Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How to remove mold from tiles and joints (grout)

How to remove mold from tiles and joints (grout)

Remove mould from tile and grout

Mold in tiles and grout

You will often see mold growing on the tiles in places like the bathroom or kitchen. The good news is that mold can be easily cleaned from non-porous tile surfaces.

Grout Cleaner Product

How to remove mould from tile and grout

Start by rubbing the tiles and grout using a brush together with a household cleaning product or a specific matte product that kills mold. There are also commercial tile or grout cleaners that can be purchased.
Eliminar el moho de la lechada (juntas de los azulejos)

After this, you will probably find that there are still mold stains left in the grout (it is known as the cement between the tiles ' joints). You can use bleach to make these spots disappear. Before using bleach, do a test to make sure the bleach does not discolor the tiles.

Don't forget to wear gloves to protect your hands from bleach.

Apply the bleach to the grout and let it rest for about 10 minutes. Instead of chlorine bleach you can use hydrogen peroxide if you want, or buy a product like the Oxyclean containing oxygen lye. If you have a septic system, it's better to use oxygen bleach than chlorine bleach.

Another alternative is to use baking soda. Mix with water to form a paste and then use a toothbrush to scrub in the grout.

If you find that the stains remain in the grout after bleaching, then repeat the process. Then rinse the chlorine with plenty of water.

If stains do not go away you can try using bleach-soaked paper towels. Wet the paper towels in bleach and then adhiérelas to the cement grout where the stains are located. Give it a little time and this should make the mildew stains disappear in the grout definitely.

Seal Cement Grout

Another thing you can do is apply a sealant to the cement grout. This will protect you from any small amount of mold remaining in the grout and also helps prevent mold from growing in the future.

Replacement of cement grout

You also have the option to completely replace the grout. First of all you will have to scrape the old grout. You can use a flat-blade screwdriver for this. You can buy new grout mixture from the hardware store and apply it yourself. Sealing the new grout with a cement grout sealant later will give you even more mildew protection.

10 tips on how to grout a pool

10 tips on how to grout a pool

Like grouting a pool of tile, tile, etc...

Summer is coming, we walk around the pool and see the deterioration of the pool joints.

Shall we call someone to apply the grout? Or we do it ourselves.

Grout Cleaner Product

At this point, you decide.

If you have chosen to do it yourself, here I answer some questions that you can ask yourself and I suggest some advice.

Is it an easy task to grout a pool?

No, as in principle you think. It requires first to want to do it, some time and effort "the usual".

The Good thing is that now I'll show you how to grout the pool by applying some tricks. You will be perfect with less effort!! That's cool. :) p

The first thing we have to think about is....

What pool grout will we use?

We always talk about grouting the joints of the pool tile with white cement. Many professionals and non-professionals still use it for their ease in the application "cutting labor time" and low cost of this material, but:
Using white cement in the grout of your pool will not be very resistant to the passage of time and damage the support of the tile or platelet having to repair also the time.

So we're going to use technical mortars; as a grout for the pool.
The first thing we have to keep in mind is that type of borad we will use for the grout of the pool and the choice would influence the type of maintenance of chlorinated and the quality of the grout.

    If we have a chlorinated maintenance of chemical and common water "the whole of life, with chlorine". A more durable mortar than white and economic cement that may be advisable: 

«This grout mortar is the most basic and economical for grouting a pool but not the most durable as the following technical grout mortars for swimming pools «.

    A grout mortar for the most specific and recommended pool of chemical and common chlorination "lifelong, chlorine" is:

«Mortar recommended for grouting common chlorination Pools «with chlorine» Preventing the proliferation of microorganisms "algae and fungi".

    A large mortar much more technical and specific for cloraciones of salt pools, hot springs, etc...

This technical grout mortar provides pool joints with more stable and uniform colors, UV resistance, prevents the proliferation of microorganisms Pudiéndola use in any type of chlorination, chlorine and water pools. Thermals, etc...
"It has a rather higher cost but offers much more with its grout to the pool joints than the previous two."

Steps to follow in how to grout a pool.

1. Clean the pool joints and tile thoroughly using a kacher and rubbing with scouring pad if necessary using specific pool cleaners.

2. The weakened joints will have to be removed with suitable utensils until you provide a solid and sturdy base to apply a good grout to the pool.
 limpiar juntas de piscina con destornullador

4. Already sound and clean the dust pool and other components we proceed to the grout application in the pool.

«Depending on the way that we are elected we will use one or another form of application more appropriate».
Application of the borate for grouting a conventional chlorine pool.

The application of the pool grout is the most difficult and complex step for this we need a thorough cleaning of the parts and together getting a strong base for the application of grout. You need a climatic ideal conditions for a good start up of the grout respecting its setting times and cleaning all its faculties and resistance to time.

    Do not apply grout to the pool with adverse weather conditions such as below 5 degrees or above 30 degrees.

