Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (16)

What happens in the body when you don't drink water? (From premature to kidney failure!)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (16)

Sık I can hardly drink a glass of water ",“ I don't feel any thirst, especially in winter ”,” I finish the day without drinking a glass of water ”. Because many of us, although vital, do not drink water unless thirsty. Especially in the winter months, we almost forget to drink water, we do not even realize that we are harming our health with our own hands!

Stating that 60-70 percent of our body is made up of water, all the cells and organs need water to work properly, Nutrition and Diet Expert Ayça Güleryüz emphasizes how important water is for living things:

“Every day, the body loses water through sweating, urine, and even breathing. In order for vital activities to continue, the lost water must be replaced. The body's water requirement varies depending on the person's weight, activity status, and water consumption per kilogram should be 30-40 ml. Never consumed can have fatal consequences. "

Nutrition and Diet Expert Ayça Güleryüz, who draws attention to the dangers awaiting our health when we drink less water than we need , gives warnings by explaining those dangers. Here are the damages of not drinking water to the body:

Reduces concentration: 75 percent of the brain consists of water. Mild levels of thirst can cause deterioration in mood and cognitive functions. While the concentration decreases as a result of thirst, the performance of cognitive function such as short-term memory decreases significantly. As hand-eye motor coordination can be impaired, it is difficult to perform delicate or detailed work and security weakness may occur.

Triggers asthma and allergy: When water consumption is reduced, the airways are restricted by the body to minimize water loss, potentially causing asthma and allergies to worsen. Adequate water consumption is important for the removal of microbes in our body in a short time. Water consumption is crucial, especially in cases of high fever and diarrhea.

Increases blood pressure: 90 percent of the blood consists of water. Since blood volume and blood pressure are directly affected by water consumption, if there is not enough water consumption, the blood pressure balance cannot be adjusted and may cause an increase in blood pressure.

Causes muscle cramps: Sweating is an important cooling mechanism for the body. Helps cool skin On the other hand, as we sweat, we lose salt and some minerals. If sweat losses are not compensated by fluid intake, regulation of body temperature cannot be achieved, and blood pressure to muscles can be reduced and muscle cramps and muscle contractions can be observed.

Gastro-intestinal disruption: The intestine needs water to function properly. If you consume less water, digestive problems and constipation can become a problem. Inadequate water consumption can cause an extremely acidic stomach that makes heartburn more common and can promote the development of stomach ulcers.

Can cause headaches : Thirst can also cause headaches, while some observational studies say that thirst can prolong migraine times. Many of us experience headaches during the day. We attribute this to stress, fatigue, insomnia or illness. However, if you often suffer from headaches during the day and the unrelenting headaches turn into migraine, the main reason for this is that you do not drink water.

Kidney failure: Kidneys need water for filtration of waste from the bloodstream and urinary excretion. The kidneys dilute and dispose of harmful wastes (urea, creatinine, uric acid) that occur every day in our body. People who take less fluid than their daily needs can easily develop urinary tract inflammation and stones because urine flow will slow down. Insufficient water consumption can lead to renal failure in the long term.

It causes wrinkles on the skin : about 30 percent of our skin is made up of water. Water is necessary to maintain skin moisture and give the skin cells the necessary nutrients. It renews the skin texture and increases its elasticity. This helps to delay the appearance of signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. When less water is consumed; skin disorders and wrinkles are encountered earlier.

It causes joint pain: The cartilage in the joints and discs of the spine contains about 80 percent water. Cartilages work better when water consumption is sufficient and the well-lubricated spine can move more easily. Friction on the smoother spine is less affected. When thirst increases, it can cause degeneration and damage, causing severe pain.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (16)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (16)

Why should we drink water regularly?

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (16)

Water, which is our su element of life ken while continuing our daily life, is a component that is constantly lost in our body and must be replaced. We often think that we only lose water when we exercise, sweat and go to the toilet, but significant amounts of water are lost even when swimming in the sea or in the pool.

All the cells and organs of the body need water to work properly. Water is also required for healthy movement of the joints, protection of the spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, regulation of body temperature, and absorption of vitamins and minerals in the intestines.

Water also supports the destruction of nutrients into the building blocks, thereby facilitating the uptake of these substances into the body.

Although some of the body's water needs is obtained through foods containing high amounts of water, such as soup, tomatoes, oranges, fruit juice, drinking water must be consumed to fully meet the water requirement. The best source of water for our bodies is drinking water.

