Saturday, August 31, 2019

NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Teens - Natural Vitamins & Minerals for Teenage Boys & Girls - Best Supplement for Active Kids - with Plant Extracts - Non-GMO - Vegan & Vegetarian - 60 Capsules

Vitamins and Minerals

NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Teens - Natural Vitamins & Minerals for Teenage Boys & Girls - Best Supplement for Active Kids - with Plant Extracts - Non-GMO - Vegan & Vegetarian - 60 Capsules

Vitamins are regulators and resistance enhancers that are found in natural nutritional sources, which help cell regeneration and energy production, which the body needs in certain amounts on a daily basis and which should be taken as an external supplement when it is not sufficient. However, many of the vitamins cannot be produced in the human body. Therefore, the amount required for health can be taken additionally if it cannot be taken through natural food sources.

There are two types of vitamins: water soluble and oil soluble. The water-soluble vitamins are excreted through the excretory system after the amount required for the body is consumed. Therefore, such vitamins should be taken regularly. Fat-soluble vitamins are more easily stored in the body. Therefore, water-soluble vitamins should be consumed more frequently than fat-soluble vitamins.

Minerals like vitamins are needed by the body; are essential elements for the healthy functioning of the body. Minerals are inorganic substances unlike vitamins. Since the human body itself cannot produce minerals, it should be taken through nutrients and / or as supplements. They play a role in bone development, control of body fluids inside and outside the cell, and the conversion of food we eat into energy.


Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a type of fat soluble vitamin that is included in many foods. Reproduction is important for vision and immune system. It contributes to the healthy functioning of organs such as heart, kidney and lung. Two types of vitamin A are available. The first type of vitamin A is preformed Vitamin A found in everyday foods such as meat, fish, poultry. The second type of vitamin A is the vitamin A found in vegetable foods such as fruits and vegetables. Vitamin A can be found naturally in foods as well as in products such as milk and cereal. There are also supplements that contain both multivitamin-minerals and only vitamin A.

Vitamin A deficiency can cause dry eye, especially in children and pregnant women. On the other hand, preformed vitamin A, taken in high doses, especially in pregnant women, may cause some health problems. In the absence of vitamin A, night blindness occurs as a result of the disruption of the synthesis of rhodopsin, a substance that provides vision in the dark. If this condition is left untreated, vision loss develops rapidly. The epithelium covering the outer surface of the eye, called the conjunctiva, dries and becomes opaque. Permanent vision loss occurs due to ulceration of this layer. Vitamin A deficiency also decreases resistance to infections; inflammation of the hair follicles, loss of appetite, loss of taste and smell sensations are seen. In people suffering from vitamin A deficiency, the normal healthy structure of the skin is lost, and various skin diseases may occur on the skin surface.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a food substance found in foods, which helps the muscles to move, and especially strengthens the bones. It is one of the fat soluble vitamins. It helps to absorb calcium, which is the basic building block of bones, in foods and supplements. For example, nerves require vitamin D to transmit messages transmitted by the brain to organs. Together with calcium, it helps prevent bone resorption in adults. The main source of vitamin D is sun. For this, the body must be in direct contact with the sun. The sun that comes in contact with the glass inside the house does not form vitamin D in the body. Cloudy weather, shade and dark skin reduce the body's vitamin D production.

Vitamin D is naturally found in very few foods. Oily fish such as salmon and tuna are the best sources of vitamin D. Liver, egg yolk and cheese contain low levels of vitamin D. However, vitamin D can be added to some orange juices, yoghurts and margarines. However, two types of vitamin D can also be included in the content of supplementary foods, in the form of D2 and D3. Both species increase vitamin D in the blood.

The natural form of vitamin D in the body is a substance called cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). When exposed to ultraviolet light (sunlight), vitamin D3 is produced from cholesterol, which is synthesized in the body or taken from the diet.

Vitamin D deficiency especially calcium, bone, teeth, nail formation occurs that disrupt the abnormalities. Hypocalcemia and bone loss occur in adults, especially in menopausal women, whose estrogen hormone is insufficient due to vitamin D deficiency. Studies have shown that vitamin D and calcium deficiency are more effective than the lack of estrogen in osteoporosis observed in women during menopause, and that women who do not receive calcium and vitamin D adequately are at risk, especially since the age of 30 years.

Depletion of minerals from bone during growth (demineralization) causes insufficient mineral precipitation to the bone matrix and can cause serious bone disorders in adults. The shape of the bone changes as a result of weights on the softened structures since the mineral does not collapse during growth along with the insufficiency of calcium precipitation to the bones.

Vitamin D deficiency also causes liver disease and muscle diseases due to decreased phosphate in muscle. It causes tetanus, which means that the muscle tissue remains permanently contracted as a result of not getting enough calcium from the blood.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E, which is one of the fat soluble vitamins, is included in the contents of many foods. With its powerful antioxidant effect, it helps to protect cells against free radicals. Our body needs vitamin E to strengthen the immune system. With its antioxidant effect, vitamin E also helps to protect our body against serious diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular. It can be found in many products as well as supplementary foods containing vitamin E. Vegetable oils are among the best sources of vitamin E. Green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli also contain vitamin E. Vitamin E can be supplemented into products such as fruit juice, margarine.

Vitamin K
Vitamin K, which contributes to blood clotting and healthy formation of bones, is one of the fat soluble vitamins. Vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, parsley, brussels sprouts, beans, and meat, eggs and cheese contain vitamin K. Multivitamin / Multimineral supplements also include vitamin K. However, food supplements containing only vitamin K are also available.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Vitamin B1, which is one of the water soluble vitamins, helps the foods we eat to convert into energy. Therefore, it is important for the development and growth of cells in the body. It meets the energy needs of the heart and nervous system. Deficiency of this vitamin can cause neurological diseases and heart diseases. Thiamine deficiency is often associated with other vitamin deficiencies and calorie deficiency. The first signs of thiamine deficiency are psychic symptoms, such as loss of appetite and anxiety. The amount of vitamin B1 required varies according to age and gender. It is found in whole grains, fortified breads and rice. There is also vitamin B1 in meat and fish. However, vitamin B1 is also included in Multivitamin / Multimineral supplement foods.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
It helps convert the food we eat into energy. It has antioxidant effect. Helps balance sugar levels, slows down aging, eliminates the damage caused by free radicals. A deficiency of vitamin B2 can cause problems with digestive problems, especially stomach-related problems. In developed countries, deficiency is rarely seen. However, subclinical deficiencies are common. May cause growth retardation in children. There is a deficiency combined with deficiencies of other vitamins rather than deficiencies alone. Experimental riboflavin deficiencies cause glossitis, pyuritis, skin peeling, seborrheic dermatitis. Corneal vascularization may occur. This causes photophobia, decreased vision, burning sensation. Deficiency can also be considered teratogenic. Burning and surgical traumas, chronic diseases (such as tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, subacute bacterial endocarditis), diabetes, hyperthyroidism, people with liver cirrhosis are at risk for deficiency. Vitamin B2 is found in dairy products, eggs and legumes. There are also supplements that contain both multivitamin-minerals and only vitamin B2.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
It provides the conversion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy. Water soluble vitamins. It is effective against alzeimer disease. Niacin also performs important tasks such as improving blood circulation and reducing blood cholesterol levels. They participate in energy-generating reactions in the tissues by the conversion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They are essential for growth and synthesis of hormones. Pellegra; niacin and tryptophan deficiency. Symptoms include dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea and nervous disorders. Nausea and vomiting occur early. It can cause paralysis especially in the legs. It also causes anorexia, insomnia, headache, irritability and mental confusion. It is found in many vegetable and animal foods. Vitamin B3 is also found in dairy products, poultry, fish and vegetables such as broccoli, potatoes and tomatoes.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
It helps convert the food we eat into energy. It is also called antistress vitamin. Helps to produce red blood cells. It is a component of coenzyme A. It plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Therefore, it is involved in the maintenance and repair of the integrity of all cells and tissues. Beef, fish, chicken, eggs and beans, broccoli, cereals, cauliflower, avocado is found in foods such as. Since it is found in many foods, its deficiency is usually rare. The deficiency picture in humans is not well defined. Other B vitamins are associated with deficiencies. When the deficiency was created experimentally, problems such as weakness, headache, sleep disturbances, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and gas were observed. In animal deficiencies, there are many symptoms such as growth deficiencies, fertilization deficiencies, dermatological diseases and adrenal gland necrosis. The need for alcoholics has increased. A decrease in blood levels has been detected in women receiving oral contraceptives. Urinary excretion is increased in people with diabetes and those with gastrointestinal disease have insufficient absorption. The need increases with growth, pregnancy and lactation.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Our body needs vitamin B6 in more than a hundred chemical reactions. It contributes to the regular functioning of the nervous system. Lack of vitamin B6 may have symptoms such as wounds on the lips, hair loss and weakness. Fish and offal are foods rich in vitamin B6. Carbohydrate-containing vegetables such as potatoes and fruits other than citrus fruits also contain vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 in the form of pyridoxine can also be found in dietary supplements. In addition, supplementary foods are available that contain both multivitamin-minerals and only vitamin B6.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
It is necessary for the brain and nervous system and blood cells to be healthy. It also helps in the formation of DNA. Helps prevent megaloblastic anemia that causes fatigue. If there is not enough vitamin B12 to meet the needs of the cells, the production of blood cells is slowed down and the cells produced are of poor quality and weak. It is therefore important to provide an adequate amount of vitamin B12. A rare deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemia and neuropathy. It is characterized by fatigue, weakness, dyspnea, paresthesia, glossitis, appetite and weight loss, impotence, psychiatric symptoms and severe anemia. Irreversible disorders of the nervous system. Those with pernicious anemia are the greatest risk group. After gastrectomy, exposure to corrosive agents may cause damage to the gastric mucosa.

