Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Fresh Breeze - 7.5 fluid ounce (Pack of 6)

How should we wash our hands?

Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Fresh Breeze - 7.5 fluid ounce (Pack of 6)

Washing hands frequently with warm water and soap, preventing the formation of cracks and abrasions, short and clean fingernails is the most effective way to prevent the spread and spread of infectious diseases.

Istanbul Public Health Directorate, said in a statement, everything touched in nature, said that there are a large number of microorganisms.

The hands are the organ that provides all kinds of relations with the environment in daily life and therefore contain the most microorganisms.

"These microorganisms carried by our hands everywhere can cause many undesirable conditions from simple colds to serious illnesses. Hand cleaning is the most important personal cleansing daily. Washing hands frequently with warm water and soap, preventing cracks and abrasions, short and clean nails It is the most effective way to prevent the increase and spread of infectious diseases The most basic way of transmission of bacteria and viruses is by hand contact Consumption of contaminated and contaminating hands can cause various digestive system diseases, washing hands, or destroying harmful microorganisms. hands should be washed with soap for 30 seconds to prevent disease. Hand antiseptics can be used in places where water and soap cannot be reached. "

In the statement, the three important factors in hand washing technique are running water, soap and rubbing by transferring, it is emphasized that the hands should be washed with the right technique when seen dirty. The statement also made recommendations for effective hand washing techniques:


- Rings and watches must be removed before hand washing.

- Open the faucet with paper towel, adjust the water flow rate and the water should be warm.

- Wet hands and wrists. The hands should be placed below the level of the elbow and the water should be placed so that it can drain from the fingertips into the sink. Water should flow from the cleanest place to the most polluted place.

- After the foam is thoroughly foamed with hand soap, the tap valve should also be soaped, then washed with water and the tap should be closed. Faucet valves can be a source of infection.

- When mold soap is used, it is necessary to rinse and leave the soap so that the foam of the hands is protected. Because microorganisms may remain on the foam. With the remaining foam, the hands are rubbed again and the two hands are clamped together to clean the palms, fingers, outer surface, wrists, nails and nails.

- Scrub all surfaces of hands and fingers for 10 seconds.

- Shake hands thoroughly under water. Dirt and microorganisms should be drained to the sink with running water.

- Wrists and forearms are considered to be dirty parts of the circular movements should be rubbed and shaken. Hands should be bent down and the water should flow well. Since the wrist and forearm are cleaner than the hand, the hands should be washed after cleaning.

- Apply cream or moisturizer to the hands if necessary. This prevents the skin from cracking and ensures that it stays soft.

Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, Fresh Breeze - 7.5 fluid ounce (Pack of 6)

Method Gel Hand Soap Refill, Sweet Water, 34 Ounce (Pack 6)

Hand Washing Instruction - Hygienic Hand Washing Techniques

Method Gel Hand Soap Refill, Sweet Water, 34 Ounce (Pack 6)

Hand washing is one of the simplest but most effective things we can do for our personal hygiene and health. We can't be sure everything we touch is clean. It is not possible to disinfect everywhere. However, when we wash our hands, we take effective measures against the entry of microbes into our body. Because even though we don't realize it, we touch our faces hundreds of times during the day and we bring our hands to our mouths many times.
When should hand cleaning be done?

Whenever you feel dirty, you should wash your hands. However, some situations require washing your hands:

Before and after eating or preparing food
Before and after interventions to a patient or a wound
After you go to the toilet or help someone go to the toilet
After sniffing, coughing, sneezing
After touching the trash
After dealing with pets, food or feces

In this way, you will take precautions against invisible germs, you can prevent infectious diseases and important health problems.
Hygienic Hand Washing How?

When you say how to wash your hands you need clean water, soap and a towel.

First turn on the water and wet your hands. The water may be warm or cold. It doesn't have to be too hot.
The second step in the hand washing instruction is to take some soap into your hand. If you are in a foreign place, it is better to use liquid soap. Rub the hands thoroughly and froth the soap.
The next step in hand cleaning is to wash your hands for 20 seconds. To measure this time, you can sing the song ”Happy New Year en on your birthdays twice.
You should not forget to wash your hands, between your fingers and under your fingernails.
Then rinse your hands well and dry with a clean towel or towel napkin. You can also close the tap using this towel napkin.

Hygienic hand washing process will be completed in this way. If you do not have access to water and soap, antibacterial hand cleaning gels are also a good choice. Excessive use of these gels is not recommended, but can be extremely useful if there is no alternative when you need to clean your hands. The hand cleaner you use should contain at least 60% alcohol. Although these types of cleaners kill many germs, they may not kill them all.

The importance of hand washing is better understood, especially in times of epidemics, schools and other crowded environments. With these hand washing techniques, you can protect yourself and others from serious health hazards.

Method Gel Hand Soap Refill, Sweet Water, 34 Ounce (Pack 6)

Method Foaming Hand Soap, Sweet Water, 10 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6), Hand Wash Dispenser with Pump

Teach your child the right hand washing!

Method Foaming Hand Soap, Sweet Water, 10 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6), Hand Wash Dispenser with Pump

Practices to be taken to protect against health-damaging environments and all cleaning measures are defined as 'hygiene'. Compliance with hygiene rules is one of the most important factors for protection from diseases.

Hygiene is the most important means of protecting the health of others, especially one's own health. Personal hygiene habits are very important in the control of many infectious diseases. Not only body cleansing, but also keeping everything and every environment clean is essential to staying healthy. Handwashing is the best, most effective and cheapest method of protection from diseases. Developing hand washing habits in children from an early age is very effective in protecting against important diseases. Acıbadem University Atakent Hospital, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist. Dr. Metehan Özen explained the cleaning rules that children should pay attention to.

Risk of illness increases if hand hygiene is not observed

In particular, public environments such as schools and kindergartens provide the most suitable environment for the spread of infectious diseases. Common infectious diseases in schools; influenza infections, hepatitis, rash diseases and parasitic infections. Some of these diseases can be prevented by the full administration of the vaccine. Protection from some diseases is possible by paying attention to hygienic conditions, toilet cleaning and hand cleaning.

Hands that provide every kind of relationship with the environment in a person's daily life carry many microorganisms. Especially in crowded environments such as schools, children are exposed to the risk of communicable diseases such as hepatitis A and intestinal infections, especially influenza. To protect our children from upper respiratory tract infections, keep them away from sick children and adults, wash hands frequently or use hand disinfectant, have tissue paper (the handkerchief should be disposed of immediately), especially in areas where many children are together, proper cleaning of playgrounds and toys and influenza vaccination is important.

Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 30 seconds

Even in clean-looking hands, thousands of disease-causing microorganisms can be found. Influenza and jaundice viruses, diarrhea agents, intestinal parasites can spread to the mouth and hands through the body. Therefore, especially when the hands are not washed properly after the toilet, there may be germ transfer even when exchanging items such as erasers and pencils made between children at school. Coughing and sneezing can cause these germs to get into the body through hands. Wiping the seats with wet wipes and laying toilet paper on them before using the toilet will prevent many germs from coming into contact. However, after cleaning the hands should be washed carefully. In hygienic hand washing, hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 30 seconds.

Use disinfectant if you cannot wash your hand

The development of hand washing habits in children from an early age is very effective in protecting against important diseases. The habit of handwashing, which has become even more important for the school-aged child, will be the most important measure to protect our children from many infections; before and after meals, before and after the toilet; after contact with spoiled food and rubbish by hand, after manual closure of the mouth during sneezing and coughing, after the use of public transport, money exchange, after the use of common telephones, after close contact with cats, dogs and other animals, after coming home from school and work. It is washed. Since it is not always possible to wash hands after this kind of daily contact, we should make it a habit to have hand disinfectant gels in small tubes with us.

Prefer liquid soap in public places

Purpose in hand hygiene; chemical and physical pests and microorganisms that cause infections. When washing hands with water only, visible dirt is removed by mechanical action, but complete hygiene cannot be achieved. Therefore, soap should be used with water for hand cleaning. Although normal solid hand soaps and liquid soaps do not differ in their effects, solid soaps can be a source of contamination due to the environment in which they are stored and the use by the wearer of the soaps usually after cleaning. Therefore, the use of liquid soaps should be preferred in hand cleaning, especially in public places. When liquid soap is taken, small amounts that are consumed quickly should be preferred to prevent the growth of harmful microbes.

If we gain the right hand washing habit in terms of personal and public health and we can vaccinate this habit to our environment, we will take a big step to prevent many infectious diseases and foodborne diseases.

Method Foaming Hand Soap, Sweet Water, 10 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6), Hand Wash Dispenser with Pump

Method Foaming Hand Soap, French Lavender, 10 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6)

Learn the right hand washing techniques!

Method Foaming Hand Soap, French Lavender, 10 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6)

Do you realize how much contact you have with germs during the day? Every day we touch money, credit card, keyboard, door handles and phone. In fact, our hands are the most polluted organ. Especially influenza and colds; In fact, many infections such as jaundice, diarrhea, hepatitis and pneumonia are actually taken through our hands. That's why it's important to keep our hands clean. The most important and effective way to prevent diseases is to wash our hands regularly. However, we make mistakes while washing our hands due to reasons such as shortness of time or inappropriate environment, and as a result, we cannot ensure that microorganisms move away from our hands. Acıbadem Taksim Hospital Infectious Diseases Specialist Sezen Özkök explained the mistakes we made while washing our hands and the correct hand washing techniques .

Wash your hands by rubbing for at least 15 seconds
One of the most common mistakes we make while washing our hands; Keep washing time short. In this case, germs cannot be cleaned from the hands sufficiently, and as a result, the disease continues to spread. Vigorously rub every part of your hands (wrists, palms, fingers, between-fingers, back and nails) for at least 15 seconds.

Foam the soap thoroughly
The use of soap and water while washing hands contributes to the spread of harmful microorganisms due to insufficient removal from the hand.

Only hot water is not enough
Water alone should not be used effectively to remove germs, so water should be used with soap. Washing with hot water doesn't do much well, because it can't stand the heat where the germs die. In addition, hot water irritates the hands and prepares the ground for microorganisms. Therefore, it is important to wash the palms, fingertips and tips with water and soap thoroughly to cover the wrist.

Microbes in solid soap
Placing the solid soap in place without cleaning can cause pollution. In addition, microorganisms remain on the soap when used in common causes the spread of microbes. For this reason, it is very important to use liquid soap for hand cleaning, especially in public places.

Let your towel belong to you
The fact that the towels are damp as a result of the use of common towels creates a suitable environment for the growth of microorganisms. It also makes it easier to spread infections among people because of not washing hands well.

Method Foaming Hand Soap, French Lavender, 10 Fl. Oz (Pack of 6)

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 45 Count

Separate garbage collection: to be or not to be in Russia

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 45 Count

Recycling of waste becomes today in Russia a priority of state policy. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, about 5.4 billion tons of all types of waste are generated annually and about 375 million tons require special conditions for industrial processing. The concentration of substances, which is contained in the secondary raw materials and which can be applied in industrial production, sometimes many times exceeds that in natural resources. However, a serious problem prevents it from making the most of it - there is no centralized system for separate collection of garbage in the country.

In order to extract as much useful substances as possible from waste, it is best to separate them yourself, without relying entirely on automatic methods for sorting mixed waste. This task has been learned to effectively solve in developed countries. In Russia, attempts to introduce waste sorting have also previously been undertaken, but they were all local.

Now in our country we have seriously approached the problem of recycling garbage and approved territorial waste management schemes in all 85 regions of the country. However, while all the necessary conditions are only in 74 subjects. As of January 1, 2019, roadmaps for the transition to the new system will be made there.

The Ministry of Environment believes that we can arrange for sorting garbage faster than it was done in Germany and Japan , which spent 20–30 years to introduce it.

What experience can other countries share with us and what prevents the introduction of the system of selective garbage collection in Russia - in the TASS material.
Germany example

In Germany, separate collection of household waste began in the late 1980s. At that time, these issues were regulated by local (land) authorities. In 1996, a national law regulating waste management came into force (the new edition was adopted in 2012).

Currently, waste recycling in Germany is a profitable business. In 2017, the turnover of the waste recycling industry amounted to approximately € 70 billion, in this area more than 250 thousand people were employed. Duales System Holding GmbH & Co, founded in 1990, is the largest enterprise for the collection and processing of packaging materials. According to the latest report from Duales System, in 2016, 1.7 million tons of garbage was recycled. This avoided the emission of 1.1 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.

Since 2015, the country has a unified system for selective garbage collection. The Germans distribute household waste to biomass, waste paper, glass, metals and plastics. Separate multi-colored containers are installed for these types of garbage. For example, blue is intended for paper products (newspapers, magazines, cardboard boxes); yellow - for items marked with a green dot (means that manufacturers and trading companies have entered into an agreement with the Duales System and pay fees to organize the collection of recyclable packages); green for organic waste. Expired medicines are taken by pharmacies, for old batteries there are collection points in stores. Germany is the leader in domestic waste recycling in Europe - 66% of garbage is recycled here.

