Sunday, June 16, 2019

Dreft Multi-Surface All-Purpose Gentle Cleaning Wipes for Baby Toys, Car Seat, High Chair & More

Dreft Multi-Surface All-Purpose Gentle Cleaning Wipes for Baby Toys, Car Seat, High Chair & More

Dreft Multi-Surface All-Purpose Gentle Cleaning Wipes for Baby Toys, Car Seat, High Chair & More

Disinfection in Dentistry - Disinfectant

One of the most important activities in dental practice is high-quality disinfection.

surfaces, equipment, materials and tools. This is the main component of the complex of activities for

prevent the spread of disease.

According to statistics, a large number of infections occur in the dentist’s chair. Here you risk

get not only standard nosocomial infections, but also more serious diseases: HIV, hepatitis,

tuberculosis . Failure to comply with sanitary norms can lead to infection not only of patients, but also of all

clinic staff , as well as their family members.

Disinfection of surfaces.

Disinfection of surfaces in the dental office is an extremely important element in the prevention

nosocomial infection. When working with high-speed turbines and drills in the air

a suspension appears consisting of microscopic droplets of water and pathogenic microorganisms. Aerosols

held in air for up to 30 minutes and extend to a distance of up to 80 cm. and when using water

cooling diameter of the aerosol cloud reaches 2 meters. All this settles on surfaces and tools.

Treatment and disinfection is aimed at reducing bacterial insemination of all surfaces, including

equipment, tables, armrests, door handles and taps and should be carried out after each patient.

Disinfection can be carried out in the presence of the patient, therefore, according to SanPiN

10, the tool should belong to the 4th class of low-hazard substances (for all types of effects on the body).

There are 3 zones with different levels of hygiene:

1 zone :

The treatment area where the highest level of hygiene is to be maintained. The basis of work in the 1st zone should

lay principles:

Sterility (dental instruments);

Disposable (disposable items);

Individuality (gloves);

2 zone:

The boundary of the treatment area, including the surface of the manipulation table, armrests, dental unit,

pusters, individual glasses (drinking bowls), spatulas and cups for kneading impression material, etc.

Treatment and disinfection of surfaces in these areas is carried out after each patient, at the end of the shift and as


Zone 3 : The rest of the office: furniture, equipment, door handles, faucets and sinks, germicidal lamps,

fixtures, walls and floor. In this zone, the current cleaning is carried out daily, at least 2 times a day from

using disinfectants .

As means of disinfection and presterilizing cleaning, are used

only authorized in the prescribed manner in the Russian Federation chemical means

used strictly in accordance with the guidelines approved

Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Criteria for choosing a disinfectant.

When choosing a disinfectant, it is necessary to clearly define the requirements for disinfecting



wide spectrum of action;
no toxicity;
no impact on the processed objects;
quick action;
resistance to environmental factors;
residual antimicrobial effect;
ease of use;
lack of smell;
good solubility;
washing properties.
Properties of items to be disinfected.

In the dental practice are used various in design and composition of medical

instruments and medical devices that require careful selection of tools for the most complete

disinfection and maximum care. For example, we need a tool to process

instruments, respectively, the selection is among the drugs, in the guidelines which indicate their

the possibility of applying for this object disinfection. Preference is given to disinfecting means.

with a washing effect that does not cause corrosion. This criterion significantly narrows the range of choice.


The breadth and spectrum of the antimicrobial action of the disinfecting agent.

Disinfectants can affect the following types of infections: viral, bacterial,

fungal and sporicidal . Not all drugs affect all types of infections, you need to know

what effect can be expected and what level of disinfection is needed.

The ability to combine the stages of processing medical products.

Now the market has a large number of broad-spectrum products. This is a combination of washing

and disinfection, disinfection and sterilization, presterilizing cleaning and disinfection in a single process.

There are universal means of action that can be used for disinfecting medical

instruments and for disinfecting surfaces, premises, furniture, medical equipment, dishes,

linen, sanitary - technical equipment, cleaning equipment. Disinfectants with

additional features such as disinfection of surfaces with a deodorizing effect and the presence of

detergent effect of the drug give greater freedom of choice and create a favorable atmosphere for work.

Terms of use of working solutions and the possibility of their repeated use.

This criterion is necessary when calculating the economic benefits. But it should be borne in mind that with large

disinfectant will be unusable ahead of time

suitability of working solutions, respectively, its use is not always beneficial. Some funds can

apply only during one work shift, others within 36 days. The range of disinfectants by date

the shelf life of working solutions is quite wide and you can choose the best option for each

specific dental facility.

Convenience of use of disinfectants.

The concept of “usability” is a collective term and includes the following

aspects of working with the drug:

release form;
temperature regime of disinfectant;
cooking conditions;
storage stability;
As is known, chlorine-containing substances eventually lose their biocidal activity, especially in the light, that

creates certain inconveniences, since constantly have to check the presence of active chlorine in the product before

by application. Compliance with temperature, i.e. maintaining a certain temperature value

solution during disinfection and chemical sterilization greatly complicates the work with the data

disinfectants. The container in which the product is produced and the volume of these products, as well as the conditions of preparation

working solution - everything must be considered when choosing a disinfectant.

The degree of toxicity.

Degree of toxic effects on humans may manifest as inhalation hazard, possible

poisoning when disinfectant enters the gastrointestinal tract and possible effects on the skin. Most important undoubtedly

is the inhalation effect on humans, because this poisoning occurs much more frequently than

accidental disinfecting of the stomach. Classification of inhalation hazard

disinfectant contains four classes in accordance with the size of the zone of acute toxic


In dentistry, it is allowed to use drugs belonging to the third and fourth class of danger.

The presence of the third class of danger (for example, if it enters the stomach) in the instructions for use of the drug,

implies its relation to moderately dangerous means that it is forbidden to use in the presence of

patients. In accordance with SanPiN -10 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements

medical organizations ”, only fourth-class drugs are allowed

application in the presence of people. This is a very important point if you choose a tool for the current cleaning and

disinfection dental office. Wiping the surfaces of the treatment area can be done in

presence of the patient.

Effects on processed objects.

In dentistry, complex and expensive equipment is used, which rapidly deteriorates when

use of "aggressive" disinfectants. The best means for disinfecting products

Medical preparations are considered compositions based on QAS and cationic surfactants, because, having a wide range of

actions, they have the most gentle effect on materials of products, do not violate their functional

properties and have a detergent effect, which allows them to be used for combined disinfection and

pre-sterilization cleaning.

Staff training.

An important point affecting the quality of disinfection is personnel training.

It is necessary to have detailed instructions for carrying out both current and general cleaning, taking into account

used disinfectant, as well as the order of surface treatment in the office.

Disinfecting Forward Disinfectant

specially designed for use in dentistry.

The drug was created to replace expensive disinfectants

foreign production for a more affordable - Russian, without loss of quality.

"Defect-Forward" is analogous in its properties, and for some

indicators superior to disinfectants izvestsnyh producers: "Johnson and

Johnson, Schulke and Meyer.

The main advantages of disinfectants line "Disfekt".

They have high detergent properties, do not spoil the processed objects, do not discolor fabrics, do not fix organic pollution and biosubstrates, do not cause corrosion;
Do not contain phosphates, aldehydes, acids, active chlorine and oxygen;
According to the parameters of acute toxicity in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76 belong to the 4th class of low-hazard substances (for all types of effects on the body);
In accordance with SanPiN approved for use in the presence of people;
They have a balanced synergistic composition and a high degree of stability: with a minimum amount of active ingredients (from 2.6 to 9%) they have a broad spectrum of action and powerful disinfecting ability;
Destroys odors of different origin;
Possess prolonged antimicrobial action;
Do not lose their physico-chemical properties and biocidal activity during freezing and subsequent thawing.
In accordance with GOST 194330-81 are not dangerous cargo, fire and explosion proof;
Working solutions do not have a cumulative and allergenic effect, are biodegradable, environmentally friendly. When disposing do not require additional dilution with water.
Have a pH level close to neutral;
Shelf life of 5 years. Working solutions keep efficiency within 36 days, can be used repeatedly.
Do not cause resistance in microorganisms;
Versatile in use: can be used by wiping, irrigation, spraying, immersion, aerosolization, foam generation;
Active in hard water, in the presence of organic pollution;
They have all the necessary permits for use at all sites;
Cleaning and disinfection of conventional medical instruments

The use of "Defect-Forward" for disinfecting medical products

appointments, including combined with presterilizing cleaning.

Medical devices must be completely immersed in the working solution of the product immediately after

their use, ensuring the immediate removal of visible contaminants from the surface by using

cloth napkins. Used wipes are placed in a separate container, disinfected, then

disposed of.

The channels and cavities in the products are filled with a solution, avoiding the formation of air plugs. Through

the channels alternately pump the solution of the agent and remove the air using a syringe or other device.

The procedure is repeated several times until complete removal of biological contaminants.

Detachable products are immersed in the solution in disassembled form. Products having castle parts are immersed.

disclosed, having previously made them several labor motions for better penetration of the solution into

hard-to-reach areas of products in the area of ​​the castle part. The thickness of the layer of products above the products should not be

less than 1 cm

Disinfection of dental equipment means "Defect" Forward.

