Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 128 Fluid Ounce

Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 128 Fluid Ounce

Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 128 Fluid Ounce

How to properly and quickly wash different types of floors

Housework is a tedious and mundane process. Often, housewives do it almost unconsciously, but such actions can adversely affect the health of residents. Let's take a closer look at how to properly clean the floors. Even if the school has home economics lessons, they are not taught to clean the house properly. Often girls who have recently got married do not cope with this work because their parents did not teach them ..

General rules There are some tips on how to properly clean the apartment: Update the water, expecting a bucket of 10 square meters. m rooms; Use only warm water; Carry chairs, mats, carpets, so that nothing interferes with the normal process; Sweep or vacuum the room before wet processing; Intensively squeeze the rag, removing excess water; Carry the floor from the corners to the center and to the door. The first recommendation should be considered most carefully: in order to be able to call the floor clean, it is necessary to renew the water frequently. As a result, the washing of the floors in each room should take place with fresh water. Otherwise, germs and dirt move from one room to another. There are certain standards of hygiene, according to which doctors recommend using one bucket to handle 10 square meters. m. Such cleaning will not be quick and easy, but the hostess does not risk the health and well-being of loved ones. When processing a very dirty surface, it will be necessary to change the water several times in the same room. The water temperature should be approximately 40 degrees. If it is higher, there is a risk of damaging the floor and skin, below - worse to clean the coating from germs and dirt ..

Consider how to clean the house or apartment using step-by-step instructions: To prepare for washing you need to remove items and furniture that impede the process. The mat or carpet will need to be vacuumed and carefully moved to the next room. If this is not possible, you can roll the carpet into a roll and put it in a corner, before removing the dust. Chairs better put away, so they do not interfere with cleaning. Then you should walk on the floor with a moistened broom, brush or vacuum cleaner. Remove dust from hard-to-reach areas (under the bed, sofa, wardrobe). Otherwise, the essence of processing is lost. Dust and dirt in these areas is a source of germs. If you do not get rid of it in time, but if you touch it with a damp cloth, dirty stains will remain on the clean floor. Finishing the floor starts from the far corners of the room, the baseboards are thoroughly washed. After you need to move to the center and remove dirt and dust in the area before leaving ..

Many people know these recommendations in theory, but they are often not used in practice. If you neglect them, the risk of allergies, viruses and infections increases.

Choice of method Recommendations discussed above are suitable for mop processing and manual. Consider the better to wash the floors. The benefits of processing by hand: Benefit for the figure (you can burn more calories); No need to spend money on a mop and attachments for her; Convenience of processing of corners and plinths; With proper washing, the result will be more efficient; With complex stains can handle only hands ..

Disadvantages: It takes a lot of time; It is difficult to wash the areas under the cupboard and bed; The inconvenience of working in gloves, without them, skin damage can be damaged; A large load on the limbs, back ..

The benefits of mop washing: The process is faster; If you mop the floor correctly, there is no negative effect on the limbs, back; Will be able to easily wash the areas under the furniture; If there is an automatic spin in the mop, there is no effect of cleaning agents on the skin; Hygiene; It is easier to wash the floors without staining ..

Disadvantages: The cost of a good mop; Additional processing by hands of difficult pollution, corners and plinths; If you need to quickly and superficially wash the floor, it is more difficult to wash between furniture and carpets. When buying a mop, be aware that the handle is located at the armpit level. This size will reduce the load on the back. With the help of such a mop it will be possible to easily reach hard-to-reach areas. By the choice of cloth, too, should be approached carefully. The following types are distributed: Viscose. Fabric perfectly absorbs fluid, but loses its strength when in contact with water. Strong twisting during the spin cycle also reduces the period of operation of the cloth; Rag with pulp. This option is very reliable. The fabric has good absorbing properties; Synthetics. One of the best materials for cleaning floors. The fabric dries quickly, remains in excellent condition for a long time; Microfiber. Its fibers fall into hard-to-reach areas and small cracks. They attract pollution, leaving the floor in perfect order ..

