Monday, December 3, 2018

What is Biotin?

You may have heard about biotin , but you do not know exactly what it is. This is a fundamental vitamin that we must contribute to our body to metabolize fats, carbohydrates and amino acids.

In turn, biotin, also known as Vitamin B8, B7 or Vitamin H, is responsible for transforming glucose into energy, maintaining healthy tissue cells such as skin, hair or nails, as well as the creation of hemoglobin. As we see it is very important to have a correct Biotin contribution.

Biotin Supplements

Due to these beneficial properties, biotin is used in different treatments, such as type II diabetes, seborrheic dermatitis and especially in treatments for hair with biotin, using shampoos and tablets to alleviate hair weakness and its subsequent drop.

Benefits of biotin

Biotin has been used for a long time in shampoos for horses, but nowadays biotin shampoos are starting to proliferate, which makes it possible to keep the hair stronger and to solve problems such as dandruff.

Although it is difficult to have a lack of biotin, in the cases that occur, it can cause health problems that affect the skin, hair or nervous system. These problems of lack of biotin can occur in vomiting, muscle aches, lack of muscle mass or sores on the tongue.

Where do we find biotin?

We can find different foods with biotin of animal or vegetable origin, especially in the egg yolk, liver and viscera, brewer's yeast, mushrooms and whole grains. This contribution of biotin should be less in children under 11 years, with an amount ranging between 10 and 30 micrograms. From this age, it is recommended that the contribution be between 30 micrograms and 110.

Biotin for hair

Biotin is well known due to the properties it has to improve our hair. This vitamin provides a greater shine and strength to hair, so in recent years have come all kinds of hair treatments with biotin. The most common form of these treatments are shampoos, especially the one known as horse shampoo, but numerous studies have confirmed that the effect of these shampoos in most cases is zero. By this we do not mean that biotin does not improve the qualities of the hair, but that for this vitamin to improve our hair we must ingest the biotin with biotin supplements or through the consumption of the aforementioned foods.

Everything you need to know about biotin

Are you worried about your health and want to keep fit? A healthy and balanced lifestyle is key to the quality of life you want and take care of your diet is the first step to have the energy and nutrients that your body needs every day. Substances such as biotin, for example, are essential to stay young and healthy.

Do you know if you need to integrate it into your diet? In this post we tell you everything you need to know about this vitamin.

Biotin Supplements

What is it?

Biotin is a group B vitamin. It is an indispensable element of enzymes that break down fats, carbohydrates and other substances. Biotin is also used for cell growth and the manufacture of fatty acids in our body.

Also, it is known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H and belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. That is, it dissolves in water and is not stored in the body. So you have to enter it every day through food.

What is biotin for?

Vitamin B7 is available in small amounts in a wide variety of foods. Like other vitamins it is indispensable for the correct functioning of the organism.

Taking supplements that contain biotin may be helpful to prevent imbalances or in case of deficiency of this vitamin.

Vitamin H has properties that help keep the body healthy. Contribute to:

  •     Cell growth
  •     Correct assimilation of nutrients (fats, sugars, etc.)
  •     Prevent metabolic diseases
  •     Prevent hair loss
  •     Prevent the symptoms of vitamin B7 deficiency

Taking biotin supplements orally may be necessary if your diet does not provide the correct levels of this vitamin or to prevent the symptoms of biotin deficiency associated with malnutrition, pregnancy, tube feeding for long periods, rapid weight loss
Symptoms of biotin deficiency

There are no specific tests to detect the lack of biotin in the body. So it is important to observe the symptoms caused by the lack of biotin in the body:

  •     Hair loss
  •     Rashes on the skin especially around the mouth, eyes, mouth and in the area of ​​the genitals.
  •     Neurological symptoms (depression, anxiety, tingling in arms and legs, hallucinations).
  • Collagen and biotin for hair and nails

Supplements with biotin for hair can be useful to stop hair loss if the causes are related to a deficit of this vitamin.

To prevent this type of problems and, in addition, keep skin and nails healthy and beautiful , you can associate the intake of biotin with a supplement based on hydrolyzed collagen. Collagen helps you prevent the signs of aging on your hair and ensures a better quality of life in general.

In this article you can discover more about the benefits of collagen for your health and well-being.

Biotin, contraindications

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that we obtain thanks to the varied foods of a balanced diet.