So I advise you in heat conditions start at about 5:00 am and leave when you see that the heat affects the application or afternoon at about 18:00 pm. Do not apply with risk of frost, rain, strong wind or direct sun. climatología para lechar una piscina

    A bucket or drawer will be used to produce the grout "I recommend using a blender for proper kneading of the product."
    A rubber trowel for your application.
    Another drawer or bucket to have clean water with a sponge for later cleaning.

5. Place the dough in the bucket or drawer and add water and mix with the mixer until you get a "non-LIQUID" consistent paste, allowing it to rest for about 5 min for re-kneading and use.

6. Already clean the gaskets proceed to fill the joints with rubber trowels diagonally to the joints by pressing and compacting the grout mass firmly by removing the excess material with the same trowel.

7. Allow the material to harden for approximately 20 to 30 minutes until the pasta becomes opaque.

"It will always depend on the direct sun and the temperatures, nothing better than your view based on this orientation."

8. After the curing time of the grout we proceed to clean the surface with a hard sponge.

    Clean the remaining grout with a semidry sponge making circles without rushing in the cleaning Aclarándola constantly. "This will kill the curing time of the excess grout so that it will not adiara with force to the tile and difficult its cleanliness.

9. Once the grout has been killed and opaque recently we will proceed to clean with sponge lightly moistened in the diagonal direction of the joints with frequent rinses per pass. «You will be able to use the different sides of the sponge so you won't have to make so many rinses.

And we have our pool and as new grout!

Epoxy Pool Grout Unlike the above comes with 2 components.

Now I will explain how to apply a grout to a pool chlorinated salt, thermal, common or if you want to give a better quality and have less maintenance over time. Eye!! I also recommend it for joints with a depth that does not exceed 2/3 of the thickness to the termination of the cleaning, with good base support.

We skipped points 1 and 2 above explained and started.

3. Pour the component into a "pasta" in a drawer and then cut the corner of the by pouring component B over the "pasta".

' Mixing ratio 100 parts of the weight in component A, for every 8 parts by weight of component B '.

Mix the 2 components by means of a mixer with a spiral stirrer to obtain a homogeneous mixture without lumps.

«Go scratching with spatula or paddle the walls and bottom of the container avoiding the remains of the product without reacting not making partial mixes».

The grout obtained always influenced by the ambient temperature can be worked approximately for one hour at temperatures of 23 degrees.

We will apply it as above, with rubber spatula and diagonally to the joints removing the excess material.
Now is when the application of cleaning this epoxy pool grout will be different from the above.

10. Cleaning and finishing will be done when the product is still fresh with care not to empty the joints and leave no veils in the tile.
· A first cleaning of the grout will be sprinkling clean water manually, using a wet white felt trowel by forcing circular movements clockwise and on the contrary for proper parts sealing and removing excess grout.

"Change the wash water frequently".

«When the felt of the trowel is very impregnated with resin and it is not possible to clean it substitute for another».
· A second cleaning will be with an abrasive sponge obtaining a smooth and closed gasket, drying the excess water.

"Change the wash water frequently".

' When the sponge is very impregnated with resin and it is not possible to clean it, replace it. '

At this point you will have the feeling that I have done well;)
I hope you serve these 10 tips to know how to grout a pool.

How to remove the cement from the tiles and achieve a finish

How to remove the cement from the tiles and achieve a finish

In most cases, to achieve a perfect finish, it is not enough to make a precise placement of the bricks, tiles or any other coating material. It is normal to produce cement stains as a result of the work itself, but this fouling or imperfection is now easy to fix. RUBI has launched a product to remove cement from the tiles: it is the RC-10 and here we present it to you.

Grout Cleaner Product

RC-10 Quitacementos

The RC-10 is not only a product designed to remove cement from the tiles, but also serves to remove stains from mortar, glue and any other calcareous-based substance. It is a strong acid and fast-acting descaling agent.

How to remove cement from tiles: Step by step

These are the steps to remove these embedded stains: Apply the product directly on the stain and let it act for no more than 4 minutes. After that time, you have to rub with a brush at the same time you have to clear the surface to check the results. Dry the area with a cotton cloth and repeat the process when the inlay requires it.

In addition to serving as cement removers, it can also be used to remove stains from saltpeter or efflorescence that are mainly given in brick walls. To carry out this function, it is necessary to dilute the product in water so that the density is lower but the yield per square metre is greater.

It should be noted that respecting the times indicated is very important, because over these periods may appear corrosive vapors. In addition, special attention must be paid to the non-contact of metals and it is recommended to test the effectiveness of the product on a small area of the wall.

How to clean the grout mold

How to clean the grout mold

Because Grout is porous it can absorb more moisture and thus helping mold formation. Cleaning grouting materials will prevent mold from spreading.

