Sunday, June 16, 2019

PhoneFresh Disinfecting Screen Wipes, Pre-Moistened Cleansing Cloths for Phones and Lenses (4 Pack of 10 Wipe Boxes)

PhoneFresh Disinfecting Screen Wipes, Pre-Moistened Cleansing Cloths for Phones and Lenses (4 Pack of 10 Wipe Boxes)

PhoneFresh Disinfecting Screen Wipes, Pre-Moistened Cleansing Cloths for Phones and Lenses (4 Pack of 10 Wipe Boxes)

Polycarbonate Greenhouse Processing - Disinfection Rules

In order to greenhouse every year pleased with a rich harvest, it needs special care. Polycarbonate greenhouse processing should be carried out at least twice a year - in autumn and spring. In this article you will find useful tips on all the intricacies of greenhouse processing.

Why is polycarbonate greenhouse processing so important?
First of all, it is necessary to process greenhouses so that they can comply with sanitary standards. In the greenhouse they always strive to create the most favorable microclimate for the plants. Humidity should be elevated, and the temperature should be high. But in such conditions, in addition to plants, representatives of pathogenic flora also develop well. These include:
causative agents of infectious diseases;
mold spores and harmful fungi;
harmful bacteria.

If the greenhouse frame is not processed and the soil is not disinfected, the harmful microorganisms will develop on the planted plants, hinder their growth and even destroy them.
There are such pathogens that do not lose their viability for a very long time. For example, spores of phytophtoras, which often infect tomatoes, may not lose their ability to develop from three to five years, if they fall into favorable conditions.
It is necessary to observe the rules of crop rotation to avoid depletion of the soil and the appearance of harmful bacteria and toxins in it. Therefore, it is so important to carry out the post-harvest treatment and to disinfect the soil for the prevention of numerous ailments that can affect the plants. Thanks to this, it is possible to protect against such unpleasant consequences as top rot, fusarium and phytophthora on tomatoes. It is also effective to fight with brown spot on tomatoes, treating the soil properly.
The frame of the greenhouse and its other elements also require treatment, which will protect them from pests. Closer to winter, some of their representatives can penetrate into the ground and benefit from the cold there.
If you dig up the soil in the fall and partially replace the soil, you can protect yourself from the appearance of the whitefly and other pests. It is possible to fight spider mite with the help of fumigating the room with sulfur checkers.
Thus, it is simply necessary to do the processing of the polycarbonate greenhouse in the autumn and spring. This significantly reduces the risk of infectious plant diseases, and the room is cleaned from dust, dirt and rust.
Note: Do not forget about the need to process garden tools, shelves, racks and so on.

What is the most favorable time to process the greenhouse?

Processing of the greenhouse should be carried out once, and preferably twice a year. So in the construction of a safe environment in which you can grow healthy plants.
Autumn disinfection includes:
external processing using soap solution;
cleaning leaves, dry plants and debris;
processing of structures located inside the greenhouse;
soil disinfection;
In order to clean the heavily contaminated areas of the greenhouse, you can use a brush.
In the spring, it is necessary to disinfect the soil. For this purpose, special biological preparations are used. The most frequently used are phytocide, trichodermine, biodestructor, stubble, pentafog, azotophyte and phytosporin. With their help, it turns out to fix the result of autumn processing. Such procedures must be carried out every year.
The main stages of autumn processing


Harvesting plant residues. They can play the role of overwintering for various bacteria. If the tops are affected by bacteria or other pests, it is better to burn it. Compost can be made from healthy plants.
Cleaning of supports and straps. They may also contain pests. They are recommended to be burned or removed outside the construction. When using metal reusable supports they are processed together with other elements of the greenhouse.
Washing the greenhouse. Thanks to wet cleaning, the greenhouse is freed from dirt, viruses, spores and fungi, fertilizing, spraying and chemical residues that have settled on the structure. Due to the instability of polycarbonate to scratches, it is recommended to use microfiber rags and soft sponges for wet cleaning. For washing take warm water and laundry soap (you can replace it with a liquid detergent). Soap foam is applied to the entire inner surface, especially carefully clean the joints of the frame with a polycarbonate coating. The foam is left for 5-10 minutes, and then washed off with a hose (with moderate water pressure) or by hand. When the inner surface of the greenhouse is washed, proceed to flush the outer. In winter, it will be easier to remove snow and ice from the cleaned surface.
Tillage. With a strong contamination of the soil by pests, it is removed and removed (layer of 7-10 cm). This soil can no longer be used for other plants. It is recommended to take it out of the garden and disinfect. Then, where was the affected soil, fall asleep new. If the soil was moderately contaminated, it can be treated on site with chemicals. Before processing the soil does not need to dig over if it is treated from harmful bacteria. And in the case of harmful insects, on the contrary, a preliminary digging is required, since they can hide before the winter cold deep in the ground. Digging up the soil, you can add fertilizers and preparations containing copper to contain the development of fungal diseases.

