Monday, September 16, 2019

Now Supplements, Colostrum 500 mg, Naturally Occurring Immunoglobulins and Lactoferrin, 120 Veg Capsules

How does intestinal bacteria rule the brain?

Now Supplements, Colostrum 500 mg, Naturally Occurring Immunoglobulins and Lactoferrin, 120 Veg Capsules
'' All diseases start from the intestine. If the intestine is sick, the rest of the body is sick. 'The owner of these words is Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine. To what extent does modern medicine care about the relationship between intestinal flora disorders and diseases? The intestines have approximately 100 trillion microorganisms. This is 10 times the number of cells in our body. In a healthy human body, our intestinal bacteria weigh about 1.5 kg. Intestines produce some neurochemicals in our brain. These are substances that are effective in regulating the learning, memory and mood of the brain. 80% of ”serotonin bilinen known as happiness hormone is produced in the intestines. Serotonin is a hormone that gives people a feeling of happiness, vitality and vitality. According to recent studies, we can change the level of serotonin by making improvements in our intestinal bacteria and thus we can affect conditions such as depression and anxiety. One of the diseases caused by serotonin deficiency is depression. Today's medicine gives a person diagnosed with depression a drug that increases serotonin for treatment. Isn't the real question here why serotonin is missing in the body? If the serotonin hormone, which we take as a drug, is offered to us as a treatment, will the symptoms of the disease not repeat after stopping the drug? However, correcting the intestinal flora is to correct the problem at the origin of the disease and not need to use medication continuously. As you can see, our intestines are of great importance for the healthy functioning of our brain. In recent years, it has been stated that the intestine and the brain almost talk. Today's research; autism, attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, such as if we can increase the number of healthy bacteria in our intestines, our brain will function better. According to experts, this strong communication between the intestine and the brain is an unknown equation that will allow a thorough understanding and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. The health of an individual's intestinal flora is as healthy as his brain. ' What are intestinal friendly bacteria? The most important factor that feeds the intestinal flora is the foods we eat and consume. When bacteria are mentioned, bacteria are always harmful to our memories, but some of the bacteria in the intestine are incredibly beneficial for them. The beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the consumed foods, break them into building blocks and prepare them for absorption from the intestinal wall. They increase the synthesis of digestive enzymes. In our daily life, we consume many pesticides, toxins, carcinogenic substances, fungi and heavy metals in our bodies without being aware of the many nutrients we eat and drink. The more healthy our intestinal flora is, the more healthy it is to expel these harmful substances from our body, because our intestines serve as a filter. In the event that the intestinal flora is defective, the intestinal permeability will also be impaired, in which case the absorption of substances that are extremely unhealthy for our body will be achieved and transferred to the blood. This situation will cause many diseases, supporting our intestines with healthy bacteria is extremely important for our body. An important part of the bacteria is found in the colon, which is the longest part of the intestine, and all of these are called intestinal flora. The more we increase the good bacteria in the gut, the less the effect of bad bacteria on us. good bacteria are commonly called iyotik probiotics iyotik. Probiotics are living microorganisms and, when they are present enough, are very beneficial to the body they live in. They help maintain and restore the natural balance of good bacteria in the intestinal tract. According to research, there is strong scientific evidence that they help strengthen intestinal health and immune system. Probiotic bacteria facilitate the digestion of certain foods, synthesize vitamins, increase permeability to protect the intestinal wall from harmful substances, regulate the digestive system. The disease, stress, malnutrition, anxiety and intestinal flora deteriorate especially in antibiotic use. Unlike probiotics, prebiotics, which can be called another useful nutrient, are food ingredients that increase the number of good and beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Prebiotics; It positively affects the composition and activity of intestinal flora, regulates bowel movements and increases the absorption of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. It prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms which can cause diseases that are harmful in our body. Probiotics and prebiotics are bacteria that work together in our bodies. We should not neglect the consumption of fruits and vegetables for a healthier flora to increase the effectiveness of these bacteria in our intestines. Products that we can buy probiotic foods directly include kefir, cheese and yoghurt. Prebiotic foods are found in foods such as onions, garlic, leeks, bananas, oats, legumes and rye. What should be considered for a healthy intestinal flora? Today, the most widely prescribed drug is antibiotic, we should avoid unnecessary antibiotic use. Antibiotics have a destructive effect not only on the intestine but also on the beneficial bacteria living in other organs in the body. What we eat has a direct effect on the intestinal flora. While modern diets have a devastating effect on the intestinal flora, we need to be more conscious and shape our eating habits correctly. Breast milk in infants is extremely important for the intestinal flora should be supported with breast milk in sufficient time. Yogurt, which is a probiotic, should not be consumed from dyed, flavored and sugary yoghurts sold in the market and should be made at home. Kefir is a very healthy probiotic should be consumed. We should be more aware of the food terror that is happening today and pay more attention to the foods we consume. Fresh, organic products should be consumed as much as possible. Carbohydrates found in foods such as vegetables, fruits, rind brown rice, quinoa contain high amounts of fiber and intestinal flora is the most important food source for good bacteria. The indigestible fibers of vegetables provide the raw material needed for fermentation of good bacteria in your intestines. Many kinds of vegetables should be consumed during the day. 39AXX
Now Supplements, Colostrum 500 mg, Naturally Occurring Immunoglobulins and Lactoferrin, 120 Veg Capsules

Metamucil Fiber, 4-in-1 Psyllium Fiber Supplement, Powder Single-Serve Packets with Real Sugar, Orange Flavored Drink, 2 Boxes of 30 packets

