Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Rejuvenate All Floors Restorer Fills in Scratches Protects & Restores Shine No Sanding Required

Rejuvenate All Floors Restorer Fills in Scratches Protects & Restores Shine No Sanding Required

Rejuvenate All Floors Restorer Fills in Scratches Protects & Restores Shine No Sanding Required

How to clean the floor

A clean house is beautiful, cozy, and most importantly, good for the health of its inhabitants. How much time and effort a good housewife spends cleaning! Vacuum cleaner, washes, wipes, cleans. But this is worth it, if the result is really good, and all the effort is not wasted. How nice to live in such a house! In fact, the issue of cleanliness is central to the overall ecology, since human health directly depends on it. Today we will talk about how to clean the floors clean. This topic is more important for all of us, but it is especially important for families where small children live. After all, on the floor they spend the bulk of their games and activities. Therefore, caring mothers have to pay special attention to sex. So, we set ourselves the task: how to achieve a really clean floor? Clean, no compromise. And the result should match the time and effort spent.

The first way. Utopian.

First, the floor is vacuumed. Then we take a mop and a rag (or a microfiber cloth, a microfiber mop head, etc.), moisten it in a bucket and start washing the floor. We carry out a mop from ourselves, to ourselves. So what? The rag is already dirty. It is useless to wash the floor with it, but we will drive dirt from corner to corner. You can rinse it in a bucket: the truth is, it really does not wash, but the water will become dirty and you will have to change it immediately. So, literally after two movements, and one washed strip of the floor, it is necessary to remove the rag and go to wash it from dirt. It is unlikely that someone, and even more so the mother of the baby, will find time and energy constantly and during the entire cleaning period, wash the cloth and change the water in the bucket an infinite number of times. Or you can do this: stock up with a huge amount of rags (napkins) to cover the entire apartment, and then throw out all this dirty pile or send it to the machine. It is very doubtful that someone will like this cleaning.

The second path. Compromise.

I mop the floor, remove the stains, and from time to time we rinse the rag in the bucket, reassuring ourselves that “after all, the house is not a street, it’s not all that messy”. The main thing is to remove traces of porridge and spilled juice.

But if you do not pay attention to the dirty cloth and black slush buckets and continue to "wash" the floor, then, alas, the result will be worse than nowhere. This option for homes with children is absolutely not suitable, and we will not consider it further. After all, we are trying for a beloved child, our family and for ourselves.

The third way. Perfect result.

There is a way to really clean the floor! The principle should be the following: it is necessary that only clean water gets to the surface, and dirty water with dust and allergens would be immediately removed. And without rags that need to be washed. It is under this scheme that the washing vacuum cleaner works.

Thomas floor cleaning

Let's take a closer look at the example of the vacuum cleaner Thomas. The Thomas washing vacuum cleaner has two containers: one is filled with clean water from the tap, and the other during cleaning will collect dirty water. To enhance the effect, you can add a Thomas ProTex detergent (always included) to the water. It is pH neutral, and it removes dirt well. If the mother is an opponent of any chemical means, then just with water the result will be great. Water can be used slightly warm, about 30 degrees. It makes little sense to install the function of additional heating of water in the appliances, as some manufacturers of washing vacuum cleaners do. As practice shows, until the water passes through all the pipes and comes into contact with the cold floor, it will still cool. Thomas has no unnecessary features for which the buyer has to fork out.

An insert against splashing is installed in the container for dirty water, which prevents the process of boiling and the formation of waves.

Next to the vacuum cleaner connect the main hose, telescopic tube, water hose, trigger for supplying water. Select the desired nozzle. To clean the floor, we need a large triangular nozzle, which we put on a special adapter. On the one hand he has a strong elastic pile, and on the other hand - a strong rubber edge. With this design, all stains rub off very quickly.

Nozzle for wet cleaning of carpets with an adapter for cleaning floors

Everything! Vacuum cleaner ready. We turn on the device itself at maximum power (large Power button), then the pump (second large button). But the water will pour before the nozzle only when we pull the trigger. Keep the trigger pressed - the water goes. The trigger was released - no water. Convenient and easy. And then the usual movement as in the traditional vacuuming: from yourself and to yourself.

If you need to moisten a place stronger, lower the arm with the hose below. So there will be more water on the floor, and the stubborn stain will be washed faster. If it is necessary on the contrary, to dry the surface, then keep the nozzle more vertically in relation to the floor. And the residual moisture will be only 0.4%. The mop is never dreamed of.

Due to the fact that in one motion clean water is sprayed and the dirty water is immediately absorbed, the floor really becomes clean. The way it should be, especially if there are kids at home. The floor, cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, is so clean that it literally sparkles.

After cleaning the dirty water (it is just surprising how dirty it will be) is poured into the toilet, the soiled parts are cleaned with vacuum cleaners. It will take no more than time to wash the rag and launder the bucket.

But the effect of such cleaning is incomparably higher. On this floor, you can safely sit, play and even sleep.
