Sunday, June 16, 2019

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 35 Count

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 35 Count

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 35 Count

Aseptolin - an effective antiseptic for injection and rapid disinfection of the skin surface

Aseptolin (Aseptolin) - antiseptic, whose action is based on the properties of alcohol-containing tannins. The tool is made of glycerin , intended only for external use when performing medical manipulations. The use inside is not provided, contains industrial alcohol-containing substances. Due to the adsorbing characteristics of the skin do not apply to children. Disinfection of the skin area is performed immediately before the injection, it is guaranteed complete removal from the place of treatment of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.


Antiseptics for medical manipulations and in everyday life
Traditional antiseptic for medical manipulations are alcohol-based tinctures. However, these funds are not always available, and also have a higher price. Given the demand for new methods of disinfection, proposed new types of antiseptics. The manufacture of a disinfecting solution from tannin- containing raw materials is beneficial in terms of cost and effectiveness.

If you apply Aseptolin on the skin of your hands, you can instantly achieve surface sanitization . It will be useful for people working with children in institutions, nannies and governesses. The recommended remedy has a characteristic smell of alcohol, does not leave marks on clothes and skin. Tannins do not harm the skin, but belong to industrial alcohol-containing liquids, treatment of which large areas of the skin is not recommended.

After a mass poisoning with the Hawthorn drug, Aseptolin in the Russian Federation was banned from selling non-food alcohol. However, the initiative was not advanced. To date, the tool is available in pharmacies in the packaging of 250 ml. Used to disinfect the skin before the injection and local disinfection by wetting with a swab or spraying. Allows you to quickly clean contaminated surfaces with guaranteed efficiency.

It should be noted that a solution with a psychotropic effect is part of Aseptolina . It is about the effect of glycerol on mental reactions when ingested. The use of industrial alcohols always has dire consequences. In this case, it cannot be excluded that Aseptolin has a detrimental effect on the psyche and causes attacks of unjustified and uncontrolled aggression. For this reason, it is not recommended for children because of the absorption of part of the drug through the skin into the blood. Prohibited from taking Aseptolina inside, which can lead to severe poisoning and short-term memory loss.

Where can I buy Aseptolin
Aseptolin is sold in pharmacies as an external antiseptic for medical manipulations. The solution is available without a doctor's prescription. Within its mission, it has the optimal ratio of price and quality of disinfection.

How to use?
Aseptolinum is not taken by mouth! This is dangerous, since it contains not food, but industrial alcohols. At the same time, glycerol does not belong to narcotic precursors, although it can influence the psyche when used as alcohol to achieve intoxication. Instructions for use written on the accompanying label and packaging when available.

When performing injections, do the following:

use a gauze or cotton swab;
Apply Aseptolin on a cotton ball;
Treat the skin at the injection site.
Keep away from children and animals!

Tannins and other substances that are part of
Glycerol as the main component of its composition contains tannins. We are talking about polyphenols of natural origin, which are often found in nature and are found in the bark of trees, wood, seeds and peel of fruits. A significant amount of tannins (up to 50% of dry matter) is contained in the leaves. They are rich in green and black tea.

Tannins impart special properties to cognac, infused in oak barrels. They have disinfectant and cytotoxic properties, detrimental to foreign agents. Theoretically can be used for tinctures for the treatment of cancer. Such drugs based on polyphenols are used in medicine.

Tannins made from walnut contain large amounts of iodine. Acceptance of such drugs is very useful for the prevention of various incurable diseases.

Despite the technical composition of the alcohol, glycerol is produced from natural raw materials and if certain requirements are met for the ingested dose, it cannot cause a negative effect. However, Aseptolin is not intended to be used as an alcohol-containing beverage. The manufacturer does not disclose either the source of the raw materials or the methods for its preparation, respectively, the composition of technical alcohol can be detrimental to the human body.

One of the reasons for the danger of technical tannins is the content of compounds that can destabilize the psyche. This is especially dangerous for people suffering from bouts of aggression and inappropriate behavior. Similar symptoms when using Aseptolina orally increase, and memory loss is often observed in people who use it as an emotional tonic. It should be noted, a specific natural astringent odor associated with the basic properties of the substance, which has a complex effect on the body.

The principle of action of tannins as an antiseptic is associated with the ability to create strong bonds with proteins, biopolymers and polysaccharides. As a result, the cell walls of the infectious agent are damaged, and it quickly dies.

For the production of Aseptolina used hydrolyzable tannins, obtained by industrial methods, based on gallic acid. Tannins in this case are formed from a polyhydric alcohol glucose and gallic acid. It is found in large quantities in oak bark and green tea.

Gallic acid is widely used in the technical field. In this case, it can be the basis of the composition that counteracts the development of infections, due to its detrimental effect on foreign microorganisms. This is well manifested in external tests, but Aseptoline has not been tested for internal use, so the effects can be different and often unpredictable. When this tool is made from natural raw materials. This is an important feature, but not tolerated by mouth without additional research or the manufacturer’s confirmation of the tannin source.

Aseptolinum is not recommended for small children. Tannins quickly penetrate the bloodstream and can lead to poisoning. For the same reason, it is recommended to refrain from using pregnant and lactating mothers.

Aseptolin: a taxes
The following substitutes can be used as an alternative for medical manipulations: Aerodesin 2000, Clindhesin , Hospisept napkins, Hospidermin . These solutions are made from other alcohol-containing raw materials.

Aseptolin - an excellent natural disinfectant
Application Aseptolina can be considered somewhat broader. It is used as an antiseptic for mothers of small children. This is an alternative to more expensive products on sale. Price and natural origin are preferable for those interested in the product of Russian buyers. Aseptolin does not leave marks on furniture, metal and clothing. He does an excellent job with household tasks for disinfection, while it can be purchased at pharmacies at low cost - for 18-20 rubles, unlike other similar offers.

Aseptolin: reviews
Kochegarova Maria , Moscow , 25 years. I can give my feedback on the use of Aseptolina as an effective disinfectant. I need to constantly process the room, since there is a small child and a cat in the house. This tool, despite the low price, does an excellent job.

Nebezova Tatyana Ivanovna , 63 years old. I may say the blasphemous thing, but I use Aseptolin to make tinctures against oncology. The dose is selected individually. It is used in small portions. I can say about the good results, especially in demand among people who can not afford expensive courses. In this case, of course, I do not recommend for ingestion, but only talking about my experience.

Body Katerina , 18 years old. I use Aseptolin in my grandmother for injections, and she suffers from rash and psoriasis. I have no problems, no irritation at the injection site. All perfectly!


Lysol Disinfecting Wipes to-Go Pack, Lemon Scent, 15 ct (Pack of 3)

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes to-Go Pack, Lemon Scent, 15 ct (Pack of 3)

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes to-Go Pack, Lemon Scent, 15 ct (Pack of 3)


Disinfection is a set of measures aimed at the destruction of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms in environmental objects . Thus, disinfection interrupts the transmission of nosocomial infection to patients and / or medical staff and is applied to the premises of health facilities, medical equipment, patient care items and tools. When disinfecting, spore forms of bacteria can persist.

Reusable medical products that have not had contact with blood, a wound surface, or injection drugs are only disinfected and rinsed twice.

Instruments that have come into contact with blood, wound surfaces, or injectables are not only disinfected, but also sterilized.

Disinfection is prophylactic (carried out to prevent the spread of infectious diseases) and focal ( final - after removing the source of infection, and the current - in the presence of the patient, with the aim of immediate destruction of the infectious agent).

Disinfection methods:

1) mechanical - wiping with a clean cloth, washing with hot detergent solutions, vacuuming, ventilation, ventilation, washing;

2) physical - exposure to high temperature (burning, calcining, boiling, treatment with hot dry air, treatment with saturated water vapor under pressure), drying, ultraviolet irradiation;

3) chemical - the use of antiseptics and disinfectants;

4) combined (for example, wet cleaning of premises with the use of chloramine and subsequent ultraviolet irradiation).


Traditionally, a solution of chloramine is used to disinfect premises and furnishings. For dilution of solutions it is necessary to have a 10-liter tank (enameled or aluminum tanks with a lid), a measuring tank, a wooden paddle. First prepare a 10% clarified solution: 1 kg of chloramine is dissolved in a small amount of warm water and water is added to 10 liters. The solution is stored in a dark place, because in the light chloramine, decomposing, loses its disinfecting properties. This solution is called mother liquor and is used to prepare working solutions of the required concentration:

0.5% solution = 50 ml of 10% solution + 950 ml of water

1% solution = 100 ml of 10% solution + 900 ml of water

3% solution = 300 ml of 10% solution + 700 ml of water

5% solution = 500 ml of 10% solution + 500 ml of water

The shelf life of the solution - 15 days

At present, various means of disinfection and sterilization of various physicochemical actions are used: halide-containing (bleach, chloramine B, iodonate, gavel), oxygen-containing (hydrogen peroxide 3-30%, Pervomore, deoxone), aldehyde-containing (formaldehyde, gigasept, sidedex), alcohols (ethyl alcohol, aseptinol), phenol-containing (carbolic acid, lysol), quaternary ammonium compounds (septodor, vegasept). The concentration when using them is calculated by analogy with a bleach solution of standard concentration.

Disinfectants are stored in a dark, dry, cool and well-ventilated area on shelves, in a tightly closed container.


Ensuring the sanitary and hygienic regime in the department provides for a thorough cleaning of the premises . In the departments of the surgical profile, only wet cleaning is carried out. The nurse is cleaned by a nurse, and the corridor and utility rooms are cleaned. Cleaning is done with a brush, mop, rags moistened with disinfectant solutions. In cases where mothers are admitted to the ward to help the younger staff, their functions and nursing staff are coordinated by the elder sister.


