Saturday, June 29, 2019

2 Pack AP-24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste AP24 ( Limited Offer )

2 Pack AP-24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste AP24 ( Limited Offer )
2 Pack AP-24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste AP24 ( Limited Offer )

How to prevent caries in children and adults

Understanding which factors affect the formation of destructive acids, you can make a list of preventive measures. Here's what to do to reduce the risk of caries.
1. Watch what you eat

There are products that especially actively cling to the teeth, creating a nutrient medium for them on bacteria. These are, for example, milk, honey, ice cream, dried fruits, cookies, cakes, hard candies and mints, sweet carbonated drinks. They are difficult to wash off with saliva.

Therefore, it is advisable or not to use such food at all, or to use it only when you are sure that you can then brush your teeth or at least thoroughly rinse your mouth with water.
2. Do not abuse snacks

The habit of endlessly chewing or sipping something feeds the bacteria that live in your mouth. So, you create a permanent "acid bath" for the teeth.

This also applies to children: make sure that they can not candy during the day. And if we are talking about babies, do not leave them to fall asleep in an embrace with a bottle of milk, mixture, fruit drink, juice or compote. Salivation during sleep is inhibited, and these drinks remain on the gums and teeth for a long time.
3. Brush your teeth more thoroughly.

To effectively remove plaque, it is necessary to work with a brush at least The Effect of Brushing Time and Dentifrice on Dental Plaque Removal in vivoTime and Dentifrice on Dental Plaque Removal in vivo 2 minutes. And of course, follow the cleaning technique. How to brush your teeth, Layfhaker already told .
4. Choose toothpaste with adequate fluoride content.

Fluoride strengthens the mineral tooth enamel, and also destroys the population of bacteria. The optimal fluoride content in toothpaste is 1,350–1,500 ppm. Look for this value on the packaging or tube.
5. Avoid dry mouth

Saliva washes away food and bacteria. In addition, it contains substances that neutralize the acids secreted by microbes. If saliva is low, caries becomes almost inevitable.

Drink enough fluids to keep saliva out. Especially if you are pregnant, are engaged in physical labor or are taking medications that affect salivation. There are doubts - consult with the therapist.
6. Monitor the status of seals

Over the years, fillings are destroyed, and hard-to-reach plaque forms on their uneven edges - it is difficult to wash it with saliva or to clean it with a brush. A seal that has begun to break down must be renewed at the dentist.
7. Consult a doctor if you have heartburn.

Heartburn is a situation where part of the gastric juice for one reason or another falls into the esophagus. Hence the accompanying burning sensation. But acid can also reach the oral cavity, helping existing bacteria in tooth decay.

If you regularly suffer from heartburn, look for and eliminate the causes along with the therapist.
8. Avoid eating disorders.

Anorexia and bulimia - a direct path to the accelerated erosion of tooth enamel.
9. Visit your dentist regularly.

Caries develops gradually and at the initial stage can be almost imperceptible. The specialist will be able to detect it in time and, if necessary, prescribe procedures that will be able to stop the destruction of the tooth enamel. It is ideal to go back to the dentist at least once or twice a year.


Sensodyne Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair Toothpaste for Enamel Strengthening, Clean Mint, 3.4 Ounces

Sensodyne Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair Toothpaste for Enamel Strengthening, Clean Mint, 3.4 Ounces
Sensodyne Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair Toothpaste for Enamel Strengthening, Clean Mint, 3.4 Ounces

Prevention of dental caries

It is much easier to prevent the development of caries than to treat this disease. The complex of preventive measures helps to protect the teeth from the negative influence of provoking factors and maintain a healthy and beautiful smile for many years. Our article will tell you how to avoid caries and prevent its recurrence after treatment.

Means and types of caries prevention

Modern science, with the proper use of preventive drugs, guarantees the prevention of caries development in more than 95% of cases. Dentists identify several types of prevention of dental caries:

Primary, the methods of which are aimed at healthy teeth in order to prevent the development of their disease.
Secondary, the purpose of which is the treatment of existing caries and the prevention of its complications.
Tertiary, the main tasks of which are to restore the integrity of the teeth and their functions.

In addition, all methods of prevention are divided into two large groups: general and local.

Профилактика кариеса

Competent prevention of caries will prevent its occurrence in 95% of cases
General methods of caries prevention

These methods are aimed at the whole human body as a whole and include activities:

Proper and rational nutrition.
Strengthening the immune defense by hardening, taking immunostimulants.
Reducing the effects of stress.
Reception of preparations of fluorine, calcium, vitamins.

Local methods of caries prevention

Means for local prevention are applied directly to the teeth and mouth:

Careful and regular oral hygiene.
Reduction in the amount of carbohydrates and acids in the diet.
Use of fluorine-containing preparations and remineralizing agents for rinsing or application.
Sealing fissure.

Diet and nutrition to protect against caries

The role of nutrition to prevent caries should not be underestimated. A diet for the prevention of dental diseases includes not only the rejection of sweets, flour products and chocolate. In order to preserve the health of a smile for a long time, you must follow a few rules:

In the daily diet, proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be present in a ratio that is optimal according to age and physical activity. Food should contain fiber, vitamins and minerals.
It is necessary to abandon the concentrated fruit juices and sugary carbonated drinks in favor of drinking or mineral water, weak tea.
To increase the use of fermented milk products rich in calcium: cottage cheese, cheese.
At least twice a week, you should eat fish and other seafood containing large amounts of phosphorus and vitamin D.
Sweet dessert is better to replace with fresh solid fruit rich in vitamin C.
With a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, multivitamin and mineral complex preparations should be taken.

Great importance is the culture of food itself. You can not eat on the go. Food should be chewed thoroughly. It is also necessary to abandon snacking between main meals, especially if they consist of flour products and sweets.

After eating it is imperative to rinse your mouth. In the absence of such a possibility helps chewing gum. Chewing gum protects against decay due to the fact that it removes food debris, contributes to the abundant production of saliva. And xylitol, which is part of it, neutralizes acid and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.
Fluoroprophylaxis and remineralization

One of the most effective means for the prevention of carious teeth damage is the use of fluoride-containing drugs. The mechanism of their action lies in the fact that fluorine ions are incorporated into the structure of the tooth enamel and increase its resistance to the action of acids. In addition, fluoride inhibits pathogens, which prevents the appearance of plaque.

Photoprophylaxis can be carried out both in the dental office and at home.

Professional remineralization with fluorine

For professional remineralization of tooth enamel, fluorine-containing gels and varnishes are used, which are applied by the dentist on the cleaned surface of the teeth and form a protective film that is active for 12 hours. The most commonly used products are:


It is necessary to use such remineralization procedures 2-3 times a year.

Another method of fluoroprophylaxis, which are used in dental offices, is the use of fluorine gels for electrophoresis (Belagel F, STAN-GARD). Such drugs under the action of electric current in the tooth enamel replace hydroxyl groups with fluorine ions. Apply such gels with special mouthguards for 3-5 minutes. Procedures are carried out every six months.
Methods of fluoroprophylaxis at home

In order to prevent the development of caries, it is necessary to supply with food a sufficient amount of fluoride. This can be achieved by taking fluoridated drinking water or tableted preparations based on sodium fluoride.

The daily dose of fluoride should not exceed 2 mg. Reception of fluorinated drugs is contraindicated in regions with a high content of this element in the water.

In addition, at home, you can use a solution of sodium fluoride for rinsing the mouth. Every day, after hygienic cleaning of teeth, the mouth is rinsed with a 0.05% solution of the drug for 2-3 minutes. 0.2% sodium fluoride should be used only once a week.
Fissure sealing

Fissures are the frequent place of localization of caries - depressions between the chewing tubercles of teeth, the enamel of which has a lower degree of mineralization. The procedure for sealing fissures is carried out in a dental office and consists of filling in the recesses and pits with special polymer sealants. This protects the enamel from the action of acids and provides caries prevention in 90% of cases.

Toothpastes for caries prevention

Treatment-and-prophylactic toothpastes have a protective effect due to compaction of tooth enamel with minerals, suppression of bacterial growth and the elimination of soft plaque.
Fluoride toothpastes

The anti-caries effect of pastes that contain active aminofluoride is based on the fact that fluorine retains calcium in the structure of enamel and, embedding in it, increases the resistance to adverse factors. Using them twice a day to brush your teeth reduces the incidence of up to 50%.

The best toothpastes for the treatment and prevention of dental caries are:

SPLAT Arktikum
ELMEKS caries protection
SPLAT Siberry

The use of fluoride-containing pastes is permissible only in regions where the fluorine content in water is less than 1.2 mg per liter.

Fluoride Free Toothpastes

If drinking water contains sufficient amounts of fluoride, you should use medical toothpastes for caries without fluoride. Their action is due to the high content of calcium compounds and antibacterial ingredients. They should be used regularly for hygienic cleaning of teeth twice a day.

To fluorine-free anti-caries toothpastes include:

PresiDENT Antibacterial
SPLAT Blackwood

Oral Hygiene

A special role in the prevention of caries is played by proper oral hygiene. Simple tooth cleaning is not enough to remove food debris and plaque from the surface of the tooth enamel. In such cases, additional hygiene products come to the rescue: rinses, dental floss, and toothpicks.
Dental floss

Dental floss is the only means that allows you to clean the gaps between the teeth - the place of the most frequent localization of caries. It is made from natural or synthetic fibers impregnated with antimicrobial or fluorine-containing solutions. It must be used at least once a day before evening tooth brushing. The best is its use after each meal.