Grout Cleaner Product

Tools and Materials:

  •     Oxygen Whitener (liquid or powder)
  •     Measuring cup
  •     Gloves
  •     Two cubes 2
  •     Sponge
  •     Mop
  •     Hot water
  •     Agitator or a painter's stick
  •     Brush hard Bristles Scrub

Security measures

Although it is sung chlorine oxygen, which is not toxic, it is still indicated to wear a mask and gloves.
Also make sure that the area you are working on is good ventilation.

Preparing the area

Delete all objects in the area that need cleaning. You will have more space and also won these objects; Not be affected by chlorine.

Cleaning Solution Preparation

Mix 50 ml of oxygen bleach with a liter of water, or proportional quantities. Use hot water for greater efficiency.

The application of the mixture

Use a sponge or mop for work. Soak the grout and let the solution stand for about 15 minutes. Thus, chlorine will enter grout spores and kill any mold.

Scrubbing and rinsing

Use a brush or abrasive sponge. Rub the grout thoroughly and after you have finished rinsing the soil work with a little hot, clean water.

Repeat steps if mold has not been removed.


After grouting have dried, see if there is any more mold. Once the grout dries, it becomes brighter.

Reducing moisture levels can prevent you from having to deal with mold problems.

How to Clean Tiles with Steam Cleaners 【Guide and Tips】

How to Clean Tiles with Steam Cleaners 【Guide and Tips】

The most disturbing task is when you need to clean the bathroom and kitchen tiles and not say the patio tiles, not only for all the chemical and detergent materials that are needed to keep them clean but because of the physical effort Required for that work.

Grout Cleaner Product

The best way to clean both the lines of the tiles and the different types of tiles you have at home is with the power of steam, without the need to use detergents or chemicals in the process and the best thing is that you can leave hygienically Clean effortlessly.

To help you discover how to clean the tiles with steam then I will show you the steps you must make, depending on the type of tile you have at home.

How to clean grout lines from steamed tiles.

Limpiando las lineas lechadas de azulejosFill the boiler of your vaporeta and wait for the time set to reach the right temperature.

Verify that your vaporeta is ready to do the cleaning work with a good pressure of the steam.

The vaporetto usually have the accessory to focus the steam towards the most difficult places, it can be nylon or brass brushes, some have both brushes.

For cases that the grout lines have a lot of dirt, grease and mold, which are very difficult to remove, I recommend using the brass brush to clean the lines of steamed grout.

For cases where the grout lines are not so dirty and you feel it is easy to remove, you can use the nylon brush to clean the grout lines with steam.

After identifying the soil level and the correct attachment to vaporize the grout lines, apply the steam directly to the grout line by scrubbing the brush with a steady, paused motion ..

Although it is a difficult surface to clean the power of the vapor will penetrate into those small holes eliminating the dirt and fat, easily restoring the grout lines of the tiles, with very little effort.

Then you pass a microfiber cloth or the cover of the accessory for any excess of dirt that has remained in the vaporization of the grout lines.

How to clean smooth tiles with steam

Verify that your vaporeta is ready to vaporize and properly sanitize your smooth tiles.

In the majority of the vaporetto, the accessory to clean the smooth tiles with steam is rectangular and with a microfiber sheath.

When steam begins to come out at the right pressure, pass the brush with its microfiber sheath firmly and slowly on the surface of the smooth tiles ..

Be sure to cover the entire surface to be sanitized. The ideal use of steam is that it dries immediately. The steam will eliminate the dirt and grease on the surface and the cloth will help you to collect the dirt that goes off during the vaporization of the smooth tiles, leaving them shiny and hygienically clean.

The high steam temperature in addition to leaving the tiles deeply clean is dried timely, ensuring the reduction of germs and bacteria quickly.

How to clean porous or non-slip tiles with steam

Verify that your Vaporeta is ready to vaporize and thoroughly sanitize your porous tiles.
Use the nylon bristle brush for deep cleaning of porous tiles and a microfiber sheath.

When steam begins to come out at the right pressure, pass the brush firmly and slowly over the surface, letting the steam flow deep into the pores of the tiles and the brush bristles help you remove the Dirt.

The microfiber cloth cover will collect excess dirt that has become detached during vaporization.

Tips for cleaning steamed tiles.

Vaporeta polti vaporetto eco pro 30Always check that the internal pressure of your Vaporeta boiler is at the correct temperature before starting steam cleaning.

For cases where the dirt on the tiles is very extreme:

You must apply the steam previously throughout the surface, then perform the process of vaporization and cleaning of the tiles, as indicated above.

Use the appropriate and specialized accessory for the surface you want to clean with steam.

Always pass the microfiber cloth after cleaning the tiles with steam, to remove the residue of dirt that it leaves when vaporizing.

It is inevitable the emergence of mold in your bathrooms, even though you keep it clean daily, so do not let the dirt penetrate deeply vaporizing your tiles constantly.

