Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Weiman Wood Floor Polish and Restorer - 32 Ounce - High-Traffic Hardwood Floor, Natural Shine, Removes Scratches, Leaves Protective Layer,2-Pack

Weiman Wood Floor Polish and Restorer - 32 Ounce - High-Traffic Hardwood Floor, Natural Shine, Removes Scratches, Leaves Protective Layer,2-Pack

Weiman Wood Floor Polish and Restorer - 32 Ounce - High-Traffic Hardwood Floor, Natural Shine, Removes Scratches, Leaves Protective Layer,2-Pack

How to quickly clean the floor in the whole house: the secrets of cleaning

Quickly cleaning the floor in the whole house is not as easy as it seems to many housewives. In this case, as in any household cleaning, there are a lot of nuances, the knowledge of which greatly facilitates hard work. After all, modern interior design offers a variety of flooring, and each of them has its own approach to professional cleaning. Let's borrow a couple of secrets and find out how to quickly and easily clean the floor in the whole house. This and other information you will find in our material.

Washing of floors - the final stage of general cleaning of any dwelling. After things are laid out in places, the cabinets are wiped, and the surfaces are free of dust, it is time to clean the floor from sand, dirt and stains. If you follow the simple rules at this stage, it will be possible to carry out this part of the harvesting much faster and with less effort. After all, you see, at the end of the cleaning activities there is not so much energy left, and yet it is the floors that are one of the dirtiest surfaces in the house, and it is necessary to clean them of contamination as carefully as possible.
Simple rules for cleaning floors

Many of these rules seem obvious and too simple, but they allow you to quickly and effectively cope with cleaning floors. If you ignore them, the process inevitably delays, absorbing time and energy. But this is what we do not want. Therefore, we follow simple tips and significantly simplify your life!

- Before you start washing the floor, you must remove all things from it, and take small items, such as chairs or stools, out of the room or put them on the tables with their legs up. Needless to say, you need to shake the dust out of the carpets first. Otherwise, all dirt from the carpet quickly transferred to a clean floor and firmly stuck to it, greatly complicating the subsequent cleaning.

- Do not immediately start wet cleaning - the best thing is to vacuum the floor first or sweep the sand and dry dirt with a broom or brush. If this is not done, they will be smeared with a wet rag over the floor covering - it will be more difficult to clean the floor, and besides, stains will remain. If you use a broom, it should be slightly moistened so that the dust does not rise into the air and again does not settle on the already swept surface.

- Washing the floor with a damp cloth should be started from the corners opposite to the entrance. Be sure to pay attention to the baseboards - they accumulate a lot of dirt and dust. Try not to step on already washed areas, gradually moving towards the exit. Otherwise, your traces will remain on the coating, which will be noticeable after the floor has dried.

- So that there are no divorces, and the floor shines, it is best to wash it with water with a small amount of a special detergent for floor coverings diluted in it. In this case, it is easier to wash off the dirt and do not have to wipe the floor several times. In addition, after such a cleaning coating will shine. Another plus: the next time cleaning will be given much easier, and dirt from the floor will be easier to clean.

- Change contaminated water frequently so that dirt and harmful bacteria are not transferred from one room to another.
Methods for cleaning various floor coverings

Depending on the type of flooring, the ways of its effective cleaning differ. After all, today in the houses you can find both parquet, painted wooden floor or cork, and laminate and linoleum. Each such material has its own characteristics, and also reacts differently to excess water. Smearing the dirt with a wet rag can easily ruin the floor. Therefore, we understand the types of flooring and how to clean them.

Wood floors

Wooden floors are usually covered with paint or varnish. Due to this, the natural material does not absorb water, which means that such floors can be washed with a damp cloth.

- For daily cleaning, simply wipe the cover. If the floor is cleaned once a week, some detergent should be diluted in the water in order to clean the accumulated dirt. You can use liquid soap and clean the floor with soap and water. After that, you will have to wipe the coating a couple of times with a cloth moistened with clean water to remove any soap residue.

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- If you use detergent for HG parquet, then you will not need to wipe the floor again after such treatment. This product is intended not only for parquet, but also for wooden floors. Quite a bit of funds must be diluted in water to prepare the washing solution. It is enough to wash the floor with a cloth dipped in it to get rid of dirt and give a shine to the floor.

- Folk way to give shine to wooden painted floors - use for washing a solution of water and vinegar. By the way, the paint due to this cleaning will last on the coating for much longer. Unambiguous minus - the smell of vinegar, which will be some time felt in the room. Therefore, this method is not very suitable for daily cleaning.


The parquet popular at all times is capricious in cleaning. A wet rag with flowing drops of water is destructive to him. Like scratches from the heels or claws of animals - the varnish is covered with a web of scratches and the floor ceases to shine. That is why special means are best for washing the parquet.

- Before embarking on wet cleaning, the parquet must be well vacuumed out. This way all rubbish and sand that can scratch the varnish will be removed from it. By the way, a washing vacuum cleaner and steam cleaner for cleaning such a floor is absolutely not suitable. Hot steam will cause early floor swelling.

- The main rule: the parquet is not friendly with water. Therefore, only a slightly damp cloth, which has been wrung out very carefully, is suitable for daily floor cleaning.

Как помыть паркет

- A complete washing of the parquet with a wet rag using a soap solution can be carried out no more than a couple of times a year. At the same time immediately after washing off dirt and stains, the coating should be wiped dry and treated with a special protective agent. To make the parquet shine, some glycerin is added to the water to wash it.

