or are two projects both with pros and cons that force one to start reading the launch notes and jump between suites over time?
  •     If there is some info, it will be welcome.
  •     Greetings.

Ariel Torres
Luis: Yes, sir, I'm going to try it. What happens next is difficult to know. But I think it's good that there are several options :)

Using a grinder and sticking a small magnet you can measure the wind speed by varying the magnetic field when rotating.
Greetings Ariel, this could help me detect the cables in a post-tensioned slab.

Garrett AT Pro Metal Detector

The best ways to look for GOLD - Do it yourself in Taringa!

Currently, only 20% of the total gold that exists on planet Earth has been extracted. This means that looking for gold in nature can be a very good idea even in our days ...

So, doing a little research, I found some fairly simple techniques that anyone can use to start looking for gold:

1. How to look for gold with a pendulum.

This is one of the techniques that I found most interesting, that's why I put it in the first place. It consists of creating your own pendulum (it is also worth a purchased or you already have), the only feature is that the object you use as a pendulum is hollow or has a cavity in which you can enter a witness.

Garrett AT Pro Metal Detector
Garrett AT Pro Metal Detector

A witness is any piece of the same material you want to find, in this case gold.
Once you have your pendulum ready you should calibrate it before you start using it to look for gold (or any other metal you want, like silver, simply changing the baton).

To calibrate the pendulum, simply follow some simple instructions: how to calibrate a pendulum to look for gold. Once ready you just have to start looking and the pendulum will guide you in the right direction.

2. How to find gold using dowsing rods.

Another technique similar to the previous one is to use metal rods instead of a pendulum to look for gold. Both instruments (the pendulum and the rods) are dowsing tools that are used to receive the vibrations that the gold emits.

Creating your own rods to look for gold is simple, you will only need a piece of copper wire or similar metal. Here you will also find some simple instructions on how to do it: how to create your rods to look for gold.

3. Look for gold using a metal detector.

This technique is much more modern than the previous ones and has the help of a tool with a technology much superior to the previous ones: the metal detector. Thanks to a metal detector we can easily find buried metals and know exactly where to start digging if we are looking for some treasure.

4. Look for gold in rivers using the batting technique.

In order to finish it could not remain without mention this form to look for gold that surely everybody knows through the cinema and the films of the far west. It consists of looking for gold in the rivers with the help of a punt, which is a container with the shape of a Chinese hat or dish that is used to wash with the help of river water the earth, fine gravel and sediments that are going depositing along the river course

Quest 1V_1506.202 Digital Camo Metal Detector Finds Bag w/Belt fits 48? Waist

The eucalyptus that reveal where gold is hidden

Gold does not grow on trees, but it can be found through careful observation of the leaves, branches and bark of some of them.

Australian scientists say they have verified that the presence of gold particles in the foliage of the eucalyptus indicates the presence of deposits of the precious metal several meters below.

The finding would offer a new way to locate the coveted item in hard-to-reach places, according to the team.

Quest 1V_1506.202 Digital Camo Metal Detector Finds Bag w/Belt fits 48? Waist
Quest 1V_1506.202 Digital Camo Metal Detector Finds Bag w/Belt fits 48? Waist

The research was published in the journal Nature Communications .

"We have found a lot of easy deposits in Australia and also in other parts of the world," said Mel Lintern, geochemist with the Commonwealth of Scientific and Industrial Research of Australia (CSIRO).

"Now we are trying to point to the search for more difficult ones, which are buried under tens of meters of river sediments and sand dunes, and the trees provide us with a method to achieve this."

Gold leaves
Image caption Scientists found traces of gold in eucalyptus leaves.

The gold particles had been found in the soil around the eucalyptus, but the researchers confirmed that the plants were also absorbing the element.

With the help of the Australian synchrotron - a vast machine that uses X-rays to break down matter with an extraordinary level of detail - they found traces of gold in the leaves, branches and bark of some trees.

Yes, in small quantities.

"We have made a calculation, and we would need 500 trees that grow on a gold field to extract enough gold from the trees to make a ring," said Lintern.

Bulging trees

However, the presence of the particles pointed to greater riches buried more than 30 meters below the trees in question.

"We believe that the trees act like a hydraulic pump, extract the water that gives them life with their roots and, in doing so, they get small dissolved particles of gold through the vascular system into the foliage," Lintern explained.

At present, the metal is found in outcrops, where the mineral is on the surface or is detected through exploratory drilling.

But the researchers said the vegetation analysis offers a better method to find untapped gold deposits.

"We not only believe that it is a way to make better use of the money that is invested in exploration -because the analysis of these deposits can be quite expensive-, but it also minimizes the damage to the environment, because we are taking a very small sample of the trees themselves, as well as leaves and branches collected from the ground, "added the specialist.

The researchers said the technique could also be used to find other minerals such as iron, copper and lead in other parts of the world.

CANWAY Metal Detector with Pinpoint Function, Professional High Accuracy Gold Digger for Kids and Adults. Detect 3 Feet Deep Plus Shovel/Pickaxe and Bags GC-1028

Buying Guide The best metal detector

Metal Detector - Buying Guide, Opinions and Analysis in 2019

Metal detectors are a perfect excuse to spend a pleasant time looking for "treasures" both in the countryside and on the beach. However, for this search to be effective, it is important to bet on a model that offers the power and range necessary to work comfortably. Obviously, we are not going to bet on a professional model, but at least one that is capable of satisfying your curiosity. This is what the Garrett Ace 250 model offers, the one most recommended by consumers. This product has a wide range of scope, as well as a special processor that allows us to distinguish between different types of metals, so that the scrap does not become a false alarm. Another interesting model is the X-Terra 305 detector, which with its control screen and interchangeable plates allow to modify the operating range and control the metals to be located. All in a light weight of only 10 kilos.

CANWAY Metal Detector with Pinpoint Function, Professional High Accuracy Gold Digger for Kids and Adults. Detect 3 Feet Deep Plus Shovel/Pickaxe and Bags GC-1028
CANWAY Metal Detector with Pinpoint Function, Professional High Accuracy Gold Digger for Kids and Adults. Detect 3 Feet Deep Plus Shovel/Pickaxe and Bags GC-1028

What is the best metal detector in the market?

Tracking beaches and mountains with the intention of finding lost metallic objects, as well as relics or ancient coins is not only a hobby, but a passion. That is why we have prepared this guide to buy the best metal detector, an instrument that, using electromagnetic pulses, allows us to find metal objects under the ground. Our main objective is that you can make a comparison of metal detectors and finally choose a good and economical one.