If for some reason the organism does not receive the daily doses of biotin and registers low levels of this vitamin, the symptoms that we have seen previously take place.

Under normal health conditions, excess biotin in the body is resolved by evacuation through urine and sweat.

The intake of biotin has no contraindications and is not considered a toxic substance. However, it is advisable to follow the indications of the supplements to prevent possible side effects caused by overdose.

During pregnancy and lactation it is recommended to follow the instructions of a doctor before taking biotin or other food supplements.
Interactions with food and other supplements

Taking biotin is safe when you take the right doses. To know if you need to integrate this vitamin in your day to day you should consult your doctor who will also indicate doses and modalities.

So far, the case of interaction between raw egg whites and vitamin B7 is known. A substance present in egg whites reduces the biotin absorption capacity of the organism . If consumed for long periods, this substance can cause a deficit of vitamin H.

Some people wonder if biotin makes you fat . This vitamin is involved in the digestive processes and metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and helps regulate the metabolism when a biotin deficiency occurs. Because biotin does not make you fat, it improves the absorption of nutrients and prevents metabolic alterations.

Foods with biotin

Biotin belongs to the group B vitamins complex and is found in small doses in many foods. These are foods rich in biotin that can not be missed in a balanced diet:

  •     Whole grains
  •     Beef liver
  •     Yeast
  •     Eggs (avoid raw egg whites)
  •     Blue Fish
  •     Green peas
  •     Nuts

Following an active lifestyle and a balanced diet allows you to maintain correct levels of biotin in the body. If you detect some symptoms of vitamin B7 deficiency consult your doctor for a check and to know what is the most appropriate dose of biotin in your case.

What is biotin good for?

Biotin is a vitamin. Biotin is found in small amounts in various foods such as egg, milk or banana.

Biotin is commonly used to treat hair loss, scaly nails, nerve damage and many other conditions.
  Biotin Supplements

How effective is it?
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database classifies the effectiveness, based on scientific evidence, according to the following scale: Effective, Probably Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Probably Ineffective, Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence for Make a Determination.

The classification of efficacy for this product is as follows:

Probably effective for ...
Lack of biotin Intake of biotin can help treat low levels of biotin in the blood. It can also prevent the marked decrease in biotin levels in the blood. Low levels of biotin in the blood can cause weakening of the hair, a rash around the eyes, nose and mouth. Other symptoms include depression, apathy, hallucinations and tingling in the arms and legs. Low levels of biotin can occur in pregnant women, who have been tube-fed for a long time, who are undernourished, have lost in a short time or with specific hereditary conditions. Smoking cigarettes could also cause low levels of biotin in the blood.

Possibly ineffective for ...
  • Eruptions on the skin of babies (seborrheic dermatitis). The intake of biotin does not seem to diminish the rash in babies.
  • Insufficient evidence to make a determination to ...
  • Hair loss. The intake of biotin and zinc along with the application of steroid cream on the skin could help to reduce hair loss.
  • Scaly nails Biotin may increase thickening of the nails of the hands and d feet in people with scaly nails.
  • Diabetes. Some preliminary research shows that the intake of biotin with chromium could lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. However, the intake of biotin alone does not seem to improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
  • Diabetic nervous pain. Preliminary research shows that ingesting biotin or receiving an injection may decrease nerve pain in the legs of people with diabetes.
  • Muscle cramps. Dialysed people tend to suffer from muscle cramps. Preliminary research shows that biotin intake could reduce muscle cramps in these people.

Other conditions
More evidence is needed to approve the coconut for these uses.

How does it work?

Biotin is an important component of enzymes in the body that break down certain substances such as fats, carbohydrates and others.

There is no good laboratory test to detect biotin deficiency, so this disorder is usually identified by its symptoms, which include: hair loss (often with loss of color), and red and scaly rashes around the eyes , nose and mouth. Symptoms of the nervous system include depression, tiredness, hallucinations and tingling in the arms and legs. There is some evidence that suffering from diabetes could result in biotin deficiency.

Is there concern for the safety of its use?
Biotin PROBALLLY SAFE for most people if taken properly or when applied to the skin in the form of cosmetic products containing 0.0001% to 0.6% biotin. Biotin is well tolerated when used in the recommended dosage. IT IS POSSIBLY SAFE when administered as an injection.

Special warnings and precautions:
Pregnancy and lactation: Biotin is POSSIBLY SAFE during pregnancy when used in recommended amounts during pregnancy and lactation.