Otteski, denture blanks and other dental materials, pre-washed in 0.05%

solution means "Defect" Forward. Disinfect by immersing them in the working solution by modes

(given in the instructions). At the end of the disinfection, the dental materials are rinsed with running water.

water, after which they are dried in air. Means for the processing of casts are used repeatedly

processing at the same time no more than 50 prints. At the first signs of a change in the appearance of the solution

it should be replaced.

Suction systems in dentistry are disinfected using a working solution means concentration

1.5%. 1 l, is passed through the installation suction system for 2 minutes. Then 1.5% solution

leave it for 30 minutes (at this time the suction system is not used). Procedure

carried out 1-2 times a day, including at the end of the work shift.

Disinfection of air in the dental office means "Dezfekt-Forward . "

Air disinfection is carried out using technical installations by spraying working solutions

agents with a concentration of 0.6% at an exposure of 30 minutes or 0.8% at an exposure of 15 minutes, at a consumption rate

50-100 ml / m3. Pre-disinfect surfaces, close windows and doors, turn off the inlet

exhaust ventilation. After disinfection exposure the rest of the working solution, if necessary

removed from the surfaces with a dry cloth, and the room is ventilated for 10-15 minutes.

Disinfect Forward Sanitizer has antimicrobial activity against

various gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, including causative agents of purulent

septic and other nosocomial infections (intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci and other

known pathogens of nosocomial infections), pathogens of especially dangerous infections - plague, cholera, mycobacterium tuberculosis,

fungi of the genus Candida, trihofiton (effective for the prevention of candidiasis and dermatophytes), molds,

fungal spores, viruses (for all known human pathogen viruses, including enteral viruses

and parenteral hepatitis (including hepatitis A, B and C), HIV, poliomyelitis, adenoviruses, enteroviruses,

rotaviruses, SARS viruses, H5N1 avian flu virus, A / H1N1 swine flu virus

human herpes. The tool is characterized by residual antimicrobial action.

"Defect-Forward" contains as an active substance a complex of 2-quaternary ammonium

compounds - alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride, dimethyldidecylammonium chloride, as well as fragrance, dye,


The "Disinfection Center" produces premium class disinfectants to protect your health.

Documents regulating disinfection and sterilization activities

in dental institutions

1. OST 42-21-2-85 “Sterilization and disinfection of medical products. Methods, means, modes ";

2. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR of 12.07.1989 No. 408 "On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis

in the country";

3. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR of 03.09.1991 No. 254 “On the development of disinfection in the country”;

4. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 18, 1997 No. 170 “On measures to improve HIV prevention and treatment

infections in the Russian Federation ";

5. Guidelines for disinfection, presterilizing cleaning and sterilization of medical products

appointments (MU-287- 113 dated 12/30/1998), approved by the Department of Gossaped Dispensary of the Ministry of Health of Russia

6. "The concept of prevention of nosocomial infections", approved by the dimensional deputy

RF Minister of Health Onishchenko G.A. 12/06/1999;

7. Manual "The use of ultraviolet germicidal radiation for air disinfection and

surfaces in rooms ”(Р 3.1.683-98, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation);

8. Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities";

9. Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 1.1.1058-01 "Organization and conduct of production control

the observance of sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary - anti-epidemic (preventive)

events ";

10. Guidelines MUK 4.2.1035-01 from 23.05.2001 “Methods of control. Biological and microbiological

factors. Control of disinfection chambers ";

11. Manual "Organization of modes of disinfection and sterilization in dental institutions, offices"

(L.A.Ponomareva, Moscow Disinfection Station No. 7, 1998);

12. Methodical recommendations “On the organization and conduct of anti-epidemic measures in institutions

Dental Service ”(Ph.D., PS Oparin, Irkutsk Disinfection Station, Siberia-Vostok Journal,

April 2000);

13. Methodical letter TsGSEN in Moscow from 21.03.1995, No. 12/20 / -208 “Organization of sanitary and hygienic

and disinfection and sterilization regimes in dental institutions ”;

14. The manual on the use of disinfectants and sterilization in hospitals and the organization of disinfection modes and

sterilization in the departments of endoscopy and dentistry. Moscow, 1998.


Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Country Breeze Scent, 80ct

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Country Breeze Scent, 80ct

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Country Breeze Scent, 80ct

Disinfection and disinfection of air. We understand the ultraviolet germicidal irradiators

It's no secret that one of the ways in which infectious diseases spread is air.

The task of air disinfection can be solved by ultraviolet lamps, which emit a short ultraviolet with a peak of 253.7 nm. The word "feed" means a housing for germicidal lamps.

The design of ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators make it possible to divide them into two groups: open or closed irradiators - the so-called recirculators.

A specific feature of open-type bactericidal irradiators is that the flow of ultraviolet radiation from it spreads throughout the space where the light from the bactericidal lamp falls. This is the most effective way to disinfect both air and room surfaces, and even objects in a room.

In the recirculators, ultraviolet radiation has no output. The UV radiation is concentrated in a small confined space of the lamp. Air disinfection occurs as follows: the flow of non-disinfected air flows through the ventilation holes inside the case, inside the UV lamp disinfects the air in the confined space of the UV lamp, the disinfected air enters the room. This principle “UV radiation in the closed space of a bactericidal lamp” allows the use of UV recirculators for disinfecting air even in the presence of people.

In order to effectively disinfect the air and indoor surfaces, we advise you to use open and closed germicidal irradiators in common.

Ultraviolet rays propagate in a straight line and act primarily on nucleic acids, exerting a harmful, pathogenic, and beneficial and productive effect on microorganisms. Bactericidal properties are only those rays that are absorbed, absorbed by the microcell protoplasm. At the biophysical level, ultraviolet radiation affects the genetic or functional machinery of bacteria: ultraviolet radiation causes damaging DNA damage, disrupts cellular respiration and DNA synthesis, which leads to the cessation of microbial cell proliferation. In this process for us as users of a bactericidal irradiator, the death of a microbial cell in the first or subsequent generations is the main one!

Interestingly, what is the power of ultraviolet penetration?

The ultraviolet penetration force is small. In order not to miss them, even a thin layer of glass is sufficient. The action of the rays is limited to the surface of the irradiated object: ultraviolet radiation is highly active, if microorganisms and dust particles are located in one layer, in a multi-layered arrangement we encounter a screening phenomenon: the upper layers protect the underlying layers.

Nature, fortunately (or unfortunately?), Is clever.

In any living cell, there are biochemical mechanisms capable of fully or partially restoring the original structure of the damaged DNA molecule. The protective membrane around the bacterial cell impedes the achievement of our goal: complete antimicrobial action. Despite the fact that we "kill" the microbes by UV radiation, there are still surviving microorganisms. They are able to form new colonies with less susceptibility to radiation. The resistance of microorganisms can be ranked as follows: viruses and gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive, fungi and protozoa microorganisms, the causative agent of tuberculosis, spore forms of bacteria and mold fungi. At the same time, the manifestations of the mechanisms of protection of the microbial cell from the lethal effects of UV rays, which are called photoreactivation, have been proven.

No filtering effect. For filtration, UV irradiators are included in the composition of ventilation systems with various cleaning filters.

UV radiation when exposed to open skin and retina can cause I-II degree burns, exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, and in some cases lead to cancer.

Open irradiators are intended for disinfection of premises only in the absence of people, open combined only during short-term stay of people, and closed in the presence of people.

Disinfection of surfaces, walls and floors of rooms can be carried out using open, combined, portable and mobile irradiators, only in the absence of people.

If a characteristic ozone odor is found, immediately remove people from the room and ventilate it thoroughly until the ozone odor disappears.

What influences the effectiveness of the bactericidal action of UV radiation? Wavelength, radiation intensity, exposure time, the species of the microorganisms being treated, distance from the source and even the state of the air in the room: temperature, humidity, dust level, air velocity.

Bactericidal systems using continuous radiation lamps have low sterilization efficiency due to the difficulty of selecting the required radiation dose and insufficient power level. It is extremely difficult to have all the parameters so that you can simultaneously affect the entire spectrum of microorganisms and viruses.

The effectiveness of the use of UV radiation to disinfect air and surfaces in each case is calculated separately, taking into account all the parameters that affect the process of irradiation of microorganisms. To inactivate moving microflora in the air (according to research by American scientists), the dose of UVI should be 4 times greater than that used to inactivate microflora, which is fixedly located on surfaces. UV radiation is highly active, if microorganisms and dust particles are arranged in a single layer, with a multi-layered arrangement, the upper ones protect the underlying ones (screening phenomenon).


Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Tuscan Lavender and Jasmine, 70 Count

Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Tuscan Lavender and Jasmine, 70 Count

Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Tuscan Lavender and Jasmine, 70 Count


And can be used in medicine, microbiology, cosmetology, animal husbandry and other areas of the national economy. The essence of the proposed device lies in the fact that in its case, which is simultaneously a handle, an AC voltage converter is mounted, one of the output poles of which is galvanically or through a capacitor connected to a common wire or / and device grounding bus which is fixed on the handle. Moreover, the electrode surface is covered with a dielectric layer. This technical solution extends the functionality of the device and allows you to handle the surface of objects of various configurations and large sizes.