How much water should we drink?

The amount of water to be consumed per day varies depending on the person's daily activity and how much sweating. There is no universally accepted amount of water that needs to be consumed every day, but there is a general consensus about what the healthy amount is. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), sufficient intake for men is about 3 liters per day, and for women, sufficient intake is about 2.5 liters. It is recommended to increase this amount during exercise and hot weather. In addition, the amount of water to be consumed is directly proportional to body weight.
Relationship Between Water and Kidneys

Water is necessary for the functioning of the kidneys. If the kidneys do not function properly, waste products and excess fluid may accumulate in the body. Untreated kidney disease can lead to chronic renal failure, so that the organs do not function and may require dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are the second most common type of infection in the body. If infections spread to the upper urinary tract, including the kidneys, permanent damage may occur. Sudden kidney infections (acute) can be life-threatening, especially if septicemia occurs.

Drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest ways to reduce the risk of a UTI and is also recommended for patients who already have a UTI.

The main cause of kidney stones is insufficient water intake. Kidney stones are frequently reported in people who do not drink the recommended amount of water daily. Research suggests that kidney stones also increase the risk of chronic kidney disease. In November 2014, the American College of Physicians published a report stating that drinking 2 liters of water a day can reduce the risk of kidney stone formation by at least fifty percent without any side effects.

Dehydration - loss of more water than the body receives - can disrupt the body's electrolyte balance. Electrolytes, such as potassium, phosphate and sodium, help to carry electrical signals between cells. Electrolyte levels in the body are kept in balance by properly functioning kidneys.

When the kidneys are unable to stabilize at the level of electrolytes, disturbances in these electrical signals occur. This can lead to seizures, causing involuntary muscle movements and loss of consciousness.

In some cases dehydration can also cause chronic renal failure. Possible complications of chronic renal failure include anemia, damage to the central nervous system, heart failure, and impaired immune system.

Water and Other Organs

Of course, the kidneys are not the only ones affected by the lack of water. Other negative consequences of dehydration include:

Since more than 90% of the blood is water, when no water is taken, the blood is put in and can increase blood pressure.
Breath exchange is restricted by the body to minimize water loss, potentially worsening asthma and allergies.
The skin becomes more vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkles.
The intestines need water to work properly. Otherwise digestive problems and constipation can become a problem. Dehydration leads to an extremely acidic stomach, making heartburn more common and may promote gastric ulcer development.
The cartilage in the joints and spine contains about 80 percent water. When dehydration continues, pain may occur in the joints.
Dehydration can affect brain structure and brain function. If dehydration is prolonged, his ability to comprehend is weakened.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (16)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 16 Count)

According to experts at least 2 liters per day! So why should we drink water?

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 16 Count)

The most important source for the continuity of life, the substance most needed by our metabolism, water constituting 60-70% of our body, is the cornerstone of life.

It is important to consume enough water to maintain the body's water content and to ensure that all of its systems function properly. March 22 World Water Day Hence Dyt. Emine Yüzbaşıoglu drew attention to the importance of water in our lives and listed 9 very important reasons for drinking water.
1- It is the basic solvent of all nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It breaks down nutrients in the body and helps digestion and removal of waste materials from the body.
2 - It dilutes blood and prevents clotting during circulation.
3 - Softens the skin and helps reduce the signs of aging.
4 - Prevents constipation and kidney stone formation.
5 - Helps alleviate stress, tension and depression.
6 - Provides weight loss by accelerating metabolism.
7 - Cells and tissues are involved in the protection of structures.
8 - Helps regulate body temperature.
9 - Strengthens the body resistance and immunity.

Consuming too much water has no use
If there is no fever, diarrhea and constipation in the body, the amount of water a person should drink daily is 1.5-2 liters. Physical activity, air temperature increases the amount of water that should be taken daily. In studies, it was observed that water consumption more than the body needs does not have any health benefits. It is important not to miss the measure as consuming too much water can also cause water poisoning.

I had a lot of tea and coffee today.
Water, coffee, tea, acidic beverages other than water does not replace the liquid water. On the contrary, over-consumption of such drinks suppresses the feeling of thirst and reduces the need for water. The lack of thirst does not mean that the body's daily water needs are met.