For cases that suffer from back pain, neck, waist or others, use your vaporeta to clean your tiles effortlessly.

When cleaning the tiles with steam, remember that you should always dry them properly, because:

  •     There is a risk of accidents, being slippery.
  •     The existing moisture allows mold to appear more quickly.
  •     Possibility that dust or other element in the environment will stay in the tiles again

Remember, you can always find more information about cleaning your home with Vaporetto here, in addition to opinions and reviews of a wide variety of vaporetto and where to buy.
Then I leave a table of several vaporetto with which you can leave your tiles clean and shiny.

Easy and economical way to clean grout Helpful Tips

Easy and economical way to clean grout Helpful Tips

Save money Wiping yourself

Technique for cleaning the grout by itself, easy and economical.

The ceramics are so beautiful when installed for the first time, but over time the lines of the grout are visibly stained and darkened. Unfortunately, grout cleaning is a difficult task and most professional grout cleaning companies know it.

Grout Cleaner Product

Professional Grout Cleaning can easily cost hundreds of dollars if you have a large floor space. They finance (literally) the lack of knowledge and the frustrations of the people with the cleaning of the grout.

My friend Jamie has ceramic tiles all over her kitchen, dining area and two bathrooms. When his family bought his new house 7 years ago, the flats were impressive.

Over time, the grout began to get dark and stained, especially in the bathrooms and kitchen. He cleaned the floors regularly using only water with vinegar and a steam mop, which is the best way to keep the tiles clean without accumulation.

Despite their best efforts, the grout still became gloomy. She called and received a free quote from a local floor cleaning company and almost fainted when she was told it would be almost $500.

She took a floor with bleach and a toothbrush. It was exhausting, nauseating and made the whole area stink of bleach for days. It worked, but it certainly wasn't a viable solution for larger rooms.

Because she had professional experience, she asked me if I knew what would help. We decided to take an afternoon and try some experiments. After some tests and mistakes, we came up with something that was pretty impressive.

Keep in mind that it's all about keeping cleaning tasks as green and non-toxic as possible. I worked for many years as a professional housekeeper and I know very well that most commercial cleaning products pose many health risks. Our technique was not completely green, because sometimes it takes a little muscle for hard work, but it was much less toxic than a room full of bleach and other chemicals, yuck!

As we did not want to submit to the potent vapors of the migraine-inducing lye, we decided to create our own recipe that was effective, smoke-free and as toxic as possible.

The following is the recipe for our combination and tips to make the work more fluid, highlighting the mistakes we made and what we should have done differently.

Fortunately, your floor and/or shower cleaning experience will be much more fluid and won't take six hours with two people like ours. The following shows how we clean the grout and returned it to look new. The ingredients are cheap, simple, mostly non-toxic and very effective.

Our effective grout cleaner, mostly natural

    * Disclaimer *: Please note that you SHOULD always perform a spot test before testing any technique and that this method will lighten your grout, so it should only be used in white/light grey grouts in the first place. Do not try this in dark or colored grouts or it will alter the color!

In a bucket we combine a small box of baking soda, about 1 cup of Oxiclean, and enough peroxide and lemon juice (2 parts peroxide for a part of lemon juice) to make a thin paste. Stir well, mixing very well. Wear gloves to protect your hands, as this is very dry for the skin.

Use a grout cleaning brush (not a toothbrush that is not as effective) and apply the mixture to the grout only in a small section of 9 to 12 squares of tile, more or less. Scrub the mixture in the grout, being careful not to scrub all the tiles. It will not damage the chips if you have it there, but it is a great pain to scrub the tile.

Allow the mixture to rest for 15 to 20 minutes and then use a steam wand to clean. Keep your pasta fine, such as Elmer's aqueous glue consistency and do not apply too much for best results.

* Helpful Tip *

Go to the dollar store and invest in a garden platform. It is a square foam pad that you can throw on the floor/floor to kneel. It will save your knees while applying the pasta with your grout brush. You can also use a long-handled grout brush, but I think you get better control and more "muscle" behind applying it with a hand brush.

Cleaning and disposal

Try using a steam wand with a grout or jet attachment to propel the steam through the grout cleaner. The heat of the steam will re-moisten and dissolve The cleaner. Clean as much water as you can immediately. You will need to make a couple of passes with the steam in the areas near the walls to remove all the grout cleaner.

Regardless of the amount you clean, the mixture will LEAVE a calcareous residue behind the grout lines of the tiles when it dries completely. It took Me several tries with just a steam mop to accomplish this and it was a great pain.

Oxiclean and baking soda do wonders to clear and remove stains, unfortunately they do not like to rinse easily with water/steam alone. If you are doing this in a shower, you can simply use a sponge and rinse it off the walls with the showerhead. On the floors, however, it may be a little more complicated.