Uses of the metal detector

We all look like interesting machines, but for whom are these devices recommended? In general, we could say that these devices are ideal for the most curious and adventurous spirits. In fact, many people search almost daily and there are communities in social networks that are dedicated to sharing photographs and stories about their travels and findings.

Searches include relics, native metals in pips, coins, etc. In 2008, for example, a Spanish diver named Mike DeMar, found a golden chalice on a Spanish ship that had sunk almost 400 years ago. For its part, the British Mary Hannaby found with her metal detector a gold earring for which she obtained around 50,000 euros. It did not hurt, do not you think?

Of course not all of us have had the same luck, but many of those who practice treasure hunts do not do so much to get rich as to hang out. This is a hobby that can be relaxing and, although they are not very valuable, you always get interesting things. In Spain it is normal to see someone on a beach looking for lost objects under the sand at the edge of the beach. At the end of the afternoon, when the bathers leave, some seekers go out to try their luck.

What type of metal detector is better?

At this time, you may be thinking about the price, but before asking how much it costs, let's see what options we have available.

Metal detectors can be Very Low Frequency (VLF) or pulsed. The first ones have the advantage of having discrimination circuits, that is, they can detect specifically the type of metal that we are looking for, while those of pulses do not. However, this does not mean that metal detectors, however expensive or sophisticated, are going to be infallible. Aluminum, for example, is often confused with gold, so that whatever the detector, it will make us take out another can of garbage.

Of course, detectors capable of discriminating, like some models of the Garrett brand , as well as others recognized in the market, can be a bit more expensive, but many people think they are worth it, depending on the use that is given. If you think about looking for treasures on a frequent basis, you will surely prefer one with a discrimination system, while if you are only going to use it very sporadically, it is preferable not to spend a lot of money, especially if we are beginners in this search for treasures.

Detection range

Although the manufacturers of detectors offer in their advertisements the depth to which the detector can reach, the great truth is that this is very complex to define. There are many things that influence; for example the type of soil, because not all have the same amount of minerals. In this way, a detector that offers to find objects at a depth of 25 cm may be able to do so in a soil with little mineralization, but in highly mineralized soil the sensitivity may be about 10 cm or less. The first thing is to be clear about the use that we are going to give you.

Another thing that can positively or negatively influence the detection capacity is of course the humidity. A moist soil causes metals to leave a "halo" that increases the chances of detecting them. This except in gold because it is a metal that does not rust or generate this effect around, even if the earth is wet. As is known, some metals give more signal than others. Among the easiest to find are silver and lead, while the hardest is usually iron.

Plate size

In this case, small plates are recommended to look for very compact objects. For example, if you want your detector to be able to find a chain, you have to have a dish of less than 25 cm, and vice versa, if you are only interested in larger objects, you will need a larger dish.

What is the best metal detector of 2019?

Acquiring a metal detector is a great help, so you should not take your choice lightly, and it is convenient to review several proposals, so we have reviewed five options that have been promoted by users so that you choose the most convenient for you.

Garrett Ace 250

Main advantage:
The most outstanding feature of this metal detector is its excellent price-quality ratio. For an affordable cost, compared to other similar products, you will have a device that delivers what it promises. In addition, it has the backing of a recognized brand.

Main disadvantage:
Some demanding buyers miss an instruction manual that details and specifies its functionality.

Verdict: 9.7 / 10
Users recommend it as a good purchase option, given the quality of its manufacture, its functionality and its ease of use; what guarantees hours of fun.


Metal detectors have long been used at the military level, especially as support for the detection of landmines, antipersonnel mines and any other explosive device made of metal; Thanks to them, many lives were saved.
In the same way, they are used in the civil industry to detect the presence of water pipes, electric cables, etc. Despite their usefulness in these areas, metal detectors have also found a place among those passionate about unearthing "treasures".
The Garrett Ace 250 is a metal detector recommended for use by anyone who wants to have fun hanging out in search of underground metals, particularly on beaches, mountains or forests. You can find different types of metals and organize competitions with your friends, where the winner will be the one who finds more "treasures".

Functionality and precision
It is a device that has electronic location technology, which allows the discovery of buried metals. It also has an intuitive control panel, where you can easily adjust the various functions it offers. However, if you prefer more convenience, you have up to 5 default detection modes: relics, coins, jewelry, all metals and custom.
It has the function acceptance, rejection and discrimination, so that you can focus better on a more selective search. Likewise, it offers up to 8 adjustments between sensitivity and depth, which can vary between 2, 4, 6 and 8 inches; according to the geography of the terrain and the search patterns.
It is equipped with a 12-segment graphic cursor controlled by a microprocessor, this favors a greater sensitivity when tracing any area, offering the possibility of finding metals such as gold, silver and bronze.

Portable design
As important as its functionality, so is its design. Therefore, this model has a lightweight and portable structure, which favors its handling and easy transportation. In this sense, its dimensions are 28.2 x 56.1 x 13 cm and its weight only reaches 2 kg; so you can take it with you comfortably and store it without taking up much space.
In the same way, this device has an ergonomic grip, for it has a padded and adjustable grip that allows you to hold it comfortably with your hands without feeling fatigue or fatigue. It also works with 4 AA batteries, which are included with the purchase.
It is manufactured with resistant materials, which face different natural scenarios. In addition, it is a device that has the backing of the Garrett brand, a US company with extensive experience in the market.

X-Terra 305

Metal detectors are tools that, in their two main uses, are designed to offer adequate and fun results even.

Whether you want to search for hobbie metals or do it for professional reasons, you can find simple and lightweight models that offer adequate performance in that search. Models such as the X-Terra 305, which thanks to its 12 segments and its wide range of coils is able to find all types of metals in the field easily.

The Vflex technology of this product is capable of sweeping the ground finding from small coins or scraps of metal to pieces of greater size and importance.

This system also allows to establish the depth of the object, as well as to classify it, so that we know what exactly we have under our feet, counting on an almost automated start-up system that balances and activates the product with little intervention of the user.


This detector includes a system of coils that allows you to detect virtually any type of metal without having to worry about setting it up.
Advanced detection:
The screen system tells you both the characteristics of the find and the estimated measure to be able to find it.
So that you do not have to carry more weight than necessary, the detector has a weight of just over 2 kilos, so you can use it without having to carry heavy weights.
Automatic balance:
The automatic balance system makes starting up as simple as turning it on and starting to search.
If you need a special accessory such as discs and other elements to improve your search, the product allows its assembly in a simple way.


In case of certain particularly thin pieces the detection work may not be as effective as if they are in a more reflective position of the wave, such as a song coin, for example.