Solutions for the oral cavity with the anti-caries effect are an additional source of fluoride. In addition, they inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and neutralize the acid that destroys enamel. Rinse your mouth with such solutions after each meal and in the evening before bedtime.

Rinses that act against caries include:

Forest Balsam
Splat complete
Colgate Plax Comprehensive Protection


The use of toothpicks is an alternative option when there is no possibility to use dental floss to clean the gaps between teeth after a meal. Your choice should be given to toothpicks made of natural wood or plastic, which have a smooth surface without roughness and a somewhat rounded end. This will prevent gum damage.

It is important to remember that only a dentist with a regular visit can evaluate the effectiveness of preventive anti-caries measures.


Tom's of Maine Whole Care Fluoride Toothpaste Spearmint, 4.7 Ounce, 2 Count

Tom's of Maine Whole Care Fluoride Toothpaste Spearmint, 4.7 Ounce, 2 Count
Tom's of Maine Whole Care Fluoride Toothpaste Spearmint, 4.7 Ounce, 2 Count

How to prevent caries in children

The pain, the reaction to the sweet and cold, ugly black holes ... Why is caries "sharpening" children's teeth? Ahead - a lifetime, and the baby has a seal on the seal. Of course, materials for sealing today there are many, for every taste and wallet. But what other options for saving teeth from dental caries are offered by modern dentistry?

Despite some progress in the prevention and treatment of dental caries, the prevalence and intensity of this disease in children remains very high, even in St. Petersburg. Children's dentists beat the alarm, trying to convey to parents a very simple idea: to treat teeth less often - they need to be protected! Let's see: what, when and how to do to prevent the occurrence of caries was as effective as possible.

Individual hygiene

It is important to carefully and regularly remove dental deposits from the surfaces of the teeth, that is, brush your teeth twice a day - after breakfast and before bedtime, and even better - after each meal. Removal of soft plaque contributes to the natural and faster maturation process of tooth enamel. Mineral components from food, saliva, water penetrate the tooth enamel, bypassing bacterial plaque. Biologically active components that are part of the means of hygiene, enrich the tissues of the teeth and periodontal, thereby increasing resistance to harmful effects. Along with cleansing, the gum brush massage is also useful, since blood circulation in periodontal tissues improves due to the activation of metabolic processes.

Professional hygiene

At the reception, the doctor removes the supra- and subgingival dental deposits from the surface of the teeth, the bacterial film, and polishes all the surfaces of the coronal part of the tooth. Today in children's dentistry, a new small-scale abrasive powder is used to remove plaque. It contains glycine, not soda. The powder gently and carefully removes all deposits; it is used even with hypersensitivity of the teeth, periodontal diseases and mucous membranes; at the same time polishes tooth enamel and saturates with minerals.

The methods of caries prevention in children include: individual oral hygiene; professional oral hygiene; fluoridation and sealing of fissures

In the pediatric dental clinics "Veronika", dentists conduct special hygiene lessons at which children are taught proper oral care and take money for home use.

Method of deep fluoridation of tooth enamel

Known fact: the density of tooth enamel depends on the correct ratio of calcium and fluoride. The deep fluoridation method is used to prevent caries of dairy and permanent teeth. Fluorides, interacting with mineral salts of saliva, provide long-term, deep mineralization of teeth. A high concentration of fluoride and calcium ions provides tooth protection - enamel becomes less permeable to cariogenic germs and their metabolic products.

The method of deep fluoridation of tooth enamel saves not only from caries, but also from hypersensitivity of tooth enamel.

Fissure sealing

The optimal time for sealing permanent teeth - immediately after their eruption. The chewing surface of the tooth is uneven, bumpy. Between these mounds, which account for the main burden when chewing food, there are small grooves. They are called fissures.

If in the period of teething in the area of ​​bumps, the enamel is rather thick and can withstand microbes, then in the area of ​​fissures it is thin and non-mineralized. It is not difficult to guess that the fissure, where food remains are easily accumulated, is a "good" place for the formation of microbial plaques that cause caries. To prevent the development of fissure caries, you can use such a procedure as sealing fissures.

The idea of ​​"sealing" the grooves on the surface of the teeth is not new. In modern materials for sealing additives are used known anti-caries-fluoride substances, which enhances the prophylactic effect.

It is very important to teach the baby to take care of their teeth. Let the rule to brush your teeth every day turns into a healthy habit for the child and becomes an indispensable part of self-care. After all, to prevent the disease is much easier than subsequently to treat it!


Aquafresh Extreme Clean Whitening Action Twin Pack Toothpaste, 5.6 Ounce

Aquafresh Extreme Clean Whitening Action Twin Pack Toothpaste, 5.6 Ounce
Aquafresh Extreme Clean Whitening Action Twin Pack Toothpaste, 5.6 Ounce

How to prevent tooth decay?

The reason most often addressed to the dentist is caries. By this condition is meant the defeat of solid layers of the tooth, starting with the destruction of enamel. If you ignore prophylactic visits to the dentist, the carious process spreads deep, which causes the formation of cavities. Small pieces of food get into these openings and, as a result, the inflammatory process begins, leading to destruction and complete loss of a tooth. All teeth are subject to caries, regardless of whether they are dairy or following them.

How to prevent tooth decay?
As practice shows, not all adults have the proper technique for brushing their teeth. Such dental illiteracy can lead to the fact that the enamel is damaged and caries will develop. To eliminate gaps in this matter, it is better to contact your dentist. Explaining the rules for caring for the oral cavity is his direct responsibility.
To remove food debris from the interdental space, when it is not possible to brush your teeth, you can use a toothpick and dental floss. Unfortunately, most people do not have the habit of using them. It should be remembered that the use of dental floss requires certain skills, otherwise it is possible to damage the gums, which will entail an inflammatory process. That is why children should not use these devices on their own.
The use of rinses - also should be considered as an element of oral hygiene. Many people ignore him. The purpose of these fluids is to remove pathogens, keep the balance of acid and alkali under control. The components included in the rinse remover have an unpleasant odor, promote the healing of microcracks and scratches on the gums. There are in modern pharmacology and tools designed specifically for children.

What is caries?

In dentistry, caries is understood as a difficult and slow pathological process in solid dental tissues. It develops under the influence of adverse factors, both internal and external.
Pathological process develops due to the damaging effects of bacteria. The mouth of each person is the habitat of many microorganisms. It is known that two hours after brushing, their number reaches 1 million. The main enemy of the teeth is bacteria from the family of streptococci, whose activity is determined by the presence of predisposing factors. For example, caries most often develops due to improper oral hygiene and the use of refined food in the diet. The quality of drinking water also matters: an inadequate level of fluoride in it increases the likelihood of caries. The same consequences result from a significant deviation from the teething schedule, especially if it was observed against the background of transferred tuberculosis or rickets. Decrease in protective forces, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are predisposing for the occurrence of caries.

Brushing your teeth
Is it possible to prevent the development of "holes" in the teeth? Of course, the habit to clean the dentition is of great importance in this. It should be formed from early childhood to bring the action to automatism.
It is important to remember that brushing teeth in children has certain characteristics. Parents should instill in the child the habit of proper oral care. The first couple of years of the baby’s life are carried out by adults, then the child must do it himself, but under the strict supervision of the parents. And by the age of five, independently monitor oral hygiene.
The general rule for all is to brush your teeth twice, in the morning and at night. Morning processing is done after the first meal in order to remove the remnants of food that, remaining in the interdental space, will become a source of disease processes. Evening brushing completes the daily cycle of oral care. Children, regardless of age, should also follow this algorithm.
It is important to carefully care for the brush, regularly changing it - this is an important contribution to the fight against carious process. If a person does not have the habit of rinsing the brush well, changing it every three months, the risk of caries will increase dramatically.

Children have caries more often than adults: truth or myth?

On numerous websites, pages of glossy magazines there is information that caries is primarily a children's problem. Such a statement was true at the time when fluorine-containing pastes were not available. Today, pharmacy chains offer many pastes that can be used by children of different ages. For each category, it is easy to choose a paste with its own fluorine content.
Dental practice has shown that among elderly patients carious processes are not less common than in children. One of the reasons is medication that can cause a feeling of dryness in the mouth. It is known that saliva helps to reduce the aggressiveness of acids coming from food and drink, does not allow food to stick to the teeth. Its absence provokes the development of carious process.

Can tooth decay cause bad breath?
Many people are familiar with the situation when an unpleasant smell comes from the mouth. The reason for this phenomenon is not related to the use of products with a bright taste (onions, garlic). Of course, caries can cause the smell from the mouth, but not the main one. Most often, its appearance is caused by bacteria that have accumulated in the periodontal pockets.
Reproductive pathogenic bacteria leads poor-quality care for the oral cavity, resulting in not only a carious process, but also bad breath or halitosis, as it is called in dentistry.
Halitosis can also be caused by inflammation of the gums, chronic tonsillitis, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Medical practice confirmed: all these pathological processes are a consequence of caries. This disease is a consequence of the destruction of tooth enamel. The resulting cavity becomes the habitat of an ever-increasing colony of pathogenic microbes. In addition, food accumulates here, which rots and exudes an unpleasant odor.


