Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Bona Multi-Surface Floor Premium Microfiber Mop

Bona Multi-Surface Floor Premium Microfiber Mop

Bona Multi-Surface Floor Premium Microfiber Mop

How to properly and geometrically clean the floor in the apartment? Mop Artists

Men rarely wash the floor. Unless, if absolutely "grow mud". In the prisons and barracks uncle, too, famously wielding a mop and a rag. In the morgues, most often the cleaners are men. But in such a way as to drive the father of the family off the couch and throw him on the wet cleaning of the corridor or the living room, let's say it is - sorry ... In vain! Even the gods actively maintain the hygiene of homes and public buildings. Olaf Speier In a simple but rather philosophical film "Bruce Almighty" with Jim Carrey, there is an episode where God, taking on the appearance of a person (character actor Morgan Freeman), mops off the endless white floors of an office room. God with a mop and a bucket is very conceptual, he does not deal with global problems of the universe, but simply washes the floor. But even the gods can sometimes make a remark. Freeman's hero washes the floor is not quite right! Proper movement of the mop involves drawing on the surface of the so-called "eights". Not twos, not units, not nines. Eights (more on that later). We will now look intently at how to clean the floor competently from a medical, geometric, tantric, scientific and technological point of view. Preparation In each case, preliminary preparation is important. It is necessary to draw up a further plan of hostilities, figuratively speaking. There is a beachhead - living room, for example. It is necessary to make a march with a rag and a bucket on the bridgehead, and for this, according to all the rules of military affairs, it should be “cleaned”. “Stripping” means eliminating an adversary — dust and dirt — through destruction or deportation. In our case, you first need all the stools, hangers, chairs and other items that you can lift up, remove from the floor. At home, removing all unnecessary, take a broom and dunk it in a bucket of water.

Just the tip. Do not shove it all the way into the bucket and arrange the Gulf Stream there. Wet broom. To drive away excess water, it is enough for them to knock something. By the mother-in-law is prohibited! But on the edge of the bucket - please.

Next, we pass a wet broom the whole front of work, removing large dirt and dust. This is done with a wet broom so that the dust does not circle the room, does not settle in the airways.

"Eight" As I mentioned earlier, competent floor cleaning implies drawing "eights". The secret lies in the fact that the mop collects small debris in circles, and does not smear it on the floor in all directions. Then the mop is dipped into a bucket of water and after rinsing all the fine dirt settles to the bottom. To draw "eights" on the floor it is not necessary to have a higher artistic education, be Nikas Safronov or a draftsman of the Sukhoi battery. Although I read that in some very pretentious firms, even for the post of cleaners and cleaners they are now looking for people with higher education. Capitalism implies the opportunity to unlearn at an institute or university for many years, to master the skills of space technology, for example, but in the conditions of unemployment one cannot find a job in the diploma. And then the doors to the low work niches open. Room cleaning is one of them. So, regardless of your education and IQ level, it is better to wash the floor with a “figure of eight”. Wash Geometry When bombarding the territory occupied by the enemy, the artillery uses a terrain designation system in squares. Example: “A squad of saboteurs is in the square 36−80.

To level everything there with the ground! ”When we wet the room, we also divide it into squares (four) and wash them one by one. It should start from the farthest. From the walls we move to the center, all the byaku, garbage, cat or dog hair are driven to the center. Back to our ancestors! Nature rewarded man with erect walking, and for this he paid for diseases of the spine. When washing floors, people even die. I note, with illiterate, unscientific washing. The fact is that when a man washes the floor, standing with a mop in his hands, he bends at the waist. And for a better overview of the work done, he also throws his head back. It turns out that the arteries of the spine, through which the blood runs to our brain, are pinched by this droppings. There is no normal blood flow and nutrition of the brain due to pressure on the arteries - a stroke is possible, which in extreme cases leads to death. The proverb “Cleanliness is a guarantee of health” does not work in this case. The desire for purity can be the last desire in life. Look at your dog or cat if you have them when they stomp.

So you need to competently mop the floor! We get on all fours. Under the knees you can and should put knee pads and, as people say, “on the crap” my floor. The natural “suspension” of the spine (in science it is called lordosis) is thus preserved, and there is no back pain or excessive drooping of the head. A cleaner or cleaning woman crawls across the floor, like an ant across the bottom of a can, without harming herself or the floor or the neighbors.

In tsarist times, so huge floors were rubbed for grand balls. Immerse yourself in the layers of history, cleaning the floor on all fours with a rag. Nobody forbids crawling and humming something funny. Any light aria. And you can just turn on the music and work "with a twinkle." For example, under the “Flight of the Bumblebee” by Rimsky-Korsakov. Twirling on all fours - it's fun! As in childhood, remember, many of us played cavalry: someone portrays a horse, and someone a rider. The enthusiasm and excitement are provided. But still not every hostess or landlord wants to create clean floors on all fours, but prefers a mop. Well, then you need to follow the following rules. Moping floors should be done with a straight back, only slight bending is permissible. For a competent fight with dirt in this case, you need to pick up and competent weapons. Like any gun waiting for its owner, so every mop is not averse to knowing exactly its owner (master). How correctly “to carve out our weapon of cleanliness?” It is necessary to select a mop on growth.

When a person comes to a sports shop for skis, he buys ski poles, as a rule. There is a special table that helps to choose the necessary ski equipment, depending on the size of the athlete. No similar standards have been developed for mops yet. I went shopping in Moscow, in Los Angeles, in Sochi, in Dubai, in Berlin, in Yelets ... and nowhere is there anything like that. It's a pity. But the mop should be as high as the armpit! This is the main criterion. Then there will be no excessive bending of the spine, it will become easier to reach the hidden corners of the room. So, choose a mop depending on height, as well as ski poles. Remember! Indoor floor is the most polluted place. Even for a day or two, dust, animal hair, sand, and other things accumulate in the corners. The more often the floors are cleaned by washing, the more environmentally friendly the housing. Wash the floor with passion! A playful bucket and well-chosen mop will become your loyal assistants.


Rejuvenate All Floors Restorer Fills in Scratches Protects & Restores Shine No Sanding Required

Rejuvenate All Floors Restorer Fills in Scratches Protects & Restores Shine No Sanding Required

Rejuvenate All Floors Restorer Fills in Scratches Protects & Restores Shine No Sanding Required

How to clean the floor

A clean house is beautiful, cozy, and most importantly, good for the health of its inhabitants. How much time and effort a good housewife spends cleaning! Vacuum cleaner, washes, wipes, cleans. But this is worth it, if the result is really good, and all the effort is not wasted. How nice to live in such a house! In fact, the issue of cleanliness is central to the overall ecology, since human health directly depends on it. Today we will talk about how to clean the floors clean. This topic is more important for all of us, but it is especially important for families where small children live. After all, on the floor they spend the bulk of their games and activities. Therefore, caring mothers have to pay special attention to sex. So, we set ourselves the task: how to achieve a really clean floor? Clean, no compromise. And the result should match the time and effort spent.

The first way. Utopian.

First, the floor is vacuumed. Then we take a mop and a rag (or a microfiber cloth, a microfiber mop head, etc.), moisten it in a bucket and start washing the floor. We carry out a mop from ourselves, to ourselves. So what? The rag is already dirty. It is useless to wash the floor with it, but we will drive dirt from corner to corner. You can rinse it in a bucket: the truth is, it really does not wash, but the water will become dirty and you will have to change it immediately. So, literally after two movements, and one washed strip of the floor, it is necessary to remove the rag and go to wash it from dirt. It is unlikely that someone, and even more so the mother of the baby, will find time and energy constantly and during the entire cleaning period, wash the cloth and change the water in the bucket an infinite number of times. Or you can do this: stock up with a huge amount of rags (napkins) to cover the entire apartment, and then throw out all this dirty pile or send it to the machine. It is very doubtful that someone will like this cleaning.

The second path. Compromise.

I mop the floor, remove the stains, and from time to time we rinse the rag in the bucket, reassuring ourselves that “after all, the house is not a street, it’s not all that messy”. The main thing is to remove traces of porridge and spilled juice.

But if you do not pay attention to the dirty cloth and black slush buckets and continue to "wash" the floor, then, alas, the result will be worse than nowhere. This option for homes with children is absolutely not suitable, and we will not consider it further. After all, we are trying for a beloved child, our family and for ourselves.

The third way. Perfect result.

There is a way to really clean the floor! The principle should be the following: it is necessary that only clean water gets to the surface, and dirty water with dust and allergens would be immediately removed. And without rags that need to be washed. It is under this scheme that the washing vacuum cleaner works.