Seben md_dt

Those who wish to find a product that stands out among the best metal detectors of 2019, should be interested in the Seben md_dt, which offers two basic detection modes, one for location and another for movement, so you can choose the one that corresponds to your requirements.

In addition, it incorporates a special incognito function where you can make the detection without being discovered, thanks to its automatic system that deactivates the lights or lights that can be seen at a long distance.

Regarding the depth of the exploration, it is possible to adjust it, reaching a maximum depth of two meters for large objects and 25 centimeters for small objects such as coins . Its operation is completely automatic, since when you turn it on it will start to do the tracing, whose characteristics you can adjust in its simple control panel, which gives you a good degree of visualization at all times.

The search dish is waterproof, so water or rain will not be a problem when using it.

There are devices that do not need to be very expensive to offer you some outstanding features. Therefore, we have come across the best metal detector for 100 euros which is an option to consider, especially if you read the advantages set out below.

Easy use:
It is made to be used immediately after you turn it on. You only adjust the detection mode you want: movement or location, sensitivity and you're done.
Incognito mode:
It incorporates a mechanism that when activated, deactivates all the lights of the device so you can continue your search without being detected.
It has a maximum depth of detection for large objects, 2 meters. For small objects, the maximum depth is 25 cm.
Search dish:
It is 21 cm in diameter and according to the manufacturer, offers a fairly wide area of ​​location. As a complement, the plate is waterproofed, so you can use it in the rain or on the beach without risks.
Various features:
It has an input for 3.5 mm earphones, ergonomic design, removable and adjustable telescopic rod.

Visua VSMD10

The Visua VSMD10 has been designated by the users as the best quality price metal detector, since it can perform a tracking at various depths, which are around 16 and 20 centimeters, so it is ideal to be used in different environments.

If you need to use it in open spaces with presence of water or chances of rain, do not worry, because the tracking dish is waterproof, in addition, you will have a good range of detection because the dish has a diameter of 16.5 centimeters, so that you can do the tracking process in an efficient way, without passing any area of ​​the surface overlooked.

If you do not want anyone to hear the alarm or sound alert, you can use a headset because it has the corresponding installation port. It also has the functions of ignoring and discriminating, so that you can choose which metals you are interested in finding.

It is inevitable to ask yourself which metal detector to buy with so many available options. We recommend that you read what the model of Visua has to convince you and you can decide at once.


It has a detection capacity of between 16 and 20 cm deep, depending on the surface in which it is used.
Discriminate and ignore:
It incorporates the possibility of making use of the discrimination and ignore functions to avoid signals that do not interest you.
The support for the arm is adjustable, has a visual and sound detection indicator, headphones can be used in its 3.5 mm connector.
Search dish:
It is waterproof for use in areas with water contact and has a diameter of 16.5 cm, which according to the manufacturer offers a broad search area.

A few users have reported that this metal detector tends not to differentiate metals when they are joined in the same structure.

Seben md_ts

In case you do not know which is the best metal detector that fits your needs, you should also evaluate the Seben md_ts, a model that has high levels of depth at the time of the exploration, since it can perceive metals up to 2.5 meters for large objects and 35 centimeters for small objects, so you can do the detection effectively.

In addition, to achieve this goal, it also incorporates the special configuration function to ignore or exclude certain metals and set specifically on others, which is very useful if you are looking for a particular metal.

As for the search dish, you should know that it measures 25 centimeters, which also gives it a powerful range of exploration and will allow surface exploration to be as complete as possible. All the detection settings can be done in its simple menu, which gives you a good degree of visualization.

Several customers have stated that the best brand of metal detectors that you can find in the market is Seben. Read what this model of this brand offers you and evaluate if it is what you are looking for.

It is capable of detecting large metal objects about 2.5 m deep without any problem. Small objects can be detected at a maximum depth of 35 cm, also without difficulty.
Ignore materials:
It can be configured to exclude or include, as the case may be, metals in order to offer you a more efficient search and without so many false alarms.
Search dish:
This part of the device measures 25 cm in diameter which, according to the manufacturer, offers an efficient search area. In addition, it is waterproof, so you can use it with some caution, of course.
It is a function that will allow you to obtain the exact location of the signal you receive, in addition to its depth.

Some users judge that this detector does not discriminate the metals efficiently, emitting the same signal for several.

Velleman CS130

If you do not want to invest a lot of money in this purchase, you should know that this model is one of the cheapest in the market , as users have said.

It is an analog detector a little simpler in terms of its functions, but that meets the main requirements, such as detecting various types of metals, in case you perform a broad search.

If you want to find a specific metal, the device will tell you at all times what type of metal it has detected, so this will not be a problem either.

On the other hand, in case you need to do the exploration with discretion and do not want to generate noise through alerts of the device, you can connect your hearing aids and make the process more silent and comfortable, because it has an ergonomic arm that is light and you can Adjust according to the size and scope that best suits your height.

Searching among all the candidates in the market, we do not run into one of the cheapest and, even so, offers some essential features to be considered in our list. Continue reading to know its positive and negative aspects.

It has the ability to detect numerous types of metals, so you will not need to limit your search drastically.
In the control panel you can adjust the levels of volume, sensitivity, etc. There you will also find the low battery indicator.
If you want to go unnoticed while using the metal detector, you can connect the hearing aid to be more aware of the detection signals and not disturb others.
It is very light, compared to other competitors, making its use and handling a comfortable and uncomplicated. The weight is only 650 g.

Detection capacity:
Some users say that the ability to detect metals is limited and will not reach deep into surfaces.

Garrett Ace 250

It is a detector that works with a graphic cursor of 12 segments, which gives a wide range of sensitivity to detect metal objects anywhere.

In addition, depending on the area where you are located you can program the levels of sensitivity, since some surfaces may need a greater degree of sensitivity than others, and this will allow you to make more efficient use of energy.

To provide a better user experience, includes a simple control panel, where you can select its various functions, among which we can mention the acceptance, rejection or discrimination, which will help you to use the device in a better way. As for the depth, it is also possible to adjust it, so you should not worry if you are in an area with different reliefs.

It also has an ergonomic grip with a support for your hand, so you do not get too tired when holding the device. For these reasons it has been qualified as the best metal detector, according to the opinion of the users.

When looking for the best metal detector of the moment, you can not ignore this model that has received many positive reviews from customers. Read its features below.