Children: Biotin IS POSSIBLY SAFE when properly ingested.

A hereditary condition in which biotin (lack of biotinidase): People with this condition need to consume more biotin.

Renal dialysis: Dialysed people may need more biotin. Talk to your health care provider.

Smoking: People who smoke may have low levels of biotin in their blood and may need biotin supplements.

Laboratory tests: The intake of biotin supplements could interfere with the results of various laboratory tests that analyze the blood. Biotin can generate incorrectly high or incorrectly low test results. This could lead to incorrect detection of diagnoses or even not detect diagnostics. Check with your doctor if you take biotin supplements, especially if laboratory tests are to be performed.

Are there interactions with medications?
  • Minors
  • Pay attention to this combination
  • Medicines modified by the liver

Saturday, December 1, 2018

HIV self-test

The test for self-diagnosis of HIV can be purchased in pharmacies without the need for a prescription (January 2018).
Home HIV Test

It is estimated that currently, in Spain, between 140,000 and 145,000 people live with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and, of these, one in five (18%) is not diagnosed. The Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections considers the promotion of early diagnosis of HIV a priority, in order to reduce the proportion of undiagnosed persons.

The early diagnosis of HIV infection leads to benefits for the affected person, who can initiate early treatment, when their immune status would be less affected, and also brings benefits to the community since the person can take preventive measures to prevent its transmission to other people.

In December 2017, the legislation on health products was modified, eliminating the need for prescription for the sale of HIV self-diagnosis products (Royal Decree 1083/2017). Since January 22, 2018 the self-diagnosis test (Autotest HIV) can be purchased freely in pharmacies.

You can get an HIV test at your Health Center

The HIV test can be performed free of charge and confidentially, within the framework of the health system, by the Primary Care Physician at your Health Center. Those people who, for whatever reason, choose not to see their doctor, can be tested in some NGOs or acquire HIV self-test exclusively through pharmacies (in office or online) to be tested at home.

Who should have an HIV test?

Anyone who wants to know their health status regarding HIV infection should be tested for HIV. The entire population should be tested at least once in their lives.

Although the performance of an HIV test is a voluntary act, there are certain cases in which it is advisable to carry out the same:

  • Have had sexual intercourse with penetration (anal or vaginal, or oral, especially if there was ejaculation) without a condom with a person with HIV infection or who does not know their serological status.
  • Have shared puncture material.
  • Having suffered from a sexually transmitted infection, tuberculosis or hepatitis.
  • Have a stable partner and want to stop using the condom with her.

Period Window

Before this test is done, a period of 3 months must have elapsed since the possible risk of HIV transmission. This term, called window period, is what is needed for the antibodies that the test detects to develop.

The test is very reliable, but if that period is not expected, it is not able to detect the antibodies because they would not have been produced yet. In that case the result could be a false negative, meaning that the person could have become infected and could, therefore, transmit the virus to other people. In this case, the test should be repeated after 3 months from the risk exposure to confirm the negative result.

Measures to prevent the transmission of HIV infection should always be adopted, but in this circumstance, in which the person could be infected, it is vital to do so until the negative result is confirmed.

What should I do in case of a positive result?

A positive result indicates a high probability of being infected if there has been a risky practice, but this result is not yet definitive. You must go to a health center (your Health Center, for example) to be able to carry out confirmation tests and, if necessary, receive medical advice on your new health status.

Also, you can contact some NGOs, which have Community Centers where you can receive support to deal with the new situation. Confirmation tests are not carried out in these centers.

Pharmaceutical action guide

In order to provide community pharmacists with the necessary knowledge regarding the self-diagnosis test for HIV, a Pharmaceutical Action Guide for the dispensing of medical devices for HIV self-diagnosis has been prepared. This guide will guide these professionals when answering the questions of potential users before the public dispensation of these products.

Valencian pharmacies already have HIV proof for sale

It is nothing more than a prick on a finger and, thanks to 35 euros and a drop of blood can be known in a matter of 15 minutes if our body is infected with the acquired immunodeficiency virus, HIV.

Valencian pharmacies already have HIV proof for sale

It is the new HIV self-diagnosis equipment that, since yesterday, has been available in pharmacies -also in Valencian pharmacies- . Its main advantage: that the test can be done at home, work or wherever we have decided to do it since it is not necessary, as up to now, the intervention of specialized personnel to get rid of doubts.

