Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nature's Bakery Stone Ground Whole Wheat Fig Bar 24 Twin Packs 24 - 2oz

Diet Breakfast Cereal

Nature's Bakery Stone Ground Whole Wheat Fig Bar 24 Twin Packs 24 - 2oz

Breakfast cereals, which are cut out for those who don't have time to prepare detailed breakfast tables, can be indispensable for their diet lists thanks to the right choice of ingredients. It is also important for it to be prepared very fast and to provide a very controlled amount of calories to be taken at a meal. It also changes according to the materials it contains, but it also gains another advantage by regulating the discharge system.

Features of Diet Breakfast Cereals
It is possible to put many ingredients into the breakfast cereals upon request. However, when the amounts of calories and fat and sugar of the ingredients are high, an opposite situation occurs. When it is prepared from light, low-calorie ingredients, breakfast cereals can be indispensable for diet lists. The addition of materials such as sunflower seeds, raisins to the cereal helps to provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. Choosing a good diet cereal from a known brand is very important for the confidence in the ingredients. In addition, the lowest possible sugar content is also among the characteristics of a good breakfast cereal.

Ingredients in Diet Breakfast Cereals
Material selection is entirely at the discretion of the person. Ready-to-sell diet cereals whole grains, vitamin supplements form the backbone of the material. Subsequently, the diet is prepared by the consumer thanks to the ingredients added to the plate for breakfast cereal. There are many materials likely to enter this stage. Dried apricots, raisins, blueberries, milk, honey, jams, molasses, such as supplements, the person can prepare the most appropriate amount of calories for breakfast meals can easily meet the amount of calories.

What are the nutritional values, benefits and harms of breakfast cereal?
Those who want to keep their weight under control, especially those who diet, in a hurry for those who can not make a long breakfast breakfast cereals are preferred. All of the cereals may be consumed by mixing with milk or may be used in some complex recipes. Although it is the most consumed cereal today, we can talk about many different types of breakfast cereal. When the variety is more, the nutritional values, harms and benefits of each cereal are different.

The calories of the breakfast items are generally low. Since it is consumed by most people for weight loss, it is also poor in fat and sugar. In contrast, the amount of vitamins and minerals is quite high in some crisp species. It is also possible to say that cereals are generally quite satisfactory. The cereals include protein, fiber, iron and magnesium.

1. Benefits of Breakfast Cereal

Which cereal is consumed determines the benefits received and the level of benefit. Which cereal is consumed is as important as when. Since almost all of the cereals are digested late, it would make more sense to eat them for breakfast.

After reaching the intestines, it does not raise the blood sugar in a moment because it is slowly disintegrated and mixed into the blood. In general, breakfast cereals balance blood sugar.

Again as a feature of slow disintegration for a long time they keep full. When consumed together with milk, they swell and take up more space in the stomach.

All of the cereals are very rich in fiber. With the removal of the fibers, the entire digestive system, especially the intestines, goes into balance.

Some friable species are known to regulate fats in the blood. They reduce bad cholesterol and balance good cholesterol.

Due to the regulation of the fats in the blood and this is done in the early hours of the morning, the risk of blockage in the vessels is eliminated.

All of the cereals are very good base. In other words, they can adapt to any kind of food that is added to them. Although they are generally consumed with milk, vitamin and mineral supplements may be consumed with help such as honey, jam, dried fruit as required.

It is very easy to prepare all the cereals. Milk is poured on it, waited for three minutes and consumed. Its time benefits are considerable. It can also remain intact for months when stored under suitable conditions.

2. The Damages of Breakfast Cereal

The debate over whether or not breakfast cereals were harmful lasted for years. Although the studies showed a few or two damages, these damages were ignored besides their benefits. In general, the damage of breakfast cereals can be listed as follows:

When it is used for slimming and the first benefits are obtained, it can take all main and intermediate meals. The person who wants to lose weight constantly starts to eat crisp. This brings many problems.

No matter how natural it is produced, breakfast cereals are packaged products. There is a high likelihood of additives.

It is not possible to perform actual checks of package contents. They can be rich in sugar and fat.

It radically changes the eating habits of the society; it prevents the intake of animal nutrients. The unbalanced diet of the body can also cause serious health problems in the medium to long term.

In order to avoid damages, breakfast cereals should be consumed in a limited amount and supplemented with other nutrients.

What are the breakfast cereal varieties?
It is not possible to put a limit on the assortment when the subject is breakfast cereal. At first, cereals in which cereals are prepared increase the diversity. In addition, a variety of ingredients are added to the breakfast cereals to suit different tastes. In other words, a combination-based situation arises that we can make breakfast cereal varieties up to hundreds from this account.

Muesli is generally preferred in our country. Muesli is a mixture in itself. It contains whole grains and other nutritious substances. In addition, cereals prepared from other whole grains can be counted as varieties. Rice sticks, corn flakes, barley flakes, oats gibi

All these materials are very basic and are almost impossible to consume on their own. They are consumed by adding milk or adding to other recipes. Children, especially those with a different taste, prefer chocolate or vanilla for breakfast cereals. In addition, dried fruits, vitamins and minerals can be added.

To lose weight or to eat healthy, you should choose the most suitable breakfast cereal variety. For example, if you need more magnesium, it is useful to choose a cereal prepared from barley. Or if you have a problem with staying full, you should choose a type of cereal prepared from oatmeal. If you want to make a high-quality, all-diet diet, you should consult with a qualified dietitian before choosing the cereal. In this way, you can choose the most suitable crisp variety for your body values.

Which Breakfast Cereal Weight Loss?
Ten years ago, it was debated whether crisp consumption was harmful or not, and whether it would replace a good breakfast. Today, how much healthy breakfast cereals and how much weight is being discussed. During the decade, the sector grew so much that dozens of different crisp markets appeared. Dieters or those who want to eat healthy in mind which breakfast cereal has the question of weight loss.

First of all, it is in your best interest not to trust the labels on the packages. Those that are prepared entirely naturally or that are labeled as crispy with no sugar generally contain some sweetener. In addition, the benefits of cereals are reduced due to the chemical process during production.

1. Does Oatmeal Lose Weight?
The structure of oats is very suitable for our intestines. It contains plenty of fiber and after consuming it takes a long time to mix into the blood. So oatmeal keeps full. For this reason, it is possible to lose weight in the long term after consuming a portion of oatmeal spread over fifteen minutes.

2. Does Muesli Lose Weight?
As it is known, muesli has been incredibly popular in the last five years. In addition to being used by those who want to lose weight, it has started to be used by athletes. For this reason, it is not only intended for dieters. So there is a possibility that it contains some sugar. If you want to lose weight, you should turn to the alternatives of muslin. If you find a muesli with very little sugar, you can use it to lose weight.

