Thursday, July 11, 2019

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 200 Count

The voice of the people about the separate collection of garbage: "We are still unaccustomed to such a matter!"

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 200 Count

What happens to garbage from multicolored containers for separate garbage collection? The other day this was found out by the correspondents of the portal TUT.BY. In the comments to the material, many readers shared their experiences and complained about "irresponsible citizens" who have not yet followed the recommendations of environmentalists. The most interesting comments on the topic - under the heading "Voice of the People".

I would collect garbage separately at home, but it’s simply unrealistic to put 5 buckets with a stretched bag because of the size of the kitchen and the corridor. Yes, and he will still be in the corridor! And so I try, of course.
We have been sorting garbage for several years now: there is a garbage bin for food waste in the kitchen, and a plastic T-shirt next to it — we collect paper, plastic, glass, and cans. And that's it! You do not need 5 trash cans: household waste is in the garbage disposal, and a bag of sorted garbage as it is filled (and this is every 2-3 days) I stand with my child when we go for a walk. Then from this general package we are discussing different containers (it’s good that they all stand in the yard in one place). Like a child.
Not engaged in this nonsense and not going.
Now it is clear who shits in the entrances and in the city. In principle, it is those who believe that he pays for everything. They think that once a cleaning lady should clean, since I pay for it, I will throw a piece of paper-g * knuckle on the floor, she will clean ...
We have blue and yellow containers in the courtyard, there are no green ones, nothing for the metal either - I put everything in yellow, by the way it says "plastic, paper, glass" is written. It is necessary to somehow inform, at least hang the instructions on the containers themselves, and that is directly inconvenient in front of the driver and sorters.

If there were containers for all types of garbage in the yard, it would also be sorted.
I myself try to separately collect paper + plastic. But at the expense of glass - unload together with plastic and paper. Although there is a separate container for glass (blue such). So, from the New Year holidays filled with bottles to the eyeballs. Tried to call the phone numbers listed on it. That nobody raises, it is completely inaccessible. Question: why such a container? The answer received recently. I look, one day, a cart with bags filled with bottles stands near the blue container. Chel emptied the container and took it to take a charge. Though so ...

Fines are, of course, good and correct. But first of all, we need to set up the correct collection of garbage by ZhESs: for example, we have yellow identical containers in a row, nothing is written on two of them, plastic is hardly distinguishable on the third, most people throw everything in a row, some (like me) they dance and bounce around containers in the hope of finding an inscription (since each time the containers are deployed differently and swapped). Near our new building in general, all containers are black. Therefore, it is first necessary that housing and communal services should put things in order (that’s how they will be fined by the way - how the work on garbage collection is organized at the sites is immediately obvious), and people will get used to it. And in Germany everything is really well organized and people get 25 eurocents for each handed bottle.
There are blue, green and yellow in our yard. In the beginning, when they were signed, everyone was thrown away separately, with some exceptions. And then, when some containers for mixed waste broke, all the containers were mixed up and the labels were removed, now blue and green for mixed waste, and the yellow ones are plastic, paper, glass. And a separate metal container with a hole for the glass. So it's time to make a complaint to the ZES.
And we had an announcement on plastic containers, that only PET bottles could be thrown there (even samples of bottles were painted nearby), and other plastic, including packaging for cakes, eggs, etc. - prohibited. Then it was either removed, or this announcement was disrupted. It would be good to explain to people more often: what exactly to throw into containers, in what form (for example, if the can is with a metal lid, then do not throw the lid into the container), but we are not yet used to such a case.
un etre
Well, tell me, why collect garbage? After all, you probably, as in any family, each several times a day goes out of the house: you, husband, children. And the containers are now placed within walking distance. At least in our province, it is. Here you are, going out to work in the morning, take a cardboard box with you and throw it away on the way to the paper container. Your husband, on the way to the parking lot, let him take a glass jar of lecho and throw it away from the glass in a container. A child on the way to school will throw a plastic bottle of cola. It remains only bytovuha, like potato peels, so it really has to "collect." Garbage does not need to be collected, it must be constantly thrown away as it appears. We had to collect it earlier in the private sector, where the trash can go once a week, but now we and the private sector have separate containers every 100 meters and scoop them up regularly.

At first, I also thought: where will I put 4 buckets? But as I began to collect, it turned out that I needed only a separate plastic bag (I’ll pick bottles and cellophane there). Well, after the New Year there was one package for glass and paper (shared before the trash cans). Now, for some reason, there is no paper, except for newspapers, which automatically stack up on a bedside table. In the glass, too, almost nothing is bought. For batteries, recently brought a box of tea. Then I'll take it to the Central Department Store or the "5th Element".

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 200 Count