Thanks to this new tool, both health officials and associations that fight to eradicate HIV and AIDS, seek to provide facilities to bring out that bag of infected people who, however, do not know they are.

The Ministry of Health assures that they can be 18% of the total of seropositives in Spain. That is, more than 21,000 people would be infected without knowing it, which makes it extremely difficult to cut the chain of new infections that continue to occur every year, at a rate of about 10 new cases a day.

Without the need to go to a health center or an association in which the rapid test is carried out, the team provides a guarantee of extra "anonymity", something that, for associations fighting against the virus, is "positive".

"We believe it will help because it will promote the standardization of the test, give autonomy to patients and offer a way to those people who do not have other resources to go to than the doctor in their town or do not want to do it because of the stigma that still talk about HIV and AIDS », they explained.

The Ministry of Health in December amended the regulations to facilitate that this test (similar in operation to a pregnancy test) could be sold without the need for a prescription directly in pharmacies. It is from this week when the offices that have been interested in the product will receive it.

In C. Valenciana there are still few pharmacies that already have the equipment. The pharmacy 24 hours of Paseo Germanías, 15 of Gandia was yesterday one of those who already had this self-diagnostic equipment that includes "in addition to detailed explanations to a phone number of the State AIDS Coordinator (Cesida) to call if it is positive know what to do », explained yesterday from the pharmacy.

In this office still do not know what output will have the product but yesterday "there were people who asked after hearing the news in the media" so, it will be "a matter of time to claim it because it is a way to leave doubts without having to comment to nobody, "they added.

It is not useful in the "day after"

The reliability of the test (the probability of an infected person obtaining a positive result) is 99.5% . However, the test, like the classic tests, is incapable of detecting an infection just after having a risky sexual relationship.

Thus, in the negative results will have to take into account the concept of "window period", that is, the time from which the body has been in contact with the virus and has been infected until this infection is detectable.

As recalled yesterday from the Ministry of Health, from exposure to the virus until the body generates detectable antibodies spend between 2 and 8 weeks "and almost all people have generated them at 3 months of risk practice."

That is why it is not useful for the "day after" and, for people who have "a routine of risky sexual practices, it is recommended to repeat the test -this self-diagnosis or any other- every three months as this will cover everything the spectre".

If the result of the test is positive, a laboratory check "made by specialists" is always necessary . They will determine the treatment to start. The antiretrovirals reduce the burden of the virus containing the development of associated diseases and causing patients to reach an undetectable state of charge in which they do not develop the disease and can not spread the virus.

The test to know if you are infected with HIV goes on sale in pharmacy

It is fast and, above all, intimate. From this week, people who want to know if they are infected or not by the HIV virus can do so at home, after buying a kit that is purchased at pharmacies. In just 20 minutes you will know it with a reliability of 99.5%. The price of a unit of the self-diagnostic test is 29 euros. No medical prescription is required.

The test to know if you are infected with HIV goes on sale in pharmacy

The main objective of the implementation of this HIV self - test is to increase the early diagnosis of this virus to reduce the number of people who are undiagnosed and who have a late diagnosis. In Spain it is estimated that there are currently between 140,000 and 145,000 people infected with HIV, of which one in 5 (18%) are not diagnosed. Late diagnosis (46%) increases morbidity and decreases the response to treatment, reports the department headed by Minister Dolors Montserrat.

In Spain it is estimated that there are currently between 140,000 and 145,000 people infected with HIV

But, how does this kit work? On the website of the Ministry of Health, answers are given to questions that citizens may ask themselves. Here we reproduce some:

What is HIV self-testing?

It is a screening test for HIV infection in which the same person who takes the test collects the blood or saliva sample and interprets the test result. Obtaining the test result is immediate (usually in less than 20 minutes), it is not necessary to send the test to any laboratory to obtain the result.

Is it a reliable test?

The sensitivity is 99.5%, (probability that a subject infected with HIV has a positive result in the test) and the specificity is 99.9% (probability that a subject with a negative test does not have the infection) .

What is the window period?

It is the time elapsed between the infection and the appearance of detectable antibodies. During the same test can give a negative result, even if the person has been infected. Generally the body takes between 2 and 8 weeks after the infection to develop detectable antibodies, and almost all people have generated them after 3 months of risk. In this circumstance the person could transmit the infection, so it is recommended to take preventive measures and use the condom in sexual relations. To rule out this situation, the HIV test must be repeated after three months.