Disinfection object Sanitation Used disinfectants Multiplicity
CHAMBER: - current cleaning floor cleaning 0.5% solution of chloramine 2 times a day
wiping horizontal surfaces of furniture, equipment, radiators and heating pipes 0.5% solution of chloramine Once a day, individually - before hospitalization
ventilation 3 times 10 minutes
- bedding disinfection of mattresses, blankets, pillows centrally in the chamber after each patient
- linens dirty laundry is collected in special oil bags or linen carts centralized (laundry laundry) At least 1 time in 7 days and as pollution
CHAMBER: - general cleaning cleaning floors, walls, wiping doors and door handles, horizontal and vertical surfaces of furniture, equipment, cleaning the top of walls, ceilings and ceilings from dust 1% solution of chloramine Once a week or after discharge of all patients
quartz treatment UFO irradiator 20 minutes
CHAMBER: - focal disinfection wet room cleaning and care products 1% solution of chloramine or 3% solution for hepatitis in identifying an infectious disease
quartz treatment UFO irradiator 20 minutes
WINDOW wiping the glass inside liquid MS 1 time per month
wipe windows outside liquid MS 1 time in 3 months
CORRIDOR floor cleaning 0.5% solution of chloramine 2 times a day
wipe panels 0.5% solution of chloramine Once a week
WORK CABINETS cleaning liquid MS solution daily
spring-cleaning 0.5% solution of chloramine 1 time per month
PROCEDURE (dressing room): - pre-cleaning wet processing of horizontal surfaces 1% solution of chloramine before starting work
quartz treatment UFO irradiator 20 minutes
- current cleaning (after each patient) disinfection of oilcloths on dressing tables, couches, aprons 1% solution of chloramine, 2-fold rubbing with an interval of 15 minutes or soaking for 30 minutes
disinfection of oilcloths on dressing tables, couches, aprons when contaminated with blood 3% solution of chloramine
- final cleaning wet processing of horizontal surfaces 1% solution of chloramine after the end of all dressings
quartz treatment UFO irradiator 20 minutes
- spring-cleaning damp cleaning with clearing of the room from the equipment and furniture, rubbing of all horizontal and vertical surfaces 1% solution of chloramine, activated with 10% solution of ammonia, or 6% hydrogen peroxide with 0.5% solution of MS Once a week
quartz treatment UFO irradiator 2 hours
DINING ROOM - current cleaning soaking dishes 3% solution of chloramine after using
washing dishes hot water
sterilization of dishes 1 h at t 180 ° С
rags for washing dishes 2% soda solution boiling 15 minutes
3% solution of chloramine 60 min
room cleaning 1% solution of chloramine after each distribution of food
- spring-cleaning washing walls, lighting; disinfection of premises 1% solution of chloramine B Once a week
SANITARY-TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT (SINKINS, BATHTUBS, TOILETS) wiping baths and sinks twice with a moistened rag with an interval of 15 minutes 1% solution of chloramine or MS "Sanita", "Gloss" after each patient
soaking vessels (urinals) in disinfecting solution for 60 minutes, rinsing under hot water 1% solution of chloramine after each use
toilet bowl treatment 1% solution of chloramine daily
INVENTORY cleaning soaking in a decontamination solution for 60 minutes, followed by washing and drying 1% solution of chloramine after each use
OPERATIONAL - pre-cleaning wet processing of horizontal surfaces 1% solution of chloramine before starting work
quartz treatment UFO irradiator 30 min
- current cleaning disinfection of the surface of the operating table 1% solution of chloramine, 2-fold wiping at 15 min intervals
disinfection of the surface of the operating table when contaminated with blood 3% solution of chloramine
- final cleaning wet processing of all horizontal surfaces with the release of space from the equipment 3% solution of chloramine after the end of all operations
quartz treatment UFO irradiator 2 hours
- spring-cleaning damp cleaning with clearing of the room from the equipment and furniture, rubbing of all horizontal and vertical surfaces 5% solution of chloramine, or 6% hydrogen peroxide with 0.5% solution of MS; aging 60 min 1 day a week
quartz treatment UFO irradiator 2 hours


(Order of the Ministry of Health No. 720)

1. A bed, a bedside table are wiped with a cloth moistened with disinfecting solution.

2. Bed is covered with bedding that has undergone chamber treatment. Disinfecting of bedding (mattress, blanket, pillow) is performed in a de-chamber using steam-formalin or vapor-air method after discharge of each patient.

3. Change of underwear and bed linen is made 1 time in 7 days or in process of pollution. After the change of linen is wet cleaning with chloramine

4. Sorting of dirty linen is made in a special room, packed in specially labeled cotton bags.

5. The patient is given individual items of care that, after use, are immediately removed from the ward and washed thoroughly.

6. Cleaning of chambers and corridors is done at least 2 times a day in a wet way. Disinfection is carried out after a change of linen and in the event of nosocomial infection.

7. Unauthorized movement of patients from ward to ward and entry to other departments is strictly prohibited.



1. It is necessary to have sponge or foam mats moistened with a 1% solution of chloramine at the entrance to the department, to the treatment room, dressing room, operating room,

2. The medical staff of the department of purulent surgery works in the department in removable coats, masks, caps. Upon termination of work change of dressing gowns, masks, hats is made.

3. Hand treatment after examining a patient with a purulent-septic disease or wound treatment is performed using disinfectants (80% ethyl alcohol or 0.5 alcohol chlorhexidine solution) - apply 3-5 ml on the palmar surfaces of the hands and rubbed for 2 minutes ; or rinse hands in the pelvis with 1% chloramine for 2 minutes.

4. Cleaning corridors and wards for patients with purulent-septic diseases is carried out 2 times a day in a wet manner with the obligatory use of 1% of the solution of chloramine

5. In the wards establish ultraviolet germicidal irradiators of the closed type.

6. Cleaning of treatment rooms, intensive care units, emergency rooms is carried out in a wet manner using 1% solution of chloramine B

7. Quartz treatment mode procedural, dressing - every 6 hours for 15 minutes, airing - 15 minutes


When an infectious disease is detected, wet cleaning of the chamber and care products is performed using 1% of the solution of chloramine (3% of the solution for hepatitis). When the diagnosis is confirmed and the patient is transferred to the infectious diseases ward in the ward, final disinfection is performed with 0.5% chloramine solution with obligatory processing of bedding in the dekammer.


2 times wiping with a cloth soaked in solution

1. Chloramine B 1% solution, or

2. chloramine B 0.75% solution with 0.5% detergent

3. hydrogen peroxide 3% with 0.5% detergent


surface 2 times, with an interval of 10-15 minutes, wipe with a cloth moistened with solution

1. Chloramine B 1% solution

2. chloramine B 0.75% solution with 0.5% detergent

3. hydrogen peroxide 3% with 0.5% detergent

4. detergent-disinfectants Sanita, Gloss 0.5 g per 100 cm 2


1. food delivery is made by barmaid or nurse on duty in lab coats labeled “to distribute food”

2. after each distribution of food, the premises are cleaned with 1% r-rum of chloramine in lab coats with appropriate marking

3. cleaning equipment must be labeled "for dining" and after use is disinfected in 1% of the solution of chloramine B - 60 minutes, followed by washing and drying

4. the dishes are treated with a 3% solution of chloramine or boiled for 15 minutes

5. A cloth for washing dishes and wiping tables at the end of cleaning is dumped into a container and boiled in 2% soda solution for 15 minutes or disinfected in 0.5% solution of chloroamine B for 60 minutes

6. the staff of the cafeteria should disinfect hands with 0.5% of p-rum chloramine B within 2 minutes



1. Marking (number of department, name of the room)

2. Separate storage of equipment for cleaning different rooms

3. After use - disinfection in 1% p-re chloramine B - 60 min, followed by washing and drying



Cleaning the operating room includes five types of it.

1. Pre-cleaning is done in the morning before work begins. Rags moistened with dezrastvorom (1% chloramine, 3% hydrogen peroxide with a 0.5% solution of detergent, etc.), wipe all horizontal surfaces: large and small operating tables, the surface of the equipment, window sills. Then the floors are washed using disinfectants. The operating room is closed and the germicidal lamp is turned on for 30 minutes.

2. Current cleaning is performed during the operation. Remove the dressing material and tools that fell on the floor. When the floor is contaminated, as well as blood vessels, pus, and washing fluid, this area is immediately wiped with a clean cloth moistened with a 3% solution of chloramine or its equivalent disinfecting solution.

3. Postoperative cleaning is performed in the intervals between operations, after sending the patient from the operating room. Take out used linen, dressing, tools. Nursing at the same time must be in rubber gloves, tools shift the forceps. The operating table is wiped with a disinfecting solution and covered with a clean sheet.

4. Final cleaning is performed at the end of the working day, after the end of operations. Used linen, dressings, instruments, bixes, etc. are taken out of the operating room. Roll out anesthesia machines and other equipment. Wipe with rags, abundantly moistened with disinfecting solution, all horizontal surfaces. They clean the floor with a disinfecting solution, turn on bactericidal lamps for 2 hours. They take out the garbage after disinfection. All cleaning is carried out in rubber gloves.

5. Spring-cleaning is carried out once in 7 days. Operating whenever possible free from furniture and equipment. The premises are pre-cleaned using detergent solutions to remove mechanical and other contaminants in order to more effectively affect the treated surfaces of the disinfectant.

As a rule, heaters in operating rooms are manufactured in the form of pipes or plates, rather than radiators, “accordions”, and are placed 25-30 cm from the wall, which makes cleaning the space between them and the wall accessible. Then the room (floor, walls) and equipment are wiped with a cloth that is abundantly moistened with one of the decontamination solutions: 5% chloramine solution, 6% hydrogen peroxide with 0.5% detergent, at a rate of 200 ml / m 2 of the treated surface. When using solutions of hydrogen peroxide and chloramine for irrigating surfaces, it is possible to use spray equipment. Disinfection time is 60 minutes. After exposure, the surfaces are wiped with a sterile cloth.

