Thursday, July 11, 2019

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 80 Count

Why do we need separate garbage collection

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 80 Count

Where do people take out the garbage? At one time in antiquity, and then in the Middle Ages, he was simply thrown onto the pavement, where he lay and accumulated before there was no need to parade down the street or organize the passage of a status horse convoy (doesn’t it remind anything?). With the growth of urbanization, including in the Russian Empire, the first horse-drawn garbage trucks transported municipal waste away from residential areas. At the time of the February and October Revolutions, slop again began to pour out of the window. In the Soviet Union, for the first time, garbage dumpers were brought directly to apartments, in the kitchen (and this was considered a luxurious overkill in nomenklatura houses — such archaism, like showers in the kitchen in the old St. Petersburg foundation) regular export, and fetid garbage chutes carried on the stairwells.

In this form, the practice of cleansing the city of waste has hovering to this day. Remember what a garbage dump in your yard represents: most likely it is a dirty and foul-smelling mini-dump, God forbid if without rats and stray dogs. A place that I want to ignore. Sometimes a homeless or migrant worker fumbles there in search of a simple and meager but easy money.

Meanwhile, this is not always the case. Underground rubbish bins and separate collection of household waste have become standard practices in the First World today. This applies not only to courtyards, but often to street bins.

How does waste separation work? Separate garbage collection involves pre-sorting, depending on its type or origin.

Sorting can be done manually or mechanically with special tools. However, a more correct and effective approach is the initial separation of waste by consumers (as far as one can speak about a person throwing out a banana peel) with their obligatory placement in different containers.

This method of sorting garbage allows you to avoid environmental pollution - huge garbage heaps will not slowly decompose or burn in country landfills, which will keep the air clean. This is the first bonus. The second - and not least - economic benefits. The practice of separation of garbage contributes to more efficient processing of various types of waste into recyclable materials and even finished products. In the lower house of the British Parliament, a paper was made from waste, which is used by deputies (if you want a cool challenge: convince the State Duma of the Russian Federation to use paper made from waste, get +500 to oratory). A recycling 670 cans, you can create a brand new bike. Yes, before the bottles were collected by unhappy pensioners, and now we can already see how St. Petersburg hipsters roam the streets of the city and ask the whipping pests to “leave the jar”, ​​collecting on a fashionable bicycle.

In foreign countries, this is no longer a new experience (we are talking about a separate collection, not talking hipsters) and many advanced countries use this method of garbage collection on an ongoing basis. Despite the fact that it really benefits, in Russia, unfortunately, this practice has not yet come into use. Only in some cities there are different collection points for separate waste, which allows individual families and organizations to use waste sorting.

We are just one of these organizations: in our Golitsyn-Loft space there are regular campaigns on separate garbage collection. Soon, tanks will appear in the courtyard of the space, where you can throw garbage, depending on its origin. A simple and useful task: learn how to throw plastic in the hole, near which it is written "plastic." We are sure that our residents and guests will easily cope with this. And there is not far to the deputies.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 80 Count