What should I do after a positive result?

Go to a health center so that you can perform the confirmatory laboratory tests and if necessary to receive medical advice on your new state of health. Also, you can go to many NGOs, which have Community Centers where you can receive support to face your new situation. In these centers usually do not make confirmatory tests

Why is this test not useful?

To detect a possible HIV infection immediately after maintaining a risky sexual relationship. Neither to decide whether to use a condom in a sexual relationship. Neither to detect other STIs, such as hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydia or to make changes in the treatment of a person already diagnosed.

Detecting HIV, without leaving home

Today is Friday of premiere. What movies come out this weekend? No. It's not about that. It is a different premiere. A new test for HIV was released a few months ago. Approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the EMA (European Medicines Agency), this test consists of analyzing a saliva sample, with reliable results in 99% at 20 minutes . And what is the revolutionary of this test?

Detecting HIV, without leaving home

What seemed like a new weapon for the early detection of HIV infection has generated much controversy. Not only do they see it as a quick and effective tool, but it has also triggered a lot of criticism.

It is undeniable that the test is faster than the conventional analytical that was done to detect HIV. The results are ready in just 20 minutes. In addition, it is a very non-invasive method; there is no need to draw blood, but a swab is used to rub the gums, and that sample is enough to make the diagnosis.

It is sold in many pharmacies in our country and it also exists in some health centers. The attractiveness of this test is that it can be done at home , and that eliminates one of the main disadvantages of the conventional test: many people do not perform the test because they feel that when they go to a center to take the test they are being judged , carrying the stigma of AIDS that remains very present in society. It is not enough to say "it's another infection". Therefore, having a test that one can perform at home, there is no fear of criticism or uncomfortable glances , or the feeling of being unveiling our private life. It's just as simple as a pregnancy test.

This last statement has raised blisters. Some say that pregnancy should not be compared with HIV infection. Pregnancy is not a disease. But in both cases, early diagnosis can be the difference between a healthy pregnancy with all the controls done regularly (or a follow-up and early treatment of HIV) or a "surprise" pregnancy, with possible risks for the fetus and the mother for not perform the usual tests (or uncontrolled progression of the disease by HIV).

In addition, no medical staff is needed to perform the test, which lowers costs. Nor do we need a laboratory or cutting-edge technology; It would be an ideal test for those countries that do not have the resources to maintain such facilities. It generalizes the detection of the infection: it is useful to know quickly if a population of which we do not have data or a population of risk are infected or not.

Unfortunately, this test is not a panacea . Many point out that the test eliminates a fundamental point of HIV detection: counseling by health personnel . When performing the test at home, you know if you are infected or not, but many do not know very well what to do next. Whether you are infected or not, the fact of conducting the test indicates that you have doubts about it, and perhaps a doctor can guide us to preventive measures that we did not know or to a specialized unit that can prescribe the appropriate treatment as quickly as possible. A doctor can answer all the doubts that arise when knowing the infection. And you can also raise others that may be directing the treatment. These health tips are almost as important as the performance of the test .

Numerous potential patients are going to be "diagnosed" in their own homes. When the conventional test is performed in a hospital or health center, there is a consensual protocol on what to do with a positive result. They include the additional tests that must be performed, to the treatments that must be prescribed for each individual case. From the point of view of monitoring the health of the general population, these "home" diagnoses will disappear from the statistics and we will not know for sure what decision the patient has made. Will you go to the doctor? Will you decide to hide it from your family? Will it take any action to avoid possible infections? The possibilities are endless; Every person is a world. And this does not end there: there is fear that this test will be used to control certain sectors of the population. It has been suggested that this test could be used by procurers and managers of brothels to control even more the prostitutes and thus ask for more money for those who have a negative test.

The company that has patented the product in the United States (USA), Orasure, sells the "Oraquick" test on the Internet at the price of $ 39.99, with US distribution only. In Spain, in some centers the realization is free, while in others it is sold at € 5 (in pharmacies in Valladolid), and in private centers it costs up to € 50, including medical advice.