Efficient washing of large surfaces using the two-bucket method. Container No. 1 is filled with a washing or disinfecting solution, container No. 2 is filled with clean water. The cleaning rag is moistened in the solution number 1 and wipe the area 2-3 m 2 . Then the cloth is rinsed in tank No. 2, squeezed, re-impregnated in tank No. 1, and new areas are washed. The water in tank No. 2 is changed as it is polluted, in tank No. 1, after cleaning, 60 m 2 .

It should be borne in mind that with prolonged use of the same disinfectant, the resistance of microorganisms to it increases, so disinfectants should be periodically changed.

After disinfection, the room is irradiated with ultraviolet light (direct or reflected), including wall and ceiling bactericidal irradiators OBN-200 or OBN-350 (one irradiator per 30 m 3 ) for 2 hours.

Staff during the general cleaning uses clean bathrobes, shoes, gauze masks, oilcloth aprons, gloves. All cleaning equipment (buckets, basins, rags, mops) must be clearly marked and used strictly for the purpose.

General cleaning is carried out according to the schedule, the elder sister of the department is responsible.


Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Value Pack, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - 75 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Value Pack, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - 75 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Value Pack, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - 75 Count Each (Pack of 3)

Disinfection of air and surfaces by ultraviolet radiation

UV ventilation modules
Installations are intended for disinfecting air and surfaces in rooms, as well as for embedding into technological lines for disinfecting containers and packaging.

Disinfection of air and the surface occurs due to the impact on microorganisms of bactericidal UV radiation with a wavelength of 254 nm. The choice of installation is made in accordance with the possibility of placing the UV irradiator and the peculiarities of the technological process.
The use of UV equipment allows you to effectively destroy bacteria, viruses, mold, etc., which increases the shelf life and increases the safety of the finished product.

The UV irradiator consists of a decontamination unit made of stainless steel, inside of which a UV lamp is installed in a quartz casing and a control unit in which the batteries, display, and controls are placed.
Bactericidal air treatment sections are intended for disinfecting air in medical, sports, children's, educational, food industries and other premises.
Sections are channel devices that are installed in a channel of a rectangular duct and disinfect the air passing through the channel. Thus, bactericidal air treatment is carried out directly in the duct duct and does not require special security measures for people in the room. Bactericidal air treatment sections are made standard in ten sizes, depending on the section of the duct and for each size there is a division into three categories of rooms. The number of lamps in the section is determined by the specific size and category of room for which this section is intended. For a higher category of premises, respectively, the number of lamps in the section is larger. These lamps are used to destroy or deactivate bacteria, viruses and other protozoa. The type of the necessary bactericidal section is selected based on the category of room in which it is necessary to produce air disinfection, and air flow. All installations of this type can be equipped with a remote control and alarm.
Installations are made taking into account individual requirements of Customer's requirements (geometrical dimensions, sections, automation, etc.).
Equipment certified. There are certificates: compliance, ISO 9001: 2008, sanitary and epidemiological findings.


Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, 70-count Tubs, 2-Pack

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, 70-count Tubs, 2-Pack

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, 70-count Tubs, 2-Pack

Air disinfection: "no" to bacteria and viruses in the room

In megacities, air problems are not only harmful emissions from cars and factories, but also pathogens. In places of large concentrations of people, everyone can be their carrier. Therefore, to clean the air of airborne viruses, household appliances and industrial installations were invented. It will be a question of the first, rather small devices, capable to carry out air disinfecting.
Who should think about air disinfection in the first place?
Today, the field of application of devices for air disinfection has expanded from medical institutions to virtually any premises where minimization of the number of harmful microorganisms in the air is desirable. So, devices for air disinfection are relevant for:
Families with children
Any parents want to protect their child from diseases, and if guests are often at home, they can bring flu viruses and other acute respiratory viral infections. And the parents themselves, returning from work, may unknowingly become a source of infection. In order for the baby to be ill less, you should remove the bacteria from the air, and therefore household equipment for disinfecting the air today is gaining popularity among young parents.
Of business
In rooms where there are a lot of people (fitness clubs, beauty salons, offices, child care facilities), the number of germs that spread diseases can be greatly increased. Responsible companies, caring for their employees and incoming customers, consider it their duty to eliminate their infection with ARVI and various viruses using air disinfection machines and other methods of disinfecting places of large concentrations of people.
Medical institutions and catering establishments
In such rooms, air disinfection is especially important, as the pathogenic bacteria in the air can settle on food and medical devices and as a result receive another way to enter the human body.
Therefore, the air disinfectant in one form or another is usually present in medical institutions and in kitchens of canteens, cafes and restaurants.

By the way
For animals, air purification is no less important, since many diseases among them are transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, in veterinary clinics, on farms and in zoo hotels, they also use different methods of air sterilization.
Equipment for indoor air disinfection
Standard methods for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces usually involve chemical exposure (bleach, special solutions) or the use of traditional means (strong salt solution, tea tree oil, etc.). But, in addition to this, there are special irradiators and other devices for disinfecting air. They are easy to use and are increasingly being purchased in the premises mentioned above, although some types of such equipment have their drawbacks.
Salt lamp. A simple device consisting of a lump of salt and an incandescent lamp inside. The air in the room where such a lamp is used is filled with negatively charged ions, which neutralizes the effects of electrical devices emitting positively charged ions into the atmosphere. In addition, the salt lamp, albeit not completely, eliminates the air from harmful microorganisms and fungi, and is also a pleasant decoration of the interior.
Humidifier. In traditional humidifiers in a special tank water is poured, which then falls on the moisturizing cartridges. Through them, the built-in fan drives the air, as a result, the air is moistened, and at the same time the dust is cleaned.
There are also ultrasonic humidifiers. They crush water into tiny particles, then release this water cloud to the outside. Many humidifiers are equipped with ionizers, which, like the salt lamp, disinfect the air.
Ultraviolet lamp. Quartz lamps have long been used in medicine for air sterilization in the procedural and surgical rooms. There are open-type lamps in which the source of hard UV radiation is not covered by anything. With this device, air disinfection occurs quickly, but during its operation in the room there should be no people and animals, as the open type open-type quartz lamp is dangerous to health.
Another type of UV lamp is a closed type lamp, or bactericidal recyclers. They do not irradiate the air directly. The lamp is located inside the device under the hood, the device draws in the air outside and releases it already cleaned and cleaned. You can be near this device while it is working, since the harmful radiation does not go outside. The bactericidal recirculator does not disinfect the air as quickly as an open lamp, but it is safer.

How to choose a device for air disinfection?
Today, many make a choice in favor of lamps for disinfecting air of a closed type - even in domestic use, and not only in medical institutions. They allow to remove from the air at least 90% of microbes, in contrast to air purifiers, which retain only large particles (dust, wool).
If there are allergies in the house, it is recommended to use an air purifier with a HEPA filter along with a disinfectant, as it saves the room from allergens in the form of dust and wool particles. The UV filter is not capable of this, it only removes bacteria and viruses from the air.
Even if the air is clearly infected (for example, someone in the house has the flu), the risk of infection from other households will be greatly reduced. In addition, the germicidal lamp for disinfecting air of a closed type can work continuously, including when there are a number of people and domestic animals, and will not harm them.
In places of large concentrations of people, especially children, the recirculator is indispensable as an air disinfectant. With his constant work during the working day, the air will be purified from germs. Even if a child in the kindergarten or an office employee picks up an ARVI, the people around him are unlikely to get sick, even with reduced immunity. As a result, the number of quarantines in institutions and hospitals in enterprises decreases.
Proper use of germicidal lamps implies, above all, the correct choice of apparatus. For different purposes and premises, UV disinfectants are selected individually, and you should consider:
Bactericidal efficacy of recirculator. The instructions for the device should describe how many bacteria are removed in rooms of different volume, with a certain number of people, for the specified time. For your parameters, this figure should be 90–99%;
Type of placement: recirculators with bactericidal lamps can be wall-mounted, floor-standing or mobile.
Hours bactericidal lamps: usually it is 8 thousand hours. There are models with built-in lamp operation counters so that you can know exactly when to replace it;

If you choose a bactericidal air disinfectant for a house or apartment, then it is worthwhile to dwell on a smaller variant, even if it also has a lower capacity (20–50 m3 / h will suffice). Many people are seldom in living quarters, and the area is usually small.
If there are small children or pets, a wall-mounted recirculator is recommended - so that they do not accidentally drop the device and show undue interest to it. The mobile unit is useful to those who want to disinfect the air in the room where it is located. It is better if there is a timer counting the lamp hours on the home recirculator, since it is unlikely that someone will schedule it to turn on, as is often done, for example, in medical institutions.
The use of germicidal lamps in offices is usually more intense, since there are many people in one room at once for a long time. Therefore, usually the recirculator, if it is there, is switched on constantly throughout the working day. Accordingly, it is worth choosing a device with a long service life, high efficiency, high power germicidal lamps. To save money, it is recommended to purchase recirculators from the manufacturer - for an affordable price, you can buy a device of sufficient capacity even for a large office.
In institutions where medical services are provided, as well as in beauty salons, fitness centers, veterinary clinics, restaurants, cafes and similar places, especially careful air disinfection is required, therefore devices with a capacity of up to 100 m3 / h are installed there with the ability to eliminate 99% of microorganisms even with a large crowd of people.