Especially in the liver, as well as kidney, heart, spleen and brain are found. Absorption occurs on the condition that intrinsic factor is produced in the small intestine and stomach. It binds to the proteins to which it will go to tissues after absorption. Excretion is through urine, bile and feces. Very well maintained in the body. Therefore, symptoms of deficiency gradually appear. Light, oxygen, acid, alkaline slowly loses its activity, but is heat-resistant.

Liver and mussels are the best sources of B12. In addition, meat, milk, eggs are also B12. Most multivitamins also have B12. There are also dietary supplements containing only B12 and dietary supplements containing folic acid and other B vitamins.

C vitamin
Water soluble vitamins. With its powerful antioxidant effect, it helps to protect cells against free radicals. Our body needs vitamin C in the production of collagen, a protein used for healing wounds. It also helps the immune system function in a healthy way to protect our body against diseases. Deficiency occurs in scurvy. Petechia and ecchymosis bleedings in the skin, swelling and bleeding in the gums, bleeding in the urine and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract (hematemesis and melena) are the most striking findings. The skin becomes rough and dry and hyperkeratotic changes occur in the hair follicles of the hips and legs. Bones stop growing, lose bone mineral, osteoporosis occurs. ”
The most important sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits. On the other hand, most multivitamins contain vitamin C. There are nutritional supplements containing only vitamin C, as well as nutritional supplements with other nutrients.

Folic acid
It is one of the vitamins needed for blood production in the body, new cell formation and muscle building. Especially before and after the pregnancy, the need for folic acid may increase. Folates are involved in cell division and maturation activities. There is a tight connection between folic acid and vitamin B12. Folic acid is important in the formation of the structures that make up the nervous system of the unborn babies. Folic acid requirement increases during blood production and when metabolism is accelerated. Folic acid deficiency causes a decrease in the number of red blood cells and white blood cells (anemia). Wounds may occur in the mouth and digestive tract, hair formation and elongation may be impaired.

In children of folic acid deficiency, the so-called neural tube defect arises and disorders of the spinal cord and central nervous system structures are observed. Offal, eggs, milk, yogurt and legumes contain folic acid. It is also produced in the form of supplements.


99% of calcium, the most abundant mineral in the human body, is found in bones and teeth. The remaining 1% is stored in blood and cells. Calcium; it is a necessary mineral for the functioning of muscles, blood clotting, bone and dental health and regular functioning of the nervous system. The amount of calcium to be taken daily varies in infants, children, adults and pregnant women. It causes various diseases such as bone resorption, rickets, tooth decay, fracture of hair and nails, pain in joints and muscles, hypertension. If it is not taken sufficiently during pregnancy and infancy, it causes developmental disorders. If it is taken too much, it causes problems like kidney stone, calcification and muscle weakness. Calcium is mostly found in dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, and also in many foods such as dried legumes, nuts, almonds, walnuts, eggs, butter, fish.

Magnesium is a mineral that is constantly needed by the body and is an important mineral for bone development, heart health, cell structure, hormone balance and muscle structure. Skin, hair and nails are more powerful and healthy, the nervous system is effective in working properly. In the body; calcium, vitamin c, sodium and phosphorus. It is also called anti-stress mineral because it is effective in the nervous system. In the absence; problems such as heart, brain, kidney function, sleep problems, fatigue, muscle cramps are seen. Magnesium; dark green vegetables, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, peanuts, eggs, whole grain bread is found in many foods.

Zinc found in all parts of the body such as cells, organs, bones; It is a mineral necessary for healing of wounds, cell repair, growth and development, immune system and reproductive functions. It is also one of the essential minerals involved in the synthesis of proteins, heart and brain functions, and cell metabolism. Zinc deficiency; while it causes retardation in growth and development of children, problems in the reproductive system in adults, hair loss, weakness, weakness in the immune system, causes many problems such as distraction. Zinc, which is mostly found in animal foods; legumes, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, mushrooms, spinach, seafood and cereals.


Potassium, which is the most abundant mineral in the human body after calcium and phosphorus, is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and muscles by keeping the ph value in balance in the body. It is important in transporting oxygen to the brain, maintaining water and mineral balance in the body, transporting nutrients into the cell, and working the heart regularly. Since potassium mineral is found in many foods, it is generally not lacking. But; Inadequate nutrition, diuretics, diarrhea and excessive sweating, such as potassium deficiency is encountered. Potassium deficiency in the body; muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmia, impaired renal function, fluid accumulation in the body. Potassium mineral; beans, potatoes, spinach, lentils, bananas, melons, dried fruits, green leafy vegetables and dairy products.


Most of the phosphorus, the most abundant mineral in the body after calcium, is found in bones and teeth. It is the basic building block of DNA and RNA in the cell. Phosphorus; It is an important mineral in strengthening bones and teeth, in the functioning of the heart and kidney, in maintaining hormonal balance and in the formation of energy. Phosphorus must be present together with calcium and vitamin D in order to function. Lack in the body; bone pain, dental problems, nervous problems, heart diseases, muscular fatigue and weakness can be seen. Phosphorus stored in bones is called phosphate. Phosphorus minerals are found in many foods such as meat and dairy products, seafood, almonds, peanuts, lentils, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and legumes.


Iron, which is necessary for the production of blood protein called hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood, is an important mineral for the development of the body. It is stored by the body when more than necessary. Lack of women is more common than men. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common anemia problem. When there is not enough iron in the body, the necessary hemoglobin cannot be produced and the vital oxygen for the tissues cannot be transported. Iron deficiency; weakness, fatigue, palpitations, dizziness, hair loss causes discomfort such as. It is recommended to take with vitamin C to increase the effect and absorption of iron mineral. Green leafy vegetables, meat products, liver, eggs, cereals, dates, beets, almonds, dried fruits, molasses are found in many foods.


Iodine, which is found mostly in the thyroid glands; It is an important mineral in terms of growth, development, nervous system and reproductive activities. The thyroid gland in the front of the neck is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland needs iodine to produce this hormone. In case of lack of iodine; goiter, developmental disability, mental retardation, metabolic disorder, abnormal weight gain can be seen. Especially iodine deficiency in pregnancy may cause serious problems such as developmental disorders in the baby, retardation in brain development, dwarfism and disability. Iodine mineral; iodized salt, milk, eggs, green leafy vegetables, seafood, mineral waters, mineral waters, spinach, zucchini are found in many foods.


Omega -3
Omega-3 is a fatty acid found in seafood and some plants. Although the recommended daily intake of omega-3 varies from person to person, it depends on health indicators such as cardiovascular health, blood pressure levels. This makes it difficult to determine a standard dose recommendation of omega-3. It is known to have positive effects on strengthening of memory, cardiovascular diseases, muscle and joint structure. In the absence; depression, heart disease, memory weakness. When used before and during pregnancy, it reduces the risk of depression and preterm birth. Omega-3 is found in many foods such as walnuts, almonds, kiwis, purslane, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, mostly in cold sea fish omonsomon, mackerel, sardine and so on.

NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Teens - Natural Vitamins & Minerals for Teenage Boys & Girls - Best Supplement for Active Kids - with Plant Extracts - Non-GMO - Vegan & Vegetarian - 60 Capsules

Dr Tobias Adult Multivitamin - Enhanced Bioavailability - with Whole Foods, Herbs, Minerals and Enzymes - Non-GMO

What is Vitamin K, What is Deficiency? Which foods are available?

Dr Tobias Adult Multivitamin - Enhanced Bioavailability - with Whole Foods, Herbs, Minerals and Enzymes - Non-GMO

Vitamins and minerals are as important as proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the healthy body system. Today you can learn more about vitamin K, which is often not remembered but essential for the body; We share a guide giving answers to the questions about what vitamin K is, what nutrients it contains, what causes vitamin K deficiency.

What is Vitamin K?
K-vitamin-What-what-what-the-benefit-of-the lack of which is seen-in-food-located

Vitamin K, which is abundant in fibrous green vegetables, especially broccoli and brussels sprouts, is a micronutrient variety with different forms. (1) Essential vitamin K, which is fat-soluble, is used during the body's ability to produce certain proteins involved in blood clotting. Vitamin K takes its name from the German “Koagulation”.