Features of washing different types of floors In a modern apartment is not always just one type of floor. Often there is one material in the bedroom, another in the bathroom, and a third in the kitchen. There are household chemicals and folk methods for any type. Ungraded, unpainted coating is considered an ecological option. Often the floor is made of wood, which is usually covered with wax, oil or varnish. These are colorless paints due to which the boards look natural. Consider how to quickly wash the floors and remove stubborn stains from this surface: Mix grated soap (2 tbsp.) And warm water (6 liters); Walk on the floor using a stiff brush; Pour the vinegar (2 tbsp.) In cool water (6 l); Treat the floor using a soft cloth; Wipe dry. Soap is replaced with a solution with "Belize". Funds need 3-4 spoons. Then polluted areas are allowed not to rub hard. To avoid the negative impact of water on such a floor, it is necessary to process it twice a year with a cloth dipped in turpentine.

The plank painted coating is not afraid of moisture. With good paint, the floor will not peel off even because of strong detergents. Pollution can be easily removed from this surface. To give shine to the floor ammonia is applied. Processing takes place according to the following technique: Mix ammonia (2 tbsp.) In cool water (6 l); Walk on the surface; The solution does not require removal. To the note: Areas where the paint has peeled off a little, rub with mastic for a parquet of a similar color. With this little trick, you can postpone the repair, keeping the floor attractive in appearance. Laminate and parquet flooring are the most capricious types of flooring. Do not use abrasives, steam cleaners for their treatment. If water gets inside, floor swelling may occur. To clean the floor from the laminate buy store supplies, such as Pronto or Denkmit. In the latter there is wax, which provides gentle care for the surface, protection from UV rays and early wear ..

If the hostess does not use special care products, it is important to know that you should not allow large amounts of water to fall on the floor or laminate. It is better to thoroughly vacuum, walk with a damp cloth and remove excess liquid, rubbing it with a flannel cloth until the surface glistens. Persistent contaminants are removed by means such as “Silit” or detergent.

Mix into powder (1 tbsp.) With a small amount of water to a mushy state; Apply to pollution, wait all night; In the morning, rinse with warm water. Glitter parquet flooring will add glycerin. Per liter of water is taken 4 tbsp. l facilities. Laminate is treated with water and vinegar. It is important not to leave excess water and thoroughly squeeze a rag. Ceramic, porcelain or tile - the most unpretentious option. It does not cause difficulties when cleaning. The following method will do: Mix ammonia (4-5 drops) and a bucket of water; You can pour 1 tbsp. l gloss for dishwashers; Wash the floor, wipe dry ..

If the tile has a rough coating, use a brush and washcloth with a solution of soap or stores with tools such as Cif, Glorix, Mr. Proper, “Cinderella”, “Oranit”, “Sanfor”, Sodasan, Sano Poliwix, PassionGold, HG, “Passionflower”, “Attitude”, “Orchid 5in1”. For heavy pollution, Pemolux is used. Linoleum does not tolerate ammonia, soda, brushes with hard bristles, chlorine, hot water, alcohol, liquid soap. In order not to spoil the pattern and the material itself, it is important to act carefully: Mix soap chips (2 tbsp.) With water (6 liters); Walk on the surface; Immediately rinse with clean cool water until the soap is dry; With smooth linoleum, dip the soft cloth in the flaxseed oil and walk on the surface. Dark dirt on linoleum is cleaned with a mixture of water and grated chalk. Zelenka is removed by means of removing varnish or foam from laundry soap. To form a shine, you can dip the cloth into the water connected to the milk. Once a season it is worth rubbing floor with linseed oil, then walk with soft silk ..

Carpet does not tolerate wet processing. It is better to use a special dry foam, then a vacuum cleaner to remove it. There are special tools for carpets, for example, Sano carpet shampoo spray. Successfully apply a steam cleaner or a washing vacuum cleaner. If the carpet is removed, you can wash it in the snow in the winter. To remove stubborn dirt, you will need: Combine vinegar (1 tbsp. L.) And alcohol (3 tbsp. L.); Decontaminate, wait 30 minutes; Remove liquid sponge with a sponge. Cork is considered hygroscopic. It does not tolerate high humidity. Therefore it is required to strongly squeeze out a rag. Special detergents are not required. Enough standard soap solution. It is forbidden to use abrasives ..

