Tuesday, May 7, 2019

10 tips on how to grout a pool

10 tips on how to grout a pool

Like grouting a pool of tile, tile, etc...

Summer is coming, we walk around the pool and see the deterioration of the pool joints.

Shall we call someone to apply the grout? Or we do it ourselves.

Grout Cleaner Product

At this point, you decide.

If you have chosen to do it yourself, here I answer some questions that you can ask yourself and I suggest some advice.

Is it an easy task to grout a pool?

No, as in principle you think. It requires first to want to do it, some time and effort "the usual".

The Good thing is that now I'll show you how to grout the pool by applying some tricks. You will be perfect with less effort!! That's cool. :) p

The first thing we have to think about is....

What pool grout will we use?

We always talk about grouting the joints of the pool tile with white cement. Many professionals and non-professionals still use it for their ease in the application "cutting labor time" and low cost of this material, but:
Using white cement in the grout of your pool will not be very resistant to the passage of time and damage the support of the tile or platelet having to repair also the time.

So we're going to use technical mortars; as a grout for the pool.
The first thing we have to keep in mind is that type of borad we will use for the grout of the pool and the choice would influence the type of maintenance of chlorinated and the quality of the grout.

    If we have a chlorinated maintenance of chemical and common water "the whole of life, with chlorine". A more durable mortar than white and economic cement that may be advisable: 

«This grout mortar is the most basic and economical for grouting a pool but not the most durable as the following technical grout mortars for swimming pools «.

    A grout mortar for the most specific and recommended pool of chemical and common chlorination "lifelong, chlorine" is:

«Mortar recommended for grouting common chlorination Pools «with chlorine» Preventing the proliferation of microorganisms "algae and fungi".

    A large mortar much more technical and specific for cloraciones of salt pools, hot springs, etc...

This technical grout mortar provides pool joints with more stable and uniform colors, UV resistance, prevents the proliferation of microorganisms Pudiéndola use in any type of chlorination, chlorine and water pools. Thermals, etc...
"It has a rather higher cost but offers much more with its grout to the pool joints than the previous two."

Steps to follow in how to grout a pool.

1. Clean the pool joints and tile thoroughly using a kacher and rubbing with scouring pad if necessary using specific pool cleaners.

2. The weakened joints will have to be removed with suitable utensils until you provide a solid and sturdy base to apply a good grout to the pool.
 limpiar juntas de piscina con destornullador

4. Already sound and clean the dust pool and other components we proceed to the grout application in the pool.

«Depending on the way that we are elected we will use one or another form of application more appropriate».
Application of the borate for grouting a conventional chlorine pool.

The application of the pool grout is the most difficult and complex step for this we need a thorough cleaning of the parts and together getting a strong base for the application of grout. You need a climatic ideal conditions for a good start up of the grout respecting its setting times and cleaning all its faculties and resistance to time.

    Do not apply grout to the pool with adverse weather conditions such as below 5 degrees or above 30 degrees.

So I advise you in heat conditions start at about 5:00 am and leave when you see that the heat affects the application or afternoon at about 18:00 pm. Do not apply with risk of frost, rain, strong wind or direct sun. climatología para lechar una piscina

    A bucket or drawer will be used to produce the grout "I recommend using a blender for proper kneading of the product."
    A rubber trowel for your application.
    Another drawer or bucket to have clean water with a sponge for later cleaning.

5. Place the dough in the bucket or drawer and add water and mix with the mixer until you get a "non-LIQUID" consistent paste, allowing it to rest for about 5 min for re-kneading and use.

6. Already clean the gaskets proceed to fill the joints with rubber trowels diagonally to the joints by pressing and compacting the grout mass firmly by removing the excess material with the same trowel.

7. Allow the material to harden for approximately 20 to 30 minutes until the pasta becomes opaque.

"It will always depend on the direct sun and the temperatures, nothing better than your view based on this orientation."

8. After the curing time of the grout we proceed to clean the surface with a hard sponge.

    Clean the remaining grout with a semidry sponge making circles without rushing in the cleaning Aclarándola constantly. "This will kill the curing time of the excess grout so that it will not adiara with force to the tile and difficult its cleanliness.

9. Once the grout has been killed and opaque recently we will proceed to clean with sponge lightly moistened in the diagonal direction of the joints with frequent rinses per pass. «You will be able to use the different sides of the sponge so you won't have to make so many rinses.

And we have our pool and as new grout!

Epoxy Pool Grout Unlike the above comes with 2 components.

Now I will explain how to apply a grout to a pool chlorinated salt, thermal, common or if you want to give a better quality and have less maintenance over time. Eye!! I also recommend it for joints with a depth that does not exceed 2/3 of the thickness to the termination of the cleaning, with good base support.

We skipped points 1 and 2 above explained and started.

3. Pour the component into a "pasta" in a drawer and then cut the corner of the by pouring component B over the "pasta".

' Mixing ratio 100 parts of the weight in component A, for every 8 parts by weight of component B '.

Mix the 2 components by means of a mixer with a spiral stirrer to obtain a homogeneous mixture without lumps.

«Go scratching with spatula or paddle the walls and bottom of the container avoiding the remains of the product without reacting not making partial mixes».

The grout obtained always influenced by the ambient temperature can be worked approximately for one hour at temperatures of 23 degrees.

We will apply it as above, with rubber spatula and diagonally to the joints removing the excess material.
Now is when the application of cleaning this epoxy pool grout will be different from the above.

10. Cleaning and finishing will be done when the product is still fresh with care not to empty the joints and leave no veils in the tile.
· A first cleaning of the grout will be sprinkling clean water manually, using a wet white felt trowel by forcing circular movements clockwise and on the contrary for proper parts sealing and removing excess grout.

"Change the wash water frequently".

«When the felt of the trowel is very impregnated with resin and it is not possible to clean it substitute for another».
· A second cleaning will be with an abrasive sponge obtaining a smooth and closed gasket, drying the excess water.

"Change the wash water frequently".

' When the sponge is very impregnated with resin and it is not possible to clean it, replace it. '

At this point you will have the feeling that I have done well;)
I hope you serve these 10 tips to know how to grout a pool.