Target ID:
This detector uses a Target ID graphic cursor of 12 segments, which allows to extend the effective search area of ​​the device in a remarkable way.
Sensitivity levels:
It can be adjusted with up to 8 levels of sensitivity to metals to take better advantage of its capabilities in different terrains, as well as make efficient use of the battery.
Control Panel:
In this are all the necessary controls to make the adjustments that you think are relevant to your search: sensitivity, discrimination, volume and others.
It comes with 5 detection modes in case you do not want to make the settings manually and jump into action at once.
It incorporates said electronic device to make more efficient the search and detection of metals, since it is capable of differentiating between jewels, iron, scrap metal and more.

How to use a metal detector

Spending some time tracing treasures on a beach with a metal detector can be one of the funniest and most lucrative activities we can imagine. The most common items that we can find thanks to these tools are coins and jewelry, however, we can easily be deceived by nails, bottle tops and soda cans. For this we must know well the use of this tool and thus make the most of it.

Unpack and read the instructions

The first thing to do is unpack the entire tool, carefully removing it from the box. It is highly recommended that the user manual be thoroughly read, reading it carefully, so that we know the operation of the device completely.

Check the battery

As it is a hand tool, which is used crossing large areas of land, we must take into account that its operation is based on battery, so it is essential to check the load of it before leaving home and prepare to move to the site we want to explore. It is even suggested to have an extra battery for emergencies.

Adjust the discriminator

In case your metal detector has a discriminator, it is recommended to adjust it beforehand. The discriminator allows you to distinguish between good and bad objects when you are in the search, so it is necessary to calibrate or adjust the level. There are special moments when you can use a technique called reverse discrimination, where the signal of low levels increases.

Learn from the sounds

It is suggested to train the ear with a practical exercise, which is based on passing the coil of the metal detector over different objects and materials such as pieces of gold and silver, coins, nails and cans, to listen in this way to the different tones that the device emits and record the sound it generates for each one.

Adjust the frequency

Another adjustment that you should take into account is the frequency. These devices operate with a very low frequency system called VLF or with electromagnetic pulses. If the model allows choosing between the two, consider that the VLF works by detecting a specific metal; instead, the pulse detects all metals.

Choose the place you want to explore

After checking that you have charged the battery, have your tool set and know all its functions in detail, you must choose a place to go to implement your explorer skills.

In general, any park or natural place is good, however, keep in mind that there are places that have more history or that have been famous for having given other explorers treasures before. No one says that there is nothing left to discover in those places.

Walking technique

The suggestion is to walk with the receiving coil about 15 centimeters approximately and completely parallel with the ground, always being very attentive to the tones that the detector emits. When listening to a reaction, center the coil directly on the sound source, looking for the place where the signal becomes more defined and proceed to dig. With a little luck you will have found something of value.

The most popular brands

The metal detector is a very useful equipment to provide your company or business with greater security. If you are thinking about acquiring one of these devices, analyze some of the best brands, chosen after a careful review of the characteristics of the products and the opinions of users on the Internet. These brands are Garrett, Seben and X-Terra.


The company was founded in Garland, Texas, by electronic engineer Charles Garrett in 1964 as a small family business, where he developed his first metal detector, called Hunter, with technology learned during his years of service in the US Navy.

The company grew over the years, pioneering the introduction of the portable metal detector and ground detectors, until the mid-eighties, the Garrett Metal Detectors becomes one of the largest manufacturers of metal detectors of the world, with more than 1,800 distributors worldwide. The company is also founder and sponsor of the International Treasure Hunting Society, which brings together fans to search for hidden treasures on earth.

The company has also sponsored events of global importance, and its products are frequently used in events such as the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cups, match conventions, even in UN General Assemblies, among others.

The strength of the brand is of course its metal detectors, considered among the best in the world, of which they offer in their line specific detectors for gold, underwater, portal, hand, minerals, among others. In addition, it offers various accessories for the practice of metal search as dishes for detectors, backpacks , bags, headphones , trays, and other implements.

2.Seben (singura varianta)

The Seben company is established as a world reference in implements for the practice of nature sports such as camping, fishing, hunting, as well as optical and scientific equipment. It was born and has its headquarters in Berlin, Germany, and its biggest sales field is based in Europe, although in recent years the brand has had great impact in America, Asia and Australia. It is also worth noting the high standards in service and constant information to consumers and resellers in various platforms offered by the company.

Among the products offered by the brand are home-made and professional telescopes with the latest technology, accessories for telescopes , microscopes , binoculars , binoculars, security cameras and metal detectors. The latter are characterized by their power, being able to detect metals in the ground at great depth, and are designed for those who practice the search for metals as a sport and hobby. They are undoubtedly devices with great effectiveness at an affordable price, so in recent years has increased the sale and prestige of these products on the Internet sales pages.


The X-Terra series is a brand of the Australian company Minelab , founded in 1985 with the launch of its first metal detector, the Goldseeker 15000. Since then it has become a world leader in the provision of metal detection technology, for purposes of consumer, humanitarian, security and military use, with services of manufacturing, distribution and customer service in Australia, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and America, and have been at the forefront in the development of technology and innovation. In 1997 it received the ISO 9001 certification, for its quality standards in production, and its products have received numerous awards in Australia and in other countries.

Among the products offered by the brand are gold and other buried metals, underwater, mine, handheld, and other accessories to facilitate the search task. As for its specialized detectors, these have been widely recognized among the most advanced products available for their application, due to the high sensitivity, reliability and safety of their measurements. The X-Terra series has positioned itself at the forefront among multipurpose detectors.

Frequently asked questions

Q1: How do metal detectors work and which one to buy?

Most metal detectors work through magnetic coils, depending on the size of these the detection field will be larger or smaller. In addition, it should be noted that these products generate a magnetic field that distorts when approaching a certain metal.

Some coils are special to detect gold, bronze, silver, aluminum, among other materials. There are even multifunctional detectors, which can be programmed depending on the type of metal you want to find, for example, a gold jewel that you have lost.

On the other hand, we mentioned that there are models of detectors that have screens, in them you can observe the data of your search. In addition, it is possible that the product that you acquire will bring a headphone output, so that you will hear the beeps and you will not have to be looking at the screen often.

In addition to this, it is important to know that if you are looking for very small pieces of metal, it is best to buy a detector with a small coil, as this is more sensitive for this type of objects. On the other hand, if you want to find larger metals, we recommend a metal detector with a much wider coil.

Q2: How does a metal detector for Android work?

First of all, we mentioned that not all Android devices are capable of detecting metals, as some do not have a built-in magnetic sensor. However, some tablets and phones, whether high-end, medium or low, have this sensor. If your phone has it, you must enter the Play Store, download and install the Metal Detector application and then open it.

Its operation is simple, you only approach the device to the surface where you are looking for metal, for example, the floor or a table. When you pass your equipment over the metal you are looking for, the application will emit a sound. Basically, it works through a small magnetic field, since the sensors of this type of devices are compact, so you will not be able to detect very large pieces of metal.