At the same time, European countries are constantly striving to improve the waste collection system, experts say.

In Europe, the emphasis is now being placed on introducing a separate collection of food waste, so that there is pure organic matter that can be used for compost production and to return this compost in order to improve soil fertility.

- Tatiana Nagorskaya, Chairman of the Board of the Association in the Field of Ecology and Environmental Protection "Shared sharing"

Japan example

Russia has a lot to learn from its eastern neighbor, Japan. Its inhabitants are extremely careful in preserving the environment. In the postwar period, against the backdrop of the beginning of economic recovery and the subsequent economic growth in the country, the problem of storing industrial and household waste arose. The lack of territory for the organization of landfills for storing garbage made the authorities pay considerable attention to technologies for its processing. In 2001, the Ministry of Environment Protection was created within the government of the country, which is responsible for waste management issues.

Currently in Japan there is a developed system of separate waste collection. Each municipality can set the standards for the treatment of garbage. As a rule, there are several categories of waste: combustible and non-combustible trash, plastic, paper, glass and plastic containers, suitable for reuse, and bulky waste.

Japan is one of the world leaders in plastics processing. Thus, the share of plastic, which is again used in production, increased from 39% (1996) to 83% (2014). This was facilitated by a law adopted in 1997, which for the first time obliged industry and households to separate polymers from other categories of garbage. According to statistics provided by the Japan Association of waste recycling, in 2014, a total of 1.43 million tons of various types of waste were recycled.

Industrial waste that is difficult to recycle is used as a building material. The international airports of Chubu (near the city of Nagoya) and Kansai (Osaka) were built on artificial islands created from shredded industrial waste.

Chubu Airport

By the way, some Japanese initiatives in the field of waste control, such as sports garbage collection championships, are already being used here. A similar contest, in which students, social activists, employees of oil industry enterprises and environmental organizations took part, was held in June 2016 in Tomsk. Its participants collected more than one ton of waste.

"In Japan, we have been holding tournaments since 2008. About 500 tournaments were held in total," said Kenichi Mamitsuk, founder of the movement and president of the Japan Sports Collection of Garbage.

According to him, the holding of such championships not only allows clearing the city of garbage, but also carries an important educational element. "Children who did not pay attention to the garbage, having once participated, in regular life themselves pick up garbage in the city," Mamitsuka stressed.

An interesting project is being prepared in Primorye. The company ABA-Trade and the Japanese Super Faiths have signed an agreement on the construction of a factory for the recycling of diapers and diapers into fuel.

"In Japan, great attention is paid to the reproduction of energy resources, this technology will appear on the Russian market for the first time and will allow us to quickly switch to separate collection of garbage and recycling of waste," said Alexander Palchikov, director of ABA-Trade.

Diapers decompose for a long time, emit harmful substances when burning. According to Palchikov, Japanese technology will allow the processing of diapers into fuel briquettes, which can be used both in boiler rooms and in private heating systems.

Despite the fact that the Japanese have taken the path of waste incineration, they tend to return resources to the production cycle and develop a cyclical economy. Recognizing that incineration is not really the right choice for the future, they produce separate waste collection, in some prefectures up to 36 fractions (allocated according to particle size or density of parts of the material. - Note TASS)

- Tatiana Nagorskaya

In general, the situation with the separate collection of waste and its further recycling in different countries is different. In many ways, it depends on the market, on the economic possibilities of the country. In the US, there are cities, such as San Francisco, where up to 80% of waste is recycled, and there are those where waste is collected less than in Russia, notes Nagorskaya.
Prospects for Russia

Foreign experience suggests that the introduction of separate garbage collection is possible with effective incentives that affect all participants in the waste management system. In some countries, for example, there are large fines for an incorrectly thrown cigarette butt or piece of paper, on the other hand, to encourage citizens to sort waste, the authorities reduce the cost of their removal.

They began to punish the ruble already in Russia, though, so far only manufacturers and importers.

In 2017, the Ministry of Environment as part of the separate waste collection program introduced an expanded responsibility institute. In fact, the business takes responsibility for recycling manufactured goods and packaging, obsolete, or paying an environmental fee. Collected as a result of the collection of funds amounted to more than 1.33 billion rubles.

In addition, the government imposed a ban on the disposal of certain types of waste. Thus, since 2018, the dumping of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, waste containing mercury is prohibited. Since 2019 - the burial of waste paper, cardboard and paper packaging, tires and tires, polyethylene and plastic packaging, glass and glass packaging, since 2021 - computer and office equipment, batteries and household appliances. Total 182 points.

At the same time, citizens are planned to be encouraged for separate garbage collection. For example, the Minister of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region, Alexander Kogan, said that residents who will not separately collect waste will pay the full tariff, and for those who have separate garbage collection, the tariff will be differentiated.

Pilot projects on separate waste collection are already running in 13 municipalities of the region. And the Moscow Region Mytischi has already managed to lead the rating of Greenpeace Russia on the development of separate garbage collection. In 2019, the entire region should switch to this system.

Back in 2012, an experiment was started in Moscow on separate garbage collection. Initially, it was tested on residents of the south-west of the capital. Transparent mesh containers for "useful waste" were installed in their yards: paper, plastic, glass and metal. The experiment proved itself well, and it was decided to expand its territory. Now, almost every metropolitan courtyard has its own transparent garbage cans. And only with rare exceptions can they see household garbage. According to experts, not only Moscow, but the whole country is moving towards a unified waste collection system. Already in many cities there are recycling points . And used batteries and lamps can be put in special bins, which are installed in many stores.

Supermarkets also joined the struggle for ecology. For example, in the stores "Auchan" there are no more free plastic bags . In the network of shops "Taste Will" from 2018, all packages also became paid. Now the store offers its customers reusable spunbond bags. Spunbond is environmentally friendly, practical to use, recyclable. The chain of IKEA stores refused to sell plastic bags in 2014. Instead, customers are offered paper bags, as well as reusable polypropylene bags and textile bags with prints. IKEA, by the way, accepts used paper bags from customers and later sends them for recycling.

The LavkaLavka farmers' cooperative followed the same example: from the very opening, the bags were not sold here, offering reusable bags and paper bags to customers.