There are 2 different forms of vitamin K naturally. These are vitamin K1 (Phytonadione, Fitonadion) and vitamin K2 (Menaquinone). The most preferred and used type of vitamin K is vitamin K1 because it has less toxic effect, provides faster benefits, is stronger and works faster. Vitamin K1 is commonly found in fibrous green leafy vegetables. Vitamin K2 is the k vitamins we mostly get from animal products. Vitamin K1 can also be converted by bacteria into vitamin K2 in the intestinal flora. Vitamin K2 helps protect bones. Finally, there is a synthetic vitamin K3 which is produced in laboratory environment, which is not used for vitamin K deficiency and has high toxicity. Since vitamin K is easily soluble in fat, the benefit of vitamin K will increase when consumed with fats.

What does Vitamin K do and what is seen in vitamin K deficiency?
To understand what vitamin K deficiency can cause, you should understand the benefits of vitamin K.

The most important issue of vitamin K is blood clotting. It can prevent the bleeding problem of blood thinners, antibiotics and some drugs. When vitamin K deficiency is recognized by physicians, the person may be prescribed vitamin K.

Click on the link to review and purchase vitamin k supplements that can support your vitamin K deficiency.

Vitamin K can perform the following tasks in the body:

Prevent bleeding problems (hemorrhagic disease of the newborn) in newborns with low vitamin K levels
Prevent the clotting problems of individuals with missing proteins that allow blood to clot
Preventing the lack of clotting factors due to vitamin K, which is a kind of hereditary disorder
Reversing the effects of drugs used to prevent clotting
To help reduce the itching after cirrhosis
Prevent bone weakness called osteoporosis
In addition to these benefits, people use vitamin K cream that is applied to the skin to help treat spider bite wounds, burns and bruises. Vitamin K can also be used to accelerate the recovery of skin tissue after surgery. In the treatment of advanced vitamin K deficiency, your doctor may inject vitamin K with injection.

When we look at all these benefits, we can see more clearly what vitamin K deficiency can cause. Vitamin K deficiency can prevent blood clotting, may cause weakening of the bones, it may prevent the reduction of cirrhosis-related itching.

Which foods are found in vitamin K?
The best sources of vitamin K you can get through natural nutrition: (2)

Spinach, curly cabbage, black cabbage, chard, beet leaves, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, parsley, turnip, endive
Green beans, soybeans, peas, mexican beans
Red meat, chicken, chicken livers, duck, kidney, liver
Eggs, dairy products, cress oil, yogurt, cheese
Grapes, kiwi, strawberry, avocado, pomegranate, tomato, blueberry, blackberry, plum, dried figs, red currants
Cashew, walnut, hazelnut, pecan walnut
Vitamin K absorption in these foods may be greater when consumed with vitamin K, cress oil or other oils.

Causes Vitamin K Deficiency?
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Vitamin K deficiency should be considered even if it is not a very common health problem. If you think you are experiencing vitamin K deficiency, we recommend that you tell your doctor. Your doctor will do the necessary tests to let you know if you have vitamin K deficiency.

The following factors can trigger the occurrence of vitamin K deficiency:

High consumption of alcohol
Severe malnutrition
Using drugs that interfere with the absorption of vitamin K
Having diseases that affect digestion, such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease.

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Vitamin D Deficiency, Symptoms and How to Troubleshoot? Vitamin D Resources

Garden of Life Multivitamin for Men - mykind Organic Men's Once Daily Whole Food Vitamin Supplement, Vegan, 60 Tablets

The world's population - up to 90 percent of adults in the United States - has vitamin D deficiency? Many doctors are beginning to take this vitamin deficiency very seriously; It is one of the most recommended supplements of doctors today to treat and / or prevent symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

Do you know that the majority of the world's population - up to 90 percent of adults in the United States - has vitamin D deficiency?

Many doctors are beginning to take this vitamin deficiency very seriously; It is one of the most recommended supplements of doctors today to treat and / or prevent symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

Most adults have experienced vitamin D deficiency at some point in their lives, people living in northern parts of the world; they are more fortunate in terms of vitamin D reserves than people with dark skin, people living in places where the world is less exposed to the sun during the year or overweight.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Control Survey, the latest statistics show that more than 90 percent of people with dark skin pigments (including African-Americans, Spaniards, and Asians) living in the United States currently suffer from vitamin D deficiency. There is a 75% deficiency in the white population.

Since the population of overweight and obese adults and children has steadily increased over the past few decades, it has the incidence of vitamin D deficiency symptoms (the number of newly acquired people at risk of the disease). Unfortunately vitamin D deficiency is commonly associated with the risks of developing cancer, autoimmune diseases, hypertension and various infectious diseases.

A study conducted in 2017 has recently demonstrated that the labor force may also play an important role in vitamin D levels. The researchers found that vitamin D deficiency poses a high risk because shift workers, healthcare workers and indoor workers have reduced outdoor exposure and reduced exposure to sunlight.

Fortunately, there are ways you can naturally increase your vitamin D level and reduce your risk of developing health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Spending time in the sun, without sunscreen, is the best way to get enough vitamin D, and consuming vitamin D-rich foods will help increase your blood level.

Read on to understand how much time you need in the sun and what foods will help you to avoid symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin stored in the liver and adipose tissues. This means that increased body fat has the ability to absorb vitamin D and prevent it from being used in our bodies. Vitamin D is slightly different from other vitamins because our bodies try to get vitamin D on their own instead of relying solely on food. The way our body takes vitamin D is to convert sunlight into chemicals used by the body.

Cholesterol in our skin converts “previtamin D ve and makes usable vitamin D3, sometimes called vitamin D. Previtamin D first becomes biologically active in the bloodstream by passing through the kidney and liver. It is an available substance called calcitriol. Vitamin D actually becomes a hormone in the body, especially in a secosteroid hormone. What we know as vitamin D is really the pioneer of steroid hormone. It not only affects our skeletal structure, but also our blood pressure, immunity, mood, brain function and ability to protect ourselves against cancer. Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3 There are two types of vitamin D:

Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. The precursor of vitamin D is found in both plants and animal products, but animal products of vitamin D3 are thought to be more absorbable and useful.

So why?
Man-made vitamin D is produced in two ways: by irradiating D2, yeast and other molds (also known as vegetarian vitamin D2) or by irradiating animal fats and cholesterol. The type of vitamin D that our body naturally makes is called cholecalciferol, which is vitamin D3. It may sometimes hide vitamin D2 for use in body functions and may prefer to use vitamin D3 much more effectively.

Unfortunately, most vitamin D-supplemented foods and dietary supplements contain ergokalcifero, a type of vitamin D2 that cannot be absorbed by the body nor can be converted into need. D3 from animal products (especially cholesterol in these products) is the closest to what sunlight naturally produces in humans when it works to convert the UV light of the skin. Vitamin D3 is estimated to convert 500 times faster than D2 and is four times more effective in humans. How is Vitamin D Provided to Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms?
Many people assume that the best way to get vitamin D is to drink milk, eat fish, and even take supplements such as cod liver oil. While these serve as a source of vitamin D, direct exposure to the sun is actually the best way to absorb these important vitamins. When sunbathing, without sunscreen, when you sit for about 10 minutes, your body will probably absorb about 10,000 units of natural vitamin D.

Note, however, that this amount varies from person to person depending on skin tone. Melanin is a substance that affects how light or dark your skin is, and how much melanin is in your body, how dark your skin will be. When exposed to ultraviolet sunlight, melanin is released. With more sun we take, more melanin is released in our skin. Most people are believed to be exposed to sunlight up to 90 percent of vitamin D.

The amount of melanin in your skin affects the amount of vitamin D you can produce, so it makes your skin more fair, and you can give your body easier vitamin D. Cholesterol in the skin converts melanin into a vitamin D that can be used to distribute it throughout the body. For many people, during the winter months when they are less exposed to sunlight, there may be a slight and moderate increase in cholesterol levels, because more time is spent indoors and less exposed to sunlight. How Much Is Sunbathing?
Most experts recommend that if you are medium-skinned, you should take about 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight daily without applying sunscreen. If you have dark skin, you will need more time to get enough vitamin D as it provides more protection against the effects of the sun in the sun. Some experts recommend that low-key people stay in the sun for about 40 minutes to an hour per day if possible.

If you live farther from the equator (in the US, this is the middle state or the north), then you need more time in the sun (close to an hour a day). In winter, you should double the recommended time to ensure adequate vitamin D production.

It is a good rule to know that the sun provides vitamin D to your skin:
When you look at your shadow, it's shorter than you. This shows you that the sun is high enough in the sky and has enough power to provide vitamin D. For example, you can sunbathe between 10:00 and 15:00. However, you should know that at other times of the day the sun is less and therefore does not penetrate your skin effectively.

If you are concerned about the effect of sunbathing and direct sunlight on your skin without applying sunscreen, apply sunscreen to your face and hands, but not to your legs (assuming it affects your limbs). This ensures you get the vitamin D you need properly. What Are the Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency?
It is worth noting that 50 to 90 percent of vitamin D is caused by exposure to everyday sunlight. Vitamin D is supplied when your skin comes in contact with ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from the sun. Therefore, one of the major reasons why a growing population experiences symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is our modern, primarily closed, lifestyle.