Only a few months have passed since this test has taken to the streets; It is still too early to know if it really represents a real change in the detection of HIV. The real problem in Spain is that most new cases detected have been diagnosed in fairly advanced stages, which reduces life expectancy and treatment is not as effective in limiting the progression of the disease. Perhaps the new test makes the diagnosis more accessible and the fear of "knowing" disappears, allowing an early diagnosis.

Rapid HIV screening test

What is HIV?

The human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) destroys the defenses of our body and causes us to suffer infections, tumors and other diseases. AIDS is the most serious phase of HIV infection.

Rapid HIV screening test

It is estimated that 20% of people infected with HIV do not know their seropositivity.

The early diagnosis of the infection allows to improve the effectiveness of the treatment, to keep the disease under control and to enjoy a good quality of life. In addition, people infected with HIV who do not know it can transmit the virus to others if they do not take preventive measures.

What is the HIV Rapid Test?

It is a test that detects the presence of antibodies against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

It consists of a small prick on the finger to get a few drops of blood that come in contact with a test strip.

The result is obtained in approximately 20 minutes and lets you know, with a reliability close to one hundred percent, whether or not you have the virus.

Who should get tested for HIV?

You can take the test if you are over 16 and consider that you have been exposed to any of these risky behaviors:

    you have had vaginal, anal or oral sex without a condom with a person who has HIV or whose status you do not know about HIV
    you have shared syringes or other necessary tools for the injection of drugs (syringes, needles, spoons, filters ...)

For the test result to be reliable, the window period must have passed , which is the time it takes for the body to generate the antibodies that the test detects. This period is at least three months from the risk practice. If the test is done before three months, it must be repeated after that time.


Where can you get the HIV Rapid Test?

On December 1, 2010 began a program of early detection of HIV launched by the Ministry of Health of the Board of Castilla y León and the Council of Professional Associations of Pharmacists of Castilla y León that aims to improve the accessibility of the population of risk of testing for HIV. At the moment, you can take the test in 16 pharmacies in the Community.

In Valladolid you can find three pharmacy offices:

The tests will always be done respecting confidentiality and anonymity , so no personal data is taken.

The price of each test is $ 5.

In addition to performing the test at the pharmacy they will provide information and preventive advice on HIV / AIDS.

HIV test at home

What role does it play to get tested for HIV at home?

Will the home test for HIV screening be feasible?

When, for the first time, the possibility of making a homemade case for HIV detection available to the public was found, it met with unanimous opposition.

1. Today, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), leading members of the health sector, "gay" activists and AIDS advocates support the idea of ​​a home kit to detect HIV .

2. Studies that have been done on the feasibility of home tests have shown that there are no technical barriers in their use.

3. It has been possible to examine at home for more than a decade. Actually, the name "home test" tends to be misinterpreted since the person does not get immediate results, as with the homemade kits to detect the level of glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure and pregnancy. In reality, the tests are "kits to be collected" that can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy or through the mail. The buyer of the kit pricks his finger, deposits a drop of blood on a piece of absorbent paper, sends it by mail and then calls by phone (after a specific time) to get the results.

In the spring of 1996, the entity in charge of administering medicines and foods from the USA (FDA), approved, Confide, the first home case for the detection of HIV. The case, which was sold by a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, and then withdrawn from the market. The FDA then approved the Home Access HIV-1 Test System, which is manufactured by the Home Access Health Corporation in Chicago. Currently, this is the only case for home testing that has been approved by the FDA, although several other non-approved kits have been advertised in newspapers and on the Internet. The FDA warns against the use of non-approved kits, which have not been fully evaluated and that "do not have a documented history of delivering reliable results."

Home HIV Test

In what way is it different?

Traditionally, getting tested for HIV has involved having to go to the doctor or clinic, get blood, and then return for the results and receive psychological support. With the new home exam you would save two trips. This method will make it possible for people who live in rural or recondite areas of the city where clinics are scarce, with many patients or involve a long bus trip to get tested for HIV. The home test also provides privacy. Some people do not go to the doctor or clinic for fear of being seen by a neighbor, family member or friend. In a number of studies, individuals who are at risk have expressed their preference for an anonymous system by taking the test. 5 The home test offers the potential to be completely anonymous. Offering another option to get tested means taking a step towards resolving the national problem facing the HIV testing system. An alarmingly high proportion of those at risk (more than 60%) have not yet tested for HIV. 6 Obtaining HIV results becomes more and more important as the immune system needs to be strengthened and opportunistic infections kept under control. Pregnant women are encouraged to take voluntary HIV testing because studies show that when Zidovudine (AZT) is given, it can reduce the rate of mother-to-child transmission of HIV by two-thirds. 7

Are the results reliable?