Rembrandt Intense Stain Whitening Toothpaste, Mint Flavor, 3.52-Ounce (2 Pack)

Rembrandt Intense Stain Whitening Toothpaste, Mint Flavor, 3.52-Ounce (2 Pack)
Rembrandt Intense Stain Whitening Toothpaste, Mint Flavor, 3.52-Ounce (2 Pack)

The advice of the dentist. How to prevent caries

The sensitivity of the teeth and gums, bad breath, cretaceous spots on the enamel, toothache for no apparent reason - signs of an early stage of caries. Well, if a person regularly, every six months, visits the dentist

fter all, very often caries is hidden in places invisible to the eye, it develops and ultimately destroys a tooth.
Notice on time

“In the past few years, Tatarstanians have become more likely to deal with oral problems, which is good,” says dentist Lyudmila Sitnikova . “Now we can treat early caries and prevent complications.” After all, now there is a hidden caries that even a dentist can distinguish only in bright light with the help of special tools. Often, a person, having not himself found obvious signs of illness, postpones his visit to the doctor for several months, or even years! The patient does not suspect that the delay can turn out unpleasant consequences for him: inflammation of the tooth nerve, caries on the adjacent teeth. Yes, and treatment will cost much more.

- Is it true that caries is "younger"?

- Yes, definitely. The reason for this - poor nutrition and poor oral hygiene. In the diet of children a lot of baking, dry foods (chips, corn sticks, breakfast cereals. - Ed. ). They stick to the surface of the tooth and form the ideal breeding ground for germs. Caries usually occurs between the teeth and in the lower part of the tooth near the gums - places where the teeth do not clean out well.

Microbes “feed on” with scurf and products of their vital activity, affect the enamel, this leads to superficial, and if left untreated, it causes deep caries. The environment also plays a negative role. The water we drink, the air we breathe. Not perfect at all, so it is especially important to put together the condition of the oral cavity. In addition, few people know that infections of the oral cavity from the parents can get into the child’s body through household contact (for example, cause dysbacteriosis). Therefore, when the family is expecting a baby, it is better to be examined by all family members.
Without boring machines

- Is it possible to prevent the occurrence of caries?

Secrets of the ancient Bulgars: how to "revive" the water?
- Need to brush your teeth after each meal. A big mistake would be to drink sweet tea at night and then not to use a toothbrush. There should always be a rinse aid or at least a chewing gum (it’s enough to chew on it for two or three minutes). It is important to use dental floss, because of the accumulation of food debris, caries forms between the teeth. Toothpaste is better to choose, depending on the condition of the teeth - hygienic or therapeutic and prophylactic. Fluorine paste is suitable for many citizens of Tatarstan. Fluoride should flow to the teeth with water, but, unfortunately, Tatarstan is a fluoride-deficient region. Children under 14 years old should take fluoride-containing drugs. But it must be remembered that an excess of fluorine leads to another disease - fluorosis. Therefore, when choosing toothpaste and drugs, it is better to consult a dentist. For home care of teeth, I would recommend a waterpik. The number of harmful bacteria in the mouth is reduced to 90%.

- What new dental treatment technologies have appeared recently?

- Now there are so many new methods of treatment, quick and painless. For example, fluoridation of teeth - surface treatment with special solutions rich in fluoride ions. Technology Icon (AYKON) - treatment of initial caries (at the “spot” stage) without drilling. The whole procedure takes 15-20 minutes. Enamel pores are filled and sealed with polymer composition, as a result of which acids can no longer penetrate inside the tooth, the tooth is preserved.

Unfortunately, only a third of Tatarstanians monitor the health of their teeth. I hope after the publication of these will be more. There is a cherished rule: to prevent disease is better than cure. Do not be afraid to consult a doctor!


Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Toothpaste - DESTROYS BAD BREATH - Best Natural Black Tooth Paste Kit - MINT FLAVOR - Herbal Decay Treatment - REMOVES COFFEE STAINS - 105g (4 Oz)

Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Toothpaste - DESTROYS BAD BREATH - Best Natural Black Tooth Paste Kit - MINT FLAVOR - Herbal Decay Treatment - REMOVES COFFEE STAINS - 105g (4 Oz)
Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Toothpaste - DESTROYS BAD BREATH - Best Natural Black Tooth Paste Kit - MINT FLAVOR - Herbal Decay Treatment - REMOVES COFFEE STAINS - 105g (4 Oz)

Treatment of caries of primary teeth in infants

Caries of milk teeth at an early age is one of the most difficult problems of children's dentistry. At the age of 6 months to 3 years, it is characterized by a rapid course, a multiplicity of damage. Baby teeth may be damaged immediately after the appearance.

According to the results of the examination, 50 - 57% of children aged two years have caries. By three years, this figure increases dramatically to 80%. The main misconception of parents is the conviction that baby teeth "will change to permanent ones anyway." For this reason, a visit to the dentist often occurs with the complete destruction of the crown part of the tooth, when a deep inflammation of the internal tissues (pulpitis, periodontitis) develops, or in the case of acute pain.
To denote caries of milk teeth, different terms were used:

blooming caries,
multiple caries,
bottle caries,
feeding caries,
caries caries,
creeping caries.

Since 2002, the term "early caries" has been adopted to refer to severe caries of milk teeth and its complications in children from one to four years.
Causes of caries of dairy teeth

Milk teeth caries develops not only under the influence of cariogenic bacteria in a child’s mouth. The following factors contribute to susceptibility to the disease:

inadequate maturation of enamel;
food deficient in protein products, macro-and micronutrients, with an excess of carbohydrates;
water with an insufficient amount of fluorine is one of the leading factors;
the absence of pellicle - a film that occurs on the surface of the teeth after their eruption; it is a structural element of the surface layer of enamel, protects hard tooth tissues from the effects of acids;
saliva composition, its concentration, viscosity, quantity and rate of production;
the biochemical composition of the hard tissues of the tooth, which determines the course of caries (a dense structure with minimal spaces of the crystal lattice slows down the course of caries and vice versa);
the state of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth;
the state of the body during the formation and maturation of tooth tissues;
abnormal tooth development due to common bodily diseases.

The risk of developing an infectious process is also associated with the immaturity of local immunity: the secretory immunoglobulin A1 contained in saliva is destroyed by pathogenic bacteria. The concentration of this immunoglobulin in early childhood is significantly lower than that of an adult. Therefore, the child is more susceptible to the development of infectious inflammation, including diseases of the hard tissues of the tooth of an infectious nature - caries.
The development of caries at an early age (up to three years) is affected by:

violations of the structure of the teeth, which occur during fetal development, are associated with diseases of the mother (mineral metabolism), with toxicosis;
artificial feeding, night or long-term breastfeeding;
severe debilitating diseases of the child in the first months after birth;
prematurity of children;
antibiotic treatment in the first months of a child’s life.

After three years, other reasons are joining: a genetic predisposition (imperfect mineralization of the teeth), poor oral hygiene, which allows them to accumulate on the teeth.

Features of the development of caries in childhood

In childhood, caries is more intense. This is due to the structural features of enamel and dentin (solid tooth base):

hard tissues are poorly mineralized;
on the enamel surface there are micropores and microcracks;
the layer of enamel and dentin is relatively small;
dentinal tubules shorter and wider;
a significant volume of the cavity of the tooth, the horns of the pulp (loose fibrous connective tissue that fills the cavity of the tooth, containing a large number of nerve endings) are located close to the enamel-dentinal joint;
the immature pulp at the stage of formation of the temporary tooth is almost incapable of forming replacement dentin.

There is a rapid lesion of the dentin due to the low content of salts in it and the lack of protective reactions from the immature pulp.
Immaturity is expressed not only in the peculiarities of the structure of enamel. The roots of the tooth are formed within 2 to 3 years after eruption. Their structure is diverse. At the stage of root formation, pathology is acute.

The first caries affects the upper front incisors. Wet dentin is removed by layers. Characterized by a rapid transition of the disease in the complicated stage. This leads to the rapid destruction of a temporary tooth.

Single tooth decay caries in early childhood are rare. As a rule, 8 or more (up to 20) teeth are involved in the process. In one tooth there are several carious cavities. Such caries develops after acute infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever, sore throat, and others), which have been severe. It is also called sharp, sharp, flowering. Sometimes a large number of new carious cavities form after an illness.

Multiple caries develops in some chronic diseases (tonsillitis, diseases of the bronchopulmonary system), rickets, Down's disease.
Forms of caries of dairy teeth

Caries in a child is classified the same as in adults:


Caries of milk teeth is often deep.
Special forms, characteristic only for milk teeth, are:

circular caries;
plane caries.

When circular caries lesions spread in the neck and surround the tooth in a circle. This is due to the later mineralization of the part of the tooth located in the cervical part.

Circular caries manifests itself after the eruption of the front incisors under adverse environmental conditions, when the mineralizing potential of the biological fluid in the oral cavity decreases. Most often, this form of pathology is found in a premature or weakened child. With late dentition, the circular form of pathology practically does not occur.

The reason for flat caries is enamel underdevelopment due to the violation of the mineral and protein metabolism of the tooth still in its infancy. This form of caries of milk teeth is localized on the chewing part of the posterior posterior teeth (molars), covering the entire surface. The peculiarity of the pathology is the rapid transition to medium and deep caries.
The classification of carious defects differs in their type and stage of the process. There are 6 stages of formation of carious defects from d0 to d4. They are presented in Table 1.

When making a diagnosis, most often a pediatric dentist applies a classification of the activity of the carious process (acute, acute, chronic) and the level of intensity of caries is low or high.