This contributes to the two most common causes of vitamin D deficiency symptoms:

1. Lack of Sun
Years ago, when people spent more time outdoors, they were walking to walk and even go to work, unfortunately today we see a different situation. Many children spend unprecedented hours indoors - watching television, playing video games and surfing the web. Similarly, most adults work indoors, exercise in gyms, and spend their free time at home in the sun. No wonder during this time that “sunlight vitamin ve and vitamin D deficiency affect more than one billion people worldwide. Traditionally, the human vitamin D system starts in the skin, not from the food you eat. It is the most effective way to increase the nutrient level of vitamin D and to prevent sun deficiency and to properly supply sun vitamin D levels.

2. Sun Protectors
Not only do we spend enough time outdoors in the sun, but when we sunbathe, most of us use sunscreen almost all day. As the risk of developing skin cancer increases in recent years, doctors strongly encourage the use of sunscreen for children and adults, even in winter and when sun exposure is often limited. Some research shows that when you use sunscreen SPF 8, your body's ability to make vitamin D is reduced by 90 percent. If you choose a sunscreen with a higher SPF value (this is normally recommended by doctors), you can reduce your body's ability by up to 99 percent.

This leads to more deficiencies because even though we spend time outside, the sunscreen does not allow our body to convert vitamin D from the sun. Research also shows that certain health conditions, such as abdominal obesity, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and hypertension, increase the risk of vitamin D deficiency. Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

There is evidence that people with vitamin D deficiency have an increased risk of health complications and cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, various types of cancer, immune system disorders and adverse pregnancy.

According to some scientific studies and studies, the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can be attributed to the following health problems:

Heart diseases
Autoimmune diseases
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Chronic pain

Researchers recommend that anyone with these health conditions or those with the following symptoms be tested for vitamin D deficiency:

Chronic fatigue
Sleep problem
Weak or broken bones
Weakened immune system
Inflammation and swelling

The only way to know if you're missing vitamin D is to ask your doctor for a test. This will tell you how serious and incomplete you are.

Keep these numbers in mind when your doctor performs a blood test and gives you results for vitamin D levels:

50+ equals a good vitamin D level
Taking a 30–50 vitamin D supplement means spending more time in the sun and trying to add foods that contain vitamin D to your diet.
Less than 30 means you're too missing and you'll take immediate action to raise those levels.

If you are seriously inadequate or have a very low level of testing, talk to your doctor about higher doses of vitamin D supplementation. When your doctor performs a vitamin D test, indicate whether you want to have a 25-hydroxyapino vitamin D test or a 25 (OH) D test.

Some other vitamin D tests can show normal and even high vitamin D levels, which are actually false and can hide a serious deficiency, so the 25 (OH) D test seems to be most accurate when determining true vitamin D levels. Best Sources of Vitamin D to Prevent Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Foods with vitamin D
While some foods provide vitamin D, exposure to sunlight is the best way to get the vitamin D you need to prevent symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

However, you should eat foods rich in vitamin D, so try adding these quality and natural sources of vitamin D regularly to your diet:

Sunlight: Aim to spend 10–20 minutes per day in the sun (between 1,000 and 10,000 IU). The time of sunbathing varies depending on which season, where you live and your color tone. If you have a lighter skin, you need less time. If you have darker skin or live further north (such as Boston, in the Northern Hemisphere), you need about an hour of sunshine to get about 1000 IU of vitamin D in summer.
Trout fish
Carp fish
The eel
Maitake Mushrooms (exposed to UV light)
White fishes
Portobella fungi (exposed to UV light)
Rainbow Trout
Cod liver oil
Raw milk

Vitamin D in Mushrooms
Mushrooms are very interesting and rare foods when it comes to vitamin D. It is one of the only plant sources of vitamin D and absorbs more vitamin D when exposed to the sun, as human skin does. Some health food stores increase the vitamin D content by exposing some fungi to ultraviolet light. Mushroom nutrition contains plant sterols that can convert UV light into vitamin D. Exposing fungi to five liters of UV light is believed to produce significant amounts of vitamin D.

While mushrooms are usually grown indoors, many growers start growing them outdoors to take advantage of it, or place growing mushrooms under solar panels. Rare and sometimes difficult to find maitake mushrooms, for example, contain a large amount of vitamin D, while portobello mushrooms and other mushroom varieties are a good source, but the vitamin D contained is almost not high. You can ask how mushrooms are grown to find out if the mushrooms you buy contain a higher amount of vitamin D.

Vitamin D in Pasteurized Milk and Raw Milk
Many people believe that eating regular pasteurized milk naturally provides vitamin D, but this is not true. Synthetic vitamin D is added to pasteurized cow's milk, soy milk and rice milk. According to the USDA, almost all US milk yield is supplemented with 400 IU of vitamin D per liter, but is often not supplemented by foods derived from milk such as cheese and ice cream. Synthetic vitamin D added to foods is thought to be less effective as vitamin D naturally and may also potentially inhibit the effects of natural vitamin D.

On the other hand, raw milk is believed to contain a small amount of vitamin D, which is naturally present in the fat and is not destroyed during pasteurization. Some sources show that there is about 38 IU of vitamin D (four cups) per liter of raw milk. However, it is difficult to know how much vitamin D is present in raw milk because it varies greatly depending on the particular milk tested and is related to the health of the animal from which it comes. Thereupon, the USDA does not list the official vitamin D content of raw milk, and many sources claim that vitamin D is present in different amounts in raw milk.

Keep in mind that if you are consuming raw milk to increase your vitamin D level. Raw milk is thought to be a better source of vitamin D than pasteurized milk, because unpasteurized, raw milk is generally superior to almost any vitamin and mineral. Raw milk normally comes from animals that travel in nature and feed on herbs, unlike animals that do not graze outside and feed on cereals inside. Because the animals are healthier, so is the milk.

During high-temperature pasteurization, many nutrients in regular milk are also destroyed. Therefore, it seems logical that high-quality raw milk will initially contain more vitamin D and will retain more since it does not undergo high-temperature pasteurization that destroys these nutrients.

7 Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Contributes to Bone Health
Manage Blood Sugar Levels and Prevent Diabetes
Protects Against Cancer
Helps Fight Heart Disease
Improves Immune System
Facilitates Hormone Regulation and Helps Improve Mood
Helps Concentration, Learning and Memory

1. Contributes to Bone Health
Vitamin D plays a role in the absorption of calcium in the bones. Calcitriol (converted vitamin D) works with the parathyroid hormone to maintain calcium levels. In addition, vitamin D has an effect on other important vitamins and minerals that contribute to both health, including vitamin K and phosphorus. Vitamin D is partly responsible for maintaining phosphorus levels in the blood, and since vitamin D affects the ability of calcium to bind to proteins, it is also believed to be linked to vitamin K.

Vitamin D deficiency may result in softening of your bones called osteomalacia or bone abnormalities called rickets. In addition, a deficiency increases your risk of developing osteoporosis and having bone fractures. Studies have shown that at doses of 800-5000 IU per day, vitamin D can improve musculoskeletal health by slowing down the aging of the skeletal structure and reducing the rate of fractures and falls in older adults over 65 years.

Vitamin D levels are more likely to be active, increase muscle strength, and are less prone to falls and injuries. When vitamin D levels are low, the parathyroid becomes overactive. This is known as hyperparathyroidism and causes a decrease in phosphorus. In addition to phosphorus, calcium and other compounds, it is necessary to properly mineralize bone density.

2.Manages Blood Glucose Levels and Can Prevent Diabetes
Diabetes symptoms are caused by insulin deficiency or insufficient insulin secretion after insulin resistance. According to research at the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, calcium is required for insulin secretion and vitamin D promotes calcium absorption and use, thus contributing to the regulation of insulin secretion. According to a 2015 study published in the Current Diabetes Reviews, vitamin D replacement has beneficial effects on all aspects of type 2 diabetes, including the incidence, control, and complications of the disease. There is also evidence linking diabetes to low vitamin D levels.

3. Protects Against Cancer Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency have been associated with increased risks for cancer development, particularly breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer. According to research published in Frontiers in endocrinology, vitamin D plays a role in factors affecting tumor growth, cell differentiation and apoptosis. Researchers have found that exposure to sunlight and circulating vitamin D levels are associated with reduced incidence and mortality in many cancer types. Research has shown that vitamin D may affect breast, colon and ovarian cancer risk, possibly due to its role in the cell life cycle or its ability to block excess estrogen. According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, improving vitamin D and calcium nutritional status significantly reduces the risk of cancer in postmenopausal women.

4.Helps Fight Heart Diseases
There is an increasing number of studies on the fact that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of cardiovascular disease because it plays a role in regulating blood pressure, cholesterol levels and inflammation. Animal studies have shown that vitamin D signal degradation promotes hypertension, atherosclerosis, and cardiac hypertrophy. He found that people with deficiency are more likely to die from coronary heart disease and other heart-related symptoms, according to research from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

5. Improves Immune System
Vitamin D aids in healthy cell replication (replacement, replacement) and may play a role in protecting against the development of autoimmune diseases with less severe colds and influenza. Our immune cells contain receptors for vitamin D and vitamin D has been shown to prevent prolonged or excessive inflammatory responses. Inflammation is found at the root of most modern, chronic diseases and autoimmune disorders: multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders, high blood pressure and more.