These examples give hope that in Russia in the near future, a unified system of separate collection of garbage will work. Although some skeptics believe that our mentality can interfere with this - it is believed that the Russians will not install several tanks in their kitchen and lay out paper, glass, food debris in them. In addition, there are also objective difficulties - in our apartments there is not always a place where you can put two or three containers for collecting different types of waste. Nevertheless, public opinion polls indicate that the overwhelming majority of Russians are aware of the importance of sorting garbage and are ready for its separate collection, the main thing is to organize this process, creating the necessary conditions.

Many say that Europe has come to this for several decades, it has been happening for a long time, but the world is completely different now. Many Russians were in Europe and saw what it is, what it leads to, that it’s clear that the people are participating, everyone follows some rules and it’s not at all difficult. Another thing is that the residents, of course, must somehow be stimulated, and if there is an intelligible mechanism to show them that, for example, this bucket with sorted recyclables does not cost you anything, but let's say the exact same tank, if you put everything together, it will be expensive for you, this practice will, of course, be easier to implement. According to my estimates, according to my colleagues, it is enough five years to ensure that the system has already reached the normal level - that is, it would be possible to work not in the implementation mode, but in the normal operation mode.

- Tatiana Nagorskaya

Of course, it depends on the region, said Nagorskaya. “Let's say there are many processing enterprises in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and recycling is scarce, but there are also remote regions where this problem should also be solved, because all Russian people should be able to take part in improving the environmental component. This is a complex problem, and measures that are taken at the federal level should, by and large, be the same for everyone, "she explains.

The capital authorities agree with such forecasts. Moscow expects to work on the system of separate collection of garbage by 2020–2021, after the infrastructure for sorting and recycling begins to appear in 2019, head of the Department of Environmental Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow Anton Kulbachevsky said.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 45 Count

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 80 Count

What happens to the garbage from the boxes for separate collection

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 80 Count

"North of the capital" answers the reader's question

A resident of the Koptevo district addressed the editorial office of the district newspaper.

“Separate waste collection containers installed on Sailor Zheleznyak Boulevard, 3 and 6, are one for everything: glass, plastic, and aluminum. I have seen elsewhere that these three categories of waste are collected in three different containers. If the box is one, then how are the garbage sorted? Is not such a separate collection a profanation ?, asked the reader.

The collection of secondary raw materials in the CAO is organized according to the two-flow principle: all clean useful waste - plastic, glass, aluminum, waste paper, Tetra Pak - is stored in one net container, separate from mixed waste and food waste. Marina Chilimskaya, a specialist of the operating company for waste management in the CJSC “EcoLine”, told about what happens next with the contents of the container.
Useful - separately

- In the Northern District, there are 265 mesh containers for separate waste collection. Such containers are served by a dedicated garbage truck, ”said Marina Chilimskaya.

According to her, a two-stream system has several advantages over the organization of separate waste collection with three to five containers. First, it is the ease of primary sorting. Even at home in the kitchen, you can put garbage in two packages: one - useful waste, suitable for recycling, the other - everything else. Secondly, it is easier to find and arrange places for the installation of containers. On many container sites there is no free space even for one additional container, not to mention two or three. Thirdly, fewer vehicles are required for waste disposal, which saves budgetary funds and reduces the burden on the environment.
Sort and form bales

Waste collected in containers for separate collection, transported to waste sorting plants in Moscow and Moscow region. Here 19 items of useful fractions are selected from the trash, including
various types of plastic, waste paper, metal (tin, aluminum cans), glass, Tetra Pak, etc.
Sorted by type, secondary raw material is pressed into bales and sent to processing plants.

Cullet is used to make a new glass container, plastic - a synthetic winterizer for jackets and PET bottles, recycled paper - cardboard, paper for books, notebooks. Recycled metal is used in the automotive industry, aluminum - in aircraft.

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 80 Count

Small Trash Bags?2.6 Gallon Garbage Bags FORID Bathroom Trash can Liners for Bedroom Home Kitchen 150 Counts 5 Color

How Separate Garbage Collection Works in Moscow

Small Trash Bags?2.6 Gallon Garbage Bags FORID Bathroom Trash can Liners for Bedroom Home Kitchen 150 Counts 5 Color

The first special containers appeared in the capital in 2014. In Mytishchi, near Moscow, recycling sorting points appeared even earlier - in 2009, and in 2018, Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyev plans to introduce separate garbage collection throughout the region. Observer RIAMO decided to check whether the residents of the Moscow region are ready to sort the garbage and how much the infrastructure is now adapted for this.
Conditions and objectives of the experiment
We asked three Muscovites and two residents of the Moscow Region to collect rubbish in fractions: paper, glass, plastic, metal, unsorted organic waste during the week. The participants in the experiment evaluated the convenience of sorting garbage at home, the proximity (availability) of separate waste collection points, and the occupancy of containers. The purpose of the experiment is to determine how the infrastructure of the districts is adapted to separate collection of waste, which garbage is collected most, and whether people are ready to introduce it into practice.

Tatyana, Sokolinaya Gora District (HLW):
“I have always been jarred about cleaning, glass bottles and yogurt boxes from under the bucket. Therefore, being on the Alpine resorts, I happily laid out the garbage in different packages. When the first separate collection points for waste began to appear in Moscow, I began to collect bottles, plastic, metal and paper separately.
In the area of ​​the Botanical Garden, where I lived the last three years, there was a separate collection point for garbage from the operator “Charter”. But when I moved to the Sokolinaya Gora area, there was no such point nearby: only the reception point of the metal, where local grandmothers take beer cans.
Deciding to participate in the experiment, I was morally ready for the fact that the garbage would have to be carried to the MSC - I noticed that sorting containers were installed on the platforms. Small, but in a decent amount. Of course, I understood: containers are more likely intended for passengers, and not for mass surrender. But they almost always stood empty, so I decided to use them for their intended purpose.
So, I started 4 packages in the kitchen - for plastic, glass, metal cans and unsorted trash (organic matter, which went into the usual trash near the house). By experience, there is practically no waste paper, so I did not start a separate package. Most of the plastic is recruited: I have accumulated as many as two packets in a week! All week, I diligently collected the garbage, and on Sunday I carried it to the MSC, which is 15-20 minutes on foot.
In order not to shock the people, I chose the evening time. At the station it was almost deserted, but it was light. It turned out that the metal container was not there, so the cans had to be thrown into unsorted waste. The glass bottles left over from the reception of the guests went to the compartment with the words “Glass”, a couple of cardboard boxes and a box of tetra-packs were put into “Paper”. But the plastic turned out to be so much that I filled them with as many as three compartments - good, the garbage containers on the platform are installed every 100 meters. However, the holes there are small, and in order to shove a canister from under the drinking water, it was necessary to compress it somehow.
And now, opening the last plastic bag, I heard the guard's displeased call from the opposite platform.
“Girl, there's nothing to throw out the garbage here, throw it out there!” He shouted, pointing to me somewhere with his hand. Despite my objections that “there” there is no separate collection, but there is “here”, the guard did not let up.
I had to get on the train, go to the next station and throw out the remaining plastic there. As a result, the whole process took more than an hour. Later, I found a separate plastic container in the garbage dump in the next block and now I carry plastic there.
Beer banks all our porch carries to the grandmother from the first floor, which gives them somewhere, but with cans - trouble.
Being a fan of garbage sorting, I am ready to do it all the time, but only if there is a point of separate reception within walking distance, since I don’t have a car. During the week a lot of packages accumulate at home, which have to be carried out on the balcony, which is inconvenient under the conditions of “odnushki”, and regularly carrying garbage on the ISC is also not an option, because I don't always use it. The young man proposed to abandon the plastic and use only paper bags. But given that most of the packaging in supermarkets is plastic, it is hardly possible. ”