The best steam cleaner for grout

    For this job I used my Oreck Steam-it Wand which I love. It runs around $140 a brand new retail. It has multiple accessories and can be used as a wand or mop that can clean in green any area of your home, from tiles to sealed hardwood floors, grout, glass and more. The filters are durable and the water tank will be cleaned for 35 minutes in a row. It is a valuable investment for its ease of use and ultimately will be amortized alone.

Oreck Steam-It Steam Mop, Steam100LRH Oreck Steam-It Steam Mop, Steam100LRH buy Now

Get rid of the waste-lessons learned!

What I finally finished doing was taking Windex, spraying the tiles with the dry residue, and then drying it with a lint-free cloth. The little ammonia in the window cleaner cut off the residue and removed it immediately. This only took once and the floors were beautifully dried and without residue. I wish we had done this long before the 4-story rinses we made with steam and a wet mop.

This is why I recommend making the floors a small area at a time and not a whole room at a time as we did. It took us hours to figure out how to get it all off the floor. Ultimately, the window cleaner and wiping it with a dry rag instantly eliminated all traces of the tile residue.

If you move across the floor, making small sections at a time, you can make the grout clean completely and not trace the dry residue around the rest of the floor you just mopped. Ahem. -I said "lessons learned" at the top of this section.

Made in small sections at a time, this is an incredibly easy, effective and economical way to clean your grout and save hundreds of dollars without many headaches. You'll be surprised how fast you can do this with steam. The cleaning solution does all the work for you, without the need for thorough washing.

You should use a steam wand to get the grout completely clean and restored as new (borrow one if you want, but I recommend investing in one as they are excellent cleaning tools for many purposes).

The next day, once the grout has dried completely, if the stains still look dark or residues of white powder remain, moisten only with peroxide and allow to settle for a few minutes. Review Grout with a magic eraser. This cleans any points you have lost with scrubbing and steaming.

Of all the areas of the floor we made, only a small spot in front of the fridge looked still dirty when it dried up completely. The next day we put the peroxide and used the Magic Eraser and it worked beautifully. The steam of the day before had almost done its job and had loosened the dirt, this high-traffic place just needed a little extra help.

Yes, our method is still a process, but it works very well.

I recommend applying a grout sealant after cleaning the grout to help seal dirt and lengthen the time between grout cleanings. Check the manufacturers ' website on your floor or consult someone at a home improvement store for sealing recommendations.

What do you think about Grout cleaning?

Have you ever cleaned the grout?

  •     Yes and it was horrible never try again
  •     Yes, it was horrible and I'll have to do it again anyway because it's too expensive to do it for me.
  •     No, no, but I'll definitely consider trying this technique
  •     No I didn't but I'll call a professional anyway because it seems too hard work
  •     Other-Share your thoughts in the comments below!

How to clean tile and tile joints

How to clean tile and tile joints

The passage of time appears ungodly with the tiled joints of the houses. They lose their original target, due to the accumulation of dirt, dust, moisture, lime and all kinds of particles. The kitchen and the bathroom are the rooms of the home most affected by this progressive blackening, for which there are some effective and revolutionary solutions.

Grout Cleaner Product

Strong water

The strong water, hydrochloric acid or hydrochloric acid is an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride, extremely corrosive and acidic. Apart from being used for cleaning, it is also used to galvanize metals or tanning leather.

With a simple toothbrush and hydrochloric acid, extraordinary results can be achieved when scrubbing tile joints. First of all, they should be wet with abundant water. Afterwards, it is necessary to apply the strong water to each and every one of the slits. We let the product do its work for approximately five minutes. Afterwards, the toothbrushcomes into play, to rub vigorously together. Finally, we rinsed and ready!.

To handle strong water, gloves, masks and goggles must be used.


Sodium bicarbonate is a crystalline compound white and soluble in water, which can be found as mineral in nature or artificially created. Their properties are known in the food, but also tends to be the same as bleach and homemade cleaner.

After heating water in a container, add the bicarbonate and then proceed to rub, aided by a scouring pad, the joints with the resulting mixture. This remedy can be supplemented with vinegar, for non-whitening joints.

Clean joints

In the market there are countless solutions to clean the tiles and tile joints. The effectiveness of the same varies depending on the product they use and the functions they develop. These are descaling the accumulated dirt and others, on the other hand, are limited to whitening the joints. The latter seek very esthetic results, although within a few months the operation must be performed again, because the dye deteriorates and disappears with sweeps and scrubbing.

It is necessary to clean the surface to be whitened beforehand and thoroughly. After applying the liquid, let stand for a few minutes. To finish and once dry, remove the surplus of cleaner with a scouring pad or mop.


The most complex, but most effective and best-results alternative is to re-grout the joints. The following steps must be followed to carry out this operation:

  •     With an awl we scratch the original grout to remove it and make room.
  •     We clean and remove the traces of dirt and dust.
  •     We apply the product by the joints, aided by a trowel or spatula. We must press hard, not to leave empty spaces. (We must read the manufacturer's instructions in order to obtain an optimum mix).
  •     After a few minutes, remove the excess grout and clean with a sponge or scouring pad.