3. Does Rice Explosion Lose Weight?
Rice is quite calorie. Rice sticks produced for breakfast or snacks also contain plenty of calories. It can also increase blood sugar quickly due to its rapid admixture. Dieters or those who want to eat a healthy diet should pay attention to the consumption of rice burst.

4. Does Corn Flakes Lose Weight?
Corn is very oily. The cereal produced for breakfast is degreased but this is done in a chemical process. However, with small additions you can turn cornflakes into a very nutritious meal, and you can also lose weight. The result is that you can use it to weaken cereals that do not contain sugar and have low fat values.

Best Four Cereal Flakes for Breakfast
It is the most important breakfast of the day because hunger and fat burning throughout the night exhausts the body. In addition, having a nice breakfast just before a busy day will provide both physical and psychological relaxation. Today's living conditions are not suitable for making long breakfasts. For this reason, many people neglect this meal or do not give the necessary importance. Breakfast cereals in a short period of time, but at the beginning of the alternatives that can be used to make as hearty as possible.

A good breakfast should include:
It should provide approximately twenty percent of the daily caloric requirement.
It should be able to be broken down by the intestine for a long time.
It should not disrupt bowel health. Diarrhea and constipation should not cause problems.
It should be able to keep it full for at least five hours.
Should be able to meet all the needs of the body.

Cereals can provide all these features in a very tasty way. Although many cereals are made today, the four best for breakfast are:

1. Unbroken Rye
It is very useful to eat bread produced from some unbroken rye for breakfast. It will balance the other consumed materials and support the body. Rye has two advantages over other wheat species. The first is that the calorific value is very low, while the second is that the fiber structure is much more. It is also very successful in regulating blood fats.

2. Unbroken Buckwheat
Although not very common in our country, it will be very useful if you can find it. It is mainly used in beer making. The most important feature of buckwheat is that it is incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals. After consumption, it breaks down quite slowly. It regulates the liver functions and ensures that toxins are removed from the body.

3. Oats
Oat, which is indispensable for diets and healthy eating processes, is also one of the best four cereals that can be consumed for breakfast. The biggest advantage is that it can be combined with many other nutrients. It has a very low calorie and fiber structure. Being very poor in terms of sugar makes it easier for diabetics to consume.

4. Unbroken Barley
Although barley is not a part of today's eating habits, barley is one of the best four cereals to be consumed at breakfast if properly processed. It is generally used in beer making, but its unbroken form is more useful. Since it is rich in sugar, consumption should be considered. It can be consumed both at breakfast and snacks by mixing with fruits.

Preparation of Diet Breakfast Cereal
Breakfast cereal is usually not consumed alone. Dietary ones are usually tasteless and unsalted because they have the lowest possible sugar level. In this case, consumers consume breakfast cereal by mixing it with various other ingredients. Half of a small bowl of breakfast cereal is added to the desired extra ingredients and then a glass of milk or yogurt is added. It is then mixed thoroughly and made ready for consumption.

Hearty Breakfast Crispy Recipe
If we're late for work or if we're in a hurry to catch up, we'll neglect breakfast. Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, neglect of breakfast creates chain problems. Those who do not eat breakfast satisfactorily eat too much at lunch and receive nearly twice as many calories as they should. In addition, blood sugar becomes unstable and the feeling of saturation begins to come slower than it should. Here is a very important breakfast to be consumed in spite of all the rush to eat healthy cereals at the beginning of the cereals.
The cereals are very satisfying. They also regulate intestinal functions due to the nutrients in them. Fiber structure is quite healthy. For this reason, they are often consumed with very simple recipes. The most common form of consumption of cereal is to mix it directly with milk, but some people have intolerance to lactose. For this reason, a very simple recipe with milk can not be used. Also, those who constantly apply this recipe sometimes feel the need to make changes.
It would make sense to prepare a day in advance for the breakfasts that are prepared with hearty and crispy. First, the cereals are made smaller than they are. Then, it is used in cookies, cakes and meals that we can call main meals. The most popular use is to prepare cookies with crisp.

The ingredients used in the preparation of the recipe are:
Two tablespoons of butter,
One egg,
A tea cup with powdered sugar,
Three tea glasses of starch,
A package of baking soda,
One pack of vanilla powder,
Four tea cups of flour,
Four tea cups of cereal,
The desired amount of chocolate,
Half a glass of tea oil.

Preparation of recipe:

Break the egg into a deep bowl for a hearty breakfast cereal recipe. After the egg is beaten a little, the egg is brought to room temperature and it is shaken. A little bit of crushing is continued by stirring. After the two are identified, starch and powdered sugar are also included in the mixture. Stirring is continued until the slurry is thick. Flour, vanilla and baking soda are finally added to the mixture and stirring is continued. The process is terminated when a dough that does not adhere to the hand as ear lobe consistency is obtained.

The pieces of the desired size are cut from the dough and formed into the desired shape. The oven is preheated to two hundred degrees, and it is cooked for fifteen minutes with an oily layer underneath. As the baking process continues, the other ingredients of the hearty breakfast cookies begin to be prepared.

Put the chocolate you will use in the recipe into a steel bowl. Drop the steel container into the boiling water and melt the chocolates. After melting, take the container from the boiling water and add the oil. Mix well and identify. Sprinkle corn flakes into a flat bowl. Bake the freshly baked cookies first with chocolate and then with cornflakes and put them in another tray. After two hours of rest, you can consume any time. If you have a quick and satisfying breakfast, four crispy cookies will suffice.

Will Breakfast Cereals weaken?
It is not enough to change your eating habits to lose weight. It is absolutely necessary to support lifestyle changes, especially sports exercise and nutritional habits. One of the first things that should be done in the process of changing eating habits is to start to have breakfast. Today, many people neglect to have breakfast. Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. Blood sugar should stabilize, and appetite must be cut to a certain extent.

Breakfast is more in terms of volume and saturation; In terms of calories, foods that are less should be preferred, and breakfast cereals are the leading ones. Thanks to breakfast cereals, it is possible to have a very satisfying and nutritious breakfast in a short time. It is ideal to start the day energetically, to be more fit and to stay without calories for a long time.

Dozens of breakfast cereals can be counted. Some of these include foods that are not suitable for diet. Sugar or fat values ​​are quite high. If you want to lose weight with breakfast cereals, you should read the contents carefully when buying cereals; you should not choose sugar and fat rich ones. For the purpose of slimming breakfast cereals have a high fiber content. Also there is not honey or chocolate inside; dry fruit.
If the right breakfast cereal is selected and consumed at the right time, in the right portion, it provides a significant weight loss. This is an indirect rather than a direct effect. Thanks to the breakfast cereal, the other two meals and snacks are lighter. The person who is already saturated does not tend to consume extra calories. It should also be noted that cereals in some breakfast cereals are slow release. So it is very difficult to break up after entering the intestines. This is an incredibly useful feature. It provides you to stay full for a long time and to keep your blood sugar balanced. If you want to lose weight with breakfast cereals or to keep your weight, you must choose such a breakfast cereal.