Symptoms of early caries

An early diagnostic sign of caries is a large amount of plaque. It is practically not removed from the surface of the tooth. In the future, appear chalky spots - the first carious lesions. Within 2 to 3 months, the spots become light yellow. Then, on the spot of spots, defects of hard tissues in the form of carious cavities are formed.
At the middle stage of caries, the child experiences pain when it enters the carious cavity of food with a sweet and sour taste. With medium and deep caries, due to the small thickness of the bottom of the carious cavity, which separates it from the space in the coronal part of the tooth, infection can be transmitted to the pulp, the development of the inflammatory process and its death.

The teeth of a child with early childhood decay are affected in the order in which they erupt. The first defects are usually found on the outer, labial surface of the upper front teeth in the cervical area. The lower incisors suffer much less frequently, since they have the best opportunities for self-cleaning due to the position of the tongue and abundant washing with saliva. If caries has captured lower baby teeth, we will talk about the most acute, extremely severe form of caries.
The initial stage of caries of milk teeth

After the consumption of carbohydrates, the mineralizing properties of saliva are disturbed, since the crystallization processes change, and this leads to an increase in the activity of the carious process. Caries begins with demineralization - reduction of mineral salts in the enamel. The process develops from the inner layers of enamel, spreading from the inside outwards.
A sign of the initial stage of the development of the disease is a chalky spot without a natural luster in the cervical area. Initially, it is small, and then spreads over the entire surface of the crown. In case of intensive flow, carious spots are bright, the borders are blurred. They are constantly progressing.

If the course of the pathology is intense, a carious cavity soon forms - superficial caries. The size of the process is determined by the spot size.
If demineralization proceeds at a slow pace, if it is prone to suspend the spread of infection, the stain may be pigmented. But such a phenomenon in children practically does not occur. More often, caries of primary teeth develops without any signs, especially in the early stages.

Caries in the staining stage can be detected in children from 6 to 8 months. In babies, upper anterior teeth often fall ill.
With an average form of caries, the child does not complain. The defect is detected on a routine examination by a dentist. Sometimes the tooth hurts from the sweet. After thorough rinsing the mouth stops hurting. On examination, it is clear that there is a shallow carious cavity filled with softened dentin.

When caries is deep, only a thin layer of dentin separates the carious cavity from the pulp. The bulk of the dentine within the cavity is completely destroyed. The child can not eat sour and sweet, refuses to brush his teeth with a toothbrush. If there are complaints of pain from thermal irritants (cold and hot), then the pulp is most likely already infected.
Caries on the front baby teeth

Circular caries usually develops on the upper front teeth. It occurs mainly in premature babies, with malnutrition, rickets, tuberculosis, and in children fed with artificial compounds.

Carious infection quickly spreads to the pulp. Often a complication of the circular caries of the front teeth in children can be a breakdown of the crown of the primary tooth. But sharp pulpitis in the front milk teeth are practically not found. This is possible for two reasons:

If the body's resistance is lowered, the child does not hurt anything when the pulp dies, a chronic inflammation of the tooth root gradually develops.
Due to the formation of replacement dentin, the cone-shaped stump of the tooth remains. If such caries has developed and the pulp is still alive, the tooth continues to “serve” the child for some time. This option in children is less common.

Complications of caries of milk teeth develop severe inflammatory processes in the jaw area. When they are removed early, dental anomalies are formed.
The child’s front teeth also have an atypical localization of the disease in the cervical part of the sky. This form of pathology develops in the "bottle" of caries.
What should parents do?

Initially, the pathology proceeds without the participation of cariogenic bacteria. Microorganisms, their toxins, organic acids from food residues join from the moment of damage to the enamel layers. With caries at the staining stage, the process is reversible. Treatment will be preventive (elimination by early measures).
Preventive treatment of caries in children

This type of treatment reduces the effect of acid-forming microflora and includes the following measures:

oral hygiene with the selection of individual funds;
correction of diet and diet;
administration of fluoride and calcium preparations;
antimicrobial treatment;
remineralizing therapy.

Parents are recommended to include in the ration fluorinated (iodinated-fluorinated) salt or bottled water with an optimal fluorine content every day. Consult a pediatrician and give your child calcium supplements, micronutrients, vitamin D.
Antimicrobial treatment

In order to reduce cariogenic microflora in the oral cavity, antimicrobial therapy is carried out. Schemes for the use of antimicrobial agents in the treatment of early childhood caries are presented in Table 2.

The application of a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution is carried out with a cotton swab or a well wrung cotton swab.
Cervitek lacquer contains 1% chlorhexidine and 1% thymol as antimicrobial substances. It is also effective in reducing bacterial flora in plaque and saliva. In parallel, daily rinses with a 0.1% chlorhexidine solution for 7 to 10 days are recommended.

One of the modern methods of controlling microflora is the use of ozone. Its high oxidative potential effectively destroys microbial cells and thus sterilizes tooth tissues before remineralization, sealing, and filling.

Remineralizing therapy

Enamel can be restored with the help of remineralizing solutions. Being introduced into the crystal lattice, they form a persistent compound that reduces the solubility of enamel and increases resistance to caries. Fluoride has a strong anti-caries effect. The solubility of enamel reduces calcium, phosphorus, molybdenum, zinc, aluminum.
Fluorine preparations. Of all the dosage forms of fluorine-containing drugs (solutions, gels, varnishes) in young children, from a practical point of view, the use of varnishes is most convenient. Varnish should be applied at least 2 times a year, and in the presence of a high risk of caries - every 3 months. To apply a varnish in the minimum quantity.

You can spend deep fluoridation using enamel-sealing liquid. The minimum rate is once a month for six months before the stabilization of the process.

The use of glass ionomer cements (JIC). The SIC is characterized by good adhesion to the enamel surface, good biological compatibility with hard tooth tissues, high fluoride content (about 20%), and their active release. Glass ionomer cements with preventive treatment are very effective.
Preparations of calcium and phosphorus. At home, the use of remineralizing gels is recommended:

Belagel - Ca / P (Vladmiva);
Recaldent (Recaldent Pty. Limited);
GC Tooth Mousse (GC);
ROCS Medical Minerals (DRC Group);
foam produced by Splat.

For many years, dentists have used silver nitrate or silver fluoride to stop the progression of the carious process on temporary teeth. These drugs are not used in any of the developed countries of the world, as the child's teeth are painted black.

The most effective technique to stop the development of initial carious lesions in the pits and on the chewing surfaces is sealing (siling). The procedure is performed by the JRC since the first molars appeared and during the first 2–2.5 years.

When carrying out all the recommendations listed above, usually the carious process is suspended:

there is a remineralization of the initial lesions, in the area of ​​chalky spots the enamel begins to shine;
development of carious defects stops;
affected hard tissue compacted, delimited from healthy tissue.

Such treatment makes it possible to delay the technically complex and uncomfortable for the child methods of caries treatment for a later date.
Rehabilitation treatment of caries of milk teeth

Enamel is not capable of recovery, the cavity created in it will not disappear. Treatment of young children is a rather difficult task for the dentist. This is connected not only with the peculiarities of psycho-emotional development, but with the anatomical and physiological features of the maxillofacial region of the child, the impossibility of retaining a static posture.

Therefore, in some cases, young children can be shown treatment with the use of prior drug preparation, immersion in superficial sleep , under general anesthesia.

However, with uncomplicated caries, with the strong desire of parents and appropriate step-by-step technologies, it is possible to treat young children in normal conditions.
Modern dental technology involves not only the restoration of the shape and function of the tooth, but also the prevention of the progression of the carious process. These are methods that allow to process (dissect) tooth tissues with minimal damage:

mechanical or chemomechanical preparation;
air or water-abrasive preparation, laser preparation, polymeric burs;
excisional biopsy followed by the restoration of defects by materials with high biological compatibility to the cavity walls (SIC, compomers).

The properties of modern fillings make it possible not to form an extensive cavity during treatment, but only to remove infected tissue. Materials possess biological activity (first of all, JRC). By saturating hard tooth tissues with fluoride ions, they are able to restore their mineral composition and protect against further damage.
ART-technique (atraumatic restorative treatment). The treatment technique is maximally simplified. The defect is prepared with hand tools, dried with cotton balls and sealed with the JRC. If the filling is made at the early stages of the development of pathology, then it allows to stop the progression of the process of destruction of hard tooth tissues.

Chemical-mechanical dentin preparation. The principle of removal of carious dentin lies in its chemical softening and subsequent selective separation. For softening, a special gel is used, which gains access only to infected dentin, and the preparation does not act on the healthy part of the tooth. The gel is introduced into the carious cavity for a maximum of 30 seconds, after which it is scraped with a hand tool. The treatment procedure continues until the complete removal of necrotic tissue. The disadvantage of the method is its duration. This makes it difficult to use in young children.

In cases of significant destruction of the crown of the tooth (complicated caries) in conditions of general anesthesia, methods of endodontic and surgical treatment are used, followed by restoration or prosthetics with crowns.
Disease prevention

In dental clinical practice, there is such a thing as "bottle" caries (feeding caries). Unfortunately, the first type of complementary food in Russia is traditionally fruit juices and mashed potatoes. Complementary food is introduced at the age of 4 - 6 months. Mashed potatoes are often given with a spoon, but the mum continues to pour the juice by inertia into the bottle, especially before bedtime .

Clarified fruit juices, juices from citrus, bananas increase the cariogenic situation in the oral cavity of the child. Sweet night drink is unacceptable. In the study of drinks for baby food, it was established that all fruit drinks have a higher, than sucrose, index of cariogenic potential.

