Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Bona Multi-Surface Floor Premium Microfiber Mop

Bona Multi-Surface Floor Premium Microfiber Mop

Bona Multi-Surface Floor Premium Microfiber Mop

How to properly and geometrically clean the floor in the apartment? Mop Artists

Men rarely wash the floor. Unless, if absolutely "grow mud". In the prisons and barracks uncle, too, famously wielding a mop and a rag. In the morgues, most often the cleaners are men. But in such a way as to drive the father of the family off the couch and throw him on the wet cleaning of the corridor or the living room, let's say it is - sorry ... In vain! Even the gods actively maintain the hygiene of homes and public buildings. Olaf Speier In a simple but rather philosophical film "Bruce Almighty" with Jim Carrey, there is an episode where God, taking on the appearance of a person (character actor Morgan Freeman), mops off the endless white floors of an office room. God with a mop and a bucket is very conceptual, he does not deal with global problems of the universe, but simply washes the floor. But even the gods can sometimes make a remark. Freeman's hero washes the floor is not quite right! Proper movement of the mop involves drawing on the surface of the so-called "eights". Not twos, not units, not nines. Eights (more on that later). We will now look intently at how to clean the floor competently from a medical, geometric, tantric, scientific and technological point of view. Preparation In each case, preliminary preparation is important. It is necessary to draw up a further plan of hostilities, figuratively speaking. There is a beachhead - living room, for example. It is necessary to make a march with a rag and a bucket on the bridgehead, and for this, according to all the rules of military affairs, it should be “cleaned”. “Stripping” means eliminating an adversary — dust and dirt — through destruction or deportation. In our case, you first need all the stools, hangers, chairs and other items that you can lift up, remove from the floor. At home, removing all unnecessary, take a broom and dunk it in a bucket of water.

Just the tip. Do not shove it all the way into the bucket and arrange the Gulf Stream there. Wet broom. To drive away excess water, it is enough for them to knock something. By the mother-in-law is prohibited! But on the edge of the bucket - please.

Next, we pass a wet broom the whole front of work, removing large dirt and dust. This is done with a wet broom so that the dust does not circle the room, does not settle in the airways.

"Eight" As I mentioned earlier, competent floor cleaning implies drawing "eights". The secret lies in the fact that the mop collects small debris in circles, and does not smear it on the floor in all directions. Then the mop is dipped into a bucket of water and after rinsing all the fine dirt settles to the bottom. To draw "eights" on the floor it is not necessary to have a higher artistic education, be Nikas Safronov or a draftsman of the Sukhoi battery. Although I read that in some very pretentious firms, even for the post of cleaners and cleaners they are now looking for people with higher education. Capitalism implies the opportunity to unlearn at an institute or university for many years, to master the skills of space technology, for example, but in the conditions of unemployment one cannot find a job in the diploma. And then the doors to the low work niches open. Room cleaning is one of them. So, regardless of your education and IQ level, it is better to wash the floor with a “figure of eight”. Wash Geometry When bombarding the territory occupied by the enemy, the artillery uses a terrain designation system in squares. Example: “A squad of saboteurs is in the square 36−80.

To level everything there with the ground! ”When we wet the room, we also divide it into squares (four) and wash them one by one. It should start from the farthest. From the walls we move to the center, all the byaku, garbage, cat or dog hair are driven to the center. Back to our ancestors! Nature rewarded man with erect walking, and for this he paid for diseases of the spine. When washing floors, people even die. I note, with illiterate, unscientific washing. The fact is that when a man washes the floor, standing with a mop in his hands, he bends at the waist. And for a better overview of the work done, he also throws his head back. It turns out that the arteries of the spine, through which the blood runs to our brain, are pinched by this droppings. There is no normal blood flow and nutrition of the brain due to pressure on the arteries - a stroke is possible, which in extreme cases leads to death. The proverb “Cleanliness is a guarantee of health” does not work in this case. The desire for purity can be the last desire in life. Look at your dog or cat if you have them when they stomp.

So you need to competently mop the floor! We get on all fours. Under the knees you can and should put knee pads and, as people say, “on the crap” my floor. The natural “suspension” of the spine (in science it is called lordosis) is thus preserved, and there is no back pain or excessive drooping of the head. A cleaner or cleaning woman crawls across the floor, like an ant across the bottom of a can, without harming herself or the floor or the neighbors.

In tsarist times, so huge floors were rubbed for grand balls. Immerse yourself in the layers of history, cleaning the floor on all fours with a rag. Nobody forbids crawling and humming something funny. Any light aria. And you can just turn on the music and work "with a twinkle." For example, under the “Flight of the Bumblebee” by Rimsky-Korsakov. Twirling on all fours - it's fun! As in childhood, remember, many of us played cavalry: someone portrays a horse, and someone a rider. The enthusiasm and excitement are provided. But still not every hostess or landlord wants to create clean floors on all fours, but prefers a mop. Well, then you need to follow the following rules. Moping floors should be done with a straight back, only slight bending is permissible. For a competent fight with dirt in this case, you need to pick up and competent weapons. Like any gun waiting for its owner, so every mop is not averse to knowing exactly its owner (master). How correctly “to carve out our weapon of cleanliness?” It is necessary to select a mop on growth.

When a person comes to a sports shop for skis, he buys ski poles, as a rule. There is a special table that helps to choose the necessary ski equipment, depending on the size of the athlete. No similar standards have been developed for mops yet. I went shopping in Moscow, in Los Angeles, in Sochi, in Dubai, in Berlin, in Yelets ... and nowhere is there anything like that. It's a pity. But the mop should be as high as the armpit! This is the main criterion. Then there will be no excessive bending of the spine, it will become easier to reach the hidden corners of the room. So, choose a mop depending on height, as well as ski poles. Remember! Indoor floor is the most polluted place. Even for a day or two, dust, animal hair, sand, and other things accumulate in the corners. The more often the floors are cleaned by washing, the more environmentally friendly the housing. Wash the floor with passion! A playful bucket and well-chosen mop will become your loyal assistants.