Processing greenhouses in spring
In the spring the greenhouse is treated in almost the same way as in the fall. If the fall has not been removed the remains of plants, they are removed and proceed to disinfection.
When infecting plants that were grown in a greenhouse in summer, it is likely that the soil and elements of the greenhouse contain larvae and spores of pests. The heat that comes will lead to their activity, which will be a threat to the future harvest. Therefore, disinfection in the spring in this case is indispensable.
It will also be necessary to clean the polycarbonate in order to improve its ability to transmit light. Before cleaning, you should repair if there is any damage to the structure after winter.
At the final stage, the soil is prepared for planting. Sometimes the soil is completely replaced. This procedure is advisable in the following cases:
plant diseases that grew in the greenhouse were observed;
agronomical crop rotation was not observed, the soil is depleted;
It is planned to create high warm beds.
If none of these situations is typical for your greenhouse, you can do with traditional methods of increasing yields: add organic matter, loosen and fluff the soil.
Stages of spring processing greenhouses
Consider more:
The release of the area - removal of racks, tanks for seedlings, dismantling of supports to strengthen the roof for the winter.
Replacing damaged frame parts if available. Gaping the restored items with lime and paint glue.
Inspection of watering and heating equipment, its repair, if necessary, and fresh painting of pipes.
Inspection of polycarbonate, replacement of sheets, if necessary.
Garbage collection (if it was not done in the fall).
Disinfection. Cleaning of polycarbonate and all internal elements of the greenhouse by wet cleaning, fumigation of the room (if necessary).
Soil preparation - disinfection, application of additives and fertilizers. However, chemicals are not recommended. If necessary, the soil is completely replaced.

Preparing for the winter
After the crop is harvested and processed in the greenhouse, it should not be disassembled for the winter period. However, it should be prepared for the winter cold.
So that the structure is not damaged by the snow load, it is reinforced with 3-4 T-shaped supports made of wood. So until the spring, the roof of the greenhouse will be strengthened.
More supports should be placed where the leeward sides of the greenhouse are located (where the snow will accumulate in large quantities).
They put the supports not on the ground, but on a solid support.
How to disinfect the soil?
For the best quality tillage, it will be necessary to replace its top layer (6-8 cm). Compost is laid on the cleared space, and new soil is laid on top of it.
With a small area of ​​the greenhouse, you can use boiling water, thanks to which disinfection will be carried out.
Also for the treatment of soil, you can use Bordeaux liquid or copper sulphate. Often also used bleach and potassium permanganate.
Today, gardeners often use sulfur bombs, thanks to which both the soil and the inner surfaces of the greenhouse are disinfected.
It is possible to treat the soil with chemicals only in the fall. In the spring before planting plants they are not recommended to apply.
Features processing frame
The frame of the greenhouse should be carefully inspected for damage and rust before processing. If rust has been noticed, it is removed, and the cleaned and dried place is painted over. When detecting damage to the frame, it is repaired.
The frame, as well as the polycarbonate surface, is washed using a warm soap solution. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that the soap does not fall into the soil.
More on processing facilities
The soil in the greenhouse for disinfection in the spring can be treated with the following disinfectants:
Formalin - used two weeks before plants are planted. To do this, you will need a bucket of water in which 250 ml of a forty percent formalin solution is dissolved. The resulting liquid is sprayed with soil (for each square meter - 10 liters of liquid). After spraying the ground is covered with a film. Three days later it is removed, and the soil is dug up. Next, you need to ventilate the greenhouse. After this treatment, the soil will need fertilizing with good bacteria.
Copper sulfate - able to protect the soil from harmful insects and fungal infections. 10 liters take 1 tbsp. spoon of vitriol and bring before planting in each well. This procedure can be carried out every five years.
Bordeaux mixture - contains hydrated lime and copper sulfate. For its effectiveness, you need to properly prepare the mixture. For 1 liter of hot water take 100 grams of copper sulfate. Then cold water is added to make a total of 5 liters of fluid. Separately quenched lime. Per liter of water will require 120 grams of powder. Bring volume to 5 liters. Mix the lime solution with the blue vitriol, gradually pouring the latter and stirring the solution with a rod.
"Iprodion" - is produced in the form of a dry powder, which must be added under the spring digging (100-150 grams per 1 square meter). This tool is able to suppress the development of Phomopsis, white and gray rot, as well as oidium.
Fungicide TMTD - is not phytotoxic and can be used at any time. Means in the form of a dry powder is scattered on the ground, which is then harrowed and watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This remedy fights against peronosporosis, mold, fusarium and fomoz of vegetable crops.