Thomas floor cleaning

Let's take a closer look at the example of the vacuum cleaner Thomas. The Thomas washing vacuum cleaner has two containers: one is filled with clean water from the tap, and the other during cleaning will collect dirty water. To enhance the effect, you can add a Thomas ProTex detergent (always included) to the water. It is pH neutral, and it removes dirt well. If the mother is an opponent of any chemical means, then just with water the result will be great. Water can be used slightly warm, about 30 degrees. It makes little sense to install the function of additional heating of water in the appliances, as some manufacturers of washing vacuum cleaners do. As practice shows, until the water passes through all the pipes and comes into contact with the cold floor, it will still cool. Thomas has no unnecessary features for which the buyer has to fork out.

An insert against splashing is installed in the container for dirty water, which prevents the process of boiling and the formation of waves.

Next to the vacuum cleaner connect the main hose, telescopic tube, water hose, trigger for supplying water. Select the desired nozzle. To clean the floor, we need a large triangular nozzle, which we put on a special adapter. On the one hand he has a strong elastic pile, and on the other hand - a strong rubber edge. With this design, all stains rub off very quickly.

Nozzle for wet cleaning of carpets with an adapter for cleaning floors

Everything! Vacuum cleaner ready. We turn on the device itself at maximum power (large Power button), then the pump (second large button). But the water will pour before the nozzle only when we pull the trigger. Keep the trigger pressed - the water goes. The trigger was released - no water. Convenient and easy. And then the usual movement as in the traditional vacuuming: from yourself and to yourself.

If you need to moisten a place stronger, lower the arm with the hose below. So there will be more water on the floor, and the stubborn stain will be washed faster. If it is necessary on the contrary, to dry the surface, then keep the nozzle more vertically in relation to the floor. And the residual moisture will be only 0.4%. The mop is never dreamed of.

Due to the fact that in one motion clean water is sprayed and the dirty water is immediately absorbed, the floor really becomes clean. The way it should be, especially if there are kids at home. The floor, cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, is so clean that it literally sparkles.

After cleaning the dirty water (it is just surprising how dirty it will be) is poured into the toilet, the soiled parts are cleaned with vacuum cleaners. It will take no more than time to wash the rag and launder the bucket.

But the effect of such cleaning is incomparably higher. On this floor, you can safely sit, play and even sleep.


Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 128 Fluid Ounce

Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 128 Fluid Ounce

Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 128 Fluid Ounce

How to properly and quickly wash different types of floors

Housework is a tedious and mundane process. Often, housewives do it almost unconsciously, but such actions can adversely affect the health of residents. Let's take a closer look at how to properly clean the floors. Even if the school has home economics lessons, they are not taught to clean the house properly. Often girls who have recently got married do not cope with this work because their parents did not teach them ..

General rules There are some tips on how to properly clean the apartment: Update the water, expecting a bucket of 10 square meters. m rooms; Use only warm water; Carry chairs, mats, carpets, so that nothing interferes with the normal process; Sweep or vacuum the room before wet processing; Intensively squeeze the rag, removing excess water; Carry the floor from the corners to the center and to the door. The first recommendation should be considered most carefully: in order to be able to call the floor clean, it is necessary to renew the water frequently. As a result, the washing of the floors in each room should take place with fresh water. Otherwise, germs and dirt move from one room to another. There are certain standards of hygiene, according to which doctors recommend using one bucket to handle 10 square meters. m. Such cleaning will not be quick and easy, but the hostess does not risk the health and well-being of loved ones. When processing a very dirty surface, it will be necessary to change the water several times in the same room. The water temperature should be approximately 40 degrees. If it is higher, there is a risk of damaging the floor and skin, below - worse to clean the coating from germs and dirt ..

Consider how to clean the house or apartment using step-by-step instructions: To prepare for washing you need to remove items and furniture that impede the process. The mat or carpet will need to be vacuumed and carefully moved to the next room. If this is not possible, you can roll the carpet into a roll and put it in a corner, before removing the dust. Chairs better put away, so they do not interfere with cleaning. Then you should walk on the floor with a moistened broom, brush or vacuum cleaner. Remove dust from hard-to-reach areas (under the bed, sofa, wardrobe). Otherwise, the essence of processing is lost. Dust and dirt in these areas is a source of germs. If you do not get rid of it in time, but if you touch it with a damp cloth, dirty stains will remain on the clean floor. Finishing the floor starts from the far corners of the room, the baseboards are thoroughly washed. After you need to move to the center and remove dirt and dust in the area before leaving ..

Many people know these recommendations in theory, but they are often not used in practice. If you neglect them, the risk of allergies, viruses and infections increases.

Choice of method Recommendations discussed above are suitable for mop processing and manual. Consider the better to wash the floors. The benefits of processing by hand: Benefit for the figure (you can burn more calories); No need to spend money on a mop and attachments for her; Convenience of processing of corners and plinths; With proper washing, the result will be more efficient; With complex stains can handle only hands ..

Disadvantages: It takes a lot of time; It is difficult to wash the areas under the cupboard and bed; The inconvenience of working in gloves, without them, skin damage can be damaged; A large load on the limbs, back ..

The benefits of mop washing: The process is faster; If you mop the floor correctly, there is no negative effect on the limbs, back; Will be able to easily wash the areas under the furniture; If there is an automatic spin in the mop, there is no effect of cleaning agents on the skin; Hygiene; It is easier to wash the floors without staining ..

Disadvantages: The cost of a good mop; Additional processing by hands of difficult pollution, corners and plinths; If you need to quickly and superficially wash the floor, it is more difficult to wash between furniture and carpets. When buying a mop, be aware that the handle is located at the armpit level. This size will reduce the load on the back. With the help of such a mop it will be possible to easily reach hard-to-reach areas. By the choice of cloth, too, should be approached carefully. The following types are distributed: Viscose. Fabric perfectly absorbs fluid, but loses its strength when in contact with water. Strong twisting during the spin cycle also reduces the period of operation of the cloth; Rag with pulp. This option is very reliable. The fabric has good absorbing properties; Synthetics. One of the best materials for cleaning floors. The fabric dries quickly, remains in excellent condition for a long time; Microfiber. Its fibers fall into hard-to-reach areas and small cracks. They attract pollution, leaving the floor in perfect order ..

Features of washing different types of floors In a modern apartment is not always just one type of floor. Often there is one material in the bedroom, another in the bathroom, and a third in the kitchen. There are household chemicals and folk methods for any type. Ungraded, unpainted coating is considered an ecological option. Often the floor is made of wood, which is usually covered with wax, oil or varnish. These are colorless paints due to which the boards look natural. Consider how to quickly wash the floors and remove stubborn stains from this surface: Mix grated soap (2 tbsp.) And warm water (6 liters); Walk on the floor using a stiff brush; Pour the vinegar (2 tbsp.) In cool water (6 l); Treat the floor using a soft cloth; Wipe dry. Soap is replaced with a solution with "Belize". Funds need 3-4 spoons. Then polluted areas are allowed not to rub hard. To avoid the negative impact of water on such a floor, it is necessary to process it twice a year with a cloth dipped in turpentine.

The plank painted coating is not afraid of moisture. With good paint, the floor will not peel off even because of strong detergents. Pollution can be easily removed from this surface. To give shine to the floor ammonia is applied. Processing takes place according to the following technique: Mix ammonia (2 tbsp.) In cool water (6 l); Walk on the surface; The solution does not require removal. To the note: Areas where the paint has peeled off a little, rub with mastic for a parquet of a similar color. With this little trick, you can postpone the repair, keeping the floor attractive in appearance. Laminate and parquet flooring are the most capricious types of flooring. Do not use abrasives, steam cleaners for their treatment. If water gets inside, floor swelling may occur. To clean the floor from the laminate buy store supplies, such as Pronto or Denkmit. In the latter there is wax, which provides gentle care for the surface, protection from UV rays and early wear ..

If the hostess does not use special care products, it is important to know that you should not allow large amounts of water to fall on the floor or laminate. It is better to thoroughly vacuum, walk with a damp cloth and remove excess liquid, rubbing it with a flannel cloth until the surface glistens. Persistent contaminants are removed by means such as “Silit” or detergent.

Mix into powder (1 tbsp.) With a small amount of water to a mushy state; Apply to pollution, wait all night; In the morning, rinse with warm water. Glitter parquet flooring will add glycerin. Per liter of water is taken 4 tbsp. l facilities. Laminate is treated with water and vinegar. It is important not to leave excess water and thoroughly squeeze a rag. Ceramic, porcelain or tile - the most unpretentious option. It does not cause difficulties when cleaning. The following method will do: Mix ammonia (4-5 drops) and a bucket of water; You can pour 1 tbsp. l gloss for dishwashers; Wash the floor, wipe dry ..