Bowel Duplication

Metamucil Fiber, 4-in-1 Psyllium Fiber Supplement, Powder Single-Serve Packets with Real Sugar, Orange Flavored Drink, 2 Boxes of 30 packets
Duplication is the word that a structure is two of the same or similar (duplicating). Duplication of the digestive tract is an abnormal part of the intestine that is connected to or directly associated with the normal intestine. In other words, it is a structure that resembles the normal intestine but is not actually a gut. This is also called duplication cyst. This duplication cyst or duplicated intestinal portion is usually covered with intestinal cells. In which part of the digestive tract do bowel duplications occur? Digestive system duplications can occur in any part along the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. Their length and size are variable. It may be spherical or a tubular. The cell structure is very similar to normal intestinal cells. When and how often bowel duplication occurs? It occurs every 9000 births, so it is quite rare. One third of the patients are diagnosed in the neonatal period. Symptoms of duplication of the digestive tract? It is often diagnosed by prenatal ultrasound or by chance after birth. Pain may also occur with signs of obstruction in the digestive tract and bleeding. Findings may occur due to stretching with the expansion of duplication, or they may cause various complaints by compressing other neighboring organs. Ulcers and severe bleeding may occur with acid release of different cells in the duplication (eg stomach cells). It may cause difficulty in swallowing by compressing the esophagus, and respiratory distress or difficulty by compressing the trachea. How is the diagnosis made? A direct abdominal x-ray can give clues if there is a sign of obstruction in the digestive tract, but it does not help in the diagnosis. Cystic duplications are usually seen by ultrasonography. It can also be diagnosed by computed tomography. With the esophagus film, there may be a cyst finding that compresses the esophagus. Prenatal ultrasonography may show cystic duplications. Tubular duplications may not be able to separate the intestines from their structure if they cannot be diagnosed with these imaging methods. In this case, scintigraphic imaging is utilized. There were coexisting anomalies accompanying the duplication, so detailed radiological examination of the patients is required. Where does duplication occur? From the mouth, tongue, esophagus, stomach, thoracic cavity into the abdomen, duodenum (small intestine), small intestines, large intestines, rectum. How is it treated? The treatment is surgical removal of the duplication cyst. The surgical method varies according to the organ part, size and general condition of the patient where the duplication is located. Cysts located in the thoracic cavity are removed by thoracic surgery. The cyst originating from the digestive system in the abdomen is removed by abdominal surgery. Depending on the location of the cyst, a portion of the intestine may also need to be removed, in which case the intestine may be reassembled and maintained. Injury to the intestine and esophagus may occur during surgery due to the proximity of the mass, which is repaired. How long will my child be hospitalized? Normal operation of the intestines after surgery, the normal defecation period varies between 2-3 days. During this period, it is supplemented with serum and antibiotic treatments continue. After bowel movements and normal defecation begins to feed. Separation from the serum and full oral feeding is completed within 5-6 days and may be discharged. 38AXX
Metamucil Fiber, 4-in-1 Psyllium Fiber Supplement, Powder Single-Serve Packets with Real Sugar, Orange Flavored Drink, 2 Boxes of 30 packets

Metamucil - MultiHealth Fiber Singles Orange Smooth Sugar-Free, 0.21 Ounce, Pack of 30

Intestinal Microbiota

Metamucil - MultiHealth Fiber Singles Orange Smooth Sugar-Free, 0.21 Ounce, Pack of 30
Prof. dr. After graduating from TED Ankara College and Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Metlem Yalınay completed his Ph.D. program in Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, specializing in Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, Medical Biology and Genetics. She is interested in Molecular Microbiology. He is the director of Molecular Microbiology Laboratory of Gazi Hospital. Klimud serves as the Chair of the Diagnostic Molecular Microbiology Working Group. In the field of clinical microbiology, he is working on intestinal microbiota and microbiome analysis and weight control and healthy life support. Since 2005, the Faculty of Medicine has developed a program of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving. He lectures on this subject and Communication Skills. Since 2005, he has been the Chairman of the Critical Thinking and Art Committee. In 2007, she received an international certificate in Clinical Regression Therapist from World Regression Institute and trainings on thinking therapy. She works with regression therapy and schema therapy techniques. He is currently working as a faculty member at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine and continuing his doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology in an international program. Prof. dr. What is the microbiota of the lean gut? How does this group of microorganisms affect our health? How does it relate to diseases? Can microbiota be shown? How can we protect ourselves? He answers the questions Sor What is intestinal microbiota? Intestinal microbiota is a collection of microorganisms living in the intestine with us. Intestinal microbiota is the most researched topic in recent years. Intestinal microflora is a dynamic system with individual differences in both number and species of microorganisms. After birth, our intestines colonize rapidly with bacteria, fungi, viruses and other organisms. The number of organisms in the intestinal microbiota is 10 times the number of cells in the human body. It is possible to think of human beings as a major macroorganism with such a large population of microorganisms, and understanding this great metabolic association requires a lot of complex medical examinations. How do these microorganisms affect our health? Intestinal microbiota is important for human health and disease. Intestinal microbiota of vitamin synthesis, fatty acid metabolism, triglyceride metabolism, such as the normal body functions are very important effects of Prof.Dr. Yalınay stressed that some of the metabolic products of these bacteria affect the effect of many metabolic diseases and also on the mood of our intestine via the secretions called neurotransmitters. What is the relationship between intestinal microbiota and diseases? All diseases start in the intestine Prof. dr. Yalinay in his statement pointed out that the rates of bacteria vary from person to person, and various studies have shown that the relationship of these bacteria with various diseases. The analysis of the microorganism community in the intestine, which we emphasize, is actually an issue that has been emphasized since the time of Hippocrates. Hippocrates has a saying; “All diseases start in the intestine,” he says. Studies on cancer processes, aging, hypertension, depression, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, which cause obesity, which is one of the most important diseases of today, are related to the change in the rates of bacteria in the intestine. It shows that the imbalances in the population of the intestinal normal flora can pave the way for the aforementioned diseases. Can microbiota be shown? Prof. dr. Yalınay, microbiota in the demonstration of classical culture methods, these bacteria are often inadequate because they are anaerobic and current technologies in the field of molecular biology allows some studies on the genomes of these bacteria, he said. Prof. dr. Yalınay, in the description of the field of molecular microbiology in order to show the importance of microorganisms in the community, he noted. He emphasized that intestinal microbiota can be shown as microbiome (genome of microorganism) by molecular microbiological methods will constitute an important step in the field of personal medicine. How is it supported? He pointed out that probiotic and dietary support approaches that focus on supporting bacterial ratios are exciting. Yalinay intestine flora to determine what is good for the flora to support prebiotic and probiotics and providing healthy flora to create a healthy lifestyle condition first emphasized that the best approach. Today, with the support we call probiotic and prebiotic, we are currently contributing to treatment. Probiotic, formulated by the preparation of selected bacteria at a certain concentration formulas, Prebiotics; these are a number of fibrous preparations that will allow bacteria to multiply. It can also be taken naturally through foods. Prebiotic, so that it forms a fibrous substrate in the intestine so that the probiotic bacteria beneficial to human health that we love multiply. There is no disease Does the determination of the microorganism rates bring treatment for that person? Everyone has their own genetic sequence, the proportion of bacteria in their body, and their overall immune system. However, we offer patients a lot of treatments, we give antibiotics, but now medicine has a direction, personal medicine. The step-by-step point is to decipher the person and propose appropriate nutrition and medicine. It seems that in the next decade, we will be able to analyze the intestinal microbiota, see the proportion of bacteria in the intestine, and predict which diseases are likely to be exposed to the intestinal flora, so that we can learn about the course of many diseases. As to the contribution of this to treatment, when these rates are determined, we will be able to determine how we can support the person by playing on bacteria, and what diseases this profile can lead to, in order to strengthen the pre-diagnosis. Actually, We Are What We Eat How does proper nutrition contribute? In fact most of these systems exist in nature. Foods such as cabbage, onions, garlic, such as the positive contribution of nutrients, there are effects to increase the population. But we need support because we have difficulty eating properly. At this point, I would like to mention the concept of nutrigenomics; that is, the genetics of food, the effect of genetics on food. As our cells proliferate, our DNA gets tired, studies are being done on how to protect DNA and reduce fractures and DNA repair mechanisms. In this sense, there are some proven foods that prevent cancer; green tea, broccoli, red wine, tomatoes, pomegranate, black cabbage etc. like. But of course, whatever we do we have to do in balance. As the leaves darken, the antioxidant effect increases. Toxic oxygen radicals are formed as our cells divide or multiply during the disease, a product of disintegration. A form of oxygen that has the potential to harm us, our healthy cells. Antioxidants have a neutralizing effect. Keeping these foods provides protection. Vitamin C has such an effect. Some supplements such as vitamin C, selenium need to get into the system. A normal healthy system heals itself. Therefore, it is actually sufficient to ensure a balanced diet. What good is that? Fibrous foods, like a cover, make it easy to hold good bacteria in the intestine. Probiotic bacteria can be called beneficial to human life. You know, there are also those who have joined yogurts. Of course, due to personal differences, it is not yet clear how much beneficial effect we can have, as you do not know which bacteria in the intestines are more or less. At least during pregnancy, the mother should pay more attention to what she eats and drink, and to pay attention to this after the baby is born, contributes to the formation of the baby's intestinal flora properly. It is also a fact that prebiotic support will be much more beneficial to start in this period and thus it will be easier for healthy bacteria to settle in the intestine of the baby. The ultimate goal is personal medicine. The current approach is to reveal the profile of the person and to apply personal diagnosis and personal treatment. 37AXX
Metamucil - MultiHealth Fiber Singles Orange Smooth Sugar-Free, 0.21 Ounce, Pack of 30

Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Organic Prebiotic Superfood Fiber Supplement for Constipation Relief and Hunger Control, Vegan, Unflavored, 6.8oz (192g) Powder


Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Organic Prebiotic Superfood Fiber Supplement for Constipation Relief and Hunger Control, Vegan, Unflavored, 6.8oz (192g) Powder
As the research proves how important the bacteria in the intestines are in terms of general health, the number of articles expressing claims about which foods will positively affect the intestinal microbiome increases. What does scientific research show? Research shows that the sum of bacteria, also referred to as intestinal microbiomas, affects many things from mental health to obesity and cardiovascular health. Experts see different types of bacteria in the intestines as synonymous with being healthy. Because these bacteria help us produce the nutrients and the necessary substances that our cells cannot produce. Therefore, it is important to feed our microbes on a diet that includes different varieties and to create a suitable environment for them. Although there is not much data in scientific research to prove the direct relationship between food and intestinal flora, diet expert Professor Kevin Whelan at Kings College University in London; He thinks that there is a certain clarity about the extent to which some methods affect bowel health. Here are these four methods and expert opinions about them… PROBIOTICS Consuming foods or supplements containing probiotic bacteria (beneficial bacteria). These bacteria are thought to contribute to a healthy intestinal flora. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in yogurt. The number of these bacteria in our intestines will increase when we eat yogurt, but the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines alone does not solve the problem. Bacteria need to be more in variety. Professor Whelan; he says that every human being has thousands of different types of bacteria, only 150-250 species in our intestines, and so on: There is less variety in the intestinal microbiome of people with a particular disease. This number is close to 150 rather than 250. Conclusion: Adding a few more bacteria to your microbiome through probiotics will not contribute much to bowel health. prebiotics Prebiotics are food sources of probiotic bacteria. Human digests these molecules without digesting them into the intestines. In most studies of prebiotics, humans are given carbohydrates that only feed those species to ensure the growth of certain types of bacteria. Taking probiotics is like sowing seeds, while taking prebiotics is like giving the nutrients that the seed needs, but taking prebiotics alone is not as effective as taking probiotics, but the effect of taking prebiotics is limited. Conclusion: Prebiotics do not increase the variety of microbiomas, but only increase the number of certain bacteria. PROBIOTIC + PREBIOTIC Microbiome diversity is not something that can be provided with a handful of nutritional supplements, but we can contribute to this diversity by concentrating on what we eat. Imagine that you eat similar foods every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and you repeat this for 365 days. If your diet includes plenty of vegetables and fruits as well as other healthy nutrients, it is important for the diversity of the intestinal microbioma that the same things are not eaten continuously and are diversified with different foods. Whelan offers: "Diversity in the diet requires that the same foods are not consumed all the time. For example, if you eat regular fish, this is not always a salmon. You should eat whole grains regularly, but this is not always a whole wheat bread." Conclusion: The data on the effectiveness of certain foods is always questionable, but a healthy diet with more varieties will provide such a diverse and healthy microbiome. Experts say that consuming as many different types of food as possible is the right thing to do in terms of the variety of intestinal microbiomes. FERMENTED FOOD Research points to the benefits of traditionally produced fermented foods for thousands of years, such as kefir and kombu tea. The effect of these nutrients is also of particular interest in the "psychobiotic" field. Some types of bacteria are thought to have a positive effect on mental health. There are studies showing that low levels of cortisol hormone, which is known as an indicator of stress, in consumers of fermented dairy products. Although these studies are promising, clinical trials with smaller and larger groups are still needed. In addition, many factors need to think together. For example, just because fermented foods are good, it doesn't help. In addition to healthy and balanced nutrition, lifestyle, medications, stress level and genetic factors are effective in determining bowel health. Whelan also complained of recent interest in fermented foods, saying that there is not enough data to change the microbiome of such foods. Conclusion: Fermented foods can contribute to the increase of microbiome diversity, but there is not enough research to make a definitive judgment yet. Experts should be suspicious of any food that is claimed to be beneficial for intestinal health, because scientific research has never come up with such definite conclusions. It is too early to talk about the existence of an optimal diet that will contribute to intestinal health. However, we can say that the cornerstones of the diet that will provide a healthy microbiome are certain. Probiotic and prebiotic supplements may work to some extent, but perhaps the best thing to do is to change your routine diet and try something new. 36AXX
Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Organic Prebiotic Superfood Fiber Supplement for Constipation Relief and Hunger Control, Vegan, Unflavored, 6.8oz (192g) Powder

Citrucel w/SmartFiber Methylcellulose Fiber Therapy Caplets (240 ct.)