1. Device for disinfecting surfaces by means of cold plasma, containing an electrode covered with a dielectric layer and an alternating voltage converter, characterized in that the latter is located in the device case, which is also a handle; the electrode is fixed on the handle and connected to one of the output poles of the converter, and its other output pole is galvanically or through a capacitor connected to the common wire or / and / and the device grounding bus.
2. The device according to claim 1, characterized in that the handle is equipped with a connector, in which are mounted interchangeable electrodes of various configurations.

The invention relates to disinfection techniques, sterilization and degassing of surfaces of various objects / products, materials, skin and wound surfaces of animals and humans, plant surfaces, etc. / and can be used in medicine, microbiology, cosmetology, animal husbandry and other areas of the national economy.

Known disinfectants and sterilizers using plasma glow gas discharge. One of the main disadvantages of these devices is the need to create a vacuum gas environment in the working chamber. In this regard, more attractive is the cold plasma created in a gaseous medium at normal atmospheric pressure.

Known [1] is a method for producing such a plasma using a barrier / quiet / electrical discharge and a plasma-chemical reactor (inductor) device, which consists of two flat electrodes, the gap between which forms a discharge gap. Moreover, the inner surface of at least one of the electrodes is covered with a dielectric layer. The electrodes are connected to a high-voltage source of alternating voltage, when switched on, a quiet discharge arises in the gap between the electrodes and a cold plasma is formed. In [2], its sporicidal effect on test objects placed in the described reactor was shown.

The disadvantage of this device is a small working gap between the electrodes, not exceeding 10 mm, which significantly limits the range of objects that can be processed using the described prototype.

The purpose of this invention is to create a device with advanced functionality, with which you can handle surfaces of various configurations and large sizes.

The essence of the proposed device lies in the fact that it contains an electrode covered with a dielectric layer and a high-voltage AC voltage converter, which can be used as an inductive, piezo-ceramic or other transformer. Unlike the prototype, the latter is located in the case of the device, which is simultaneously a handle. The electrode is mounted on the handle and connected to one of the output poles of the converter, and its other output pole is galvanically or through a capacitor connected to the common wire and / or / and the device grounding bus. The input poles of the high-voltage converter are connected to an alternating voltage generator, which can also be placed in the handle or made as a separate unit, connected to the handle with a flexible cable. There are no increased requirements for the electrical strength of the cable, since the voltage applied to the high-voltage converter does not exceed several hundred volts. Primary power supply of the device can be made both from the industrial AC network and from a DC source, which, if necessary, can also be placed in the handle.

To extend the functionality of the device handle is equipped with a connector with which it can be attached interchangeable electrodes of various configurations.

The described device can be used for disinfection, sterilization and destruction of toxic substances on fairly large surfaces of various objects, including on the skin of animals and humans, as well as on the surfaces of plants and on the soil. When using needle-shaped electrodes, it is possible to treat the internal surfaces of cavities, including the wound surfaces of animals and humans, and also use this device for non-contact reflexotherapy. For processing surfaces with complex configuration, it is advisable to use an electrode in the form of a brush consisting of flexible conductors enclosed in a dielectric shell.

1 schematically shows an example of the construction of the device for the variant when the alternating voltage generator is mounted in the handle. Figure 2 shows the equivalent electrical circuit of the discharge circuit.

The device consists of a housing 1, which is simultaneously a handle of an arbitrary shape, for example cylindrical. The housing has a connector 2, in which the electrode 3 is fixed, covered with a dielectric layer. Its thickness on the working surface 4 can be 0.2.2 mm, depending on the voltage applied to the electrode and the dielectric strength. When the dielectric thickness is less than 0.2 mm, the probability of its breakdown increases, and when the thickness is more than 2 mm, the coefficient of conversion of the electric field energy into the plasma energy induced in the gap 11/2/2 between the electrode 3 and the surface 10 of the object being processed significantly decreases.

Inside the housing 1 there is a step-up transformer 5, one of the conclusions of the high-voltage winding of which is connected via connector 2 to electrode 3, and the other through capacitance 6 / or galvanically / connected to the common wire and / and / grounding bus of the device. To reduce the electromagnetic field induced into the surrounding space and increase the capacitive coupling between the common wire of the device and the operator's hand, the inner surface of the housing is covered with an electrostatic screen 7 / in the case of a dielectric case / connected to the common wire and / and / grounding bus. Low-voltage input winding of the transformer 5 is connected to the output of the alternating voltage generator 8, also located in the device. The generator 8 is connected to a source of electrical energy by a flexible cable 9.

In addition to the elements shown in FIG.

Disinfection of the surface using the described device is as follows. The operator takes the device in his hand and supplies power to the alternating voltage generator 8. As a result of the generator operating, a high voltage winding of the transformer 5 generates alternating voltage, the amplitude of which can be from 10 kV to 100 kV and the oscillation frequency lies in the interval from tens of Hz to hundreds of kHz . When approaching the electrode 3 to the surface of the object being processed 10 / FIG. 2/, for example, to the skin of a person, when the gap 11 between them is less than 10 mm, in the latter a quiet discharge is induced, accompanied by a blue-blue glow of cold plasma. Its components / electrons ions, excited atoms, molecules and radicals /, ultraviolet radiation and products of plasma-chemical reactions / for example, ozone / cause the disinfecting effect of this discharge on the treated surface. If surface treatment with an area larger than the electrode area is necessary, the operator scans the latter above the surface of the object, maintaining the plasma "burning".

The flow circuit of the discharge current, shown in figure 2, is formed due to the presence of electrical conductivity of the object being processed and the mutual capacitance between it and the operator, holding the device in his hand. The result is a capacitive coupling of the object with the corresponding output of the high-voltage winding of the transformer, which is reflected in figure 2 by an equivalent capacitance 12. The presence of electrical resistance on the object being processed is not reflected in figure 2, but if necessary, can be easily taken into account in the corresponding equivalent circuit. In the case of very low permeability of the object, its surface can be artificially moistened with a conductive fluid, for example water.

Experiments carried out with the described device showed that the plasma induced by them well penetrates various porous fabrics: gauze, wool, silk, cotton, etc. Therefore, the processing of such tissues placed on a conductive surface without their additional moisture is possible. In addition, it is possible to treat the skin and wound surfaces of a person even through clothing or gauze dressings, the latter being also subjected to disinfection simultaneously with the skin.

If a needle or wire electrode with a bare end is used in this device, the device can be used as an electrosurgical apparatus or an electric arc welding apparatus. In this embodiment, a stable high-frequency arc discharge arises between the electrode and the surface of the object, even if the gap is larger than 10 mm.


Amazon Brand - Solimo Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon Scent, 75 Wipes Each (Pack of 3)

Amazon Brand - Solimo Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon Scent, 75 Wipes Each (Pack of 3)

Amazon Brand - Solimo Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon Scent, 75 Wipes Each (Pack of 3)

Means and methods of disinfection during disinfection measures

Scabies is a contagious parasitic skin disease caused by scabies mites (Sarcoptes scabiei L.). The size of the female is 0.3-0.4 mm, the male is twice as small. The female lives on the human body for about 2-3 months, up to 6 days outside. On a patient with scabies reproduction and development of mites occurs continuously. Settling of scab mites is carried out by skin stages of the life cycle - young females and larvae, while the daily rhythm of activity is strictly observed: ticks exit the skin surface in the evening-night time. The larvae are the most invasive and can penetrate anywhere on the skin, usually in the hair follicles. Females are introduced only on certain areas of the skin, where they migrate directionally: hands, wrists, feet, elbows, genitals of men.

The tick females penetrate the skin within one hour, the larvae take a few minutes. Eggs of scabies mites can fall on the surface of the skin and the external environment when combing moves, but the invasive value of eggs in the epidemiology of scabies is minimal. Man scabies mites are able to survive for 24 to 36 hours in room conditions (21 ° C and 40 to 80% relative humidity) and still remain capable of introducing and infecting the host.

Infection with scabies occurs when the tick is transferred from the patient to the healthy, with direct physical contact (staying in the same bed, handshaking) or through household items (gloves, clothing, bedding, etc.). Even

short close contact with the infested (15-20 min.) can lead to infection. The distribution of scabies pathogens among people has a focal character, while the direct transmission route of the invasion sharply prevails. The family focus is leading in the epidemiology of scabies.

Both adults and children suffer from scabies. In children's groups, scabby mites can be transmitted through toys, pens, sports equipment. There are cases of infection in baths, showers, hotels, trains, and other public places if the sanitary and hygienic regime is not observed. Symptoms of the disease appear 1-2 weeks after the introduction of the tick into the skin. Scabies is characterized by: severe itching,

amplified in the evening, the presence of scabby moves, polymorphism of lesions. Localization of scabies is varied: hands, flexion of the upper and lower extremities, elbow, wrist folds, popliteal fossa, anterior surface of the thighs, abdomen, chest, loin, buttocks, mammary glands in women, genitals in men. Combing the skin, patients often infect the infection, resulting in scabies complicated by pustular skin diseases

(pyoderma, dermatitis, eczema, urticaria). An untreated patient presents an epidemiological hazard for an indefinitely long period of time during the entire period of the disease.

Preventive actions

Activities for the prevention of scabies include the identification of the source (preventive examinations and examination of contact persons in the outbreaks) and work to eliminate the outbreak of scabies (treatment of patients, preventive treatment of contact persons, organization and conduct of current and final disinfection).