If the tile has a rough coating, use a brush and washcloth with a solution of soap or stores with tools such as Cif, Glorix, Mr. Proper, “Cinderella”, “Oranit”, “Sanfor”, Sodasan, Sano Poliwix, PassionGold, HG, “Passionflower”, “Attitude”, “Orchid 5in1”. For heavy pollution, Pemolux is used. Linoleum does not tolerate ammonia, soda, brushes with hard bristles, chlorine, hot water, alcohol, liquid soap. In order not to spoil the pattern and the material itself, it is important to act carefully: Mix soap chips (2 tbsp.) With water (6 liters); Walk on the surface; Immediately rinse with clean cool water until the soap is dry; With smooth linoleum, dip the soft cloth in the flaxseed oil and walk on the surface. Dark dirt on linoleum is cleaned with a mixture of water and grated chalk. Zelenka is removed by means of removing varnish or foam from laundry soap. To form a shine, you can dip the cloth into the water connected to the milk. Once a season it is worth rubbing floor with linseed oil, then walk with soft silk ..

Carpet does not tolerate wet processing. It is better to use a special dry foam, then a vacuum cleaner to remove it. There are special tools for carpets, for example, Sano carpet shampoo spray. Successfully apply a steam cleaner or a washing vacuum cleaner. If the carpet is removed, you can wash it in the snow in the winter. To remove stubborn dirt, you will need: Combine vinegar (1 tbsp. L.) And alcohol (3 tbsp. L.); Decontaminate, wait 30 minutes; Remove liquid sponge with a sponge. Cork is considered hygroscopic. It does not tolerate high humidity. Therefore it is required to strongly squeeze out a rag. Special detergents are not required. Enough standard soap solution. It is forbidden to use abrasives ..

Universal methods for all types of surfaces depending on the type of stains: Dirt. It will be possible to clean the floor from contamination with detergent or dishwashing gel, such as “Fae”; Fat. To cope with fatty bloom, you need to combine vegetable oil with soda. Stir to a creamy state. Process the floor, wait a quarter of an hour. Remove the remaining soda with a broom, rinse with cool water; Wine stains can be removed with meat-based soap or with a solution of soda and linseed oil; Diesel or diesel oil can be removed using professional tools; Mold. Bleach can handle it. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions, apply protective equipment and ventilate the room. Mix bleach (10 g) with water (5 l). Open the windows and start the procedure. It should be noted that there should be no children and pets in the apartment. For floor gloss table vinegar is used. At 10 liters of water is taken 2 tbsp. l A pleasant smell will give essential oil (1-2 drops). Varieties of tools for the treatment of floors a lot. They are combined according to characteristics such as the method of preparation and composition; types of surfaces for which the product is intended; effects on health, etc. There are folk, antibacterial, disinfectant, antistatic, natural formulations. The choice of means is carried out taking into account a floor covering. Consider what types of floor treatment products are available: Antibacterial Domestos, Nordland2. They are well suited for cleaning the floor, but there is a risk of injury. Particles of substances in the composition are in the air, on the skin and mucous membranes. It is better to wear gauze and rubber gloves when handling; Antistatic Cantron, Multipower Neutral. Usually used for the problem of static electricity, which is flammable. Often they are washed in hospitals, in production, where special requirements are made for the quality of the floors; Disinfectant formulations Help, L.O.C .. Disinfectants are effective in combating infectious agents such as influenza viruses, as well as fungi and bacteria. They should be purchased for the care of the apartment, especially if it has small children. Give preference to the most harmless option. Some people choose a product with chlorine if they have pets in the apartment. But for small houses this option is not suitable, as it is necessary to inhale chlorine until it disappears from the room, and this is dangerous ..

When buying funds you need to carefully study the composition. You should not choose: Disinfectants that have sodium hypochlorite in their composition. The surface will lose shine over time; Detergents are similar in appearance to the standard powder and with optical bleach in the composition. This will complicate the cleaning process. Important: The composition should contain less than 5% non-ionic surfactants, fragrances and preservatives. This amount is enough to keep the floor clean. There are housewives who prefer natural products for cleaning the floor to household chemicals. They have no chemical components, they are environmentally friendly. The cleaning is safe and the floor shines clean. It is water mixed with alcohol, essential oil, vinegar. You can add mustard powder, citrus. In folk remedies often added soap, sal ammoniac. These methods are time tested, but for modern coatings, such as laminate, they are not always suitable ..

Washing the floor after repair Repair tracks are harder to remove from coatings. On them often remains paint, glue, whitewashing, putty. Before treating floors, remove the dirt: Glue and paint. They are cleaned with white spirit or acetone. Wallpaper glue is also removed with simple warm water if rinsed several times. Oil paint is removed with Cif cream. You can get rid of pollution on linoleum with the help of sunflower oil. Fresh traces of water-based paint are easily removed with a mixture of soap and water. For old stains, apply a solution of soap, leaving it for a quarter of an hour. The method is suitable only if the floor carries moisture. Isopropyl alcohol and formic acid cope with paint without difficulty and risk to cover; Lime and hardened putty. First, you need to carefully remove plaque with a spatula, then remove the excess with hot water mixed with sunflower oil. At 5 liters of water will require 100 ml of oil. A mixture of water and salt is also an effective method of washing whitewash. 100 g of product are taken for 5 l of liquid.

After the removal of the dead man Consider how to clean the floor after the removal of the dead man. Careful treatment of the floor where the dead man lived is an ancient ritual. With death, negative energy always penetrates into housing, regardless of the nature of the deceased person. If the energy stays indoors, the tenants may start to hurt. The ritual is not carried out by relatives of the deceased, it can not be done during pregnancy. Often they ask to remove an outsider, for example, a neighbor. The floor is treated from the walls and the threshold, ending with washing in the area where the coffin was located. Sometimes spring water is used for this purpose. There is a sign that the family of the deceased should give the girl clothes as a thank you. Floor cleaning should be regular, not just on a clean Thursday. Then the coatings will always remain fresh and shiny. Stains are best removed immediately after detection. When processing it is important to consider the type of coating.


Quick Shine High Traffic Hardwood Floor Luster and Polish, 27 Fl. Oz, 6 Bottles

Quick Shine High Traffic Hardwood Floor Luster and Polish, 27 Fl. Oz, 6 Bottles

Quick Shine High Traffic Hardwood Floor Luster and Polish, 27 Fl. Oz, 6 Bottles

How to clean the floors with vinegar

Why wash the floor with vinegar? Vinegar is a natural product that is used to clean and disinfect surfaces. It destroys 99% of bacteria, 90% of viruses, and also 82% of mold and its spores. Acetica cleaner is a good solvent of dirt, grease and foam from soap, as well as an excellent odor killer. In addition to everything, vinegar is inexpensive and available at any grocery store. Let's take a closer look at how to wash the floors with vinegar.
Can I clean the floor with vinegar?

Wash the floor with a solution of vinegar is not only possible but necessary! This is the best tool for cleaning floor coverings such as laminate, linoleum, ceramic tile and vinyl flooring. If your floors are wooden, then their surface is often covered with protective agents: wax, oil, varnish or paint. A solution of vinegar cleans well the majority of such coatings, but it can completely wash off the wax. Therefore it is very important to know what kind of flooring your floors have. If you do not know this or are simply not sure, check the effect of the cleaning solution on a small hidden area of ​​the floor. Also, you can not wash vinegar stone floors (marble, granite, slate, sandstone, etc.) - you can damage the surface of the stone.
Vinegar floor cleaning solution

To prepare a floor cleaning solution, dilute 1 cup of table vinegar (colorless) in 5 liters of warm water.

To make the floor shine , add a few drops of vegetable oil. Keep in mind that a thin layer of vegetable oil on the floor will gradually accumulate with each new cleaning. To remove deposits, periodically wash the floor without oil.
To reduce the pungent smell of vinegar , add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lemon or lavender, to the solution. Keep in mind, the unpleasant smell of vinegar will not annoy you for long - it will disappear as soon as the floor dries. In addition, it should be remembered that some essential oils can be dangerous for pets, especially cats.
To get a cleanser with a more neutral acid-base balance (pH) , add 1 cup of liquid ammonia (ammonia) to the solution. Vinegar is an acid (low pH) and ammonia is alkali (high pH). By mixing them, you can create a neutral cleaner. However, this reduces the cleaning properties of this solution, since the alkali partially neutralizes the acid. However, a neutral pH cleaner is recommended for use with certain types of wood. Be careful, ammonia is a chemically dangerous substance, so always wear gloves and well ventilate the room when handling it undiluted .
To better wash the dirty floor , add a couple of teaspoons of liquid soap to the solution. Keep in mind that a detergent containing soap may leave ugly stains on the floor. Therefore, if you use soap in a solution, wash the floor again with a solution of vinegar and water to remove any residue.