If we consider it timely, we can use a sealant, which will protect against moisture and help fix the grout.

Having blackened kitchen or bathroom joints is unsightly and says a lot about the hygiene of homeowners or tenants in a house. Whitening is a very simple job and, more or less durable, depending on the technique to be used. In any case, only a few minutes and some patience are needed to enjoy shiny and new tiles and tiles.

We all feel like going for a shower and that the bathroom is in excellent condition. However, tile joints are likely to be found with mold and dirt due to soap, vapors, and other debris. If you want to know how to clean the tiles ' joints, you are in the right place, in this article we explain how to do it.

Steps to clean tile joints

  •     Prepare a mixture with a bath and water grease remover (for each remover measure, use three of water). Apply the preparation on the joints and the tile with the help of a cloth.
  •     Then clean with a damp cloth and if you need a final touch, use a homemade cleaner made with ½ spoonful of vinegar, ¼ of tablespoon of baking soda and ½ of ammonia or bleach. Place these ingredients in a trigger bottle and spread the liquid over the tiles. Leave to act for a few minutes and rinse thoroughly.
  •     Keep in mind that you should always wear gloves to protect your hands and chinstrap if possible to not breathe on the product, since the ammonia is very strong.

Tips for keeping tile clean

  •     For your tiles and joints to stay clean, you need to clean them at least once a week, along with the cleaning of the bathroom, since the more you have to clean them, the more dirt they accumulate and the more work you will have to clean them.
  •     The steam in the bath is ideal for dust and mildew from the tiles ' joints to soften and can be cleaned afterwards. If you think it's accurate, use an old toothbrush to clean the edges of the tile or some soft sponge (never rough because it could scratch them).
  •     When you buy a product to clean the joints and tiles, you will need to read the specifications well so as to avoid applying a product that stains or damages them instead of leaving them shiny. In case of doubt, consult the manufacturers by calling the numbers indicated on the packaging.
  •     Avoid having the bathroom closed completely when you clean it, open it and let the sunlight enter it so that the humidity leaves, do not create fungi and to keep it always ventilated.

We hope that our tips for cleaning joints and tiles have been helpful and that you can apply them as soon as possible to have a cleaner bath. Stay in Total home and learn how to clean the kitchen tiles.

Tricks to Clean the Tile and Tile Joints

Tricks to Clean the Tile and Tile Joints

The tiles and tile joints are of those details that we usually overlook when we clean. Normally we consider that they are clean when we pass a mop or a cloth by the surface of the tile; But being made of porous material, grout tends to accumulate moisture and dirt.

Grout Cleaner Product

Surely you've ever appreciated that the tile joints in your bathroom start to turn black; This is because mold grows easily. Mold can be dangerous to your health if we expose you to your spores for prolonged periods of time; It is also unsightly and gives an image of carelessness and lack of hygiene.

How to clean tile joints in the bathroom?

To keep your color white and our bathroom always look like a clean and hygienic space you can follow the following tips. Keep in mind that in the bathroom tiles normally the problem will be moisture, so the appearance of mold is normal; Here are some methods to remove the mold from your bathroom tiles.

Sodium bicarbonate

Making a paste with bicarbonate and water is a very effective way to clean and whiten the tiles ' joints. You just have to make a thick paste with the bicarbonate and hot water and rub it through the joints with a brush. Let the mixture act for a few minutes before removing it with a cloth and hot water. The best of bicarbonate is its whitening effect, leaving the joints perfectly white and mildew-free. You can also mix it with a little white vinegar to get a foam that cleans in depth both the joints and the tiles themselves.

Oxygenated Water

Thanks to its great disinfectant power; Oxygenated water is ideal for removing mold from bath gaskets. You just have to rub oxygenated water insistently with a brush and go eliminating stains and mildew.

Commercial Products

Special products exist in the market to clean the joints of the tiles; They are usually made of lye and give very good results. They come in pencil-shaped containers and are very easy to use. Even if your tile joints are worn or cracked you can find grout to easily fill the joints and make them look new.

How to clean the tile joints in the kitchen?

Since in the kitchen the biggest problem with the joints of the tiles and tiles is that it accumulates fat in them; It is best to treat them with special products to remove this fat and the dirt that remains attached to it. To remove grease and dirt from the kitchen tile joints You can use the following products:


Ammonia is a strong degreaser; It is advisable to dilute it in hot water and apply it with a spray by all the joints. After this we can rub the joints with a brush to remove the traces of grease and dirt. It is also a good time to apply the product throughout the tiled surface and the floor to leave the tiles perfectly clean and shiny. Do not forget to wear a mask when using this chemical.