Today you can take care of your health and the health of your loved ones in different ways, and the main one is protection from external harmful factors. With the air recirculator, microbes die or lose the ability to multiply, which reduces the risk of getting sick ten times. The main thing - to choose a device of sufficient power.
Where can I buy a bactericidal recirculator for air disinfection?
How to choose a store and brand recycler, how to avoid buying low-quality products, says a specialist company "Armed":
“Companies with more experience usually have a better understanding of which recirculator is required in a given situation, for a given room. Not everyone can immediately understand the instructions for air disinfectants, so it is recommended to contact qualified specialists. In addition, reputable companies offer only high-end appliances, because it is important for them to maintain a positive reputation.
Good equipment for air purification is unlikely to be cheap, but there is an opportunity to save money - buy directly from the manufacturer. This will avoid markups and also buy a disinfectant at a discount. The company “Armed”, for example, often holds sales, including popular positions. ”


Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 70 Count

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 70 Count

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Crisp Lemon, 70 Count

Emulsion formulation for surface disinfection

The invention relates to the disinfection and degassing of surfaces and can be used in the aftermath of emergencies, man-made accidents or terrorist acts with the use of toxic substances and biological pathogenic agents. The bifunctional emulsion formulation of oxidative-nucleophilic action for disinfection and degassing of surfaces contains an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohol and chlorobenzene or dichloroethane in the following ratios of components (volume%): hydrogen peroxide - 10; isopropyl alcohol - 54; chlorobenzene or dichloroethane - 17; water - the rest. To increase the disinfecting properties of the formulation at temperatures below minus 15 ° C, 1.0% (volume) formic acid is additionally added to it. The invention provides effective disinfection and degassing of surfaces contaminated with toxic organophosphorus substances and pathogenic microorganisms in the temperature range from minus 30 to 40 ° C for no more than 60 minutes, while the shelf life of the finished formulation is not less than 3 years without changing its properties. 1 hp f-ly, 7 tab., 2 pr.

The invention relates to polyfunctional recipes for disinfection and degassing of various surfaces infected with vegetative and spore forms of microorganisms, as well as toxic organophosphorus substances, including in conditions of negative (up to minus 30 ° C) temperatures. The invention can be used to eliminate the consequences of the use of chemical and biological weapons, as well as the consequences of emergency situations, man-made accidents or terrorist acts with the use of toxic substances and biological pathogenic agents. In addition, the invention can be used to ensure the safety of work on chemically and biologically hazardous objects.

The level of technology

To eliminate the effects of the use of toxic substances (OM) and biological weapons (BO), use formula formulations that have a degassing and disinfecting action based on chlorine-containing preparations (aqueous solutions or suspensions of calcium hypochlorites, formulations using chloramines, compounds of dichloro- and trichloro-isocyanuric acids). For the decontamination and disinfection of objects infected with vegetative forms of microorganisms, use 1.0-1.5% aqueous solutions of calcium hypochlorites; 5.0-7.5% aqueous solutions are used in the treatment of objects infected with spore forms of microbes. The main drawbacks of calcium hypochlorite formulations include the high specific consumption (1.5-4.5 l · m -2 ), narrow temperature range of application (5 ° С and higher), low efficiency against toxic substances, due to weak extracting the ability of water formulations, small shelf life of ready-made suspensions (from 2 to 5 days) [1, 2].

For degassing, polydegazing solvent formulations of RD and RD-2 of nucleophilic action are used. The RD and RD-2 polydegazing formulations provide effective disinfection of objects from chemical agents in a wide range of temperatures (from minus 60 to plus 40) at a low flow rate of 0.4-0.5 l · m -2 , have a long shelf life of 5 years, but do not possess disinfectant activity. In addition, the above-mentioned chlorine-containing and solvent formulations have a strong destructive effect on the construction materials (especially on the paint-and-lacquer coatings) of the processed objects [1, 2].

Various formulations of the oxidizing effect for the neutralization of toxic chemicals and pathogenic biological agents have also been developed, including as an oxidizing component, compounds containing xenon difluoride 0.5-1.0% [3], active oxygen in the form of hydrogen peroxide, inorganic and organic peroxide compounds in an amount of from 2.0 to 25.0% [4-6] and various functional additives.

Degasifying and disinfecting effectiveness of these formulations, as well as their consumption per unit of the treated surface (exposure time from 1 to 6 hours, consumption from 0.2-0.5 to 1.0 l · m -2 ) [3-6] are comparable with standard recipes [1, 2, 7, 8]. The disadvantages of these bifunctional formulations include a large number (from 5 to 13) of the components that make up. Functional additives reduce the aggressive impact on the processed materials, expand the possibilities of application (in the form of foam or aerosol, thickened compositions are better kept on inclined surfaces). But at the same time, the recipe preparation process becomes complicated (becomes multi-stage) and extends up to 1 hour, and in patents [4, 6] up to 3-6 hours or more, the shelf life of ready-made recipes is small and ranges from several hours to a day. Separate formulations cannot be stored in finished form due to the rapid loss of activity of the target components [3, 4], they are prepared immediately before use.

In patents [3-6] it is indicated that the interaction products of thickened formulations with organic substances or microorganisms are of low toxicity and do not pose a danger to humans. However, the composition of the formulations themselves includes components related to toxic substances of hazard class 2 and 3 (hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 35.0-50.0% and peroxide compounds, alkalis, xenon difluoride, acetonitrile, fatty alcohols, quaternary ammonium compounds, hydrochloric acid ). After application, the thickened compositions, as well as the standard degassing and disinfecting compositions, leave on the treated surface a film, a deposit or a dried foam, with which short-term contact (10-15 minutes) is allowed without skin protection. However, for the subsequent long-term safe operation of objects from their surface, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the recipes, or use skin protection agents.

The closest analogues to the present invention are hydrogen peroxide solutions, recommended sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 1.3.1285-03 [7] for disinfection of various objects contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms: 3.0% (from bacteria), 6.0 and 10.0 % (from spores, viruses, chlamydia, rickettsia and fungi) with additions of 0.1-0.5% surfactants and (or) 1.0% formic acid, up to 40% isopropyl or ethyl alcohol are added at negative temperatures [7, 9].

Solutions have high disinfecting properties (depending on the type of surface and microorganism, the exposure is from 60 to 120 minutes, the consumption during irrigation processing is from 0.3 to 0.9 l · m -2 ). However, their disadvantage is the low extracting capacity common for all water formulations, as a result of which they provide only surface degassing of objects.

In this regard, the development of a single highly effective formulation for degassing and disinfection is an important task.

The aim of the present invention is to develop an economical polyfunctional formulation of oxidative-nucleophilic action with improved performance characteristics, providing effective disinfection of surfaces contaminated with microorganisms, as well as toxic organophosphorus substances, at low consumption in a wide temperature range. Improving operational performance is to reduce the duration and simplify the recipe preparation procedure, to increase the shelf life of the finished formulation, as well as to reduce the destructive effect of the formulation on paint coatings.

The claimed technical result is achieved by the composition of the emulsion formulation, which contains an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide as an inorganic oxidizer, two organic solvents, one of which is aprotic non-polar, the second is proton polar, and formic acid at the following ratios of components,% by volume:

hydrogen peroxide - 10;

chlorobenzene or dichloroethane - 17;

isopropyl alcohol - 54;

formic acid - 1 (added if the formulation is used at an ambient temperature below minus 15 ° С);

water - the rest.

Hydrogen peroxide interacts with the molecules of organic agents and the structural elements of microorganisms, causes their oxidative destruction, as a result of which the molecules of organic substances turn into low-toxic compounds, and the microorganisms lose their viability. Formic acid is used in the formulation as an activator to enhance the oxidizing effect of hydrogen peroxide at negative ambient temperatures.

Chlorobenzene and dichloroethane are aprotic non-polar solvents, which contribute to the good extraction of OM, absorbed into the structural materials and coatings of the treated objects, as well as increase the decomposition rate of toxic organophosphorus substances.

Isopropyl alcohol plays the role of a nucleophilic agent in the inactivation of OM, antifreeze, which allows the formulation to be used in winter conditions (up to minus 30 ° C), as well as the emulsifier when mixing polar and non-polar liquids during the preparation of the formulation, resulting in a stable emulsion, which retains its efficiency and state of aggregation without deterioration of properties for at least three years.

Despite the fact that peroxide-containing compounds exist in solid form (hydroperit), hydrogen peroxide in liquid form is used in the formulation with a concentration of the basic substance of at least 35%, which eliminates the stage of dissolution of solids and thereby simplifies the technology and significantly shortens its preparation time. The components used are products of large-scale production of the domestic chemical industry, are available and relatively inexpensive, which makes it possible to conclude that the stated formulation is economical.

The essence of the invention is to obtain an emulsion formulation by mixing the components in calculated amounts.

Knowing the volume of containers in which the emulsion formulation will be prepared, calculate the amount of each component separately, taking into account the composition (volume%) and the conditions for its use:

hydrogen peroxide (PV) - 10;

chlorobenzene (CB) or dichloroethane (DCE) - 17;

isopropyl alcohol (IPA) - 54;

formic acid (MK) - 1 (added if the formulation is used at an ambient temperature below minus 15 ° С);

water - the rest.

For the preparation of an emulsion formulation, use hydrogen peroxide technical grade B with a basic substance content of not less than 35% and other components with a purity grade not worse than technical ones.

The calculation of the amount of technical hydrogen peroxide for the preparation of the formulation is made according to the formula 1:


V PV - the amount of technical hydrogen peroxide required for the preparation of the formulation, l;

10 - the content of hydrogen peroxide in the formulation,%;

With PV - the content of hydrogen peroxide in technical hydrogen peroxide,%;

V ER - the volume of the formulation, l.

Pour into the container the calculated amount of technical hydrogen peroxide, chlorobenzene (or dichloroethane) and isopropyl alcohol, if necessary, add formic acid, then mix thoroughly for 1-2 minutes. You can pour components into the container in any order. The finished formulation has the appearance of a clear homogeneous liquid.

