Monday, December 3, 2018

What is biotin good for?

Biotin is a vitamin. Biotin is found in small amounts in various foods such as egg, milk or banana.

Biotin is commonly used to treat hair loss, scaly nails, nerve damage and many other conditions.
  Biotin Supplements

How effective is it?
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database classifies the effectiveness, based on scientific evidence, according to the following scale: Effective, Probably Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Probably Ineffective, Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence for Make a Determination.

The classification of efficacy for this product is as follows:

Probably effective for ...
Lack of biotin Intake of biotin can help treat low levels of biotin in the blood. It can also prevent the marked decrease in biotin levels in the blood. Low levels of biotin in the blood can cause weakening of the hair, a rash around the eyes, nose and mouth. Other symptoms include depression, apathy, hallucinations and tingling in the arms and legs. Low levels of biotin can occur in pregnant women, who have been tube-fed for a long time, who are undernourished, have lost in a short time or with specific hereditary conditions. Smoking cigarettes could also cause low levels of biotin in the blood.

Possibly ineffective for ...
  • Eruptions on the skin of babies (seborrheic dermatitis). The intake of biotin does not seem to diminish the rash in babies.
  • Insufficient evidence to make a determination to ...
  • Hair loss. The intake of biotin and zinc along with the application of steroid cream on the skin could help to reduce hair loss.
  • Scaly nails Biotin may increase thickening of the nails of the hands and d feet in people with scaly nails.
  • Diabetes. Some preliminary research shows that the intake of biotin with chromium could lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. However, the intake of biotin alone does not seem to improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
  • Diabetic nervous pain. Preliminary research shows that ingesting biotin or receiving an injection may decrease nerve pain in the legs of people with diabetes.
  • Muscle cramps. Dialysed people tend to suffer from muscle cramps. Preliminary research shows that biotin intake could reduce muscle cramps in these people.

Other conditions
More evidence is needed to approve the coconut for these uses.

How does it work?

Biotin is an important component of enzymes in the body that break down certain substances such as fats, carbohydrates and others.

There is no good laboratory test to detect biotin deficiency, so this disorder is usually identified by its symptoms, which include: hair loss (often with loss of color), and red and scaly rashes around the eyes , nose and mouth. Symptoms of the nervous system include depression, tiredness, hallucinations and tingling in the arms and legs. There is some evidence that suffering from diabetes could result in biotin deficiency.

Is there concern for the safety of its use?
Biotin PROBALLLY SAFE for most people if taken properly or when applied to the skin in the form of cosmetic products containing 0.0001% to 0.6% biotin. Biotin is well tolerated when used in the recommended dosage. IT IS POSSIBLY SAFE when administered as an injection.

Special warnings and precautions:
Pregnancy and lactation: Biotin is POSSIBLY SAFE during pregnancy when used in recommended amounts during pregnancy and lactation.

Children: Biotin IS POSSIBLY SAFE when properly ingested.

A hereditary condition in which biotin (lack of biotinidase): People with this condition need to consume more biotin.

Renal dialysis: Dialysed people may need more biotin. Talk to your health care provider.

Smoking: People who smoke may have low levels of biotin in their blood and may need biotin supplements.

Laboratory tests: The intake of biotin supplements could interfere with the results of various laboratory tests that analyze the blood. Biotin can generate incorrectly high or incorrectly low test results. This could lead to incorrect detection of diagnoses or even not detect diagnostics. Check with your doctor if you take biotin supplements, especially if laboratory tests are to be performed.

Are there interactions with medications?
  • Minors
  • Pay attention to this combination
  • Medicines modified by the liver