- Stains and traces of dirt must be removed from the floor as quickly as possible, otherwise they will be absorbed into the structure of the floor and will not be able to clean them. Coverage will be hopelessly flawed.

- Professional cleaning of parquet involves the use of a special composition. Detergent for HG parquet is perfect for everyday use. It will not only remove all dust and dirt from such a floor, but also help to cope with stains. But the flooring will be protected from heavy dirt, scratches and tarnishing with a special polish for HG parquet . In addition, he will give the floor a delightful shine. Before applying the composition to the coating, it should be further cleaned with a polishing agent to remove the polish from the HG parquet . The product will remove the layers of the old polishing composition, as well as all the ingrained dirt and stains. By the way, this tool can try to deal with old stains. It is only after such thorough processing that fresh polish is applied to the floor surface. In this case, even such a capricious coating as parquet will be reliably protected from any adversity.


Due to the moderate cost and at the same time good decorative properties, laminate is increasingly being chosen for flooring in any dwellings. The multi-layered nature of this material ensures its strength and durability. The top layer, which is most often acted with acrylic or melamine resin, protects the laminate from damage. However, this floor cannot be called absolutely invulnerable. Laminate is afraid of scratches and excess water.

- For such a floor, timely cleaning of sand and dirt is a vital necessity. First of all, dry garbage is always removed from the surface, and only then you can start wet cleaning. The grains of sand leave a web of small scratches on the laminate and deprive it of shine.

- To carry out wet cleaning every day, if you have laminate laminate, is undesirable. It will be enough a couple of times a week. On other days, use a broom, brush or vacuum cleaner to remove dirt. By the way, a washing vacuum cleaner is often not worth using. After cleaning the floor with it, immediately wipe the floor with a dry absorbent cloth to remove excess moisture.

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- A microfiber cloth or a mop with a soft cloth attachment is perfect for wet laminate cleaning. The main thing is to prevent the accumulation on the floor of excess moisture and the appearance of puddles. Water will cause the laminate to swell.

- People's Council: in order to avoid stains on the laminate, some vinegar is added to the water for washing.

- Specialists in the field of cleaning use for washing laminate professional products that do not allow excessive wetting of the floor, gently clean it and create a protective layer on the surface. These formulations include a detergent and a gloss cleaner for HG laminate . It easily cleans even difficult dirt, prevents fading of the floor and returns a beautiful shine to it. The product is very easy to apply - it is enough to dilute a small amount of it in water and wash the laminate with a well-wrung napkin. After this treatment, the floor does not need to be cleaned again with clean water, which significantly saves time for cleaning. The tool leaves a protective layer on the surface that will contribute to less pollution, as well as prolong the life of the floor.


This type of flooring attracts with its practicality. In addition, linoleum looks good and shines pleasantly, especially if it has just been laid. Moreover, now on sale is a huge variety of such material. However, in order for linoleum to continue to delight with its beautiful appearance, it is necessary to properly care for it and protect such flooring from the effects of high temperatures, mechanical damage, abrasives and chemicals. They can cause irreparable harm to him.

- Immediately after laying the linoleum should be left alone for several days and only a vacuum cleaner or a broom should be used to clean it, in other words, dry cleaning.

Как помыть линолеум

- Remember: before washing the linoleum, it must be swept or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Such a floor, like almost any coating, is afraid of exposure to abrasives. In this role, just the same, and will be the grains of sand and small stones, if you do not remove them from the floor before washing. Otherwise, very soon your linoleum will lose its attractive luster, since it will be covered with a web of minor scratches. In addition, the uncleaned dry dirt will be smeared on the surface and you will have to fight divorces.

- A couple of days after laying, you can begin to carry out wet cleaning of such a coating - with a rag dipped in plain water, or in a solution of liquid soap or powder, if the linoleum is very dirty. However, keep in mind that after this you will have to wipe the floor several times with clean water to wash off the soap stains.

- To linoleum for a long time pleased with the brilliance and brightness of paints, as well as not dried up, experts in the field of cleaning use professional detergent compositions to wash it. Their advantages are obvious: no need to wash off clean water from the floor, do not leave streaks, easily remove all dirt and, most importantly, protect the floor from external influences. Such products include cleaning and polishing agent for linoleum and vinyl coatings HG . It easily copes even with ingrained dirt, improves the decorative properties of the coating and serves as its reliable protection from the rays of the bright sun, abrasive effect and other factors, provided it is regularly used. It is necessary only to wash the linoleum with a product diluted in water, wait for the coating to dry, and then lightly polish it to achieve a pleasant shine.

Cork floor

Environmental friendliness as well as softness and warmth distinguish cork from other flooring materials. The disadvantages of this coating include the complexity of installation, rather high cost, as well as fragility. To cork floor served for a long time, you need to know how to take care of him, and to strictly comply with all requirements.

- This coating can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, a soft brush, as well as a well-wrung damp cloth. The cork is afraid of excess water, and the accidentally spilled liquid must be wiped up immediately.

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- Cork can be washed with a solution of soap or powder. The main thing is not to rub the floor with abrasives and do not use aggressive substances for cleaning.

- Gently clean stubborn dirt, update the surface and protect it from microdamages will help all the same cleaning and polishing agent for linoleum and vinyl coatings HG . It is enough to dilute a little of the composition in water and wash the floor with it to significantly improve its appearance. Invisible to the eye protective layer that remains on the coating, will significantly extend its service life. To protect the cork floor as much as possible, experts advise regularly using HG to clean it.

By following the rules for cleaning floors, you can cope with this difficult job quickly and easily. In addition, your correct actions will help protect the material from which your floor is made, and extend its life!