6. Facilitates Hormone Regulation and Helps Improve Mood
Because it acts as a hormone in our bodies and affects brain function, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk for mood disorders such as depression, seasonal affective disorder, and severe mood disorders during PMS, insomnia and anxiety. Low vitamin D levels may also lead to imbalances that can lead to many undesirable symptoms, preventing proper testosterone and estrogen production.

7. Helps Concentration, Learning and Memory
Some studies have shown that vitamin D also affects our ability to make decisions, concentrate and store information. Some studies have shown that people with low vitamin D levels perform poorly in standardized exams, have poor decision-making skills, and have difficulty in tasks that require focus and attention. In addition, some studies have shown a relationship between low vitamin D levels and increased risk for schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis. Recommended Daily Intake to Prevent Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency
Since symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are an increasing concern, especially in Western developed countries and around the world, authorities have increased the recommended daily intake of vitamin D for the doubling of the previous amount for newborn babies, children and adolescents. According to the USDA, RDA for vitamin D is 600 IU per day for adults. In particular, although there is very little risk of over-supplementation with vitamin D, it is recommended to take 5,000 IU per day, since it benefits greatly from having enough. Note, however, that this is a general recommendation and there is no way to know the optimal amount for you without a blood test. You may need a higher or lower amount and you should talk to your doctor.

In this way, you can buy the right dose of quality, food-based vitamins you need. Some studies have shown that in patients with documented vitamin D deficiency, a very high cumulative dose of at least 600,000 IU is required for several weeks to regenerate stores within the body. This shows that having a blood test to determine your full vitamin D level may be helpful in telling you exactly how to restore your body level. Ideally, you should supplement with a high-quality, whole-food multivitamin or vitamin D supplement until the blood level of vitamin D is between 50-60 nanograms per milliliter.

Recommended for children: Under 5 years: 35 units / day 5-10 years between 2,500 units / day
Recommended for adults (including pregnant women): 5,000 units / day

To be clear, however, the USDA's official recommendation for vitamin D is as follows:

Children: 1-3 years: 600 IU (15 mcg / day)
4-8 years: 600 IU (15 mcg / day)
Older Children and Adults: 9–70 years: 600 IU (15 mcg / day)
Adults over 70 years old: 800 IU (20 mcg / day)
Pregnant and nursing women: 600 IU (15 mcg / day)

Some supplements provide the preferred type of vitamin D3. You want to get a supplement that provides the true nutrient source of vitamin and all other enzymes and compounds that help naturally. This makes it more effective than isolated vitamins. Vitamin D Interactions and Concerns
Fortunately, your skin can regulate vitamin D conversion based on heat and other factors. It can store previtamin D for future use and destroy quantities above and beyond what is safe. Thus, deficiency is often a greater concern than consuming too much vitamin D. Since vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, it must be consumed with fat to achieve optimal absorption.

If you are going to eat a vitamin D nutritional source, it is best to combine it with many essential oil sources, such as ghee, coconut oil, nuts, seeds or fish. Vitamin A and vitamin D have an important relationship. Some studies have recently shown that vitamin D deficiencies may worsen when a person completes high vitamin A intake. These studies occur when vitamin D in the blood drops below 50 in a blood test. It means that the person is nearing the deficiency, a higher supplement intake of vitamin A can make the problem worse.

The good news is that when vitamin A and vitamin D levels are sufficient, research has shown that they work together to help your body metabolize vitamins and make the best use of them. It is not recommended to supplement with very high doses of vitamin A, so if you have a known vitamin D deficiency or if you have symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, it can cause some problems. Recent Thoughts on Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Up to 90 percent of adults in the United States may have symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D deficiency; this can lead to significant health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and cancer.
Two main causes of vitamin D deficiency symptoms are sun exposure and use of sunscreen. When sunbathing, without sunscreen, when you sit for about 10 minutes, you will probably absorb about 10,000 units of natural vitamin D. It is the most effective way to increase your vitamin D level to prevent the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
There are also food sources of vitamin D, including fish, UV-exposed fungi, eggs and raw milk. Eating these foods can help you increase your vitamin D level, but sun exposure is the best way to avoid symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
The most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency may include weakness, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, weak bones and weak immune system, diabetes, heart disease and other health conditions.

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Neurological Disease of Young Age: Multiple Sclerosis

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Near East University Hospital Neurology Department Specialist Asst. Assoc. Dr. Sevda DIKER, In Multiple Sclerosis (MS), A Major Disease Often Affecting Young Individuals, Expresses That One's Own Immune Cells Damage To The Eye Nerves, Brain And Spinal Cord Nerve Cells As A Result Of Incorrect Programming He had.

Symptoms of the disease:

Near East University Hospital Neurology Department Specialist Asst. Assoc. Dr. Sevda DİKER, MS can be located in one or more than one site at the same time, the complaints occur according to the affected area or regions, the most common symptoms of the disease usually blurred vision in one eye, accompanied by eye movements pain, double vision, imbalance, numbness, numbness sensation symptoms such as tingling, pain, loss of strength, incontinence and incontinence, and abnormal excessive fatigue. Unlike paralysis in MS, symptoms do not appear suddenly, usually slowly starting to become apparent within a day or two Asst. Assoc. Dr. Sevda DIKER stated that the disease could progress with attacks and improvements as well as progressive, although the cause was not known clearly, genetic and environmental factors could be combined together, and one of the environmental factors affecting MS was vitamin D deficiency.

Asst. Associate Professor. Sevda DIKER: MS It was detected that mothers exposed to sunlight during pregnancy are less likely to have MS in their children ebelik

Vitamin D causes the immune system regulatory effects in MS disease Exp. Dr. Sevda DIKER, low vitamin D levels increase the formation or progression of MS, he said. Asst. Assoc. Dr. Sevda DİKER continued: çalışma There are many studies on this subject. In most of these, the presence of vitamin D within normal limits was associated with a decrease in risks such as MS development, new MS attack, MS progression, and new plaque development on brain MRI. In a recent study published in a large journal, it was found that children with more exposure to sunlight during pregnancy had less MS in their children. However, there are no studies yet to test the efficacy and safety of external vitamin D supplementation in preventing MS. Many studies are currently underway examining the relationship between vitamin D and MS, and the results will increase our knowledge of the role of vitamin D deficiency in disease development and progress, and the effects of supplementation and how it should be. ”

Asst. Assoc. Dr. Sevda DİKER: Yeter Adequate use of sunlight in appropriate hours and balanced consumption of foods containing vitamin D. Important. Önemli

Because of the ease of application of vitamin D supplementation, in addition to the specific treatments that MS patients are receiving is widely used Asst. Assoc. Dr. Sevda DİKER, however, the rate of profit and loss on a patient basis should always be considered. Emphasis should be made on the blood sample taken before treatment 25 - hydroxy D3 level should be examined Asst. Assoc. Dr. Sevda DIKER, vitamin D is stored in the body and is a vitamin that can accumulate, but only in case of deficiency is appropriate to make the appropriate dose of stating said; Da In general, 25-OH D3 levels are recommended to be maintained between 40 and 60 ng / ml. Because very high doses may cause an abnormal increase in calcium levels during treatment, lower doses should be preferred instead. The patient's history of heart disease or kidney stones should be questioned. In our current practice, we are routinely looking at 25-OH D3 levels in MS patients and initiating appropriate doses of treatment if there is insufficiency. In addition, adequate use of sunlight in appropriate hours and vitamin D-containing foods in our diet to keep a balanced way is among our recommendations. ”

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Vitamin B12 Deficiency - B12 Deficiency Symptoms and Treatment

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What You Need to Know About Vitamin B12

Diseases caused by B12 deficiency are not first understood. So everyone should first learn " What is B12 deficiency? " B12 deficiency; fatigue , vomiting , muscle pain , diarrhea , constipation , loss of balance , numbness in the hands and feet, nausea and irritability. B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. Since the symptoms of B12 are similar to the symptoms of many diseases, the definitive diagnosis should be determined by the doctor. B12 provides the formation of red blood cells and ensures the regular functioning of the central nervous system. Red blood cells make us feel more vigorous and energetic. It is also very important for brain development, skin, hair health . Permanent nail breaks, which is annoying for women, can be caused by a lack of B12. B12 is an important source of vitamins for our metabolism .

What are B12 Deficiency Symptoms?

Symptoms of B12 deficiency are confused with many types of disease. In fact, this is normal because more than one disease occurs after B12 deficiency. To put it briefly, the root of many of the illnesses we have are symptoms of B12 deficiency . So, what are the symptoms of B12 deficiency , which is very important for the human body ? Here's the ingredient list of symptoms of B12 old ...

Excessive weakness
Reduction in mental functions
Yellowing of the skin
Swelling of the tongue
Defect of vision
Numbness in hands and feet
Joint pain
Nail breakage

Attention to B12 Deficiency in Pregnant Women!

Many problems caused by B12 deficiency have negative effects on the mother and the baby. Many problems such as fatigue , forgetfulness , anemia , loss of appetite and dizziness have a negative impact on the mother but also damage the development of the baby. B12 deficiency triggers the risk of preterm birth and miscarriage . Infants of mothers with B12 deficiency have growth retardation , frequent illness and decreased learning and perception functions .