On the other hand, it should be noted that, to know if your phone or tablet has a magnetic sensor, you just have to install the application mentioned above and open it. If the application does not work, it's because your device does not have that sensor.

Q3: I have a metal detector, is it possible to find buried treasures with it?

Yes it is possible, but not all metal detectors have this function, since each plate or magnetic coil has its own configuration or compatibility. Of course, we must also take into account that the metal detectors that bring this functionality must be configured to detect them, in addition, the most advisable thing is that the coils are large, since these are the sensors.

The smaller they are, the less depth they will reach and vice versa. This means that not all these devices can detect treasures that are buried more than 5 meters away. Also, we mentioned that you must acquire a product capable of detecting precious metals such as gold, silver and bronze, as these are very common in ancient treasure trunks, especially the first of them.

Q4: Gold and silver detector Is there a model that detects both materials?

Yes, there are some of these devices that detect both gold and silver, however, you may have to configure them. To do this last, there are detectors that fulfill both functions separately, so you will have to look first for gold and then for silver.

On the other hand, different models can be configured to detect gold and silver at the same time, so you will find several options in the market. We recommend that you review these features before purchasing one or another metal detector.

Q5: Does the metal detector arc negatively influence pregnancy?

No, the metal detector arches that are commonly used in stores, airports, hospitals or educational institutes are harmless for both the woman and the baby that is coming. This is a myth that many people are confused about nowadays, since they sometimes think that they transmit radiation, but X-rays are the ones that negatively affect the baby and the pregnant woman.

When speaking of an arc of these we refer to low frequency magnetic fields, only to detect metals, that is, they do not provide ionizing radiation. In addition to that, we mentioned that going through these teams only takes one or two seconds by a lot, which provides greater security to pregnant women.

Garrett 1140900 Pro-Pointer AT Waterproof Pinpointing Metal Detector, Orange

How to find places to look for old coins

If you have a good metal detector, searching for old coins can be one of the best options for any treasure hunter. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced seeker, going out to explore an area where you are likely to find old coins will be both an exciting and rewarding activity.

Old gold coins

Going out to find coins with your detector is a simple project that requires a research that is not too complex and that can give you results immediately, with just one hour of field work. For this, it is enough to determine, through a simple investigation, an area where there are high probabilities of finding lost coins, or even a loot forgotten years ago.

Garrett 1140900 Pro-Pointer AT Waterproof Pinpointing Metal Detector, Orange
Garrett 1140900 Pro-Pointer AT Waterproof Pinpointing Metal Detector, Orange

There are many places where in the past people met and exchanged money for different reasons (shopping, parties, sports activities, etc ...) or simply lost it. These places have been abandoned and forgotten in many cases. Your goal will be to locate them and recover the coins that nobody has yet found.

If you are lucky and you find a good place, in addition to loose coins, you can even recover some old loot or treasure that has been forgotten. Of course you can also find other types of treasures that are not coins and have also been forgotten or lost in much earlier times. It sounds exciting, right?
Here's a little more help in your treasure hunt:

To give you a slight advantage over other less advanced seekers you should follow the following advice: try to always answer the four fundamental questions. What are those questions?

  •     What? What an interesting event has happened in that area that may be attractive to look for coins.
  •     Where? Where exactly the place we are looking for happened or was located.
  •     When? In what years or exact time of recent history the event is located.
  •     How much? For how long has it occurred.

List of the best places to find lost coins:

To help you start your research in search of the right place to look for coins, you will find a list of the most common places to focus your research ...

    Ancient schools

The places where once there was a building with school functions and have been abandoned and even disappeared with the passage of time are an excellent place to find lost coins. In this type of enclosures, in addition to its main function as a school, other types of events, dances and diverse meetings were held. Also, do not forget that since the main users of these places were children, it would be easy to lose things, including coins. Finding old schools should not require overly complicated research, and it is relatively easy to place the exact places on a map.

    Ancient churches

As in the case of the schools, the churches were one of the main places of social gathering and interaction, where they also kept coins without a doubt. Finding ancient churches that have been abandoned is not as simple as in the case of schools, which is why it ranks second in this ranking of places to look for old coins. To look for lost coins in the place where a church was located it is important to take into account that in addition to the building itself the adjacent areas were places where people met before and after the religious services, being therefore areas of special interest .


The sites where markets were formerly held, or similar activities in which many people were concentrated in one place to perform all kinds of economic transactions, are, without a doubt, another excellent alternative to find old forgotten or lost coins. These places tend to be somewhat more complicated to place accurately on a current map than those others we have spoken so far (this is mainly because the markets were not held in a building, but they were really outdoors) , in a specific area, which can sometimes be more complicated to locate with precision on a map).

    Abandoned sports precincts

In all times and places sports activities and competitions have enjoyed great acceptance among the population of all ages, being an important focus of attraction and interest. Throughout time the sports facilities (soccer fields, athletics stadiums, etc ...) have served as a meeting place for immeasurable spectators, moved by the passion for their team or favorite sportsman. On many occasions these stadiums have changed their location or have simply been abandoned and forgotten. Finding evidence about its location should not be too complicated through the press of the time.

    Outdoor festivals

In many places there are celebrations, pilgrimages or traditional festivals that may continue to this day (if so, it is much easier to locate these places) or that, for some reason, have ceased to be celebrated. Anyway, think of large concentrations of people on the same ground, gathered around all kinds of stores or establishments, is usually a sure sign of lost coins, especially when this happens for years and years in the same place. Whether it is a celebration that is still held today or one that has been lost in time, it is usual that outside the days when the celebration is celebrated, the area does not have hardly any activity and is outside of the closest population centers, so it is an excellent place to look away from curious looks.

    Camps or military bases

Do you know the location of some old base or military camp that has been abandoned altogether? How long was that facility active? How many soldiers were staying in the compound? If you are able to answer the questions above you will surely find another good opportunity to find some interesting treasure.

    Campsites, hotels or motels

In general, any place of lodging and accommodation for which a large number of people have continuously spent long enough is another clear objective to look for forgotten treasures. Guests of these types of places carry their luggage and usually unpack their bags when they settle in, change in the premises and easily lose all kinds of things, from coins to watches, passing rings, bracelets, earrings and all kinds of jewelry. If you are able to locate an area that fits these characteristics you will surely have great options to find something that surprises you.

bag with coins
These are just some ideas of places that can be especially interesting to look for lost ancient coins. If you are able to find a good site your reward will not be long in coming. Also think that, although your initial goal is simply to go in search of some loose old coins that have been lost, there is also the possibility that you find something more important as a bag full of coins, a hidden booty or any other unexpected treasure.