Dark urine is an alarm for you
Whether a person drinks the appropriate amount of water during the day can be determined by looking at the color of urine. If urine color is dark yellow, water consumption is inadequate and if light yellow or clear, water consumption is sufficient. Insufficient water consumption brings with it health problems such as fatigue, weakness, low blood pressure, dryness of the skin. It should not be forgotten that there is no water tank in the body, so daily water consumption should be paid attention.
Make drinking water enjoyable

There are many individuals who say that I don't like to drink water, I don't like the taste or it doesn't occur to me during the day. A few practical suggestions will help to gain the habit of drinking water in a short time.
- One should not wait for thirst to drink water.
- The individual can remind himself / herself of drinking water via phone alarm, reminder or small notes on computer screen.
- A colorful and stylish jug, glass or bottle can be kept on the desk or at home at all times.
- Apples, cinnamon, mint leaves, ginger, berries, grapes can be added to the water to increase the flavor.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 16 Count)

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Dealmed Brand Nitrile Medical Grade Exam Gloves, Disposable, Latex-Free, 180 Count, Size Extra Large

How do I choose the right glove?

Dealmed Brand Nitrile Medical Grade Exam Gloves, Disposable, Latex-Free, 180 Count, Size Extra Large

There are changes in the health of people in life. Because of various ailments, there is a material that should be used in hospitals or at home. This material is an inspection glove. The examination glove has a wide range of use. Gloves used in health care institutions should be very careful in terms of hygiene. Multikan company provides this service in a quality way.

Examination gloves can be divided into two parts as examination and sterile surgical gloves. Available as Latex, Nitrile, Vinyl for inspection. Latex examination gloves are available with powder and without powder. Powdered or not is an important feature. Because some people are allergic. Therefore, some people should know whether to use powdered gloves because of this dermatological condition. There are allergic events and conditions that are inconvenient to use the latex glove type.

Vinyl gloves vary slightly in thickness and use. Powdered UzdUr. Although it does not contain latex, it is nonallergenic and compatible with both hands. It does not perspirate, but it has acid and alkali resistance. More sensation

The other type of examination gloves are sterile surgical gloves. These gloves are used especially in surgical style and infectious conditions. This type of glove is also used in homes, workplaces and other areas as infectious conditions are not only available in health care facilities.

Dealmed Brand Nitrile Medical Grade Exam Gloves, Disposable, Latex-Free, 180 Count, Size Extra Large

AMMEX Medical Indigo Nitrile Gloves - 4 mil, Latex Free, Powder Free, Textured, Disposable, Non-Sterile, Large, AINPF46100-BX, Box of 100

Use of Protective Equipment in Endoscopy Unit

AMMEX Medical Indigo Nitrile Gloves - 4 mil, Latex Free, Powder Free, Textured, Disposable, Non-Sterile, Large, AINPF46100-BX, Box of 100

2. Purpose of the use of protective equipment in endoscopy, Purpose of the use of protective equipment in endoscopy, To prevent the transmission of migroorganisms to health personnel and patients to health personnel and the to prevent infections that may occur in the hospital. GOAL
3. Infections that may occur in the hospitalWhy is it important to prevent infections that may occur in the hospital? • Mortality and morbidity is high. • Cost is high. • 50% can be prevented by some basic applications. • It is more resistant to antibiotics. • Quality indicator
4. How are hospital infections transmitted? • Infectious agent • Welding • Exit door • Transport way • Entrance door • • Suitable host
5. Endoscopy unit, Endoscopy unit, • Infection agent • Source • Exit door • Transport way • Entrance door • Suitable host • Migroorganisms • Patient, employee, scope • Scope internal-external canal • During operation, splash, dirty hands • Body gaps • Patient, employee
6. Related to hospital infections and protection methodsHandler infections and protection methods standardization requirement The first 1960 standardization requirement by CDC was first noticed by CDC in 1960, first noticed in 1960, first guide was established in 1970, first guide was created in 1970, first guide was created in 1975-1989 the guide was reorganized, the guide was rearranged in 1975-1983, the universal measures were created in 1987, the universal measures were established in 1987, the Committee prepared the measures for transmission in 1990 and the Committee prepared the measures for the transmission in 1990 and the standard measures were added to the guide. also arranged by adding to the guide. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
7. Standard Measures; CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - HICPAC (Hospital Infections Control Practices Advisory Committee), was created to reduce the risk of transmission of pathogens from blood and body fluids. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
8. Patients with high risk of blood and other contagious fluids (secretions, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, synovial fluid) are considered to be infected and necessary preventive measures are taken in all attempts to contact these fluids. Standard Measures
9. Standard Precautions
10. Personnel Protective Methods and ToolsStaff Protective Methods and Tools lHand washing ıWear gloves Wear protective apron Mask use Face shield use Glasses use Bone ​​use 07/12/17 10
11. Personnel Protective Methods and ToolsStaff Protective Methods and Tools Closed scope transport door use  Scope wash unit must be special - Deep wash basin - Compressed air –water gun - Automatic machine kullanmakUse disposable materials 07/12/17 11
12. Hand Washing Hand Washing eller After touching surfaces and objects contaminated with blood and body fluids, hands are washed whether or not gloves are worn. Ilmaz Immediately wash hands as soon as the glove is removed and passed from patient to patient. Antib Antibacterial-free liquid soap is used for hygienic hand washing.