When a patient with scabies is identified, he is referred for treatment and at the same time all persons who have been in contact with the patient are examined, including attendants in teams. Simultaneously with the treatment of the identified patient, prophylactic treatment of contact persons, disinsection of clothing, bedding, and furnishings in the premises by scabicides authorized in the established procedure are carried out. In the case of treatment of a patient with scabies at home, the treating staff organizes the current disinfection.

Fighter Deactivation

Current and final disinfection is carried out by mechanical, physical and chemical methods. The mechanical method consists in removing objects and objects from circulation for 3–10 days. To do this, things are placed in tightly closed plastic bags or carefully washed, or knocked, etc.

The physical method consists in ironing things with a hot iron, boiling, washing at high temperatures, prolonged freezing and similar procedures. Professional contingent handles things in the deck chambers in accordance with the available instructions. Chamber disinfection items are delivered in bags packed in plastic bags, Kraft or insecticide-acaricidal preparations.

The chemical method consists in the use of acaricidal (insectoacaricidal) agents. The treatment is carried out in the outbreaks of scabies (including domestic ones), as well as in the places of examination and transportation of patients with scabies (insulators, sanitary inspection rooms, sanitary and other transport after the patient is delivered, etc.). Handle all the items with which the patient could contact: the floor, chairs, couches, etc.

The floor and other surfaces are sprayed from spraying machines (with an emulsion or an insecticide suspension) or from aerosol cans, or wiped with a cloth or clothes brushes moistened with an aqueous emulsion (suspension) of the insecticide.

For the treatment of textiles and other products that could be contaminated with scabies, use insectoacaricides, either by soaking infected items or irrigating them from spray equipment or aerosol packaging. The underwear, bed linen and other products to be washed are soaked in an aqueous insecticide emulsion for the period specified in the instructions for the product. The consumption rate for a set of underwear is 2.5 liters; for a set of bed linen or 1 kg of dry things - 4.5 liters. After disinsection, the laundry is thoroughly rinsed and soaked for a day in a solution of soda ash (1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water), then washed in the usual way. Non-washable outerwear, bedding and other things are irrigated with a water emulsion (suspension) or sprayed from an aerosol package, applying insecticide to the entire area of ​​the treated items. Blankets, pillows, mattresses and clothes are subjected to bilateral processing. Particular attention should be paid to the seams and folds on the inside of the garment. Processed things are used only after they are dried and thoroughly ventilated during the day.

Processing a specific tool is carried out, strictly following the instructions set forth in the label and instructions for use of this tool, according to its scope. A list of tools for treatments in the outbreaks of scabies is attached. These modes of application provide 100% death of ticks within 20 minutes.


Amazon Brand - Solimo Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon Scent, 75 Wipes Each (Pack of 2)

Amazon Brand - Solimo Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon Scent, 75 Wipes Each (Pack of 2)

Amazon Brand - Solimo Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon Scent, 75 Wipes Each (Pack of 2)


In the seasons of influenza and other viral diseases, it is more than important to take care of the cleanliness around you. This applies not only to the premises, but also to air, clothing, and body. After all, carriers of bacilli, first of all, are ourselves. The accumulation of people on the streets, in transport, in the office, even a banal trip with a neighbor in the elevator, can be the result of at least a week sick leave. And what to do if the focus of infection is already in your apartment? How to protect other family members from infection and epidemics?

In this article, we propose to understand how to effectively protect your health, adhering to the usual measures of sanitary hygiene in the house, apartment, residential or work space.

Since childhood, we know: “in order to maintain our immunity in the norm, first of all, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of our hands, as well as the healthy background of our house”. Let's try to understand this seemingly simple question.

So, since we started talking about infection, then antiseptics and disinfectants should come to our aid.


Disinfectants (you can also hear other names: disinfectants, disinfectants, or disinfectants, and even disinfectants) are special drugs that are used to kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other infectious diseases.

They are not too different from antiseptics, the main difference is that disinfectants are used for the outside world (anti-bacterial treatment of premises, surfaces, equipment, etc.), and the latter - directly to normalize the bacterial background on the skin and body.

Most often, disinfectants are used:

in medicine (hospitals, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, emergency centers, etc.),
in public places with large concentrations of people (public transport, schools, kindergartens, universities, offices, etc.),
in veterinary medicine (at enterprises and plants associated with animal husbandry - veterinary disinfection),
catering (cafes, restaurants, bars, supermarkets, food production); etc.
in a house, apartment, residential or office space
It is important to understand that in each of these industries use different disinfectants that are designed for specific needs and pursue specific goals. Means for home disinfection (residential premises, apartments, offices) are significantly different from the above and have special increased security requirements.

Especially in the autumn and spring, we are constantly found advertising various antibacterial and antiviral drugs. And this is not strange, because it is in the offseason that there are jumps in temperature and sharp changes in weather conditions, the immune system is under stress, and in springtime you can add seasonal avitaminosis and weaken the protective properties of the body.

In order to understand which disinfectants are better to use and which ones to avoid and are afraid of, we want to give a brief overview and tell you how not to make a mistake and make the right choice.

Generally speaking, there are two types of disinfectants: physical and chemical:

Physical - treatment using boiling, drying, ultraviolet lamps, processing with hot air or steam, as well as, ultrasound and other exotic methods.
Chemicals are usually used in the form of solutions or powders, sometimes they can be in a gaseous state. Moreover, they must meet very stringent requirements, namely: they must be well dissolved in water, quickly destroy microbes, not be toxic to humans and animals, and the absence of a sharp caustic odor is also very important.
Since physical means remained rather part of the “old school” disinfection, and their use requires complex and expensive equipment, we will consider more detailed chemical products that can be bought in online stores, supermarkets or specialized shops of household chemicals.


Disinfectants - ready-made disinfectants that include one or a combination of several active ingredients. Also in the composition can be added auxiliary components: stabilizers, acidity regulators, detergent ingredients and so on.

For the ability to destroy microorganisms in the composition of disinfectants, it is the “active substance” that is responsible (hereinafter - DV). This is the basis and the most important component of any antibacterial drug. It DV is responsible for efficiency and all quality characteristics.

The most common chemical active ingredients can be divided into the following groups:

halogens (chlorine, bromine, fluorine, iodine)
chlorhexidine based compounds
peroxide compounds
phenols, cresols and their derivatives
Surfactant (surface active substances)
acids, peracids and some of their salts
organic compounds of biocidal metals, etc.
Each disinfectant has many characteristics that affect the quality and safety of sanitary cleaning:

The effective concentration of the active ingredient (measured in% or mg / l), as well as the spectrum of action. The concentration of DV is calculated for each individual group of bacteria, viruses, spore, coccal, etc. according to the methodological recommendations (humane medicine) or regulations (veterinary).
Mode and procedure of disinfection .
Surface treatment method (aerosol, small-drop irrigation, wiping, dipping, etc.)
Personal protective equipment against toxic fumes.
Hazard class of working solutions of disinfectant according to GOST 12.1.007-76 acting in Ukraine
Grade 1 - extremely dangerous
Grade 2 - highly hazardous
Grade 3 - moderately dangerous
Grade 4 - low hazard (such tools are the most safe and recommended for modern disinfection )
The possibility of using drugs in special industrial installations (generators of cold or hot fog).
Choosing a disinfectant for the house and the room , you should not hurry to buy the most publicized drug. The first thing you need to figure out what is hidden in its composition, what is its purpose and how to use it correctly. It is important to remember - it is your health that is at stake! Therefore, the more scrupulously you approach the question of choosing a means, the more you protect yourself and others from potential negative consequences.


Very often when cleaning the apartment, we use detergents for difficult-to-clean contaminants (scale, sediment, detergent residues): bathroom, tile, tile, carpets, etc. After more than an hour of such cleaning, you may feel dizzy or nauseous. These symptoms do not appear at all because you are just tired of cleaning .. The reason for the corrosive chemical evaporation of the volatile disinfectant solution. It is these vapors that poison your body and cause not the most pleasant symptoms.

Using toxic preparations for disinfection must pay special attention to proper air circulation, so that volatile harmful substances do not accumulate. If this kind of cleaning and disinfection must be carried out in a closed room, which is not possible to ventilate - with the choice of means you need to be very careful!

Next, we offer a brief overview of the most common DV, which can be found in the composition of drugs on the shelves of household chemicals or in the relevant department of the supermarket.


The most widely used in disinfection practices are halogenated agents with active chlorine. The cheapest of them is bleach. Drugs that contain up to 95% free chlorine (sodium salt, trichloro, sodium hypochloride) are widely used. Hypochlorites are used to disinfect dishes, bathtubs, sinks, toilets, food debris, wastewater, etc. Chloroamine is a substance used to disinfect premises, dishes and linens. For disinfection of different objects, halohydantoins are used: dichlorohydantoin, monochloro- and dichloro-dimethylhydantoins, etc.

These are the cheapest and at the same time the most dangerous disinfectants . Therefore, before choosing drugs with a chlorine content, it is worth remembering that toxin poisoning can occur already when its concentration in the surrounding air is 0.0001%. This concentration is lower than the human sense of smell. Therefore, if you feel the slightest "smell of chlorine," it means that the concentration of chlorine is already several orders of magnitude more acceptable . Also, do not forget that when boiling chlorinated water may form a known poison, which is not removed from the body - dioxin, with all the ensuing consequences.