Lemon juice

The lemon juice diluted in a little water is also an ideal solution to remove the fat from the joints of the kitchen tiles. We will apply it in the same way as the ammonia and rub until we appreciate the clean joints. The best thing about this natural method to clean the joints is that it will leave a pleasant aroma in our kitchen.

Dishwasher Soap

The dishwasher soap acts as a degreaser and makes a foam that causes the grease to peel off the surfaces. A good pass to the joints with a scouring pad and soap dish will leave the joints and tiles well clean.

By following these tips you will always be perfectly clean the joints of the bathrooms and kitchen tiles. It is true that it is meticulous work that takes time; But you won't have to do it more than once a year normally. To prevent the appearance of mold on the joints of the bath we recommend that you clean with bleach or products that prevent this fungus from reproducing easily. For your part in a kitchen you can clean with a commercial fat-removing or lemon juice; So you prevent the accumulation of fat in the joints and minimize having to clean them more often.

Tips for Cleaning Tile Floors

Tips for Cleaning Tile Floors

The floors are available in a myriad of options, but the tile remains an attractive option among the owners. Unlike hardwood floors, tile floors are durable, waterproof, easy to install and available in a variety of styles. Most importantly, they don't require as much maintenance as the carpets. However, if you want your floor to look like new for years, you must learn to clean it properly. Here are the best options when it comes to cleaning your tile floors, whether it's ceramic, vinyl or stone.

Grout Cleaner Product

Clean your floors regularly

Do not wait until your floors become dirty, as you may want to avoid the use of strong chemicals that will degrade your tiles in the long term. Besides, who wants to spend hours kneeling on the floor just to clean up the tough spots? To avoid these problems, you should give your floors some maintenance on a regular basis. Cleaning floors routinely or even everyday may seem tiring but, it's not as hard as you think. Just follow these simple steps.

1. Bar your tile floors every day with a soft broom or vacuum cleaner to remove loose dust and dirt. Remember, you should never use a straw broom because it scratches the tile.

2. Believe it or not, clean the floor with warm water once a week will keep your tiles clean and shiny.

3. Dry the floor immediately when cleaning with a wet mop to prevent new dirt from being small in humid areas and becoming hard to remove fats.

4. Clean up spills, including water, immediately using absorbent cloths. However, for dirtier spills such as pet accidents or raw meat, you have to clean with a cleaner or disinfectant. Since strong chemicals can ruin your tiles, try spraying only the area where you have spills.

5. Place a doormat on both the outside and inside of your home to remove the tracking mud or water on your tile floors. This step is especially important during the rainy and snowy seasons.

Apply deep cleaning solutions from time to time

Do you see your dirty tile floors no matter how often you clean it? Try a stronger cleaning solution. These deep cleaning solutions will eliminate greasy residues and stains without damaging your tiles.

1. Clean the floor with a mixture of ½ cup white vinegar and a gallon of warm water. The acidity in vinegar can function as a natural degreaser, especially useful for the kitchens. You can also use ½ cup of alcohol as a substitute for vinegar.

2. Clean stains with a mixture of equal parts of scorching powder and warm water. Spread the mixture on a stain with a clean cloth and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Then rub the area with a soft brush and rinse thoroughly with warm water and a cloth. Repeat the process until the stain is removed.

3. Mix fresh water with dish detergent to remove stubborn grease stains. Make sure you get all the soap out as you can create a layer on the floor that makes the situation worse.

Be aware that acids such as vinegar and other cleaning products erode natural stone tiles. Therefore, only use special neutral pH cleaners to safely clean stone tile floors. Mild dishwashing detergent, oxygenated water, cornstarch and baking soda are good natural cleaning options.

Do not forget to clean the grout

Never overlook the importance of grout, as shiny grout (e) will make your tile floors look bigger and newer. Before using commercial cleaners, try cleaning your grout with a simple mixture of baking soda and water:

1. Saturate the grout with the pasta.

2. Let the dough stand for a while or even at night, depending on how dirty it is.

3. Rub the grout with an old toothbrush.

4. Rinse pasta with warm water.

If your grout does not look as bright as you would like, you may use a non-toxic cleanser such as oxygenated bleach. Add water to the bleach powder based on the product instructions and rub the solution over the grout with the edge of a sponge. Repeat if necessary. Finally, rinse the floor with lukewarm water to remove the residue.

Whether you choose to use baking soda or oxygenated bleach, you must apply a grout protector after you finish cleaning, avoiding dirt in the future.

Like other areas of the house, the best maintenance is always the precaution. If you follow these steps and clean your tile floors regularly, you will look the same again in the coming years.

How to clean the joints and tiles to make them impeccable

How to clean the joints and tiles to make them impeccable

There are all kinds of natural products and professional systems thanks to which you can easily get the tiles always clean and easily whiten the joints.