13. The purpose of handwashing The purpose of handwashing is to minimize the amount of bacteria on the hand.
14. Handwashing Handwashing  In the handwashing areas, training posters warning and encouraging hygienic handwashing are placed on or near the washbasins. El Hand antiseptic can be used for hand hygiene, unless there is visible dirt and organic dirt in the hand. 07/12/17 14
15. Use of GlovesUsing Gloves eldiven When touching scopes on surfaces and objects contaminated with blood and body fluids, gloves (gloves are sufficient to be clean, do not need to be sterile) are worn. Eldiven Before touching the scopes, wear gloves even if the scope is clean. Temiz Wear clean gloves just before touching the mucous membranes and the disrupted skin. Müdahale Gloves are exchanged for interventions and contacts to different body parts in the same patient. 07/12/17 16
16. Use of gloves Gloves Handling ld Gloves are removed immediately after use. The hands are washed after the glove has been removed to prevent transport of microorganisms to other scopes or the environment. Eldiven Gloves are worn for all invasive procedures. Eldiven If the glove tears, punctures, hand hygiene is provided and the glove is replaced with a new one. 07/12/17 17
17. Apron is used to protect clothing during operations where blood and body fluid may spill or during maintenance. The apron used must be resistant to liquids. To prevent contamination of microorganisms to the environment, scopes, or other patients, the contaminated gown is immediately removed and hands are washed. Apron Use Apron Use
18. Use of masks, Use of masks, Use of face shields Use of face shields Use of goggles Use of goggles Use of goggles Use of goggles Use of eye and face protection masks is used to protect the eyes, nose, mouth mucosa during the washing, care of the endoscopy unit. Health personnel with infected material; to prevent contact with blood and body fluids, respiratory secretions (Standard Precautions and Droplet Isolation measures), To prevent the sterile area from being contaminated with respiratory secretions in sterile applications.
19. 07/12/17 20
20. 07/12/17 21
21. For your patience For your patience Thank you Thank you 07/12/17 22 100 FISH RECIPE FISH FOODS Goldfish - cuisine - AQUARIUM FISHING SPIN

AMMEX Medical Indigo Nitrile Gloves - 4 mil, Latex Free, Powder Free, Textured, Disposable, Non-Sterile, Large, AINPF46100-BX, Box of 100

Medline FitGuard Touch Nitrile Exam Gloves, Disposable, Powder-Free, Cobalt Blue, Medium, Box of 300

Glove and Mask Instructions for Use (Food and Health Sector)

Medline FitGuard Touch Nitrile Exam Gloves, Disposable, Powder-Free, Cobalt Blue, Medium, Box of 300

Glove and Mask Instructions for Use (Food Sector)
Prevention and minimization of bacteriological hazards that may be transmitted from person to food during the preparation of food and beverage.
This includes the preparation and / or presentation of foods to be consumed or cooked / ready to eat without cooking.
Kitchen and restaurant staff should follow these instructions completely during food preparation and presentation.