In the past most people kept their most valuable and valuable possessions, as well as their money, in their own home instead of in a bank like today. In addition, as there were no credit cards or other modern forms of payment, all transactions were made in cash and everyone needed a safe place to "hide" their savings safely (so safe sometimes that even now they remain hidden). ).

ExploreOne Junior Metal Detector

How to use a pendulum to look for GOLD

 Is it possible to find gold with a pendulum? Many people say yes, while many others remain skeptical of this idea.

Although at present it is considered that these types of practices are not scientific, it is undeniable that they have been used by humans, and by different cultures, for hundreds or thousands of years ...

What is true about this? Can anyone use a pendulum to look for gold? Does it really work?

Radiesthesia, etymologically sensitive to radiation , is the ability or ability to perceive the energy field emitted by an object with the help of rods, needles or pendulums that act as amplifiers of that signal, allowing us to detect them.

ExploreOne Junior Metal Detector
ExploreOne Junior Metal Detector

Using dowsing, we can discover in the soil or in any other place the presence of water, minerals or molten metals such as gold, silver, etc. We can even know at what depth these materials or objects are buried.

Although it is commonly believed that only a few people have this gift or ability, the truth is that most people have enough sensitivity to handle any of these instruments. However, the lack of concentration, lack of practice or training, self-suggestion and other factors are generally those that contribute decisively to prevent the success of those who try for the first time to find some treasure using dowsing.

For hundreds, even thousands, of years wooden rods have been used successfully to find water. From more recent times metal rods have also been used with excellent results to find water and also other elements such as metals. And, of course, also since ancient times pendulums have been used to locate lost objects or treasures.
How to use a pendulum to look for gold?

With a simple pendulum it is possible to detect and find a large number of diverse objects. However, if what we want is to use the pendulum to look for metals, like gold, the best option is to use a different type of pendulum. It is a pendulum that will allow us to tune it with the radiations emitted by the body we are looking for (in this case gold, it could also be used with silver or other metals following the same procedure).

This kind of pendulum is used with a witness (that is, something of the same material that we are looking for). You can use a pendulum bought or made by you, that's not very important. The only necessary characteristic of this class of pendulums is that it can be opened to put inside the same the witness that we will use (for example a gold ring, a coin or an earring).

Pendulum to look for GOLD

It is important that the piece of gold used as a witness is of the highest purity possible (ideally 24 carat gold).

How does the pendulum work?
The first thing we must do is the necessary adjustments to calibrate the pendulum . For this simply open it and place the witness inside (some gold). Now the pendulum is ready to look for gold, but you should still do a series of tests until it is perfectly calibrated.

It is important to be calm and absolute calm, relaxed and having rested well beforehand. The adjustment of the pendulum should never be made nervous, tired or intoxicated since this would undoubtedly affect negatively.

To begin to calibrate the pendulum and adjust it to look for gold we will need a small treasure that serves as objective of the test. As for the witness, any piece of good-quality gold will be used. We will place the treasure on the ground directly to begin the process.

It is important to use a place free of other metal objects that may create interference. It is also essential to do this directly at ground level, never on an upper floor, for obvious reasons.

To begin to calibrate the pendulum we will place ourselves on the treasure (standing or sitting on a wooden chair) holding the pendulum with the index and thumb fingers. We will hold the thread from which the pendulum hangs about two inches above it and place it about two inches above the treasure. We must remain in that position for about 6-8 minutes until the pendulum starts to turn clockwise, that is, to the right.

If nothing happens then you have to lengthen half an inch more thread and repeat the test until you get the desired result. Once the pendulum starts to turn to the right it is necessary to complete at least eleven turns. If this is not the case, it will be necessary to release a little thread again and repeat the operation.

When the pendulum completes the eleven turns by itself, without our help, we will mark in the thread the exact place where we will have to hold it to go out to look for gold. With each person the pendulum can vary in the adjustment, since in some cases they manage to adjust it to the 15 or 20 centimeters of length of the suspension thread. Because the answers vary, fixed rules can not be given as it depends on the operator's sensitivity.

With this simple process the first part of the calibration of the pendulum is complete, but there are still some tests to be done before being fully prepared to go looking for gold with it.

First tests with the pendulum to look for gold:

With the pendulum already adjusted as explained here, place the treasure you use as a target in other different places (in the garden of your house, for example) a few meters away and see how the pendulum reacts now. Unlike the revolving movements that were made to be on the treasure, now it will move back and forth, in a linear way, in the direction of the object. As we move towards the treasure, the movements will be more intense, while if we move away from it, they will be softer and fade away.

Following these simple rules do all the necessary tests until you master the pendulum and understand their reactions perfectly. Once done this check again what is the height of the suspension wire in which you get your best results and makes the corresponding mark to use it in the future.

At what distance and depth will the pendulum work to look for gold?

Using a pendulum with a witness as explained above, gold objects can be detected at a distance of approximately 100 meters and at a depth of approximately 25 meters, although there are two factors that significantly influence this approach:

The sensitivity of the search engine that can vary considerably from one person to another

The size of the object, because the farther or deeper it is, the more difficult it will be to detect it and, consequently, it would have to be larger in order to make it so.

How to calculate the depth to which a treasure is buried?

When using the pendulum when you notice that it begins to move in the direction of an object, observe exactly where the movement becomes more intense, just before starting to move in circles. Make a mark on the ground and continue walking towards the treasure. Pass over it and continue walking in a straight line until you notice that the rotating movements weaken and begin to become linear. Make another mark on the ground at that point and draw an imaginary straight line joining this mark with the first you had made. The distance at which the treasure is buried is approximately half the distance between the two marks.

Although this technique is not adequate to accurately calculate the depth of a treasure, it is a good way to get a rough idea of ​​how much it will be worth digging and whether it is worth it or not. Keep in mind that when you get to detect something that is theoretically quite deep it is possible that it is a large object.

Garrett AT MAX Waterproof Metal Detector, MS-3 Wireless Headphones and Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk Pinpointer

How to find gold with detector and homemade techniques

Have you ever thought about looking for gold?

The fever of this precious mineral had its moment years ago but it is now possible to find gold if you know how to do it and where to look.

Surely you've seen many movies where explorers found gold nuggets with a cleaning process to finally turn them into ingots.

Garrett AT MAX Waterproof Metal Detector, MS-3 Wireless Headphones and Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk Pinpointer
Garrett AT MAX Waterproof Metal Detector, MS-3 Wireless Headphones and Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk Pinpointer

What is the value of gold?

current value of gold

In the past, when there were no printed banknotes or digital accounts, gold coins had the highest value in the market.