In the second place in terms of popularity are all sorts of compounds that contain chlorine in their formula. But very often, manufacturers try to hide such compounds under sophisticated trademarks (TM). Not rarely on packages containing chlorine-containing substances can be seen "does not contain active chlorine." It is true, but only half. Therefore, even when you find such a statement on the package, you should be vigilant and look for any mention of the root “chlorine” (for example: the long-name is chlorine- id).


It is also one of the first mass disinfectants, but at the present time, phenols are little used because of their very high toxicity and high health risks . Due to their low cost, in the third world countries, derivatives of phenols continue to be used for disinfecting surfaces, as well as in cosmetology and technical fields as a preservative. In Europe, phenol has long been banned for use by preparations that may have contact with the skin and respiratory tract.


These are oxygen-containing drugs, which are strong oxidizing agents. Peroxides form free radicals that damage cell membranes, DNA and other components of the bacterial cell. Hydrogen peroxide is used mostly not only for disinfection behavior, but also for sterilization. A significant disadvantage of peroxide preparations is their high aggressiveness in relation to the treated surfaces . Hydrogen peroxide causes metal corrosion, discoloration of tissue, and can also cause severe irritation, chemical burns of the skin and mucous membranes in humans.


The group of peracids has high antimicrobial properties and a fairly broad spectrum of action. They are most often used for sterilization of medical products from various materials: stainless steel, glass, rubber. Peracetic acid causes corrosion of copper, brass, bronze, mild steel, as well as electroplating . Because of this, the applicability of drugs of this group is significantly limited both in medicine and in everyday life.


From the group of aldehydes in the practice of disinfection, two substances are used: formaldehyde (methane, formic aldehyde) and glutaraldehyde (pentanedial). Antibacterial activity of formaldehyde is slightly lower than that of glutaraldehyde. Formaldehyde fumes are known to cause a strong carcinogenic effect. In practice, a combination of formaldehyde and 70% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol is used, which has strong antimicrobial properties. An aqueous solution of formaldehyde has significantly less activity. For the effective action of formaldehyde, special conditions are required: the room temperature must be above 22 ° C, and the relative humidity must be at least 65% and persist for several hours. Formaldehyde solutions are very unstable, and during their storage dangerous toxic volatile compounds are formed. In many developed countries, formalin (an aqueous solution of formaldehyde) is included in the group of banned disinfectants, as it has strong carcinogenic properties , irreversibly irritates mucous membranes, skin, causes severe headaches, adversely affects vital organs.


Alcohols are mainly used as local antiseptics , as well as for disinfecting and sterilizing small surfaces. Alcohols have decent bactericidal properties. They can be used independently as well as solvents that enhance the effect of other antibacterial agents and substances. For disinfection purposes, ethyl and isopropyl alcohols are most often used. In practice, the disinfection of surfaces is practically not used because of the high cost, extreme volatility, fire and explosion hazards.


These are the most advanced and promising products - a new generation of disinfectants with maximum safety parameters. Ukraine has launched production of organic disinfectants based on the antibacterial properties of organic silver.

Silver is a noble metal that does not evaporate and does not evaporate. Working solutions for disinfection have the highest IV class of safety.

Organic silver preparations (silver citrate) have a pronounced effect on all microorganism groups indicative of disinfectology: bactericidal properties with respect to gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (including mycobacterium tuberculosis), virucidal (including AIDS / HIV pathogens, hepatitis, poliomyelitis, influenza viruses, and so on. p.) and fungicidal (including candidiasis, dermatophytosis, trichophytosis, etc.), sporicidal properties. It is an effective remedy for the neutralization of pathogens of parasitic diseases (eggs and larvae of helminths, geo-worms, intestinal protozoan cyst and oocysts).

Important: when choosing disinfectants with silver, it is important not to confuse organic compounds of noble metal with outdated and ineffective inorganic salts (for example: silver nitrate ).


As you can see, all the above preparations have a different degree of antimicrobial action, as well as, different toxicity to humans and the degree of impact on the treated surface. There are solutions with a wide or narrow scope. Therefore, for proper selection and effective use without harm to health, a clear understanding of the properties and characteristics of each active ingredient and, accordingly, of each preparation is necessary. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist!


Only modern safe disinfectants that do not have toxic fumes are suitable for disinfection in homes, apartments, offices!

To combat infection at home, toxicologists and disinfectology experts recommend the use of modern preparations based on organic silver , since they consist of effective, but at the same time simple and safe components for humans. Organic silver does not contain toxic volatile substances, and only pure water evaporates from the treated surface. After drying, silver remains on the surface and forms an invisible nanofilm, which continues to protect against bacteria for a long time until its mechanical removal (washing, erasing). This effect is called prolonged action.

Preparations based on organic silver can treat any surface even in enclosed spaces without fear of poisoning or damage to furniture, worktop or any other material.


The drug effectively neutralizes all types of pathogens (viruses bacteria, fungi, eggs and worms). It has no toxic evaporation (only clean water evaporates from the treated surface). It has a long lasting effect (does not evaporate from the surface). Without smell. Safe for humans, animals, houseplants and the surrounding nature. Certified in Ukraine nanotechnology product. Produced in Ukraine. Production technology patented! Product details at this link: SumerSil Disinfectant Safe Concentrator (Super Concentrate)


Silvester safe organic disinfectant spray .

Suitable for all kinds of surfaces. Quickly neutralizes pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungus, as well as eggs and larvae of worms. It has no toxic evaporation (only clean water evaporates from the treated surface). Prolonged action (silver nanofilm protects the treated surface for a long time). Odorless. Safe for humans, animals, plants. Certified in Ukraine nanotechnology product. Product information: House disinfection - Silvester

Safe organic disinfectants, which are presented on the site are produced in Ukraine (Kiev). Delivery is carried out to any city in which a representative office of New Mail or Intime is open: Lviv, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Zaporozhye, Vinnitsa, Khmelnitsky, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Chernigov, Sumy, Cherkasy, Poltava, Zhytomyr, Kirovograd, Ternopol, Nikolaev , Exactly, Uzhgorod, Chernivtsi and others.

Also, you can at any time contact our expert in the field of disinfection and get quality recommendations by phone: +38.063.818.56.77


Lysol Handi-Pack Disinfecting Wipes, 320ct (4X80ct), Cool Country Breeze

Lysol Handi-Pack Disinfecting Wipes, 320ct (4X80ct), Cool Country Breeze

Lysol Handi-Pack Disinfecting Wipes, 320ct (4X80ct), Cool Country Breeze

Disinfection of hands and surfaces in case of infections caused by the Ebola virus

A consequence of the outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa in February 2014 was the spread of the virus to Europe and North America, where there are currently several reported infections among humanitarian workers who have returned from West Africa. Further, the victims of the virus were employees of medical institutions, under the care of which were infected workers of humanitarian missions. In cases where people who are infected with the Ebola virus need medical care, medical personnel must follow certain rules for disinfecting hands and surfaces.

Hemorrhagic fever: symptoms, ways of transmission and the course of the disease

In humans, the highly virulent Ebola virus causes hemorrhagic fever with bleeding and damage to internal organs. The death rate from this disease ranges from 50 to 90 percent. The Ebola virus is transmitted through direct contact with the bodily fluids of people infected or dead from the Ebola virus, such as saliva, blood or faeces. The virus can be transmitted to people from infected animals (for example, monkeys, bats).

Recommended hygiene measures

When caring for an infected patient, it is necessary to use appropriate personal protective equipment, especially gloves [1–4]. Wearing two pairs of gloves is recommended, especially if you have to work with large volumes of biological fluids and excrement. This measure helps to reduce the residual risk of infection through microscopic holes in gloves. A recently published CDC recommendation (dated 10.21.2014) states that wearing two pairs of gloves is a standard measure of protection [2].

All medical professionals should disinfect hands after removing gloves or contact with body fluids, excreta, or other secretions of patients infected with Ebola virus. The WHO, CDC and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recommend disinfecting the hands by rubbing alcohol-containing antiseptic [2–5]. RKI recommends the use of alcohol-containing antiseptics with proven effectiveness against enveloped viruses [4–5], for example, Sterillium®. Many tools for hand disinfection have a range of effectiveness against enveloped viruses [5]. WHO recommends disinfecting heavily soiled hands with soap and water [3], but we believe that handwashing alone is not enough to disinfect.

Disinfecting Gloved Hands

According to the CDC, when caring for a patient, especially after contact with body fluids, gloved hands must be disinfected. In addition, hands should always be disinfected after putting on and removing personal protective equipment (PPE). For disinfection of hands in gloves, the CDC recommends the use of alcohol-containing antiseptics for the skin of the hands, and in some cases also disinfecting wipes approved by the EPA [2].

