Sunday, June 16, 2019

SONO Travel Safe Medical Grade Disinfecting Wipes (3 Pack)

SONO Travel Safe Medical Grade Disinfecting Wipes (3 Pack)

SONO Travel Safe Medical Grade Disinfecting Wipes (3 Pack)

How and what to disinfect after a flood?

After the water receded, local residents will have to disinfect housing and all household utensils. How to do it right and how to handle housing?

The Office of Rospotrebnadzor prepared a memo for the population of the flooded territories After the retreat of water, local residents will need to process not only housing, but also household plots.


What should be disinfected in the room?
surfaces of premises (floor, walls, doors);
Methods of disinfection:

surfaces of premises (floor, walls, furniture) are wiped or irrigated;
dishes, linens, toys soaked in a disinfectant solution.
What drugs can be used for disinfection?

For the treatment of premises often use drugs containing chlorine, as they affect the majority of infectious agents. These are such drugs as chloramine, DP Altai, DP-2T, Dekhlor, Deochlor, etc.

These funds can be either in powders or tablets. The required amount of disinfectant is diluted in water, preferably warm. Act according to the instructions for use of the drug on the regime of viral infections!

In Altai, residents of flooded villages are vaccinated against hepatitis and dysentery. In which container can you dilute the solution?
Solutions are prepared in plastic (enameled) or glass containers.

Example 1. When using a solution of chloramine in the room.

To prepare a solution at home for processing, you need to take 300 grams. chloramine (packaging) 10 l. water. Consumption of the resulting solution is different. When wiping, less solution is consumed, therefore, a larger area can be processed if irrigated from the hydraulic console, in this case the solution flow rate is greater.

Exposure time 30-60 min.

After the specified time (30-60 minutes) the surface must be washed with clean water. Rinse the toys thoroughly. Air out the apartment!

As an example, the total processing of a single house of 200 square meters. m (including floor, walls, solid furniture, toys, dishes) will need 60 liters. prepared solution, that is, 60 liters. water and 1.8 kg of chloramine or 6 packs of 300 gr.


What needs to be processed in the territory of the yard?
garden (when flooded).
It is imperative to process the places of vygretov. Since the soil and sewage absorb more of the solution, its consumption increases from 500 ml. up to 2 l. on 1 square. m. For disinfection of sewage it is necessary to take the weight of the drug more than for the treatment of the apartment. Preparation of the disinfection solution is carried out in accordance with the methodological recommendations on the use of the disinfection preparation.

Example 2. When using a solution of chloramine for disinfection of cesspools, yard toilets.

For the treatment of sewage, cesspools prepare the solution - you must take 500 g of chloramine (in the original package more often 300 g) and dilute in 10 l. water. Pour the contents of the cesspool (toilet) at the rate of 2 liters. on 1 square. m. sewage

Example 3. When using dry chlorine-containing preparations. For example, when using chlorine, to impurity sewage at the rate of 200 g of disinfectant per 1 kg. sewage (about 1-2 kg. per outdoor installation)

Precautionary measures.

It is necessary to carry out disinfection:

in the absence of children;
in rubber gloves;
if possible use glasses and a respirator.