Elena, Metrogorodok district (HLW):
“Our family sorts household waste not the first year. We collect all the garbage in large bags from the store, which are located in the kitchen or next to it. Package for cans of cat food - under the sink, next to the bin, it is going for a couple of weeks. Waste paper is packaged in paper bags, boxes of shoes and electrical appliances. Capacity is also filled in about two to three weeks.
Plastic bag hangs on the kitchen door handle: it is convenient and free access to it. Plastic along with the package I put in a special container, which stands on the garbage yard in the yard. Plastic is ejected at least once a week, sometimes more often. Metal and waste paper should be taken for a few stops from the house. If there is time, I walk for 10-15 minutes, more often I drive a car straight to the place - then the whole operation takes no more than 5-7 minutes. A package or box with waste paper is sent immediately in bulk to the “Paper”, there are boxes for cakes or pizza. Banks are poured out in "Metal", and the package is then sent to the "Plastic". We do not collect glass. Bottles of water, mostly plastic, almost do not drink alcohol. If glass bottles appear, then I simply carry them to the container in the yard, where the wipers clean them up. Batteries and burnt lamps carry in an orange container next to the office. "

Svetlana, Airport area (SAO):
“We didn’t have any difficulties with the delivery of garbage - the point of separate reception is located in a neighboring yard. There you can donate plastic, glass, paper, iron cans. Our district is served by the Ecoline company, over the past couple of years it has established many reception points in the city. Before that, I had to drive around the city in search of containers.
The process of separate garbage collection is greatly facilitated by pre-prepared packages. We did not put all the garbage in one place, but immediately began to sort into packages. It remains only to bring them to the point and pour.
My husband and I collect paper, glass, plastic, aluminum cans and tetrapack bags. Under the trash on the balcony, we adapted large paper bags. Of course, they occupy free space, but we would not refuse this idea, even if we lived in a smaller apartment.
The paper is cardboard, magazines, packaging from household chemicals. Tetrapack glass and bags are pre-rinsed and dried; plastic must also be clean when it is taken. I invented a useful life hacking for collecting plastic bags, which are accumulated very much: it is convenient to tamper them into a large canister from under the water and take it directly into it.
The biggest problem is the disposal of Tetrapack packagings; they are almost never accepted or recycled. Every six months, we take it by car to a special reception point "The Sphere of Ecology" at the "Kurskaya". Separate collection in our practice. We throw garbage every 3-4 weeks. In a month, 3-4 kg of paper and 4-5 kg ​​of glass, plastic, and cans are usually collected. ”

Tatyana, Moscow region, Mytishchi:
“The garbage collection center in our apartment is a kitchen. On one door hanging bag for plastic and glass. Near the refrigerator is a package for paper. Then all this is carried out in trellised containers at the house. Tin cans are sorted into dry trash.
In our city in almost every yard has long been the right containers. There are two stickers on them: “Glass and plastic” and “Aluminum cans, newspapers, magazines”. Unfortunately, not all residents read what is written on the labels. Therefore, other garbage often flies into containers. And all because the city did not make an alert program.
It is very interesting, whether the garbage that accumulates in lattice containers is sorted at all?
As far as I know, if you leave the cardboard next to the trash can, a special machine will arrive and pick it up. But I learned this by chance, there are no ads nearby. Previously, a paper container stood next to the city administration building, and now it is thrown into dry trash.
I noticed that many residents in the old manner leave the glass container at the garbage. But this is wrong: in the collection points the glass containers are no longer accepted. But with cans is another story. After talking with local homeless people, I found out that for a large package of cans they give 30 rubles. So you can safely put the metal bags in the garbage: knowledgeable people will pick them up and give them up.
In addition, there are two children in our family, which is why there is an acute problem with old clothes, it is very unpleasant to take it to the garbage. I would like to see at least one collection point for old things and rags in the city ”.

Anastasia, Moscow region, Fr. Mytishchi:
“When I found out about the experiment, I gladly agreed to participate, as many of my friends are sorting out the garbage, and I have long wanted to try.
Although we have special containers in the yard, we do not use them. Many neighbors throw everything in there, because they simply do not know what kind of garbage they need to be thrown there.
It all started well. On the first day, I honestly sorted out the garbage, for this I prepared in advance several packages from the supermarket, putting them on the floor in the kitchen. But on the second day I got lost and began throwing everything into one package, hoping that later I would sort it all out at the point of separate collection. Three days later, the garbage bag began to smell sharply all over the apartment, in the end I just threw it into the common dustbin. Unfortunately, I failed the experiment.
I understand that this issue should be approached seriously, but for a person working in Moscow, this is a big burden.
Every day I spend three hours on the road, returning home late, in fact, to sleep, and I have one desire - to eat and rest, so there is simply no time or energy to sort the garbage.
Perhaps if I worked in the city, my experiment would have been more successful. I hope to put this into practice in the future, but now I have definitely overestimated my capabilities. ”

Of the five participants in the experiment, three are ready to sort the garbage and beyond, and these are the people who have already practiced separate collection. One person is ready to introduce waste sorting into everyday practice, if special containers appear within walking distance from home, another participant did not cope with the experiment at all.
At the same time, most participants note that the process of sorting garbage itself is not so difficult to organize. In the presence of special containers not far from home, as well as a system of informing citizens, Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region would be easier to re-arrange for separate collection of garbage.