Breakfast Diet How to use in crisp diets?
The ingredients in the breakfast dietary cereal can be combined to meet the amount of calories the person wants to take from the breakfast meal during the diet. Therefore, it is possible to consume without extra food. Thanks to the whole grains and fibers it contains, it also helps to regulate the discharge system. As one of the first aims of a good diet list is to regulate the excretory system, breakfast cereals are very successful. In general, the amount of calories for one serving is indicated on the box of breakfast cereal. A person can consume breakfast cereals every day by adding additions such as raisins, sunflower seeds, dried apricots, blueberries and chocolates, which vary from day to day to complete the amount of calories they should take in their diet list. Due to the variability of the ingredients, it can be used throughout the diet without any fatigue.

Nature's Bakery Stone Ground Whole Wheat Fig Bar 24 Twin Packs 24 - 2oz

KIND Bars, Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond, Gluten Free, Low Sugar, 1.4oz, 12 Count

Cereal Flakes

KIND Bars, Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond, Gluten Free, Low Sugar, 1.4oz, 12 Count


1/2 cup almonds
3/4 cup wheat bran
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon honey
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 cup water

Preparation of

Almonds are picked until they become flour in the food processor.
Materials other than water are added to the robot and mixed.
Add spoonful of water and continue stirring. When a sticky dough is obtained, the dough is ready.
Spread greased paper on a tray.
Put the dough on it and lay out the greasy paper again.
The dough is opened with the help of a roller.
Remove the greasy paper from the top and bake for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 150 degrees.
After being cooled, the crisp is cut into small pieces and stored in an airtight container ready to eat.


Lunch at Sufi School on weekdays is very difficult for me. When I eat things like toast, sandwiches, I get excessive carbohydrate consumption. When I pass with fruit, I am hungry and attacking more harmful things before the evening. In fact I have in mind to do juicing for lunch. But it requires a lot of water. Washing and storing a lot of greens, vegetables. But I can start any minute. I started eating the granolas that I made last year. In the meantime, my mind was asked how to make oatmeal. While researching it, I came across homemade versions of breakfast cereals, which we know as corn flakes. And this recipe came from one of them with my changes.
Sufi also loved it. The cookie eats his intentions.
I'm buying wheat bran over the internet. Instead of oat bran is very well used.
Instead of honey you can put 2 tablespoons brown sugar.
I turn the oven off in the last 10 minutes of the cooking process. If you never open the lid, the heat is enough to cook.
The thinner you open the dough, the more crispy it gets.

KIND Bars, Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond, Gluten Free, Low Sugar, 1.4oz, 12 Count

Kellogg’s, Rice Krispies Treats Crispy Marshmallow Mini-Squares, Original, Single Serve, Display Box Caddy, 0.39 oz Bars (50 Count)

Full grain miracle in 4 steps

Kellogg’s, Rice Krispies Treats Crispy Marshmallow Mini-Squares, Original, Single Serve, Display Box Caddy, 0.39 oz Bars (50 Count)

If you want to capture the miracle of whole grain, you should get to know the grains closely and pay attention when buying. What is whole grain? How should it be consumed?

Have you ever wondered about the anatomy of the grains you consume? The structure of cereals and how many nutrients they contain are actually the basis of this anatomy. Because the nutrient richness of the cereal variety you will eat is also a determinant of your health. Scientists recommend that 45-60 percent of the daily calories should come from healthy carbohydrates. Healthy carbohydrate sources; whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, dried legumes and dried fruits. Whole grain cereal; The essence of the cereal consists of endosperm, a tissue that feeds and feeds bran and cereal, which we call crust, and is very important for maintaining our health.

When the tiny grain grain is not purified, it maintains its basic structure containing 80-85 percent protein and healthy starch called endosperm. Endosperm is the main structure of whole grain that provides energy to our body. Again, when the grain is not purified, it has a ratio of 3 percent. Roseym is the disease shield part of the grain. Because this part of healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins E and B, minerals, plant sterols and enzymes are abundant. And when the whole grain is not purified, the bran remains hidden in that tiny grain. This protective outer shell, ie bran, consists of two layers; dietary fibers include protein, vitamins E and B, phenolic acid, phytic acid, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals. Purification is carried out by separating germ and crust in the grains. And so many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber that we care about in healthy diet are also reduced significantly.

If you want to capture the full grain miracle, you should get to know the grains closely and pay attention to your kitchen. When cooking whole grains, you should never spill cooking water, especially to avoid losing B vitamins.

The term full grain is the most common cereal. I should especially mention that; not all breakfast cereals are produced with whole grains. Therefore, in order to provide a protective effect on health, it is necessary to choose the whole grain in breakfast cereals. When making your selections; breakfast cereals in the package contains full grain should see the expression, even if there is a full grain logo should look, secondly on the package 40 grams (six tablespoons) breakfast cereal contains at least eight grams of whole grain must read. If research assures that an average of six grams of fiber per 100 grams of a product is called high fiber. Our third and final rule is to find a whole grain breakfast cereal with high fiber content. For this, I recommend that you look at the table showing the nutrients for 100 grams of the food label. If you see the phrase gram contains six grams of dietary fiber in this table, im I should say that you can easily buy it. Your breakfast cereal may include almonds, chocolate chips, dried fruit and honey.

International health authorities mention the importance of eating three portions of whole grain products a day. One serving of bulgur main meals a day, one serving of wheat salads and one serving of whole cereal breakfast cereal in the first meal of the morning to keep the three-part rule allows you to follow the whole grain. When you prepare one portion (40 grams) of whole grain cereal with half a glass (125 ml) of skimmed milk, you will get as much as 150-200 calories. When you do not eat healthy cereals such as bulgur and wheat, you can easily replace your whole grain portions with the right breakfast cereals.



I would like to share with you my recipe for a whole grain of ice cream, which you can eat after a delightful low-calorie dinner. You have the freedom to eat a bar three days a week.

Half cup yogurt Six tablespoons red fruit whole grain breakfast cereal One thin slice of fresh pineapple Six strawberries One teaspoon of vanilla
Beat the yogurt in the mixer with vanilla. Crush the whole fruit cereal with red fruit and add to the yoghurt. Cut fresh pineapples and strawberries into very small cubes and add to the mixture and mix with a spoon. Then share in small glasses and freeze.

Kellogg’s, Rice Krispies Treats Crispy Marshmallow Mini-Squares, Original, Single Serve, Display Box Caddy, 0.39 oz Bars (50 Count)

Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats, Snack Bars Variety Pack, 16 Count Box

Breakfast cereals recommendations from dieticians

Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats, Snack Bars Variety Pack, 16 Count Box

A practical alternative: breakfast cereals

You do not have time to sit at the breakfast table in the morning, but you do not want to skip the first meal of the day. Here breakfast cereals are here to help you. But how should we consume breakfast cereals, which are quick, easy and nutritious choices?