Millions of tests performed to detect the presence of HIV antibodies have been made by means of a dried blood sample. 8 This type of test is quite accurate, as long as the laboratory protocol is followed closely in terms of confirming the test and the mechanisms that guarantee it. Some of the kits sent to the lab for testing may not contain the amount of blood needed to conduct the test. In these cases, the telephone counselors will have to be trained to advise the client when the results are not clear or in case they need confirmation.

Who will be tested at home?

The accessibility of the home exam can provide greater security to those people who, although the risk of HIV infection is quite remote, are looking for reassurance. If these people can no longer count on public sources to be tested, it may be that these resources are used to implement more interventions aimed at those at greater risk. 9 The sales of the kits for home testing have not been as numerous as expected according to the results obtained from surveys about intentions about home tests. In the first year of the sale, Home Access Health sold 152,044 cases; 148,039 people called to get their results. The index of seropositive results was 0.9%. 10 In addition to denial and other psychological barriers, many find the retail cost of $ 30- $ 40 per case to be impossible. The companies that manufacture the home test kits are working with several public and community health agencies, selling the cases to the elderly so that they can use them in their prevention campaigns.

What is the concern?

One of the concerns is the appropriateness of psychological support. In a clinic or doctor's office, the results are usually delivered in person. If the patient is extremely overwhelmed by the news, there is a present expert who can help. Companies that sell the home kit will also make counselors available, but they will be miles away on the telephone line. As one of those who criticize the home exam explained, "the 1-800 number can not hug you when you cry." 11 For some, the remoteness and anonymity of phone counseling allows them to more easily reveal feelings of pain or pain. embarrassing information In addition, there is already a long tradition of intervening by means of the telephone in crisis and in the prevention of suicide. The proposal to provide psychological support over the phone should be compared with experiences that currently occur when they are tested for HIV. For many, counseling is neither adequate nor does it exist. According to the data provided by the National Health Interview Study, one third of those who were tested for HIV obtained the results by mail (16%) or by telephone (17%). 12 In public places, about 2.5 million annual tests are done. In 1995, 25% of the people who had positive results and 33% of the people who had negative results, failed to return for their results. 13 By contrast, 97.4% of people who bought home test kits called to get their results. 10 Another concern is the potential for abuse to which the home case could lend itself. Some fear that employers, family members or health care providers can send blood samples without the person's consent. Although there are already laws that protect in case they are made without the permission of the person either because of discrimination or because they are HIV positive. These statutes need to be enforced; new protection laws should be created as experience with the home exam is gained.

What are the limitations?

A positive test result does not guarantee access to the necessary health care. As the National AIDS Commission wrote, "It is very cruel that many of the poor believe that they will gain access to the health system and social services through an HIV positive diagnosis." 14 However, this should not prevent the people look for how to get tested. "The lack of good health services and social services for people infected with HIV is an argument to increase them, not to reduce them." 15 Getting tested for HIV does not necessarily mean the end. The most important challenge is to achieve safe access to health care services and continuous psychological support for all those who take the test. If they turn out to be HIV positive, they should receive the necessary medical care to stay healthy, and if the result is negative they should receive the necessary support to stay negative.

HIV self-test: the HIV test in your home

A test that allows you to test yourself to know if you are HIV positive quickly, easily and confidentially has been released. Both the company that sells the test ( Mylan ) and the health department of Denia have done an excellent job explaining how to do the test and passing, answering questions and questions. We collect them all below for those who need the information:

Home HIV Test

Why do we need an HIV self-test?

In Spain it is estimated that there are between 130,000 and 160,000 people with HIV. Of these, between 25% and 30% are not diagnosed. In addition, 46.5% of those who are, present a late diagnosis.

This test guarantees a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 99.8%. The simplicity of the test, allows that its realization does not suppose a barrier for the target population.

One of the characteristics of the HIV Mylan self-test is that it can be done in the privacy of the home. In addition, it does not require any specific instrumentation that is not available in the box in which it is dispensed.

When a person believes that they are at risk of having acquired an HIV infection, being tested for HIV is the only way to know if they are infected or not . This HIV Self-Test Kit has as its main objective to favor the early diagnosis of infection by this virus and thus reduce the number of people infected and who do not know they are infected.