Grout Cleaner Product

The bathroom is one of the rooms where the tiles should always be kept clean for reasons of hygiene. Photo by Serveis I products Catalunya.
Always maintain impeccable bathrooms and kitchen tiles require some effort, especially when not being cleaned frequently. However, the most headaches of the head causes is to prevent the joints blackened and, above all, to get whitening when the dirt has been installed in them. Fortunately, you can always go to simple homemade tricks that facilitate this task:

  •     To effectively clean All types of tiles and prevent them from deteriorating over time or using abrasive products, the best system is to degrease them with a soft cloth soaked in white vinegar. If you want to get more disinfection you can mix it with liquid soap and a few drops of lemon.
  •     If the gaskets are blackened but have not lost the grout, it will suffice to pass a cloth with water and bleach, ammonia or hydrochloric acid – strong water-slightly diluted.
  •     You can also use detergents specially designed for the toughest dirt they sell in specialty stores and department stores. In this case, the best way to apply it is to use gloves – they are usually somewhat aggressive soaps-and a thin brush of hard bristles. Once it is clean, it must be rinsed with abundant water so that there are no remains.
  •     After removing dirt, you can also apply some commercial product that is recommended to whiten the gasket – they function as a kind of paint that even, in some cases, protects them and keeps them clean for longer.
  •     Water vapour Cleaning is another system that can be used for both tiles and gaskets. Special machines are usually used – generally managed by cleaning professionals-with direct applicators.
  •     If the seal gap is noticed because the grout has been lost there are two options: use a gasket repair OR, directly perform the procedure followed to prime the gaskets.
  •     This consists in acquiring white cement in a specialized store or large surface, dissolving it in water following the instructions of the package – must be a semi-liquid texture solution-and spread it through all the joints with the help of a brush. After approximately 15 to 20 minutes after the solution has dried, residues of excess cement may be cleaned with a spatula or a soft-fiber scouring pad that does not scratch the tiles.

4 ways to clean tile joints 100% effectively tested

4 ways to clean tile joints 100% effectively tested.

Today we bring some helpful home cleaning tips . Well, it's actually four ways or ways to clean tile jointson the floor. Each form is checked and works effectively. So no more, let's go see them. But first, we would like to explain why the tile joints on the floor are stained.

Grout Cleaner Product

Why and what are tile joints stained?

The tile joints are filled with a paste (usually glued together). This, being a kind of mortar, has pores, and over time and with the wear and tear of the floor and walls, each time it is having more pores. When the joints get black, great guilt have fungi and bacteria that grow in these pores, plus you have to add the obvious wear of the passage of time, wear by cleaning (when we pass the mop, etc.), dust and other substances that make Gaskets get dirty. But for the most part, all the dirt we see, are fungi and bacteria that grow in the pores of the mortar that fills the joints. That said, let's see how to clean the tile joints effectively.

Clean tile joints with etching and a toothbrush.

First we wet well with abundant water all the tile. Then we pour etching on the joints and see how it makes a kind of foam, that's because it's acting. We let it act for 5 minutes and then with a toothbrush we rub vigorously together. Once clean, rinse with abundant water several times to completely remove etching.

To clean the joints of the tiles in this way, it is necessary to protect with gloves, mask and eye glasses, since the most recommended etching Is the hydrochloric acid and it is a very strong acid that can cause us damage if we do not We protect well.

Important Note: Over time, the hydrochloric acid will eat the mortar, leaving the tile joints without pasta. It is an effective remedy but for occasional use.

Clean tile joints with a sponge and bicarbonate.

We wet the surface to clean with abundant water. In a basin with hot water we add bicarbonate and with a flower-shaped sponge we clean the joints of the tiles. We will immediately see how white is going. If there is any area that is not left white enough we can use a toothbrush and vinegar and rub vigorously. Once clean, all the joints rinse with plenty of water and ready, we will have the tile joints completely clean and white.

Clean tile joints with a specific cleaner.

The previous tips were based on using homemade products, but if you trust them or want to go straight to the point, there is a cleaner quite effective in the market. It is of the green Forest brand, they sell it in Mercadona and its price is around €2. Or also any of these that we can buy at Amazon.

To apply this product, first clean the tile or floor thoroughly. Once the tiling is clean and dry, we can apply the product.

This gasket cleaner comes with a sponge on top, from that sponge comes out the bleach. To use it, we pass the sponge through the joints by gently squeezing the pot to leave the bleach.

We pass the cleaner through all the joints, let dry and then, with a clean cloth and water, remove the bleach that has been left on the edges of tiles. If we have applied the cleaner to the floor, we'll clean it later with a mop.

It doesn't really clean the joints, let's say it bleaches them, like it's some kind of paint. But it leaves them very white.

Clean tile joints with grout.

This option is certainly the most effective, but also the most drastic. It's about giving them a coat of mortar together for all the joints. This will re-whiten or re-acquire its original color and renew completely. To know how to apply this form of cleaning click here .

What do you think of these ways of cleaning the black joints? How do you clean them? I read you in the comments.
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