Currently the price of gold fluctuates constantly, in addition each piece is unique so it depends on the carats and purity.

As you see it has a high value so if you find a deposit or gold beta you will win a large sum of money , so in this mega tutorial you will learn to be a seeker of this precious metal.

Where does gold come from?

There are 3 places to find it:

1.- Auriferous Rivers

For many years these places contain the mineral in their waters . Basically the mountain begins to be eroded by the climate and the native gold that is attached to minerals such as quartz begins to decompose so the gold beta is washed away by the current.

2.- Gold Mine

Here the mineral is in its coarsest form along with other minerals such as quartz , silver or platinum .
To find it, it is necessary to discover the mine, open galleries and grind it for its later treaty, although you will not find it anywhere.

Hence the expression " I found a gold mine " referring to a lot of wealth, great opportunity or something of great value.

methods to find gold

3.- Gold Melts

There are areas where this mineral is not dissolved in the river or in deep mines, you can find it inside the land itself.

It is believed that it comes out of ancient volcanic eruptions and remains in a pure state buried close to the ground. It is also speculated that near these meteorite impacts are these super gold nuggets , weighing more than 8 Kg.

There is a very important finding where a piece of 12 Kg was found and because it was so dense it was very difficult to extract it.

How to Find Gold

There are different techniques, from the most basic (practically free) to advanced (metal detectors and other devices), then you will be the one to decide which method to use.

1.- Gold bats in rivers

This technique is based on using a kind of dish, whose name is batea, and constantly clean the land with the current of the river .

The procedure is very basic and does not require experience, so anyone can do it.

The operation is simple, with the container you will separate any gold material, which, being more dense, will always remain at the bottom.

The technique consists of adding little by little gravel and dirt to the tray, and when washing it the materials that are less dense (lighter) will always rise to the surface of the dish while dense metals like gold will remain below.

1.- First, the largest materials are washed

  •     The container is almost completely filled with gravel and a few centimeters are introduced into the water
  •     Start moving the tray first up - down and then in a circle so that the content starts to spin inside. In this way the mud and the earth will disappear
  •     Repeat these steps continuously to remove thicker and dense materials will stay resting

2.- Now it is the turn to wash the gravel and fine sand

  •     Insert the tray into the water as if you wanted to capture the water
  •     Move it in the same way as before with the level of the height of the water, little by little the sediments will stagnate
  •     Repeat the process continuously until you have a large amount of sand dissolved, which will mostly be black

3.- Rinse the black sand or black sand

  •     Little by little add water to continue dissolving
  •     Tilt the container towards you so you can detect gold or some dust or impregnated nugget in the tray
  •     Help yourself from a magnet below to retain this black sand and thus separate the gold
  •     Repeat this process constantly and the best nuggets found, put them very carefully in a bottle or test tube

The water will clarify the materials and when repeating the procedure the seeds or lentils will accumulate, although to obtain experience it has to be practiced many times and it could take time.

You can start in your own home with elements containing lead to separate them from samples and master the technique.

The amount of material you process depends on the recipient, your skill and the concentration of gold that exists in that place (this last feature is the most important, it is no use being an expert in a place where there is nothing).

4. Most useful tips

  •     One of the most used tricks is to look over rocks or claystones that are in the river, since dissolved gold dust accumulates gradually around this conglomerate so the probability of accumulating seeds is greater.
  •     Make sure that the water has a height greater than 17 cm , otherwise the stream will drag more solids that will take more time to remove them.
  •     The speed of the water has to be slow since for the washing cycle to continue the current has to take away the sand and the tray must remain in the same place.
  •     Choose between a plastic or metal tray . The first is for people without experience for their comfort and color (black to detect it visually).
  •     This technique is perfect for those people who want to know how to find buried gold without a metal detector and other things.

4.- Where to find gold in Spain

To know where to look for gold in Spain, here is a very interesting video that comments on several areas.

2.- Metal Detector

With the passage of time the technology advances and the techniques to look for ingots, jewels, nuggets and conglomerates of precious metals have taken a leap thanks to the detectors.

how to find gold with a metal detector

Basic operation

These machines of different characteristics are composed of coils for which there is electricity and therefore produce a magnetic field.

These forces attract ferromagnetic substances and repel others, thus passing these instruments at ground level detect metals.

The question is…

Is metallic garbage also included?

Yes, but the devices have improved and the false alarms for finding scrap decrease depending on a pulse induction system.

Terrain balances

There are 3 categories of metal detectors:

  •     Initial level
  •     Intermediate level
  •     Expert or advanced level

The simple difference between these machines is the price, the adjustment of the balance and the low or high frequency, that is FLV or pulses.

Each time you use a device to find gold, you must level it on the ground to filter or discharge the iron that exists in the layers. The most advanced ones adjust themselves although it is a matter of practice.

Depending on the frequency the target will be able to track deeper to locate gold grains without getting confused with other elements. In the rivers the magnetometer is passed and the black sands are trapped in a faster way.

Many gold seekers have found cracks with thousands of nuggets in areas determined only with this apparatus to look for gold and a closed circuit with water pump, tube suction and a sluice to retain the metal.

The new devices come with insulated coils without wires, electronic screen and wireless headphones.

If you really have a lot of interest and want to specialize I recommend this page of metal detectors where they sell the detectors.

3.- Ionic Detector and Dowsing

how to find gold with radiesthesia

These devices spread for a long time as it searches for treasures through the air, detecting metals only by passing the antenna.

The truth is that they can detect metal , in the case that it has a considerable size or you are close enough, but for nothing is a precise instrument to look for concentrated gold.

How to look for gold with a pendulum

Radiesthesia is an ancient method to locate different materials (metals, minerals, water) through a handmade device consisting of a rod, pendulum and rods .

It is said that using this technique with this artifact can be found gold deposits and hidden springs in the stone.

It is mainly based on the detection of energy and electromagnetic changes , when a different current passes through the pendulum it oscillates and then a change in the environment is detected.

Detecting this coveted golden metal with this method is not reliable, much less has a purely scientific basis but usually tribes that do not have access to electronic devices use it mostly to find water.

Where to Find Gold

How to find buried gold without a metal detector

The great mystery and secret hidden by nature. With the crisis, many treasure hunters have appeared in open terrain or in the deep sea.

Any track is valid and it may take you many years to discover an unexploded mine or mine.

These ideas can facilitate and guide your search for dorado if you really want to start this adventure:

1.- Gather information

Yes, it's something that seems basic but it can help you get started on the ground. You can look in history books , consult ancient stories, document with findings that have been found to locate them on a map.