Are all breakfast cereals that stand out as a practical breakfast alternative healthy? Or do we get unnecessary calories when we think we are eating healthy food? Today, boxes that adorn the shelves of the market, which contain various types of fiber, iron, vitamins, minerals, folic acid-fortified whole grains are sold, do they affect our health in terms of nutritional quality? How much do some cereals contain sugar and other sweeteners? What should we pay attention to in our choices in order not to buy a product that is too sugary, oily or salty, with vitamins, minerals and has undergone excessive treatment?

Now let's look for answers to all these questions about breakfast cereals başla Starting a day with breakfast cereals is a quick, easy and nutritious way. Prepare almost 2 minutes, food is 5 minutes… Here's a quick breakfast for you! In addition to breakfast, when you have little time and want to create a quick and practical meal, it is a good option for lunch, snack or dinner.

The difference between those packaged with traditional cereals

Traditional cereal products are sold in the market as raw or cooked grains. Ready-to-eat cereal products are produced from granular products by processing such as brittle, expansion or slicing and are ready for consumption when they are taken out of the box.

How should we consume breakfast cereals?

Breakfast cereals on different days, all kinds of fresh and dried fruit, nuts, almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, sesame can be varied with different options such as. Consumed together with milk and yogurt also meets the body's calcium need. Most of the boxed breakfast cereals, eaten with milk and yogurt, are prepared for consumption and subjected to various processes. They lose their nutritional values, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals that are beneficial to health and their fibrous structures. Cooked breakfast cereals do not lose their nutritional value because they are processed less. If you soak for a while, you shorten the cooking time. Choose the whole grain of these products. Cereals help prevent fluctuations in blood sugar with the complex carbohydrates and fiber they contain. Whole grains are rich in pulp, and the soluble pulp it contains slows down the absorption and digestion of carbohydrates, reducing the insulin requirement of our body. It provides a feeling of satiety for a long time by providing energy to be used slowly and evenly in the body. Pulp foods also require a lot of chewing, so your eating time is prolonged and more time is needed for digestion. These are other factors that keep us full tok So, what should we pay attention to when choosing breakfast cereals on the label? First, use your preference for the whole grain ones. Also, make sure that one portion does not contain less than 200 calories and more than 8 grams of sugar, choose a product containing at least 3 grams of fiber. Read the food labels carefully and ensure that the product you choose does not contain artificial dyes or chemical preservatives.

The amount of calories : 100-200 calories. (One serving ideal is less than 120 calories.) Protein amount: (2 grams or more.) Fiber amount: (3 grams or more, preferably 5 grams or more.) Sugar amount: (8 grams or less) .) Amount of salt: 0.3 grams per 100 grams or less.

Amount of fat: 3 grams or less per 100 grams (must not contain margarine, etc.). Vitamins and minerals: Iron, folic acid, B6 and B12. (Also note the iron content: at least 3 mg of iron per meal should be preferred.)

How to hide?

Take care to preserve the ready-made cereals. If it gets damp, the brittleness of the product disappears, stale, bitter.

Pay attention to these when consuming!

A cereal with a high sugar content quickly gets hungry. Check your portion amount according to the cereal of your choice, don't overdo it. Try using small teaspoons to prolong the eating process while eating. Limit the addition of nuts to a tablespoon. You can eat a cereal with nuts and honey for 4 spoons and a plain one for 6 spoons. 3-4 spoon cereal is equal to 1 slice of bread. It is not right to eat breakfast cereals for three main meals for weight loss purposes. It does not meet the nutritional needs of the body, especially in terms of animal protein. Any one-way diet creates long-term health problems.

If the label of breakfast cereals indicates fructose, dextrose, glucose, corn syrup, sugar cane, raw sugar, monosaccharide, molasses, honey or other sweeteners, it indicates that it contains sugar. Pay attention to the amount of provinces.

Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats, Snack Bars Variety Pack, 16 Count Box

KIND Bars, Cranberry Almond Plus Antioxidants with Macadamia Nuts, Gluten Free, Low Sugar, 1.4 Ounce Bars, 24 Count

Nestle breakfast cereal: much more nutritious

KIND Bars, Cranberry Almond Plus Antioxidants with Macadamia Nuts, Gluten Free, Low Sugar, 1.4 Ounce Bars, 24 Count

At Nestle, we know that nutrition is important to you. For this reason, our experts reviewed the recipes for 12 years and looked for ways to make them better. In this way, we will continue to ensure that our breakfast cereals are tailored to your needs and delicious at the same time.

What we have done:
We reduced the sugar.

Since late 2015, we have used only 9 g (approximately 2 teaspoons) of sugar per 30 g serving of all breakfast cereals that children and young people love. We also discovered new and improved ways to remove sugar from our breakfast cereals. Since 2008, we have used 100,000 tons of less sugar all over the world. We no longer use artificial sweeteners.

We reduced the salt.

Our breakfast cereals all over the world now contain 7000 tons less salt than 2008.

We're headed for the whole grain!

Did you know that we are the first big breakfast cereal company to add whole grains to breakfast cereals? Since 2003, we have added 25 billion portions of Whole Grain [1] [2] [3] to our breakfast cereals. Obviously, all of our breakfast cereals that children like are full grain, the material we use the most.

We increased calcium.

In most Nestle cereals, you will receive at least 15% of the recommended daily amount of calcium (also known as Nutritional Values) per serving, even without adding milk! (In the meantime, we've added 5 different vitamins, iron and calcium to most of our breakfast cereals to get the key nutrients in the first hours of the day.)

Our breakfast cereals are healthier than ever! For example, NESQUIK® cereals contain 30% less sugar and 45% more whole grains than 2003.

Have you ever wondered how we choose our materials?

From the naked eye, it can only be seen as a whole grain grain, crispy crispy or chocolate flavored snack. We prepare your breakfast cereals so carefully and carefully! We know that materials are important to you, so it's our job to find and choose the best materials.

Fabulous cereals!

Working closely with farmers, producers, traders and suppliers, our specialists carefully select the right grains to offer you the quality and stability you expect from Nestle breakfast cereals. So when you eat NESQUIK®, NESFIT®, CORN FLAKES® for breakfast, you know exactly what we offer: excellent flavor, nutritiousness, quality ingredients and just the truth!

Rice in disguise
Wild rice is not exactly a rice; It was the seed of water grass which was first raised by Native American tribes. Because it has a very strong taste and is quite expensive, it is usually blended with other types of rice.

Pure gold
Kinoa was a whole grain highly valued by ancient Incas. The Incas called it "the gold of the Incas."

