Saturday, March 16, 2019

Garrett 1140900 Pro-Pointer AT Waterproof Pinpointing Metal Detector, Orange

How to find places to look for old coins

If you have a good metal detector, searching for old coins can be one of the best options for any treasure hunter. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced seeker, going out to explore an area where you are likely to find old coins will be both an exciting and rewarding activity.

Old gold coins

Going out to find coins with your detector is a simple project that requires a research that is not too complex and that can give you results immediately, with just one hour of field work. For this, it is enough to determine, through a simple investigation, an area where there are high probabilities of finding lost coins, or even a loot forgotten years ago.

Garrett 1140900 Pro-Pointer AT Waterproof Pinpointing Metal Detector, Orange
Garrett 1140900 Pro-Pointer AT Waterproof Pinpointing Metal Detector, Orange

There are many places where in the past people met and exchanged money for different reasons (shopping, parties, sports activities, etc ...) or simply lost it. These places have been abandoned and forgotten in many cases. Your goal will be to locate them and recover the coins that nobody has yet found.

If you are lucky and you find a good place, in addition to loose coins, you can even recover some old loot or treasure that has been forgotten. Of course you can also find other types of treasures that are not coins and have also been forgotten or lost in much earlier times. It sounds exciting, right?
Here's a little more help in your treasure hunt:

To give you a slight advantage over other less advanced seekers you should follow the following advice: try to always answer the four fundamental questions. What are those questions?

  •     What? What an interesting event has happened in that area that may be attractive to look for coins.
  •     Where? Where exactly the place we are looking for happened or was located.
  •     When? In what years or exact time of recent history the event is located.
  •     How much? For how long has it occurred.

List of the best places to find lost coins:

To help you start your research in search of the right place to look for coins, you will find a list of the most common places to focus your research ...

    Ancient schools

The places where once there was a building with school functions and have been abandoned and even disappeared with the passage of time are an excellent place to find lost coins. In this type of enclosures, in addition to its main function as a school, other types of events, dances and diverse meetings were held. Also, do not forget that since the main users of these places were children, it would be easy to lose things, including coins. Finding old schools should not require overly complicated research, and it is relatively easy to place the exact places on a map.

    Ancient churches

As in the case of the schools, the churches were one of the main places of social gathering and interaction, where they also kept coins without a doubt. Finding ancient churches that have been abandoned is not as simple as in the case of schools, which is why it ranks second in this ranking of places to look for old coins. To look for lost coins in the place where a church was located it is important to take into account that in addition to the building itself the adjacent areas were places where people met before and after the religious services, being therefore areas of special interest .


The sites where markets were formerly held, or similar activities in which many people were concentrated in one place to perform all kinds of economic transactions, are, without a doubt, another excellent alternative to find old forgotten or lost coins. These places tend to be somewhat more complicated to place accurately on a current map than those others we have spoken so far (this is mainly because the markets were not held in a building, but they were really outdoors) , in a specific area, which can sometimes be more complicated to locate with precision on a map).

    Abandoned sports precincts

In all times and places sports activities and competitions have enjoyed great acceptance among the population of all ages, being an important focus of attraction and interest. Throughout time the sports facilities (soccer fields, athletics stadiums, etc ...) have served as a meeting place for immeasurable spectators, moved by the passion for their team or favorite sportsman. On many occasions these stadiums have changed their location or have simply been abandoned and forgotten. Finding evidence about its location should not be too complicated through the press of the time.

    Outdoor festivals

In many places there are celebrations, pilgrimages or traditional festivals that may continue to this day (if so, it is much easier to locate these places) or that, for some reason, have ceased to be celebrated. Anyway, think of large concentrations of people on the same ground, gathered around all kinds of stores or establishments, is usually a sure sign of lost coins, especially when this happens for years and years in the same place. Whether it is a celebration that is still held today or one that has been lost in time, it is usual that outside the days when the celebration is celebrated, the area does not have hardly any activity and is outside of the closest population centers, so it is an excellent place to look away from curious looks.

    Camps or military bases

Do you know the location of some old base or military camp that has been abandoned altogether? How long was that facility active? How many soldiers were staying in the compound? If you are able to answer the questions above you will surely find another good opportunity to find some interesting treasure.

    Campsites, hotels or motels

In general, any place of lodging and accommodation for which a large number of people have continuously spent long enough is another clear objective to look for forgotten treasures. Guests of these types of places carry their luggage and usually unpack their bags when they settle in, change in the premises and easily lose all kinds of things, from coins to watches, passing rings, bracelets, earrings and all kinds of jewelry. If you are able to locate an area that fits these characteristics you will surely have great options to find something that surprises you.

bag with coins
These are just some ideas of places that can be especially interesting to look for lost ancient coins. If you are able to find a good site your reward will not be long in coming. Also think that, although your initial goal is simply to go in search of some loose old coins that have been lost, there is also the possibility that you find something more important as a bag full of coins, a hidden booty or any other unexpected treasure.

In the past most people kept their most valuable and valuable possessions, as well as their money, in their own home instead of in a bank like today. In addition, as there were no credit cards or other modern forms of payment, all transactions were made in cash and everyone needed a safe place to "hide" their savings safely (so safe sometimes that even now they remain hidden). ).