"Bottle" caries affects the upper front teeth. Fangs suffer less frequently due to later terms of eruption. The incisors on the lower jaw remain healthy, as they are protected by the tongue, while sucking tightly covering the nipple from below.

Caries of the upper front teeth of the “bottle” type develops also during breastfeeding of a child after a year. Breast milk contains β-lactose. This sugar has a low cariogenic potential. However, frequent and long-term stay of breast milk in the mouth, especially at night, also helps to reduce the pH of plaque and demineralization of hard dental tissues.

The formation of plaque begins with the attachment of aerobic bacteria Streptococcus mutans to the smooth surfaces of the teeth. It is important that the care of a child’s teeth starts from the moment the first tooth erupts. At the first stage (with the appearance of the first teeth), this may be wiping with a gauze cloth moistened with boiled water, special wipes with xylitol ("Spiffies"), cleaning with a silicone brush napalechnik or a traditional brush.

With the advent of the first temporary molars, brushing is carried out only with a toothbrush twice a day. It uses a small amount of toothpaste ("traces").
It is believed that the first paste should not contain fluoride compounds due to the possibility of its ingestion, and the excessive intake of fluoride ions during this period increases the risk of developing fluorosis of permanent teeth. Fluorosis is a chronic disease that occurs in areas with excessive fluoride in drinking water. It develops to teething.

To maintain the best balance between prevention of caries and the development of fluorosis, the use of pastes with a fluoride concentration of 500 ppm is recommended. The use of toothpastes with a lower concentration of fluoride or lack thereof is ineffective. In children with a high risk of developing caries, it is necessary to use a more concentrated fluoride-containing paste (900–1100 ppm). As a safety precaution, it is recommended not to leave the child unattended while brushing your teeth. At a younger age, use only “smear, traces” of toothpaste.

The recommendations of the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry on the use of fluoride-containing paste for children are presented in Table 3.

When licking nipples, sampling food from a spoon, chewing food, kissing lips, the baby’s mouth is quickly contaminated with cariogenic microorganisms. “Salivary contacts” with the child are recommended to be avoided.

The high intensity of caries entails serious consequences for the child’s developing body:

intoxication and bacterial allergization from foci of chronic infection;
violation of the functions of biting and chewing food and resulting violation of the processes of digestion;
change of passability and disarticulation;
aesthetic defects;
perhaps psychological complexes.

Caries in young children is one of the factors for early tooth loss and malocclusion. The disease aggravates the course of many diseases and creates serious problems with the health of the child.

The period of physiological maturation (mineralization) of enamel can take from 2 to 5 years. Throughout the entire period of mineral maturation, especially during the first year after eruption, the child's teeth need careful and effective care. Compliance with the rules of oral hygiene will strengthen health, prevent the development of caries of milk teeth.


Sensodyne Repair & Protect Whitening Sensitivity Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth, 3.4 ounces (Pack of 2)

Sensodyne Repair & Protect Whitening Sensitivity Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth, 3.4 ounces (Pack of 2)
Sensodyne Repair & Protect Whitening Sensitivity Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth, 3.4 ounces (Pack of 2)

How to prevent caries

Van was almost 2 years old when his mother Elizabeth noticed a brown speck on one of her teeth, which looked like a sticky food. When Elizabeth failed to clean the stain with a brush, she took her son to the dentist.

After an unsuccessful attempt to examine Vanin’s mouth, the boy had to do anesthesia. During the examination, the dentist discovered that all the teeth, except one, are affected by caries. Four front teeth had to be removed, two - to put the crowns, and the rest, in addition to that which was healthy, - to be sealed. The dentist told Elizabeth that breastfeeding at night is the same as bottle feeding. To save teeth, feeding at night will have to stop. Elizabeth questioned the recommendation of the dentist. "It can not be! People fed children for millennia, and their teeth were fine, she thought.

Elizabeth decided to continue feeding Vanya at night, as their family was preparing for the move, which, even without a night of weaning, was quite a lot of stress for the boy. Mom tried to wipe her teeth with a soft cloth after each night feeding, but Vanya woke up during this procedure. For several months, Elizabeth gradually ceased to feed her son at night.

Why did the dentist decide that breastfeeding, especially at night, could cause caries? Human milk contains sugar - lactose. It is well known that food and drinks containing sugar often cause tooth decay. Some studies have traced the relationship of feeding and caries, and some argue that there is no connection. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists in 2002 recommended not to feed the child at night after the appearance of the first teeth (Pediatric Dentistry 2001-2002). Many dentists agree with this recommendation, both in the US and abroad (Editor's note - see more recent information ). Let's understand the existing contradictions in the data on children's caries.
Analysis of research results

Dr. Joyce Sinton and her colleagues conducted a comparative study of feeding methods and caries, trying to determine why researchers disagree on the effect of breastfeeding on teeth. They concluded that in many studies, during which the connection between breastfeeding and caries was found, the research methodology did not meet the standards, and the researchers came to contradictory results. Most of the articles found by researchers were not included in the final review, because were just descriptions of particular cases: it was about one or more infants who were already found to have caries at the time of the study. In these studies, it was assumed that tooth decay was caused by breastfeeding, but no evidence was given of this fact. The researchers stated that in fact they had to exclude most of the “classic” articles not about the relationship between caries and breastfeeding.

The remaining studies were very carefully compared, and concluded that the results were often controversial due to ignoring other factors affecting the occurrence of caries, for example, water fluoridation or components of the child's diet other than breast milk. Also, the researchers did not give clear definitions of the concepts of “breastfeeding” and “effective care of teeth” for parents. So, children in mixed feeding are considered breastfed in one study and artificially in the other. Confusion in the definitions leads to deceptive results, since exclusive breast and mixed feeding have a different effect on the body. The use of such inaccurate definitions indicates an unscientific approach to the study of the issue.

Reliable information about caries and breastfeeding is very important, as recently, early childhood caries is widespread. The high cost of treatment even more draws attention to the problem. Researchers claim that in some countries, the prevalence of caries at an early age has taken on epidemic proportions (Tinanoff, O'Sullivan 1997). The cost of caries treatment in children in the US costs $ 700-1200 for treatment and 200-1500 for medicines (Erickson, 1999). The cost of moral damage both for the child and for the parents, especially when it comes to abrupt weaning, can only be guessed at.

Evidence for breastfeeding

Not all dentists and scientists believe that breastfeeding, including at night, leads to tooth decay. A study by Dr. Harold Slavkin showed that "Studies based on a population survey did not reveal a link between long-term breastfeeding and caries." Dr. Konstantin Oulis and his colleagues concluded that breastfeeding can "have a preventive effect and inhibit the development of caries in children." Dr. Harry Torney examined 107 children who had breastfed for at least two years (about half of them were not weaned at the time of the study). He found no evidence to suggest that prolonged breastfeeding on demand leads to caries (Torney, 1992).

Dr. Brian Palmer is one of the most active supporters and zealous advocates of breastfeeding for caries. He is confident that caries in young children is a relatively new phenomenon. Palmer studied fossil baby skulls from various museums. Signs of destruction were found on less than 1.4 percent of the teeth. In total, Palmer examined 1344 baby teeth, of which 19 were slightly affected by caries and only 4 (0.3 percent) had serious damage. Anthropologists believe that anatomically modern humans have existed for about 100,000 years, despite the fact that modern humans appeared about 30,000 years ago. At the same time, studies of the skulls indicate the occurrence of caries at an early age only 8-10 thousand years ago, which means that the previous 92 thousand years had no caries in young children (Palmer, 2000).

What happened 8-10 thousand years ago? Humanity began to process food and eat differently. Presumably, babies in prehistoric times sucked their breasts all night long and for 2-3 years or longer. On this basis, the idea that breast milk leads to tooth decay seems implausible. If this were so, traces of caries would be found on teeth older than 10 thousand years. In addition, as Dr. Palmer says, "if breast milk resulted in tooth decay, it would be an evolutionary suicide."

There are data from two more studies that compared the effect of modern artificial breast milk substitutes (mixes) and breast milk itself on factors that are considered to be the cause of caries. These studies revealed significant differences between human milk and most blends. First, it was found that breast milk practically does not reduce the level of acidity in the mouth, while almost all brands of mixtures - reduce. Streptococcal bacterium, which is blamed for the destructive effect on the teeth, is best reproduced in a low-acid environment. Secondly, most of the mixtures contributed to the active growth of bacteria, and in breast milk this growth was much slower. Thirdly, it turned out that the mixture dissolves tooth enamel, while breast milk, on the contrary, remineralizes it (i.e., “supplies” calcium and phosphorus to teeth). Also, the researchers came to the conclusion that human milk does not lead to caries, if there are no other source of carbohydrates on the teeth, in which bacteria multiply. Most of the artificial mixtures tested cause caries (Erickson, 1999).

These studies show why accurate definitions are so important. A mixed-fed infant should be considered separately from infants in studies on children's caries, since the mixture dissolves tooth enamel, while breast milk, on the contrary, remineralizes it.

Streptococcus mutans

Most often, children become infected with Streptococcus mutans (a type of streptococcal bacteria) from parents or other people who care for children. Infection occurs through kisses, playing with the parental toothbrush, or using common forks. Once in the baby’s mouth, Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) begins to multiply rapidly. This bacterium has properties that prevent the growth of similar bacteria and many other microorganisms, and thus can become the predominant bacterium in a child’s mouth (Slavkin, 1999)

S. mutans can be fought with preventive methods. One study found that “If pregnant women rinse their mouths daily with sodium fluoride and chlorhexidine during the seventh month of pregnancy, the population of their children’s mouth bacteria was delayed by an average of 4 months” (Slavkin, 1999). Like all drugs, sodium fluoride and chlorhexidine should be prescribed by a doctor. However, the use of these drugs is associated with certain side effects, so the need for these tools is questionable. Before taking medications, you should consult with your doctor and weigh the balance of benefits and risks.