Candida Diet is not Scientific

Citrucel w/SmartFiber Methylcellulose Fiber Therapy Caplets (240 ct.)
Candida species are fungi that settle in our intestines since the first days of infancy and have low disease-causing properties. There are more than 150 known Candida species living in various parts of our bodies such as the mouth, skin, gastrointestinal tract, rectum and vagina. Candida species are normally part of the natural and healthy intestinal microflora and do not cause disease. They even help digestion and absorption of nutrients in the gut. So these fungi that normally live with us are used for the functioning of our bodies. In some cases, however, infection may develop due to an excessive increase in the number of certain Candida species, such as long-term use of antibiotics, a diet rich in sugar and refined carbohydrates, excessive consumption of alcohol, imbalance in the microbiota, immunity-causing illness, excessive stress exposure, and continuous use of antibiotics. risk increases. Despite the large number of Candida species in our body, only 15 excess is known to cause infection and Candida infections, Candida Albicans is responsible for 75% of all infections. Symptoms of infection nausea, bloating, defecation change in habit, not feeling fatigue, forgetfulness, difficulties in concentration, eczema or redness. skin problems, vaginal infections, irritability, tension, depression and joint pain. differs. The most common among Candida infections vaginal and skin. Untreated other risk of causing a systemic infection involving organs It carries. Topical creams and medications are used for treatment. In addition, the number of Candida and infection symptoms To reduce the recently revealed a trend that he called the Candida Diet Discarded. The rationale for this diet is shortened by sugar and sugar. reducing acidic nutrients and increasing intestinal-friendly nutrients Strengthen the immune system and thus increased Candida to prevent infection and symptoms. However, this diet there is no scientific basis. Also keep in mind that infection without the use of cream and pills recommended by your doctor, only It is not possible to prevent with diet. HOW CAN CANDIDA INFECTION BE DIAGNOSED? Your doctor for the diagnosis of Candida infection weak immune system within your symptoms Take your medical story by questioning the disease, medication or condition. Usually Candida infection is often diagnosed by physical examination. It may be. However, your doctor may an affected area. You can take sample. For example, the increase in the number of Candida blood If there is a suspicion attached to it, your doctor will test a blood sample for want to be. What Do They Offer in Candida Diet? A phase of purification before applying the Candida diet Recommended. During this period, liquids such as bone juice, lemon juice, salad, steaming vegetables and foods containing a small amount of protein are consumed; it can relax the digestive systems of individuals and toxins. How many of this detox process days, although it is not strictly stated that depending on fatigue, headache, mood change or adverse symptoms such as sleep disorder may occur. purification is recommended to last no more than a few days. This process then gradually switch to Candida diet. The goal here The nutrients that are claimed to feed candida are identified and It is applied. These are already healthy nutrition As experts, we also recommend general issues. No medicine and in the nutrition book that these foods feed Candida. not informed. But it's still about the Candida diet. I would like to convey to you the recommended basic principles. ADDED SUGAR IS RESTRICTED: In this diet, agave syrup, aspartame, containing sugar such as corn syrup, honey, molasses, maple syrup It is forbidden to consume foods. Sugar-free sweeteners stevia, erythritol and xylitol are free. VEGETABLE VEGETABLES: Potato with high starch content, vegetables such as peas and carrots should be avoided. Artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, tomato, eggplant, cucumber, celery, onion, cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, garlic, brussels sprouts It can be consumed. SUGAR LOW SUGAR CAN BE CHOSEN: Banana with high sugar content, fruits such as dates, grapes, mangoes, dried fruits and juices should not be consumed. Avocado, lemon and low sugar only lime lime are the fruits to be consumed free during the diet. FERMENTED NUTRITION IMPORTANT: Pickles, yogurt, kefir, such as apple cider vinegar fermented nutrients bacteria, and when consumed regularly, immune can prevent the growth of Candida by strengthening the system It is believed. CAFEIN REMOVED FROM NUTRITION: INDICATOR OF INTESTINAL PERMEABILITY BY INCREASING THE PROTEIN OF ZONULIN AS BLACK TEA AND COFFEE MAY CAUSE INTESTINAL SYNDROME ALL DRINKS CONTAINING THE CAFE ARE RESTRICTED. HINDIBA COFFEE, FILTERED WATER AND HERBAL TEA ARE FREE. INTESTINAL FRIENDLY FOODS: CANDIDA DIETY HIGH LEVEL VEGETABLES, HEALTHY OIL AND PROTEIN BACTERIA IN THE INTESTINAL WITH FERMENTED NUTRITION REGULATING POPULATION. INTRODUCING THIS DIET FOR THE INTESTINAL BONE WATER AS 3 NUTRITIONS SUPPORTING HEALTH AND HEALTH OIL AND Cabbage Juice is RECOMMENDED. INTELLIGENCE OF GEL GEL IN BONE WATER PROTECTING THE WALL AND PREVENTING OXIDATIVE STRESS IN THE INTESTURES INCREASES THE PERFORMANCE OF THE INTESTINAL INCREASE. IN THIS DIET BONE WATER CAN BE ADDED TO MEALS, BONE WATER FROM SMOOTHIELER CAN BE PREPARED OR DRINKED ALONE. COCONUT OIL AND LIQUIDITY IN OIL IS ANTIFUNGAL EFFECT It defended. Finally, the ANTIOXIDANT ITEMS IN THE CABBAGE WATER HEALTH PROTECTIVE. HEALTHY PROTEIN AND OILS PREFERRED: Milk, cheese, WHEAT CANDIDA REPRODUCTION BY INCREASING THE ACIDITY OF LACTOSE THERE IS DEFECTIVE THAT CAN BE TRIGGERED PROHIBITED IN THIS DIET It IS AMONG. SUGAR, NITRATE AND SULFITE ADDED PASTER, HAM, SAUSES MUST BE AVOIDED IN PROCESSED MEATS LIKE SALAMI. POSSIBLE HEALTHY, LOW OILY RED AND WHITE MEATS SHOULD BE PREFERRED. AS THE BEST NUTRITION AND BEST PROTEIN SOURCE IN EGGS SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN DIET, BUT THE EGG SHOULD BE ORGANIZED ATTENTION. HEAVY METAL AND TOXIN CONTENTS MUST BE CONSUMED IN THE FISH AS SKINNY, RINGA, SALMON, AS FISH, AS SWORD FISH. VEGETARIAN INDIVIDUALS CAN BENEFIT FROM OILY AND SALT FREE DRIED NUTS, DRIED BEANS AND PROTEIN RICHES, KINOA, TEFF, AMARANT. OILS, BUTTER, OLIVE OIL, SESAME OIL AND PURIFIED OILS ARE SUPPORTED AS ANTIFUNGAL EFFICIENCY, CANola oil, sunflower oil, margarine, soybean oil are prohibited. GLUTEN-FREE NUTRITION: SUPPORTING CANDIDA DIET DIAGNOSIS THROUGH GLUTEN'S DAMAGE TO THE INTESTINAL WALL AND INFAMATUALLY PROTEIN, AND TRUTHING THE PRODUCTION OF GLUTEN, CHRON, HUZURSUZ BIRSABI SABI BUTMUT BUTMUT SABU SABU SABI SABI SABU SABIRI SABU SABI SABU SABI SABI SABU SABI. Hence, a GLUTEN DIET is thought to increase the patient's symptoms even more in patients with CANDIDA infection. Rye, barley, white flour, wheat products are among the prohibitions, while DIYETTE CAN BE CONSUMED IN Grain, Flax Seed, Amarant, Buckwheat, Millet, Kinoa, Oat Bran, Cereal, Grain. ALCOHOL-AVOIDED: EXTREMELY CONSUMPTION ALCOHOL IMMUNE CAN REDUCTION AND CANDIDA INCREASE IN NUMBER OF CANDIDA. Hence, BEER, GIN, WINE, INCLUDING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, FRUIT JUICES, ENERGY BEVERAGES AND OTHER GAS AND ACID BEVERAGES It is REMOVED. MAKE THE DIET A MAXIMUM NUTRITION: THE FIRST FOR IT CONSUMPTION OF ORGANIC FOODS CONTAINING LESS INSECT Pesticides BENEFICIAL. ORGANIC PLANTS MORE ANTIOXIDANT CONTENT HIGHER OMEGA 3 FATS IN ORGANIC MEAT AND FISH LOCATED. IF THE SECOND ARTICLE IS ATTENTION TO BUY LOCAL FOODS It is to SHOW. Finally, LIVER, ORGANIC MEATS, SEA Moss and sprouts are added to the nutrients due to their rich nutritional content. Plenty of water is consumed: especially in urinary tract infections PURPOSE WATER MUST BE CONSUMED FOR REMOVAL AND PREVENTING COMBUSTION SENSATION DURING TOILET. HERB, SPICES AND NATURAL Flavors FREE: Ketchup, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, soy sauce are prohibited in this diet. Herb and spice varieties; garlic, basil, dill, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, rosemary, thyme and cloves can be consumed. CANDIDAYA IS NOT A SPECIFIC NUTRITION For microbiota health normally white flour, sugar, ultra All processed foods, and alcohol is important not to use. Because these foods contain only billions of bacteria and yeast. Candida in the intestine is not harmful to all disease agent the number of microbes is not to increase. From this point When we look at the candid food that can not be eaten in the subject of candid It is not. Proper nutrition for harmful yeasts but the overall number can be reduced. Gluten-containing foods; dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and also contains plenty of antioxidants, and this condition is useful in the intestine. cause an increase in the number of bacteria, yeast or other organisms. It happens. Candida, especially for those with intestinal gluten is a useful source of nutrients. Almost all of the fruits that are health stores, high quality protein and Prohibition of calcium source milk and cheese microflora provides benefit, not damage. Because fresh fruit, milk and cheese intestinal pH changes all toxins in the colon helps to clean. This probiotic is claimed to be effective in bone juice and coconut It is desirable to consume plenty of oil. These foods are probiotic the effect never shows. In addition saturated fat content these two foods are highly localized in any part of the body. genius There is. All suggestions in no way both logic and medical science It does not comply. If your doctor makes the diagnosis topical cream and appropriate antibiotic treatment without interrupting. 35AXX
Citrucel w/SmartFiber Methylcellulose Fiber Therapy Caplets (240 ct.)