Recommendations for the disinfection of surfaces in the wards

It has been proven that surfaces close to a patient infected with the Ebola virus are rarely contaminated by this virus [7]. The Ebola virus belongs to the family of filoviruses (Filoviridae). The duration of infection with this type of virus ranges from five days [8] to three weeks [9]. In the case of the Ebola virus, the following surface disinfection recommendations apply:

CDC and RKI recommend disinfecting surfaces in wards, including surfaces that are free from visible contamination [1, 2, 5].
WHO recommends cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and objects contaminated with biological fluids, excreta or excreta as quickly as possible. Clean the surface before disinfecting. Wash floors and horizontal work surfaces with clean water and detergent at least once a day [3].
RKI recommends removing visible contaminants, such as blood, with disposable wipes soaked in disinfectant. Such zones must be wiped with wipes twice before disinfecting the surface as a whole [5].
RKI recommends the use of pathogen-specific disinfectants (which are active against enveloped viruses) [4, 5]. Bacillol® plus, Kohrsolin® extra Tissues, Mikrobac® Tissues
Ebola virus usually spreads through contact with body fluids. Therefore, in the "dirty conditions" should be used to disinfect surfaces. Treated surfaces and objects can only be used after the exposure time specified by the manufacturer.

Products with activity against enveloped viruses must deactivate the Ebola virus. Click here to view related products.


Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Value Pack, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - 75 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Value Pack, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - 75 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Value Pack, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - 75 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces

Guidelines prepared by a team of authors from a number of organizations: Institute of Preventive Toxicology and Disinfection (M.G. Shandala, Academician of RAMS - Head of Development, V.G. Yuzbashev, Candidate of Medical Sciences - Head of Medical Group), Institute of Zenit (A L. Wasserman, Candidate of Technical Sciences - head of the engineering group), Institute of Hygiene. F. Erisman (V.Vlodavets, doctor of medical sciences), Institute of Medical Instrument Engineering (V. Eliseev, engineer), Institute of Lighting Research (V.G. Ignatiev, candidate of technical sciences) , Research Institute of Building Physics (V.M. Karachev, Candidate of Technical Sciences), Research Institute of General and Communal Hygiene. ANSysina (Skobareva, Candidate of Medical Sciences), Information and Analytical Center of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation (MK Nedogibchenko, San. Doctor, NE Strelyaev, epidemiologist).


The fight against infectious diseases has always been considered an urgent task. One of the ways to successfully solve this problem is the widespread use of germicidal lamps. More than 40 years have passed since the first document on the use of germicidal lamps appeared in our country. Over the past period, the range of bactericidal lamps and irradiation devices has been significantly updated, numerous microbiological studies of the values ​​of bactericidal exposures (doses) have been carried out to achieve the required level of bactericidal efficiency with various types of microorganisms when irradiated with radiation with a wavelength of 254 nm, and industrial designs of bactericidal irradiators have been developed.

When deciding on the release of a new version of the guidelines, the team of authors was guided by the goal of using the accumulated experience of using germicidal lamps and creating a document reflecting modern requirements and allowing them to significantly expand their use.

Of the numerous applications of bactericidal lamps, guidelines only cover the disinfection of air and indoor surfaces, as one of the most effective methods of controlling pathogens. It is important to note that the use of bactericidal lamps requires the strict implementation of safety measures that exclude the harmful effects on humans of ultraviolet radiation, ozone and mercury vapor.

Guidelines are designed for employees of medical institutions and sanitary-epidemiological surveillance bodies, as well as persons involved in the design and operation of irradiation facilities.

Guidelines are the basis for the development of job descriptions for the maintenance of germicidal installations by middle and junior medical and technical staff.

They are advisory in nature and will allow at a higher level to fulfill the requirements of existing regulatory documents governing the sanitary rules for the maintenance of various medical, children's, residential and industrial premises equipped with irradiating installations with bactericidal lamps.

Users of bactericidal irradiators should take into account that UV radiation cannot replace sanitary and anti-epidemic measures, but only supplement them as the final link in the treatment of the room.

Ultraviolet radiation is known to have a wide range of effects on microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, spores and fungi. However, due to the established practice, this phenomenon is called a bactericidal effect, associated with irreversible damage to the DNA of microorganisms and leading to the death of all types of microorganisms. The spectral composition of ultraviolet radiation, causing a bactericidal effect, lies in the wavelength range of 205-315 nm. Dependence of bactericidal efficacy in relative units Methodological guidelines on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms on the wavelength of radiation

According to these data, the maximum bactericidal action occurs at a wavelength of 265 nm according to the latest publications (4, 5), and not 254 nm, as previously thought (15). In accordance with this, in the adopted system of effective units estimating the parameters of ultraviolet radiation, the radiation flux with a wavelength of 265 nm and a power of one watt, rather than a wavelength of 254 nm with a capacity of one bact. The transition coefficient between these systems of units for the maxima of the bactericidal action is equal to 0.86, i.e. 1 bact. = 0.86 Watt.

The bactericidal flux of the ultraviolet radiation source is estimated by the ratio:

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces, W,

where Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces - spectral bactericidal efficiency in relative units;

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces - the spectral density of the radiation flux, W / nm;

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces - radiation wavelength, nm.

Then other quantities and units can be defined using the following expressions.

Bactericidal energy:

Guidelines for the use of germicidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces, j,

where Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces - the duration of radiation, p.

Bactericidal irradiance:

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms, W / mMethodical instructions for using bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms,

where Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms are the area of ​​the irradiated surface, methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms.

Bactericidal exposure (in photobiology is called the dose):

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms, J / mMethodical instructions for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms.

Bulk density of bactericidal energy:

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces, J / mMethodical instructions for using bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces,

where Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms are the volume of the irradiated air environment, mMethodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms.

Microorganisms are cumulative photobiological receivers, therefore bactericidal efficiency should be proportional to the product of irradiance by time, i.e. determined by the dose. However, the nonlinear characteristic of a photobiological receiver limits the possibility of a wide variation in the values ​​of irradiance and time with the same bactericidal efficiency. Within the permissible error, you can change the ratio of irradiance and time in the range of 5-10-fold variations.

Quantitative assessment of bactericidal action Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms is characterized by the ratio of the number of dead microorganisms. Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms to their initial number. on the premises and estimated as a percentage.

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces.

Dependence of bactericidal efficacy Guidelines for the use of germicidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces from a dose Methodical instructions for using bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces for microorganisms can be expressed using the equation

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces,%,

which reflects the well-known Weber-Fechner law, which establishes a link between the physical impact on a biological object and its response. This equation can be converted to

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms, J / mMethodical instructions for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms.

It allows you to determine the required dose value, if you specify the desired level of bacteri

It allows you to determine the required value of the dose, if you ask the desired level of bactericidal efficacy.

The following table 2 shows the experimental values ​​of doses and bactericidal efficacy for some types of microorganisms when irradiated with radiation with a wavelength of 254 nm and the values ​​of auxiliary coefficients "Guidelines for the use of germicidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces in the above equations.

Electrical sources of radiation, the spectrum of which contains the radiation of the wavelength range of 205-315 nm, intended for the purposes of disinfection, are called germicidal lamps. Due to the highly efficient conversion of electric energy, low-pressure discharge lamps have received the greatest distribution, in which during the electric discharge in the argonortuct gas-vapor mixture more than 60% is converted to the emission line 253.7 nm. High-pressure mercury lamps are not recommended for widespread use due to low efficiency, because their share of radiation in the specified range is not more than 10%, and the service life is about 10 times less than that of low-pressure mercury lamps.

Along with the line of 253.7 nm, which has a bactericidal effect, the emission spectrum of a low-pressure mercury discharge contains a line of 185 nm, which, as a result of interaction with oxygen molecules, forms ozone in air. In existing bactericidal lamps, the flask is made of UV glass, which reduces, but does not completely exclude, the output of the 185 nm line, which is accompanied by the formation of ozone. The presence of ozone in the air can lead, at high concentrations, to dangerous effects on human health or even fatal poisoning.

Recently developed the so-called bactericidal "bezosonny" lamp. For such lamps, due to the manufacture of a bulb made of a special material (quartz glass with a coating) or its design, the radiation output of the 185 nm line is excluded.

Structurally, bactericidal lamps are an extended cylindrical tube made of quartz or uviol glass. At both ends of the tube, the legs are soldered with electrodes mounted on them, which are pinned on both sides by two-pin bases.

Germicidal lamps are powered from a 220 V electrical network, with an alternating current frequency of 50 Hz. The inclusion of lamps in the network is made through a control gear (PRA), providing the necessary modes of ignition, ignition and normal operation of the lamp and suppressing high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations created by the lamp, which could have adverse effects on sensitive electronic devices.

The control gears are a separate unit mounted inside the illuminator.

The main technical and operational parameters of bactericidal lamps: spectral distribution of the radiation flux in the wavelength range of 205-315 nm; bactericidal flow Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces, W; bactericidal recoil equal to the ratio of bactericidal flow to lamp power.

- lamp power Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces, W;

- lamp current Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces, A;

- voltage on the lamp Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces, V;

- rated voltage of the network. Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms, V and frequency of alternating current. Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms, Hz;

- useful service life (total burning time in hours before the main parameters that determine the feasibility of using the lamp, go beyond the established limits, for example, the radiation flux drops to a level below the normalized value (indicated in the DUT).

A feature of germicidal lamps is the substantial dependence of their electrical and radiative parameters on the voltage fluctuations of the network. Figure 2 shows this dependence.