A local touch
The cereals that we use in our recipes are grown as close to our plants as possible. If we have quality materials next to us, why should we look for them elsewhere? Mostly, we strive to work with local farmers and aim to establish close relations with more producers in the future. In the next 3-4 years, we will spread the success of our farmer partnership in which we cooperate with the people at the heart of cereal production, help them to use natural farming methods, ensure that they get the highest yield from the soil and contribute to produce the best products for your taste!

Breakfast cereal and milk: excellent duo

Is there anything more relaxing than the sound of milk pouring over a bowl of crispy breakfast cereal? They're officially created for each other. Really it is! A pair that provides the fluid, vitamins, minerals, protein and carbohydrates you need to start the day energetically when you consume with some fruit and drinks.

The most delicious way to grow
Milk is a calcium-rich food that is very important for children in terms of bone development. Since some children do not like to drink milk alone, a bowl of breakfast cereal is a delicious way to encourage children to consume dairy products. In fact, research shows that children who regularly eat breakfast cereal consume much more milk. [1]

KIND Bars, Cranberry Almond Plus Antioxidants with Macadamia Nuts, Gluten Free, Low Sugar, 1.4 Ounce Bars, 24 Count

KIND Bars, Nuts and Spices Variety Pack, Gluten Free, Low Sugar, 1.4 Ounce Bars, 12 Count

Breakfast cereal made in four simple steps!

KIND Bars, Nuts and Spices Variety Pack, Gluten Free, Low Sugar, 1.4 Ounce Bars, 12 Count

We want your breakfast cereals to be nutritious and delicious. That's why we're trying to keep simplicity in the forefront and offer you breakfast cereals in a homemade taste. In fact, the way you cook something in the oven, our method is not very different! The breakfast cereal was extremely easy to make! How do we do it? WE GRIND, COOK, SHAPE, OVEN. It's that simple!

Whole grain flour from golden color spike

Wheat grains matured by sunlight are harvested and cleaned and brought to our factory. Since it shortens the time between grinding and finished product (about 2 hours!), We mill the wheat ourselves in most of our factories, so that flour is fresh. We take care to preserve the nutrients of the cereal, so we keep all the nutritive parts of the cereal in our breakfast cereals made of whole grains, and only discard the non-renewable parts. Since we perform the grinding process ourselves, we produce only whole grain flour as we need it, we do not waste it!

How would you do it at home?

If you don't live in windmills, you probably wouldn't grind wheat yourself! In fact, the whole grain flour you use for cookie dough is very similar to the flour we use, ours is just a little bit fresher. Because the flour we have grinded directly into the mixer without waiting.

Stir and increase the heat!

Before the ground wheat grains are cooked, we mix the flour with other ingredients, including vitamins and minerals, and water, throw this mixture in a vacuum dough machine and obtain the dough. (If we will cover the finished product later, we do not add some ingredients such as chocolate at this stage.)

How would you do it at home?

This is the same as the whisking, mixing and kneading step. You put all the ingredients in a bowl and knead with your hands, that's the stage. This is the stage where you turn that sticky stuff into a soft and elastic dough when you make bread (or you may also use a bread maker to get rid of all the trouble. What would your grandmother say to that ?!). Just as you are trying to get a well-doughed bread dough, we try to knead our ingredients and make a good dough.

Time to make cookies and chunks

We use the special dough machines, similar to the pasta making machine, to create the breakfast cereal shapes you know and love. Ring, ball, grain, cookies and lumps, we create them all in this way. Did you know? Fluffy cubes of breakfast cereals are really prepared by shredding wheat using toothed rollers!

How would you do it at home?

When you make biscuits or gingerbread men using your cookie molds, you shape your dough just like us.

Freshly baked crispy breakfast cereal

Finally, we put the shaped breakfast cereals in our largest oven and fry them for a certain time. Think of a huge and very hot dryer (not just drying your socks, that's all), and with this machine we give breakfast cereals a nice golden color and crispy appearance. When the process is over, we leave the cereals to cool down (we cover some of them with extra flavors like chocolate, great!), Then pack them and send them to stores. Operation complete.

How would you do it at home?

"Cook your pastry in a preheated oven for 40 minutes"; Does it look familiar? Our oven is just a little bigger.

KIND Bars, Nuts and Spices Variety Pack, Gluten Free, Low Sugar, 1.4 Ounce Bars, 12 Count

Friday, July 19, 2019

Duracell Procell AA 24 Pack (Pack of 2)


Duracell Procell AA 24 Pack (Pack of 2)

Batteries are tools that store electrical energy, as you know. Since the first use of batteries in history, the format has changed a lot and has been produced in many types. Batteries are divided into different classes according to their energy storage, usage or external form. If you pay attention to the correct use of the batteries, you will get more from your cameras.

Battery Capacity
Generally, the amount of energy stored by the battery is indicated by "ampere-hour" or simply "Ah". Thus, a 1 Ah battery can generate 1 amp current for 1 hour. One thousandth of this unit is called milli ampere-hour (mAh). If batteries are used in jobs that require less power, for example 100 mA current is sufficient, a 1 Ah (1000 mAh) battery will provide energy for 10 hours. In general, the mAh unit is used as a measure of the energy capacity of the batteries. As this value increases, the energy stored by the batteries will increase.
However, in practice, different results are obtained from these values. Battery manufacturers measure capacity when using 5% of the battery's discharge capacity. The reason for selecting this value is that the battery provides the most efficient discharge of energy in this way. This means that if the discharge capacity is different from 5% while you are using the battery, you will get a different result from the mAh on the battery.

Articles on the battery
When handling a battery, you should first pay attention to its polarity and voltage. Poles are indicated as (+) or (-) on both ends of the battery. Insert the batteries correctly into the tool you will use. The correct placement is usually indicated on the inside of the battery compartment or on the lid. Voltage is information that helps you use the correct battery. If the vehicle on which you will use the battery is a sensitive electronic device, such as a weighing instrument or a watch, you should not use low-voltage batteries.

The type of the battery and whether or not it can be charged are also printed on the batteries. For example, if you see Ni Ni-MH ve and charge Rechargeable yazıl, you will know that your battery is nickel metalhydride and rechargeable. On rechargeable batteries, the energy storage capacity is also indicated in mAh. For example, with 750 mAh, you can achieve 75 milliamps of power for 10 hours under ideal conditions. Higher numbers mean more voltage.

You will also see information and advice on environmental pollution on the batteries. For example, a graphic with successive triangular arrows indicates that the battery is made of recyclable material. This means that if you give your finished battery to the system established by the municipalities or vendor companies, the chemicals or metals in the battery are separated and reused. You can also see information on disposing of used batteries in normal waste.