Even legends of treasure maps , it may sound like a movie, but there are searchers who, guided by old manuscripts, have found important discoveries.

2.- Waterfalls of rivers

It is likely to find nuggets and gold metal dust near small waterfalls. Look in terrain maps where these springs are and maybe you'll get a surprise.

3.- Abandoned mine

There are mines that have been closed with the passage of time by total extraction of the material or have collapsed covering the entire entrance. Investigate closed mines that are close to springs, rivers or water areas, there may be underground exits from the mines that result in water mixing in the stream. If you wonder where to find quartz with gold, this is undoubtedly the best place.

4.- Leaves of eucalyptus

Curious but true, Canadians found mineral dust on the surface of these leaves so they have the ability to adhere metal debris.

5.- Cracks and Caves

Sometimes small cracks (not necessarily caves) have been spotted on the earth's surface that have not been excavated due to lack of interest, surely there is a crack that hides some subterranean gallery.

According to studies more than 70% of the caves are still unexplored.

6.- Places unexplored

look for gold in unexplored places
On planet earth there are visible airs that have not yet been fully explored as:

  •     The Voronya cave in Georgia with more than 2 km depth
  •     Andaman Islands , in the Indian Ocean, where the oldest tribe in history prevails and no one has entered, and if you have visited the island has not returned
  •     Yungay , located in the Atacama Desert, a piece of clay soil where no one lives
  •     Mountains in Bhutan that have not yet been climbed, with more than 7 kilometers
  •     Many more that exist hidden in the world ..

6.- Australia

It has been confirmed that in this country there are areas where large castings have been found by day, although I suppose that the gold prospectors there will have the area measured.

7.- Mines and gold deposits in Spain

There are gold mines in Spain that have been exploited, but having extracted so much material and moved the land, sediments have been generated along nearby water areas.

The most important that you can see are:

  •     Médulas , found in León
  •     Rodalquilar , located in the Almería area
  •     Belmonte , located in Asturias (In this area there are many search engines that apply the different extraction techniques that have been discussed in this guide)

Many people ask: Is there gold in Spain or do I look for gold ?

Of course, but you have to find it, help yourself with the information I just explained to you.

8.- Areas in the United States

In the USA there are very rocky places where a lot of gold has been extracted (nowadays it is also still), although some have become tourist areas to show the first mines that were built when the mythical gold rush began.

    1. Ouachita Montains located in Arkansas
    2. Alabama Gold Camp located in the state of Alabama
    3. Libby Creek Recreational Gold Panning Area known in the Montana region
    4. Alta Ranch also in Montana
    5. Consolidated Gold Mine in the state of Georgia
    6. Arkansas River is well known, located in Colorado
    7. Jamestown Gold Panning is located in California
    8. Crow Creek Gold Mine in Alaska
    9. Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park in the state of California
    10. Mollie Kathleen Gold Mine also in Colorado

9.- Find gold in the hills and quartz betas

There are areas of mountains where the terrain has stones of color combinations such as black, reddish , yellow .
It is there where there is more chance of finding curdled gold quartz betas containing other metallic elements, and after a wash get this precious golden metal:

How to know if it is Pure Gold

First we must know how to recognize gold by day to check its value.

To the naked eye it is recognized by its bright golden color but it can have other compounds adhered. In this case when appearing in free or native state we will not need chemical tests or through density calculations.

Finding it on the earth's surface will ensure us to obtain a maximum level of purity, with 24 carats although it always contains some kind of impurities.

The best test is the apparent density that you can visually observe when you wash or find it agglomerated in a large buried piece (this you will notice because of the weight although it has little volume).

How to know if a jewel is of quality gold

How to know if it is homemade gold

Through these steps you can discover the authenticity of the piece:

1.- Visual Test

    Search through a magnifying glass for any stamp or distributor mark that indicates purity
    Watch carefully if there is any trace of another color, maybe you only have one bathroom

2.- In the old way, biting

    Surely you remember those movies where all the explorers bit the piece of gold found, do the same but carefully
    Look for some brand, the authentic one is soft and you would have to notice a little the mark of your teeth

3. Magnetism

Find a magnet that has a medium size and bring it closer to the piece, in case it attracts it, it may be false since gold is not magnetic. (Other magnetic elements may exist).

4.- Density

Being such a dense element with this test you can determine if it is pure or not:

  •     First note the weight the jewel (use a scale or homemade tanita).
  •     Pour some water into a transparent plastic container or beaker (it must be graduated in ml).
  •     Write the water level.
  •     Insert the piece into the container and measure the level again
  •     Use the formula:

Density = mass of the object / volume of water that has been moved

If the result is close to 20 grams / ml it tells us that it can be real gold or similar elements.

gold carats

5.- Ceramics

  •     Find a ceramic piece and rub the jewel in it
  •     In the event that the color of the line is black, it is probably not of quality or is false
  •     A golden colored stripe indicates quality

6.- Nitric acid

This test is very conclusive but it is better to ask for help from a professional like a jeweler since this substance is not easy to get it:

  •     Put the jewel in a small metal tray.
  •     Add the acid substance.
  •     If a greenish color appears it means that it is not pure gold or it is simply with a golden bath.
  •     In the case that the color is white it may be silver with traces of gold.
  •     No reaction is authentic gold

Note :

When talking about pure gold, it is linked to 24 carat gold, but being so soft to create jewelry and similar items, other types of metals are added to the composition. There are photos where there are works done in an artisanal way where it seems that the image is real, but they are false. The same goes for gold in quartz .

Many policy decisions have been confronted with science, increasing privacy over the extraction of areas to reach selected hands, if you find something important follow the established protocol and do not tell anyone.

If you have a gold search and detect machine, you already know how to find minerals. You also know where to find quartz and gold although as described in the article there is no magic formula to get it.

Discover also how to locate a person by his name and surnames with several techniques.

Frequent questions:
How to know if there is gold buried at home?

You have all the most efficient techniques explained in this article, although it is best to buy specific tools to know where the gold is.

Is it feasible today to look for gold in rivers?

Although you already know how to look for gold in rivers, it is true that the filtered amount of betas, quartz and other minerals has been reduced considerably.

This is logical since the mines and sites near the rivers have been exploited almost entirely. Anyway there are places that are still rich in minerals and more concentrations can be found.

What is the best buried gold detector?

This question is repeated a lot, but it is badly formulated. There really are metal detectors, and from there you could say that they are gold detectors. In the market there are different models, the most expensive have more technology to fine-tune the results, although there are extra parts that really do not make you find faster.