Application of Glove Use Conditions for the use of gloves and masks during the preparation and / or presentation of food and beverages;
1. Coughing, colds and sneezing people must work with the permission of the chef or his assistant if the work must wear a continuous filter mask.
2.If there is no open wounds, burns or cuts on the hands, there is no harm in preparing the food to be cooked. However, hands should be thoroughly washed, dried and disinfected before contact with food.
3. If there are open wounds, cuts and burns in the hand, the bandage should be changed frequently and disinfected and new red or blue bandage should be used.
4. When ready-to-eat, cooked or un-cooked foods must be prepared by hand, gloves should be worn and a mask must be worn.
5. After each new glove wear, the hands should be disinfected with gloves.
6. The personnel presenting the buffet should wear gloves.
7. Before putting on the gloves, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap, dried and disinfected.
8. Do not use the same gloves for more than one hour. Gloves should be replaced every hour.
9. If gloves come into contact with anything other than food, the gloves should be replaced immediately.
10.Eg is; If the gloves and mask are damaged,
11.If cross-contamination occurs in gloves and mask,
12.If sweating occurs due to contact with hot foods,
13. If gloves and masks are removed for any reason, new gloves and masks should be worn.
14. Before wearing the new glove, hands must be soaped, dried and disinfected.
15. Gloves and masks used for the preparation of food that will cause cross-contamination are not prepared for any other food.

Protecting hospital workers from infections transmitted by blood and body secretions, as well as preventing patient-to-patient transmission.
It covers the personnel caring for patients and all hospital departments.
3.KISALT studies
There is no abbreviation.
4. Definitions
Mechanical Ventilation: It is the process of providing breathing with mechanical devices in the absence of spontaneous breathing.
Saglık .. All health personnel working in Training and Research Hospital are responsible.

In cases where there is no indication for isolation measures applied to the patient, the following rules apply.
Procedures requiring clean- nonsterile gloves.
Before entering the rooms of patients with isolation
6.1.3.In processes requiring direct contact with the patient's blood, body fluids and secretions, extracts, or visibly contaminated articles with body fluids.
Contact with blood
6.1.5. Contact with impaired skin and mucous membranes
Potential presence of highly infectious and dangerous organism
Epidemic or emergency situations
Opening and terminating intravenous vascular access
Taking blood
Pelvic and vaginal examination
Aspiration from the endotracheal tube
6.1.12. In procedures requiring indirect contact with the patient's blood, body fluids and secretions, extracts, and visibly contaminated articles with body fluids.
6.1.13. Emptying the container containing vomit
Cleaning of instruments used in patients
6.1.15. Cleaning the area contaminated with body fluids
Procedures requiring the use of sterile gloves
Interventions to the sterile body of the patient (any surgical procedure, vaginal delivery, etc.)
Invasive radiological interventions
6.2.3.Central catheter placement
6.2.4. Conditions where the sterility of medical devices should be maintained
Preparation of total parenteral nutrition
Preparation of chemotherapeutic agents
Aspiration of the respiratory secretions of the patient under mechanical ventilation


6.3. Gloves should not be used in the following cases;
Procedures requiring direct patient contact where the patient is not likely to be in contact with body fluids and secretions
Measurement of blood pressure
Body temperature and pulse measurement
Subcutaneous and intramuscular injection
Dressing the patient, having a bath
Patient transport
Eye and ear examination without secretion access without blood leakage
Procedures requiring indirect patient contact where the patient is not likely to be in contact with body fluids and secretions
Phone use
Completing the patient card, file, daily observation
Oral treatment of the patient food to the patient and collecting it afterwards
Removing and reinstalling the bed sheet
Installation of non-invasive mechanical ventilation devices, oxygen cannula
Relocation of patient furniture

6.4.Rules to be considered in the use of gloves;
6.4.1.In case of contact with gloved hands the patient should work from clean to dirty.
Contaminated contact with self and the environment must be limited when handling gloves
Gloves should not be reused
Hand hygiene should be ensured after removal of gloves.
Gloves should be worn last
The right type and size of gloves should be selected
The gloves should be pulled over the sleeve cuffs of the apron when wearing an apron.
6.4.8.After wearing gloves, the gloves should be removed immediately, hand hygiene should be applied after the work intended for the intended use of gloves, and the surfaces in the patient room should not be touched while the same gloves are obtained.
6.4.11.The hands should be washed or rubbed with hand antiseptic before wearing sterile gloves. WHEN THE GLOVES ARE REMOVED IN THE SAME WAY, THE HANDS MUST BE WASHED OR RUBBER WITH HAND ANTISEPTIC.

Medline FitGuard Touch Nitrile Exam Gloves, Disposable, Powder-Free, Cobalt Blue, Medium, Box of 300

ProCure Disposable Nitrile Gloves – Powder Free, Rubber Latex Free, Medical Exam Grade, Non Sterile, Ambidextrous - Soft with Textured Tips – Cool Blue (Small, 1 Pack, 200 Count)

The life of a surgeon and a nurse! Nurse's glove rebellion!