The later the child encounters S. mutans, the less likely it is the occurrence of caries at an early age. Avoid using common cutlery and toothbrushes. Never lick artificial nipples or pacifiers. Knowing that S. mutans breeds best with low acidity, maintain an increased level of acidity in the mouth. This will help maintain a healthy bacterial ecosystem in the mouth (Slavkin, 1999). As mentioned above, the mixture lowers the level of acidity in the mouth, unlike breast milk, so it is better not to feed the children with the mixture. If supplementation is unavoidable, be sure to brush your baby immediately after feeding the mixture.

In the process of digestion, the level of acidity in the mouth usually decreases, gradually increasing after swallowing food. When we eat or drink, saliva starts breaking down food into simpler sugars, which are found in all foods. Sugar, in turn, gets on the teeth, nourishing the bacteria, promoting their reproduction and reducing the level of acidity in the mouth. At decrease in level of acidity, minerals are washed out from a tooth enamel. Between meals, saliva restores normal acid balance. As already mentioned, breast milk remineralizes tooth enamel, strengthens children's teeth and helps prevent tooth decay.

Dr. Palmer notes that “some components of breast milk can also protect teeth from caries. Thus, IgA and IgG immunoglobulins are able to inhibit the growth of S. mutans. Also S. mutans is very sensitive to the bactericidal action of lactoferrin, the main component of breast milk. ”

Sucking process

Breast milk does not last long in the mouth during breastfeeding. When the baby sucks the breast, the nipple is deep in the baby's mouth, and the milk is injected practically into the throat. In addition, the sucking process includes mandatory swallowing - before the child continues to suck, the baby must first swallow the milk. If the baby drinks milk, juice or a mixture from a bottle, the liquid continues to flow into the mouth, even if the child does not actively suck the bottle. If the child does not swallow, fluid accumulates in the mouth, washing the front teeth. Liquid flowing through the short nipple also rinses the teeth before getting into the throat.

Dry mouth is another cause of tooth decay in young children. Saliva maintains a normal level of acidity in the mouth. At night, salivation decreases, especially if the person breathes through his mouth. This is one explanation why brushing your teeth before bedtime reduces the risk of caries. If the baby sucks often at night, he continues to produce enough saliva to prevent the mouth from drying out.

Family matters

Heredity plays an important role in the occurrence of caries. We cannot change the genes of a child, but it is important for parents to pay attention to the prevalence of caries and other dental problems in the family. Armed with the necessary information, parents can engage in the prevention of children's caries during pregnancy.

Oral hygiene plays an important role in the prevention of caries. Parents who regularly brush their teeth not only set a good example for their children, but also reduce the number of bacteria in their mouths, thereby reducing the likelihood of transmitting S. mutans. Joint visits to the dentist make it possible to get used to the setting of the dental office from early childhood and become familiar with what is happening during preventive visits. In families with a genetic predisposition to caries of children, it is recommended to show the dentist every six months from the time the first teeth appear. An early visit to the dentist will help detect any defects in the enamel.

Brushing your baby's teeth should start as soon as they appear. At first it can be done with a piece of gauze or a soft cloth. Children should learn to brush their teeth as early as possible, but at the same time, parents should continue to brush their teeth themselves at least 2 times a day until the child can brush his teeth thoroughly enough.

A full and varied diet is an important component of caries prevention. A healthy diet increases the body's resistance to microbes and bacteria. Give your child to drink water, not juice or other liquids. Water does not reduce the level of acidity, and there is no sugar in the water, which has a destructive effect on the teeth.

Avoid foods that are long in the mouth or stick to the teeth. For example, when a child sucks a lollipop for quite a long time, during all this time the level of acidity in the mouth decreases. Sugar gets on the teeth, bacteria begin to multiply actively, enamel demineralization begins. Until the child brushes his teeth or saliva does not wash away all the sugar from the teeth and does not restore acidity, the teeth are at risk of destruction. But if a child eats an apple, chewing and swallowing promote the washing of teeth with saliva. However, some useful products, such as dried fruits, stick to the teeth and can begin demineralization.

Dr. Palmer believes that heredity is not the only factor influencing the development of caries. Parents can take care of dental health long before the baby is born. According to Palmer, there are four factors that increase the risk of children's caries: stress during pregnancy, especially associated with the loss of a loved one; lack of dairy products in the mother’s diet; serious maternal illness or taking antibiotics during pregnancy.

Of course, not all of the above circumstances can be controlled by a woman. People get sick and die beyond our knowledge. At the same time, a decrease in the general level of stress is often in our power and has a positive effect on both the mother and the child. Regular monitoring of a woman during pregnancy helps to improve maternal nutrition and reduces the likelihood of illness. If you still get sick, sometimes you need to resort to antibiotics. In this case, each woman needs to assess her specific situation and discuss with her doctor how much the benefits of taking antibiotics exceed the risk. It is impossible to foresee and avoid all risk factors for caries, but, having all the necessary information, a woman can make the maximum possible efforts to prevent the disease.


The treatment regimen depends on the parents, who find it easier to decide exactly which methods are acceptable for their child. This article describes several possible treatment options. Additional options were published in the Toddler Tips section of the New Beginnings magazine (July-August 2000 issue).

In the early stage of damage, teeth can be remineralized due to the use of food additives and the use of fluoride. That is why children at risk are particularly recommended early prevention, diagnosis and treatment.Regular brushing in the mouth. Recently, S. states were successful with antibacterial mouthwash solutions (Raegan, 2000).

If it’s a carrot, it’s limited by filling or removal. It should be noted. Together with the anesthesiologist, you can develop the most gentle abstinence for the child before the operation.

Often parents have to look at a good children's dentist. If you are a dentist, try infants, try research.

Key points in research on the relationship between breastfeeding and caries

Was it necessary to wean Vanya? According to Dr. Palmer, he is not a doctor.

- Surveys population-based surveys have not been established between linking prolonged breastfeeding and caries (Slavkin, 1999)

- Prolonged breastfeeding on demand doesn’t lead to the spread of caries (Weerheijm, 1998)

- Breastfeeding carriage in children (Oulis, 1999)

- Lactose, for carcass (Rugg-Gunn, 1985).


I was the one who was told the baby. Catherine feeds the 18-month-old daughter Yulya. The children's dentist is insisted on immediate cessation of breastfeeding before the start of caries treatment. Catherine found a dentist who decides to not decay, but doesn’t have to reduce the rate of caries. And of course, Julia after unpleasant dental treatment procedures!


Sensodyne Pronamel Toothpaste for Tooth Enamel Strengthening, Daily Protection, Mint Essence, 4 ounce (Pack of 3) (Packaging May Vary)

Sensodyne Pronamel Toothpaste for Tooth Enamel Strengthening, Daily Protection, Mint Essence, 4 ounce (Pack of 3) (Packaging May Vary)
Sensodyne Pronamel Toothpaste for Tooth Enamel Strengthening, Daily Protection, Mint Essence, 4 ounce (Pack of 3) (Packaging May Vary)

How to prevent caries?

Caries of teeth and inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues are still the most common human diseases, which makes the prevention of these diseases particularly urgent in the 21st century.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), all over the world, dentists are not able to provide treatment for all dental caries and its complications. However, we all know that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The main objectives of prevention are to strengthen the health of patients, early detection of pathology and prevent the development of complications. Dental prevention is composed of a set of activities, of which the most important are maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and the harmonious development of the individual.

Unbalanced nutrition, primarily the predominant use of sugars, adversely affects not only the dentition, contributing to the development of caries and periodontal diseases, but also the whole organism (obesity, diabetes, endocrine disorders, etc.).

According to modern views, dental caries occurs due to the penetration and reproduction of the microbial flora. In addition, factors such as unbalanced nutrition, poor overall health, low fluoride content in food and water are contributing factors for the development of caries. However, the primary cause of caries is the presence of an active dental plaque on the surface of the tooth, which is tightly attached to the tooth enamel. In small quantities, dental plaque is not detected, but in a large volume it takes on the appearance of a grayish or yellow-gray mass, which can be seen on the surface of the tooth and separated with a tool. If you do not pay due attention to oral hygiene, then after removing plaque, you can find enamel with a changed dull color or so-called "chalky spots." That is, under the dental plaque demineralization of hard tooth tissues occurs with the subsequent development of destructive forms.

One of the conditions for the full development of teeth in a child is the rational nutrition of the expectant mother during pregnancy. The next important factor is adequate intake of fluoride. The preventive effect of fluoride is to increase the resistance of tooth enamel to the effects of adverse factors. Fluorinated edible salt is produced in the Republic of Belarus. Fluorides are also rich in such products as sea fish, sea kale, green tea, walnuts, parsley, mineral water "Darida", "Smile" and others.

However, since it is bacterial infection that causes carious tooth decay, the main point in keeping the teeth healthy is the removal of bacteria with a toothbrush and toothpaste. The choice of the method and means of brushing your teeth depends on the age of the child, the condition of the hard tissues of the teeth. From 2-3 years old, the child is gradually accustomed by parents to conduct individual oral hygiene. Small children should use a soft bristled toothbrush. If a child does not manage to clean the teeth of plaque, then up to 10 years of age, parents should help children brush their teeth. In addition, dentists recommend the use of additional hygiene products, such as tooth brushes, dental floss, and dental elixirs, which allow you to adjust the hygienic oral care and thus keep your teeth healthy.