The recipe can be prepared immediately before use or in advance, the shelf life of the finished formulation is at least three years.

The recipe is used as intended by the method of irrigation or irrigation with simultaneous wiping with brushes using modern technical means of special treatment, equipped with stainless steel tanks (for example, a set of KDA, station USSO, machine UTM-80M). It is possible to use recipes from technical means of special treatment (for example, automated filling stations ARS of various modifications) equipped with a system for collecting liquid from an external source (for example, a large volume of high-pressure polyethylene tank) without using its own ferrous metal container.

It is forbidden to apply the emulsion recipe from technical means of special treatment, which have ferrous metal containers and are not equipped with a system for injecting liquid from an external source, bypassing its capacity. It is forbidden to apply the emulsion recipe of the technical means, working with the use of the energy of the exhaust gases of the object being processed. In the process of applying the recipe for its intended purpose, you must use personal protective equipment for the skin and respiratory organs.

The recipe is used at temperatures from minus 30 to 40 ° C. Consumption of the formulation is 0.2-0.3 l · m -2 . Exposure during disinfection of surfaces contaminated with microorganisms, including spores, is not more than 60 minutes, exposure during degassing is not more than 60 minutes.

Upon completion of degassing and disinfection works, the surface of the treated objects is washed with water.

The possibility of carrying out the claimed invention, the effectiveness of the formulation under different variants and conditions of use, as well as the absence of the destructive effect of the formulation on paint coatings are confirmed experimentally in laboratory conditions.

Example 1. Recipe preparation technology, performance

The amount of each component of the formulation was calculated separately, taking into account the composition (volume%) and the conditions for its use (Table 1). The amount of hydrogen peroxide of technical grade B was calculated by the formula 1 taking into account the content of the main substance in it 35.0% (according to the laboratory control data by the permanganometric volume method).

In the preparation of 10 liters, the calculated amount of the components was poured into the container, then they were thoroughly mixed using a mixer (plastic bar) manually for 1 minute. The total cooking time (including metering of all components) was no more than 5 minutes.

When preparing the recipes in the container of the KDA kit, the components were pumped from the original packaging and mixed using the special equipment included in the machine kit, in accordance with the instruction manual. The total cooking time was 20 to 30 minutes.

The crystallization temperature of the emulsion formulation was determined using the apparatus ATKt-02 (produced by LLC Spetsneftekhimavtomatika, Ufa), designed to determine the temperature of the onset of crystallization of low-freezing liquids and antifreeze. The determination was carried out according to the method described in the instruction manual for the device.

As a result of the tests (table 2) it was established that the crystallization temperature of the emulsion formulation containing chlorobenzene is minus 37.0 ° C. The formulation containing dichloroethane begins to freeze at minus 33.4 ° C. The addition of 1.0% formic acid reduces the crystallization temperature of the formulations by 1.0 ° C. Thus, at an ambient temperature of minus 30.0 ° C, the formulations will be guaranteed to be in a liquid state and can be used for surface treatment in winter conditions.

The impact of the emulsion formulation on paint coatings was evaluated by the change in adhesion (lattice cuts method according to GOST 15140-78) and the appearance of the coating (visually according to GOST 9.407-84) and by the photoelectric method for gloss change (according to GOST 896-69). The tests were carried out in laboratory conditions using metal test objects, painted with paint XB-518. The formulations were applied by irrigation and irrigation with wiping brushes with a flow rate of 0.3 l · m -2 and an exposure time of 60 minutes, after which the test objects were washed with water and dried. The treatment was performed five times.

It was established experimentally (table 3) that the fivefold effect of the tested formulations has virtually no effect on the properties of the paintwork: adhesion does not change, the appearance does not change visually, the glossiness of the coating deteriorates slightly (no more than 6.0%).

Example 2. The effectiveness of the formulation

The formulations were prepared in accordance with the described technology. The tests were carried out at positive and negative values ​​of ambient temperature in the range from minus 30.0 to 40.0 ° C.

The degassing efficiency of the formulations was evaluated in the laboratory using test surfaces made of various materials infected with a model Vx-type toxic agent with a density of (1.0 ± 0.1) mg · cm -2 . After infection, the surface was treated with an emulsion formulation by the method of irrigation or irrigation with wiping brushes. After the formulation was dried (depending on the experimental conditions, the drying process takes from several minutes to 1 hour) sorbent polymer substrates were applied to the surfaces, which determined the residual content of the model OM by biochemical control. The test results are presented in table 4.

The experimental data presented in Table 4 show that effective degassing of all surfaces is achieved in no more than 60 minutes when they are processed at a flow rate of 0.2 l · m -2 at positive values ​​of the ambient temperature. In the case of degassing surfaces at air temperatures below 0 ° C, it is necessary to increase the flow rate to 0.3 l · m -2 .

The disinfecting efficiency of the formulations was evaluated under natural conditions using samples of military equipment and isolating type skin protection equipment and under laboratory conditions using test surfaces made of appropriate materials (glass, painted metal, protective fabric with a polymer coating). In the tests used the recipes are freshly prepared and stored for three years. For contamination of surfaces used agar spore culture B.anthracis (vaccine strain STI-1) with a content of mature spores of at least 90%.

Sampling of bacteriological samples from the surfaces was carried out by the method of washing using cotton-gauze tampons. The determination of the number of microorganisms in bacteriological samples was carried out using the plate method in accordance with Guideline Ρ 4.2.2643-10 “Methods of laboratory research and testing of medical and preventive disinfectants to assess their effectiveness and safety.” The tests were carried out in triplicate, the complete neutralization of the residual effect of the emulsion formulation in bacteriological samples was not less than 70%, the results are presented in tables 5-7.

Experimental data presented in Tables 5 and 6 show that surface treatment with an emulsion formulation at a flow rate of 0.2 l · m 2 ensures their effective disinfection from spores of microorganisms for 5 minutes in the temperature range from 15 to 40 ° C. When disinfecting surfaces in the temperature range from minus 30 to 15 ° C, complete disinfection is achieved in 60 minutes. At ambient temperatures below minus 15 ° C, to increase the disinfecting properties, it is necessary to add 1% formic acid to the formulation. The test results presented in Table 7 indicate that the disinfecting properties of the emulsion formulation did not change after three years of storage.

Since the stated emulsion formulation provides in the experimental conditions complete destruction of B.Anthracis spores (anthrax, STI-1 vaccine strain), which is one of the most resistant forms of microorganisms, it also applies to other less resistant microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. .) it will also be effective.

Thus, the claimed emulsion formulation is bifunctional, provides effective degassing and disinfection of surfaces contaminated with toxic organophosphates and (or) vegetative and spore forms of microorganisms in a wide temperature range (from minus 30 to 40 ° C) for no more than 60 minutes. Consumption of the formulation is 0.2-0.3 l · m -2 .

The recipe can be applied by irrigation or irrigation with simultaneous wiping with brushes using modern technical means of special treatment, equipped with stainless steel tanks (KDA set, USSO station, UTM-80M machine) or equipped with an external source intake system (ARS of various modifications). The recipe can be prepared immediately before use or in advance, the shelf life of the finished formulation is at least 3 years without changing its properties.

Compared with the presented analogues, the emulsion formulation has improved performance characteristics: simplified preparation technology; cooking time reduced to 30 minutes (in tank trucks) and to 5 minutes in small volumes (up to 10 liters); the damaging effect of the formulation on paint coatings is insignificant or absent.


Zogics Antibacterial Wipes, EPA Registered Surface and Gym Equipment Disinfecting Wipes (4 Rolls, 3200 Wipes)

Zogics Antibacterial Wipes, EPA Registered Surface and Gym Equipment Disinfecting Wipes (4 Rolls, 3200 Wipes)

Zogics Antibacterial Wipes, EPA Registered Surface and Gym Equipment Disinfecting Wipes (4 Rolls, 3200 Wipes)

UV systems for air and surface disinfection

Our company develops and manufactures high-quality and affordable equipment for disinfecting air and surfaces with ultraviolet light.

Our company produces the following types of equipment for disinfecting air and surfaces with ultraviolet:

• UV modules of ventilation systems
• Bactericidal Recyclers
• Open feeds for surface disinfection
• Irradiators for conveyor lines of food and other industries. All equipment is intended for use in industrial facilities and in crowded places, as it has a very high UV power with small equipment dimensions, which is achieved through the use of high-quality and safe amalgam UV lamps of its own production.

UV modules of ventilation systems (analogue MEGALIT)

Ultraviolet modules are designed for rapid integration into large capacity ventilation and air conditioning systems.

We produce air disinfection modules in ventilation systems with a capacity from 600 to 150000 m3 per hour and with a capacity of about 200 W to 25 kW and even more.

The use of such a module allows you to repeatedly reduce the concentration of microorganisms in the air environment of an office building, hospital or any other building, which significantly reduces the incidence of people in the premises, improves the quality of products in industries.

We have developed the technology when installing UV lamps in existing ventilation boxes, without additional work on installing a new ventilation module, order confuser and diffuser. Based on the parameters of your ventilation system, we will produce a complete set consisting of UV lamps, a power and control cabinet, and fasteners. This kit can be installed in the ventilation system by your specialists, without special skills, in a short time.

To choose the right equipment you need to write a letter to and report the following parameters:

• duct section;
• performance;
• the type of premises in which the ventilation system operates.

The table below shows an example of the selection of the required number of UV lamps such as J-A19310 or J-AB19310 based on the performance of the ventilation system and bactericidal efficiency.