Battery Types
Batteries are divided into two according to their usage. Disposable batteries that are discharged over time and then disposed of are called "Primary Batteries". Batteries that can be recharged and reused when they are finished are called "Secondary Batteries". Users will immediately think about how to choose between so many battery types. You will read the information below.
Primary Batteries (Non-Rechargeable Batteries)
Zinc Carbon Battery (Standard Carbon, Leclanche Battery)
This was the first commercially successful battery produced by the French Georges Leclanche in 1860. In this battery, a box made of zinc serves as both a negative electrode and a semi-liquid electrolyte. The positive electrode, which is carbon, is in this electrolyte. The structure of these batteries is simple and inexpensive, but their capacity is poor. 500-1000 mAh power can be obtained from the pen battery (AA) type. Spontaneous discharge in time is very low. These batteries are also available on the market as the "heavy duty" or "ultra" amplified type, but this is not much power.
As a result, standard batteries are not used in vehicles that require a lot of power, such as a camera. They cannot be recharged, however they do not have to be destroyed by a special method. However, if not careful, the electrolyte in it, especially towards the end of its life, may flow out of the battery and cause damage to the electronic vehicle in which it is corrosive. Due to its disadvantages, we do not recommend using these batteries except in case of necessity. These batteries are not used in vehicles that require high power, such as cameras.
Alkaline Battery
The electrodes are zinc and manganese oxide, and the electrolyte is basic. These batteries are also called alkaline (basic). These days the market is easily and cheaper than before. These batteries are very powerful. The power of these batteries of different brands is often similar. Alkaline batteries are also available in more power types. They are used in vehicles that require high power, such as cameras or toys. The normal types of pen batteries produce 2400 mAh power. The rate of spontaneous discharge is very low when not used. For these types of batteries, the expiry date is usually printed on the battery. As you can see from here, these batteries can easily stand on the shelf for seven years. You can store the batteries in the refrigerator if you want to spend more time in this healthier way.
Alkaline batteries cannot be recharged, but rechargeable alkaline batteries are also produced. However, recharging alkaline batteries of any type cannot ensure efficient use. In the past, alkaline batteries contained mercury, but later mercury was banned. Do not dispose of old mercury-containing batteries when they are used up, but you should dispose of them in recycling systems established by municipalities or retailers. Mercury-free batteries can be disposed of in normal trash. The mercury content of the batteries is indicated, for example, by "0% Mercury-Cadmium".
Lithium Battery
The positive electrode consists of manganese oxide, the negative electrode consists of lithium and the electrolyte consists of lithium perchlorate dissolved in propylene. A 3-volt potential is provided in a lithium battery unit, which remains approximately constant over the life of the battery. Due to the light weight of the substances in the structure, these batteries are very light. In addition, when not in use, it has a very low rate of spontaneous discharge and can be kept in practice for ten years without being used. It runs more smoothly than other battery types at low ambient temperatures. Because these batteries provide high energy, they are used in vehicles that require power such as cameras and flashes.
You should not confuse the name of these batteries with rechargeable Li-Ion (Li-Ion) batteries. Lithium batteries cannot be recharged or may explode if you try to charge them. Lithium batteries are more dangerous than other types of batteries.
Lithium batteries are often used in cameras. Although these batteries have advantages in terms of their high power and durability, fewer and more brands prefer these batteries in the vehicles they produce.

Secondary Batteries (Rechargeable Batteries)
Nickel-Cadmium Battery (Ni-Cd or NiCad)

In such batteries, the electrodes include nickel-hydroxide and cadmium, and the electrolyte contains potassium-hydroxide. These batteries can be recharged, which means that when there is no energy left, you can recharge them using special chargers. This provides great convenience and savings.

NiCd batteries are cheaper than other types of rechargeable batteries and can be recharged 500-1000 times. If you charge NiCd batteries before they are fully discharged, the battery "remembers" it and reduces its charging capacity. This ensures that the battery runs out of consecutive discharges in a short time.
NiCd batteries contain chemicals harmful to the environment. Therefore, if you wish to dispose of them, you should leave your defective batteries in the recycling system of municipalities or retailers.
Although NiCd batteries vary slightly from the manufacturer, they often store very low amounts of energy compared to other types of rechargeable batteries. For example, a NiCd battery of the AA type can store up to 900 mAh of energy, whereas in NiMH batteries it can be 2500 mAh. Ni-Cd batteries produce a potential of 1.2 volts and can continue this until the energy in the battery is exhausted. Low voltage may prevent the operation of some electronic devices. For devices using a single battery, it may not be important that the voltage drops from 1.5 volts to 1.2 volts, but if four batteries need to be used, the voltage will drop from 6 to 4.8 volts. If you want to use a Ni-Cd battery, you should also consider this. We do not recommend the use of NiCd batteries due to their low power, memory and environmental impact.
Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery (Ni-MH)
The structure of this type of battery is somewhat more complicated. It contains titanium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, aluminum, vanadium, zirconium, chromium and iron compounds. A battery unit generates 1.2 volts of potential and has a large storage capacity. NiMH batteries also have some memory effect. This means that if you charge these batteries before they are fully discharged, you will not be able to use them at full capacity. However, if you allow full discharge after such a half-charge, the memory effect will disappear. (Maybe that's why some NiMH battery manufacturers state that it doesn't affect memory.)
Ni-MH batteries can be recharged approximately 500 times under appropriate conditions. They can be used easily at low temperatures as in winter. Especially new models can store 2400 mAh of energy. Since the amount of energy they store is approximately equal, they can be used in combination with non-rechargeable batteries when necessary. They can be used in devices such as cameras and toys as they can deliver high power. There is no special destruction process, you can throw it in the normal trash.
Li-Ion Battery (Li-Ion)
A Li-Ion battery unit produces 3.6 volts. Li-Ion batteries are being produced more and more powerful with technological innovations. More and more models are being used in cameras. We recommend that you prioritize models that use these batteries when selecting your camera.

Li-Ion batteries are more powerful than other rechargeable batteries. After charging, they can store energy longer and weigh less. They work better at low temperatures, for example, outdoors in winter, compared to other batteries. Another advantage of these batteries is the slow discharge rate without use. Li-Ion batteries discharge by 5% per month, while NiMH and NiCd batteries discharge by 20-30%.

Li-Ion batteries should be stored half-charged in a cool place when not in use. If it is fully charged, Li-Ion batteries lose 20% of their capacity each year; If you do not intend to use your camera for an extended period of time, you should let the battery discharge slightly and turn it off.

Fully discharging and recharging Li-Ion batteries shortens their lifespan, in practice they have a full charge life of 300 to 500 batteries. Li-Ion batteries have no memory effect under favorable conditions. If you purchase a spare Li-Ion battery for your camera, it will expire faster than the battery in use. You should therefore alternately use your replacement batteries.

Duracell Procell AA 24 Pack (Pack of 2)

Energizer Rechargeable AAA Batteries, NiMH, 800 mAh, Pre-Charged, 4 count (Recharge Power Plus) - EVENH12BP4

What is a rechargeable battery? How does it work?

