Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 80 Count

What happens to the garbage from the boxes for separate collection

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 80 Count

"North of the capital" answers the reader's question

A resident of the Koptevo district addressed the editorial office of the district newspaper.

“Separate waste collection containers installed on Sailor Zheleznyak Boulevard, 3 and 6, are one for everything: glass, plastic, and aluminum. I have seen elsewhere that these three categories of waste are collected in three different containers. If the box is one, then how are the garbage sorted? Is not such a separate collection a profanation ?, asked the reader.

The collection of secondary raw materials in the CAO is organized according to the two-flow principle: all clean useful waste - plastic, glass, aluminum, waste paper, Tetra Pak - is stored in one net container, separate from mixed waste and food waste. Marina Chilimskaya, a specialist of the operating company for waste management in the CJSC “EcoLine”, told about what happens next with the contents of the container.
Useful - separately

- In the Northern District, there are 265 mesh containers for separate waste collection. Such containers are served by a dedicated garbage truck, ”said Marina Chilimskaya.

According to her, a two-stream system has several advantages over the organization of separate waste collection with three to five containers. First, it is the ease of primary sorting. Even at home in the kitchen, you can put garbage in two packages: one - useful waste, suitable for recycling, the other - everything else. Secondly, it is easier to find and arrange places for the installation of containers. On many container sites there is no free space even for one additional container, not to mention two or three. Thirdly, fewer vehicles are required for waste disposal, which saves budgetary funds and reduces the burden on the environment.
Sort and form bales

Waste collected in containers for separate collection, transported to waste sorting plants in Moscow and Moscow region. Here 19 items of useful fractions are selected from the trash, including
various types of plastic, waste paper, metal (tin, aluminum cans), glass, Tetra Pak, etc.
Sorted by type, secondary raw material is pressed into bales and sent to processing plants.

Cullet is used to make a new glass container, plastic - a synthetic winterizer for jackets and PET bottles, recycled paper - cardboard, paper for books, notebooks. Recycled metal is used in the automotive industry, aluminum - in aircraft.

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 80 Count