Tom's of Maine Natural Fluoride Free Children's Toothpaste, Silly Strawberry, 4.2 Ounce, 3 Count

Tom's of Maine Natural Fluoride Free Children's Toothpaste, Silly Strawberry, 4.2 Ounce, 3 Count
Tom's of Maine Natural Fluoride Free Children's Toothpaste, Silly Strawberry, 4.2 Ounce, 3 Count

How to prevent caries

Caries is the most common problem associated with teeth. To avoid its appearance, it is necessary to observe oral hygiene and strengthen tooth enamel using special toothpastes and rinses, as well as undergoing a remineralization procedure at the dentist.

How to prevent caries in children and adults?

Such methods of preventing caries include:

Remineralization is a procedure during which the tooth enamel is saturated with fluorine and calcium, which has a positive effect on its strength. In addition, fluoroprophylaxis increases the resistance of the enamel to microorganisms that provoke the development of caries.

When the acidity falls below pH5, the concentration of calcium and a number of other elements in the tooth enamel begins to rapidly decrease. It is at this moment that the greatest activity of cariogenic organisms is observed. After the tooth surface is coated with fluoride varnish, fluorine begins to penetrate into the enamel, which, together with calcium, does not allow it to dissolve even under conditions of high acidity.

Remineralization can be:

Home , which consists in the most ordinary thorough cleaning of teeth with toothpaste, which contains fluoride. There are pastes with more efficient aminofluoride (they are distinguished by a higher price and a faster rate of penetration of fluorine into the enamel), as well as with sodium monofluorophosphate (refer to the budget option). For a more professional fluoroprophylactic course, in addition to toothpastes and rinses, remineralizing gels will be needed, which need to be used every 3-4 months, which does not cancel tooth brushing. If you follow these rules throughout life, it is likely that you will never have to treat tooth decay.

Professional , for which you can not do without a visit to the doctor. Its main advantage is the best efficacy due to the use of drugs differing in increased concentration of active substances. During the procedure, the teeth are covered with a transparent fluoride-containing varnish, which actively penetrates into the enamel for several hours. Gradually the film dissolves.

WHO recommends fluoroprophylaxis in two ways: using pastes with fluoride at home and periodically resort to using professional preparations that modern dentistry can offer.

Proper oral hygiene , which is both a simple and very important step in the prevention of caries , preventing the appearance of carious areas.

A large number of people believe that they have nothing to do with oral hygiene. However, if this were true, the disease would not be so common.

So, good hygiene should consist of the following steps:

Regular brushing your teeth (preferably after each meal). Moreover, you should brush your teeth not after an hour or two, but within 5 minutes after eating. It has been proven that the maximum damage to the teeth is food debris and pathogens in the first 40 minutes. Do I need to brush my teeth after every meal, that is, even after a light snack or tea with candy? Yes, it is necessary, and it is necessary to clearly clarify for yourself. Therefore, do not abuse the snacks during the day.
Dental floss is not an additional instrument for cleansing the oral cavity, but just as basic as a toothbrush. Floss must be used exactly the same after each meal. A person who has never used a thread before may have a hard time understanding how to use it - a dentist can help . The task of the dental floss is to remove food debris between the teeth (caries no less rarely develops not only in the cavity of the tooth, but also between two adjacent teeth).

What to do if brushing your teeth is problematic (for example, in a cafe or in nature)? You should always have a dental floss or, in extreme cases, chewing gum. Packing with the thread does not take up much space, and you can use it by going to the toilet (if it comes to the room) or moving to the side. Many people are embarrassed to behave this way, as a result, subsequently they are not always waiting for a simple and cheap treatment of caries . The constraint here is inappropriate: there is nothing shameful about getting up and retiring to the bathroom for a couple of minutes. It is better to breathe freshness then, and not to “delight” the surrounding flavors of the recently eaten lunch.
Food prostheses often accumulate under dentures and braces . People who have crowns in their mouths can be advised to use an irrigator - a device that feeds a stream of water through a special nozzle, saturated with air bubbles and washing away food debris. Especially effective is the device for gingivitis and periodontitis, when pockets are formed, where a large number of microbes accumulate. Periodontal pockets are very difficult to clean with a brush or thread, but the irrigator with this task is able to cope perfectly. Recommended device and pregnant, often suffering from gingivitis.

Caries: General Prevention Methods

The main reason for the development of caries is carbohydrates consumed during meals (simple carbohydrates are especially harmful, that is, sugar). As a rule, a person consumes these elements between main meals (for example, drinking tea with sugar or confectionery). If you refuse snacking, then reduce the risk of caries.
The use of vitamins that prevent the development of caries. In Russia, this method is not very common, although the anti-caries effect of vitamins B6 and B1 has long been proven. However, no pills, even when taken on a regular basis, can prevent the occurrence of caries if oral hygiene suffers.

Dental caries in children

In children, it is quite simple to detect caries: first, white or brown spots appear on the teeth, then the teeth begin to react to hot or cold food, and bad breath may appear. All these symptoms indicate rapid development of the disease. If time does not take action, the infection can spread to several teeth at once.

Causes of caries in children:

The main cause of children's caries is non-compliance with oral hygiene . The task of the parents is to choose the right toothbrush for the child and teach him how to brush the teeth. Many young children are afraid of this innocuous procedure, so we can recommend to try to teach brushing your teeth in the form of a game. It is necessary to accustom the child to self-cleaning already from the age of 3 (before this moment comes, the parents should clean the gums and teeth of the baby).
Infection can be transmitted from an adult to a child . As a rule, this happens if you eat one spoon with a child or kiss it on the lips, which is often abused by adults who are unable to cope with an excess of feelings.
Genetic characteristics associated with improper lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy . Teeth are formed in the first trimester, so if a woman smokes or drinks alcohol, it can affect the development of the baby’s teeth.
Early caries, appearing in children before the age of 2 years, can be caused by poor mineralization of milk teeth .
Various chronic diseases can also cause carious cavities.
Infants often develop bottle caries when a child eats food before bedtime. After eating, food remains on the teeth, and the parents, instead of brushing the child’s teeth, put him to sleep.


There is a clear algorithm, following which with high probability will allow you to never face the problem of caries.

Regular removal of plaque and tartar is the key to healthy teeth . Good oral hygiene is the best medicine for any diseases associated with teeth and gums.
The correct diet . It is necessary to make a daily menu in such a way that it contains as little flour and sweet as possible (food consisting mainly of easily digestible carbohydrates). It is worth refusing from sugary drinks (an extremely large amount of sugar is contained in soda). Avoiding sweet snacks, you minimize the risk of caries.
Measures that increase the resistance of enamel to acids produced by pathogens should be carried out several times a year.


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Tooth decay: how to treat

“Toothache” is a phrase that frightens children and adults, men and women. One of the main causes of severe pain in the teeth is caries. This disease can be dangerous to varying degrees, but it needs to be treated anyway. In the article we will talk about the most effective methods of caries treatment, as well as tell you about the prevention of the disease.

Caries and its varieties
Caries is one of the most common oral diseases. When it occurs, tooth enamel is damaged first, and then, if treatment is not started, and dentin (hard tooth tissue). The first sign of caries is a dark spot on the enamel. If you ignore its appearance, the stain may increase in diameter, and then the pathology spreads deeper into the tooth tissue, resulting in a “hole”. When caries destroys enamel and affects dentin, it gets to the pulp (soft tissue of the tooth), which can lead to very serious consequences.
According to the degree of tooth damage, the disease is divided into caries in the staining stage (discoloration of enamel), superficial caries (damage to enamel), medium caries (destruction of the upper dentin layer) and deep caries (when the dentin is destroyed almost to the pulp). Also distinguish caries enamel, dentin and cement root - in this case, the disease occurs under the gum.
Depending on the location of the lesion, fissure caries are classified (occurring in the deepening of the tooth), approximal (at the junction of the teeth) and cervical caries (near or under the gumline). There is also caries of the front teeth, which is especially hard on the aesthetics of a smile. Usually, in the latter case, even those who are in panic afraid of doctors are not pulling back to the dentist.
To avoid a visit to a specialist, you should regularly inspect the oral cavity yourself. If you notice caries at the earliest stage, you can get rid of it without the help of a dentist.

Signs of dental caries
To understand that you have caries is very simple. A change in the color of the enamel (the stain can be both dark and light) or its structure, such as the appearance of roughness, are clear signs of the onset of the disease. A painful reaction of the teeth to food, especially to sweet, cold and hot, or pain arising without cause, also accompanied by caries. Bad breath can also be a symptom of the disease.
If the disease has already moved to the middle stage, a recess can be seen in the tooth - usually it is easily felt by the tongue. However, it should be remembered that the “hole” can occur not only because of caries: the doctor will make an exact diagnosis.

