Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How to clean tile and tile joints

How to clean tile and tile joints

The passage of time appears ungodly with the tiled joints of the houses. They lose their original target, due to the accumulation of dirt, dust, moisture, lime and all kinds of particles. The kitchen and the bathroom are the rooms of the home most affected by this progressive blackening, for which there are some effective and revolutionary solutions.

Grout Cleaner Product

Strong water

The strong water, hydrochloric acid or hydrochloric acid is an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride, extremely corrosive and acidic. Apart from being used for cleaning, it is also used to galvanize metals or tanning leather.

With a simple toothbrush and hydrochloric acid, extraordinary results can be achieved when scrubbing tile joints. First of all, they should be wet with abundant water. Afterwards, it is necessary to apply the strong water to each and every one of the slits. We let the product do its work for approximately five minutes. Afterwards, the toothbrushcomes into play, to rub vigorously together. Finally, we rinsed and ready!.

To handle strong water, gloves, masks and goggles must be used.


Sodium bicarbonate is a crystalline compound white and soluble in water, which can be found as mineral in nature or artificially created. Their properties are known in the food, but also tends to be the same as bleach and homemade cleaner.

After heating water in a container, add the bicarbonate and then proceed to rub, aided by a scouring pad, the joints with the resulting mixture. This remedy can be supplemented with vinegar, for non-whitening joints.

Clean joints

In the market there are countless solutions to clean the tiles and tile joints. The effectiveness of the same varies depending on the product they use and the functions they develop. These are descaling the accumulated dirt and others, on the other hand, are limited to whitening the joints. The latter seek very esthetic results, although within a few months the operation must be performed again, because the dye deteriorates and disappears with sweeps and scrubbing.

It is necessary to clean the surface to be whitened beforehand and thoroughly. After applying the liquid, let stand for a few minutes. To finish and once dry, remove the surplus of cleaner with a scouring pad or mop.


The most complex, but most effective and best-results alternative is to re-grout the joints. The following steps must be followed to carry out this operation:

  •     With an awl we scratch the original grout to remove it and make room.
  •     We clean and remove the traces of dirt and dust.
  •     We apply the product by the joints, aided by a trowel or spatula. We must press hard, not to leave empty spaces. (We must read the manufacturer's instructions in order to obtain an optimum mix).
  •     After a few minutes, remove the excess grout and clean with a sponge or scouring pad.

If we consider it timely, we can use a sealant, which will protect against moisture and help fix the grout.

Having blackened kitchen or bathroom joints is unsightly and says a lot about the hygiene of homeowners or tenants in a house. Whitening is a very simple job and, more or less durable, depending on the technique to be used. In any case, only a few minutes and some patience are needed to enjoy shiny and new tiles and tiles.

We all feel like going for a shower and that the bathroom is in excellent condition. However, tile joints are likely to be found with mold and dirt due to soap, vapors, and other debris. If you want to know how to clean the tiles ' joints, you are in the right place, in this article we explain how to do it.

Steps to clean tile joints

  •     Prepare a mixture with a bath and water grease remover (for each remover measure, use three of water). Apply the preparation on the joints and the tile with the help of a cloth.
  •     Then clean with a damp cloth and if you need a final touch, use a homemade cleaner made with ½ spoonful of vinegar, ¼ of tablespoon of baking soda and ½ of ammonia or bleach. Place these ingredients in a trigger bottle and spread the liquid over the tiles. Leave to act for a few minutes and rinse thoroughly.
  •     Keep in mind that you should always wear gloves to protect your hands and chinstrap if possible to not breathe on the product, since the ammonia is very strong.

Tips for keeping tile clean

  •     For your tiles and joints to stay clean, you need to clean them at least once a week, along with the cleaning of the bathroom, since the more you have to clean them, the more dirt they accumulate and the more work you will have to clean them.
  •     The steam in the bath is ideal for dust and mildew from the tiles ' joints to soften and can be cleaned afterwards. If you think it's accurate, use an old toothbrush to clean the edges of the tile or some soft sponge (never rough because it could scratch them).
  •     When you buy a product to clean the joints and tiles, you will need to read the specifications well so as to avoid applying a product that stains or damages them instead of leaving them shiny. In case of doubt, consult the manufacturers by calling the numbers indicated on the packaging.
  •     Avoid having the bathroom closed completely when you clean it, open it and let the sunlight enter it so that the humidity leaves, do not create fungi and to keep it always ventilated.

We hope that our tips for cleaning joints and tiles have been helpful and that you can apply them as soon as possible to have a cleaner bath. Stay in Total home and learn how to clean the kitchen tiles.