Sunday, June 16, 2019

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 35 Count

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 35 Count

Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes, Lemongrass Citrus, 35 Count

Aseptolin - an effective antiseptic for injection and rapid disinfection of the skin surface

Aseptolin (Aseptolin) - antiseptic, whose action is based on the properties of alcohol-containing tannins. The tool is made of glycerin , intended only for external use when performing medical manipulations. The use inside is not provided, contains industrial alcohol-containing substances. Due to the adsorbing characteristics of the skin do not apply to children. Disinfection of the skin area is performed immediately before the injection, it is guaranteed complete removal from the place of treatment of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.


Antiseptics for medical manipulations and in everyday life
Traditional antiseptic for medical manipulations are alcohol-based tinctures. However, these funds are not always available, and also have a higher price. Given the demand for new methods of disinfection, proposed new types of antiseptics. The manufacture of a disinfecting solution from tannin- containing raw materials is beneficial in terms of cost and effectiveness.

If you apply Aseptolin on the skin of your hands, you can instantly achieve surface sanitization . It will be useful for people working with children in institutions, nannies and governesses. The recommended remedy has a characteristic smell of alcohol, does not leave marks on clothes and skin. Tannins do not harm the skin, but belong to industrial alcohol-containing liquids, treatment of which large areas of the skin is not recommended.

After a mass poisoning with the Hawthorn drug, Aseptolin in the Russian Federation was banned from selling non-food alcohol. However, the initiative was not advanced. To date, the tool is available in pharmacies in the packaging of 250 ml. Used to disinfect the skin before the injection and local disinfection by wetting with a swab or spraying. Allows you to quickly clean contaminated surfaces with guaranteed efficiency.

It should be noted that a solution with a psychotropic effect is part of Aseptolina . It is about the effect of glycerol on mental reactions when ingested. The use of industrial alcohols always has dire consequences. In this case, it cannot be excluded that Aseptolin has a detrimental effect on the psyche and causes attacks of unjustified and uncontrolled aggression. For this reason, it is not recommended for children because of the absorption of part of the drug through the skin into the blood. Prohibited from taking Aseptolina inside, which can lead to severe poisoning and short-term memory loss.

Where can I buy Aseptolin
Aseptolin is sold in pharmacies as an external antiseptic for medical manipulations. The solution is available without a doctor's prescription. Within its mission, it has the optimal ratio of price and quality of disinfection.

How to use?
Aseptolinum is not taken by mouth! This is dangerous, since it contains not food, but industrial alcohols. At the same time, glycerol does not belong to narcotic precursors, although it can influence the psyche when used as alcohol to achieve intoxication. Instructions for use written on the accompanying label and packaging when available.

When performing injections, do the following:

use a gauze or cotton swab;
Apply Aseptolin on a cotton ball;
Treat the skin at the injection site.
Keep away from children and animals!

Tannins and other substances that are part of
Glycerol as the main component of its composition contains tannins. We are talking about polyphenols of natural origin, which are often found in nature and are found in the bark of trees, wood, seeds and peel of fruits. A significant amount of tannins (up to 50% of dry matter) is contained in the leaves. They are rich in green and black tea.

Tannins impart special properties to cognac, infused in oak barrels. They have disinfectant and cytotoxic properties, detrimental to foreign agents. Theoretically can be used for tinctures for the treatment of cancer. Such drugs based on polyphenols are used in medicine.

Tannins made from walnut contain large amounts of iodine. Acceptance of such drugs is very useful for the prevention of various incurable diseases.

Despite the technical composition of the alcohol, glycerol is produced from natural raw materials and if certain requirements are met for the ingested dose, it cannot cause a negative effect. However, Aseptolin is not intended to be used as an alcohol-containing beverage. The manufacturer does not disclose either the source of the raw materials or the methods for its preparation, respectively, the composition of technical alcohol can be detrimental to the human body.

One of the reasons for the danger of technical tannins is the content of compounds that can destabilize the psyche. This is especially dangerous for people suffering from bouts of aggression and inappropriate behavior. Similar symptoms when using Aseptolina orally increase, and memory loss is often observed in people who use it as an emotional tonic. It should be noted, a specific natural astringent odor associated with the basic properties of the substance, which has a complex effect on the body.

The principle of action of tannins as an antiseptic is associated with the ability to create strong bonds with proteins, biopolymers and polysaccharides. As a result, the cell walls of the infectious agent are damaged, and it quickly dies.

For the production of Aseptolina used hydrolyzable tannins, obtained by industrial methods, based on gallic acid. Tannins in this case are formed from a polyhydric alcohol glucose and gallic acid. It is found in large quantities in oak bark and green tea.

Gallic acid is widely used in the technical field. In this case, it can be the basis of the composition that counteracts the development of infections, due to its detrimental effect on foreign microorganisms. This is well manifested in external tests, but Aseptoline has not been tested for internal use, so the effects can be different and often unpredictable. When this tool is made from natural raw materials. This is an important feature, but not tolerated by mouth without additional research or the manufacturer’s confirmation of the tannin source.

Aseptolinum is not recommended for small children. Tannins quickly penetrate the bloodstream and can lead to poisoning. For the same reason, it is recommended to refrain from using pregnant and lactating mothers.

Aseptolin: a taxes
The following substitutes can be used as an alternative for medical manipulations: Aerodesin 2000, Clindhesin , Hospisept napkins, Hospidermin . These solutions are made from other alcohol-containing raw materials.

Aseptolin - an excellent natural disinfectant
Application Aseptolina can be considered somewhat broader. It is used as an antiseptic for mothers of small children. This is an alternative to more expensive products on sale. Price and natural origin are preferable for those interested in the product of Russian buyers. Aseptolin does not leave marks on furniture, metal and clothing. He does an excellent job with household tasks for disinfection, while it can be purchased at pharmacies at low cost - for 18-20 rubles, unlike other similar offers.

Aseptolin: reviews
Kochegarova Maria , Moscow , 25 years. I can give my feedback on the use of Aseptolina as an effective disinfectant. I need to constantly process the room, since there is a small child and a cat in the house. This tool, despite the low price, does an excellent job.

Nebezova Tatyana Ivanovna , 63 years old. I may say the blasphemous thing, but I use Aseptolin to make tinctures against oncology. The dose is selected individually. It is used in small portions. I can say about the good results, especially in demand among people who can not afford expensive courses. In this case, of course, I do not recommend for ingestion, but only talking about my experience.

Body Katerina , 18 years old. I use Aseptolin in my grandmother for injections, and she suffers from rash and psoriasis. I have no problems, no irritation at the injection site. All perfectly!