Causes of caries
The main cause of caries is bacteria that produce acids that flush out fluoride and calcium from the tooth tissue. Microorganisms begin to multiply and destroy the tooth within 1–2 hours after cleaning the oral cavity, leading to the formation of plaque.
Insufficient salivation can also contribute to the development of caries. The fact is that saliva minerals are able to partially neutralize the acids produced by bacteria - when little saliva forms, acids destroy teeth more quickly. Also, saliva partially washes away bloom. Dry mouth (dry mouth) can be caused by diabetes, hypertension, nasal breathing disorders in various diseases.
In addition, the cause of decay can be the frequent use of sweet, and the impact is not the amount of glucose eaten, and the time it comes into contact with the teeth. Improper diet generally affects the health of the oral cavity.
By the way
Caries, among other things, can be caused by a malfunction of the immune system. The cause of failure can be stress. The latter, by the way, is also able to slow down the processes of mineralization in the oral cavity.
If you find signs of caries, you need to adjust the food, pay special attention to oral hygiene, give preference to toothpastes with a high content of calcium or fluorine. It is imperative to contact your dentist. Only timely treatment of caries will help save the tooth.

Treatment of dental caries
If the caries is at the stage of stains, it is enough to fill the teeth with fluorine and calcium. If the disease is at the superficial, medium or deep stage, then most likely it is impossible to do without a drill. To cure tooth decay, you need to remove the affected part of the tooth and restore its natural form by sealing. Deep caries is treated, as a rule, for two visits - first they put a temporary filling, then a permanent one. If caries has arisen under the filling, X-rays are used for the diagnosis.
There are two main ways to treat caries - non-invasive (without “drilling”) and invasive (with the removal of affected tissue). The choice of method depends on the stage of the disease.
Conservative therapy without preparation
This treatment of caries without "drilling". This method is used if the disease is at the initial stage, that is, the enamel color has changed or the patient due to the nature of the organism (for example, an allergic reaction) cannot undergo anesthesia, and treatment is not possible without it.
The essence of the non-invasive method is to remove the soft deposit and enamel mineralization. The treatment is carried out in several stages: examination, isolation of the gums and application of the necessary materials. The procedure takes about an hour, depending on the equipment and the qualifications of the doctor. The cost of an average of Moscow - from 1500 rubles. If the treatment was carried out qualitatively, then the disease will recede and additional manipulations will not be required.

Treatment with preparation of hard tooth tissues
It is a hardware treatment of the affected parts of the tooth with anesthesia. The stages of treatment depend on the stage of the disease. The average caries is treated as follows:
mechanical and drug treatment;
installation of a protective lining;
tooth restoration by filling;
adjusting the shape of the filling;
grinding and polishing.
Treatment of deep caries before installing the lining requires checking the level of treatment, that is, finding out how close the sensitive pulp is. This is done in order to exclude the possibility of pain after treatment.

The duration of treatment of medium and deep caries - over an hour, sometimes up to two hours. The average caries, as we have said, is usually treated for one visit, deep carving requires two visits, in especially difficult cases three or more. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the quality of the drugs used, the qualifications of the specialist and the individual characteristics of the organism. With improper diet and poor hygiene, as well as low immunity, the disease can return after some time. The cost of invasive treatment in Moscow is from 2500 rubles. Invasive treatment of caries with a drill is not the only way to solve the problem. There are many more modern treatments that are not inferior in effectiveness.

Modern approaches in the treatment of caries
One of the newest methods is chemical-mechanical. It consists in applying special preparations to the affected part, then removing the diseased part of the tooth and sealing it. The advantages of the method are painlessness and the formation of a smaller cavity (in comparison with invasive intervention), which requires a filling.
The affected tissue can also be removed with a powerful stream of air, water and special powder, which eliminates damage to the healthy part of the tooth. But this method is effective only in the initial stages of caries.
Sick areas can be removed with a laser. It recognizes affected tissues and vaporizes them.
All these methods are good because they are less painful than the treatment with a drill, and sometimes do not cause unpleasant sensations at all. But such procedures will cost the patient several thousand more than the classical treatment, and not every clinic will have the appropriate equipment for advanced therapy.

Prevention of caries
To protect teeth from caries, it is necessary to clean them with sweeping movements. Spending on this procedure should take at least three to five minutes in the morning and evening. We should not forget about cleaning the tongue. After eating, it is recommended to rinse your mouth.
Nutrition also affects the possibility of caries. After eating sweet or very sour (green apples, lemon), drink water or rinse your mouth. Eat more vegetables and fruits containing vitamins C and D, as well as foods rich in calcium and fluoride. Especially beneficial effects on the health of teeth raw carrots.
Visiting the dentist should be every six months to detect caries at an early stage and prevent its development.

Often, caries can cause more serious dental diseases, so you need to be attentive to the health of the oral cavity, apply preventive measures and not neglect visits to the dentist. Only healthy teeth can be beautiful, so it is important to monitor their condition and, if necessary, choose a good clinic with advanced technologies and qualified specialists.

How to choose a reliable dentistry?
According to RBC, there are over 2,000 private and public dentists in Moscow. In such a variety it is easy to get confused, especially in the many discount offers, promotions and other lures that are offered to consumers. But still you can choose a good clinic, if you pay attention to some points.
First, the level of workload of dentistry. If you are offered to enroll to a specialist in advance, since the dentist has a large workload, this is a good sign, because the doctor who treats high-quality is popular. Secondly, you should pay attention to the list of services offered. If the clinic is engaged in dental treatment, and prosthetics, and orthopedics, and aesthetics - this is an indicator of the stability of its position in the market. Third, look at the equipment. Modern technology is easy to distinguish from the old even to an inexperienced person.
If you do not have time to go to clinics, find out prices and other parameters, you can use the website of the Dentistry Hotline with the support of the Dental Association ( There you can find comprehensive information about dental treatment. This information portal allows customers to consider a variety of offers and compare prices without visiting or calling dozens of organizations. In addition, the portal contains news about promotions and discounts in various clinics, which is very important in the case of choosing such expensive services as dental.
The main plus of the portal: free consultation of a specialist not only on the website, but also in any clinic that is part of the organization. In addition, prices for services are quite low due to the combination of a large number of clinics and large purchases of materials. You can also count on special prices for comprehensive treatment. Using the services of the portal, you can get high-quality and effective treatment and save money.


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Prevention of caries in children

We will try to adopt the results of recent research in this area in order to at least reach the European figure - on average, less than two fillings by the age of 12.

To date, the most common dental disease of a person is caries. Caring parents should help their child to keep their teeth healthy and rid them of toothache. To do this, you must pay considerable attention to the prevention of caries.

We will try to adopt the results of recent research in this area in order to at least reach the European figure - on average, less than two fillings by the age of 12.
1. You can begin to take care of preventing caries in a child during her mother's pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Taking special pills containing only 1 mg of fluorine, it is possible to achieve a double effect: on the one hand, strong teeth form in the fetus, on the other hand, the woman's body does not lose fluoride. And more lean on calcium, that is, on milk, cottage cheese and kefir, without frightening relatives with uncontrolled eating of school crayons.
2. After the baby is born, it is important to monitor hygiene.

First of all, dear parents, do not prematurely transfer your bacteria (Streptococcus mutans) to your child, which, according to one theory, causes caries. Most often, these microbes migrate from the parental mouth along with a licked spoon or nipple. Do not do this - it is more correct to rinse or boil a fallen nipple, and not to lick. And then the child’s oral cavity will remain free from caries longer.
3. To prevent the occurrence or development of caries, it is necessary to correctly organize the family food.

Calcium from dairy products should be present in the diet of the child. It is not difficult at all, since children's yoghurts, milk and kefir are becoming tastier and more varied. In order for calcium to be better absorbed, vitamin D is required, which is contained in fish dishes and is formed under the action of sunlight. So take sunbaths with your baby more often, go for walks that strengthen not only your teeth, but also family friendship. In addition to calcium, fluoride, which enriches toothpaste and some food products, is necessary for the prevention of caries.
4. So that all your efforts to prevent tooth decay in a child do not go to ashes, try to give him less sweets.

They are the main destroyers of teeth. Harmful to the teeth streptococci multiply on the tooth enamel only in the presence of sugar, which, in fact, feed. By processing sugar, bacteria secrete acid that destroys tooth enamel. Conversely, as often as possible feed the child with fresh fruits and vegetables: the sugar and fruit acids contained in them do not pose a danger to the teeth. Or, as in Europe, choose only sweets for children with a safe sweetener xylitol.
5. The most reliable tool against tooth decay in children is the traditional toothbrush with good toothpaste.

Brushing your teeth should be started from the moment of appearance of milk teeth - while maintaining their health, you will provide your child with the correct and timely germination of permanent teeth. It is very important for a child to cultivate the skill of brushing his teeth every day so that he realizes and assumes responsibility for the health of his teeth as soon as possible.
6. Twice a year the dentist should examine the child.

If, during a regular visit to the doctor, the beginning caries was found in the child, fluoride varnish (fluoride) or a compound of silver fluoride can be used to protect the enamel from destruction . The procedure is absolutely painless and takes no more than one minute, and the effectiveness of this method for preventing caries is very high.
7. When a child has permanent teeth, it is advisable to make a special visit to the dentist.

To carry out another, very useful procedure - the sealing of the depressions (fissures) of the teeth . To do this procedure preferably within a year and a half after the eruption of the molars. As a result, after a meal, plaque with bacteria that destroy enamel will not accumulate on the chewing surface of the teeth. During the procedure, the doctor cleans the teeth with a brush and paste, and then applies an acidic substance to the grooves and pits on the surface of the teeth. After that, a sealant is applied to the tooth, which flows into the micropores of the enamel and solidly hardens there under the action of a special lamp. The sealant not only seals the tooth, but also for a long time, it enriches the tooth enamel with fluorine, magnesium and calcium ions.

So, a multi-year program to save the child’s teeth from caries is built. You have done everything that is necessary, and you can be justly proud of yourself.
