Saturday, March 16, 2019

Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with Waterproof Coil Pro-Pointer II and Carry Bag

How to find precious stones and valuable metals between rocks

They say that happy people look at the sky and sad people look at the ground. But we dare to say that many people became happier precisely because they looked carefully at their feet and did not contemplate the clouds. Not only do we encourage you to follow their example, we also explain to you exactly what you should pay attention to and in what places. Walking among ordinary stones, you can find a real treasure: diamonds, amber, gold and meteorites, for example.

Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with Waterproof Coil Pro-Pointer II and Carry Bag
Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with Waterproof Coil Pro-Pointer II and Carry Bag wants to put special emphasis on the fact that the legislation of each country variously restricts the activity of prospectors of minerals and precious metals. Therefore, before you go to a mission, discover if appropriating what you found may or may not be a violation of the regulations in force in your area.


Where to find it: the cheapest option is to go to the Vistula cord. Amber is extracted along the entire Baltic coast of Poland and the Kaliningrad region (Russia). There are deposits in other places, for example, in the region of Ukraine (in Rivne), in the Dominican Republic and in Burma, but only in the Baltic Sea will you offer an excursion that includes the collection of amber on the coast and in the desert of the quarry.

It is best to go in the late fall, in winter or early spring. After the storms, the appearance of amber begins. The strong waves erode the rock that contains amber and throw a lot of pieces of trees and algae to the shore, where you will have to search to find amber. Experienced "hunters" do not wait until amber is deposited on the ground. They enter the icy water, collect the accumulations of trees and algae with large butterfly net, take them to the shore and classify them carefully in search of pieces of amber. It is believed that the most productive storm is of short duration, since a prolonged one will simply take all the amber washed to the sea and it will only be possible to obtain it if it has a diving suit and a good tolerance to the cold.

The most expensive and rare types of amber are pieces with insects, small animals, fry, herbs and the like that fell into the resin trap millions of years ago; These are called inclusions. And the value of such findings often exceeds that of diamonds.


Where to find them: the people who have made the search for meteorites their main hobby, advise newcomers, who have not yet acquired a metal detector, to start looking for the flat roofs.

Yes, it may sound strange. But the reality is that on the roof you will not be distracted by objects of terrestrial origin and that is where you can find many micrometeorites. Do not ignore the wells under the gutters, where the meteorites could enter during heavy rains along the streams. Check your findings. All meteorites have a "melting crust", a thin layer of molten substances with which this "visitor from outer space" is composed, as well as regmagliptos, small holes located throughout the surface of the meteorite body. These are the main ones, but not the only signs . To definitively determine the origin of your findings, go to true specialists of laboratories that work with meteorites.


If you think you're lucky, try searching for the hardest mineral on our planet: a diamond. Although it's not just a matter of chance, of course. Washing the diamond-bearing rock in a special sieve is not an easy task and may not work. So, prepare yourself, not for the discovery of the century, but to live an unusual adventure, which you will tell your friends for a long time.

Where to find them: The only diamond quarry open in the world to visitors is the "Diamond Crater", which is located in the USA, in Arkansas . Any stone you find will be yours. So open your eyes and do not lose your precious stone: it can easily deceive you by its modest appearance. Rough diamonds do not look at all like glittering diamonds, which often flood jewelries.


Now that you have learned how to handle the scraping tray during diamond washing, it is time to go and look for gold.

Where to find it: At first, finding a nugget of gold is possible in any country, but you should know that in Australia the laws are more condescending with free miners.

The license of a gold digger can be purchased on the website of the Department of Economic Development of the State of Victoria. The permit is granted for 10 years and costs only 24 dollars and 20 cents. They demand not to destroy nature, not to violate local laws, nor to use explosives. What you find will be all yours. You can use the services of guides that will take you to the places where gold was found before, or you can search on your own, counting only on your luck and intuition. Do not forget to bring a metal detector, because, with it, the search will be much more successful.

If you are too far from Australia, you can also go to Lapland . There you can not only enjoy the views of the harsh nature of the north, but also participate in the extraction of gold. And if you are lucky not only to wash enough gold, but also to find a beautiful stone, local artisans will create an exclusive gem for you.


Australia attracts not only for its gold. It is also famous for its opals: most of these magnificent stones are extracted in this area. As in the case of gold, anyone can carry out their search, although with the opals it will be more difficult, because if you do not have a special equipment, you will have to wander through the abandoned tunnels, looking at the loose stone with hope that those who were before have overlooked some of their valuable stones. For you to hope, this happens quite often. Opals shine with ultraviolet light, so if you carry an ultraviolet LED flashlight, you will definitely not miss a find.

Where to find it: to maximize your chances of success, go to the world capital of opals, the city of Coober Pedy .


If you can not go out in search of gold and precious stones, do not despair, because even a normal stone with the naked eye can enclose an unimaginable beauty.

Geodes are cavities in the rocks within which "crystals" of minerals such as emerald, amethyst, agate, chalcedony, crystal, topaz or opal grow. This is not a complete list, but the most attractive geodes in the world contain precisely these minerals. To find a geode, you should pay attention to the rounded edges, with small bulges and excrescences that remind, by their shape, a cauliflower. They can be of any size, from small pebbles to huge rocks. The most "promising" stones, upon being hit, emit a serious sound. It is necessary to break or cut this type of stones with a saw and then polish one side to further emphasize the inner beauty of the find.