Who can see B12 deficiency?

B12 deficiency is seen in vegetarian people due to lack of meat consumption.
B12 deficiency may be seen in patients suffering from gastrointestinal disorders such as celiac patients due to the difficulty of B12 absorption.
B12 deficiency is seen in people who consume excessive alcohol.
B12 deficiency is seen in people who consume foods that are poor in B12 and people who are unhealthy.
After the age of 50, most people have difficulty in absorbing B12.
It is seen in patients with stomach and intestinal surgery for slimming because of the difficulty of B12 absorption.

What is Good for B12 Deficiency?

Many nutritional supplements can be made to eliminate B12 deficiency. So, what good is the B12 deficiency? Which foods do we consume to eliminate B12 deficiency? Here are the nutrients that are good for B12 deficiency ihtiyacı B12 needs are abundant in animal foods. B12 supplementation with consumption of seafood, meat, chicken, liver, cheese, milk, yogurt and eggs can be made. Vegetarians can supplement their foods with B12-rich foods other than meat. The necessary B12 supplements can be used under the supervision of a doctor.


Lamb liver is one of the foods that should be consumed when vitamin B12 is deficient. If you think you have B12 deficiency you can consume it in moderation and regularly. Lamb liver is a food that leads to cholesterol . It must be consumed with caution.

Lamb meat

If we prefer lamb liver while liver is preferred, we should prefer lamb meat if we are going to prefer meat in vitamin B12 deficiency. It's important not to eat too much.


Another nutrient that eliminates B12 deficiency is cheese. It is rich in protein and calcium in cheese and is one of the important remedies of vitamin deficiency.


Eggs have a very important place in human health. It contains plenty of vitamin B12. It is also good for many problems caused by vitamin B12 deficiency .

The fish

Fish, which is a very rich nutrient in omega 3 care, is rich not only in this but also in vitamin B12.

Benefits of Vitamin B12

Among the most important tasks of vitamin B12 is the task it takes during the structuring of blood cells in the bone marrow . Because of the basic structure of blood cells, vitamin B12 is formed by, Besides, it has positive effects on the immune system. With the help of vitamin B12, the risk of getting diseases decreases, and if they are caught, it shortens the recovery time. In addition, vitamin B12 has positive effects on the nervous system . Vitamin B12 is essential for strengthening and improving the memory center.


Written and visual contents in our content are compiled from different sources, suggestion and information letter. There is no definitive diagnosis and treatment. In case of any health problems, consult your doctor. Remember that the treatment methods used in health problems may vary according to the individual's biology, hereditary characteristics, age, height, weight differences, allergic aspects, and dozens of different conditions. Your doctor can help you in the treatment of your health problems.

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Anemia (Anemia) and Iron Deficiency Symptoms, Causes and How to Treat?

Enfamil D-Vi-Sol Vitamin D Supplement Drops for Infants 50 mL dropper bottle

Anemia is a condition in which blood hemoglobin levels fall below 13 g / dL in adult men and 12 g / dL in women, and can cause many important health problems. Anemia less than 11 g / dL in children aged 6 months to 6 years and 12 g / dL in 6-14 years is considered anemia. Early detection of anemia in children is very important because it can cause many serious diseases, especially developmental delay.

Among the main symptoms of anemia;
Quick fatigue
Reduction in working capacity
Frequent illness
Paleness of skin on the inside of eyelids and palms
Shortness of breath
Concentration disorder is a general symptom of anemia.
Anemia can cause significant problems when untreated or delayed treatment. In children; growth is adversely affected and slows down. Physical activity decreases. Diseases are more common. Perception, learning and interpretation functions are reduced, distraction, fatigue and apathy increase, school success decreases.
In the treatment of anemia primarily, the cause of iron deficiency is eliminated. The most common cause of iron deficiency anemia, especially in infancy and adolescence, is the lack of increased iron supply; In childhood and adolescence, it is recommended to investigate absorption disorders such as underlying bleeding, parasites or celiac disease.

Anemia due to vitamin B-12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency, which plays an important role in blood production, is mostly seen in vegetarian (meat-fed) diet and folic acid deficiency occurs in people who are fed a poor diet of green leafy vegetables. However, anemia due to deficiency of these two nutrients is not as common in children as iron-deficient anemia.
It is very important because it affects both the intelligence level and physical development of children with iron deficiency anemia. Two out of every five children (40%) in the world are bloodless, but many of them are unfortunately not aware of their condition. While the incidence of anemia in children aged 0-5 years is 4-20% in developed countries, this rate increases up to 80% in the same age group in less developed countries. In our country, this rate is quite high as 50% (one in two children).

Iron Deficiency and Anemia Symptoms
Iron deficiency does not show any symptoms in most cases. Diagnosis can be made as a result of blood tests. If the disease is advanced and severe, weakness, pallor, fatigue, loss of appetite, constipation occurs. Palpitations during a physical activity, difficulty breathing, fatigue occurs according to the severity of the disease. Patients want to eat non-food substances such as pica soil or clay, ice.

Other than these, the following symptoms may occur:
Dizziness, tinnitus,
Cracks in the mouth,
Spoon shape of the nails, formation of cracks,
Reddening of the tongue, crack and bubble formation,
Difficulty swallowing, painful swallowing,
Children with iron deficiency are delayed in walking, sitting or talking. Behavioral disorder occurs in these children and learning becomes difficult. The immune system weakens and the chance of developing the disease increases. Symptoms of iron deficiency in childhood are not original. It is difficult to define until significant anemia occurs. It tends to develop so slowly that it is often difficult to notice. Iron deficiency anemia may give different signs and symptoms according to age groups.

Anemia and iron deficiency symptoms in infants;
appetite, restless, cheerless, sluggish, slow movements, sleep disorders may be. In these babies, the physical examination of the eyelids, palms, soles of the feet, nail beds are pale. However, all these symptoms may remain faint.

Anemia and iron deficiency symptoms in children;
The main symptoms are fatigue, fatigue, loss of appetite, restlessness, palpitations, inability to exercise, fatigue quickly, in shorter breathing and difficulty in breathing. The most important finding in these children is paleness. In addition, iron deficiency affects physical growth, cognitive and psychomotor development, reduces resistance to infections and affects school success in this age group.
Kindergarten and school children appear tired, inadequate learning and perceptions at school, are reluctant, are very difficult to follow in the afternoon desriere, attention affects memory and learning and become inadequate, lack of attention, difficulty in learning, problem solving, reduced school achievement and more introverted and timid behavior is observed.

What Causes Iron Deficiency Anemia and Anemia?
Iron deficiency anemia occurs when the amount of iron in the body is insufficient and insufficient to allow hemoglobin to be made to the required extent. There are many causes of this deficiency in the body. The main reason of iron deficiency in children is the increase in need, inadequate intake, and rarely, iron loss due to bleeding. There is often an imbalance between iron intake and the need of the child. If the increased requirement is not met enough, it causes iron deficiency especially in infancy and childhood.
Inadequate intake of iron due to nutritional deficiencies such as insufficient consumption of iron-rich foods and iron-enriched foods, or dietary habits with less iron-containing foods, and nutrient factors such as cow's milk and cereals, which prevent absorption of iron from intestines, lead to iron deficiency. important reasons.
In addition, due to cow's milk sensitivity in childhood, hidden bleeding from intestines, puberty and menstrual bleeding in pregnant women through the increase in iron loss and this is another reason to be covered with food.
Continuous use of pain medications and irregular nutrition also increases the risk of anemia. Anemia is common in patients with low socio-economic status, vegetarians (those who eat meat), and chronic diseases such as ulcers and parasitic diseases.
Cases where iron absorption is impaired; prolonged diarrhea, chronic infections, disorders of the digestive system can cause anemia by disrupting the absorption of iron taken into the body. Lead poisoning; lead poisoning caused by the mixing of lead in the fuel, especially in the city centers where there is heavy vehicle traffic, can also cause anemia.

Problems Caused by Anemia
Anemia can have significant consequences if left untreated or delayed. In children; Growth is adversely affected and generally slows down. Physical activity decreases. Diseases are more common. Perception, learning and interpretation functions are reduced, distraction, fatigue and apathy increase (school achievement decreases). In adults; There is a constant feeling of fatigue, weakness occurs, labor is reduced. Diseases are more common.

What is Daily Iron Need and Loss?
Daily iron requirement is 1-3 mg. It is up. 5-10% of it is absorbed from the duedenum and proximal small intestine. Daily loss is 1 mgr. Sweat is lost with feces, urine, spilled cells.

What is the Importance of Iron for the Body?
The most important function of iron in the body is the production of oglo hemoglobin.. Hemoglobin is found in the red blood cells in our blood and carries out the process of carrying the oxygen necessary for all tissues to survive. In other words, the more important oxygen is for our lives, the more important it is for iron to be used. Although iron is present in the human body for a total of 4 grams, it is an important biological element and causes serious problems in its deficiency.