Small Trash Bags?2.6 Gallon Garbage Bags FORID Bathroom Trash can Liners for Bedroom Home Kitchen 150 Counts 5 Color

Reli. Easy Grab Trash Bags, 55-60 Gallon (150 Count) - Star Seal Super High Density Rolls (Heavy Duty Can Liners, Garbage Bags, Bulk Contractor Bags with 50, 55, 60 Gallon Capacity) (Black)

How residents accustom themselves to separate garbage collection

Reli. Easy Grab Trash Bags, 55-60 Gallon (150 Count) - Star Seal Super High Density Rolls (Heavy Duty Can Liners, Garbage Bags, Bulk Contractor Bags with 50, 55, 60 Gallon Capacity) (Black)

While street containers for separate waste collection say that everything is not moving very fast.

Separate garbage collection in Voronezh may well become a reality. According to Greenpeace, there are conditions for citizens to share garbage in our city. And over the past year, they have improved. From 60 places in the Greenpeace ranking, Voronezh has risen by 23 - from more than a hundred cities. The correspondent "Vesti-Voronezh" found out whether this system works and what is needed for the city to become cleaner.

Why do we need to separate the garbage - in Voronezh they began to learn this from childhood. In urban schools, plastic collection containers have appeared, and volunteers turn class watches into lessons in environmental education.

- How much decomposed glass, you know? A thousand years. That glass, which we had the very, very first, is still, - tell the children in the classroom.

Special bins for plastic began to appear in the yards at the garbage sites. Several companies are engaged in installing and servicing them in Voronezh.

In the Left Bank area, plastic collecting nets, on the contrary, were removed at 26 addresses - at the request of the management company. The head of the specialized organization says that they did not set any conditions, they limited themselves to letters asking for the release of the territory. For a long time the place was not empty - now the grids are, however, from another organization.

“After this incident, agreements with management companies began to draw up a document stating that we install containers free of charge, we undertake to serve them, to avoid littering them, and some troubles related to the aesthetic appearance of the yard,” says Ekaterina Kolesnikov.

In the kitchen, the Pentyuhin family has four garbage bags at once. For the future of recycled materials - put on the most prominent place.

- We did not separate garbage before and put everything in one bucket. It is necessary to separate the garbage, - the young city dweller Sonya Pentyuhina said in an interview with Vesti-Voronezh.

- Did you understand why you need to separate the garbage? - our correspondent asked the child.

- Because it can not get everything in the package alone? - answered the girl.

Separate trash just a week - for the sake of the experiment. True, it has to be taken out for two stops - to the Scarlet Sails park. Closer special containers not.

- Indeed, plastic and glass are renewable materials, these resources can be used again. But, unfortunately, in Voronezh, the conditions are not so favorable that the residents have the opportunity to comfortably collect and dispose of garbage as required, the town dweller Olesya Pentyuhina shares.

Separate garbage containers in Voronezh are installed at some gas stations, a railway station and in the “Central City Park”. But in the urn "plastic" citizens stubbornly throw cups out of the coffee, in the "metal" - polyethylene and glass. As a result, only one third of such garbage ends up for recycling, everything else is unsuitable.

The main goal of the system of separate garbage collection is that only organic garbage gets to landfills. Everything else is used as recyclable materials.

Plastic, which has recently been actively collected in Voronezh, is being returned to us - including in the form of synthetic clothing. Recycling seven bottles of mineral water is enough, for example, to make a regular T-shirt.

In Voronezh, while only paper is fully processed. Plastic, accounting for a quarter of all waste, is shipped to other regions.

Many types of garbage, for example, used batteries, can be handed over only during special actions, but despite this, the mayor's office is sure that the system of separate collection in Voronezh is working.

- We see what's real. It works. People perceive this topic with a bang, ready to participate in all activities related to the separate collection of waste. Equal to European countries, to other countries of the world for separate collection is probably not entirely correct. Because we have a slightly different system. We initially have no incinerators. And the population will not accept this topic very well, ”says Natalia Veter, head of the Voronezh Ecology Department.

There is no special program for the introduction of separate waste in the city; the transition process is expected to be lengthy. City Hall takes propaganda. The rest depends on the activity of waste sorting companies and the desire of ordinary residents.

Reli. Easy Grab Trash Bags, 55-60 Gallon (150 Count) - Star Seal Super High Density Rolls (Heavy Duty Can Liners, Garbage Bags, Bulk Contractor Bags with 50, 55, 60 Gallon Capacity) (Black)

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 80 Count

Why do we need separate garbage collection

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 80 Count

Where do people take out the garbage? At one time in antiquity, and then in the Middle Ages, he was simply thrown onto the pavement, where he lay and accumulated before there was no need to parade down the street or organize the passage of a status horse convoy (doesn’t it remind anything?). With the growth of urbanization, including in the Russian Empire, the first horse-drawn garbage trucks transported municipal waste away from residential areas. At the time of the February and October Revolutions, slop again began to pour out of the window. In the Soviet Union, for the first time, garbage dumpers were brought directly to apartments, in the kitchen (and this was considered a luxurious overkill in nomenklatura houses — such archaism, like showers in the kitchen in the old St. Petersburg foundation) regular export, and fetid garbage chutes carried on the stairwells.

In this form, the practice of cleansing the city of waste has hovering to this day. Remember what a garbage dump in your yard represents: most likely it is a dirty and foul-smelling mini-dump, God forbid if without rats and stray dogs. A place that I want to ignore. Sometimes a homeless or migrant worker fumbles there in search of a simple and meager but easy money.

Meanwhile, this is not always the case. Underground rubbish bins and separate collection of household waste have become standard practices in the First World today. This applies not only to courtyards, but often to street bins.

How does waste separation work? Separate garbage collection involves pre-sorting, depending on its type or origin.

Sorting can be done manually or mechanically with special tools. However, a more correct and effective approach is the initial separation of waste by consumers (as far as one can speak about a person throwing out a banana peel) with their obligatory placement in different containers.

This method of sorting garbage allows you to avoid environmental pollution - huge garbage heaps will not slowly decompose or burn in country landfills, which will keep the air clean. This is the first bonus. The second - and not least - economic benefits. The practice of separation of garbage contributes to more efficient processing of various types of waste into recyclable materials and even finished products. In the lower house of the British Parliament, a paper was made from waste, which is used by deputies (if you want a cool challenge: convince the State Duma of the Russian Federation to use paper made from waste, get +500 to oratory). A recycling 670 cans, you can create a brand new bike. Yes, before the bottles were collected by unhappy pensioners, and now we can already see how St. Petersburg hipsters roam the streets of the city and ask the whipping pests to “leave the jar”, ​​collecting on a fashionable bicycle.