Based on the type of premises, the cross-section and the performance of your ventilation system, we calculate the required dose of bactericidal radiation. All calculations are performed in accordance with the Methodological Guidelines MU 2.3.975-00 "The use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation for disinfecting the air environment of the premises of organizations of the food industry, catering and food trade" (approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 19, 2000). Go
We produce amalgam UV lamps and therefore we know for sure that conventional UV lamps, which are most often used in water disinfecting plants, are not suitable for work in ventilation systems when they are actively cooled by air flow. Therefore, in our ventilation modules we use the lamps of the special J-Aero series. These lamps do not lose their bactericidal power even at temperatures close to 0 degrees and with active air flow. In addition, these lamps are absolutely safe, since in case of damage to the lamp there is no need for demercurization of both the room and the ventilation systems into which the bactericidal modules are integrated (since the vapor pressure of mercury over solid amalgam is orders of magnitude lower than over liquid mercury, and mercury vapor may be released into the air in quantities well below the MPC). Go
We recommend the use of ultraviolet modules of ventilation systems in all buildings with a massive gathering of people and centralized ventilation:

• multi-storey residential buildings and facilities; Go
• business and shopping centers; Go
• medical institutions; Go
• educational institutions; Go
• sports facilities; Go
• social and cultural institutions; Go
• train stations, airports, subways; Go
• industrial enterprises; Go
• food industry enterprises.
Bactericidal Recyclers (analogue AEROLIT)
Bactericidal recyclers are designed for disinfecting air by UV radiation in the presence of people. When using this equipment, high bactericidal efficiency is achieved due to multiple air circulation through the disinfection chamber. Recirculators are suitable for creating local air zones of increased microbiological purity in rooms of various sizes.

The main difference of our production recirculators from the popular models Desar, Kront, etc. is that our recirculators are based on very powerful amalgam UV lamps and they are able to effectively disinfect the air of large rooms with a large number of people.

One bactericidal recirculator of our production can disinfect 600m3 of air per hour, which is sufficient for effective disinfection of air in a room of up to 100m2 in the presence of 20 people.

We recommend using bactericidal recyclers in:

• kindergartens and schools;
• office space;
• crowded places in medical facilities;
• public kitchens and restaurants;
• fitness centers.

In addition, we produce bactericidal recirculators for large-scale premises (Food factories, catering and trade enterprises, as well as for disinfecting air in production workshops, warehouses, storage of finished products and raw materials). The performance of these products is 4000 m3 per hour.

Additionally, in all recirculators can be installed combs coated with titanium oxide, which under the influence of ultraviolet causes active oxidative processes due to photocatalysis, which effectively cleans the air from various organic pollutants: acetone, toluene, benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, ethylene, stands of dies viruses, molds, etc.
Open feeds for surface disinfection (analogue Svetolet)
Open feeds are designed for quick and effective disinfection of air and surfaces by UV radiation. As a result of the use of open feeds, a high degree of bactericidal efficacy is achieved.

Open feeds can be used only in the absence of people and animals.

Our company produces open feeds of any capacity.

Write to us at and we will select and manufacture the most suitable equipment for your purposes.
Irradiators for conveyor lines of food and other industries (analogue WOCUF)
Most food production uses low-pressure mercury UV lamps, the power of which is insufficient to effectively disinfect containers and products.

We will select and manufacture powerful UV lamps for your conveyor line. We produce a high-quality irradiator housing that protects your employees from UV radiation. In addition, we can manufacture lamps in anti-shattering design, which will protect products from possible fragments from a damaged lamp.
Write to us at and we will select from the availability or produce the equipment most suitable for your purposes.


PhoneFresh Disinfecting Screen Wipes, Pre-Moistened Cleansing Cloths for Phones and Lenses (4 Pack of 10 Wipe Boxes)

PhoneFresh Disinfecting Screen Wipes, Pre-Moistened Cleansing Cloths for Phones and Lenses (4 Pack of 10 Wipe Boxes)

PhoneFresh Disinfecting Screen Wipes, Pre-Moistened Cleansing Cloths for Phones and Lenses (4 Pack of 10 Wipe Boxes)

Polycarbonate Greenhouse Processing - Disinfection Rules

In order to greenhouse every year pleased with a rich harvest, it needs special care. Polycarbonate greenhouse processing should be carried out at least twice a year - in autumn and spring. In this article you will find useful tips on all the intricacies of greenhouse processing.

Why is polycarbonate greenhouse processing so important?
First of all, it is necessary to process greenhouses so that they can comply with sanitary standards. In the greenhouse they always strive to create the most favorable microclimate for the plants. Humidity should be elevated, and the temperature should be high. But in such conditions, in addition to plants, representatives of pathogenic flora also develop well. These include:
causative agents of infectious diseases;
mold spores and harmful fungi;
harmful bacteria.

If the greenhouse frame is not processed and the soil is not disinfected, the harmful microorganisms will develop on the planted plants, hinder their growth and even destroy them.
There are such pathogens that do not lose their viability for a very long time. For example, spores of phytophtoras, which often infect tomatoes, may not lose their ability to develop from three to five years, if they fall into favorable conditions.
It is necessary to observe the rules of crop rotation to avoid depletion of the soil and the appearance of harmful bacteria and toxins in it. Therefore, it is so important to carry out the post-harvest treatment and to disinfect the soil for the prevention of numerous ailments that can affect the plants. Thanks to this, it is possible to protect against such unpleasant consequences as top rot, fusarium and phytophthora on tomatoes. It is also effective to fight with brown spot on tomatoes, treating the soil properly.
The frame of the greenhouse and its other elements also require treatment, which will protect them from pests. Closer to winter, some of their representatives can penetrate into the ground and benefit from the cold there.
If you dig up the soil in the fall and partially replace the soil, you can protect yourself from the appearance of the whitefly and other pests. It is possible to fight spider mite with the help of fumigating the room with sulfur checkers.
Thus, it is simply necessary to do the processing of the polycarbonate greenhouse in the autumn and spring. This significantly reduces the risk of infectious plant diseases, and the room is cleaned from dust, dirt and rust.
Note: Do not forget about the need to process garden tools, shelves, racks and so on.

What is the most favorable time to process the greenhouse?

Processing of the greenhouse should be carried out once, and preferably twice a year. So in the construction of a safe environment in which you can grow healthy plants.
Autumn disinfection includes:
external processing using soap solution;
cleaning leaves, dry plants and debris;
processing of structures located inside the greenhouse;
soil disinfection;
In order to clean the heavily contaminated areas of the greenhouse, you can use a brush.
In the spring, it is necessary to disinfect the soil. For this purpose, special biological preparations are used. The most frequently used are phytocide, trichodermine, biodestructor, stubble, pentafog, azotophyte and phytosporin. With their help, it turns out to fix the result of autumn processing. Such procedures must be carried out every year.
The main stages of autumn processing


Harvesting plant residues. They can play the role of overwintering for various bacteria. If the tops are affected by bacteria or other pests, it is better to burn it. Compost can be made from healthy plants.
Cleaning of supports and straps. They may also contain pests. They are recommended to be burned or removed outside the construction. When using metal reusable supports they are processed together with other elements of the greenhouse.
Washing the greenhouse. Thanks to wet cleaning, the greenhouse is freed from dirt, viruses, spores and fungi, fertilizing, spraying and chemical residues that have settled on the structure. Due to the instability of polycarbonate to scratches, it is recommended to use microfiber rags and soft sponges for wet cleaning. For washing take warm water and laundry soap (you can replace it with a liquid detergent). Soap foam is applied to the entire inner surface, especially carefully clean the joints of the frame with a polycarbonate coating. The foam is left for 5-10 minutes, and then washed off with a hose (with moderate water pressure) or by hand. When the inner surface of the greenhouse is washed, proceed to flush the outer. In winter, it will be easier to remove snow and ice from the cleaned surface.
Tillage. With a strong contamination of the soil by pests, it is removed and removed (layer of 7-10 cm). This soil can no longer be used for other plants. It is recommended to take it out of the garden and disinfect. Then, where was the affected soil, fall asleep new. If the soil was moderately contaminated, it can be treated on site with chemicals. Before processing the soil does not need to dig over if it is treated from harmful bacteria. And in the case of harmful insects, on the contrary, a preliminary digging is required, since they can hide before the winter cold deep in the ground. Digging up the soil, you can add fertilizers and preparations containing copper to contain the development of fungal diseases.

Processing greenhouses in spring
In the spring the greenhouse is treated in almost the same way as in the fall. If the fall has not been removed the remains of plants, they are removed and proceed to disinfection.
When infecting plants that were grown in a greenhouse in summer, it is likely that the soil and elements of the greenhouse contain larvae and spores of pests. The heat that comes will lead to their activity, which will be a threat to the future harvest. Therefore, disinfection in the spring in this case is indispensable.
It will also be necessary to clean the polycarbonate in order to improve its ability to transmit light. Before cleaning, you should repair if there is any damage to the structure after winter.
At the final stage, the soil is prepared for planting. Sometimes the soil is completely replaced. This procedure is advisable in the following cases:
plant diseases that grew in the greenhouse were observed;
agronomical crop rotation was not observed, the soil is depleted;
It is planned to create high warm beds.
If none of these situations is typical for your greenhouse, you can do with traditional methods of increasing yields: add organic matter, loosen and fluff the soil.
Stages of spring processing greenhouses
Consider more:
The release of the area - removal of racks, tanks for seedlings, dismantling of supports to strengthen the roof for the winter.
Replacing damaged frame parts if available. Gaping the restored items with lime and paint glue.
Inspection of watering and heating equipment, its repair, if necessary, and fresh painting of pipes.
Inspection of polycarbonate, replacement of sheets, if necessary.
Garbage collection (if it was not done in the fall).
Disinfection. Cleaning of polycarbonate and all internal elements of the greenhouse by wet cleaning, fumigation of the room (if necessary).
Soil preparation - disinfection, application of additives and fertilizers. However, chemicals are not recommended. If necessary, the soil is completely replaced.