As a preventive measure, you can also treat the greenhouse with water with manganese or pour boiling water over the soil.
For disinfection of the inner surface of the greenhouse, you can also use copper sulphate, formalin solution and Bordeaux mixture.
Also, wet treatment in spring can be carried out using:
Bleach 400 grams of dry matter should be dissolved in 10 liters of water, insisted for 4 hours and sprayed on the inner elements of the greenhouse. For the processing of polycarbonate using a transparent composition, and for the wooden frame - sediment.
Carbation - contains a fumigant that can cope with blackleg, root rot and other pathogens of infectious plant diseases. The solution of this substance should be sprayed on the frame.
In addition, it can be carried out "gas" spring processing. To do this, use one of the following types of smoke bombs:
Hexochloran. It contains an insecticide that has a neuroparalytic effect and is used against the caterpillars of butterflies and insects found in the soil. With a cocktail and herbivorous mites such a tool can not cope.
Sulfuric checker - has a systemic effect, for which reason it is considered a universal remedy. Mites, small insects and fungi are suppressed with the help of sulfur anhydicide. As a spring treatment, this tool is used more often than others due to the complex insecticidal and bactericidal effects. It does not require redevelopment of the soil.
Permethrin - has a neuro-paralyzing effect, therefore, copes with moths, ants and flying insects.
Tobacco checkers. Because of the nicotine smoke they emit, pests die, and plants are protected from disease. Such checkers can be used for greenhouses with a painted metal frame.
Prepared chemicals that can process the greenhouse
We list:
Fufanon - effective in the fight against aphids, whitefly, thrips spider mite. 5 ml of the product are added to 5 liters of water, and the resulting solution is used to spray the gaps in the frame, the fences of the beds, other places where insects can spend the winter, and the topsoil.
Thunderstorm - effectively fights slugs and snails. This tool is scattered on the soil immediately after the plants have been removed from it. For 5 square meters should account for 15 grams of the drug. There is no point in cultivating the land when it is already cold.
Muracid - an excellent tool to combat ants. It is sold in ampoules of 1 ml. It must be diluted in 10 liters of water and used for watering nests. At each nest you need to pour 1 liter of solution. You can use this solution also for watering ant trails.
Thunder - used in the fight against the bear and ants. In the middle of a bear, having a diameter of up to 2 cm, lay out the preparation, slightly moisturizing it. For each hole should be 1 teaspoon of the drug. When fighting ants, the tool crumbles into their nests.
Marshal - is used to fight a nematode, aphids, thrips and spider mites. One ampoule of the drug (7 ml) is diluted in 9 liters of water. The resulting solution is poured over a soil of 10 square meters. Only one such treatment can be performed in one season. Means is toxic, both for the person, and for animals.
Phytosporin - is a biological drug used against fungal diseases. In 10 liters of water pour out 5 grams of powder and mix. The solution is used to spray the ceiling and walls of the greenhouse, as well as the top layer of soil. The drug is active only at temperatures from +10 degrees and above.

What do experienced gardeners recommend?
Gardeners who grow plants annually in polycarbonate greenhouses are advised to:
During deep autumn, open the vents and doors of the greenhouse to frost kill those pests that survived after autumn processing, and the greenhouse has the same temperature as outside (so no frost will form on the polycarbonate and the snow will slip from the greenhouse unhindered ).
To the greenhouse was not destroyed by snow load, it should be strengthened with supports in the form of additional arcs or wooden T-shaped supports.
On the question of what the greenhouse is treated with, each gardener will give his answer. It is important to consider the reason for the need for disinfection, the conditions in the greenhouse, and what plants in it will be grown.