To wash the floors with vinegar:

Vacuum or spot the floor to remove dirt and debris.
Prepare a cleansing solution using one of the above recipes. For wooden floors, use a spray bottle. Fill the bottle with a solution of vinegar and water in order to spray the cleaning agent onto the floor, instead of using a mop with a rag - this will reduce the amount of fluid used (excessive amounts of it can damage the wooden surface).
Mop the floor with a cleaning solution.
For wooden floors, wrap the mop with an old towel and dry the floor.

Additional tips

Do not leave the wooden floor permanently wet. If water is absorbed into the floor, the wood may warp or swell.
Apple cider vinegar can also be used for cleaning floors, but it will be more difficult to clean the surface than regular 9% table vinegar (colorless).
If you have water of increased hardness, add 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda for every 5 liters of detergent - this will prevent the deposition of minerals from water on the floor surface.


Bona Stone, Tile & Laminate Floor Premium Spray Mop

Bona Stone, Tile & Laminate Floor Premium Spray Mop

Bona Stone, Tile & Laminate Floor Premium Spray Mop

How to Quickly Wash Floor Without Divorce, My Floor After Painting

At first glance, washing the floor is a simple matter. I took a bucket of water, a rag and three of it until it was clean. However, in this case is not so simple. Firstly, the floor coverings are of different types and each one needs to be washed differently. Secondly, if there is a dog or cat in the house, additional efforts will be required to wash the sweats. Well, the floor in the kitchen is contaminated most often, so you need to wash it often.

Washing the laminate in the living room

How to wash the floor without spending a lot of time on this thing? What means to use? This article will tell this.
General rules for washing floors

Before you begin cleaning the floor, it is advisable to thoroughly sweep it. Make it a better broom. Dust must be removed everywhere, even from inaccessible places and corners. If the broom is uncomfortable to do, then you can take a broom. Broom can be moistened with water.

It is recommended to start cleaning the floor from the corner farthest from the door, and to finish at the door itself. Or, to speed up the process, you can divide the area of ​​the room into several sections. It is better to clean each section from the wall to the center of the room. Then garbage from each plot must be collected in one pile.

Before cleaning, it is recommended to remove furniture from the room, as well as all unnecessary items. Of course, there is no need to clean the wall or wardrobe, but it is better to move the chairs, stools and floor lighting devices. It is also advisable to remove a cat or dog from the room.

After the end of the cleaning it is recommended to wipe it with a dry, clean cloth to remove moisture on the floor. Otherwise, moisture may contribute to the appearance of deformations on the coating.

An excellent tool for wet cleaning the floor is salt. If you wash the floor well with a solution of water and salt, the house will be perfectly clean. If a cat or dog lives in your apartment, using salt when washing floors helps to remove the smell.

First you need to vacuum the floor.
Features of wet cleaning of different floor coverings

Each floor requires a special approach when cleaning. For example, the painted floor should be washed regularly, especially in the kitchen and in the hallway, where dust and dirt accumulate regularly. On the other hand, such a floor does not require much effort when cleaning. If the floor is unpainted, one wet cleaning per week will suffice. However, each cleaning should consist of several stages. First, the floor should be washed with warm water and soap. The dirtiest places can be wiped with a brush. After that, the floor must be cleaned with clean water. And then you need to wipe it with a clean, dry cloth so that the floor is dry.

To linoleum was clean, it is enough to constantly wipe with a damp cloth. If you use a warm soap solution or detergent, it will be generally perfectly clean.

Parquet flooring is durable and environmentally friendly. To care for such a floor, it should be washed at least once every six months with cool water. It is undesirable to use hot water - it is possible to damage the parquet. For proper care of the parquet flooring, it is still necessary to wipe it almost every day with a damp cloth.

Keeping a laminate floor clean is easy. If you regularly wipe the laminate with a damp cloth, it will be clean. Only after that the floor needs to be wiped dry, otherwise moisture can be absorbed into the coating, and this can lead to deformation and swelling of the laminate.

If your floor is covered with tiles, then you are lucky. The tile is the most unpretentious in cleaning of all coatings. Wash tiles can be soapy water and detergents. For wet cleaning you can also use ammonia. The tile, moreover, is resistant to moisture. It also does not hurt cats or dogs.

So, for each coating there is a method of wet cleaning, so before you wash the floor, you need to determine which method of cleaning is suitable for your coverage.

Mop floor cleaning
How to quickly clean the floors

Often there are situations when guests unexpectedly must come to you, but not cleaned at home, or the time for a full cleaning is chronically short. Besides, spending half a day to put an apartment in order is still a pleasure! Is it possible to wash the floors well without spending a lot of time and effort? It turns out you can.

Before you start wet cleaning, the floor must be thoroughly vacuumed. Quality of all subsequent cleaning depends on it. If possible, from the room in which cleaning takes place, you need to take out all the extra things or lay them on a bed or sofa. It is also advisable to remove the dog or cat from the room.

After that, the floor must be well wiped with a panicle, paying special attention to the baseboards. When the whisk gets dirty, it can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. If there is still enough dust after vacuuming, then instead of a broom it is better to use a microfiber cloth. In this case, first wipe the surface with a wet cloth, then dry.

Spots on the floor can be removed manually

After that, you can start a wet cleaning. To do this, you need the following "tools":

floor cloths.

Detergent, in accordance with the specified proportion in the instructions, stir in a bucket of water. Water should be warm, but not hot. Then we moisten a rag in water, gently squeeze and wrap on a mop. During cleaning, you should not forget to wipe under the sofas and beds. Mop, it is desirable to wipe the floor, moving along, and not across the boards (if you have parquet or laminate). Rag periodically can be cleaned with a brush.

After that, the washed floor should be well wiped with a dry cloth so that there are no streaks. If the floor is parquet, then it is desirable to wipe it again with a soft, dry cloth. This rag can be cleaned with a brush. After that, you can be sure - the apartment will be clean.

Washing the floor in the kitchen
How to wash the floor after painting

So, you started a repair, which includes painting the floor. The floor then takes on a completely different look. How to wash it after painting? This work is not easy.

First of all, after painting you need to wait a certain time (approximately one day) to dry the floor. After that, you need to wash the floor twice with a warm solution of vinegar using a soft cloth. After that, within the next week you need to do a wet floor cleaning to remove oil stains. Do not clean the floor with a solution of soap. This will adversely affect the color of the paint.


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Better Life Naturally Dirt-Destroying Floor Cleaner, Citrus Mint, 32 fl oz (Pack of 2)

Better Life Naturally Dirt-Destroying Floor Cleaner, Citrus Mint, 32 fl oz (Pack of 2)

How to wash the floors so that they shine

Washing of floors since ancient times was considered as one of the most simple household classes in the house which demands regular carrying out. In ancient times, the floors were laid from simple boards that were not painted, so they washed the floor with water and sand. Протирка линолеума Cleaning work on the linoleum In our time, everything has changed dramatically, now the flooring a dime a dozen, and each requires a separate attention.

Washing various floors
Of course, the simplest and still relevant way is to pour water into a bucket of plain water and arm yourself with a mop. But in order to achieve an excellent result, in order to wash the floors so that they shine, you will have to use some tricks. Pay attention to the floor covering, we will apply a different technique to each floor.

Linoleum is perfectly cleaned with plain warm water, thorough rubbing it will cause shine. Do not even think of adding soda to water, this method is outdated long ago, so you only spoil the linoleum surface. If you still want to add detergent to the water, then use ordinary or laundry soap. Soap does not harm your linoleum, and you can always wash away the foam that forms. Современная швабра для мытья линолеума The use of modern mop facilitates the work To maintain the good condition of linoleum, many people use special polishing agents, their analog is natural linseed oil. Rubbing linoleum linseed oil once a quarter will keep it in shape. When cleaning floors, try not to use an excessive amount of water, because excessive moisture can lead to negative consequences, the floor is deformed or swells, in the worst case its structure will be damaged. It is necessary to pour water in moderation.

Parquet wash is not recommended, it will be enough to vacuum it or sweep. If it is extremely necessary, it is recommended to use a damp cloth with which you quickly refresh the floor covering. It is recommended to use glycerin as a detergent for parquet, it is suitable for both paid parquet and simple, untreated. Моем паркет в комнате Parquet cleaning Approximate proportion: spoon to a glass of water.