Fig.2. The dependence of lamp power P (l) and radiation flux Φ (l) on the mains voltage U (c)

Fig.2. Lamp power dependence Guidelines for using germicidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces and radiation flux Guidelines for using bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces from mains voltage Guidelines for using bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces

With increasing voltage network, the service life of germicidal lamps decreases. So, with an increase in voltage of 20%, the service life is reduced to 50%. When the mains voltage drops by more than 20%, the lamps begin to burn unstably and may even go out.

In the process of lamp operation, the radiation flux decreases. A particularly rapid drop in the radiation flux is observed in the first tens of hours of combustion, which can reach 10%. With further combustion, the rate of decay of the radiation flux slows down. This process is illustrated by the graph in Fig.3. The lamp life is affected by the number of inclusions. Each switch reduces the overall lamp life by approximately 2 hours.

The temperature of the ambient air and its movement affect the value of the flux of the lamps. Such dependence is shown in Fig.4. It should be noted that "bezosonny" lamps are practically not sensitive to changes in ambient temperature. As the ambient temperature decreases, the ignition of the lamps becomes difficult, and the sputtering of the electrodes also increases, which leads to a shortened service life. At temperatures below 10 ° C, a significant number of lamps may not light up. This effect is enhanced at lower network voltage.

A bactericidal irradiator (BO) is a device containing a bactericidal lamp as a radiation source and intended to disinfect air or surfaces in a room.

BO consists of a body on which a bactericidal lamp, gear, reflector, fixtures and mounting devices are installed. The design of the BO must ensure compliance with the conditions of electrical, fire and mechanical safety, as well as other requirements that exclude harmful effects on the environment or humans. Under the terms of placement, bactericidal irradiators are divided into irradiators intended for use in stationary premises and installed on vehicles, for example, in ambulance cars. BO at the location are divided into ceiling, suspended, wall and mobile. By design, they can be open type, closed type and combined. Open type BOs are intended for the irradiation of air and surfaces in rooms with direct bactericidal flow in the absence of people by redistributing the lamp radiation inside large solid angles up to 4Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms. Closed-type bactericidal irradiators are intended for irradiating air and surfaces in rooms by direct and reflected bactericidal flow both in the absence and in the presence of people, the reflector of which must direct the bactericidal lamp flow into the upper hemisphere so that no rays either directly from the lamp or reflected from the parts of the irradiator, not directed at an angle of less than 5 ° upward from the horizontal plane passing through the lamp. Bactericidal irradiators of the combined type combine the functions of BO of the open and closed types. They have different separately switched-on lamps for direct and reflected radiation, or a movable reflector that allows the use of a bactericidal stream for direct (in the absence of people) or for reflected (in the presence of people) irradiation of a room.

One of the types of closed BO are recirculators designed to disinfect air by passing it through a closed chamber, the internal volume of which is irradiated by the radiation of germicidal lamps.

The speed of the air flow is provided either by natural convection, or by force using a fan.

Mobile BO, as a rule, are open-type irradiators.

Bactericidal irradiators have a number of parameters and characteristics that allow to evaluate their consumer properties and determine the most effective field of application. These include:

- type of feed, purpose and design;

- type of germicidal lamp and the number of lamps;

- network voltage Methodological guidelines on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms (V) and frequency of alternating current Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms, (Hz);

- consumed volt-ampere power Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms (V · A), equal to the product of the network current Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms (A) on the network voltage Methodological guidelines for use bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces (B);

- consumed active power Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces (W), equal to the total lamp power and losses in the control gear;

- bactericidal flux Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces (W) emitted by an irradiator in space;

- coefficient of performance (EFFICIENCY) Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms, equal to the ratio of the bactericidal flow, irradiator to the total bactericidal flux of lamps.

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces

- bactericidal irradiation Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms (W / mMethodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms) at a distance of 1 m from the irradiator;

- productivity Methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms (methodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms / h), equal to the ratio of the volume of air environment Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces premises (mMethodical instructions on the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces) to the time of exposure etodicheskie instructions for use germicidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces in the area (h) required to achieve a given level of efficiency of bactericidal Guidelines for the use of germicidal lamps for disinfecting air and surfaces smokers (%) for a certain kind of microorganisms;

Guidelines for the use of bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces, mMethodical instructions for using bactericidal lamps for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces / hour.

Table 4 shows the main technical parameters and characteristics of industrial bactericidal irradiators, and table 5 shows the radiative and economic parameters.


SONO Travel Safe Medical Grade Disinfecting Wipes (3 Pack)

SONO Travel Safe Medical Grade Disinfecting Wipes (3 Pack)

SONO Travel Safe Medical Grade Disinfecting Wipes (3 Pack)

How and what to disinfect after a flood?

After the water receded, local residents will have to disinfect housing and all household utensils. How to do it right and how to handle housing?

The Office of Rospotrebnadzor prepared a memo for the population of the flooded territories After the retreat of water, local residents will need to process not only housing, but also household plots.


What should be disinfected in the room?
surfaces of premises (floor, walls, doors);
Methods of disinfection:

surfaces of premises (floor, walls, furniture) are wiped or irrigated;
dishes, linens, toys soaked in a disinfectant solution.
What drugs can be used for disinfection?

For the treatment of premises often use drugs containing chlorine, as they affect the majority of infectious agents. These are such drugs as chloramine, DP Altai, DP-2T, Dekhlor, Deochlor, etc.

These funds can be either in powders or tablets. The required amount of disinfectant is diluted in water, preferably warm. Act according to the instructions for use of the drug on the regime of viral infections!

In Altai, residents of flooded villages are vaccinated against hepatitis and dysentery. In which container can you dilute the solution?
Solutions are prepared in plastic (enameled) or glass containers.

Example 1. When using a solution of chloramine in the room.

To prepare a solution at home for processing, you need to take 300 grams. chloramine (packaging) 10 l. water. Consumption of the resulting solution is different. When wiping, less solution is consumed, therefore, a larger area can be processed if irrigated from the hydraulic console, in this case the solution flow rate is greater.

Exposure time 30-60 min.

After the specified time (30-60 minutes) the surface must be washed with clean water. Rinse the toys thoroughly. Air out the apartment!

As an example, the total processing of a single house of 200 square meters. m (including floor, walls, solid furniture, toys, dishes) will need 60 liters. prepared solution, that is, 60 liters. water and 1.8 kg of chloramine or 6 packs of 300 gr.


What needs to be processed in the territory of the yard?
garden (when flooded).
It is imperative to process the places of vygretov. Since the soil and sewage absorb more of the solution, its consumption increases from 500 ml. up to 2 l. on 1 square. m. For disinfection of sewage it is necessary to take the weight of the drug more than for the treatment of the apartment. Preparation of the disinfection solution is carried out in accordance with the methodological recommendations on the use of the disinfection preparation.

Example 2. When using a solution of chloramine for disinfection of cesspools, yard toilets.

For the treatment of sewage, cesspools prepare the solution - you must take 500 g of chloramine (in the original package more often 300 g) and dilute in 10 l. water. Pour the contents of the cesspool (toilet) at the rate of 2 liters. on 1 square. m. sewage

Example 3. When using dry chlorine-containing preparations. For example, when using chlorine, to impurity sewage at the rate of 200 g of disinfectant per 1 kg. sewage (about 1-2 kg. per outdoor installation)

Precautionary measures.

It is necessary to carry out disinfection:

in the absence of children;
in rubber gloves;
if possible use glasses and a respirator.


Lysol Handi-Pack Disinfecting Wipes, 320ct (4X80ct), Tropical Scent

Lysol Handi-Pack Disinfecting Wipes, 320ct (4X80ct), Tropical Scent

Lysol Handi-Pack Disinfecting Wipes, 320ct (4X80ct), Tropical Scent

Surface disinfection

Means "Bacillol Plus" is a ready-to-use agent in the form of a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic alcoholic odor. As active ingredients contains propanol-1 40%. propanol-2 20%, glutaraldehyde 0.1%.
Means "Bacillol Plus" has antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, viruses (acute respiratory viral infections, herpes, polio, hepatitis of all kinds, including hepatitis A. B and C, HIV infection, adenovirus), Candida fungi, Trichophyton .

Means "Bacillol Plus" is used to disinfect surfaces from any materials, with the exception of spoiling from the effects of alcohols, and various objects by means of irrigation.
The surfaces are irrigated with a means until they are completely wetted from a distance of 30 cm. The consumption of the product is no more than 50 ml (30-40 ml on average) per 1 m2 of surface. Means quickly dries (on average in 10 minutes), without leaving marks on surfaces. Surfaces are ready for use immediately after drying.

If necessary, the surface can be wiped with sterile gauze wipes after disinfection exposure, without waiting for them to dry. Means "Bacillol plus" is intended for use: in public catering and trade, in public facilities (hairdressing salons, hotels, dormitories, social welfare institutions, baths, swimming pools, etc.) in enterprises of the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, in veterinary institutions with cleaning and disinfection of various solid non-porous surfaces or objects, incl. contaminated with blood:

small in size premises such as an operating room, reception room, an insulator, boxes, etc .;
hard-to-reach surfaces in rooms;
optical instruments and equipment permitted by the manufacturer to be treated with alcohol:
lighting equipment, blinds, etc .:
tables (including operating, handling, changing, delivery rooms), gynecological and dental chairs, beds, reanimation mattresses, etc. hard furniture.
telephone sets, monitors, computer keyboard and other office equipment.

