Sunday, June 16, 2019

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, 70-count Tubs, 2-Pack

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, 70-count Tubs, 2-Pack

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, 70-count Tubs, 2-Pack

Air disinfection: "no" to bacteria and viruses in the room

In megacities, air problems are not only harmful emissions from cars and factories, but also pathogens. In places of large concentrations of people, everyone can be their carrier. Therefore, to clean the air of airborne viruses, household appliances and industrial installations were invented. It will be a question of the first, rather small devices, capable to carry out air disinfecting.
Who should think about air disinfection in the first place?
Today, the field of application of devices for air disinfection has expanded from medical institutions to virtually any premises where minimization of the number of harmful microorganisms in the air is desirable. So, devices for air disinfection are relevant for:
Families with children
Any parents want to protect their child from diseases, and if guests are often at home, they can bring flu viruses and other acute respiratory viral infections. And the parents themselves, returning from work, may unknowingly become a source of infection. In order for the baby to be ill less, you should remove the bacteria from the air, and therefore household equipment for disinfecting the air today is gaining popularity among young parents.
Of business
In rooms where there are a lot of people (fitness clubs, beauty salons, offices, child care facilities), the number of germs that spread diseases can be greatly increased. Responsible companies, caring for their employees and incoming customers, consider it their duty to eliminate their infection with ARVI and various viruses using air disinfection machines and other methods of disinfecting places of large concentrations of people.
Medical institutions and catering establishments
In such rooms, air disinfection is especially important, as the pathogenic bacteria in the air can settle on food and medical devices and as a result receive another way to enter the human body.
Therefore, the air disinfectant in one form or another is usually present in medical institutions and in kitchens of canteens, cafes and restaurants.

By the way
For animals, air purification is no less important, since many diseases among them are transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, in veterinary clinics, on farms and in zoo hotels, they also use different methods of air sterilization.
Equipment for indoor air disinfection
Standard methods for disinfecting air and indoor surfaces usually involve chemical exposure (bleach, special solutions) or the use of traditional means (strong salt solution, tea tree oil, etc.). But, in addition to this, there are special irradiators and other devices for disinfecting air. They are easy to use and are increasingly being purchased in the premises mentioned above, although some types of such equipment have their drawbacks.
Salt lamp. A simple device consisting of a lump of salt and an incandescent lamp inside. The air in the room where such a lamp is used is filled with negatively charged ions, which neutralizes the effects of electrical devices emitting positively charged ions into the atmosphere. In addition, the salt lamp, albeit not completely, eliminates the air from harmful microorganisms and fungi, and is also a pleasant decoration of the interior.
Humidifier. In traditional humidifiers in a special tank water is poured, which then falls on the moisturizing cartridges. Through them, the built-in fan drives the air, as a result, the air is moistened, and at the same time the dust is cleaned.
There are also ultrasonic humidifiers. They crush water into tiny particles, then release this water cloud to the outside. Many humidifiers are equipped with ionizers, which, like the salt lamp, disinfect the air.
Ultraviolet lamp. Quartz lamps have long been used in medicine for air sterilization in the procedural and surgical rooms. There are open-type lamps in which the source of hard UV radiation is not covered by anything. With this device, air disinfection occurs quickly, but during its operation in the room there should be no people and animals, as the open type open-type quartz lamp is dangerous to health.
Another type of UV lamp is a closed type lamp, or bactericidal recyclers. They do not irradiate the air directly. The lamp is located inside the device under the hood, the device draws in the air outside and releases it already cleaned and cleaned. You can be near this device while it is working, since the harmful radiation does not go outside. The bactericidal recirculator does not disinfect the air as quickly as an open lamp, but it is safer.

How to choose a device for air disinfection?
Today, many make a choice in favor of lamps for disinfecting air of a closed type - even in domestic use, and not only in medical institutions. They allow to remove from the air at least 90% of microbes, in contrast to air purifiers, which retain only large particles (dust, wool).
If there are allergies in the house, it is recommended to use an air purifier with a HEPA filter along with a disinfectant, as it saves the room from allergens in the form of dust and wool particles. The UV filter is not capable of this, it only removes bacteria and viruses from the air.
Even if the air is clearly infected (for example, someone in the house has the flu), the risk of infection from other households will be greatly reduced. In addition, the germicidal lamp for disinfecting air of a closed type can work continuously, including when there are a number of people and domestic animals, and will not harm them.
In places of large concentrations of people, especially children, the recirculator is indispensable as an air disinfectant. With his constant work during the working day, the air will be purified from germs. Even if a child in the kindergarten or an office employee picks up an ARVI, the people around him are unlikely to get sick, even with reduced immunity. As a result, the number of quarantines in institutions and hospitals in enterprises decreases.
Proper use of germicidal lamps implies, above all, the correct choice of apparatus. For different purposes and premises, UV disinfectants are selected individually, and you should consider:
Bactericidal efficacy of recirculator. The instructions for the device should describe how many bacteria are removed in rooms of different volume, with a certain number of people, for the specified time. For your parameters, this figure should be 90–99%;
Type of placement: recirculators with bactericidal lamps can be wall-mounted, floor-standing or mobile.
Hours bactericidal lamps: usually it is 8 thousand hours. There are models with built-in lamp operation counters so that you can know exactly when to replace it;

If you choose a bactericidal air disinfectant for a house or apartment, then it is worthwhile to dwell on a smaller variant, even if it also has a lower capacity (20–50 m3 / h will suffice). Many people are seldom in living quarters, and the area is usually small.
If there are small children or pets, a wall-mounted recirculator is recommended - so that they do not accidentally drop the device and show undue interest to it. The mobile unit is useful to those who want to disinfect the air in the room where it is located. It is better if there is a timer counting the lamp hours on the home recirculator, since it is unlikely that someone will schedule it to turn on, as is often done, for example, in medical institutions.
The use of germicidal lamps in offices is usually more intense, since there are many people in one room at once for a long time. Therefore, usually the recirculator, if it is there, is switched on constantly throughout the working day. Accordingly, it is worth choosing a device with a long service life, high efficiency, high power germicidal lamps. To save money, it is recommended to purchase recirculators from the manufacturer - for an affordable price, you can buy a device of sufficient capacity even for a large office.
In institutions where medical services are provided, as well as in beauty salons, fitness centers, veterinary clinics, restaurants, cafes and similar places, especially careful air disinfection is required, therefore devices with a capacity of up to 100 m3 / h are installed there with the ability to eliminate 99% of microorganisms even with a large crowd of people.

Today you can take care of your health and the health of your loved ones in different ways, and the main one is protection from external harmful factors. With the air recirculator, microbes die or lose the ability to multiply, which reduces the risk of getting sick ten times. The main thing - to choose a device of sufficient power.
Where can I buy a bactericidal recirculator for air disinfection?
How to choose a store and brand recycler, how to avoid buying low-quality products, says a specialist company "Armed":
“Companies with more experience usually have a better understanding of which recirculator is required in a given situation, for a given room. Not everyone can immediately understand the instructions for air disinfectants, so it is recommended to contact qualified specialists. In addition, reputable companies offer only high-end appliances, because it is important for them to maintain a positive reputation.
Good equipment for air purification is unlikely to be cheap, but there is an opportunity to save money - buy directly from the manufacturer. This will avoid markups and also buy a disinfectant at a discount. The company “Armed”, for example, often holds sales, including popular positions. ”