Ceramic tile
It is quite easy and quick to wash ceramic tiles, like linoleum, with warm water and a soft cloth. However, as in the case of parquet, you must first vacuum or sweep. Some dirt from the tile can be removed using a brush with plastic bristles. Use brushes with very stiff bristles or iron at all is impossible, since they will damage the tiles and seams. If you plan to use extra strong chemicals for tile washing, pay attention that they do not contain aggressive acids. Мытье пола из керамической плитки Cleaning ceramic tiles on the floor

Stages of cleaning the floor
By and large, mopping is easily divided into two working stages: 1. Cleaning and disposal of dirt 2 rub coating to shine. In the majority of cases, washing the floor is limited to the first point, because the second is not less time consuming and requires attention, and the return from it is not so obvious. We would recommend to carry out full cleaning, because in addition to giving the floor a clean and tidy look, rubbing helps protect it from subsequent pollution and moisture, at least for a while. If you have made a full cleaning and rubbing floors, then now it is easy to assess how it really shines. To facilitate your work on cleaning and washing floors, there are various household chemicals in the stores, among which there are a lot of products for washing and polishing. If you choose the right tool for your floor surface, the result will definitely please you, you can easily remove dust and dirt, and even rub the floor to shine. Тщательное мытье полов Thorough floor cleaning In addition, the floor cleaned in this way will be able to resist pollution longer, which means its appearance will remain unchanged for a long time. The mechanics of the effect of the polishing coating is as follows: when applied to the surface of this agent, the polymer in its composition is distributed on the floor, forming the thinnest but durable film. The film saves the floor surface from mechanical damage (scratches, chips), and prevents the penetration of dirt into the depths of the material. It should be noted that the gloss of this thin film is quite stable and long-term. As you understand, if the dirt absorbs the surface of the floor, then the film does not, therefore the concentration of pollution will decrease significantly, which will further facilitate your cleaning process.

Floor cleaning is always time consuming.
It is not necessary to use polishing agents regularly, rub the floor every 2-3 months, this is quite enough. If you constantly use similar methods in cleaning, then know that when updating the polishing agent, it completely dissolves the old film along with the dirt. Floor cleaning is necessary because it constantly withstands the mud load. Should I polish it or not, of course you decide, but note how long it will be in excellent condition after polishing. Wash the floor to shine easier when cleaning is done more often, and it is quite easy with regular attention to the bottom of your home.


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Weiman Wood Floor Polish and Restorer - 32 Ounce - High-Traffic Hardwood Floor, Natural Shine, Removes Scratches, Leaves Protective Layer,2-Pack

Weiman Wood Floor Polish and Restorer - 32 Ounce - High-Traffic Hardwood Floor, Natural Shine, Removes Scratches, Leaves Protective Layer,2-Pack

How to quickly clean the floor in the whole house: the secrets of cleaning

Quickly cleaning the floor in the whole house is not as easy as it seems to many housewives. In this case, as in any household cleaning, there are a lot of nuances, the knowledge of which greatly facilitates hard work. After all, modern interior design offers a variety of flooring, and each of them has its own approach to professional cleaning. Let's borrow a couple of secrets and find out how to quickly and easily clean the floor in the whole house. This and other information you will find in our material.

Washing of floors - the final stage of general cleaning of any dwelling. After things are laid out in places, the cabinets are wiped, and the surfaces are free of dust, it is time to clean the floor from sand, dirt and stains. If you follow the simple rules at this stage, it will be possible to carry out this part of the harvesting much faster and with less effort. After all, you see, at the end of the cleaning activities there is not so much energy left, and yet it is the floors that are one of the dirtiest surfaces in the house, and it is necessary to clean them of contamination as carefully as possible.
Simple rules for cleaning floors

Many of these rules seem obvious and too simple, but they allow you to quickly and effectively cope with cleaning floors. If you ignore them, the process inevitably delays, absorbing time and energy. But this is what we do not want. Therefore, we follow simple tips and significantly simplify your life!

- Before you start washing the floor, you must remove all things from it, and take small items, such as chairs or stools, out of the room or put them on the tables with their legs up. Needless to say, you need to shake the dust out of the carpets first. Otherwise, all dirt from the carpet quickly transferred to a clean floor and firmly stuck to it, greatly complicating the subsequent cleaning.

- Do not immediately start wet cleaning - the best thing is to vacuum the floor first or sweep the sand and dry dirt with a broom or brush. If this is not done, they will be smeared with a wet rag over the floor covering - it will be more difficult to clean the floor, and besides, stains will remain. If you use a broom, it should be slightly moistened so that the dust does not rise into the air and again does not settle on the already swept surface.

- Washing the floor with a damp cloth should be started from the corners opposite to the entrance. Be sure to pay attention to the baseboards - they accumulate a lot of dirt and dust. Try not to step on already washed areas, gradually moving towards the exit. Otherwise, your traces will remain on the coating, which will be noticeable after the floor has dried.

- So that there are no divorces, and the floor shines, it is best to wash it with water with a small amount of a special detergent for floor coverings diluted in it. In this case, it is easier to wash off the dirt and do not have to wipe the floor several times. In addition, after such a cleaning coating will shine. Another plus: the next time cleaning will be given much easier, and dirt from the floor will be easier to clean.

- Change contaminated water frequently so that dirt and harmful bacteria are not transferred from one room to another.
Methods for cleaning various floor coverings

Depending on the type of flooring, the ways of its effective cleaning differ. After all, today in the houses you can find both parquet, painted wooden floor or cork, and laminate and linoleum. Each such material has its own characteristics, and also reacts differently to excess water. Smearing the dirt with a wet rag can easily ruin the floor. Therefore, we understand the types of flooring and how to clean them.

Wood floors

Wooden floors are usually covered with paint or varnish. Due to this, the natural material does not absorb water, which means that such floors can be washed with a damp cloth.

- For daily cleaning, simply wipe the cover. If the floor is cleaned once a week, some detergent should be diluted in the water in order to clean the accumulated dirt. You can use liquid soap and clean the floor with soap and water. After that, you will have to wipe the coating a couple of times with a cloth moistened with clean water to remove any soap residue.

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- If you use detergent for HG parquet, then you will not need to wipe the floor again after such treatment. This product is intended not only for parquet, but also for wooden floors. Quite a bit of funds must be diluted in water to prepare the washing solution. It is enough to wash the floor with a cloth dipped in it to get rid of dirt and give a shine to the floor.

- Folk way to give shine to wooden painted floors - use for washing a solution of water and vinegar. By the way, the paint due to this cleaning will last on the coating for much longer. Unambiguous minus - the smell of vinegar, which will be some time felt in the room. Therefore, this method is not very suitable for daily cleaning.


The parquet popular at all times is capricious in cleaning. A wet rag with flowing drops of water is destructive to him. Like scratches from the heels or claws of animals - the varnish is covered with a web of scratches and the floor ceases to shine. That is why special means are best for washing the parquet.

- Before embarking on wet cleaning, the parquet must be well vacuumed out. This way all rubbish and sand that can scratch the varnish will be removed from it. By the way, a washing vacuum cleaner and steam cleaner for cleaning such a floor is absolutely not suitable. Hot steam will cause early floor swelling.

- The main rule: the parquet is not friendly with water. Therefore, only a slightly damp cloth, which has been wrung out very carefully, is suitable for daily floor cleaning.

Как помыть паркет

- A complete washing of the parquet with a wet rag using a soap solution can be carried out no more than a couple of times a year. At the same time immediately after washing off dirt and stains, the coating should be wiped dry and treated with a special protective agent. To make the parquet shine, some glycerin is added to the water to wash it.

- Stains and traces of dirt must be removed from the floor as quickly as possible, otherwise they will be absorbed into the structure of the floor and will not be able to clean them. Coverage will be hopelessly flawed.

- Professional cleaning of parquet involves the use of a special composition. Detergent for HG parquet is perfect for everyday use. It will not only remove all dust and dirt from such a floor, but also help to cope with stains. But the flooring will be protected from heavy dirt, scratches and tarnishing with a special polish for HG parquet . In addition, he will give the floor a delightful shine. Before applying the composition to the coating, it should be further cleaned with a polishing agent to remove the polish from the HG parquet . The product will remove the layers of the old polishing composition, as well as all the ingrained dirt and stains. By the way, this tool can try to deal with old stains. It is only after such thorough processing that fresh polish is applied to the floor surface. In this case, even such a capricious coating as parquet will be reliably protected from any adversity.


Due to the moderate cost and at the same time good decorative properties, laminate is increasingly being chosen for flooring in any dwellings. The multi-layered nature of this material ensures its strength and durability. The top layer, which is most often acted with acrylic or melamine resin, protects the laminate from damage. However, this floor cannot be called absolutely invulnerable. Laminate is afraid of scratches and excess water.

- For such a floor, timely cleaning of sand and dirt is a vital necessity. First of all, dry garbage is always removed from the surface, and only then you can start wet cleaning. The grains of sand leave a web of small scratches on the laminate and deprive it of shine.