Energizer Rechargeable AAA Batteries, NiMH, 800 mAh, Pre-Charged, 4 count (Recharge Power Plus) - EVENH12BP4

In recent years, almost everyone has started to have rechargeable batteries have started to take an important place in our lives. Some use it for cameras, others for wireless keyboards or mice. So what is this technology that is beginning to have an important place in our lives? What is the difference from non-rechargeable batteries? Let's look at the answers to these questions.

How Do Rechargeable Batteries Work?

The key to electrochemistry is oxidation and reduction. When a material is oxidized, it loses the electron, which means that it is charged with a higher level of oxidation. Similarly, a reducing agent acquires electrons, i.e. minus charged, i.e., reduces the level of oxidation.

Let's say A is easily oxidized , which means it likes to lose electrons, and B is a substance that likes to be reduced, that is, to gain electrons. When these two substances are placed in an electrolyte, a circuit from A to B is completed.

Rechargeable batteries operate very similar to normal batteries when discharging. However, when the battery is charged, the electrons move in the opposite direction of discharge until the battery is fully charged. Thus, the electrons are forced to return to A and the oxidized A is reduced , making the battery usable again. Although this may seem a simple process, it can only occur in certain combinations of substances and electrolytes.

What are the advantages of rechargeable batteries?

Perhaps the most important advantage of rechargeable batteries is that they reduce the amount of household waste. 15 million standard batteries thrown into the trash every year, the damage to the environment is reduced by the use of rechargeable batteries . Incidentally, the most ecological ones are Ni-Mh (Nickel - metal hydrade) batteries. These batteries, the latest technology in the industry, do not contain lead, mercury and other highly toxic substances.

Rechargeable batteries can be recharged many times (exactly 1000 times), saving you money. If we make a rough calculation, using a rechargeable battery in your digital camera will save you around $ 1300 a year. The charge you have purchased to this account including rechargeable batteries, charging machine and spent electricity.

Compared to alkaline batteries, which are known for their long life and high prices, we see that rechargeable batteries provide lower cost and higher efficiency. The development in rechargeable battery technology, which has been advancing for years, has gained momentum since it began to follow the path of digital . That's why it can meet the needs of high-consumption digital cameras.

What should be considered for long-lasting rechargeable batteries?

When you receive a new set of rechargeable batteries, fully charge them before use. When your batteries are fully charged, fully discharge them once (using a charger). After this, you can start using your rechargeable batteries. This simple operation, which will take only one time before you start using your batteries, will both prolong the life of your batteries and allow you to use them at their full capacity.

Make sure that your batteries do not remain uncharged for a long time. Store batteries that will not be used for a long time. Batteries that have been left empty for a long time both shorten their life and reduce their performance.

If you are using a Ni-Cd battery, fully discharge your battery from the charger every 5-10 charging cycles. This will help you avoid the memory effect.

When do Ni-MH batteries reach their maximum capacity?

Ni-MH rechargeable batteries start to operate at full capacity after charging 4-5 times. You can achieve the highest efficiency after starting to use the rechargeable NiMH rechargeable battery you have purchased and after charging and recharging 4-5 times. (source: Steve's digicams )

What is the Memory Effect on Ni-Cd batteries? How can I avoid this?

After use, batteries must be discharged using a charger. If the battery is not completely discharged, the charge will not be fully charged and a new and lower energy level will be determined. This is called the ' memory effect '. In other words, the memory effect means that in the case of batteries that are not fully discharged, the unused portion of the battery cannot receive and produce energy. As a result, the battery life will become shorter and have to be recharged more frequently.

To avoid the memory effect, it is necessary to fully discharge the batteries. This will prolong their life.

Ni-MH (Nickel-Metal Hydride) and Li-ion ( Lithium Ion ) batteries have no memory effect.

What is self-discharge?

The self- discharge , which applies to all rechargeable batteries, is that batteries that have not been used for a long period of time will lose some of their power, even if the device is turned off. You can avoid unpleasant surprises by filling batteries that have not been used for a long time before use. (source: Steve's digicams )

Can I use a 1.2V rechargeable battery on devices that normally work with 1.5V alkaline batteries?

Using a 1.2V battery will have no negative effect on your device or its performance. As a matter of fact, an alkaline disposable battery can only deliver 1.5V at the beginning of the discharge process. It then falls steadily and well below 1.2V. Eventually it drops to around 0.6V. Most devices work happily between 0.9V and 1.2V . Unlike alkaline batteries whose voltage drops quickly, rechargeable batteries have a more constant voltage of around 1.25V during their lifetime.

Therefore, new rechargeable batteries will replace alkaline batteries in devices that require regular and high-level energy such as digital cameras, flashes, camcorders, computers and mobile phones .

Energizer Rechargeable AAA Batteries, NiMH, 800 mAh, Pre-Charged, 4 count (Recharge Power Plus) - EVENH12BP4

EBL 8 Pack AAA Ni-MH Rechargeable Batteries AAA Batteries ProCyco Technology (Typical 1100mAh, Minimum 1000mAh)

What is a battery? How does it work ?

EBL 8 Pack AAA Ni-MH Rechargeable Batteries AAA Batteries ProCyco Technology (Typical 1100mAh, Minimum 1000mAh)

Electrochemical equipment used to store and convert chemical energy into an electrical form is called a battery. The batteries consist of one or more electrochemical cells, such as fuel cells or flow cells.

The oldest known man-made batteries are those made in Baghdad. B.C. It is estimated to have been built between 250 and 640 AD. The development process began in 1800 with a Voltaic battery developed by an Italian physicist, Alessandro Volta. Worldwide, the battery industry has reached a turnover of US $ 48 billion in 2005, which is now very large.

In general, batteries are divided into two as Non-rechargeable and Rechargeable batteries. Disposable (non-rechargeable) batteries;

Zinc carbon; used in low-cost, low-energy processes,

Zinc chloride is used in processes that last less than zinc carbon battery,

Alkaline “long life lar used in processes that require more power,

Silver oxide; commonly used in hearing aids

Lithium; they are generally used in digital cameras and are widely used in watches and computer clocks.

Mercury; usually used in digital watches,

The thermal battery has a high temperature storage structure and is generally used in military applications.


The lead acid battery is charged and used continuously in vehicles, alarm systems and uninterruptible power systems.

Lithium ion; is quite common. High charging capacity. It is used in portable digital devices such as laptops, mobile phones, music players and many more.

The lithium-ion polymer has the basic characteristics of a lithium-ion battery, the difference being that it has less charge density.

Nickel metal hydride is used in all applications of Li-Ion and Ni-MH battery types. These types are able to be recharged many times (approximately 1500 times) but store less energy than other types.

The structure that the batteries come together to form is called a battery. It was widely used in lamp radio receivers before the 1960s. Today, they are widely used in portable computers. On the other hand, mobile phones used 3-cell batteries when they came out, but today almost all phone models use single-cell lithium-ion types, but we still call them batteries. You need a habit.