In foreign countries, this is no longer a new experience (we are talking about a separate collection, not talking hipsters) and many advanced countries use this method of garbage collection on an ongoing basis. Despite the fact that it really benefits, in Russia, unfortunately, this practice has not yet come into use. Only in some cities there are different collection points for separate waste, which allows individual families and organizations to use waste sorting.

We are just one of these organizations: in our Golitsyn-Loft space there are regular campaigns on separate garbage collection. Soon, tanks will appear in the courtyard of the space, where you can throw garbage, depending on its origin. A simple and useful task: learn how to throw plastic in the hole, near which it is written "plastic." We are sure that our residents and guests will easily cope with this. And there is not far to the deputies.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 80 Count

Glad Large Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - ForceFlex Kitchen Pro 20 Gallon Black Trash Bag, Febreze Fresh Clean - 80 Count

Waste collectors - Why do we need a separate collection?

Glad Large Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - ForceFlex Kitchen Pro 20 Gallon Black Trash Bag, Febreze Fresh Clean - 80 Count

As soon as during a family dinner, meeting with friends or social networking, the topic of separate gathering rises, then questions arise: why is it needed? How to find a place for three-five-ten tanks in our small apartments? Where then washed yogurt jars will leave?

We decided to collect the answers to the most popular questions in one place. Add a link to the cards in the bookmarks, distribute it among friends and acquaintances who have not yet decided to start collecting garbage separately or take only the first steps in this direction. And as soon as a family dinner or a meeting with friends comes to a conversation about the separate collection - remember our cheat sheet.

Раздельный сбор в России
What is the problem?

Every year, 70 million tons of municipal solid waste is generated in Russia. And this figure is constantly growing. If we consider that the Chelyabinsk meteorite before the explosion weighed 10 thousand tons, then such garbage meteorites fall on Russia 7,000 a year.

Since many wastes are made of artificial materials, they decompose in landfills for hundreds of years, poisoning everything around. Every year in Russia, the territory for landfills is increased by an area equal to Moscow and St. Petersburg combined.

After 10 years, the area of ​​landfills in Russia will double and will be equal in size to the two Azov seas.
What can you do with this garbage?

Humanity knows three ways to deal with garbage: landfill, incineration and recycling. All methods, except for processing, ruin nature and are dangerous to human health.

More than 70% of waste that is now ending its life in landfills, can be reused. And every year this share grows. In our country, only 3–5% of municipal solid waste is recycled, while there are already recycling companies, and many of them are not even fully loaded or are forced to buy waste abroad.
And what prevents the processing enterprises to take recyclables from landfills? I heard this is practiced somewhere.

Mixed and compressed garbage arrives at the landfills, from which it is almost impossible to isolate secondary raw materials: the paper is soaked, the plastic becomes dirty, the glass breaks into small chips. From such a garbage "tangle" can be identified only 2-3% of recyclable materials.
So, it is necessary to separate the recyclable material before it gets to the dump?

That's right. This practice is called separate waste collection and has been practiced in many developed and developing countries for several decades. To keep plastic, glass, metal and waste paper clean and can be recycled, it is enough to have two containers at home: for recyclables and the rest of the garbage. You can also collect food waste separately, from which excellent compost is obtained.
Sounds pretty simple. Why is the separate collection in Russia so tight?

We ourselves are surprised. Calculations and already existing projects for separate collection of waste show that Russians are ready to collect waste separately, and this method is the most optimal for preparing waste for recycling. It conserves natural resources, saves money and reduces environmental pollution. There are plenty of examples of the introduction of a separate collection at the level of individual HOAs, offices, shops and universities. For example, activists from Gatchina opened a stationary platform for separate gathering in their city, neighbors from the Moscow region put tanks in their yard , and the newly-made resident of the village Koryashino taught the local not only to throw garbage into a ravine, but also to sort it by species.

But for the emergence of a separate collection in each yard need the decisions of the authorities. But officials, unfortunately, are poorly versed in the system of waste management and are trying to find simple ways: to build another giant landfill or incinerator for them is easier than introducing a separate collection. It can also be related to corruption: you can get a good kickback from one big and expensive project, and you can’t steal a lot on cisterns. But this does not apply to all officials, in many regions the authorities are ready to develop separate collection and processing.
Oh, I know how this separate collection works: they collect it in different tanks, and then they dump it all in one garbage truck.

Such a myth is quite common in Russia. But let's think: why should people who are aware of the value of recyclables, procure multi-colored tanks for yards, then take all the garbage to the dump? And if you consider that usually the organization of the separate collection is engaged in the business, then it sounds completely implausible.
But I saw it myself!

Probably, you have witnessed such a practice, when different tanks for recyclable materials are mixed together (for example, plastic with metal). It happens that it is easier for garbage removal companies to remove it with a single machine, and then sort it out. The fact is that even separately collected garbage goes through additional sorting: on it waste paper is disassembled by type, and glass by different colors. The main principle of separate collection - to separate secondary raw materials from wet garbage that spoils it - is carried out, so there is nothing criminal. But from the point of view of working with people, this is certainly not worth doing. Why ask people to separate different types of recyclables, if you still carry them together? You can simply put a single tank for all secondary raw materials.

We do not deny that there are cases when recycled materials are mixed with common garbage. But it usually happens if a separate collection is done for public relations or for the sake of beautiful reports. Such examples, fortunately, are quite rare.
Still, tanks are under the windows of units, for example, I don’t have them. What to do?

In many cities, recycling facilities are working, where you can hand over waste paper, glass, metals (it all depends on what kind of processing enterprises there are). You can find the point nearest to your home on a special Greenpeace card .

Also, many public environmental organizations and movements periodically hold actions to receive recyclables.
It turns out that you need to save money at home, wait for stocks for a month. I do not have so much space in the apartment and the kitchen is small.

There are several ways to deal with these problems.

First, you need to try not only to collect waste separately, but just to produce less. Do not take disposable bags at the checkout, buy vegetables, fruits and cereals by weight in their reusable bags. It is also better not to buy goods in overpack. It happens that one small product is packed in several layers of paper, plastic and foil and is simply lost in the garbage we do not need, for which we, by the way, also pay.

Secondly, it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of recycled materials: flatten plastic bottles, bend down the “ears” of a tetrapack, tie up waste paper in bales. Believe me, then recycling will take up much less space.