- To carry out wet cleaning every day, if you have laminate laminate, is undesirable. It will be enough a couple of times a week. On other days, use a broom, brush or vacuum cleaner to remove dirt. By the way, a washing vacuum cleaner is often not worth using. After cleaning the floor with it, immediately wipe the floor with a dry absorbent cloth to remove excess moisture.

Как помыть ламинат

- A microfiber cloth or a mop with a soft cloth attachment is perfect for wet laminate cleaning. The main thing is to prevent the accumulation on the floor of excess moisture and the appearance of puddles. Water will cause the laminate to swell.

- People's Council: in order to avoid stains on the laminate, some vinegar is added to the water for washing.

- Specialists in the field of cleaning use for washing laminate professional products that do not allow excessive wetting of the floor, gently clean it and create a protective layer on the surface. These formulations include a detergent and a gloss cleaner for HG laminate . It easily cleans even difficult dirt, prevents fading of the floor and returns a beautiful shine to it. The product is very easy to apply - it is enough to dilute a small amount of it in water and wash the laminate with a well-wrung napkin. After this treatment, the floor does not need to be cleaned again with clean water, which significantly saves time for cleaning. The tool leaves a protective layer on the surface that will contribute to less pollution, as well as prolong the life of the floor.


This type of flooring attracts with its practicality. In addition, linoleum looks good and shines pleasantly, especially if it has just been laid. Moreover, now on sale is a huge variety of such material. However, in order for linoleum to continue to delight with its beautiful appearance, it is necessary to properly care for it and protect such flooring from the effects of high temperatures, mechanical damage, abrasives and chemicals. They can cause irreparable harm to him.

- Immediately after laying the linoleum should be left alone for several days and only a vacuum cleaner or a broom should be used to clean it, in other words, dry cleaning.

Как помыть линолеум

- Remember: before washing the linoleum, it must be swept or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Such a floor, like almost any coating, is afraid of exposure to abrasives. In this role, just the same, and will be the grains of sand and small stones, if you do not remove them from the floor before washing. Otherwise, very soon your linoleum will lose its attractive luster, since it will be covered with a web of minor scratches. In addition, the uncleaned dry dirt will be smeared on the surface and you will have to fight divorces.

- A couple of days after laying, you can begin to carry out wet cleaning of such a coating - with a rag dipped in plain water, or in a solution of liquid soap or powder, if the linoleum is very dirty. However, keep in mind that after this you will have to wipe the floor several times with clean water to wash off the soap stains.

- To linoleum for a long time pleased with the brilliance and brightness of paints, as well as not dried up, experts in the field of cleaning use professional detergent compositions to wash it. Their advantages are obvious: no need to wash off clean water from the floor, do not leave streaks, easily remove all dirt and, most importantly, protect the floor from external influences. Such products include cleaning and polishing agent for linoleum and vinyl coatings HG . It easily copes even with ingrained dirt, improves the decorative properties of the coating and serves as its reliable protection from the rays of the bright sun, abrasive effect and other factors, provided it is regularly used. It is necessary only to wash the linoleum with a product diluted in water, wait for the coating to dry, and then lightly polish it to achieve a pleasant shine.

Cork floor

Environmental friendliness as well as softness and warmth distinguish cork from other flooring materials. The disadvantages of this coating include the complexity of installation, rather high cost, as well as fragility. To cork floor served for a long time, you need to know how to take care of him, and to strictly comply with all requirements.

- This coating can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, a soft brush, as well as a well-wrung damp cloth. The cork is afraid of excess water, and the accidentally spilled liquid must be wiped up immediately.

Как помыть пробковый пол

- Cork can be washed with a solution of soap or powder. The main thing is not to rub the floor with abrasives and do not use aggressive substances for cleaning.

- Gently clean stubborn dirt, update the surface and protect it from microdamages will help all the same cleaning and polishing agent for linoleum and vinyl coatings HG . It is enough to dilute a little of the composition in water and wash the floor with it to significantly improve its appearance. Invisible to the eye protective layer that remains on the coating, will significantly extend its service life. To protect the cork floor as much as possible, experts advise regularly using HG to clean it.

By following the rules for cleaning floors, you can cope with this difficult job quickly and easily. In addition, your correct actions will help protect the material from which your floor is made, and extend its life!


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Did you wash floors in a dream ?? What is the dream?

Washing the floor in a dream is a good sign. In truth, such dreams are quite common. For a more accurate interpretation of such dreams, you need to remember such nuances as the room in which you worked, how exactly you did it.

What dreams that wash your floors?
A dream where you diligently wash the floor promises a reward for your hard work as a successful career. However, you should not argue with your superiors. It is better to leave upholding their positions for later. The bickering and contradiction will not lead to anything good, but executiveness and willingness to compromise will certainly be appreciated. In addition, the dream book warns to mop the floor in a dream symbolizes that you have to prepare for any important event that will occur in your life. Perhaps it will entail a lot of change. To wash the floors in a dream, what is this besides all the above?

Wash the floor in a dream
As the dream book says, the floor can be washed by someone else. This means that you risk losing your job. Soon, your position will probably be occupied by a colleague who has distinguished himself by more success in this type of activity than you. As interprets the dream book to wash the floor in a dream - to expect a change in love relationships. They will happen soon and affect your life. Know that your actions will greatly affect the people around you, if before that you saw how you wash the floor in someone else's house or apartment. Therefore, be more careful and cautious, try not to harm your close rash act or word.

What floor do you wash in your sleep
Pay attention to the quality, properties and color of the floor that you are trying to wash. If the flooring is solid and reliable, then in real life you have someone to rely on. You will not be thrown in a difficult moment and will help to overcome all difficulties. If the surface is unstable, and the floor itself sways beneath you - you should reconsider your surroundings. Be careful - intentionally or not, but even the closest person can betray you. Holes in the floor symbolize the sieve, i.e. tears through which happiness and tranquility can escape from you, leaving failures, troubles and losses. Pay attention to the degree of cleanliness of the floor. If in a dream you have a desire to clean dirty floors, then this is quite a positive sign. You are waiting for change. But these changes are favorable. But the clean floor, on the contrary - to the problems. If you wash this flooring, then you are waiting for trouble, and maybe even illness. If you wash wood flooring, it speaks of your desire to just as well wash out of your life all the gossip, petty squabbles and squabbles. The dreamer wants to build relationships with people.

[02-wash floors in sleep1]
In addition to wood, the floor can be made of tile or any similar material. Such a dream indicates that stability and systemism are coming in a person’s life. You will achieve peace of mind and balance in financial terms.

Floor color
Pay attention to what color was the floor that you had to wash in a dream. If the color palette was dark (meaning shades such as blue, gray, green, brown, or burgundy), then you should delve into yourself a little. Maybe you think about completely unnecessary and minor things. A dream can warn of gratuitous unrest to which you doom yourself to waste. Another thing, if the floor was a light color. Firstly, it speaks of the correct perception of the world and an adequate assessment of the events by the dreamer. The sleeper goes the right way and fulfills his plans. This dream may indicate that there will soon be joyful events and news in your life. In some dream books, floor cleaning is deciphered as a warning that you will soon leave your house - temporarily or permanently. Also, such a dream may mean that you have to host guests. If you do not just clean the flooring, but carefully wash it, there is reason to think. Perhaps, in reality, you have a feeling of undervaluedness, you lack self-realization. Much depends on the place where you do wet cleaning.

Mop floor in a dream at work
If you are dreaming how you are doing this process at your job - do not worry. This does not at all portend unexpected "blockages" and difficulties. In fact, this is quite an auspicious sign. It symbolizes that your boss considers you indispensable. You are a very valuable and good worker. Keep up the good work and get a guaranteed promotion or salary increase. What matters is where in the dream you wash the floors. Whether it is an apartment / house or a stranger. There are motifs in dreams, when the sleeper washes the floors in general not in the living room. All this affects the semantic message of the dream.

Wash the floor in a dream dream book
He treats the dream book to wash the floors in the church, as the laundering of their sins. If you had such a dream, it means that you have committed some act that does not give you rest. A dream symbolizes a person’s desire to atone for this sin and begin a completely new, righteous life. What dreams of washing the floors in the entrance? Such a dream promises an early change of your place of residence. In the near future you will have to move out of the usual house. All dream books give an unambiguous interpretation of what dreams of washing floors in school. This means that the dreamer will soon change his school. So you can start preparing for this event in advance. As in life, in your dream you can launder the floor in two ways. To mop floors in a dream means quick conflicts in your life. This may be a quarrel with your loved ones, scandals at work or all sorts of clarify the relationship. Also, such a dream warns that you can get into an unpleasant situation. Sleeping with your hands on the floor means that you have to work hard at this stage of life before any changes occur.