Vitamin D deficiency, the cause of Restless Bowel Syndrome

According to a study, most people with Restless Bowel Syndrome (IBS) have vitamin D deficiency. The study, which sheds light on the discomfort affecting nearly one in ten people in the industrialized world, says that vitamin D supplements should be established throughout the country for those suffering from restless bowel syndrome. Recurrent restless bowel syndrome, which has a great social impact, causes both the symptoms of the direct illness and indirect diseases and the burden of health care due to the time stolen from work. The direct cost of restless bowel syndrome is estimated at $ 8 billion (7.44 billion euros) and indirectly $ 25 billion (23.27 billion euros) annually. In the study of Sheffield University researchers, 51 people with restless bowel syndrome were found to have vitamin D deficiency in 81.8% of people with constipation, 70% of those with diarrhea and 81.6% of those with diarrhea and constipation. Researchers point out that these rates are quite high. Here are the results Scientists at the University of Sheffield conducted a double-blind, randomized trial to assess whether vitamin D supplementation was beneficial to people experiencing restless bowel syndrome. Participants who completed a questionnaire on the symptoms of restless bowel syndrome initially gave a blood sample to record vitamin D levels. Participants were randomly given either vitamin D and probiotic, or only vitamin D or placebo, and were asked to report biweekly for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, when the vitamin D levels were measured again, it was seen that the vitamin D levels of all the people taking the supplements given for 12 weeks increased. 25% to 87.5% of the vitamin D level of the group receiving vitamin D and probiotic together, 22.2% to 92.3% of the vitamin D level of the group receiving vitamin D alone, and finally vitamin D of the placebo group levels increased from 18.5% to 60%. Vitamin D supplement Vitamin D supplementation is also supported by other studies linking vitamin D deficiency and inflammatory bowel disease. In a recently described study, it was reported that there was a relationship between vitamin D and low blood pressure and that vitamin D reduces the risk of heart and kidney disease. According to the study evaluating data from 37 patients with restless bowel syndrome, 70% of patients with restless bowel syndrome who received high amounts of vitamin D supplements decreased their complaints. 34AXX

Heather's Tummy Fiber Pouch ~ Organic Acacia Senegal 16 oz. for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Can constipation be a symptom of depression?

Heather's Tummy Fiber Pouch ~ Organic Acacia Senegal 16 oz. for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
It is observed that unhappy people are closer to every disease, every negativity. Of course, no one wants to be unhappy, but some people are more depressing in structure, more likely to be unhappy, more depressed. Unhappiness and stress make many people sick. Digestive system diseases and constipation are more common in unhappy and depressed people. Chronic constipation can occur in people who go into depression and eat congested, do not eat at all, eat only junk food or become obsessed with constant weight and diet. Doctors offer methods such as yok No stress ”or 'Don't worry' for the treatment of many diseases. Our intestines have been described as our second brain for the last 5 years. The structure of the intestine, how the intestines work, the gas problems, constipation, diarrhea, restless bowel syndrome, the amount of probiotic, useful bacteria that should be supported by the bowel movements and body movements are very important. Create a routine for defecation, and don't miss it unless you have to. Bur I go to the toilet when I wake up y or im I go to the toilet after breakfast y Sometimes constipation increases in cases of depression, intense stress and anxiety. Know how to listen to your own body. Your intestines are one of the most important organs. If they cause you problems, you may have a problem with your emotions. Once you have noticed that you have symptoms of constipation, you should do some detailed follow-up to find out why. You should monitor your metabolism and observe signs of stress. Among the symptoms of psychological constipation, constipation will begin primarily in parallel with stomach disorders. There will be irregularities in eating and drinking, and the person will feel constipated intensely despite eating less. He will feel that he does not consume water. Pains may occur and constipation relieves for a while when stress is relieved. Treatment is also made within this framework. First, the stress factor is removed, and then the diet is re-checked to eliminate the physiological portion of constipation. 33AXX
Heather's Tummy Fiber Pouch ~ Organic Acacia Senegal 16 oz. for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Fiber Gummies Sugar-Free Supplement Prebiotics for Kids & Adults, All-Natural, and Vegan Friendly, 1.5 Month BeLive

What are the benefits of kefir? How to make Kefir? What is the use of kefir?