ProCure Disposable Nitrile Gloves – Powder Free, Rubber Latex Free, Medical Exam Grade, Non Sterile, Ambidextrous - Soft with Textured Tips – Cool Blue (Small, 1 Pack, 200 Count)

The AIDS scandal in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of the EÜ Hospital lastly marked the "glove" rebellion of the personnel.
Corporate Contracted Staff
Inactive institutions should be evaluated in need

The AIDS scandal experienced in the Ege University (EU) Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery Service, which was revealed by Yeni Asır, was marked by the "glove" rebellion of the personnel. HM nurse accidentally immersed his needle into his own hands, the patient HM, stating that armored gloves should be worn against such incidents, "We can not find even normal gloves to armor gloves because of saving measures," he rebelled.

Last March, the Assistant Doctor ZK had cut his hand with a scalpel where the patient's blood was contaminated by an AIDS patient with by-pass surgery at the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of the EU Hospital. The female doctor, who was experiencing great panic and fear, entered the depression after the incident and four days later, the student of the faculty of nursing HM, who accidentally dipped the needle of the measuring device into her own finger. The panic-stricken nurse was first treated the same night. HM, "The disease can occur even after 5 years. Very scared," he said.

Neglecting one after another

HM survived the shock of the incident nurse, "What armored gloves, because of the hospital savings measures, we can not even find normal gloves," he rebelled. On the other hand, the nurses of other faculty students also told them how to protect themselves from infectious diseases such as AIDS virus again, not being affected by cutting and penetrating tools, armored gloves suggested.

It was learned that the students of the Faculty of Nursing did not have accident insurance against such incidents but the insurance process was made after this event.
Contact ERKAN directly

'No measures taken'
Democratic Health Sen President Togan Demircan, university hospitals to protect health workers from infectious diseases claimed that the measures were not taken. Demircan, "Unfortunately for our health care workers in hospitals in terms of infectious diseases are not taken adequate measures. So a young nurse in the Ege University Hospital, the life of our assistant doctor has turned into a nightmare," he said.

ProCure Disposable Nitrile Gloves – Powder Free, Rubber Latex Free, Medical Exam Grade, Non Sterile, Ambidextrous - Soft with Textured Tips – Cool Blue (Small, 1 Pack, 200 Count)

Dealmed Brand Nitrile Medical Exam Gloves, Disposable, Latex Free, Black, 100 Count, Size Small

What Is Transparent Gloves And Latex Gloves? Where to use?

Dealmed Brand Nitrile Medical Exam Gloves, Disposable, Latex Free, Black, 100 Count, Size Small

The transparent glove, also called nylon glove, is made of high-density polyethylene.

What Is Transparent Gloves And Latex Gloves? Where to use?

What is Transparent Glove?

The transparent glove , also called nylon glove, is made of high-density polyethylene. The transparent glove, which is compatible with both hands, is very thin and does not cause much loss of feeling. Therefore, they provide a more economical alternative than other gloves in jobs that do not require very high precision and durability. Transparent gloves with wide application areas; It can be used in hospitals, beauty salons, food production places and cleaning works. With its single-use feature, it provides the preparation of foods without touching. It is used safely in many areas requiring health, hygiene and cleaning.

One size transparent gloves fit every hand. Transparent gloves that take the shape of the hand and thus make it easier to move do not cause problems such as sweating. It is preferred by many people because it is very useful and economical.

What is Latex Glove?

Latex gloves , which everyone has used for once in their lives, are among the white and powdered glove models. The latex glove, which is prepared from the essence of rubber tree, is easily used in many different fields. Naturally produced latex gloves also increased tactility.

Latex gloves prevent users from feeling excess. Latex gloves, which have many different uses, used to cause allergies due to latex material. However, latex gloves, which are now produced in powder form, ensure that allergy-causing substances are excreted with powder and eliminate allergy problems.

Latex gloves, which are called disposable gloves with their disposable properties, are also economically suitable with this feature. Latex gloves, also approved by health institutions, are mainly used in food and health. Highly resistant to puncture and tear, latex gloves offer effective protection. Latex gloves, which offer longer wearability, also reduce the problem of continuous replacement.

The ability to grasp small materials and objects is very high for those working in the medical field. Latex gloves with a more flexible structure are also resistant to puncture. Latex gloves, which are used by doctors and nurses in hospitals and discarded after use, are also used by veterinarians.