Wang. Dream interpretation wash floor in a dream
Wang gives an optimistic explanation of such dreams. As a rule, floor cleaning signals the start of a successful career if you do not spoil the relationship with management. Psychology has its own interpretations of this motive. Freud believed that washing floors means wanting to dot the i's in relations with his soul mate. Probably you are tired of monotony, and you are waiting for new sensations.

The interpretation of the dream in which you wash the floors, according to Nostradamus
According to Nostradamus, washing floors in a dream means the beginning of a new stage in your personal life, as well as a change in relations with a partner. If you are washing the floor in an unfamiliar place, this means that soon your decisions will have a big impact on the people around you.

Wash the floors Miller's dream book
In this dream book, a vision of mopping is interpreted as a harbinger of serious life changes. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the flooring. If it is dirty, then the changes will be negative. A clean floor speaks of success that will soon come into your life.

Sleep about mopping - be in trouble?
Although such dreams are considered unfavorable by the people - do not rush to panic. Such a vision may well tell you something pleasant. What dreams that wash your floors explain many dream books, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of sleep.


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How to mop the floor

General cleaning, if properly presented, can turn from weekly duty into a family-wide event. The introduction of the whole family, from small to large, to cleaning, will not be a chore if you explain how to clean the floor.

How to clean the floor
Quickly, but most importantly, high-quality floor cleaning, perhaps even by small children. Your task is to figure out how to properly clean the floor and teach this to your household.

We clean the room for wet cleaning. Dad cleans the chairs upstairs, the children collect toys, you collect small things that are on the floor. A damp broom will help you, not only to sweep the dust, but also not to raise dust from the floor. Start cleaning from the far extreme corner of the room, then you will not have to walk on the washed floor. Wring out the rag properly, excess moisture will damage the floor covering.

Council buying mop for wet cleaning, focus on the height of the tools - the top point of the mop should be at the level of the armpit.

Flush the floor, mop an imaginary figure eight, so you collect dirt from the baseboards in the center. Plinth will have to be washed without a mop. Carefully walk around the baseboard with a damp rag, washing away the dust, trying not to touch the wallpaper. Two or three rinses in a bucket rinse - and change the water. Otherwise, you risk dragging germs and bacteria from one corner of the room to another. It is also important to properly wash the floor, considering the flooring you have.

How to clean laminate floors When washing laminate do not use a washing vacuum cleaner. If you still do not think of cleaning without this household appliances, then immediately wipe the floor dry, so that the moisture does not have time to penetrate and damage the lower layers of the laminate. Then, you ask how to clean laminate floors without a washing vacuum cleaner. This coating is perfectly cleaned by a dry method with a vacuum cleaner or home lazy mop with a long nap. And do wet cleaning no more than once a week.

Without using excess chemistry, we can absolutely calmly wash the laminate with a damp cloth dipped in acetic acid. In a five-liter floor bucket, dissolve a tablespoon of table vinegar and thoroughly wipe the floor, not forgetting the baseboards and corners. Rag should be well wrung out. If the laminate grieves you with heavy pollution, you cannot do without chemicals, such as “Mr. Muscle”, “Trio-Bio”, “K-Floor”, etc., which contain substances for the care of the laminate coating.

Tip litter, chips and debris that can scratch the surface of the laminate should be removed immediately, without waiting for general cleaning.

Laminate, unlike the floorboard, do not rub, so as not to leave scratches on it. The laminate is a sensitive coating, so the cloth for washing it should be soft, microfiber or an old cotton cloth should be suitable, from which it is necessary to cut off all buttons and fasteners. We remove the specks and heavy dirt on the laminate using chemical agents, then wipe it thoroughly with a damp cloth.

How to wash the parquet floor Yes, the times when new settlers entered apartments with parquet flooring have sunk into oblivion. Now not everyone can afford parquet pleasure, but having such a floor covering in his house, no one will regret it. Although the care of the flooring is quite complicated. But let's reveal the secret of how to clean the parquet floor.

The most basic rule: wash parquet flooring only two or three times a year. All other times - should just be wet cleaning. Having cleaned the parquet from litter with a broom or vacuum cleaner, we begin to wipe the parquet with a damp cloth or mop. In this case, the water should be cold or slightly warm, and the cloth or rag should be soft. No abrasive products can be used. To shine the floorboard, add a couple of tablespoons of glycerin to the water. Or, we buy special tools such as Aqua Sport Wood Flor Cleaner, Rubi, Glutoclean Pufas, Loba Parckett Care and others at the household chemicals store. Almost all of them gently remove dirt and do not require subsequent rinsing.

Tip instead of means for washing the parquet floor can apply shampoo, in which the pH level is neutral. After the parquet has been washed, we wait until it dries, and then we rub it with mastic or parquet polish. Tip coffee, wine, blood stains on the floor are removed with ammonia, and traces of markers and pencils - with white spirit.

How to wash cork flooring One of the best floor coverings - cork flooring requires a careful attitude. Knowing how to wash the cork floor, we increase its service life. And given the naturalness, excellent sound insulation, and the cost of cork coating, naturally you want to use an environmentally friendly material as long as possible.

Before washing cork floors, we can remove visible debris with a broom or with a regular vacuum cleaner. Cork floors should not be washed with a washing vacuum cleaner, as the floor is very wet at the same time. For wet cleaning of the cork floor we use a rag or mop, which we squeeze out as much as possible. Special attention to the floor near the plinths - there should not be water. For such a floor, the use of detergents for floors is acceptable, but only without the presence of solvent and abrasive particles in their composition.

The advice is that after washing on the cork floor there are no traces of your feet, shoes slippers with non-rubberized soles. In a cold room, cork floors are not washable. We return furniture and outdoor flowers to their original positions only after the floor is completely dry. PS.Material is based on the website - the leading store of laminate flooring, flooring and vinyl flooring.


Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill 128 oz

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill 128 oz

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill 128 oz

How to clean the floors properly?

Floor washing is a difficult, long and laborious work, but necessary. To make it effective, you need to be able to choose the right tools and detergents for washing, know and follow simple rules of cleaning. Each floor covering has its own characteristics, on which it depends, how often it can be washed and which detergent is better to choose. Should not be neglected and proven folk remedies.

General rules
There are general rules about how to clean the floor. First you need to remove from it as much as possible items. Including carpets (they should be vacuumed out or knocked out in the yard). The surface free from unnecessary items will greatly simplify cleaning and provide an opportunity to evaluate the front of the work ahead. First, clean the floor with a broom. Thin twigs will help sweep away dust and debris from the cracks and the far corners of the room. Dust under sofas, beds, cabinets is not as safe as it seems. It breeds various bacteria, protozoa and dust mites. During cleaning, they rise into the air along with dust, and this can cause the development of allergies. Wet broom copes with this problem only partially. But the open window will help to solve it and air the room.
After the floors are swept, you can begin to wash them. This should be done from the far end of the room. If you divide the room into sectors, the hostess will not miss a single centimeter of flooring.

Washing different types of flooring

There are many types of flooring:
laminate; parquet;
unpainted and painted wood.

For each type of coating there are special rules for washing and cleaning products. Laminate is often not recommended for washing, as it is susceptible to the detrimental effects of water. It all depends on the quality of work on laying such a floor and on the use of means that prevent water from entering the slots. The optimum washing frequency for the laminate is once a year. If desired, you can wipe it with a damp cloth moistened with soapy water. Parquet flooring in the requirements for washing reminds laminate. After cleaning, it is useful to rub it with mastic. Linoleum can be washed with soap regularly. The water should be warm.

Painted wooden floors can be washed at least every day. This is especially true of the premises that are most dirty: kitchens and hallways. Ammonia will help remove stains. Wooden, but not painted floors are more sensitive to water. They should be washed no more than once a week with hot water and soap. After that, you need to rinse the coating with clean water and wipe dry with a cloth. Tiled floors can be cleaned daily with a damp cloth. This type of flooring is the most unpretentious.

Choice of detergent
The market is replete with a huge number of different floor cleaning products. But not each of them is capable of cleaning one or another type of pollution and may even harm the coating. Parquet requires a detergent that is quite delicate and loyal to the protective coating. Linoleum does not tolerate cleaners that contain alcohol. Do not use for it and cleaners in the form of powder. Such concentrates will negatively affect the uniformity of color of the floor, may leave dark spots or light stripes. Liquid soap is not suitable for tile. Effective for cleaning it will be the choice of soap, which you can rub. Also suitable sour detergent. It will help not only to get rid of dirt, but also will have a bactericidal effect. But for the laminate suitable tool with a neutral value of the medium (indicated on the package). Abrasive substances also adversely affect the cleaning of the floor of this material.

