Saturday, March 16, 2019

Garrett AT Pro Metal Detector

The best ways to look for GOLD - Do it yourself in Taringa!

Currently, only 20% of the total gold that exists on planet Earth has been extracted. This means that looking for gold in nature can be a very good idea even in our days ...

So, doing a little research, I found some fairly simple techniques that anyone can use to start looking for gold:

1. How to look for gold with a pendulum.

This is one of the techniques that I found most interesting, that's why I put it in the first place. It consists of creating your own pendulum (it is also worth a purchased or you already have), the only feature is that the object you use as a pendulum is hollow or has a cavity in which you can enter a witness.

Garrett AT Pro Metal Detector
Garrett AT Pro Metal Detector

A witness is any piece of the same material you want to find, in this case gold.
Once you have your pendulum ready you should calibrate it before you start using it to look for gold (or any other metal you want, like silver, simply changing the baton).

To calibrate the pendulum, simply follow some simple instructions: how to calibrate a pendulum to look for gold. Once ready you just have to start looking and the pendulum will guide you in the right direction.

2. How to find gold using dowsing rods.

Another technique similar to the previous one is to use metal rods instead of a pendulum to look for gold. Both instruments (the pendulum and the rods) are dowsing tools that are used to receive the vibrations that the gold emits.

Creating your own rods to look for gold is simple, you will only need a piece of copper wire or similar metal. Here you will also find some simple instructions on how to do it: how to create your rods to look for gold.

3. Look for gold using a metal detector.

This technique is much more modern than the previous ones and has the help of a tool with a technology much superior to the previous ones: the metal detector. Thanks to a metal detector we can easily find buried metals and know exactly where to start digging if we are looking for some treasure.

4. Look for gold in rivers using the batting technique.

In order to finish it could not remain without mention this form to look for gold that surely everybody knows through the cinema and the films of the far west. It consists of looking for gold in the rivers with the help of a punt, which is a container with the shape of a Chinese hat or dish that is used to wash with the help of river water the earth, fine gravel and sediments that are going depositing along the river course