Latex gloves which are used in areas requiring hygiene are produced with powder. Thus, it protects both the wearer and the theme area. The most important point in using latex gloves is that once used latex gloves should never be used again. Latex gloves, which make the hands more comfortable, can be used safely.

Dealmed Brand Nitrile Medical Exam Gloves, Disposable, Latex Free, Black, 100 Count, Size Small

Adenna DLG678 Dark Light 9 mil Nitrile Powder Free Exam Gloves (Black, X-Large) Box of 90

FDA Prohibits Use of Powdered Gloves

Adenna DLG678 Dark Light 9 mil Nitrile Powder Free Exam Gloves (Black, X-Large) Box of 90

In the United States, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ruled that it prohibits the use of powdered gloves in medicine on the grounds that it is harmful to human health. This ban was first proposed in March 2016.

This prohibition accelerated efforts to remove the use of pre-powdered surgeon gloves, powdered examination gloves, and surgeons without slow application of absorbable powder to lubricate their gloves.

Dusts are used to facilitate movement when gloves are worn and removed. Unlike synthetic powdered gloves, especially natural rubber latex gloves are known to carry proteins that can cause respiratory allergy reactions of aerosol glove powders. Although powdered synthetic gloves do not carry the risk of allergic reactions, they are known to be associated with serious adverse events, including severe airway inflammation, wound inflammation and post-surgical adhesions.

Professional societies advocate this prohibition, and as many individual clinicians do, many major health systems have already restricted or completely terminated the use of such products.

Although the gloves used for medical purposes have a very important role in protecting patients, healthcare providers and other people nearby, the FDA states that these gloves are dangerous for various reasons. They emphasize that powders used in all types of gloves are associated with serious serious airway inflammation, hypersensitivity reactions, allergic reactions including asthma, lung inflammation and lung injury, possible serious adverse events such as granulomas and peritoneal adhesions. They say that proteins in aerosol glove powder can cause allergic respiratory reactions. Both surgeons and patient examination gloves say that there are appropriate alternatives that do not carry the risks of powdered gloves but provide similar protection, dexterity and performance, so switching to existing alternatives in the market will not cause any harm to public health.

The ban went into effect on January 19th. This decision was the second ban by the FDA in 1983 after the abolition of the use of prosthetic hair strands. The FDA has now proposed another ban on the use of electrical stimulation devices for the treatment of self-injurious or aggressive behavior.

Adenna DLG678 Dark Light 9 mil Nitrile Powder Free Exam Gloves (Black, X-Large) Box of 90

The Safety Zone GNEP-MD-1P-Case Nitrile Exam Gloves, Medical Grade, Powder-Free, Non-Sterile, Disposable, Food Safe, Indigo Color, Size Medium, (Case of 1,000)

Use of Gloves for Health Workers

The Safety Zone GNEP-MD-1P-Case Nitrile Exam Gloves, Medical Grade, Powder-Free, Non-Sterile, Disposable, Food Safe, Indigo Color, Size Medium, (Case of 1,000)

It is imperative to pay attention to the smallest detail in the hospital. Therefore, you will find detailed information about the use of gloves by healthcare workers and in this news you can learn when and how to use the gloves.

Basic Principles of Glove Use in Hospital

Hospital workers need to know the proper methods of wearing gloves to prevent infections and cross- contamination in relation to health care . It includes all diagnostic and treatment units in the hospital. All hospital staff should have full knowledge of the use of gloves.

First of all, the use of gloves does not eliminate the necessity of hand hygiene , we should know. Hands should be washed and hand hygiene provided before wearing gloves and after removing gloves.


WARNING: Do not wash your gloved hands or use alcohol-based hand disinfectant.

Do not use the same glove on another patient , you should change your glove when looking at another patient.
When applying different areas of the patient's body, hand hygiene should be provided and gloves should be changed after each procedure.
Gloves must be worn in the care and treatment of patients in isolation and the gloves must be removed properly before leaving the patient's room. (For more information, see What is Insulation Precautions.)
At the same time, gloves should be worn if there are cuts, scratches or cracks in the hands of health workers.

hastanede kullanılan eldivenler
When should medical personnel wear gloves?

