Saturday, March 16, 2019

ExploreOne Junior Metal Detector

How to use a pendulum to look for GOLD

 Is it possible to find gold with a pendulum? Many people say yes, while many others remain skeptical of this idea.

Although at present it is considered that these types of practices are not scientific, it is undeniable that they have been used by humans, and by different cultures, for hundreds or thousands of years ...

What is true about this? Can anyone use a pendulum to look for gold? Does it really work?

Radiesthesia, etymologically sensitive to radiation , is the ability or ability to perceive the energy field emitted by an object with the help of rods, needles or pendulums that act as amplifiers of that signal, allowing us to detect them.

ExploreOne Junior Metal Detector
ExploreOne Junior Metal Detector

Using dowsing, we can discover in the soil or in any other place the presence of water, minerals or molten metals such as gold, silver, etc. We can even know at what depth these materials or objects are buried.

Although it is commonly believed that only a few people have this gift or ability, the truth is that most people have enough sensitivity to handle any of these instruments. However, the lack of concentration, lack of practice or training, self-suggestion and other factors are generally those that contribute decisively to prevent the success of those who try for the first time to find some treasure using dowsing.

For hundreds, even thousands, of years wooden rods have been used successfully to find water. From more recent times metal rods have also been used with excellent results to find water and also other elements such as metals. And, of course, also since ancient times pendulums have been used to locate lost objects or treasures.
How to use a pendulum to look for gold?

With a simple pendulum it is possible to detect and find a large number of diverse objects. However, if what we want is to use the pendulum to look for metals, like gold, the best option is to use a different type of pendulum. It is a pendulum that will allow us to tune it with the radiations emitted by the body we are looking for (in this case gold, it could also be used with silver or other metals following the same procedure).

This kind of pendulum is used with a witness (that is, something of the same material that we are looking for). You can use a pendulum bought or made by you, that's not very important. The only necessary characteristic of this class of pendulums is that it can be opened to put inside the same the witness that we will use (for example a gold ring, a coin or an earring).

Pendulum to look for GOLD

It is important that the piece of gold used as a witness is of the highest purity possible (ideally 24 carat gold).

How does the pendulum work?
The first thing we must do is the necessary adjustments to calibrate the pendulum . For this simply open it and place the witness inside (some gold). Now the pendulum is ready to look for gold, but you should still do a series of tests until it is perfectly calibrated.

It is important to be calm and absolute calm, relaxed and having rested well beforehand. The adjustment of the pendulum should never be made nervous, tired or intoxicated since this would undoubtedly affect negatively.

To begin to calibrate the pendulum and adjust it to look for gold we will need a small treasure that serves as objective of the test. As for the witness, any piece of good-quality gold will be used. We will place the treasure on the ground directly to begin the process.

It is important to use a place free of other metal objects that may create interference. It is also essential to do this directly at ground level, never on an upper floor, for obvious reasons.

To begin to calibrate the pendulum we will place ourselves on the treasure (standing or sitting on a wooden chair) holding the pendulum with the index and thumb fingers. We will hold the thread from which the pendulum hangs about two inches above it and place it about two inches above the treasure. We must remain in that position for about 6-8 minutes until the pendulum starts to turn clockwise, that is, to the right.

If nothing happens then you have to lengthen half an inch more thread and repeat the test until you get the desired result. Once the pendulum starts to turn to the right it is necessary to complete at least eleven turns. If this is not the case, it will be necessary to release a little thread again and repeat the operation.

When the pendulum completes the eleven turns by itself, without our help, we will mark in the thread the exact place where we will have to hold it to go out to look for gold. With each person the pendulum can vary in the adjustment, since in some cases they manage to adjust it to the 15 or 20 centimeters of length of the suspension thread. Because the answers vary, fixed rules can not be given as it depends on the operator's sensitivity.

With this simple process the first part of the calibration of the pendulum is complete, but there are still some tests to be done before being fully prepared to go looking for gold with it.

First tests with the pendulum to look for gold:

With the pendulum already adjusted as explained here, place the treasure you use as a target in other different places (in the garden of your house, for example) a few meters away and see how the pendulum reacts now. Unlike the revolving movements that were made to be on the treasure, now it will move back and forth, in a linear way, in the direction of the object. As we move towards the treasure, the movements will be more intense, while if we move away from it, they will be softer and fade away.

Following these simple rules do all the necessary tests until you master the pendulum and understand their reactions perfectly. Once done this check again what is the height of the suspension wire in which you get your best results and makes the corresponding mark to use it in the future.

At what distance and depth will the pendulum work to look for gold?

Using a pendulum with a witness as explained above, gold objects can be detected at a distance of approximately 100 meters and at a depth of approximately 25 meters, although there are two factors that significantly influence this approach:

The sensitivity of the search engine that can vary considerably from one person to another

The size of the object, because the farther or deeper it is, the more difficult it will be to detect it and, consequently, it would have to be larger in order to make it so.

How to calculate the depth to which a treasure is buried?

When using the pendulum when you notice that it begins to move in the direction of an object, observe exactly where the movement becomes more intense, just before starting to move in circles. Make a mark on the ground and continue walking towards the treasure. Pass over it and continue walking in a straight line until you notice that the rotating movements weaken and begin to become linear. Make another mark on the ground at that point and draw an imaginary straight line joining this mark with the first you had made. The distance at which the treasure is buried is approximately half the distance between the two marks.

Although this technique is not adequate to accurately calculate the depth of a treasure, it is a good way to get a rough idea of ​​how much it will be worth digging and whether it is worth it or not. Keep in mind that when you get to detect something that is theoretically quite deep it is possible that it is a large object.