Iron Deficiency and Anemia Treatment
1. The cause of RIA is investigated: The most common cause of RIA, especially in infancy and adolescence, is the lack of increased iron supply; In childhood and adolescence, it is recommended to investigate absorption disorders such as underlying bleeding, parasitosis or celiac disease.
2. Firstly, the cause of iron deficiency is eliminated in the treatment.
3. Iron deficiency treatment:

Drugs containing the ferro (+2) salt form of iron (ferro sulphate) are used. If patients cannot tolerate this form orally, drugs containing the ferri (+3) form may also be used.
The drug dose is adjusted to include 3-6 mg / kg / day elementary iron according to the depth of the patient's anemia. The total daily dose is divided into two or three doses. Iron medications may also be given as a single dose in mild anemia. It is desirable to take the drugs on an empty stomach (2 hours after meals) for maximum absorption.
The patient / family is informed about the side effects of oral iron medications (nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, black stool, staining of teeth).
To minimize the staining of the teeth to black, the form of drops or syrup is directed towards the back of the tongue so as not to contact the teeth; administering the drug by dilution with fruit juice or water; It is recommended to administer the drug with a pipette.
Intolerance to oral iron medication is common. If this occurs, the drug is discontinued for 1-2 days. Then, starting from a low dose, increasing the dose as the patient tolerates, and reaching the ideal dose within 4-5 days.
Iron absorption is reduced by the combined use of certain drugs containing antacids, proton pump inhibitors, histamine 2 receptor antagonists, aluminum, magnesium, calcium or zinc. Iron reduces the absorption of drugs such as bisphosphonates, tetracycline, quinolone, levodopa, methyldopa, levothyroxine, penicilllamine. It is recommended to take at least 2 hours between these drugs and iron drugs. It is not recommended to give iron together with zinc.
As soon as iron deficiency is detected, iron treatment is initiated. The patient's hemoglobin increases 1-2 g / dl in 2-4 weeks. During this period, the patient is followed up with a complete blood count control as often as appropriate.
Anemia of the patient improves in 1-2 months with appropriate iron medications and treatment of the underlying disease. After anemia has been resolved, treatment is continued to fill the body's iron stores for another 2-3 months.
If an anemia or hypoxia is present (eg severe lung infection) at a depth that will cause heart failure, the patient may be given an erythrocyte suspension. After the patient's condition improves, iron treatment is started.
Oral iron therapy is always the first choice. Parenteral iron treatment is given if there is a non-compliance or tolerance of oral iron treatment, if there is a problem with iron absorption, if there is continuous blood loss.
Parenteral treatment of iron sucrose, iron gluconate (not in Turkey) or iron dextran given.
Side effects of parenteral iron therapy; anaphylaxis, arthralgia, myalgia, fever, flushing, hypotension. Since 0.5 to 1% of the patient may have anaphylaxis, it is recommended to administer the drug after a small test dose of 30 minutes. The daily dose is given as IV infusion by dividing the total dose to not exceed 100 mg / day. Since the muscle mass in children is not high, absorption by IM injection is variable, because it causes pain and discoloration of the skin, IM injection is generally not preferred, but it can be applied carefully in mandatory situations. The response to parenteral treatment is not faster than the response to oral treatment.

If there is no response to oral iron treatment;
It is questioned whether the family gives the medicine regularly and appropriately.
Check the adequacy of the dose and the use of the recommended drug.
Factors affecting iron usage and absorption are reviewed.
Drug intake that disrupts iron absorption is questioned.
Vitamin B12, folic acid deficiency, such as coexistence conditions are investigated.
The bleeding focus is investigated.
The possibility of misdiagnosis is reviewed. Differential diagnosis should be made with all hypochromic microcytic anemias: Hemoglobinopathies (especially thalassemia minor), copper deficiency, zinc deficiency, chronic disease anemia, lead intoxication, sideroblastic anemias, etc. Final control is recommended 1 week after the end of treatment. Complete blood count and serum ferritin level (with CRP and ESR) are checked for this control. The patient is also evaluated once again after 3-6 months
What can you do to prevent iron deficiency anemia and anemia?
Iron deficiency, because it is still the most common cause of anemia in Turkey, is a major problem affecting the public health. Therefore, prevention of the development of iron deficiency in children has priority.

For this purpose:
Breastfeeding should be encouraged. Breast milk is sufficient for the first 4-6 months after birth.
After six months, it is recommended to be fed with nutrients rich in iron, as well as breast milk. It is recommended that babies who cannot get breast milk at this age should be fed with iron-rich formulas as well as supplementary food.
After 4 months, 1 mg / kg / day dose was given to babies born at term; Premature babies born below 2500 g should be given 2 mg / kg / day drops of elementary iron after 2 months and iron prophylaxis should be continued until 1 year of age.
Daily cow's milk consumption should be limited to 2 cups.
Premature and low birth weight babies, cow's milk started before 1 year of age and daily milk consumption of more than 500 ml, children with a history of low iron-rich foods, children with chronic disease are at risk for iron deficiency.

Foods Good for Iron Deficiency and Anemia
Red offal from animal foods is the richest source of iron. Other useful foods; red meat, chicken, eggs, shellfish and fish (the richest salmon). Among plants, wheat, corn and oats are richer than iron when granular. Like many other vitamins and minerals, it is found in iron, especially on the outside of grain grains; For example, when milling wheat, 75% of the iron contained in the bran remains, ie wheat flour contains only 25% iron than grain wheat. Although spinach is known to be rich in iron content, this information is not accurate because iron contained in the structure of many vegetables such as spinach and black cabbage is not as useful as the body.
Nuts such as raisins, dried apricots, prunes, almonds, pistachios, walnuts and kernels are not very rich in iron, but they contain sufficient iron. One tablespoon of molasses contains about 3 mg of iron. Drinking one glass of orange juice a day increases the absorption of iron from plants, while consumption of tea and coffee reduces iron absorption by 75%.

What are the points to consider while using the drug?
Although the best iron absorption is on an empty stomach, many people cannot bear it and like to take it with food. Milk and milk products should not be taken together with the drug as it will prevent the absorption of iron. Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron.

Measures to be taken against anemia
Iron deficiency anemia is a preventable disease. Blood tests should be performed at 12 months for diagnosis in infants. For the prevention of iron deficiency anemia;

1. Giving Adequate and Usable Iron with Nutrients - Breast Milk Nutrition:
Preservation, maintenance and dissemination of breastfeeding are the most important measures. Iron deficiency anemia has been shown to be lower in infants who received breast milk alone in the first 6 months of life compared to those who did not. The iron store the baby bought from the mother in the first 6 months! it is sufficient and is easy to use because iron in breast milk is more easily absorbed. Therefore, it is difficult to develop iron deficiency in the first 6 months.
Breast milk is the most important food of the baby for the first 6 months. Nowadays, it is recommended that babies should be fed only breast milk in the first 6 months, supplementary foods should be started after 6 months and breastfeeding should be continued until the age of 2 years. This form of nutrition is defined as natural nutrition. In our country where breastfeeding is a tradition, almost every baby is fed with breast milk in the first month after birth.
However, the rate of breastfeeding decreases in the following months. According to the National Nutrition and Health survey, the overall rate of breastfeeding is 95%. The first hour of breastfeeding was 52.8% and the first day of breastfeeding was 84.8%. It was found that breastfeeding and breastfeeding rates decreased in the following days. In the first 3 months, the rate of infants receiving only breast milk decreases to 10.4%. On the other hand, when the babies are 2-3 months old, the rate of onset of cereal based nutrients as an additional nutrient increases with increasing iron absorption and it is seen that it reaches 55%. In addition, one out of every five babies under 3 months is given ready food.
However, breastfeeding with breast milk has three main components of healthy nutrition; It fuses food, health and care perfectly. In researches, it was found that the intelligence level of breastfed children in infancy was about 8 points higher than those fed with formula. Therefore, breastfeeding and breastfeeding should be the first step in the prevention of iron deficiency in infants.
Only cow's milk should not be given without additional nutrients during infancy:
Foods made with cow's milk cause intestinal hemorrhage as a result of reactions to cow's milk due to poor intestinal absorption of iron in cow's milk and lead to iron deficiency. However, if it is necessary to give cow milk instead of ready foods for economic reasons, it can be prepared by boiling and diluting cow's milk and given with other foods suitable for baby's month. It is recommended not to take more than 500cc of milk per day in the first year.
Increasing the nutrients of iron with high bioavailability in diet and giving them enough (meat, egg yolk, chicken, fish, grape molasses)
Consumption of plant-based nutrients (citrus fruits, green plants, etc.) containing vitamin C that increase absorption of iron with low bioavailability
Low consumption of cereal products (phytate, tannan, oxalate) which reduce iron absorption

Iron Enrichment of Nutrients
2. Giving Iron Support:
One of the important steps in the prevention of iron deficiency anemia is the administration of prophylaxis to meet the increased need. In babies born in time, iron stores in the body after 4 months cannot meet the increased requirement due to rapid development. Hemoglobin is required to build more iron. In our country, since the consumption of iron-enriched food and other nutrients is insufficient, the iron sulfate is given to infants at the Ministry of Health from 4 and 6 months as I mg / kg / day and used until the age of 3 years. Since iron stores are less and develop faster in premature babies, iron storage is emptied more quickly, therefore 2 mg / kg / day iron sulfate drop is continued to babies with low birth weight after 2 months until 3 years of age. Positive correlations were found between hemoglobin levels and iron stores in pregnancy. For this reason, giving iron support before conception in women of childbearing age prevents the development of iron deficiency in the newborn.