Fiber Gummies Sugar-Free Supplement Prebiotics for Kids & Adults, All-Natural, and Vegan Friendly, 1.5 Month BeLive
Kefir is a very healthy drink that has recently increased consumption, especially as it is probiotic and strengthens the immune system. Kefir, which has been made in the Caucasus since ancient times, is now a product that is produced and consumed extensively in Europe and America. What are the benefits of kefir? How to make kefir dogla at home? What is the use of kefir? Is it permissible to drink kefir? Here is detailed information about kefir ... Kefir, which has preserved its formula since ancient times, is a dairy product made in the Caucasus region. Kefir, known for its many benefits, has been consumed in our country in recent years due to its rich probiotic content, strengthening the immune system, regulating the digestive system and supporting heart health. So what is kefir? How to make Kefir? What are the benefits of kefir? What is the use of kefir? Is it permissible to drink kefir? WHAT IS KEFIR? Kefir is a foamy, dark consistency, slightly sour fermented milk product made with the help of fermentation of milk acid and alcohol. Its cauliflower-like appearance, whitish color and kefir consist of grains that are usually the size of peas and nuts. Cow, sheep, goat and buffalo milk are used in the production of kefir. Studies with Kefir have shown benefits in the treatment of anorexia, insomnia, tuberculosis and kidney diseases, bronchitis and asthma, eczema, external skin ruptures and stretch marks. Kefir-definition BENEFITS OF KEFIR Many benefits of kefir have been determined by researches. The first thing that comes to mind is to strengthen the immune system. Various publications have reported that kefir is used in the treatment of anorexia, insomnia, tuberculosis and kidney diseases, bronchitis and asthma, eczema, external skin ruptures and skin cracks. Apart from these, the use of kefir is good for vascular obstruction, digestive system diseases, tuberculosis and cancer diseases. 1. Strengthens the immune system In addition to protecting the immune system, Kefir helps strengthen and perform its duties more effectively. It does this with the probiotics it contains. Probiotics are useful bacteria that fight against foreign substances in the body and destroy microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. Therefore, kefir is extremely useful for immune system health. 2. Relieves Stomach and Intestinal Problems Probiotic, which is abundant in the structure of kefir, provides protection of the stomach and intestines, enables them to perform their duties in a healthy way and protects against diseases. Therefore, kefir, stomach and intestinal problems are very effective in the removal. 3. Supports Heart Health Kefir, which regulates blood pressure, blood pressure and cholesterol, supports and protects heart health due to these two important features. Especially, kefir which prevents vascular occlusion is also effective in preventing conditions such as heart attack and stroke which may be caused by vascular occlusion. 5. Supports cell renewal Kefir, which is very rich in protein, is extremely important for the proper functioning of organ systems. Because kefir has a supportive effect on body metabolism and consequently, it provides faster healing of wounds and supports cell regeneration and cell development. 6. Regulates the digestive system Kefir, which is rich in probiotic content, is very beneficial for digestive system and intestinal health. Probiotics do this by absorbing nutrients and mixing them into the blood, helping to reduce harmful bacteria in the digestive tract. On the other hand, thanks to its rich fiber content, kefir helps to regulate bowel movements and prevents constipation. For example, a glass of kefir meets 21% of the daily fiber requirement. 7. Skin Health Thanks to its special amino acids and rich protein content, Kefir supports skin renewal and helps to prevent skin aging. In addition to these, kefir, which contains vitamin A and vitamin C, which is beneficial for the health of the skin, is extremely beneficial for the promotion of skin health and beauty. 8. Anti-Cancer Effect Some research with Kefir has shown that it has anti-mutagenic properties. A mutation is a permanent condition that disrupts the structure of cells and changes their vital activities, in other words, damaging the structure and function of the cell. This causes cancer. Therefore, kefir, which is thought to have anti-mutagenic properties, is estimated to help prevent cancer. 9. Other Benefits of Kefir Researches on kefir still continue. Therefore, some of the benefits have not been fully verified but have yielded substantially effective results. Accordingly, the other benefits of kefir, which are thought to be useful but are still under investigation, are as follows; Resolves kidney stone disorders. Lowers cholesterol. Cleanses the body of heavy metals, salt and alcoholic substances. Good for ulcers. It is used in psoriasis and eczema treatments. Used in the treatment of gastritis. Mushroom's good. Resolves heart diseases. Prevents colon cancer Provides resistance to pancreas problems. It is good for liver diseases. It allows the gallbladder stones to fall out. Contributes to weight loss. Revitalizes hair Protects the bacteria formed in the body. Treat gum diseases. Lowers the fatty acid level. Good for diarrhea. Reduces bloating. It is effective against inflammatory diseases. It's good for allergies. It reduces stress. Resolves lack of attention. Good for sleep. Migraine is good. It is used in the process of depression. Reduces stomach gas. Reduces wrinkles Gives skin tension It has a therapeutic feature of gout. It is good for rheumatic disorders. Purifies the body from tonksin. Helps improve bad breath. It is good for stomach cramps during menstrual period. B3, B6 and folic acid production helps. Provides protein uptake and digestion. Improves brain neurofunction. Removes bad breath. Good for bronchitis. Removes inflammation in the throat as a result of colds. It is good for anemia and prevents metastasis. It is good for liver infections. HOW TO MAKE NATURAL KEFIR AT HOME? Since kefir is a dairy product, it should be consumed a short time after it is made. For this reason, kefir that you make at home or from outside, you must keep in the refrigerator and must be consumed within 3 days. Ingredients and recipe for natural kefir that you will make at home are as follows; Materials 1 liter of milk (cow) 1 tablespoon kefir yeast-fresh Preparation of After boiling 1 liter of milk in a deep bowl, remove the foam and leave to cool. We bring the milk to room temperature in a glass jar and add the kefir yeast with the help of a spoon. We tightly close the lid of the jar and cover it with a cloth. In a dark place again at room temperature for 1 day are waiting. After opening the lid of the jar filter with the help of cloth strainer. Key point The most important thing to be aware of, kefir certainly do not use metal spoons, knives, scoops, strainers. Kefir-construction IS THERE A DAMAGE TO KEFIR? Kefir is a very useful milk product. But as with everything else, it can cause some problems as a result of misuse. Excessive consumption of kefir, for example, can lead to cramping in the stomach and intestines. Especially pregnant or nursing women should not consume. Drinking more than one cup of kefir daily causes weight gain. Some bacteria contained in kefir have been shown to cause diarrhea in individuals. Kefir is one of the products that diabetics should not consume. Infants under 1 year of age should not be given kefir. In people with weak immune systems, kefir can cause infection due to bacteria and yeasts. Kefir, which cleans the body from natural ways thanks to the good and beneficial bacteria contained in it, has a healing effect. Therefore, temporary side effects such as headache, nausea, bloating, gas, acne formation on the skin may occur after consumption. COMPONENTS OF KEFIR AND NUTRITIONAL VALUES Kefir grain; Microorganisms such as Torula yeasts, Saccharomyces sp., Lactococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp., Leuconostoc spp. The main ingredient of kefir is the beneficial bacteria that live naturally in the body and promote health. Therefore, the probiotic kefir digestive proteins, lactase enzyme, vitamin A, vitamin B-1 (thiamine), vitamin B-3 (niacin), vitamin B-9 (folate), vitamin B-12 and vitamin K and special amino acids It contains. KEFİR COMPOSITION RATIOS Milk acid 0.8-0.9% Ethyl alcohol 0,6-1,1% Milk sugar / lactose 1.7-2.7% Casein 2.5-2.9% Minerals 0,6-0,8% Albumin 0.1-0.3% Oil 2.8-3.3% IS KEFIR DRINKABLE? In addition to being a useful beverage, Kefir also contains alcohol due to the fermentation during its production. Therefore, the question is whether it is permissible to drink kefir. The proportion of alcohol produced in kefir depends on the fermentation rate. Fermentation times in kefir vary between 12, 24, 48 and 60-72 hours. Depending on these times, there are sweet kefir, medium hard kefir, hard kefir, very hard kefir varieties. In other words, the amount of alcohol in kefir increases with time. In sweet kefir, there is one thousand to one thousandth of alcohol in hard kefir and very hard kefir. This ratio rises to 4 percent in kefir which is kept for a period of one year. Kefir varieties produced in Turkey are sweet kefir. Accordingly, consisting of sweet kefir produced in Turkey will also not drunk alcohol in the production, there is no objection to the sale and smoking. 32AXX
Fiber Gummies Sugar-Free Supplement Prebiotics for Kids & Adults, All-Natural, and Vegan Friendly, 1.5 Month BeLive