Universal methods for all types of surfaces depending on the type of stains: Dirt. It will be possible to clean the floor from contamination with detergent or dishwashing gel, such as “Fae”; Fat. To cope with fatty bloom, you need to combine vegetable oil with soda. Stir to a creamy state. Process the floor, wait a quarter of an hour. Remove the remaining soda with a broom, rinse with cool water; Wine stains can be removed with meat-based soap or with a solution of soda and linseed oil; Diesel or diesel oil can be removed using professional tools; Mold. Bleach can handle it. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions, apply protective equipment and ventilate the room. Mix bleach (10 g) with water (5 l). Open the windows and start the procedure. It should be noted that there should be no children and pets in the apartment. For floor gloss table vinegar is used. At 10 liters of water is taken 2 tbsp. l A pleasant smell will give essential oil (1-2 drops). Varieties of tools for the treatment of floors a lot. They are combined according to characteristics such as the method of preparation and composition; types of surfaces for which the product is intended; effects on health, etc. There are folk, antibacterial, disinfectant, antistatic, natural formulations. The choice of means is carried out taking into account a floor covering. Consider what types of floor treatment products are available: Antibacterial Domestos, Nordland2. They are well suited for cleaning the floor, but there is a risk of injury. Particles of substances in the composition are in the air, on the skin and mucous membranes. It is better to wear gauze and rubber gloves when handling; Antistatic Cantron, Multipower Neutral. Usually used for the problem of static electricity, which is flammable. Often they are washed in hospitals, in production, where special requirements are made for the quality of the floors; Disinfectant formulations Help, L.O.C .. Disinfectants are effective in combating infectious agents such as influenza viruses, as well as fungi and bacteria. They should be purchased for the care of the apartment, especially if it has small children. Give preference to the most harmless option. Some people choose a product with chlorine if they have pets in the apartment. But for small houses this option is not suitable, as it is necessary to inhale chlorine until it disappears from the room, and this is dangerous ..

When buying funds you need to carefully study the composition. You should not choose: Disinfectants that have sodium hypochlorite in their composition. The surface will lose shine over time; Detergents are similar in appearance to the standard powder and with optical bleach in the composition. This will complicate the cleaning process. Important: The composition should contain less than 5% non-ionic surfactants, fragrances and preservatives. This amount is enough to keep the floor clean. There are housewives who prefer natural products for cleaning the floor to household chemicals. They have no chemical components, they are environmentally friendly. The cleaning is safe and the floor shines clean. It is water mixed with alcohol, essential oil, vinegar. You can add mustard powder, citrus. In folk remedies often added soap, sal ammoniac. These methods are time tested, but for modern coatings, such as laminate, they are not always suitable ..

Washing the floor after repair Repair tracks are harder to remove from coatings. On them often remains paint, glue, whitewashing, putty. Before treating floors, remove the dirt: Glue and paint. They are cleaned with white spirit or acetone. Wallpaper glue is also removed with simple warm water if rinsed several times. Oil paint is removed with Cif cream. You can get rid of pollution on linoleum with the help of sunflower oil. Fresh traces of water-based paint are easily removed with a mixture of soap and water. For old stains, apply a solution of soap, leaving it for a quarter of an hour. The method is suitable only if the floor carries moisture. Isopropyl alcohol and formic acid cope with paint without difficulty and risk to cover; Lime and hardened putty. First, you need to carefully remove plaque with a spatula, then remove the excess with hot water mixed with sunflower oil. At 5 liters of water will require 100 ml of oil. A mixture of water and salt is also an effective method of washing whitewash. 100 g of product are taken for 5 l of liquid.

After the removal of the dead man Consider how to clean the floor after the removal of the dead man. Careful treatment of the floor where the dead man lived is an ancient ritual. With death, negative energy always penetrates into housing, regardless of the nature of the deceased person. If the energy stays indoors, the tenants may start to hurt. The ritual is not carried out by relatives of the deceased, it can not be done during pregnancy. Often they ask to remove an outsider, for example, a neighbor. The floor is treated from the walls and the threshold, ending with washing in the area where the coffin was located. Sometimes spring water is used for this purpose. There is a sign that the family of the deceased should give the girl clothes as a thank you. Floor cleaning should be regular, not just on a clean Thursday. Then the coatings will always remain fresh and shiny. Stains are best removed immediately after detection. When processing it is important to consider the type of coating.