For over 250 years of development, batteries are among the most expensive sources of energy. It can contain very expensive products and even risky chemicals in its structure. For these reasons; because it contains chemical substances can affect human metabolism can have no unpleasant consequences. Nowadays, centers have been established in order to carry out studies for the recycling of toxic substances in used batteries.

It is possible to make batteries from lemon or other acid-containing fruits. These types are called voltaic batteries as a result of converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Batteries are made using the logic of placing two separate metals in an acidic solution. In this way, when a lemon, for example a zinc-plated nail and a copper coin is dipped, the lemon juice forms the required acid solution and can generate electricity, but the electrical energy produced is very weak and is light enough to provide a light glow even in LED lights.

EBL 8 Pack AAA Ni-MH Rechargeable Batteries AAA Batteries ProCyco Technology (Typical 1100mAh, Minimum 1000mAh)

Duracell - CopperTop AA Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 8 count

How can waste batteries be recycled?

Duracell - CopperTop AA Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 8 count

Disposal of household garbage is one of the most attention to be disposed of, hazardous chemicals contained in the dangerous batteries that contain.

It is possible to recycle used waste batteries and the number of batteries collected on recovery is increasing in our country. Between 2007 and 2016, this figure tripled and reached 720 tons. Although this is good news, it is important that none of the waste batteries containing harmful chemicals are released into the environment and that all batteries are recycled.

What are the harmful effects of waste batteries on human and environmental health?

Even if the batteries do not cause any damage during use, if they are disposed of with other waste after the end of use, there is a possibility that their outer containers will rupture. This causes the metals and chemicals they contain to enter the soil and water and pollute the environment. At the same time, heavy metals such as mercury and cadmium can be mixed with food sources and cause harm to human and environmental health.

Why should I recycle waste batteries?

The danger of waste batteries to the environment and human health is caused by these heavy and semi-heavy metals, including mercury and cadmium.

It is not possible to reduce the proportion of cadmium in the batteries, only in the nickel / cadmium type rechargeable batteries. That's why there are restrictions on the devices that use these batteries. Experts predict that such batteries will no longer be available to individual consumers in the next 5 to 10 years.

The mercury content of the batteries is the most consumed battery types, zinc / carbon and alkali / manganese. As a result of pressure from environmental organizations and consumers, mercury in the batteries has been reduced rapidly. The maximum acceptable value for batteries today is 0.0005% (5 ppm). This means that there is about 5 grams of mercury in one ton of waste battery. The importance of controlled disposal of used batteries is of great importance as the number of waste batteries will increase and the proportion of mercury to the environment will increase.

However, the batteries still contain semi-heavy metals such as zinc, iron, manganese, nickel, lithium, cobalt, copper, aluminum, and various chemical solutions, and therefore waste batteries must be collected and disposed of separately.

It is recommended not to dispose of waste batteries in recycling bins. If a damage to the outer container of the batteries occurs, it can damage other recyclable waste. We therefore recommend that you store your waste batteries in a separate box.

How can I recycle waste batteries?

With a regulation published in 2004, the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry appointed some organizations to collect waste batteries. The only organization authorized for portable batteries from these organizations is the TAP Association, established in 2004.
TAP collects waste batteries through various types of boxes and bins available at collection points across the country. You can drop your batteries at the battery collection points in schools, universities, supermarkets, hospitals and pharmacies.

Migros Virtual Market Waste Battery Campaign

In addition, Migros Virtual Market; Within the scope of the new project that started in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, while delivering products at the door to customers who shop, it also takes waste batteries and delivers them to recycling centers.

In the campaign, where waste oils are also delivered, the wastes collected by customers are collected in waste batteries and vegetable waste oil accumulation equipment in Migros Virtual Market vehicles and these wastes are delivered to TAP Association, which is responsible for batteries, and vegetable waste oils are delivered to DEHA.

In return for vegetable waste oils delivered to DEHA, donations to TURMEPA Marine Clean Association contribute to the project of cleaning the seas.

Duracell - CopperTop AA Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 8 count

Panasonic BK-4MCCA8BA eneloop AAA 2100 Cycle Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, 8 Pack

Waste Batteries Disposal and Recycling

Panasonic BK-4MCCA8BA eneloop AAA 2100 Cycle Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, 8 Pack

Disposal and Recycling of Waste Batteries


Since waste batteries do not show biological degradation, they cannot be disposed of by composting methods. Likewise, waste cells are not preferred for incineration because they do not burn well due to their structure and as a result they do not show sufficient shrinkage in their mass.

Controlled storage of waste batteries under or above ground is still practiced in many countries. However, after the waste batteries are classified according to their chemical structure, it is best to dispose of them by recycling processes.

The fact that EU countries' metal and metal sprouts needs are dependent on imports in the order of 80 -100% (eg nickel 86%, cobalt 95%) and the fact that batteries constitute the richest resources following primary metal shoots and alloys in terms of metal contents have been realized in a short time and In the latest Directive 2006/66 / EC published on 26 September 2006, the obligation to recycle waste batteries was clearly emphasized. On the other hand, it is also important that the amount of energy consumed in the process of obtaining metals from metal shoots is much higher than that required for the recycling of waste batteries.


The objectives of recycling portable waste batteries are to protect the receiving environment from harmful emissions from waste batteries, to prevent heavy metals from entering the soil or water, and in particular to generate economic benefits by recycling certain precious metals within the batteries.

From the recycling of portable waste batteries, zinc and zinc compounds, manganese compounds, ferromanganese, ferronickel, nickel, cadmium and cadmium compounds, lithium, silver, cobalt and few rare earth elements are recycled in several large capacity plants. The recycling of mercury and mercury compounds has lost its importance as a result of the extremely reduced amount of mercury present in zinc-carbon and alkaline batteries.

Recycling methods can be mechanical, hydrometallurgical (chemical / physical) or pyrometallurgical (thermal). In the hydrometallurgical processes, it is possible to achieve a much higher degree of purity than in thermal processes. On the other hand, recycling efficiency in thermal processes is much higher.



A project titled esi Disposal of Waste Batteries and Development of Recycling Technologies ”was initiated in 2009 by TÜBİTAK Chemistry Institute. In this project, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization is the customer institution and TUBITAK MRC is the executive organization. The aim of the project is to recycle waste zinc-carbon / alkali-manganese type batteries by various physical and hydro-metallurgical processes. EXITCOM Recycling Company was established in Kocaeli in the second half of 2017.


Recycling plant under turkey in place all waste batteries collected before installing or built on the place in controlled manner by storage in a sanitary landfill and mono- are disposed substantially by TAP.

Disposal of landfill waste storage area in Istanbul Sile / Komurcuo

(2010 and later)

Disposal in underground warehouses in İstanbul Kemerburgaz

(2006 - 2010)

Panasonic BK-4MCCA8BA eneloop AAA 2100 Cycle Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, 8 Pack