Anemia and Iron Deficiency
Deficiency usually occurs during childhood and adolescence during pregnancy, where growth is very rapid. Again, over-consumption of foods with low iron content and also the difficulty in absorbing iron taken through food are factors that facilitate the emergence of anemia. In infants and children, there is a need for more iron to maintain a healthy growth since it has a rapid growth rate. However, iron supplemented with nutrients alone may not be sufficient to meet this need.

Why iron deficiency is common in children?
The newborn has 0.5 g of iron in the body. In adults, it is 4-5 g. To compensate for this deficit, an average of 0.8 g of iron absorption per day should be achieved in the first 15 years. This means that 30% of children's daily iron requirement must be fed with food. This is achieved by daily iron absorption of I mg. Since the need for infants and children also increases due to rapid development and growth, iron deficiency develops excessively as a result of this being not adequately met with food.
Endogenous iron is sufficient in infants during the first 6 months and nutrients and iron should be taken sufficiently after that. As a result of rapid development and growth in infants, the need has increased and iron deficiency develops, especially in cereals fed because there will not be enough iron intake. In addition to the rapid growth and growth spurt in adolescence, the need for iron increases even more in young adolescent girls as menstrual bleeding increases.
The need increased during pregnancy. In our country, feeding of mothers is not enough. Especially in childhood, girls who are not fed enough in terms of iron and generally fed with cereals and therefore short stay have high risk during pregnancy and childbirth. If the prospective mother has mild anemia, the unborn baby is unaffected but there is a relationship between maternal anemia and preterm birth.

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What is Vitamin D? How to Remove Deficiency?

Garden of Life Multivitamin for Women - mykind Organic Women's Once Daily Whole Food Vitamin Supplement, Vegan, 60 Tablets

Vitamins are needed in order to perform the functions of organs in the human body in a systematic and correct manner and to maintain the healthy life of the human body. Vitamin D is one of the important vitamins for human body and human health. Vitamin D deficiency causes many diseases, while the excess is also harmful. Therefore, vitamin D in the human body should be sufficient.

Vitamin D; is one of the vitamins in the medical field called calciferol, soluble in fat and stored in the liver and adipose tissue. Vitamin D; D2 and D3 are seen in the body in two different types. Vitamin D, which can be taken with the help of the sun, is also available from many foods. Vitamin D, taken with the help of sun and nutrients, becomes chemical for the body by chemical reaction in liver and kidneys.
Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

The lack of vitamin D in the human body can lead to many diseases. Environmental factors, irregular lifestyle and irregular nutrition are among the main causes of vitamin D deficiency. When vitamin D begins to decrease in the body, many symptoms begin to show up in the body. At this point, taking precautions against these symptoms is absolutely vital. Seen in vitamin D deficiency;

Difficulty in walking,
Body pain,
Hair loss,
Bone pain,
Sudden changes in mood,
Bruises in custody,
Symptoms such as excessive sweating or overheating directly report that vitamin D is deficient in the body.

Which Diseases Occur in Vitamin D Deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency also invites many diseases. Vitamin D deficiency lies in the basis of chronic diseases, diseases such as cancer and the like or bone diseases. Therefore, vitamin D is vital for human health.

As a result of vitamin D deficiency, bone diseases and diseases such as bone resorption, diabetes, heart diseases and cancer are mostly seen in the body. Especially bone diseases and bone resorption disease are very common diseases due to vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D has a great effect on bones. The deficiency of vitamin D in the body directly affects the bones and opens the door to bone diseases such as bone resorption, bone pain and the like.
How to Remove Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency can be removed from sun rays and nutrients as well as medical treatment methods for advanced vitamin D deficiency. Although not excessive in the summer, sunbathing eliminates vitamin D deficiency. However, eating other foods that contain vitamin D are other natural treatment methods. Especially fish varieties, cereal products, fish oil, chicken livers, parsley, raw milk, eggs, citrus fruits, cheese and mushrooms are very rich in vitamin D.

If vitamin D deficiency in the body is too high to be covered by food, then medical treatment is applied. For vitamin D deficiency, oral vitamin D supplementation can be made or injected intravenously with injection according to the patient's condition and vitamin D deficiency. The advice of an attending physician regarding the medical removal of vitamin D is very important. According to the characteristics of the body and the patient, the specialist doctor determines the vitamin D supplement and provides information about the required dose.

Do not exceed the dosage recommended by a specialist during medical treatment methods. Otherwise, the deficiency of vitamin D just as many diseases in the body open the door in the same way that the same amount of vitamin in the body can cause diseases.

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What are the symptoms of mouth fever? Vitamin deficiency ...

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Fever is a disease caused by the bacterial flora of the mouth, which is capable of causing illness due to various conditions. Symptoms of fever may manifest in the form of decreased appetite, bad breath, increased saliva. How does fever pass?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist Nihat Tanfer, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, rash diseases, dental stones and improper prosthesis use, which is one of the most common problems in the mouth fever (oral inflammation type) may cause.

DISEASES CAN BE RISED DURING DRILLED DISEASES: Dr. Nihat Tanfer, mouth fever can be seen at any age, especially in children who are not well fed, infant teeth and measles, chicken pox, red, rubella emerged during diseases such as rubies, the main reasons for the use of dental stones and improper dental prostheses, he added. Dr. Dr. Nihat Tanfer, mouth fever, the bacterial flora in the mouth due to various conditions, depending on the ability to make the disease, he said.

Redness occurs: Dr. Nihat Tanfer gave information about mouth fever: Digestive disorders, high fever, abusive food, hot drinks and cigarettes can also cause this kind of inflammation in the mouth. Another common cause of mouth fever is vitamin deficiency. Fever usually occurs with redness in the oral cavity, often with common and uniform redness of the tongue and lips. The patient feels dryness and burning in his mouth. In addition, swallowing and chewing movements are also difficult.

DEPRESSION MAY CAUSE EVEN: Symptoms of mouth fever; decreased appetite, bad breath, increased saliva, abnormal chewing movements, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, bleeding gums and mouth, runny nose, sneezing and depression.

Another important issue should be care not to leave high irritant substances such as detergents and chemicals at home.

DENTAL CLEANING WITH REGULAR INTERVALS: Oral diseases other than systemic diseases can be treated mostly when detected early. Nihat Tanfer, completed his speech as follows: '' This type of oral inflammation, germicidal mouthwash can be treated using. Mild drugs and antimicrobial drugs that eliminate pain and burning may be helpful in treatment. If inflammation is due to vitamin deficiency, treatment is based on meeting the missing vitamins. However, full recovery may not be possible in delayed cases, especially in advanced gingivitis. For this reason, it is necessary to perform regular teeth cleaning and oral checks. Untreated fever may cause more severe oral inflammation. ''

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B12 Deficiency Symptoms

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Symptoms of B12 deficiency are those that result from situations where vitamin B12 is less than the required value in the body.

Vitamin B12, which is very important for the health of the body and nervous system, can cause many problems when it is deficient. It should also be noted that deficiency of vitamin B12 can sometimes be a symptom of diseases.

What is Vitamin B12?

B12 is also known as cobalamin. It is a vitamin which is of great importance in the production of red blood cells (red blood cells) of the body. It is very important in maintaining the health of the body as a whole. However, vitamin B12 is only available through external nutrients. It is not a vitamin that the body can produce itself. Therefore, individuals need to pay great attention to their nutrition and pay attention to healthy balanced and regular nutrition. Symptoms of B12 deficiency are observed when not enough is taken.

What are B12 Deficiency Symptoms?

Forgetfulness is a major symptom of B12 deficiency
Secondly, in the case of hair loss, individuals first come to mind B12 deficiency. Other symptoms are;
Mood disorders, especially depression and extreme irritability
Lack of attention, difficulty focusing
Heart palpitations
Complications of the limbs
Smooth tongue (disappearance of dots on the tongue)
Mouth sores
Skin dryness and lifeless skin
Weight Loss

What Causes B12 Deficiency?

Application of vegan or vegetarian diet
Non-consumption of foods rich in vitamin B12
Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, blumia nervosa)
Continuous application of wrong diets
Some drugs used
Advancing age
Stomach reduction operations
Inability to consume foods rich in B12 due to food allergies
Stomach and intestinal problems, diseases

How is B12 Deficiency Symptoms Treatment?

When an individual observes the symptoms of B12 deficiency, it is possible to diagnose B12 deficiency by blood tests requested by the specialist. As a result of the blood test, vitamin B12 ratio is below the reference values ​​and B12 deficiency is observed. The causes of B12 deficiency symptoms should be investigated and treated accordingly. If B12 deficiency cannot be eliminated by consuming foods containing vitamin B12, B12 vitamin drugs or B12 vitamin needles are recommended by the expert. When taken at the specified dose, vitamin B12 can reach normal values. And so the symptoms of B12 deficiency are treated.

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