Thursday, July 11, 2019

Small Trash Bags?2.6 Gallon Garbage Bags FORID Bathroom Trash can Liners for Bedroom Home Kitchen 150 Counts 5 Color

How Separate Garbage Collection Works in Moscow

Small Trash Bags?2.6 Gallon Garbage Bags FORID Bathroom Trash can Liners for Bedroom Home Kitchen 150 Counts 5 Color

The first special containers appeared in the capital in 2014. In Mytishchi, near Moscow, recycling sorting points appeared even earlier - in 2009, and in 2018, Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyev plans to introduce separate garbage collection throughout the region. Observer RIAMO decided to check whether the residents of the Moscow region are ready to sort the garbage and how much the infrastructure is now adapted for this.
Conditions and objectives of the experiment
We asked three Muscovites and two residents of the Moscow Region to collect rubbish in fractions: paper, glass, plastic, metal, unsorted organic waste during the week. The participants in the experiment evaluated the convenience of sorting garbage at home, the proximity (availability) of separate waste collection points, and the occupancy of containers. The purpose of the experiment is to determine how the infrastructure of the districts is adapted to separate collection of waste, which garbage is collected most, and whether people are ready to introduce it into practice.

Tatyana, Sokolinaya Gora District (HLW):
“I have always been jarred about cleaning, glass bottles and yogurt boxes from under the bucket. Therefore, being on the Alpine resorts, I happily laid out the garbage in different packages. When the first separate collection points for waste began to appear in Moscow, I began to collect bottles, plastic, metal and paper separately.
In the area of ​​the Botanical Garden, where I lived the last three years, there was a separate collection point for garbage from the operator “Charter”. But when I moved to the Sokolinaya Gora area, there was no such point nearby: only the reception point of the metal, where local grandmothers take beer cans.
Deciding to participate in the experiment, I was morally ready for the fact that the garbage would have to be carried to the MSC - I noticed that sorting containers were installed on the platforms. Small, but in a decent amount. Of course, I understood: containers are more likely intended for passengers, and not for mass surrender. But they almost always stood empty, so I decided to use them for their intended purpose.
So, I started 4 packages in the kitchen - for plastic, glass, metal cans and unsorted trash (organic matter, which went into the usual trash near the house). By experience, there is practically no waste paper, so I did not start a separate package. Most of the plastic is recruited: I have accumulated as many as two packets in a week! All week, I diligently collected the garbage, and on Sunday I carried it to the MSC, which is 15-20 minutes on foot.
In order not to shock the people, I chose the evening time. At the station it was almost deserted, but it was light. It turned out that the metal container was not there, so the cans had to be thrown into unsorted waste. The glass bottles left over from the reception of the guests went to the compartment with the words “Glass”, a couple of cardboard boxes and a box of tetra-packs were put into “Paper”. But the plastic turned out to be so much that I filled them with as many as three compartments - good, the garbage containers on the platform are installed every 100 meters. However, the holes there are small, and in order to shove a canister from under the drinking water, it was necessary to compress it somehow.
And now, opening the last plastic bag, I heard the guard's displeased call from the opposite platform.
“Girl, there's nothing to throw out the garbage here, throw it out there!” He shouted, pointing to me somewhere with his hand. Despite my objections that “there” there is no separate collection, but there is “here”, the guard did not let up.
I had to get on the train, go to the next station and throw out the remaining plastic there. As a result, the whole process took more than an hour. Later, I found a separate plastic container in the garbage dump in the next block and now I carry plastic there.
Beer banks all our porch carries to the grandmother from the first floor, which gives them somewhere, but with cans - trouble.
Being a fan of garbage sorting, I am ready to do it all the time, but only if there is a point of separate reception within walking distance, since I don’t have a car. During the week a lot of packages accumulate at home, which have to be carried out on the balcony, which is inconvenient under the conditions of “odnushki”, and regularly carrying garbage on the ISC is also not an option, because I don't always use it. The young man proposed to abandon the plastic and use only paper bags. But given that most of the packaging in supermarkets is plastic, it is hardly possible. ”

Elena, Metrogorodok district (HLW):
“Our family sorts household waste not the first year. We collect all the garbage in large bags from the store, which are located in the kitchen or next to it. Package for cans of cat food - under the sink, next to the bin, it is going for a couple of weeks. Waste paper is packaged in paper bags, boxes of shoes and electrical appliances. Capacity is also filled in about two to three weeks.
Plastic bag hangs on the kitchen door handle: it is convenient and free access to it. Plastic along with the package I put in a special container, which stands on the garbage yard in the yard. Plastic is ejected at least once a week, sometimes more often. Metal and waste paper should be taken for a few stops from the house. If there is time, I walk for 10-15 minutes, more often I drive a car straight to the place - then the whole operation takes no more than 5-7 minutes. A package or box with waste paper is sent immediately in bulk to the “Paper”, there are boxes for cakes or pizza. Banks are poured out in "Metal", and the package is then sent to the "Plastic". We do not collect glass. Bottles of water, mostly plastic, almost do not drink alcohol. If glass bottles appear, then I simply carry them to the container in the yard, where the wipers clean them up. Batteries and burnt lamps carry in an orange container next to the office. "