On the packaging of each detergent indicated its composition. Among this list should not be chlorine and antibacterial additives. There is no need to disinfect the room to the level of the medical office. Recent studies in the field of microbiology show that the microflora of the home has a great influence on human life. The analogy is carried out with intestinal microflora. The safest choice for a floor covering is to choose a universal product. It is less aggressive, with its help you can also wash thresholds, doors, baseboards. When choosing several detergents for different surfaces, you should focus on one manufacturer. Products from different companies do not undergo joint tests, and unwanted reactions may occur between them. Better to avoid it.

Mop Types

A mop gives a speed advantage to a person who performs wet cleaning. Especially this simple device is important for people who find it difficult to bend down. In stores you can buy the following types of mops :

rope; butterfly mops;
with microfiber:
with a sponge;

When choosing a mop you need to pay attention to:

Material . Products made of plastic and aluminum are more successful than wood, as they are more convenient and practical.
Functionality Mops differ in functionality - one can be squeezed out with the help of the lever, and on the other one must also remove the rag and squeeze it manually. For older people, pregnant women will suit the first option. It eliminates sharp slopes.
Design . The appearance of mops is different, from a wooden stick to a certain futuristic machine.
Quality This parameter depends on the price. A cheaper mop can be unreliable and last for a short time. Nevertheless, you should not grab at once for expensive options. You need to decide which mop is right for you.
Form . A flat mop will get rid of the daily movement of furniture from place to place, as the areas under the beds and sofas will be accessible.

Now consider how to properly use this tool. Mop should be thoroughly moistened with water, then get rid of excess moisture. It is necessary to wash the floors from the far corner of the room towards the exit. In the course of work, the mop must be dipped again and again into the water and wrung out. In places polluted more strongly than others, it is necessary to rub more carefully and more vigorously, with light pressure. When washing a rough tile or other floor covering with a texture, it is necessary to make movements with a mop, similar to writing a figure eight. The efficiency of cleaning with this approach will increase. After use, rinse the mop in clean water, then squeeze it and put it to dry down with a stick.

However, at home you can perfectly do without a mop. We need only a rag and hands. The advantage of this method is a higher quality of washing and excellent charging for the hostess. It's simple: you need to choose a suitable rag and detergent. If the coating is not tolerant to water, then the cloth should be thoroughly squeezed. The more often you wash and wring out a rag, the higher the cleaning efficiency. To prevent swelling of the floor is useful to walk on a wet dry cloth.

Detergent is often quite aggressive towards human skin. Perhaps the development of a chemical burn or allergic reaction. Sensitivity of hands is lost, calluses appear. This is especially dangerous for people whose professions require precise manipulation. Therefore, it is advisable to use rubber gloves.

Which rag is better?
The cleaning technique can be excellent, but it will not be any good if the wrong rag is selected. The time of old t-shirts and shirts has passed. Progress has made a big step forward, and today there are not only departments that sell rags, but even entire stores. Here are the most popular materials for rags:

Viscose canvas . The material perfectly absorbs and retains moisture. With strong hydration (filling with water) does not lose its original structure. However, unwinding and contact with hot water will be harmful to him. Therefore, it is better to choose not natural viscose, but with the addition of synthetic fibers. In combination with polyester, this material perfectly absorbs moisture and wipes the floor dry.
Cellulose. The rags containing such material perfectly absorbs water.
Synthetics (polyester) is able to cope with pollution more effectively than many natural materials. It dries quickly and can be stored for quite a long time.
Microfiber. It represents a new generation of floor cleaning materials. It consists of polyester and cotton fibers. Tiny fibers penetrate the smallest crevices and clean them well from dirt and dust.

Steam cleaner
Cleaning the apartment with a steam cleaner is very effective. But they can be used only for washing floors covered with linoleum. And do not use high temperatures. No other type of flooring is suitable for this method of cleaning.

Folk remedies
Even before the invention of the mop, people learned to induce cleanliness with the help of folk remedies. They will help to make cleaning quickly and efficiently. From traces of markers on the floor will help a cloth dipped in gasoline. She should easily remove the “drawing”. Then the place must be wiped with a damp cloth and wipe dry. A similar algorithm of action is effective against traces of sneakers. The coating will shine if it is washed with a solution of water and milk. The ingredients are mixed one by one. After treatment, the floor can be smeared with linseed oil, which forms a special protective film.

Popular recipe polish, suitable for all surfaces:

take a five-liter bucket of water; add six tablespoons of vinegar;
pour in four spoons of polish for furniture;
mix. Many tools are made on the basis of vinegar.

This substance helps to get rid not only of unpleasant odors, but also of bacteria.

Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Mop Replacement Bottle (FG1M1800TNTGR)

Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Mop Replacement Bottle (FG1M1800TNTGR)

Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Mop Replacement Bottle (FG1M1800TNTGR)

How to clean and quickly clean the floor

Soon the weekend, many will wash the floor, and some will be upset that they have not cleaned it cleanly, and they have spent the whole day cleaning. But there is a way to clean the floor cleanly and quickly, and not at all to get tired.

When washing the floor, you need to rub along the floorboards without straining, and you do not need to make any silly circular movements. But to achieve a quality result, you need to meet a few simple conditions. I will show you how to clean the floor perfectly clean and quickly with step-by-step photos.

80 percent of the quality of floor washing depends on how you vacuum the floor before washing.

Raise the chairs and all that can be raised from the floor to the tables and sofas. At the same time, the legs of the raised furniture are cleaned of dust.
Furniture that can not be lifted, we move when thoroughly vacuumed.
Vacuuming, if relatively clean, dust the dust with a brush, if dirty microfiber cloth. If the surfaces are very dirty, we clean first with a wet microfibre cloth, then wipe dry.
With a whisk we remove dust from baseboards. It can be a special narrow nozzle for a vacuum cleaner, but a whisk faster.
Do not despise the whisk as an inefficient tool: if you sweep the dust off the surfaces at least every other day, your house will always be clean, and it will not take much time.
We clean the whisk as it is polluted with a vacuum cleaner.
To clean the floor we need the following tools: a bucket, three rags for the floor, two brushes, detergent. Detergent in accordance with the specified proportion is poured into a bucket and diluted with warm, but not hot water.
Put a lightly wrung cloth on the floor and put a velcro attachment on it.
First, we wipe the areas from which the furniture was moved, which stands constantly on these sections of the floor.
A light mop with a telescopic handle everywhere gets under the bed.
My under the sofas. I never buy furniture, under which you can not climb up with a vacuum cleaner and mop. All these perversions with thin rags and chopsticks are not for me.
We spend a mop along all skirting boards.
If the floor cloth without garbage, then vacuumed well.
But still, with a stiff brush, wash my cloth with the floor wash and rinse it clean. And only a clean cloth moistened again in order to clean the floor in the following rooms.

It is useless to wash the floor with a dirty cloth.

Wash with the same water where you washed the rag to no avail.

The floor washing solution must always be clean.

The rag should be washed in a pre-washed sink, and the garbage should be thrown into the garbage.

Only after the floor is dry, move the furniture back to where it usually stands.

Now my floor where there is nothing, that is, the space in which we walk.

Without straining, three floors along the floorboards or linoleum pattern back and forth.
There is no need for any circular and grabber movements: you have just thoroughly vacuumed the floor.

After each room, wash my rag as shown above. Rag should always be clean. 15 percent of the quality of floor cleaning depends on it.

Wear sneakers with clean soles so as not to carry dirt. Or wash my sole and wipe dry.
Look at the sole of the slippers, if you wear them at home. It is often not clean enough, because we can go both to the stairs and to the balcony, and just forget about it.
We remove the wet cloth from the nozzle and another one is the same, but with a dry cloth we wipe the washed linoleum almost dry.
It is necessary to wipe the washed floor dry, so that no traces or drops are left at all, and the floor looks perfect.
If the dry cloth became wet, but remained almost clean, the linoleum was washed well.
After washing the parquet can be wiped with a special soft polishing cloth.
The polishing cloth is almost clean, the floor is washed well.
With a fluffy polishing cloth we clean the dirt with a brush before washing it, if necessary.
The second brush scrub dirt with the one that polished polishing cloth.
Wash sneakers, brushes and rags in the sink.

Then instantly wash my sink .
We wipe and put in place a garbage bucket, putting a package in it. In order to save space, I do not use a special bucket for cleaning the floor. if you use the trash, then the bucket is washed and does not require additional space.

If you have a tiled floor, you can wash it as well as washing on the balcony and in the bathroom . Just do not forget to wipe it dry after washing. It is easy and pleasant, but effective.

All posts about cleaning are here .

We clean the clean rags on the balcony or the battery so that we can put them in the rag compartment, and put our mop and nozzles in the closet in the space reserved for the tools for cleaning, the organization of which I will tell in the next post.