Thirdly, you can use convenient containers for recycling, which are placed on each other, take up little space, but at the same time contain a lot of themselves. Or do just two tanks: for recyclables and the rest of the garbage. Already before passing it is possible to separate the glass from the metal and paper.

In general, there are enough ways, if there is a desire - there will be a solution :)
Persuaded. What's next? I sell my bottles to the action, and where will they go then? To Europe?

There are many factories in Russia that process various recycled materials. In the Sverdlovsk region alone, there are more than 200 processors! But now they just do not have enough of your bottles, they have to work halfway.
Who is doing this, for example?

Often these are the same companies that produce goods from primary raw materials. For example, in the manufacture of glass using a mixture of "new" and "old" components, also in the paper industry. But plastic and metal things are usually made either from recycled materials or from primary materials without mixing them.

For example, in the suburban Solnechnogorsk plant works on processing plastic bottles "Plarus" . He is the only one in Russia who uses the technology of bottle-to-bottle and makes new bottles of water and drinks from old bottles. Baltika Brewery loves to use recycled glass containers , which are used to return its presentation in special factories. A division of the Finnish company Kuusakoski, Petromaks, in the Moscow region Lobnya, turns banal scrap metal, old computers, household appliances, and even old air cargo containers into new raw materials.
And what else can you do from old bottles, read newspapers and jars of jam?

New useful things.

From waste paper obtained books, notebooks, toilet paper. Plastic - playgrounds, paving slabs, fleece jackets, felt covers for tablets. From glass - new bottles. From aluminum cans - bicycles and parts of aircraft.
How amazing! When in Russia will introduce a full separate collection?

We hope very soon. In our country, there is already a trend for a separate collection, even the officials began to talk about it as a way to solve the garbage problem. It is necessary to wait a little more, but for now each of you can bring closer the onset of the “era” of civilized waste management and advocate for the introduction of a separate collection throughout the country.

Glad Large Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - ForceFlex Kitchen Pro 20 Gallon Black Trash Bag, Febreze Fresh Clean - 80 Count

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 200 Count

The voice of the people about the separate collection of garbage: "We are still unaccustomed to such a matter!"

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 200 Count

What happens to garbage from multicolored containers for separate garbage collection? The other day this was found out by the correspondents of the portal TUT.BY. In the comments to the material, many readers shared their experiences and complained about "irresponsible citizens" who have not yet followed the recommendations of environmentalists. The most interesting comments on the topic - under the heading "Voice of the People".

I would collect garbage separately at home, but it’s simply unrealistic to put 5 buckets with a stretched bag because of the size of the kitchen and the corridor. Yes, and he will still be in the corridor! And so I try, of course.
We have been sorting garbage for several years now: there is a garbage bin for food waste in the kitchen, and a plastic T-shirt next to it — we collect paper, plastic, glass, and cans. And that's it! You do not need 5 trash cans: household waste is in the garbage disposal, and a bag of sorted garbage as it is filled (and this is every 2-3 days) I stand with my child when we go for a walk. Then from this general package we are discussing different containers (it’s good that they all stand in the yard in one place). Like a child.
Not engaged in this nonsense and not going.
Now it is clear who shits in the entrances and in the city. In principle, it is those who believe that he pays for everything. They think that once a cleaning lady should clean, since I pay for it, I will throw a piece of paper-g * knuckle on the floor, she will clean ...
We have blue and yellow containers in the courtyard, there are no green ones, nothing for the metal either - I put everything in yellow, by the way it says "plastic, paper, glass" is written. It is necessary to somehow inform, at least hang the instructions on the containers themselves, and that is directly inconvenient in front of the driver and sorters.

If there were containers for all types of garbage in the yard, it would also be sorted.
I myself try to separately collect paper + plastic. But at the expense of glass - unload together with plastic and paper. Although there is a separate container for glass (blue such). So, from the New Year holidays filled with bottles to the eyeballs. Tried to call the phone numbers listed on it. That nobody raises, it is completely inaccessible. Question: why such a container? The answer received recently. I look, one day, a cart with bags filled with bottles stands near the blue container. Chel emptied the container and took it to take a charge. Though so ...

Fines are, of course, good and correct. But first of all, we need to set up the correct collection of garbage by ZhESs: for example, we have yellow identical containers in a row, nothing is written on two of them, plastic is hardly distinguishable on the third, most people throw everything in a row, some (like me) they dance and bounce around containers in the hope of finding an inscription (since each time the containers are deployed differently and swapped). Near our new building in general, all containers are black. Therefore, it is first necessary that housing and communal services should put things in order (that’s how they will be fined by the way - how the work on garbage collection is organized at the sites is immediately obvious), and people will get used to it. And in Germany everything is really well organized and people get 25 eurocents for each handed bottle.
There are blue, green and yellow in our yard. In the beginning, when they were signed, everyone was thrown away separately, with some exceptions. And then, when some containers for mixed waste broke, all the containers were mixed up and the labels were removed, now blue and green for mixed waste, and the yellow ones are plastic, paper, glass. And a separate metal container with a hole for the glass. So it's time to make a complaint to the ZES.
And we had an announcement on plastic containers, that only PET bottles could be thrown there (even samples of bottles were painted nearby), and other plastic, including packaging for cakes, eggs, etc. - prohibited. Then it was either removed, or this announcement was disrupted. It would be good to explain to people more often: what exactly to throw into containers, in what form (for example, if the can is with a metal lid, then do not throw the lid into the container), but we are not yet used to such a case.
un etre
Well, tell me, why collect garbage? After all, you probably, as in any family, each several times a day goes out of the house: you, husband, children. And the containers are now placed within walking distance. At least in our province, it is. Here you are, going out to work in the morning, take a cardboard box with you and throw it away on the way to the paper container. Your husband, on the way to the parking lot, let him take a glass jar of lecho and throw it away from the glass in a container. A child on the way to school will throw a plastic bottle of cola. It remains only bytovuha, like potato peels, so it really has to "collect." Garbage does not need to be collected, it must be constantly thrown away as it appears. We had to collect it earlier in the private sector, where the trash can go once a week, but now we and the private sector have separate containers every 100 meters and scoop them up regularly.

At first, I also thought: where will I put 4 buckets? But as I began to collect, it turned out that I needed only a separate plastic bag (I’ll pick bottles and cellophane there). Well, after the New Year there was one package for glass and paper (shared before the trash cans). Now, for some reason, there is no paper, except for newspapers, which automatically stack up on a bedside table. In the glass, too, almost nothing is bought. For batteries, recently brought a box of tea. Then I'll take it to the Central Department Store or the "5th Element".

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 200 Count