Citrucel Powder Orange Flavor Fiber Therapy for Occasional Constipation Relief, 16 ounce

Hemorrhoid sign or cancer sign?

Citrucel Powder Orange Flavor Fiber Therapy for Occasional Constipation Relief, 16 ounce
Bleeding in the breech, which is the most prominent feature of the '' hemorrhoid '', is one of the most common health problems. Experts suggest that bleeding in the rectum may be a symptom of hemorrhoidal disease; It may also be a sign of other life-threatening diseases such as intestinal cancer or anal tears. General Surgery Specialist Dr. Dr. Bülent Menteş, '' hemorrhoids known as' '' 'hemorrhoids'' or '' yeast ', is a common disease characterized by sagging pillows in the anal canal and bleeding by squeezing. Stressing that the main cause of the disease is long-term constipation, Mentes said that it is among the most common factors in hereditary characteristics. Menteş, the main cause of hemorrhoids defecation (great ablution) is thought to be errors and strains in the habits, said the disease is very common in society. Hemorrhoids, internal and external hemorrhoids, including 2 types of mentions, '' Internal hemorrhoids are generally painless; external hemorrhoids are painful. Outer hemorrhoids blood clots 'thrombosed hemorrhoids' occurs and causes very severe pain, '' he said. He said that the most common complaints in hemorrhoids were bleeding from the breech, breast formation in the breech and sometimes itching and pruritus. Emphasizing that bleeding from the rectum is an important complaint, Menteş may be a symptom of hemorrhoidal disease; It should be kept in mind that other diseases such as life-threatening or anal tears, especially bowel cancer, may be a sign. Mentes, in such a case should be consulted to the doctor immediately without delay. THE BEST TREATMENT OF HEMOROID PROTECTION General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Bahadir Ege pointed out that the best treatment of hemorrhoids is '' protection ''. According to the information provided by the Aegean, protection should be paid attention to the following: '' -Regular nutrition (whole wheat bread, plenty of fruit, vegetables and water) - Avoiding irritants (spices, alcohol, pickles) - Regular toilet habit - Don't push too hard. - No heavy lifting. On the other hand, smoking, alcohol, excessive coffee consumption and obesity (obesity) also have a significant relationship with the development of hemorrhoidal disease. When necessary, patients are given a pulp diet application. The accepted opinion about the application of pulp diet shows that diet is necessary and contributes to healing in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, but it is supported by other treatment methods. So, the diet application alone is not the solution for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease. COLONOSCOPY MUST BE MADE Hemorrhoids '' sclerotherapy '' (needle drying), '' band ligation '' and surgical treatment are possible. Patient and physician should decide together the most appropriate method. In the first stage, the definitive diagnosis and stage of the disease should be determined. Under these symptoms, cancer, colitis, such as a more important pathology to be omitted or omitted almost always some "" Colonoscopy "such as endoscopic examinations are required to be done. Once the diagnosis of hemorrhoidal disease is confirmed, the treatment depends on the stage of the disease. Most early stage cases (stage 1-2); some dietary recommendations, correction of defecation habits, some herbal supplements and / or some medications. In the later stages (stage 2-3), some anoscopic interventions are performed to fix the disease by fixing overhanging hemorrhoidal tissues. THE TREATMENT IS DETERMINED ACCORDING TO THE STAGE These procedures are performed on an outpatient basis (without hospitalization) just like endoscopy. Treatment success is shown to be high when dehydration (injection sclerotherapy), band ligation and infrared laser application methods are applied skillfully. These procedures, which are completely painless, rule out the necessity of surgery in many patients. Surgical treatment may also be required in very advanced cases (stage 4) and in the presence of combined internal and external hemorrhoids. Because of the painful operations in this region, some new technologies developed in recent years are being used. The success rate and patient comfort are shown to be extremely high after the operations performed using ultrasonic dissector (LASER) or PPH stapler. 31AXX
Citrucel Powder Orange Flavor Fiber Therapy for Occasional Constipation Relief, 16 ounce

Combines Cleansing Herbs and Minerals to aid in Digestive Regularity and Overall Health. A Balanced Digestive System Supports The Body's Ability to Absorb nutrients and Eliminate Waste

What is toxin and why should we purify the body from toxins?