The patient's blood , body fluid and secretions in processes requiring direct contact with visibly contaminated objects ;

All patients are in contact with blood or body fluids
Blood collection
Blood and body fluid spills during cleaning
Changing the serum sets and inserting the blood set into the bag
Aspirating the patient
Urine bag and duck being emptied
When changing the colostomy bag
Patient care

The patient's blood, body fluid and secretions in the process of requiring indirect contact with visibly contaminated objects;

Emptying container containing or contaminated with patient secretion
In handling and cleaning used tools
In case of waste disposal
Cleaning of body fluid debris

saglık personeli eldiven
What are the conditions for using non -sterile gloves?

Isolated patients entering rooms
Before contact with blood, body fluids, exits, and before contact with impaired skin or mucous membranes
In the presence of high levels of infectious agents
Intravenous vascular access, removal, blood collection, termination of the venous line, pelvic and vaginal examination
When the container containing vomit is emptied, the patient is in direct contact with visible contaminated objects such as blood, body fluids and secretions, extracts of the patient, such as handling and cleaning the instruments used, handling waste, cleaning body fluid debris.

What are the conditions for the use of sterile gloves?

Any surgical procedure, such as vaginal birth in the procedures to be performed on the sterile body of the patient
Invasive radiological procedures
Central vascular access and catheter placement
In cases where the sterility of the materials to be used must be maintained
Total parenteral nutrition and preparation of chemotherapeutic agents
Open aspiration of endotracheal tubes

What are the conditions to use barrier gloves?

Barrier gloves should be used before invasive procedures for patients with Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever and HIV-positive patients and for surgical procedures in HCV or HIV-positive patients.

What are the situations where health personnel do not need to wear gloves?

In cases where contact with the patient is required but there is no possibility of contact with body fluids and secretions ;

Blood pressure, body temperature and pulse measurement
Subcutaneous and intramuscular injection
When the patient is dressed and bathed
Patient transport
Eye and ear examination without secretion
When conducting vascular access without blood leakage

In indirect contact procedures where there is no possibility of contact with body fluids and secretions ;

When using a phone
Patient card and so on. filling
Oral treatment
Feeding the patient
When changing patient bedding
Non-invasive mechanical ventilation devices for insertion of the oxygen cannula
When contacting patient furniture


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Written and visual contents in our content are compiled from different sources, suggestion and information letter. There is no definitive diagnosis and treatment. In case of any health problems, consult your doctor. Remember that the treatment methods used in health problems may vary according to the individual's biology, hereditary characteristics, age, height, weight differences, allergic aspects, and dozens of different conditions. Your doctor can help you in the treatment of your health problems.

The Safety Zone GNEP-MD-1P-Case Nitrile Exam Gloves, Medical Grade, Powder-Free, Non-Sterile, Disposable, Food Safe, Indigo Color, Size Medium, (Case of 1,000)

AMMEX Medical Black Nitrile Gloves - 4 mil, Latex Free, Powder Free, Textured, Disposable, Non-Sterile, XLarge, ABPNF48100-BX, Box of 100

Banned Use of Powdered Gloves on the grounds that it is unhealthy!

AMMEX Medical Black Nitrile Gloves - 4 mil, Latex Free, Powder Free, Textured, Disposable, Non-Sterile, XLarge, ABPNF48100-BX, Box of 100

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned powdered gloves used in medical procedures on the grounds that they are harmful to human health.

In its first prohibition proposal submitted by the FDA in March 2016, the gradual removal of powdered gloves came into question.

According to the news in Medscape, the FDA made the following statements regarding powdered gloves:

Gloves are important in protecting patients, health care providers and others; Powdered gloves are dangerous in many ways. Gloves with powder; respiratory disorders, hypersensitivity reactions, allergic reactions (including asthma), lung inflammation and injury, granulomas and peritoneal adhesions have the potential to cause serious health problems.

The FDA reported that alternative powder-free gloves have the same protection and performance, and do not include the risks of powdered gloves, and that public health will be protected by switching to other alternative products on the market.

Most device removal from the United States market was initiated by manufacturers, not FDA.

Powdered gloves are the second product group to be banned by the FDA. The first one was the banned prosthetic hair in 1983. Another product group that the FDA currently recommends is the prohibition of electrical stimulation devices used to treat self-harm or aggressive behavior.

AMMEX Medical Black Nitrile Gloves - 4 mil, Latex Free, Powder Free, Textured, Disposable, Non-Sterile, XLarge, ABPNF48100-BX, Box of 100