(The HIV self-diagnosis test is a complementary device that does not replace the diagnosis with a blood test).

Who should get an HIV test?

Anyone who wants to know their status regarding HIV infection.

Although the performance of an HIV test is a voluntary act, there are certain cases in which it is advisable to carry out the same:

  •     Have had sexual intercourse with penetration (anal or vaginal, or oral, especially if there was ejaculation) without a condom with a person with HIV infection or who does not know their serological status.
  •     Have shared puncture material.
  •     Having suffered from a sexually transmitted infection, tuberculosis or hepatitis.
  •     Have a stable partner and want to stop using the condom with her.

Is it a reliable test?

In just 20 minutes you will know it with a reliability of 99.5%. But, as we said before, if it is positive you will have to confirm it with other tests.

How should I interpret the test result?

If the result of the test is NEGATIVE.

This indicates that the test has not detected antibodies against HIV.

  •     If the negative result, there has been no risk behavior in the previous 3 months, it means that the person is not infected.
  •     In the case that there have been situations of risk in the last 3 months, the negative result should be checked after 3 months due to the possibility of being in the window period.

What is the window period ?

It is the time elapsed between the infection and the appearance of detectable antibodies. During the same test can give a negative result, even if the person has been infected. Generally the body takes between 2 and 8 weeks after infection to develop detectable antibodies. In any case, after three months of practicing risk, almost all infected people have generated antibodies.

In that window period, the person is infected and can transmit the infection. That is why it is very important to maximize preventive measures and use condoms in sexual relationships. To rule out this situation, the HIV test must be repeated after three months.

If the result of the test is POSITIVE.

It does not mean that you are infected with HIV, but it does make it very likely .

It is a provisional result, which needs to be confirmed preferably through the use of other laboratory techniques.

To do this, the person who obtains this result must go to a health center to carry out the appropriate confirmation tests and, if appropriate, receive the necessary medical advice.
If the result of the test is UNDETERMINED or NOT CONCLUSIVE.

It may be because it has been contaminated, or due to improper handling or conservation of the kit, among other causes.

Obtaining a non-interpretable result implies that a test must be performed again to obtain a negative or positive result. An indeterminate result does not indicate that it is a negative result . It is advisable to repeat the test with another kit or another more specific technique in a clinical laboratory so you can see your doctor.

Why is this test not useful?

It is important to know what this test DOES NOT USE:

    To detect a possible HIV infection immediately after maintaining a risky sexual relationship. We have already said that antibodies take between 2 and 8 weeks to occur.
    To decide whether to use a condom in a sexual relationship. Maybe you can see if your partner is infected with HIV (although if it is negative, remember that it could be in a window period), but you can not know if there is infection by other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydia.
    To make changes in the treatment of a person diagnosed. This test only detects antibodies, no viral load or other determinations.

Where do I go if I am positive?

If the self-test has been positive, you will need professional support. You should go to your doctor as soon as possible so that the diagnosis is confirmed and in any case, determine a treatment.

Keep in mind three things:

  •     If it were a true positive, knowing it and going to your specialist to start treatment is the best way to reach a TOTAL CONTROL of the infection and ensure a perfect state of health.
  •     If you were a true positive and until you receive medical treatment, think that sexual contacts should be protected to prevent transmission of the disease.

How HIV oral test works

Most people think that blood is required to perform an HIV test. But with OraQuick, an oral smear test stick is used and blood is not needed. By taking oral fluid from the gums, you collect a fluid similar to that used in blood tests.

Home HIV Test

The OraQuick test detects HIV antibodies, not the virus itself.

1.  The antibodies of HIV present in the oral fluid are taken by means of the collecting palette.

2.  Once the device is inserted into the test tube, the oral fluid mixes with the liquid in the tube and rises through the test wand.

3.   If line C darkens, it means that the test works correctly. If line C does not appear, the test does not work.
     If only line C appears, the results of the test are negative.

4.   Antibodies to HIV that are deposited on the T line indicate that the test results are positive.

All you have to do is pass the test wand once through your upper gums and once through your lower gums. Then insert the test wand into the tube that is supplied with the game and you will get the results in just 20 minutes.

OraQuick is safe, has been approved by the FDA for use in adults (over 17) and is the first and only test for HIV that gives you results in the comfort and privacy of your home.