Combines Cleansing Herbs and Minerals to aid in Digestive Regularity and Overall Health. A Balanced Digestive System Supports The Body's Ability to Absorb nutrients and Eliminate Waste
Many issues that we miss or ignore in the intensity of daily life can create negative health effects. We can skip acting regularly and ignore healthy eating. Not to eat healthy, to be exposed to harmful food for a long time, not to move regularly to each other in the body of the accumulation of toxins in the body is preparing. This undoubtedly leads to chronic diseases and hence decreases the quality of life. So what is this toxin we're trying to get rid of? How can toxins have such a negative effect? When you think about what toxin is, you will remember that you appeared in many health related publications. You may have heard or read that toxins are harmful, they must be removed from the body, there are different ways to throw them. The accumulation of toxin has to do with many different issues, especially with nutrition. Therefore, the body can be purified in different ways. This helps to remove most of the toxins in a short time after stepping into a healthy life. The choice of nutrition, sports and clean products starts to make itself noticeable from the first weeks and create significant positive effects on the skin, body and chronic diseases. So what is toxin and how we take these toxins into our body; we need to answer these questions. You may also have chronic illnesses, such as migraine, difficulty digesting, reflux, and so on. However, it is worth noting that these are likely to be caused by toxins. Of course, expert opinions are extremely important at this point. However, the lack of a healthy diet and the accumulation of toxins in the body affects the intestinal flora, but it can also cause all the systems in the body to function differently and sometimes lose their function. Therefore, such diseases and sometimes even more serious diseases can occur. Imagine that your toxins may be behind you feeling sluggish, tired, or even depressed. If you feel that way, you can consult a specialist and, if there is no other reason, you can take action to remove toxins. As a result, here is what is toxin and how it is possible to avoid toxins; we will touch on this. Let's start with what is toxin eniz What is toxin? Substances that do not work in the body or create a poison effect, so the body tries to throw out substances called toxin. Toxins are not only taken from the outside; can also be formed in the body. For example, as long as we breathe, we produce carbon dioxide and when we breathe we leave it out. Thus, toxins can be formed in different ways; but the body wants to throw out toxins. We help our body in many different ways such as nutrition, sports, products we use in daily life and sleep patterns. If toxins accumulate, they make the system in which they take place toxic, that is, toxic. If you do not want to stay away from the accumulation of toxins and make your organs and systems toxic in your body, you should start to live clean to remove toxins. To do this, take the first step as soon as possible and first make a definite decision to move your life in every aspect to order. How do we get toxins into our bodies? When you decide to take the first step for a healthy life, you will need to change your daily habits. One of the most important of these is eating habits. Heavy metals, chemical sweeteners, additives, genetically modified or processed products, packaged foods with shelf life cause toxin accumulation as toxic substances. Therefore, prolonged exposure to products with such ingredients threatens health; it forms the basis of many different health problems, especially chronic diseases. But toxins are taken only through nutrition? Of course not. When you search for what is toxin, you will see that we take toxins to our body with different mediators such as cosmetics, cleaning products, air and water. At this point, the air you breathe, the water you use is clean to pay attention to. However, you can take care to use cleaning products with clean ingredients and to shop from cosmetic brands with these ingredients. In this way, you can safely touch the places where you use this type of cleaning products, you can work safely here, and thanks to clean content cosmetics, you can prevent the intake of toxic substances to your body to a great extent. Thus, you can find the opportunity to protect your skin beauty and youth. How can we be free of toxins? We have said that toxins are different methods of removal and can be removed from the body in different ways. So what are these methods and ways? What is toxin; when we discover this part, we can actually get some clues to get rid of them. We know that toxins accumulate in the body primarily through food and water. So we can get rid of them through the discharge. As for how we do this, it turns out that we need methods to cleanse the intestines and make the kidneys work more effectively. This is where detox comes into play. Liquid detoxification, which we can briefly describe as a means of both kidneys to operate more effectively and it is possible to ensure the cleansing of the intestines. Moreover, thanks to healthy detox water from each other, liquid nutrition prevents the body from reducing immunity; on the contrary, it prepares you to feel refreshed, purified and renewed with meals rich in vitamins and minerals. However, liquid nutrition is also highly effective in removing toxins through the skin when supported by movement. Therefore, instead of applying detox alone, supporting detox with regular action allows for much better results. Detox programs also help to remove the toxins, but at the same time to facilitate your toxin in the circulation of many different applications are also accelerated. These include massage therapies, baths, saunas, and even meditation, ayurverdik therapies, sound therapy, breathing therapy and yoga practices to provide mental and spiritual purification. If you wish, you can get help from a professional facility in the field where you can find all these applications together to get rid of both toxins as well as toxic mental and spiritual formations. Sianji Well-being Resort offers you the key to a healthy lifestyle by facilitating the detoxification of toxins through expert detox programs and professional well-being applications. If you wish, you can evaluate the advantage of renewal and purification with Sianji's expert teams; Get the opportunity to live the first day of your new life in the Sianji concept. Sianji Well-being Resort, which offers personalized health packages and healthy life in an unforgettable holiday concept, is waiting for you in Bodrum. 30AXX
Combines Cleansing Herbs and Minerals to aid in Digestive Regularity and Overall Health. A Balanced Digestive System Supports The Body's Ability to Absorb nutrients and Eliminate Waste

Superior Labs – Best D-Mannose NonGMO Additive Free Dietary Supplement – 500mg, 120 Vegetable Capsules – Powerful Prebiotic – Boosts Urinary Tract Health – Supports Digestive Health & Liver Function

Turmeric and pineapple against bowel fire

Superior Labs – Best D-Mannose NonGMO Additive Free Dietary Supplement – 500mg, 120 Vegetable Capsules – Powerful Prebiotic – Boosts Urinary Tract Health – Supports Digestive Health & Liver Function
Last week, I mentioned a clinical study demonstrating that blueberry fruits may contribute positively to improving the quality of life of patients due to the rich polyphenolic content of blueberry fruits in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. I'll talk about some other herbal options this week. Turmeric roots, the most remarkable herbal medicine in recent years. Curcumin, an effective component of turmeric, has been shown to have an effect on a large number of mediators involved in inflammation (especially nuclear factor kappa B). As a matter of fact, it is supported by experimental and clinical studies that turmeric and curcumin have a certain degree of effectiveness in almost all diseases in which fire plays a role in the formation of cancer. In addition to standard drug therapy in patients with ulcerative colitis, curcumin may be helpful in alleviating, preventing and treating complaints. In a small-scale clinical pilot study (open label; US BD) 5 ulcerative colitis (550 milligram capsules; 2 times a day for 1 month and then 3 times a day for 1 month); and 5 Crohn's (360 milligram capsules; 1 month) 2 times a day for 2 months and then 4 times a day for 2 months) with curcumin in combination with drug treatment. A more comprehensive study was conducted in Japan. In 89 ulcerative colitis patients (in a scientific design) for a period of six months, one group received only one drug treatment and the other group received 1 gram of curcumin after each meal. Clink and endoscopic examination showed that curcumin significantly improved the quality of life of the patients. Another option is 'Bromelin', a proteolytic enzyme found in pineapple with a known anti-inflammatory effect. It is currently recommended for various inflammatory diseases, including arthritis. Turmeric roots and pineapple are also effective in inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis . Those with this condition should also pay attention to vitamin D deficiency . OMEGA-3 HAS NO BENEFIT On the other hand, inflammatory bowel diseases are also closely related to nutrition. It has been reported that fish oil and omega-3 treatment, which is recommended for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's patients, has no positive contribution because of its anti-inflammatory effect. No improvement was observed in the reports (Cochrane Database), which collectively evaluated clinical trials. When the results of 19 studies covering 2609 people diagnosed with inflammatory bowel diseases were examined, the presence of high total fat, omega-6 fatty acids (edible oils) and meat products in the daily diet increased the complaints in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's patients. On the other hand, it was concluded that dietary fiber-rich vegetable consumption can alleviate complaints in patients with ulcerative colitis. The available information shows that vitamin D deficiency plays a role in the development of inflammatory bowel diseases. In this regard, low amounts of vitamin D supplementation may be recommended, especially in Crohn's patients, until more accurate results are obtained. In fact, herbal medicine options that can be useful in ulcerative colitis patients are quite wide. It is not possible to include all of them here. There isn't enough clink data on most of them. Here, I was able to talk about some examples that can only be found and applied in pharmacies in our country, and their effectiveness has been demonstrated by clinical studies. In addition, not all herbal medicine can be expected to produce equally successful results for everyone. In this regard, I recommend that you monitor the usefulness of these products when used in addition to your treatment. 29AXX
Superior Labs – Best D-Mannose NonGMO Additive Free Dietary Supplement – 500mg, 120 Vegetable Capsules – Powerful Prebiotic – Boosts Urinary Tract Health – Supports Digestive Health & Liver Function