Svetlana, Airport area (SAO):
“We didn’t have any difficulties with the delivery of garbage - the point of separate reception is located in a neighboring yard. There you can donate plastic, glass, paper, iron cans. Our district is served by the Ecoline company, over the past couple of years it has established many reception points in the city. Before that, I had to drive around the city in search of containers.
The process of separate garbage collection is greatly facilitated by pre-prepared packages. We did not put all the garbage in one place, but immediately began to sort into packages. It remains only to bring them to the point and pour.
My husband and I collect paper, glass, plastic, aluminum cans and tetrapack bags. Under the trash on the balcony, we adapted large paper bags. Of course, they occupy free space, but we would not refuse this idea, even if we lived in a smaller apartment.
The paper is cardboard, magazines, packaging from household chemicals. Tetrapack glass and bags are pre-rinsed and dried; plastic must also be clean when it is taken. I invented a useful life hacking for collecting plastic bags, which are accumulated very much: it is convenient to tamper them into a large canister from under the water and take it directly into it.
The biggest problem is the disposal of Tetrapack packagings; they are almost never accepted or recycled. Every six months, we take it by car to a special reception point "The Sphere of Ecology" at the "Kurskaya". Separate collection in our practice. We throw garbage every 3-4 weeks. In a month, 3-4 kg of paper and 4-5 kg ​​of glass, plastic, and cans are usually collected. ”

Tatyana, Moscow region, Mytishchi:
“The garbage collection center in our apartment is a kitchen. On one door hanging bag for plastic and glass. Near the refrigerator is a package for paper. Then all this is carried out in trellised containers at the house. Tin cans are sorted into dry trash.
In our city in almost every yard has long been the right containers. There are two stickers on them: “Glass and plastic” and “Aluminum cans, newspapers, magazines”. Unfortunately, not all residents read what is written on the labels. Therefore, other garbage often flies into containers. And all because the city did not make an alert program.
It is very interesting, whether the garbage that accumulates in lattice containers is sorted at all?
As far as I know, if you leave the cardboard next to the trash can, a special machine will arrive and pick it up. But I learned this by chance, there are no ads nearby. Previously, a paper container stood next to the city administration building, and now it is thrown into dry trash.
I noticed that many residents in the old manner leave the glass container at the garbage. But this is wrong: in the collection points the glass containers are no longer accepted. But with cans is another story. After talking with local homeless people, I found out that for a large package of cans they give 30 rubles. So you can safely put the metal bags in the garbage: knowledgeable people will pick them up and give them up.
In addition, there are two children in our family, which is why there is an acute problem with old clothes, it is very unpleasant to take it to the garbage. I would like to see at least one collection point for old things and rags in the city ”.

Anastasia, Moscow region, Fr. Mytishchi:
“When I found out about the experiment, I gladly agreed to participate, as many of my friends are sorting out the garbage, and I have long wanted to try.
Although we have special containers in the yard, we do not use them. Many neighbors throw everything in there, because they simply do not know what kind of garbage they need to be thrown there.
It all started well. On the first day, I honestly sorted out the garbage, for this I prepared in advance several packages from the supermarket, putting them on the floor in the kitchen. But on the second day I got lost and began throwing everything into one package, hoping that later I would sort it all out at the point of separate collection. Three days later, the garbage bag began to smell sharply all over the apartment, in the end I just threw it into the common dustbin. Unfortunately, I failed the experiment.
I understand that this issue should be approached seriously, but for a person working in Moscow, this is a big burden.
Every day I spend three hours on the road, returning home late, in fact, to sleep, and I have one desire - to eat and rest, so there is simply no time or energy to sort the garbage.
Perhaps if I worked in the city, my experiment would have been more successful. I hope to put this into practice in the future, but now I have definitely overestimated my capabilities. ”

Of the five participants in the experiment, three are ready to sort the garbage and beyond, and these are the people who have already practiced separate collection. One person is ready to introduce waste sorting into everyday practice, if special containers appear within walking distance from home, another participant did not cope with the experiment at all.
At the same time, most participants note that the process of sorting garbage itself is not so difficult to organize. In the presence of special containers not far from home, as well as a system of informing citizens, Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region would be easier to re-arrange for separate collection of garbage.

Small Trash Bags?2.6 Gallon Garbage Bags FORID Bathroom Trash can Liners for Bedroom Home Kitchen 150 Counts 5 Color