Concentrate for the preparation of solutions "Mikrobak forte"
Micro Tank Plus “Micro Tack Forte” is a clear, light yellow liquid that mixes well with water.
As active ingredients contains: benzalkonium chloride (QAS, alkyldyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride) - 20.0%, dodecylbispropylenetriamine - 5.0%. Expiration date means 2.5 years in unopened packaging of the manufacturer. The shelf life of the working solutions of the tool is 14 days.

Solutions of the product have bactericidal activity (including against pathogens of nosocomial infections, tuberculosis), virucidal activity (against hepatitis B, HIV infection, polio, respiratory and enterovirus infections); fungicidal activity (including against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida and dermatophytes, mold fungi).

Solutions of the products have detergent, deodorizing, anti-corrosion properties, do not spoil and discolor the processed objects, do not have a fixing effect on blood and other biological contaminants.

You can process products from the following materials: stainless steel, aluminum, copper, bronze, polyamide, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyurethane, PVC, acryl-butadiene-styrene, silicone, rubber, latex, acrylic glass, teflon, etc., surfaces, painted with oil paints.

The tool has a residual antimicrobial effect and prevents the formation of secondary aerosols. The product must not be mixed with soaps and anionic surfactants.

Preparation of working solution:

Place the tissues by pulling the tip into the dispenser slot
1 sachet Mikrobak forte dilute in 2 lvoda and pour into container


Saalfeld 30824 Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes, Kills Norovirus, Rotavirus, HIV, Poly-Bag Protected, 6.75" x 9", X-Large Wipe (Pack of 95)

Saalfeld 30824 Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes, Kills Norovirus, Rotavirus, HIV, Poly-Bag Protected, 6.75" x 9", X-Large Wipe (Pack of 95)

Means and methods of disinfection of premises from viruses

With the onset of cold weather begins an epidemic of viral and infectious diseases . Anyone can catch the virus and get sick. But if, nevertheless, someone from the household became ill, then, so that the others would not get infected, it is necessary to carry out disinfection in the apartment. To get rid of viruses and bacteria in various ways and methods.

The need for housing processing

There are many reasons for disinfection . The main ones include:

The outbreak in the region of epidemics of viral and infectious diseases and at the same time weakened immunity in family members.
Contact of adults and children with patients with scabies, tuberculosis, pediculosis and other diseases.
Allergic diseases of unknown origin.
The appearance of fungus in the room.
The presence in the family of a person with a serious illness.
Infestation of an apartment with cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and other pests.
Animals living in the house and constantly walking on the street.

The treatment of the premises in these cases can be carried out with the help of professionals or do the disinfection of the rooms with your own hands.

Professionally SES disinfect the apartment. They have special equipment and professional special chemicals. Used mainly chemicals with low levels of toxicity.

But experts can not attract, and do disinfection yourself.
Disinfection of the apartment

Regardless of the chosen method and means of cleaning should be carried out sequentially. To make it easier to carry out the procedure, you need to decide where to start, and carefully prepare .

When applying chemicals, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment and wear a respirator, rubber gloves, a protective robe and goggles. If it is stipulated in the instructions of the preparation, then households and animals should be taken out of the room. After that you can start disinfection:

Wipe the floor, other horizontal surfaces and corners in the living room with special means.
Make a thorough cleaning in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.
The solution that disinfected the room, you need to regularly change.
With the help of special aerosols to handle upholstered furniture.
To wash children's soft toys, and to plastic and various souvenirs to process an aerosol.
Clean the carpet and various coatings .
Wash curtains, curtains and curtains, adding a disinfectant to the water.
Be sure to move the furniture and wash the floor and walls under it.
Treat fungus-damaged floors, walls, or other surfaces with a special agent.
Do not forget to process everything the patient touched - the TV remote control, the keyboard from the computer, the computer mouse.

How to clean the pan from the scale at home

After disinfection, thoroughly ventilate the area . The following procedure can be carried out in three months.
Folk methods

There are popular recipes for disinfection , which can be prepared with your own hands:

Ammonia will help get rid of germs. By adding a few drops of sal ammoniac to a glass of water, you will get a solution with which you can get rid of the spores of the fungus and sterilize the house.
Ideal cleaning can be done with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water (1 cup per 10 liters).
Vinegar is considered the most effective disinfectant. He is able to defeat viruses and various microbes. To do this, a solution of vinegar and water is poured into a bottle with a spray bottle and sprayed surfaces in the rooms. Instead of vinegar, you can use lemon juice.
Destroy the infection and germs solution of salt. In addition, it does not have an unpleasant smell and will not cause allergic reactions. Preparing a solution of a pack of salt and 3 liters of water. They are treated with a variety of surfaces, including sinks and tables in the kitchen.
The toilet and the bathroom are recommended to be sanitized by means that contain bleach.

Fumigation room

Even in ancient times, they knew that bacteria and viruses could be frightened away by fumigation. For this, dry leaves of juniper, lavender, rosemary, sage, eucalyptus are set on fire. To make it more convenient, you can use incense or use incense sticks. Essential oils of lavender, juniper, fir, cedar, eucalyptus, ginger, myrrh, sandalwood, lemon, cloves, tangerine, rose, orange, jasmine will help to get rid of viruses. But they can be used only in a house where people who are prone to allergic reactions do not live.
Cleaning and washing down jacket at home
Disinfection Instruments

It is convenient to disinfect the apartment with the help of technical devices. They are compact, do not dissolve dirt and do not emit odors.

The humidifier is especially popular in homes where small children live. The device increases the humidity in the rooms and cleans the air from pathogenic microbes. It just needs to be regularly filled with fresh water.
Air recirculator

The device can be of different power. It can be used to disinfect both the room and the entire apartment at once. With ultraviolet rays, it cleans the contaminated air trapped in it and discharges it back clean. The recirculator is hidden inside the device, so during its operation, people can safely be in the room.
Salt lamp

The principle of operation of this device is as follows:

from salt crystals form ions that enter the air and destroy all viruses and microbes;
rooms are saturated with elements of sea salt.

As a result of the work of the salt lamp, the air becomes beneficial to the body. However, it can only be used indoors up to 10 square meters.
UV lamp

The device is used for disinfection of treatment rooms, wards and other rooms in hospitals. Effective ultraviolet rays clean the air from germs.

And if stationary devices are used in hospitals, then an inexpensive portable ultraviolet lamp can be purchased to disinfect the apartment. It should work only in rooms where there are no people, animals and plants. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes. After this, the room is ventilated.
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Household chemicals stores, pharmacies and hardware stores sell various disinfectants of domestic production. With their help you can disinfect not only surfaces, toilets and sinks, but also laundry.

The most effective are:

"Monochloromein". Means for processing premises, children's toys, dishes, sinks, white linen. Children's toys are soaked for 30 minutes, and dishes and linens - for 60 minutes. After that, all you need to rinse well and dry. In case of tuberculosis and fungal diseases, plumbing fixtures and premises are disinfected with a solution of 100 grams of the preparation and 2 liters of water.
Sanita is a paste-like product that is applied to dishes, sinks, and baths. Processing by this means should be made twice.
“Svetly” is a powder for disinfecting enameled products, refrigerators, gas stoves, and dishes.
"Dezinolis" - the drug in the form of a solution is used for the treatment of toilet bowls, sinks, baths. It is necessary to wipe surfaces twice, using for this purpose cloths or sponges.
"Sanitary" and "Sanitary-2" - powder and liquid preparations, respectively. Used for disinfection and cleaning of toilet bowls. For one toilet bowl enough two tablespoons of powder or solution. Contaminated plumbing is wiped twice.
"Surzha" - disinfecting paste for cleaning toilet bowls, sinks, bathtubs. On one sink or bath enough 1-2 tablespoons of pasta.
"Gloss" - a preparation in the form of a powder for disinfection and cleaning of sanitary equipment. 1-2 tablespoons of "Glitter" are enough for one treatment.
“Whiteness” is a well-known tool that perfectly disinfects toilet bowls, sinks, baths, as well as linen and cotton underwear. Plumbing is treated with a solution of "Whiteness" and water, which is prepared in a ratio of 1:10. The linen is soaked for half an hour in a solution prepared from one liter of water and 1-2 tablespoons of the product.
"Belka" - powder for disinfection and bleaching of linen. Use a solution of 2 tablespoons of the drug and 10 liters of hot water. Soaking time is 15 minutes.
"Ural" - the drug in the form of a powder is dissolved in water (1 tbsp of product per 3 liters of water) and is used for disinfection and bleaching of linen. For cleaning sanitary products powder is used in its pure form.
“Chloric lime” - white powder is recommended for disinfecting procedures in toilets and for bleaching fabrics. Not used for the processing of synthetics, wool and colored fabrics. Apply only the clarified part of the solution, which is obtained after sludge, diluted in 40 liters of water and 1 kg of bleach. Infuse the solution for at least two hours.

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During the epidemic of influenza and various viral infections, you and all households can be saved from disease by careful and timely disinfection of your house or apartment. Use for processing can be suitable and convenient for you methods and means. And do not forget that preventive measures are always easier, cheaper and more efficient than eliminating the consequences.