Preparing for the winter
After the crop is harvested and processed in the greenhouse, it should not be disassembled for the winter period. However, it should be prepared for the winter cold.
So that the structure is not damaged by the snow load, it is reinforced with 3-4 T-shaped supports made of wood. So until the spring, the roof of the greenhouse will be strengthened.
More supports should be placed where the leeward sides of the greenhouse are located (where the snow will accumulate in large quantities).
They put the supports not on the ground, but on a solid support.
How to disinfect the soil?
For the best quality tillage, it will be necessary to replace its top layer (6-8 cm). Compost is laid on the cleared space, and new soil is laid on top of it.
With a small area of ​​the greenhouse, you can use boiling water, thanks to which disinfection will be carried out.
Also for the treatment of soil, you can use Bordeaux liquid or copper sulphate. Often also used bleach and potassium permanganate.
Today, gardeners often use sulfur bombs, thanks to which both the soil and the inner surfaces of the greenhouse are disinfected.
It is possible to treat the soil with chemicals only in the fall. In the spring before planting plants they are not recommended to apply.
Features processing frame
The frame of the greenhouse should be carefully inspected for damage and rust before processing. If rust has been noticed, it is removed, and the cleaned and dried place is painted over. When detecting damage to the frame, it is repaired.
The frame, as well as the polycarbonate surface, is washed using a warm soap solution. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that the soap does not fall into the soil.
More on processing facilities
The soil in the greenhouse for disinfection in the spring can be treated with the following disinfectants:
Formalin - used two weeks before plants are planted. To do this, you will need a bucket of water in which 250 ml of a forty percent formalin solution is dissolved. The resulting liquid is sprayed with soil (for each square meter - 10 liters of liquid). After spraying the ground is covered with a film. Three days later it is removed, and the soil is dug up. Next, you need to ventilate the greenhouse. After this treatment, the soil will need fertilizing with good bacteria.
Copper sulfate - able to protect the soil from harmful insects and fungal infections. 10 liters take 1 tbsp. spoon of vitriol and bring before planting in each well. This procedure can be carried out every five years.
Bordeaux mixture - contains hydrated lime and copper sulfate. For its effectiveness, you need to properly prepare the mixture. For 1 liter of hot water take 100 grams of copper sulfate. Then cold water is added to make a total of 5 liters of fluid. Separately quenched lime. Per liter of water will require 120 grams of powder. Bring volume to 5 liters. Mix the lime solution with the blue vitriol, gradually pouring the latter and stirring the solution with a rod.
"Iprodion" - is produced in the form of a dry powder, which must be added under the spring digging (100-150 grams per 1 square meter). This tool is able to suppress the development of Phomopsis, white and gray rot, as well as oidium.
Fungicide TMTD - is not phytotoxic and can be used at any time. Means in the form of a dry powder is scattered on the ground, which is then harrowed and watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This remedy fights against peronosporosis, mold, fusarium and fomoz of vegetable crops.

As a preventive measure, you can also treat the greenhouse with water with manganese or pour boiling water over the soil.
For disinfection of the inner surface of the greenhouse, you can also use copper sulphate, formalin solution and Bordeaux mixture.
Also, wet treatment in spring can be carried out using:
Bleach 400 grams of dry matter should be dissolved in 10 liters of water, insisted for 4 hours and sprayed on the inner elements of the greenhouse. For the processing of polycarbonate using a transparent composition, and for the wooden frame - sediment.
Carbation - contains a fumigant that can cope with blackleg, root rot and other pathogens of infectious plant diseases. The solution of this substance should be sprayed on the frame.
In addition, it can be carried out "gas" spring processing. To do this, use one of the following types of smoke bombs:
Hexochloran. It contains an insecticide that has a neuroparalytic effect and is used against the caterpillars of butterflies and insects found in the soil. With a cocktail and herbivorous mites such a tool can not cope.
Sulfuric checker - has a systemic effect, for which reason it is considered a universal remedy. Mites, small insects and fungi are suppressed with the help of sulfur anhydicide. As a spring treatment, this tool is used more often than others due to the complex insecticidal and bactericidal effects. It does not require redevelopment of the soil.
Permethrin - has a neuro-paralyzing effect, therefore, copes with moths, ants and flying insects.
Tobacco checkers. Because of the nicotine smoke they emit, pests die, and plants are protected from disease. Such checkers can be used for greenhouses with a painted metal frame.
Prepared chemicals that can process the greenhouse
We list:
Fufanon - effective in the fight against aphids, whitefly, thrips spider mite. 5 ml of the product are added to 5 liters of water, and the resulting solution is used to spray the gaps in the frame, the fences of the beds, other places where insects can spend the winter, and the topsoil.
Thunderstorm - effectively fights slugs and snails. This tool is scattered on the soil immediately after the plants have been removed from it. For 5 square meters should account for 15 grams of the drug. There is no point in cultivating the land when it is already cold.
Muracid - an excellent tool to combat ants. It is sold in ampoules of 1 ml. It must be diluted in 10 liters of water and used for watering nests. At each nest you need to pour 1 liter of solution. You can use this solution also for watering ant trails.
Thunder - used in the fight against the bear and ants. In the middle of a bear, having a diameter of up to 2 cm, lay out the preparation, slightly moisturizing it. For each hole should be 1 teaspoon of the drug. When fighting ants, the tool crumbles into their nests.
Marshal - is used to fight a nematode, aphids, thrips and spider mites. One ampoule of the drug (7 ml) is diluted in 9 liters of water. The resulting solution is poured over a soil of 10 square meters. Only one such treatment can be performed in one season. Means is toxic, both for the person, and for animals.
Phytosporin - is a biological drug used against fungal diseases. In 10 liters of water pour out 5 grams of powder and mix. The solution is used to spray the ceiling and walls of the greenhouse, as well as the top layer of soil. The drug is active only at temperatures from +10 degrees and above.

What do experienced gardeners recommend?
Gardeners who grow plants annually in polycarbonate greenhouses are advised to:
During deep autumn, open the vents and doors of the greenhouse to frost kill those pests that survived after autumn processing, and the greenhouse has the same temperature as outside (so no frost will form on the polycarbonate and the snow will slip from the greenhouse unhindered ).
To the greenhouse was not destroyed by snow load, it should be strengthened with supports in the form of additional arcs or wooden T-shaped supports.
On the question of what the greenhouse is treated with, each gardener will give his answer. It is important to consider the reason for the need for disinfection, the conditions in the greenhouse, and what plants in it will be grown.


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Disinfection in beauty salons

The priority factors in the prevention of infections is the proper conduct of antiseptic hand treatment, disinfection, sterilization of instruments, current and general cleaning of premises.
Disinfection in hairdressing and beauty salons is a highly important and always current topic. Priority factors in the prevention of infections is the proper conduct of antiseptic hand treatment, disinfection, sterilization of instruments, and routine and general cleaning of premises.

Disinfection or disinfection is a complex of measures aimed at the destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases in the environment of human life.

For disinfection treatment of hands, use AHD 2000 express, AHD 2000 gel, Neoseptin Perevin. These are disinfectants for hygienic and surgical treatment of hands and skin, as well as for quick disinfection of small surfaces, non-critical medical devices.

Disinfection of the instrument should be carried out after each patient, the method of soaking for a certain time depends on the concentration of the working solution. To do this, add 1 to 5 ml of water (5 to 10 ml) of Blanidas Active is a universal non-chlorine-free non-chlorine agent for the current, final, preventive disinfection (the shelf life of unused working solution is 14 days in a closed container).

Only after complete disinfection the instrument is placed in the sterilizer until the next use. Heat treatment is most commonly used for sterilization, although there are chemical sterilization methods. If you really want to put the tool after chemical sterilization in a dry-heat cabinet, wipe it from the disinfecting solution.

For quick disinfection of working surfaces, use Aerodezin, a ready-made tool for emergency disinfection of surfaces of small area and non-critical medical devices.

For disinfection of wooden surfaces, a special tool “Lysoformin Plus Foam” has been developed. This is a alcohol-free foam-based agent for quick disinfection of objects, non-critical medical devices.

Also, for the current disinfection of staff's hands in sanitary facilities, use the disinfecting liquid soap Bionol Bactericide or Blanidas Soft Dez, because regular soap does not disinfect the skin of hands, but only washes away dirt.

For the safety of customers, daily disinfecting treatment of the surfaces, tools and hands of maintenance personnel should be carried out. Do not let infections ruin your business!


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Method of photocatalytic disinfection of surfaces

The invention relates to the field of disinfection of surfaces by ultraviolet radiation and can be used to disinfect the premises of public institutions, transport, furniture, equipment. The method involves pre-spraying an aqueous suspension of titanium dioxide nanoparticles with an average diameter of 23.3 nm at a concentration of 0.5 g / l for 15 minutes on the surface being treated with ultrasound and then irradiating the surface with narrow-band bactericidal ultraviolet radiation. The invention allows to reduce the time of irradiation of surfaces and improve the efficiency of disinfection. 1 tab.
The invention relates to the field of disinfection of surfaces of objects and internal surfaces of premises for various purposes from pathogenic microflora using ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the presence of a photocatalyst titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ). It can be used for express disinfection of public premises (for example, the internal walls of medical, educational, cultural, sports, preschool institutions), transport, furniture, equipment without the use of disinfectant solutions.

The main oxidizing agents in photocatalytic reactions, as is known, are hydroxyl, peroxide and hydroperoxide radicals, of which the hydroxyl radical ОН ° is considered the most important oxidizing agent, providing inactivation of the cell [1].

Known methods of photocatalytic disinfection of surfaces in the presence of TiO 2 nanoparticles consist mainly in obtaining various antimicrobial films (coatings) based on TiO 2 , applying them to the surface with subsequent irradiation with light in the UV and / or visible range. The methods differ in the chemical composition of the films, the conditions for their preparation and application to the surface to be disinfected.

