Sunday, June 16, 2019

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 320ct (4X80ct)

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 320ct (4X80ct)

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 320ct (4X80ct)

Skin antiseptic - a means of disinfecting hands and skin

Skin antiseptic is a disinfectant that can help prevent the spread of pathogens on the skin and thus prevent the occurrence of the disease. Antiseptics have been used since ancient times: Hippocrates used boiled water and wine in this capacity, ginger was used in China and other eastern countries, and pepper and garlic all over the world. At all times, people knew that their hands needed to be washed with water; soap, too, was invented in immemorial antiquity.

The achievements of modern science make it possible not to be limited by the grace of nature To today's antiseptic products increased requirements:

- strong microbicidal action, completely destroying microorganisms;

- short exposure, up to three minutes;

- long antimicrobial action;

- the presence of active substances that do not provoke microflora resistance;

- safety to use, that is, the exclusion of possible toxic, allergenic, oncogenic, etc. reactions.

Existing antiseptics are divided by purpose, composition, form of release. Disinfectants for hands are used absolutely everywhere, and in medical institutions and in SES specialized antiseptics of the most intensive action are used:

- for hygienic antiseptics;

- for the treatment of the hands of medical personnel (surgeons, midwives, anaesthesiologists, nurses), conducting operations or giving birth;

- for disinfection of skin before injection, blood test, blood sampling from the donor.

The purpose of an antiseptic is also determined by the composition of the microflora characteristic of a medical institution.

There are a number of universal purpose products based on alcohol or QAS, suitable both as an antiseptic for hands, and for surface treatment, sterilization of instruments and devices. Skin antiseptics for hands

The composition of skin antiseptics is determined by the main active ingredient. Allocate the following means:

- alcohol-containing;

- containing organic acids;

- guanidines;

- halides;

- surfactant (surface-active);

- oxygen-containing;

- bispyridines.

Skin antiseptics for hands may contain one or more active substances, i.e. be single component or multi component.

Hand and skin products, unlike general-purpose disinfectants, are not based on chlorine.

According to the form of release, the agent can be a liquid soap, solution, napkins, spray. For the treatment of surgeons' hands, the alcoholic “Almadez-express” (spray), “Deziscrab” (multicomponent solution), “Kutasept F” (two-component solution), “Soft-man iso” and “Sensiva” (multicomponent with the inclusion of skin softening agents are used). ); a multicomponent composition based on QAC “AHD-2000 Express” (liquid) and others. These tools are also suitable for disinfection during injection and donation. For hygienic treatment of hands, liquid soap “Klindyzin-soft” is used with the content of surfactants and fatty acids, disinfecting lotion “Ezemtan Hautalzam”, cleansing wipes “Kodan”. For the treatment and disinfection of the skin and mucous membranes, alcohol-free Octenisept is used as a liquid or spray.