A known method for disinfecting surfaces, consisting in spraying TiO 2 nanoparticles heated in an induction plasma to 750 ° C on the surface with subsequent moistening and UV irradiation (Patent US 6235351 B1 of 05.22.2001).

The disadvantages of this method are:

a) The need to pre-heat a suspension of nanoparticles in an induction plasma, entailing significant energy costs.

b) The use of alcohol to obtain a suspension of nanoparticles.

c) The use of expensive equipment to obtain a high-temperature plasma discharge.

There is a method of self-disinfecting the surface using a reflective coating (Patent US 7288232 B2 of 10.30.2007), which consists in applying a primer to the surface, then a reflective layer, followed by the deposition of TiO 2 nanoparticles and heat treatment. The disinfecting effect is achieved by irradiation with UV light in the presence of water vapor.

The disadvantages of this method are:

a) strict surface requirements (hard, smooth, chemically inert, heat resistant);

b) multi-stage preliminary preparation of the surface (cleaning with acids, liquid carbon dioxide, organic solvents, applying a primer layer, barium sulfate, silica gel), which requires significant time-consuming;

c) the application of expensive primer and reflective layers;

d) the need for thermal treatment of the photocatalytic coating of the surface at temperatures up to 350 ° C;

e) The need for additional production and introduction of water vapor to initiate photocatalytic reactions that provide a disinfecting effect.

There are also known methods for cleaning the surface from pathogenic microflora and toxic chemicals by coating a surface consisting of an organic polymer base and TiO 2 nanoparticles (Patents US 2004/0224145 A1 of 11.11.2004, WO 2008/097778 A1 of 08/14/2008). The disinfecting effect is also achieved by irradiating with UV light after wetting this coating.

The disadvantages of this method are:

a) The need for preliminary preparation of a coating based on a polymer composition (polyacrylate, fluoropolymers, polyurethane, liquid crystal polymers, latex, etc.) or low-volatile organic solvents containing TiO 2 nanoparticles, as well as pigments, plasticizers, thickeners, thixotropic agents;

b) Special requirements for the surface to be disinfected (hard, cleaned, polished, degreased, and also etched in the case of a metal surface);

c) periodic updating of the polymer coating due to damages, scratches, etc .;

d) the need for additional wetting of the surface coating before UV treatment.

Also known is a method of cleaning and disinfecting surfaces using film-forming aqueous and / or alcohol dispersions of TiO 2 nanoparticles, as well as polymer-containing dispersions of TiO 2 (Patent US 6905814 B1 dated June 4, 2005).

The disadvantages of this method include the above paragraphs. a) and b), as well as:

c) the need to bring the pH of the dispersion of TiO 2 to a certain value depending on its chemical composition and its drying after application to the surface;

d) Use of long-wave UV-radiation at 365 nm for inactivation of aqueous suspensions of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on a film of TiO 2 (5 × 10 7 CFU / ml) and a longer duration of exposure to achieve 99.9% inactivation effect - 6 hours (Example 7 implementation of the method).

A known method of photocatalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli cells on the surface of membrane filters in the presence of immobilized Ti 105 nanoparticles PC 105 [2]. The disadvantages of this method are the high cost of membrane filters and the use of fluorescent lamps emitting in a wide UV range of 290-400 nm and further in the visible range of 400-700 nm. The accepted bactericidal range of wavelengths (205-315 nm) accounts for only 6% of the total radiation of such lamps. Therefore, due to their low bactericidal efficacy, a disadvantage of this method is also the long duration of cell irradiation to achieve 99.9% inactivation effect (2 hours).

The closest analogues of the present invention are a method of disinfecting the surface by UV radiation in the presence of TiO 2 nanoparticles [3] and patent WO 2007/051996 A1 of 05/10/2007, taken as prototypes. In the article [3], the source of UV radiation was a Philips lamp with a power of 2 × 15 W, emitting "white light" ("white light" or visible range) and ultraviolet light at 365 nm. The surface to be disinfected (plexiglass) was coated with a nanoscale TiO 2 Degussa P25 photocatalyst. Next, aqueous suspensions of E. coli were applied and irradiated.

The disadvantages of this method are:

a) low bactericidal efficiency of lamps with low radiation intensity at 365 nm, not included in the accepted bactericidal range (205-315 nm). All radiation intensity falls within the visible range;

b) the limited practical application of the method, since in real conditions microorganisms are on surrounding surfaces, mainly in the form of biofilms, and not in the form of aqueous suspensions;

c) long duration of irradiation of bacterial suspensions on the surface to achieve its complete disinfection (60 min).

In example 1 of the method for producing a TiO 2 -based nanocomposite film and its application for antibacterial purposes (WO 2007/051996 A1), a VL-208BLB UV lamp manufactured by Vilber Lourmat (VWR Ltd.) with a power of 2 × 8 W was used as the radiation source. emitting "black light" at 365 nm with an intensity of 1.3 mW / cm 2 , without visible radiation ("black light blue"). This method has all the above disadvantages. In addition, the method is characterized by a multi-stage sol-gel method for producing a nanocomposite film, which includes expensive silver oxide (chemical synthesis, immersion of a glass slide into a sol to produce a film, doping a film with silver, high-temperature annealing of the finished film).

The task of the invention is to reduce the time of photocatalytic disinfection of surfaces by UV radiation with high efficiency inactivation of microorganisms.

The technical result achieved through the implementation of the invention is to significantly reduce the time of surface treatment to achieve complete inactivation of microorganisms (up to 45 seconds at an initial concentration of E. coli 10 8 CFU / ml).

The technical result is achieved by spraying an aqueous suspension of TiO 2 nanoparticles with an average diameter of 23.3 nm (Start Scientific Production Company, Perm, an analogue of Degussa P25) at a concentration of 0.5 g / l and irradiating the disinfected surface narrow-band ultraviolet radiation in the bactericidal range.

The proposed method does not require the preparation of a special multicomponent coating, applying it to the surface at high temperature and is not limited by the type of surface to be disinfected. Almost any surface located in industrial and medical premises, offices, private houses and apartments, transport (for example, walls, ceilings, floors (with any coating), curtains, curtains, plastic, glass, metal surfaces) can serve as a disinfectable surface. This method is implemented for surfaces infected with pathogenic microorganisms located on them in the form of biofilms, and not only in the form of aqueous suspensions.

The advantages of the proposed method are a significant reduction in the exposure time to achieve a 100% effect of disinfection and the simplicity of the disinfection technology. This provides the possibility of its use in emergency situations when immediate disinfection of contaminated surfaces is required. Titanium dioxide with nanoscale particles is an affordable, non-toxic, highly stable and relatively inexpensive material. As shown by the results of the study [4], TiO 2 nanoparticles (up to 100 nm in diameter) have a higher bactericidal activity than larger particles. The optimum concentration of catalyst in water is 0.5 g / l. For dispersion and activation of TiO 2 in water, we recommend its ultrasonic treatment.

Instead of fluorescent lamps with low bactericidal efficiency, we propose to use modern sources of UV radiation — excilamps and excimer lasers emitting on transitions of excimer and exciplex molecules. Their main advantage is a narrow emission spectrum, more than 80% of the total power of which is concentrated in a narrow (up to several nm at half-height) spectral band of the corresponding molecule. For example, a barrier discharge excilamp on KrCl molecules emits all energy in the bactericidal range with a maximum at a wavelength of 222 nm, and thus has a maximum efficiency in the bactericidal range (up to 30%). In addition, excilamps and excimer lasers do not contain mercury, are distinguished by high photon energy (3.5-10 eV), service life (1000-10000 hour), are simpler and safer for the operator.

Below are examples of the implementation of the claimed method.

Example 1

20 μl of water containing 10 8 CFU / ml of E. coli was applied to the initial sterile surface (glass) and dried at 37 ° C for 15 min to obtain a biofilm. Then, an aqueous suspension of titanium dioxide nanoparticles at a concentration of 0.5 g / l was sprayed onto the surface of the glass and irradiated at room temperature under an UV KrCl excilamp exit window emitting at 222 nm with a radiation intensity of 3.2 mW / cm 2 . Pre-suspension of TiO 2 nanoparticles was subjected to ultrasonic treatment in an ultrasonic bath at a frequency of 45 kHz and power of 50 W for 15 minutes. After irradiation, the cells were washed off the glass, suspended in distilled water, sown on agar medium, and incubated at 37 ° C for 24 hours to count the surviving cells.

The surface dose of UV radiation required to inactivate 99.9% of the cells at 10 8 CFU / ml is 33 mJ / cm 2 and is reached in 10 seconds.

The test results are shown in the table.

Example 2

The disinfection process was carried out analogously to example 1, but using a UV XeBr excilamp emitting at 282 nm with a radiation intensity of 1.0 mW / cm 2 . The surface UV dose, which inactivates 99.9% of the cells at 10 8 CFU / ml, is 9 mJ / cm 2 and is achieved in 9 seconds. The test results are shown in the table.

As an object of comparison, the method of water disinfection [2] and patent WO 2007/051996 A1 were used.

The initial concentration of E. coli cells, CFU / ml UV source, wavelength The time required to inactivate 100% of E. coli cells
Example 1 10 8 KrCl excilamp, 222 nm 45 seconds
Example 2 10 8 HeVG excilamp, 282 nm 25 sec
Kühn et al., 2003 1.2 × 10 7 Philips lamp, 365 nm + "white light" 60 min
Patent WO 2007/051996 A1 1.6 × 10 7 Lamp Vilber Lourmat VL-208 BLB, 365 nm ("black light") 6 hours, efficiency 69%
The results indicate a high bactericidal efficiency of the proposed method.
